
Please give me some opinions on this cad

I agree with bastecat if your heart is set on the five stone go for it. Like it's been mentioned before the 5 stone seems like a fairly easy project. What are DK's policy if you don't like it? I say go with your gut feeling.

On another professional note, what are the things on your five stone that could go wrong that you are concerned with? I don't know enough of the details of rings so on this setting unless I could really see it when looking at it I don't know what everyone is so nervous about? What are the things to really watch when having a ring made? Help me out ladies.
Niel|1368125253|3443512 said:
I had considered returning this to get a larger stone. But I'd only have like 4500 for the stone, which would only get me about a ct in a K, and I'd still be in a simple setting. So its a cost/ benefit that I just don't think is for me. JA has said they could do that three stone with those side stones in 18k for under 2k. Which seems like might just be the best option. For these reasons:

I'm following the general rule of "worry about getting the diamonds first, upgrade the setting down the road" because these three stones would really be the largest chuck money toward a 5 stone down the road. Sure I don't have the last set, but those would still be very reasonable even in 5 years when the diamond prices are high. Also its in 18k. if I wanted that from DK he would charge an extra 200. Also I won't have to pay for shipping or "unsetting" or anything like that.

I'm still really attached to the 5 stone though. I'm just feeling so worried over the quality. I just cannot go though one more setting problem or reset right now.

So I guess do I settle for a little nicer 3 stone and add the extra set when I reset it in 5 years or go for the setting of questionable quality right now?

COst effectiveness aside, I'd sit down and ask yourself what you really want long term. Just in my pitiful searching, I found a 1.2ct K that is within a couple of hundred of your budget. Almost 6.9mm so nothing to sneeze at in terms of size increase if you ask me. Once a halo gets added it ought to be fabulous! Yes, you'd have to live awhile with a temp setting, but you already know what permanent setting you want for it, no questions or concerns about quality when the time comes.

Otherwise, if a 5 stone deep down is what you know will make you happy, I think the intermediate 3 stone might be a way to go to further save on costs that could automatically be put towards the permanent setting and the last pair of stones which you could buy once you are ready to move along with it. This is assuming you are find with JA's quality on their settings.
Ah you're a dangerous lady. Do you have a link to that 1.2k?
Another thing to think about - you're really young now, just starting out... in five years you'll have been earning for several years and you'll likely have a considerably larger budget to play with. Prices will rise, that's true, but for stones of the size you're looking at the difference in how much they cost then vs. now will IMO be drops in the ocean compared to how much you can comfortably spend on your ring - adding stones, upgrading settings, whatever...

My 2c - don't make decisions now based on what you think you'll get the most value from in five years - none of us have any idea where we'll be ::) Make your (ring-related!) choices based on what will make you happiest right now.

I'm laughing out loud - I posted right after bastet and we wound up giving almost opposing views! I think a big part of it is just how you're wired. I just do very poorly committing to Forever with jewellery - when I try to, based on how I think my tastes will evolve, I paralyze myself and I can't make any decisions at all - so I wind up just not doing anything. Which is just as unproductive as waffling after choosing! If you have the sort of self-awareness that she's referring to then I think it's fantastic advice - it's certainly the best way to get the most out of your money!! But if you don't, or don't know if you do, then all I'm trying to say is that that's okay, too :))
Yssie|1368129922|3443543 said:
Niel|1368125253|3443512 said:
I had considered returning this to get a larger stone. But I'd only have like 4500 for the stone, which would only get me about a ct in a K, and I'd still be in a simple setting. So its a cost/ benefit that I just don't think is for me. JA has said they could do that three stone with those side stones in 18k for under 2k. Which seems like might just be the best option. For these reasons:

I'm following the general rule of "worry about getting the diamonds first, upgrade the setting down the road" because these three stones would really be the largest chuck money toward a 5 stone down the road. Sure I don't have the last set, but those would still be very reasonable even in 5 years when the diamond prices are high. Also its in 18k. if I wanted that from DK he would charge an extra 200. Also I won't have to pay for shipping or "unsetting" or anything like that.

I'm still really attached to the 5 stone though. I'm just feeling so worried over the quality. I just cannot go though one more setting problem or reset right now.

So I guess do I settle for a little nicer 3 stone and add the extra set when I reset it in 5 years or go for the setting of questionable quality right now?

Another thing to think about - you're really young now, just starting out... in five years you'll have been earning for several years and you'll likely have a considerably larger budget to play with. Prices will rise, that's true, but for stones of the size you're looking at the difference in how much they cost then vs. now will IMO be drops in the ocean compared to how much you can comfortably spend on your ring - adding stones, upgrading settings, whatever...

My 2c - don't make decisions now based on what you think you'll get the most value from in five years - none of us have any idea where we'll be ::) Make your (ring-related!) choices based on what will make you happiest right now.

A very good piece of advice.
Yssie|1368129922|3443543 said:
Another thing to think about - you're really young now, just starting out... in five years you'll have been earning for several years and you'll likely have a considerably larger budget to play with. Prices will rise, that's true, but for stones of the size you're looking at the difference in how much they cost then vs. now will IMO be drops in the ocean compared to how much you can comfortably spend on your ring - adding stones, upgrading settings, whatever...

My 2c - don't make decisions now based on what you think you'll get the most value from in five years - none of us have any idea where we'll be ::) Make your (ring-related!) choices based on what will make you happiest right now.

I'm laughing out loud - I posted right after bastet and we wound up giving almost opposing views! I think a big part of it is just how you're wired. I just do very poorly committing to Forever with jewellery - when I try to, based on how I think my tastes will evolve, I paralyze myself and I can't make any decisions at all - so I wind up just not doing anything. Which is just as unproductive as waffling after choosing! If you have the sort of self-awareness that she's referring to then I think it's fantastic advice - it's certainly the best way to get the most out of your money!! But if you don't, or don't know if you do, then all I'm trying to say is that that's okay, too :))

HA HA! The trouble is I often see the validity of both sides of the equation.

In a way, they are not opposed though. If I ask myself, deep down do I really want a 5 stone or a halo? I do mean RIGHT NOW, what will make me happy deep down, not that I won't ever change my mind (because I am changeable) but I think it's possible to ask yourself what's most likely to not put you in "search" mode again too soon and know the answer to it somewhere in the back of your head. In other words, put cost effectiveness aside for a moment and consider what you think to be "not settling". There's nothing even to say you couldn't get a bigger stone now, halo it, unhalo it in 5 years and do a 5 stone. Or do a three 3 stone now, in 5 years upgrade the center and halo it, and make earrings out of the sides....But there's maybe one or two answers here that I think will "satisfy" and "take a while to digest" (like 5 years :lol: ) but it requires really sitting down and imagining the outcomes putting aside struggles finding settings or hassles with setting quality or expense but just sitting down and imagining the final piece and asking it if will do the trick (for a while). Will a big center with the favorite halo be good for 5+ years, or will a 3-5 stone progression do the trick?
I think that bastetcat and Yssie bring up good points. From my personal experience I know that what I perceive to be the perfect jewelry choice today, does not mean that it will be the perfect choice for me in the future. I tend to make purchases based on the impression that I will be wearing them for a very long time, but experience has shown me that isn't necessarily true. As styles change, as finances change, my wants and (what I perceive to be ;)) ) needs change as well. I've come to realize that there may not be one perfect choice for me,instead my wants are constantly evolving. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you are the type who enjoys changes (and many here do) and believe that perhaps in the near future a five stone won't be exactly what you want anymore, then what's the sense in spending any more than necessary on the setting now? If you believe that a graduated five stone is exactly what you have always wanted and you will be happy for many years (while you save for your dream setting) then I would want to be sure that I was purchasing a setting that I knew would last the wait with me. Just to be clear though, I in no way believe that a hand forged setting done by one of the masters is necessary to a achieve a well made piece. I hope that I haven't given that impression. I was only trying to imply that I believe that there are many (perhaps better, perhaps not) options available to you if you were able to give it some time. It was also never my intent to make this decision more difficult for you. I only hoped to offer you a different perspective and with that only to assist you in making the best possible decision for you. I'm guessing that if you aren't in love with the JA solitaire that you won't be in love with the Klass five stone. Since you have stated that the current solitaire is only temporary then I suspect that my feelings are correct, though only you can say for sure. My stone is set in a JA setting as well, it's definitely served it purpose, but I've never considered it anything but temporary. Again, if you are just looking for another temp setting for your five stone then Klass may be the perfect solution for you, but if you are hoping for something more permanent, and because I know you appreciate quality, then I still would suggest looking at all of your options before committing.

BTW, when is your wedding Neil?
My wedding is in November. But I wanted the ring done by a friends wedding we have in august.

JA actually said they could do a setting like the plumage posted. For under my budget. They'll pay to have it shipped and unset. Right now that's seeming really tempting.
Hi Niel- I used to have a 3 stone set high like your first CAD and it was incredibly awkward to wear. I now have a 5 stone which is set super low and it is amazingly comfortable. I wear it all the time and don't realize I have it on most of the day (unless I am staring at it :twirl: )

I've followed your threads over the past few months and you always say how you loved your Ritani setting. Do they make the halo setting you had in a 3 stone version? I think that would be a lovely ring, and would offer the best of both worlds- the quality of the setting you adored with the sparkle of MRB's that you are aiming for. Just a thought :)

Jumping in late but read through the thread. As someone who has setting jumped a LOT, and know the headaches of being pulled in different directions, and wanting it done right NOW, I suggest taking a breather on the setting. You are 24 and over time will have more "play money" to spend on a setting. I'd get the biggest diamond you can right now and put it in a solitaire. Then, over time buy the diamonds as you can afford them and then finally the setting. By then, you'll know exactly what you want in the setting and the funds to use whomever you want!

If you really want a ring done NOW and use your current diamond (which I totally get and I went that route as well), I like your idea of the halo. I just reset my diamond (yes again, lol) into a halo and added a diamond band on each side. Crazy finger coverage! It's not my forever setting, but in a few years when we're done topping off DD's college fund, and working on the house, I'll have the funds to get the diamond size I want and then who knows what setting I'll end up with!

Good luck, Niel! I'll be following your story! :appl:
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Feb03Bride|1368145619|3443689 said:
If you really want a ring done NOW and use your current diamond (which I totally get and I went that route as well), I like your idea of the halo. I just reset my diamond (yes again, lol) into a halo and added a diamond band on each side. Crazy finger coverage! It's not my forever setting, but in a few years when we're done topping off DD's college fund, and working on the house, I'll have the funds to get the diamond size I want and then who knows what setting I'll end up with!

Good luck, Niel! I'll be following your story! :appl:

Ooh, pics girl, pics!! Please thx :naughty:
Haha you guys are funny when I first came to PS that was my intended setting. But its a bit out of my range, and for me a triple halo is a bit too blingy

I am jumping in here too. Predicting what you will be wearing in 5 years when you are young unless you have static taste isn't a great idea. I have bought and sold numerous stones and rings in the last couple of years alone. Give yourself a realistic set of questions, what would you like to be wearing in 1 and 2 years time pop quiz. Pick what is going to give you the most pleasure right now and in 1 to 2 years time.

Ask yourself are you going for a 5 stone because you love them or are you simply trying to get as much bang for the buck finger coverage as possible? If the answer is yes you love 5 stones. Go with the lowered most comfortable version of the 5 stone you can get. Don't listen to anyone else if that is what you love, go with it and be happy with it.

If the answer is no or you just want something to cover your finger, or you already thinking about options to pull the 5 stone apart, then I vote for the option to buy the largest stone you can afford. Put it into a temporary setting, find a preloved simple setting that costs as little as possibly for now if you have to. Wear it and love the stone. Save up and halo it. Save enough to afford a VC halo because his halos are TDF in my humble opinion and you keep mentioning him so that is probably deep down what you want. Make it a one or a two year goal so you have something to aim for VC halo in x amount of time. That way you have a nice big blingy rock which is what I sense you are after to replace the pear to enjoy now and eventually the halo made by the person you love as well down the track.
So JA seems to be able to do a setting for me the way I want, but they refuse to give me a WG setting wthout rhodium plating. I really don't want it, and I dont get why they won't but them the rules.

Can you in rhodium something?
Niel|1368202135|3444196 said:
So JA seems to be able to do a setting for me the way I want, but they refuse to give me a WG setting wthout rhodium plating. I really don't want it, and I dont get why they won't but them the rules.

Can you in rhodium something?
Yes, but... Why are they refusing? Is there a massive mismatch between their solder colour and their wg? And why would that matter if they're casting it - presumably in one piece?
Or do they just not understand what you want?
They should understand what I want sense at least though their email I spelled unplated correctly :roll: like I couldn't seem to do in that post :lol:

I said "unplated 14k". And they said no, I said really don't you just do it at the end, she said she spoke with James Allen himself and he said no. Won't even leave the prongs unplated if I do the shank Yg and the prongs WG. They said "no way around rhodium plating "..... well I want a way around it. I dont know.
Plating will wear off. I would ask a local jeweler if it can be unplated. WG always has to be replated again anyway if you have work done on it, so perhaps there is a way to "unplate"? It would help to know why rhodium is required though (ie- solder mismatch or something).
Why do you not want it rhodium plated? I just watched a video on youtube about it and without rhodium after being polished it still basically looks the same as if it was rhodium plated.
luvsdmb|1368208093|3444280 said:
Why do you not want it rhodium plated? I just watched a video on youtube about it and without rhodium after being polished it still basically looks the same as if it was rhodium plated.

I don't want stark white rhodium color I want warm white gold color to match my unplated (or was plated but has sense worn off) white gold in my wedding band. Plus Ifind it more flattering for my color stone
The woman I'm working with st JA is the best! Super helpful. This answer though I didn't like. I'm sure this is what she was told so I do t blame her but....

It was basically "we won't sell you unplated because we sell plated.....".

Yeah it'll wear off but I mean that isn't really an answer to why.
I think the potential mistake being made is buying from a vendor without a good upgrade policy. I have been totally sure before that I would not ever trade a diamond in and then do so. My last stone I did not get a lifetime upgrade policy and now am having to sell at a loss. If you stay on PS after you get married, something else is going to come along that you want. So my best advice is to buy a good solitaire diamond for now from one of the vendors with no-minimum to upgrade. Add your side diamond as you can afford them. And by then, you may decide you want something else entirely!
I'm content with jas upgrade policy. I didn't pay more than 2 k for this stone, and am certain if I ever do upgrade again I would spend more than double that. I'm not concerned about that. Really I'm not concerned about the size either.
Okay, then that is good!
diamondseeker2006 said:
Okay, then that is good!

I mean everyone wants a bigger stone :lol: but when I wear my. 8 out in the real world (not PS) I never feel self conscious about its size. Where I live I really never see a well cut stone, let alone one over a ct
Niel|1368214195|3444374 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Okay, then that is good!

I mean everyone wants a bigger stone :lol: but when I wear my. 8 out in the real world (not PS) I never feel self conscious about its size. Where I live I really never see a well cut stone, let alone one over a ct

Just a thought, if you feel a bit awkward about wearing something larger than a .8, then how will you feel about wearing that same .8 with 2/4 additional side stones? Would you be more comfortable with colored stone sides?
Christina... said:
Niel|1368214195|3444374 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Okay, then that is good!

I mean everyone wants a bigger stone :lol: but when I wear my. 8 out in the real world (not PS) I never feel self conscious about its size. Where I live I really never see a well cut stone, let alone one over a ct

Just a thought, if you feel a bit awkward about wearing something larger than a .8, then how will you feel about wearing that same .8 with 2/4 additional side stones? Would you be more comfortable with colored stone sides?

Oh no I am not saying I would feel self conscious with a larger one. I mean, like I know if I lived in a big city where everyone had 1ct+ or 2ct+ stones, as much as I hate to admit it, I'd feel self conscious walking around with my 84 pointer, but it my world, over a ct is rare, and a well cut one rarer still. So, though a bigger diamond is never a bad thing. I don't feel like "i need a big one now!". I feel where I am and the type of social circle I am in, my ring is above average as it is. I feel no need to go bigger, besides on this site. :D

So I would rather have a compete unique ring that I will love now over a bigger diamond in an incomplete ring that I will think is OK.
Niel|1368219286|3444457 said:
Christina... said:
Niel|1368214195|3444374 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Okay, then that is good!

I mean everyone wants a bigger stone :lol: but when I wear my. 8 out in the real world (not PS) I never feel self conscious about its size. Where I live I really never see a well cut stone, let alone one over a ct

Just a thought, if you feel a bit awkward about wearing something larger than a .8, then how will you feel about wearing that same .8 with 2/4 additional side stones? Would you be more comfortable with colored stone sides?

Oh no I am not saying I would feel self conscious with a larger one. I mean, like I know if I lived in a big city where everyone had 1ct+ or 2ct+ stones, as much as I hate to admit it, I'd feel self conscious walking around with my 84 pointer, but it my world, over a ct is rare, and a well cut one rarer still. So, though a bigger diamond is never a bad thing. I don't feel like "i need a big one now!". I feel where I am and the type of social circle I am in, my ring is above average as it is. I feel no need to go bigger, besides on this site. :D

So I would rather have a compete unique ring that I will love now over a bigger diamond in an incomplete ring that I will think is OK.

I completely understand! In fact I have very similar feelings. No one in my demographic wears a large diamond, most are well below 1ct so mine is larger than most. I would love to wear a larger stone, but I think that most I would be comfortable with here is a 1.75 or so. BUT, if I were to live in another area, I would totally be rocking a 2+ct ring, absolutely no question! I know most people think it shouldn't matter, and that I should wear whatever makes me happy, but I just haven't gotten there yet. I day. :Up_to_something: In the meantime, I'm happy with smaller quality pieces.
I have two thoughts going on in my head ..

1. I am still in love with the ring I loved 7 years ago. The Daniel K Split Crown.

2. How is JA better than DK?