
Princess, Radiant or Emerald Votes

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May 24, 2002
Please vote your number 1 preference

a. Princess
b. Radiant
c. Emerald

I'll weigh in for emerald, I have found over time it is an elegant, refined cut that's eminently wearable.
Thankyou for responding - the word elegant keeps coming up with this type of cut.

I am sorry more people haven't responded! I myself like the round the best and don't pay much attention to the other cuts...however, if I were picking...I like the radiant then the princess, don't really care for the emerald. It doesn't really give any sparkle and fire that I am so fond of in the round!:loopy:
I used to like princess bc it's different than round until I found out princess depth is deeper for it to shine, therefore looks smaller than round for same carat weight, and it's a hassle to have to worry about the corners chipping every time u change setting. It's harder to set sharp corners than round stone, and round stone is more brilliant, more durable, and looks bigger for same carat wt, therefore better buy for your money.

But my favorite is round b/c of the sparkle.
i vote for PRINCESS.
If you have never seen a superbly cut, fine quality emerald-cut diamond, hold off on your judgements. The best stones BLAZE white-white-white light and have amazing fire - they throw off sparks of color (green, red, blue). What emerald-cuts don't have is the scintillation (that sparkly quality) that you see in round brilliant cuts.

Also emerald-cut stones tend to be sold only in the better color and clarity grades because you can see the color/flaws more easily because of the large facets.

The other advantage of emerald-cut stones is that it's hard to find a diamond-substitute (like CZs) that look as good as the real thing - not true with other cuts - so you know that it's real.

Last but not least, the emerald-cut tends to be the least expensive cut so you get more weight for the money.

Can you tell, I love the emerald-cut?
Emerald is least expensive? I thought radiant cut is and princess.

You get more weight for money, but not necessarily good spread, so you end up spending more money buying bigger stone for same size effect as round or other cuts.
Maybe princess and radiant prices are lower. Price is mostly determined by demand, and emerald-cuts seem to be becoming more popular again. I see a lot of princess and radiant rings out there in the stores, more so than emeralds so it may still be less expensive (for the same size & quality, of course) for now.

You can save more of the rough by cutting in certain shapes and a lot of rough seen to be naturally shaped for the rectangular cuts. The radiant and princess cuts were made for people who wanted square and rectangular stones but with more brilliance than the emerald-cut - the faceting and polishing take more time (more facets, carefully placed) than with the emerald-cut.

Marquise-cut stones generally look biggest for the size, emerald cuts tend to look slightly smaller than their size. There is always the temptation for any cutter to give the stone a larger look by cutting it a little "spread" if it saves some weight and it doesn't cost too much in beauty.
Nothing beats Emerald Cut!!!
Radiant and emerald. But they speak two different languages to me. One of sleek elegance (emerald) another of refined pizazz (radiant). Not so crazy about large princess stones. I do like them small and channel set.
Emerald cut for sure; timeless...
I vote princess, then radiant, and I don't care for the emerald cut. Whether it's scintillation or sparkle, or whatever the experts want to call it, emerald cuts look like plain glass to me. I prefer any cut over the emerald cut for that reason. I prefer princess cuts over radiant cuts just because I think the squared corners of the princess cut gives it such a unique, bold look. There's no doubt that it's square, whereas radiant cuts can't seem to decide if they want to be a round diamond set in 4 prongs or if they want to be square.

Does that make any sense?
(1) Princess (only if its cut by barry)
(2) Radiants
(3) life less emerald cuts
It's like that "Elvis or the Beatles" question from 'Pulp Fiction' - people who love Emeralds (like me) just don't like the other cuts.

There is no wrong answer
There is no wrong answer
Is there an echo in here tonight ?
EMERALD!! I used to think I wanted a princess cut, love the square look. Then when my b/f and I started looking around for diamonds, I fell in love with the emerald cut. We bought one that is breathtaking! I also like the fact that there are fewer people out there with emerald cuts than round or princess.
Princess all the way!!
Definitely the radiant!
I thought this was an old thread? Well, here it goes anyway.

Emerald, definitely. I like square diamonds and once would have said princesses were my second choice, but I no longer admire them as much. I adore the how deep and mysterious an EC looks.
Well everyone, I voted earlier for princess all the way, however, after finding this little bauble, I think I may have changed my mind:

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The EMERALD for the biggest color flashes !
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