
Preggo stuff, Baby Stuff, Toddler your best finds here!!


Sep 27, 2009
Fiery - My FIL bought that for our son when he was little, because like many others... he was Mr. Anti-Tummy Time. ;-) Honestly, I never put him on the raised part because he just looked so uncomfortable. We ended up using the mat, but only because it was given to us.

Like many others on here, we have the Tiny Love Gymini: Super Deluxe Lights & Music Play Mat. I think my son used it until the max age (10 months) because he used it to crawl through as well. I highly recommend it!


Jun 18, 2004
Mara - I have a Strokcraft crib, I think it might be the Aspen model. We like it, and now have it on the middle mattress setting. They had a recall on the positioning plates about the time I bought mine, and the new ones it came with look much sturdier than the old one did. Kyle''s room is about the size of yours, close to 11x11 I think. We have the crib, recliner (I don''t like the feel of the gliders), cedar chest as a toy box, the wide dresser with the changing table top, and a hamper in there. Everything fits fine, and we plan to remove the recliner when he''s bigger and needs more floor space.


Feb 27, 2006
Thanks again for all of the carseat suggestions. DD, I didn''t even think to look at length because weight''s the most published factor as far as how long you can go rear-facing goes, but very good point! It looks like, keeping that in mind and assuming he stays 90th percentile for height, 75th for weight, we''d be able to use the Roundabout longer than the Priori, and the Radian65 longer still. And somehow I forgot to think about the fact that we could use the Roundabout/Priori for kiddo #2 from birth if we wanted so it''s not like it would be worthless once he hit the limit... DH and I are going to talk tonight to try to figure things out.


Sep 1, 2009
thanks for all the crib suggestions ladies. i think my answer is still keep looking!

so i''ve been a googling maniac and ran across this pic. it looks like a black baby mod roxanne! yet i can''t find it anywhere! are my eyes deceiving me? is it black? can anyone help me find this crib?

grrr...stupid work computer not letting me upload pic. here''s the link. it''s actually trying to sell the beding, but i want the crib!!

help please!


Sep 21, 2006
on a seasonal note, anyone have great finds for halloween costumes for little ones? Cute homemade/quality costumes or ones appropriate for babies/toddlers who will not be trick or treating (ie can't be too hot). You ladies always find the best things, so figured I'd ask..


Oct 30, 2002
ginger, i was going to say i''d seen that crib somewhere, but maybe not in black. i know that bonavita has a dark espresso one like that (peyton classic) and also graco''s eco friendly one is like that but in walnut only. also one thing i have found is that the manuf could have staged that bedding in that crib so it might be a crib that walmart doesn''t even carry. so frustrating, i do wish for bedding companies they''d say what the crib and other room furniture is to be more helpfu!


May 18, 2008
Tgal and MissChi, thanks for the suggestions. I''ll be trying it tonight.


Nov 15, 2005
Anyone seen a good deal on the Phil & Teds sport?? I saw one a week or so ago, but it was the pink camo, and I''m having a boy (don''t think I could do that to him!

And I don''t think Phil & Teds website is very good for making model comparisons. Why does everyone recommend the Sport over the regular model?? Just wondering.


Sep 27, 2009
Sunkist - I was just wondering the same thing today! We have a Bob Revolution (which I absolutely love!), but sometimes wonder if I should have gotten the P&T instead because of the additional seat option. I am definitlely going to take a closer look at it when we start TTC#2 (probably next spring).

Also, another question for you ladies...

Trevor just figured out how to open doors in our house this weekend. Our house is all on one level and so I mainly get concerned about him getting into places like the bathrooms. Anyway, I went to BRU yesterday in search of some door locks and didn''t really like what I found. I am looking for something that could be used on a lever type handle. Thanks for the help!


Aug 23, 2005
Date: 9/29/2009 3:37:15 PM
Author: sunkist
Anyone seen a good deal on the Phil & Teds sport?? I saw one a week or so ago, but it was the pink camo, and I'm having a boy (don't think I could do that to him!

And I don't think Phil & Teds website is very good for making model comparisons. Why does everyone recommend the Sport over the regular model?? Just wondering.

sunkist... we got our phil&teds sport buggy on closeout from it's green, but i heart it (we're having a boy too;-) we did get the jump seat for baby #2 in black so it's not SOOOO green. i can take a picture of the green if you want. we got ours for $299. is actually the site that tipped me off to albee baby's closeout deal - so you may want to keep an eye out on that site as well.

found a red one for $349 - but i've never heard of the site before.... oh and i don't know why the sport over the other models..... there seems to be a lot of accessories for the sport?? maybe that's why....

not a 'good deal' - but buy buy baby also carries phil&teds.... in standard colors... and since they are owned by bed bath and beyond you can use a BBB 20% off coupon - could help out a little.. we used the coupon to order the jump seat since i couldn't find a deal on that.


Feb 27, 2006
Sport vs. classic Phil and Ted... without looking too much into the different models, my first guess is that they''re about the same size and so if you''re ever going to do any jogging or going off-road, it would make sense to get the sport instead of the classic plus a separate jogging stroller. That''s just a guess though.

They have adjustable handles now? That''s the ONE reason that we didn''t buy it. Drat.


Nov 15, 2005
Thanks VIZ and BLEN!

I also found on the red graffiti with doubles kit on sale for $439

, but VIZ it was $299 at albeebaby???? Maybe I''ll wait and see if they have another sale like that. I think the green is a cool color. That''s a good idea to get a black doubles kit so it''s not soo much of one color. I''d love to see a picture of your baby''s ride


Aug 23, 2005
Date: 9/29/2009 10:08:21 PM
Author: Blenheim

They have adjustable handles now? That's the ONE reason that we didn't buy it. Drat.

LOL! so funny blen - b/c i vividly remember you saying that the handle height was the one reason you didn't get the P&T (and it was after i ordered ours)... so mind you, i was freaking out that i spent *so much* money on a silly stroller that i would have to bend over to push
so when it arrived i was *very* happy at the addition of the adjustable handle. it is on a fixed hinge, so you can either lower it all the way or adjust it completely vertical if you were super super tall. i think (at 5'9") i have mine on the second to highest setting.

sunkist - i'm not sure when certain colors go on closeout (we purchased ours about 5 months ago). so it's conceivable that in another month they will put the spring/summer colors on closeout..... but yes... it was a total steal! DH is still not thrilled with the color .... he would have gone for something much more exciting (like black) - however, when i told him that the black was almost double the $$ he backed off. now, our secondary stroller - the maclaren volo - is black... DH would NOT budge on that one ;-)


Sep 1, 2009
anyone with thoughts on the peg perego pliko switch? and does anyone know the difference between the classico and the completo?


Nov 8, 2005
I wanted to bump this thread to tell you all that Albee Baby has some incredible deals on convertible carseats right now. We just ordered two, and I am so excited! We saved $170 off retail for the two combined.

Also, peanut shell is having a grab bag super clearance of slings for $10-14 on their website. My sling was my lifeline for the first 2 month with my son. Not sure I could have left the house otherwise.

Last, a funny story. I was shopping in target today with my son, and a youngish guy stopped me to ask what he should buy for a coworker's baby shower gift. He wanted to know what would be really useful for life with a newborn.

Me: Well, what's the budget?

Him: Um. I don't really know.

Me: Do they have a registry?

Him: Um. I don't think so.

Me: Ok, well... (start rattling off things like zip up sleepers, clothes for older baby, a sling or front carrier, activity mat, etc - things that were really useful to me but that I didn't necessarily buy ahead. I also suggested a gift card.)

Every time I rounded the corner, this guy was there and asked me what I thought of xx item. And we were there a looong time.

What did he end up buying?

A giant rubber duck.

No kidding.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 9/29/2009 10:43:16 AM
Author: janinegirly
on a seasonal note, anyone have great finds for halloween costumes for little ones? Cute homemade/quality costumes or ones appropriate for babies/toddlers who will not be trick or treating (ie can''t be too hot). You ladies always find the best things, so figured I''d ask..

We got an adorable one from the Carters store. I saw some really cute ones at Pottery Barn Kids too!


Nov 8, 2005
OK, and a question. Has anyone used Huggies Snug and Dry and were they OK? DH bought them instead of the Huggies Little Movers by mistake. I''ve heard kind of so-so reviews but DH lost the receipt so I think we''re stuck. Just wondering if they are decent before I open this mega jumbo pack, or if I should try to grovel for store credit.


Oct 30, 2002
TDM... what carseats did you get? i haven''t even looked into convertibles yet. still working on furniture. hehee.

green baby bargains also has the peanut slings for $18 so i picked one up last week... it was $45 on target''s site.


Nov 8, 2005
hi Mara!

We got the Maxi Cosi Priori for DH''s car and the Britax Diplomat for mine. If for some reason A likes the Priori better, we''ll switch them (since he rides with me like 100x more often.) The deals right now are really great, but you mentioned being short on storage room. The boxes are huge. I probably wouldn''t want to store those any longer than I needed to! I am already bugging DH about installing them so I can get rid of the boxes, and they just arrived today!

Did you end up getting the quinny stroller? I kept looking at that super sale on the orange one. I love orange for baby stuff, but I so didn''t need another stroller. Probably good it sold out. Ya know, as convenient as the whole snap and go thing is, if you happen to get a baby who hates the infant carseat like mine did, you could get convertible seats earlier and just start using your real stroller sooner. I think you said your snugride and snap and go will be loaned to you? If so, that''s totally the way to do it. If I had known how much A would hate his infant seat I would have skipped it and the snap and go altogether and jumped straight to the convertible seat. But, most babies like the infant seat just fine in which case it''s very convenient.

Good luck with furniture! We planned to do one of those pricey cribs that convert to real bed, but friends offered to give us their crib. Even though it wasn''t the color I would have chosen, it was like brand new so we said yes thank you! I ended up making it work great with my room decor. My nursery is pretty much exactly like Mandarine''s - same dresser, same bedding. The crib is light wood, which I didn''t love and didn''t want to buy a dresser in light wood, so I got a white dresser from IKEA. It was cheap but extremely functional, so I figure if it lasts a few years we will have gotten our money''s worth. I was thinking, most of those cribs convert to FULL size beds. Our nursery is kind of small. This crib doesn''t convert, but in a way that''s good because now we can get him a TWIN bed when the time comes, and have more play space in his room. I''m sure it will be easy to find a twin bed or headboard that will look nice with the white dresser. I could go with something that matches or contrasts. I''ve seen some pretty cool dark metal beds actually - that would be pretty cool. So anyway, just rambling about the nursery to say... it is nice if the furniture can grow with the kiddo, and I know it is all marketed that way now, but I don''t think it''s a dealbreaker. Remember, you usually have to buy rails seperately too. When you add it all up you might save $ if you get a functional but cheap crib now and then just buy a nice bed later on. If you do get a convertible crib, I''d get the rails NOW - my friends planned to buy theirs later and found it was discontinued when they needed it!

We thought the quality on Babi Italia was the best of all brands we saw at Babies R Us. I also really liked a set by Munire, but DH thought it was overpriced. He is very picky when it comes to dressers. Check out the Baby Bargains book if you haven''t already. I was actually pretty impressed with the crib I saw at Target today, which looked pretty darn good for $250, although I didn''t check out the quality in detail.

Great deal on the sling! I hope you love it. We had (well, have) an Eddie Bauer one from target and it was INDISPENSIBLE. Best ~$30 I think I have ever spent.


Nov 9, 2005
TDM - we now use the Huggies snug and dry and have no complaints. I've never tried the little movers though, so I can't compare, but Lex doesn't leak w/ the S&D.

Mara - I'll second TDM re: infant carseats. Lex HATES his! He cries THE WHOLE TIME when he's in it. He's 4 months and we are going to switch to the convertible carseat this weekend to see if that helps because at this point I can't drive w/ him as it's too distracting for me w/ the crying. We have the Britax Roundabout. Also, not sure if you looked into the Baby Jogger city mini stroller, but that's what we have and love, love, love it! It's nothing fancy, but it's super light and sooooooooo easy to close. And folds up pretty thin so doesn't take up TOO much trunk space. We also have an issues w/ storage space (none!), so I only wanted 1 stroller. This fit the bill, and I'm soooooooo happy w/ our purchase, I really can't say enough about it. We ended up buying the attachment so that it was used as a SNG in the beginning, but since you'll have one to borrow you wouldn't need to spend the $60 (insane) for the attachment. Anyway, give it a look if you haven't already. Just a suggestion

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Until a couple of weeks ago Daisy LOATHED her carseat and would scream for entire journeys. Now she seems more resigned and just screams the first 5 minutes. Although my stroller has a Snap n'' Go option, I''ve only used it once when I was staying with my parents and couldn''t manage complete stroller/baby/carseat/suitcase on a train. It was okay but she definitely prefers the stroller seat.


Jun 18, 2004
TDM - we use the Huggies snug and dry at night, and he leaks a bit once in a while, but he also sleeps like 11 hours in it! They weigh a ton when I change it in the morning
. When I use them during the day I never have a probem.


Oct 30, 2002
TDM... nope i didn''t get the quinny. i was soo tempted, i saw it was selling out, but we just don''t know what kind of car we will have yet and i saw too many conflicting reports on the A3 and the quinny in the trunk. i think the jist was that it was a bit too bulky when folded down. and i didn''t want to base our car choice on what stroller fit hehe. but yeah it was a stellar deal! i see them on ebay still so i know if i DO want one in the end, i can prob get a new overstock one there.

re: strollers, i have kind of tabled that one for now... given the more immediate dilemma on finishing the nursery since that is where he will sleep. and we have the SNG from our neighbor so i know it will at least last us a few months with the infant car seat. so funny that some kids just don''t seem to love it... none of my friends have had any issues with theirs. i did look at the City Jogger but i don''t know if it was the city mini, i will def check it out. i remember liking the bigger one just in general but if there is a smaller one that is great. i have kind of mentally ruled out the Bee with greg''s points because i read from too many moms online that if you have a biggish child or your child grows fast, the weird fanned out ''wings'' in the seat (they fan out to try to keep the kid in the middle) can be too restrictive and the kids don''t like them. since we were both over 8 lbs and are tall people, i imagine we won''t have a tiny baby, so if we got the Bee, the stroller would not be as useful as long, maybe 1 year max. then it just seems like a waste.

lastly for furniture...yeah i have gone round and round on some of this stuff. in the end i cashed in a crazy amt of amex points yesterday for PB kids gift cards and will head over today to buy the crib and dresser. the crib does convert to day bed but no rail, so who knows how long it will be good for (you can get a universail rail from PB tho)...and the dresser will be a long-term one as it is more ''boy'' than baby in it''s design. PB kids has twin toddler beds for like $399 so i know we can always get a new bed in a few years if we need to. and because of the points, the furniture is totally ''free'' so it seemed like a no brainer. i really did like the Babi Italia but none of our points could be used for BRU and Walmart or RH Kids (way too overpriced) were the other two options for baby furniture. also now we are going with a lighter ''honey'' wash than the espresso.

funny re: the ikea dresser, i totally thought about getting the PB crib in white and then the hemnes white ikea dresser for $250. i have seen them in person and they are very well made for the price. and then we could get the crib for ''free'' and just pay the dresser. but i just didn''t want a white nursery. and i thought about getting the crib in honey from PB and then the white hemnes but i am such a freak about mtaching, i couldn''t ''envision'' the nursery in two tone, i''d have to rethink everything. decor OCD much???

i''ll check out the convertible car seats. our space IS extremely limited but since greg put up some ceiling garage storage a few weeks ago, we do have a bit of room up there to store boxes with things that aren''t too heavy. so if i see a good deal i might snag one just to have it and not worry about it later.


Nov 8, 2005
Mara, sounds like you have a great plan for the furniture and for the stroller!
I put a couple of pics of my nursery in the nursery thread, so you can see the lighter wood crib with the white hemnes dresser, in case you decide to do the 2 tone look. I also love when things match, but I''m pretty happy with this.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 10/8/2009 11:23:56 AM
Author: MustangGal
TDM - we use the Huggies snug and dry at night, and he leaks a bit once in a while, but he also sleeps like 11 hours in it! They weigh a ton when I change it in the morning
. When I use them during the day I never have a probem.

Awesome, thank you! I''ll open up our gigundo box then!


Nov 12, 2004
WOW, Mara, I cant believe you got all that furniture for the nursery for only $10!!!!! Can you tell me which Amex card/program you use? I need to look into rewards programs since I put everything on my cc.

I cant wait to see how the nursery turns out!!! I know PB stuff is so much $$$ but seriously their stuff is super cute!:)

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Does anyone know if other convertible car seats (besides Britax) can be used for flying? We have aroundabout which I know I can use but need to get a seat for my MIL and figured that might as well be approved too.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 10/9/2009 9:08:21 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Does anyone know if other convertible car seats (besides Britax) can be used for flying? We have aroundabout which I know I can use but need to get a seat for my MIL and figured that might as well be approved too.
Do people take their carseats when flying? I have not done this in the past... is it worthwile? We have a britax too. Right now hunter doesn''t have his own seat though, so is it for older kids?


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 10/8/2009 1:31:18 PM
Author: TanDogMom

Date: 10/8/2009 11:23:56 AM
Author: MustangGal
TDM - we use the Huggies snug and dry at night, and he leaks a bit once in a while, but he also sleeps like 11 hours in it! They weigh a ton when I change it in the morning
. When I use them during the day I never have a probem.

Awesome, thank you! I''ll open up our gigundo box then!
Ditto all that, except sleeping 11 hours
I don''t change is from 11 to 7am though. Heavy, no leaks.


Oct 30, 2002
lol Dani i know it was crazy...!! i kept entering gift card info into the boxes online, i redeemed EIGHT!

i should point out we have been hoarding these points for like 5 years because we never really had enough to do anything with before (or never really considered it seriously)... and it''s Greg''s amex card which i am on but do not use, i have my own mileage card which we use to upgrade to first class tickets and stuff. but the program is the Gold Plus Rewards card from Amex and i think it''s like 1 point for every dollar you spend. honestly now that this was so useful and we won''t be flying very much for the next 1-2 years (HA HA) i might just start using the Amex card to get more points so we can use them for baby/kid stuff in the future. we put most everything on cards and just pay it off at end of the month to accumulate points.

the Amex card is great for reward options, they have a TON of gift card choices...not too many kiddie ones as you can tell but alot of the major stores including like barnes and noble so you can get books and stuff there too. there are a lot of use options. they also have a gift card dining program and a travel program (so we could have used the points towards like a week in hawaii or something). oh and also they do a lot of eCertificates so you don''t have to wait for the cards to come in the mail. that is why i got my PB stuff so fast even though i was a mental procrastinator.

TDM thanks for posting the nursery, love it!! i posted in the preggo thread i just bit the bullet and bought my stuff at PB kids with our gift cards yesterday. i am excited but nervous and now i am thinking i should have just done 2 tone, i know i can make it work! i might go to ikea today so i will see the hemnes again, but now i am like ''can i change my PB order''...and remove the dresser. or maybe just get the dresser... see if we like it, we can always return it (but we''ll be out the shipping cost). but anyway i am so excited to have something big ''done'' and have stuff coming our way!!
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