
Polar Bear

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Jul 10, 2002

Any opinions on the "Polar Bear Brand" diamonds-mined in Canda?

I was quoted $9,000 on an "Ideal Cut" 1.18 round H VS2

Table 56%
Crown Ht 15.9%
Angle 35.8
Girdle Medium 1.6%
Pavillion 42.4
Angle 40.4
Total depth 62%


Very nice diamonds. I hope you realize that the *company* offers the warranty that they are *mined in Canada*. The only two companies I know of that have a *government certificate* they are *mined, cut, and polished* in the NW Territories are the Tundra and Canadia brands.

The Canadia is a little less expensive than the Tundra but is exactly the same thing. Both come with GIA or AGS reports, and I believe the Canadia also offers another lab too.
FYI: There is a 1.12 carat Canadia, AGS Ideal, G color, VS2 clarity for under $8,500.00 Which is about a hundred dollars a carat less and a color grade better.
The Polar Bear Diamonds are cut by a Canadian firm called Sirius that has trained and employs local people from the NWT in their cutting shop (with some imports). Their supply of stones comes from Ekati, part of a deal between BHP and various government agencies (not sure if it was tendered) that would see the creation of value added jobs (cutting) in the territories. As cutters, Sirius do some additional buying of rough (Canadian) from the various BHP sites in Antwerp (at least they did or were going to when I was more familiar with them). They do fine work and the stones that you get with their brand are everything they are represented to be.

FYI... Canadian stones are a little more expensive to cut (so far). The rough have some particular features about them that challenge many cutters - where some achieve slightly less yields, yet the overall quality of the supply in both colour and clarity is very high (causing an additional premium on the rough). There are other reasons too, the fact that they are “clean” and “new”....

Sirius are also challenged by some economic issues. Imagine running a cut shop in the NWT - Western wages are much higher than say India or Sri Lanka (even Antwerp) and heating alone is an enormous factor in cost. There are also some particular cultural issues that present challenges that translate into higher costs - yet overall they run a fine operation, and have eclipsed ally expectations of them in both quality of workmanship (it’s first rate).

I love Canadian stones - it’s not often you get to witness the beginning of a new mythology. Imagine what that might be in 20 years? In 50? I think any premium on branded Canadian goods will more than pay-off, even if that payoff is you dreaming of all those stones underneath all that ice while you sit in front of a fireplace with your sweety.

Here's a link to Sirius:
Do you work for sirius diamonds????????

I think you do
Your thinking would be wrong. I am just very familiar with what they do - had drinks with their founder in an Antwerp hotel bar during a site a few years ago, and I am from Canada also.

There is nothing wrong to be associated with Sirius diamonds or any other diamond manufacturers.

I guess everybody will benefit if more industry insiders and experts will talk openly to consumers and liisten what consumers say.
Where do you find Canadian Diamonds for sale, and how can you be sure they are Canadian? Is there an indication on the report or a seperate report stating and guaranteeing that it is a Canadian diamond?
Take a look at both of these sites. They explain what the NWT certificate is.

Thanks for the sites, I love the idea of th Canadian Diamonds for the principal of it and the included information they give you up front.

What type of premium would you expect to pay for a Canadian diamond compared to an unbranded diamond of the same quality?

Would it change for a pear shaped diamond?

Thanks, I will email you also for more info on what you have.

Everyone else,

Who else sells Canadian Diamonds???


I bought a 1.04 Carats, H, VVS2, AGS 001, Hearts & Arrows cut, Canadian diamond from for $5890. It came with a AGS certificate and a NWT certificate. was recommended to me by someone else on this board.
Did you negotiate a lot with them for that price. I looked on their website and it looks like their prices are way high.
yeah, they are very CANADIAN!!! heh. they have their prices listed in canadian dollars, so to convert to American, just go to an online currency converter. they end up being pretty similar to most other places.

I am just kidding with you, i asked the same thing of them a little while back...

but they are rather competitively priced. i think is a good one.
I see so you know stephen. What hotel in Antwerp were you two having a drink?. And I assume you remembered his name of his company and the website with a photographic memory. I wish I had your talents.
It was The Astrid, and his name, as I recall was Jim... it was the father. The son's name may be Steven - and I worked for a BHP site holder at the time and was selling Canadian rough on the market. I drank Bollika, a darker beer from Antwerp (part of interbrew I think). I was dressed casual (black Gap jeans and green cotton button-up shirt). We next bumped into each other cutting through the mall to get to the Diamond district - I was wearing a black Hugo Boss suit then - silk tie, and of course my Allan Edmonds. (Actually, it might have been a different suit). You want I should post my shoe size?

Anyway - I know a little about Canadian rough - having bought it, sold it, cut it, and retailed it as poilished in a B&M. You don't think I would know a little about the cutters ? Geez. Tough Room.
RubyBleu, I'm sorry about this.

I don't understand why Canadian Guy started this harasment.

Canadian Guy, please be nice! RubyBleu had never wrote anything wrong here.
FYI, there is a big article on Canadian diamonds in this month's Gems & Gemology (GIA's journal). Though they are currently a bit pricier than other stones, the prices will probably come down when the Diavik mine comes online next year (I think the projections are for 6M cts the first year).
No worries... I'm the real deal - don't mind sharing what I know, and look forward to learning from others.

I was on the Sirius site earlier today - looking in the certification section, the site notes that the company is in litigation with the Canadian government over the use of the 'polar bear' which apparently is also a trademarked symbol of the government. The site notes that once the litigation is resolved (it notes this is expected in 'early' 2003), the company will participate in the regular government certification processes. Hope this is helpful to those with an interest.
I heard The Tundra diamonds DO NOT come with a governmnet cert is this true???????????????
A bit more news on the 'Canada Diamond'

First Nation Tribe Receives Land Rights in Canadian NW

(August 26, '03, 13
6 Edahn Golan)

At what was hailed as a historic event, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien signed yesterday a land settlement giving the Dogrib tribe, an aboriginal people from Canada's north west, rights to collect resource royalties, including from the Diavik and Ekati diamond mines located on their land, among other wide powers.

“On this land, the Tlicho will own the resources, which will give them the tools they need to strengthen their economy and their culture,” says Chretien, pointing out that the tribe has full control over the terms of resource development in their land.

The Dogrib, part of the First Nation, will get self-rule over a vast area of about 15,000 square miles between the Great Slave Lake and the Great Bear Lake, including the Northwest Territories.

According to the settlement the tribe will govern themselves, receive tax revenue and control hunting, fishing and industrial development, in addition to being paid C$108 million, over the next 15 years.

Current resource contracts, such as those signed with the diamond miners, will remain unchanged. After the lease agreements expire the companies will need to renegotiate the terms with the Dogrib government.

It is unclear at this stage how, if at all, this will impact De Beers’ mining efforts in the region, most notably the proposed Snap Lake project.

A 'nameless' poster on another forum replied to the above post with this show of support:

"The "******* *** *** ******" forum has been removed largely because of the diet tribe you started with your anti-American and NA sovereign nation crapola. No one owes this special interest money hungry group anything.

Can't you leave this stuff off ** and peddle it somewhere else? This isn't a bully pulpit for your political views and provocations."

Interesting response, no?

Diet tribe? Like nomadic bands of Atkinsites? Creepy.
Really interesting thread - I'm looking forward to finding out more. Such diet tribes (sic - perhaps written by an oxymoron) are why I like this forum. It has not been sterilized. I have a brain and can look further to confirm or deny whatever I am suspicious of oe interested in. Thanks for the new material to look into.
Paying a HUGE premium for canadian stones is not worth it unless you love so much
our prime minister that you really need a canadian diamond on your fiance s finger.

Proud To Be Canadian
& Proud To Buy International Goods Including Diamonds.
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