
Presentations for this week

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i don''t suppose there is picture somewhere so that those of us who were not able to see this 8th wonder of the world might attone for our sins and view this awesome shirt on the obviously awesome person?!

movie zombie
love the shirt.....and its one my australian husband would wear if i bought it for him!

movie zombie
Date: 2/3/2007 1:37:26 PM
Author: Wink

I warn you, he is not dressed in his normal trademark turtleneck with suit and pendant, but rather resplendant in a scrumptious silk shirt replete with many extraordinary colors of the gemstones that he loves. This beautiful shirt was purchased by his lovely wife while on an excursion to the deepest darkest parts of Australia, where she spent the majority of her time just hanging on and trying not to fall off the bottom of the earth. In it you shall observe the vivid greens of the finest tsavorite, bright and vibrant reds to make most rubies jealous, rich royal blues to make a sapphire leap for joy and of course the ROYAL PURPLE of that most magnificent stone amethyst, so favored by Bacchus that he gave it the power to cure hangovers.
Author! Author!

The Bard liveth.
Thanks Sir John sounds like some awsome topics coming up this week!!
Confirmation on tomorrow''s presentation:

3 PM EST: What is Infinity, and what makes our company and product special?

Will try to avoid downward advertising, and stick to interesting differences in approach and in organisation. A lot of room for questions, upon Storm''s specific request.

Should be done by 4PM, so that you can tune into Wink-TV.

Live long,
it would be nice for some one to do a show on blue diamonds and how they used a physcological approach
to bring them to market. consumers like me with a very low IQ as some would say would like to know. Maybe
some one could also do a show on Eternity rings and the marketing of them. thankk you
It is obvious I shall be getting little work done tomorrow with Master Slegers on before me and Sir John on after me. What is a poor apprentice to do?

Depending on whether she is back among the walking, Ocean Pearlman will be on with Cehrabehra and I discussing a wonderfully complex design. Ocean was sick enough she actually spend 6 hours in the emergency room and is okay now but a little woozy from the drugs.

I just spoke with here and she is feeling much better today, so keep your fingers crossed.

P.S. Wink TV will end promptly at 5PM regardless of whether or not we are actually through with what we are talking about. We may well be done before, but the way we seem to get going once the TV is on makes that unlikely...
Date: 2/4/2007 5:35:51 PM
Author: Wink
P.S. Wink TV will end promptly at 5PM regardless of whether or not we are actually through with what we are talking about. We may well be done before, but the way we seem to get going once the TV is on makes that unlikely...
Works for me! I''m going to have to leave about 15 min before the end to pick up schoolchild but by then it is usually Q&A in a general sense anyway. I''ll try to have a microphone - is there anything else you want from me? Can I upload pics or should I send them to you ahead of time?
Date: 2/4/2007 7:51:33 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 2/4/2007 5:35:51 PM

Author: Wink

P.S. Wink TV will end promptly at 5PM regardless of whether or not we are actually through with what we are talking about. We may well be done before, but the way we seem to get going once the TV is on makes that unlikely...
Works for me! I''m going to have to leave about 15 min before the end to pick up schoolchild but by then it is usually Q&A in a general sense anyway. I''ll try to have a microphone - is there anything else you want from me? Can I upload pics or should I send them to you ahead of time?

A microphone is good, a good webcam is better if you will turn on your camera. If not, you can use the lense cover so that the microphone works.

I have the pictures you have already sent, anything new will need to be sent to me ahead of time.

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