
Please Help.........

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ryan knutsen

Aug 15, 2001
I have about 4500 to spend on a rock. I would like to get at least 1.0 ct.What would the most brilliant diamond be that fits in this price/size range?And what web site is the best?...Blue Nile, Mondera, etc..Thanks, RK
Well said Ratman

Most af the worlds diamonds are not cert'ed, and few are well cut - very few.
Most people in stores are well meaning, but its shoes, jewellery and perfume etc that make up many salespeoles careers and rtange of knowledge.
Also remember that a fair number of sales people left school early and took a job because they failed rocket science.
I dont include all people in this - obviously there are plenty of exceptions - but a passionate consumer learns about diamonds in direct proportion to how much they are about to spend.
Check this....I have been researching diamonds for the last 6 months, and feel I am somewhat educated--like I could easily become a salesman at the local mall jewelry store! However, I have run into a couple problems...I was at the mall today looking at diamonds and that was where the trouble began: It seems that some jewelry stores may use only one certification company ex: IGI at Jareds Jewelry in Denver. Now, I was looking at G SI1 diamonds whick looked like a yellow rock with a crack running through it. That was without a loop! Basically I don't trust any diamond salesman, or the diamonds they have liberally certified. I guess I go GIA or go home.
Thanks for the feedback on the 4500 budget. Maybe I could get a 1kt G SI1 RB excellent cut diamond for that price...
Later, RK
I do not understand why a mall store would limit its staff to HS kids and prt timers on weekday nights. Guess it's cheaper that way. Also I am struck by the fact that I see "workshops" behind the glass, so to speak, and I rarely see anyone working back there, even during the day Mon-Fri. One store told me they send all resizing, mounting, etc "out." Out where?Then there are the "remount events" where "someone" travels around with a case of settings...I don't mean to bash the retail jewelry business, however. I think it's the "maul mentality." The level of (in)competence seems to be common across industries. Consumers must educate themselves before making the purchase.The Rodentman
STAY BELOW 100 POINTS. GET A DIAMOND AROUND 0.85 TO 0.95. YOU WILL SAVE THOUSANDS BY DOING THIS. The premium for a 100 point diamond is too high. You can't afford to buy an exceptionally cut, good clarity, high color 1 ct diamond, but you can get all three (exceptional cut, clarity, and color) if you follow my advice and stay below 1 ct.- Paul
You all guys are right but different people have different priorities...A friend of mine is looking for a diamond now. He asked me to help and we've seen different diamonds including ideal and H&A. He sees the difference but the size is still more important for him so he'd rather get 1 carat ordinary stone than 0.8 ideal cut...
With 6 months experience you probably know more than the average mall employee. They're not all ignorant, but I have trouble there too in that they want you to make an emotional decision and give them the sale. Just my opinion, but I would not buy any diamond without a GIA or AGS grading document. I've seen hundred and hundreds of diamonds with other "certifications" that I would not trust. Another opinion: I found the Ideal Scope to be an excellent tool to evaluate light loss and cut. It gives a visual image that numbers simply cannot. I tried it on the 2 diamonds I bought my wife many years ago. I wish I had had it back then. My view is that mall stores do not have many ideal cuts, (or high clarity) most of their diamonds are not at that level. There seems to be a "mall level" quality that runs across the board. I would steer clear except to get ideas of what is out there and how different stones appear. It's part of the learning curve. I have found a few high end stores which have top quality and are knowledgeable but they are top $ too. I would not hesitate to buy from one of the many Internet vendors whose names have been mentioned on this forum. Please understand that I am NOT an expert and offer these observations and opinions as just that in hopes that it will help.
That's what makes the diamond business exciting. The mixture of emotion, logic, and personal taste. Some people want the size. That's cool. Some people knock me for "sacrificing" on the color of mine. If personal tastes and opinions weren't a large part of the purchase we could just order by spec and this forum would be very boring. Reminds me of the high-end audio business, but that's another story.
NOT AN EXPERT, just a buyer... MY OPINION is not to hung up on the size. I would establish a budget, as you have done, and go for cut quality first. Doesn't mean you must get Hearts and Arrows, or Eightstar, or "super-ideal" but pay close attention to the the cut quality since it will have a great effect on the appearance of the diamond. I am sure others, the experts, will give opinions on this too. I would much rather have a smaller more "vibrant" (non technical word) stone than a larger somewhat duller one. Many jewelers will cater to the size and the actual cut, clarity and color are compromised. Hopefully you will get more responses to your question...The Rodentman
Ryan,For $4500 you could get 1 carat diamond if would start from I-color and SI2 clarity.Make a search from the front page of this site to get an idea about internet prices.Both Blue Nile and Mondera are quite reliable as well as many other internet vendors.I'd recommend finding a few suitable diamonds in the web and calling different vendors to see who you would be more comfortable to deal with.
i have a nice sound sytem too R, electrocompanient and ARL speakers.
my mate is a dealer
he has the horniest speakers you ever heard - leave those nautilus things for dead.
forgotton the name - but they are like old fashioned horn shaped out door fair ground speakers.
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