Hi!!! First time poster here! I am SO excited to have somewhere to talk about this, so I'm sorry if this is a little long! I don't really want to talk to friends or family about marriage and proposal because I don't want them to think I'm jumping the gun or something.
My BF and I have been together for 1.5 years and even though he's my first boyfriend, and I'm his first girlfriend... it's hard to explain without sounding cheesy, but I feel like we got it right the first time We haven't ever talked about marriage, but I can see us getting there, and I'm starting to feel like he's finally STARTING to consider that (You know how girls are usually quicker on that )
Anyways! What I'm here to talk about! Even though we're like pre-pre-proposal, I've still been thinking about it. He's a grad student with just a part time job, so of course he doesn't really have much money at all. I just graduated and got a job, so while I'm not making a lot of money, I am making a lot more than he is. We live in separate cities due to him being in school and it's been that way our whole relationship. He would definitely wait till he's graduated (another year :/ ) to propose, but with his job that still is not a lot of time to save for a ring.
To kind of nudge him along, I've thought about paying for more of his things to help me save a few bucks. So far we've always split everything evenly and paid for our own. The things is I don't want to emasculate him in way, I know he wants to be the one to pay for me and buy me things, but he can't.
I know this isn't a hard hitting issue, or even a big decision to make! But I want some advice on if this is a good idea and it'll help me save, or if it's just a nice gesture. Because if he's not going to be saving for a ring, I have things I need to save for!
My BF and I have been together for 1.5 years and even though he's my first boyfriend, and I'm his first girlfriend... it's hard to explain without sounding cheesy, but I feel like we got it right the first time We haven't ever talked about marriage, but I can see us getting there, and I'm starting to feel like he's finally STARTING to consider that (You know how girls are usually quicker on that )
Anyways! What I'm here to talk about! Even though we're like pre-pre-proposal, I've still been thinking about it. He's a grad student with just a part time job, so of course he doesn't really have much money at all. I just graduated and got a job, so while I'm not making a lot of money, I am making a lot more than he is. We live in separate cities due to him being in school and it's been that way our whole relationship. He would definitely wait till he's graduated (another year :/ ) to propose, but with his job that still is not a lot of time to save for a ring.
To kind of nudge him along, I've thought about paying for more of his things to help me save a few bucks. So far we've always split everything evenly and paid for our own. The things is I don't want to emasculate him in way, I know he wants to be the one to pay for me and buy me things, but he can't.
I know this isn't a hard hitting issue, or even a big decision to make! But I want some advice on if this is a good idea and it'll help me save, or if it's just a nice gesture. Because if he's not going to be saving for a ring, I have things I need to save for!