
Please help a size whore out...

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Mar 26, 2006
OK, so you all know that I''ve been out looking at rounds to replace my oval. The dimensions on my oval are 11.30 X 8.09. What dimensions on a round do you think I need to look as big as my oval? I think that visual size is somewhate length related, right? Or is it enough to just get as much "coverage" in a round shape as in my oval to look as big? (E.g., 11.3 X 8.09 = 91.4. A round that is 9.65 X 9.7 = 93.61.)

I did see these stones side by side but my oval is mounted and the round was on my hand and also didn''t have any side stones beside it so I don''t think I was making a fair comparison.

Isn''t this sad, that I have to decide if a 3-4 ct round is "big enough"???
Hey, change is good (repeat to self). I would have to use my eyes, but it does seem there was a chart posted somewhere here regarding comparisons like this...wish I had quick access to it for you...
JJ - So funny that you mention the size chart... I actually printed the damn thing out, cut out the 3 and 4 ct sized circles and put them on my finger.

Am I a lunatic or what???
hmmm i''m not sure how it really works either because i have seen that sometimes smaller princesses look just as big as a larger round because of the square shape of the princess seeming to look like it is larger.

but honestly gal, a 3-4c stone is large! what is your finger size??

if you CAN spring for a 4c i''d go as large as you can so that you really only have to do this once...and a 4c is what something like 10.5mm? or larger? that''s pretty darn big! check out solange''s pictures of her 4c.
Mara - I've checked out several rounds now and generally when I get to about 3.75 cts it's "big enough." The 4.79 I tried on (just for fun!) was TOO big--if you can imagine such a thing. (I couldn't until I saw it myself, LOL!) But you're right, I only want to have to do this once. I am checking out several more stones next week and then I'll have to reevaluate if I am willing to spend more $$$ to get to 4 (or more). Hopefully a nice 3.75 (ish) one will come along within the budget that I'm already prepared to spend and I won't have to have that heart-to-heart talk with my checking account!

ETA: Oh dear god... now you've got me thinking about princesses as an option if they look larger. I better go have another drink and think this over...
Date: 6/24/2006 7:21:57 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
JJ - So funny that you mention the size chart... I actually printed the damn thing out, cut out the 3 and 4 ct sized circles and put them on my finger.

Am I a lunatic or what???
Okay, okay, I admit it, I''ve done the same thing.....
Date: 6/24/2006 7:47:35 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Mara - I've checked out several rounds now and generally when I get to about 3.75 cts it's 'big enough.' The 4.79 I tried on (just for fun!) was TOO big--if you can imagine such a thing. (I couldn't until I saw it myself, LOL!) But you're right, I only want to have to do this once. I am checking out several more stones next week and then I'll have to reevaluate if I am willing to spend more $$$ to get to 4 (or more). Hopefully a nice 3.75 (ish) one will come along within the budget that I'm already prepared to spend and I won't have to have that heart-to-heart talk with my checking account...
3.75 ct = 10 mm


swing for the fence now!!! no need to upgrade after this one.
Hi DeeJay,

Hello, my name is Lizzy and I'm a diamond addict...

Sorry I can't help you out on the oval vs. round trade off.

But I can tell you I got a 3.11 round last year (9.43x9.46x5.76). I've been wearing it in a tiffany six prong platinum solitaire setting, and honestly, from one S.W. (size whore) to another, I've been experiencing severe D.S.S.

I know this is probably the only place I could ever admit such a shameful, spoiled-rotten thing. But, there you have it.

What I'm trying to say is, I feel your pain, and I understand your dilema.

If I had it to do over again, knowing now what I know about cut/color and clarity, I probably would have gone lower in color and clarity (I got an H, VS2) in oder to get to 4cts.

Prices have gone up so much since then though, and there is such a derth of large, well-cut, I/J, SI1/2 stones out there, I've decided to buy side stones to see if that helps to quell the beast.

I've just sent my ring back to have two J, SI2's (1.11ct and 1.14ct) added as side stones in a custom platinum trellis setting.

I'm very excited. But I'm under no illusion that it's entirely possibly that I couldl tire of it in a year or two, and trade the whole package in for a single gigantic stone. Then again, perhaps this will satisfy my greed for big sparklies. Then again, perhaps I could make the J twins into earings and put the 3.11 in a halo... Good god, I don't even have this one back yet and I'm already contemplating the next one.

Anyway, my feeling is you should go for the size now (as long as it's well-cut). Prices are only going up. And you can always trade it in for something smaller later if it turns out to be too big (

Good luck! Please post whatever you decide.

Date: 6/24/2006 7:47:35 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Mara - I''ve checked out several rounds now and generally when I get to about 3.75 cts it''s ''big enough.'' The 4.79 I tried on (just for fun!) was TOO big--if you can imagine such a thing. (I couldn''t until I saw it myself, LOL!) But you''re right, I only want to have to do this once. I am checking out several more stones next week and then I''ll have to reevaluate if I am willing to spend more $$$ to get to 4 (or more). Hopefully a nice 3.75 (ish) one will come along within the budget that I''m already prepared to spend and I won''t have to have that heart-to-heart talk with my checking account!

ETA: Oh dear god... now you''ve got me thinking about princesses as an option if they look larger. I better go have another drink and think this over...
I don''t know if princess stones look larger-I always thought the opposite. You could probably get more weight for the buck, and get more rock for your money- dollar for dollar. Are you looking for size alone? I think rounds sparkle more than princess cuts-well, I did have that one princess that really was amazing...
DF, I would need to upgrade my *husband* to get that one, LOL!

And Lizzy, I''m afraid you''re right. I think I might have to go toward 4 cts to get it "bit enough"... But then what??? In a few years (months!) am I going to be checking Whiteflash''s site to see ift that stone DF just posted is still there?

Does it never end???
JJ, no I'm not just going for size, but that doesn't hurt, LOL! The problem is that I've become used to the length of my oval adding to it's visual size so I'm having a hard time adapting to rounds, even ones that are bigger in terms of ct weight.
No, it never ends, but with a lot of help, counselling and support we can get it under control. I suppose hanging out on PS is not helping matters. I just can''t help it though. Perhaps I should give it over to my higher power...

...please God, please make it possible for me to get more sparklies somehow...

or, maybe that''s not what they mean when they say give it over to your higher power...
Dee Jay,

Just out of curiosity, why are you giving up your oval if it''s such a good size for you?

Oh Lizzy... I will not bore you or anyone else any longer with the oval saga other than to say that there is a particular feature of the way that ovals are cut that bugs me. Rounds are a better choice for me because the faceting is symmetrical. I'm insane...
wf had some AMAZING princesses they showed alj and me in houston, but i don''t know if they are producing them yet...i did see some on their ES area but there are just a few and in like 1-2ct sizes. but man one of those beauties in like 4c? dead from drool here.

anyway, i think that the square shapes like ovals do give that ''illusion'' sometimes depending on size. like if i could get a 1c princess vs a 1c round i''d always get the round, but at 3c i think the princess may look a little more ''commanding'' than a 3c round. but i''m such a round girl...i don''t know if i could shape change and be happy.

part of it is that edge to edge light return in a great stone. if you have a princess that doesn''t have that great light return, it won''t look as big as it could if it was something like an edge to edge (painted) round or something similar. i often think that is why sometimes my painted girdle rounds have looked a little larger than some others i have seen.

DJ take your time and check out every option! but yes if you could...i think 4c would really take the cake and you''d be happy with it, i do think the setting has tons to do with it.

i think about 3 stones but honestly i am such a solitaire girl right now. maybe in a few years....
I totally understand the symmetry thing. I''m always joking with dh how I have to have symmetry. My elongated princess was huge to me at 2.5-and I think the rectangle shape was a bonus for the illusion factor. I''ve never tried on anything larger than 3 in a princess-I imagine it would be spectacular. But, there is something timeless and "channel no 5" about a round. Very alluring and trendless.
Date: 6/24/2006 8:28:10 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Oh Lizzy... I will not bore you or anyone else any longer with the oval saga other than to say that there is a particular feature of the way that ovals are cut that bugs me. Rounds are a better choice for me because the faceting is symmetrical. I''m insane...

You can bore me.
Tell your oval tale!

Jeez, I''ve been thinking I''d need to get an oval next time to get that rush.
That feeling.....

that diamond buzzzzz
Long story short, ovals are generally faceted like rounds that have been "stretched." Mine has the appearance of the round in the middle, the crushed glass of a radiant beyond the middle facets, and then wide facets at the ends (kind of like a bow tie if you turned it sideways). It drives me CRAZY. If you go the oval route make sure you look at a gazillion of them before you choose!!
Date: 6/24/2006 7:42:22 PM
Author: Mara
hmmm i'm not sure how it really works either because i have seen that sometimes smaller princesses look just as big as a larger round because of the square shape of the princess seeming to look like it is larger.

but honestly gal, a 3-4c stone is large! what is your finger size??

if you CAN spring for a 4c i'd go as large as you can so that you really only have to do this once...and a 4c is what something like 10.5mm? or larger? that's pretty darn big! check out solange's pictures of her 4c.
Hi Dee*Jay ~

WOW ... if I could ... afford it ... I'd spring for the biggest, prettiest RB I could!
I say, if you can do it ... go for it!

How about some sort of 3 stone ring??? Big beautiful RB center and two pears, or trillions, or ...???

I wish you best wishes in your search ... keep us udated.

OOpps, got side tracked ... I saw a 3 ct princess last month
... and it sure got my attention and approval. The lady was super nice
and really liked the attention and praise I was giving her!
see that''s why you should have more than one diamond.

It''s like needing more than one friend- no one can meet all your needs!!

Date: 6/24/2006 9:30:05 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Long story short, ovals are generally faceted like rounds that have been ''stretched.'' Mine has the appearance of the round in the middle, the crushed glass of a radiant beyond the middle facets, and then wide facets at the ends (kind of like a bow tie if you turned it sideways). It drives me CRAZY. If you go the oval route make sure you look at a gazillion of them before you choose!!
Mrs. DJ, well the "budget" thing is part of the problem. I keep ratcheting up the amount that I''m willing to spend and there''s no end in site at this point. And I do think I want a setting like the one I''ve got now (pears on the side) but I do want to make a trip to Pearlman''s just to make sure there''s nothing else out there that I can''t live without!

And dbgaap, oh how I love the idea of more than one diamond!!! I even convinced myself that maybe I should buy an EGL for the same amount of $$$ that I''m willing to spend to upgrade this one. Seriously, I should look in to that becuase there are some EGLs out there are close to 4 cts at the same $$$ as the difference I''m willing to spend to trade. Hmm.....
Date: 6/24/2006 9:45:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Mrs. DJ, well the ''budget'' thing is part of the problem. I keep ratcheting up the amount that I''m willing to spend and there''s no end in site at this point. And I do think I want a setting like the one I''ve got now (pears on the side) but I do want to make a trip to Pearlman''s just to make sure there''s nothing else out there that I can''t live without!

And dbgaap, oh how I love the idea of more than one diamond!!! I even convinced myself that maybe I should buy an EGL for the same amount of $$$ that I''m willing to spend to upgrade this one. Seriously, I should look in to that becuase there are some EGLs out there are close to 4 cts at the same $$$ as the difference I''m willing to spend to trade. Hmm.....
Hey Dee~Jay ~

Oh, I hear you about ratcheting up the amount your willing to spend! It''s so easy to say ... "Oh, it''s only another $1,800.00 ... or Gee, If I ate top ramen for the next year I could upgrade!

As far as making a trip to Pearlmans ... That would be dangerous for Moi! I hear they have alot of drool worthy sparklies!
Date: 6/24/2006 9:45:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Mrs. DJ, well the ''budget'' thing is part of the problem. I keep ratcheting up the amount that I''m willing to spend and there''s no end in site at this point. And I do think I want a setting like the one I''ve got now (pears on the side) but I do want to make a trip to Pearlman''s just to make sure there''s nothing else out there that I can''t live without!

And dbgaap, oh how I love the idea of more than one diamond!!! I even convinced myself that maybe I should buy an EGL for the same amount of $$$ that I''m willing to spend to upgrade this one. Seriously, I should look in to that becuase there are some EGLs out there are close to 4 cts at the same $$$ as the difference I''m willing to spend to trade. Hmm.....
Yep, I went through my own version of that, albeit on a smaller scale. I was originally going to upgrade the quality of my stone, but not the size. I wound up spending about 3 times what I started off with, because I wound up going a little bigger, too.

At one point, it was very obvious to me that I could do the same thing- just keep the original diamond and buy a whole new one with the specs I wanted.
Date: 6/24/2006 8:07:03 PM
Author: lizzyd
Hi DeeJay,

Hello, my name is Lizzy and I''m a diamond addict...

Sorry I can''t help you out on the oval vs. round trade off.

But I can tell you I got a 3.11 round last year (9.43x9.46x5.76). I''ve been wearing it in a tiffany six prong platinum solitaire setting, and honestly, from one S.W. (size whore) to another, I''ve been experiencing severe D.S.S.

I know this is probably the only place I could ever admit such a shameful, spoiled-rotten thing. But, there you have it.

What I''m trying to say is, I feel your pain, and I understand your dilema.

If I had it to do over again, knowing now what I know about cut/color and clarity, I probably would have gone lower in color and clarity (I got an H, VS2) in oder to get to 4cts.

Prices have gone up so much since then though, and there is such a derth of large, well-cut, I/J, SI1/2 stones out there, I''ve decided to buy side stones to see if that helps to quell the beast.

I''ve just sent my ring back to have two J, SI2''s (1.11ct and 1.14ct) added as side stones in a custom platinum trellis setting.

I''m very excited. But I''m under no illusion that it''s entirely possibly that I couldl tire of it in a year or two, and trade the whole package in for a single gigantic stone. Then again, perhaps this will satisfy my greed for big sparklies. Then again, perhaps I could make the J twins into earings and put the 3.11 in a halo... Good god, I don''t even have this one back yet and I''m already contemplating the next one.

Anyway, my feeling is you should go for the size now (as long as it''s well-cut). Prices are only going up. And you can always trade it in for something smaller later if it turns out to be too big (

Good luck! Please post whatever you decide.

(sorry to hi-jack Dee Jay)
Will WF be doing your three stone Lizzy?
Date: 6/24/2006 8:10:48 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
DF, I would need to upgrade my *husband* to get that one, LOL!

And Lizzy, I''m afraid you''re right. I think I might have to go toward 4 cts to get it ''bit enough''... But then what??? In a few years (months!) am I going to be checking Whiteflash''s site to see ift that stone DF just posted is still there?

Does it never end???
my dear D.J. whatever it takes
31.gif a few months you''ll be looking at the 7+ ct ACA.
Mrs. DJ, I''ve "Oh, it''s just another $Xs" so many times now that it''s not even real money any more. I see it all the time with my real estate buyers. "What''s another $Xs if we can have the good kitchen/bathroom/yard/etc.?"

DF, don''t think that hasn''t occured to me!!! (Both the "ugrade" and the 7 ct problem!)

Oh Lorelei... the infamous chart. I printed this and cut out the different sized circles and now I walk around with them on my hand trying to decide. Had to resort to double sided tape to keep them from flying off my hand.

Finally, Lizzy, what Sevens One said! Who''s doing your ring? And is it close to being done? Can''t wait to see it! You MUST tell me if the side stones stop/slow DSS!
Hi Nan and Deee Jay,

Yes it''ll be a Whiteflash creation. I spotted the stones a couple of weeks ago. Waited for one to come back from the grading lab while I thought about which setting I''d like, then wired the $$ and sent my solitaire back to Houston day before yesterday (Friday).

I expect it will take two-three weeks.

I thought about going to Mark Morrell, since his studio is in the town in which I live (how cruel is that?), but I really want this ring to just scream "diamonds", and I want the metal/setting to completely fade into the background when I''m looking at it. I just couldn''t go to a platinum artist and say "could you please create a setting that, um, no one will notice?".

I will surely let you know when I get it back. I''m hoping the side stones slow down DSS, but if they don''t, then I can always trade in all three stones (they''re all ACA''s) fro one ginormous honker. I''ve also thought about a radiant in a halo. Those look just huge. Maybe some day for a RHR.

Nothing like jacking your thread DeeJay. Sorry.

Lizzy, you''re "project" sounds divine! And you are SO lucky that you have the option of trading in all three stones for one giant one if you want to!

Yes, WS, I think I''m pretty much set on a round at this point, although I was temporarily distracted with the princess.

As of right now I''m thinking of the 3.37 as my "fall back" stone if nothing else comes along. And it''s from the same vendor that I got my oval from so (1) I''m getting the best trade in and (2) he''ll let me trade up again to a 4 if I want to. But no hasty decisions as this point!
Here''s a different size chart with more gradations. Good luck!

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