
PLS HELP, ring is 2.5 sizes too big!!!

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Apr 12, 2003
I have a problem.. First of all, I need to say that this forum and site have been indispensable to my research in finding a ring and popping the question. Thanks to all of you...I have been lurking in these boards for the better part of a year. Please excuse this first very long posting from me.

Ok, I ended up getting a 1.2 carat Princess F/VS1 stone in a Diana platinum setting that has channel set diamonds along the side.


She nearly fainted.
I wanted this to be a surprise to her. She normally doesn''t wear jewelry so it was impossible to figure out her size. Her folks weren''t any help either. She has very tiny hands. I went to the jeweler, a Diana dealer, who is fairly honest and I the jewelry district in LA. Anyhow he had to order the setting, I guessed that she was a 5 1/2. He called in to the company and they only had 6''s in stock and it would be too late to have one made b/c I wanted to do this on our vacation. So I opted for the 6 figuring that it could be sized. Well, it came in and it was a 7! It was already three weeks before the big day, so I just took it, bought a stone, had it set and hoped for the best.

We returned from the vacation, newly engaged and the ring falling off her finger. She was sized as a 4 1/2!!! The jeweler says he can''t take back the ring and trade it in with Diana for a correctly sized one, and he is worried about sizing a 7 down to a 4 1/2 b/c of the side stones and the fact that the ring is flattened out on the bottom, making it awkward to size it that much. I am going in to talk to him tomorrow more, but if it can''t be sized down, I am worried about buying an entirely new setting! I figure these are my options:

- if they say they can size it (I am worried about how it would look, not experienced with his sizing skill, just a good price on a designer setting)
- sending it to Diana to size it (long time to wait, would popping out the diamond to keep myself in the meantime weaken the prongs?)
- haggling with him to sell me a brand new setting at his cost, and promising to come back for the wedding bands, then try to sell the first setting?

I like the last option, but then I realize I am out more money. It is sort of my fault for just taking the size 7 in the first place, but I wanted the day to be perfect...and I had no idea her fingers were so much smaller. So I can''t really fault the jeweler here, but it did come in the wrong size (I was originally promised a 6). I want the ring to be perfect and not chopped off to be sized. This, I guess would mean getting a new setting. She has named the ring and is already whimpering about me taking it in to get "liposuction."

And how would I get rid of the first "used" setting? It is in perfect condition, sans diamond, but ???? eBay, pawn shop, or somewhere else? HELP please...has anyone ever been in this position before?

Congrats on your engagement!!!
Ah man... I feel he owes you one because it came in the wrong size. I would pick number B (
): I would send it to Diana to size it. It sucks to be without your ring, but you don't want the ring to pick up a negative aura either. If you let your jeweler size it and they mess up it would be very bad. Chances are less likely Diana will mess up, one would think.
Well, the jeweler did warn me that sizing platinum is difficult, esp. with this setting, but I took the 7 anyway. Anyone ever have to resize a ring more than 2 sizes though? I am wondering if this is really the best way...kind of like a new car that has been in an never drive quite the same even after it's been fixed by the best in the business...? Does that make sense? Argh, frustrated...I want to inject her finger with collagen. (just kidding)
Talk with your jeweller... if it doesnt work, unset the main diamond and the side diamonds,
buy a new setting (the right size this time) & throw the first setting on Ebay or
give it to your jeweller in exchange of some discount.

On 5/30/2003 8:51:28 AM trichrome wrote:

Talk with your jeweller... if it doesnt work, unset the main diamond and the side diamonds,
buy a new setting (the right size this time) & throw the first setting on Ebay or
give it to your jeweller in exchange of some discount.


Oh my Gosh, I am agreeing with the little devil! Heck has frozen over.

Sizing down 2 1/2 sizes is alot. It can be done; but, the ring won't be the same. Order her size & as Trich says, sell the other. In good faith, the jeweler should sell you the second one at cost.

Good luck.
Uhmm if you ordered a size 6 and received a size 7 ring, you would think that the jeweler would at least try to right that wrong.
Well, I like this guy...and I don't think it is necessarily his fault that a 7 came in instead of a 6.

I was thinking last night that I might be able to save some $$ in the long run with the wedding band by getting a new engagement setting in 4 1/2 and having them hack up the old setting to make a matching wedding band (without the prongs, but keeping the little channel set diamonds and adding a couple more across the top). I would be saving $ on materials that way, wouldn't I? The settings come shipped from Diana with the side diamonds in there already, just without a center stone. This way I would also be holding onto the original stone and ring until the new setting came in.
Perhaps they will take back the old setting and charge you a restocking fee if the setting is not damaged and still new - and that you buy the correct setting. Can you call the mfr directly to discuss this option before you meet the jeweler?

Good luck.
he he tried that, the problem is that the mfg'r won't take it back since it had a diamond put in, it is considered "used." This came from the jeweler and my own phone call as well.

who said I was "little" ???


First off, you sound WAY nicer than me..I am a nightmare customer to deal with when I feel like something went wrong. I would make the jeweler give you the correct setting and take back this one. Unset the diamonds, the setting is exactly as it was when he sold it to the wrong size by the way. Trade it into him for the same setting in the right size. Re-set the stones. What's so difficult about that?

It's ridiculous he won't accomodate you and take back the setting. First off, you were guessing, and he should have told you that if you guessed 5.5 and ordered a 6 then 7 would not fit! Isn't this his livelihood? Yes you were a little dense for taking the 7 but you were in the cloudy fog of pre-proposal love so can be forgiven for being a little out of it. Though he should have warned that sizing down 2+ would compromise the setting.

I don't think you should have to eat any cost or let this jeweler off the hook. He is there to serve YOU and you gave him your business and your money in good faith. Next time, before you guess or take something that could be hugely wrong, just ask first if you can return it if it doesnt work out.

I would not have him modify the original setting, it can be damaged and/or will not look the same as others noted. Sending it to Diana is one option, but I say grow a pair and do some haggling with this guy to get him to make things right!

Oh my gosh am I turning into Trichome?

BTW the setting is very beautiful and looks lovely with the center stone! I looked at Diana settings while we were considering, she has beautiful stuff.
On 5/30/2003 11:14:45 AM trichrome wrote:


who said I was "little" ???



But, I know you are not just a little bad!

Mara, I think snag believes he has some blame in all this. And, he may. BUT...I think his jeweler should have guided him better.

When the wrong size came in, why didn't the jeweler spit nickels at the manufacturer? The manu. should have overnighted the correct size.

The best of the situation would be a happy meduim for both. Let us know what happens.
F&I..I agree he carries some of the blame. But to eat an entire setting cost because of a series of mishaps and end up trying to sell it on eBay for 1/3 of the price? Seems very wrong.

YES the jeweler should have guided him wisely OR said...hey you know what...if she really is a 5 and you do want this 7...I can't take it back after. Full disclosure. OR done the right thing and overnighted the correct size setting as you noted, with the jeweler eating the shipping costs. Customer Service?!
Well, I am going to go there at lunch (about an hour or so) and deal with it. I am going to shake him up a bit, don't get me wrong...but if I can get a new setting at cost and get him to rework the orignial into a wedding band, I figure i'd be saving about a grand...since I have to get the wedding band anyway. Hopefully it'll be under the radar enough for him to agree to my terms. I am going to use the sizing screw-up as a bargaining chip and play nice, at least on the surface.

I'll let you know what happens.
Crisis averted...

Taking Mara's suggestion I grew a pair and walked into the jeweler's like I owned the place and asked what the restocking fee was. He called in and it's like $50. Sheesh. I said, doesn't this ring look new to you. He said yes, but it's been set. I said, well unset it and if you're any good, it will still look new, right?

I brought up the size issue and he balked a bit, so I said that if he eats the restocking and shipping, I'll pay to have the stone reset in the new setting and bring in more business when my fiancee and I want some wedding call them and order a 4 1/2. He did it. Remarkably easy and no harm done. So, new setting in 3-4 weeks (while Diana makes it.)

Phew, thanks for the support my girl can just tape the diamond to her finger in the meantime.
WoooooHooooo, Snaggle. WTG!!!!
YAY! I'm so glad to hear that it all worked out. I think it was a great solution. Tell your girl there are these little ring things that will help make a big ring fit much better and are pretty much invisible. I don't know what they are called but does your jeweler know? My girlfriend has one, her ring is one size too big and she never got it sized, she just bought this thing and then got lazy!

Anyway, great job and congrats
LOL, yeah, the jeweler gave me one. Makes it snug enough to fit on her middle finger, so it'll do for the weekend. I call them spacers b/c they remind me of the ones I wore in my teeth oh so long ago.
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