
Picky Picky

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Aug 8, 2005
Food you''re embarrased to admit you don''t like.

Another confession:

I hate rice.

I''m persian... and for those of you who don''t understand what that means... its like an italian hating pasta.

I eat only sashimi... rolls only when they are LIGHT on rice.

Don''t eat it with asian food, or indian, persian... you name it. Don''t like the stuff.
I''m basically a mutt, but I will tell you something I absolutely hate. Mac n cheese. Can''t stand the stuff. Supposed to be an American stand by. Makes my skin crawl.
Ok. This is the WORST...

I can''t eat with chopsticks. When I go to chinese/asian resturant, we ask for a fort and EVERYONE assumes it''s for my guy (because he''s caucasian) and it''s not. It''s for me. The asian girl

It''s not picky, but it''s food related. I have no inate skill with chopsticks.
Since I was 4 I''ve disliked onions because one of my little friends told me they were disgusting, and apparently I caved to peer pressure.
Now, I still can''t eat them unless they''re cut into tiny pieces, sauteed thoroughly so they''re limp (and NOT crunchy!!!!! bleagh!!) or unless they''re in Indian food - then I can eat them no problem.

I''ve also been vegetarian for 12 years because meat grosses me out. I will eat fish occasionally, like, when we''re on the shore and the only thing to eat at all the restaurants is fish or an iceberg salad and bread for every meal, and about 1/4 the way through, I just can''t handle the texture and the look of it. I really love the fake meat products though, like Morningstar or Boca "chicken" patties, which are practically the same texture as meat, so who knows what''s going on with me! DH is a self confessed carnivore, so cooking in our house was interesting the first couple months of our marriage!
I hate caviar. I think of it as fishberry jam, and it makes me ill.

I hate raw sushi, I will eat California rolls etc but some of the raw stuff reminds me of bait and I will not touch it,

I hate any organs like liver, sweetbreads, etc...find them vile.

I hate chopped chicken liver and gefilte fish, two major things in Jewish cooking...and I hate tongue.
I think cantaloupe is disgusting. I really hate it when there is a big fruit bowl and cantaloupe is mixed in with everything else because it makes all the other fruit taste like cantaloupe, which is super dissappointing because I like the other fruit.
This will sound strange, but there are several things I don''t like, but do like in a different way.

I don''t like tomatoes....but love fried green tomatoes.

Like peanuts, but hate boiled peanuts.

Don''t like fried chicken, but like boneless chicken.

Those are the only foods that come to mind right away, but there are others.
Oshinbreez, that reminds me
I love chocolate, chocolate milkshakes, ice cream, hot chocolate, etc. but I HATE chocolate milk.
Also, I love apple cider, cakes, sauce, but HATE plain apple juice.
Not a big fan of caviar.

HATE HATE HATE cooked carrots with my entire being.

Also, hate celery.

And raisins. Like grapes. HATE RAISINS. (but I do like raisin bran cereal)

Um, also, and this probably the weirdest one...

I CANNOT STAND when dessert that has fruit in it.

Apple pie? YUCK! (Now, I can choke it down, but I don''t enjoy it), unless there is some icecream involved.
Cherry cobbler! YUCK!

Canned ocra. Yuck!!!

I used to not be able to handle eggs. Just the smell would nauseate me. But, my dear MIL cured me, and now I love eggs! We were at their lake house and she fixed them. They smelled GOOD! I found that the reason I hated eggs was because my mom always added milk or water and used Pam or margerine in the pan. Gross. I like them with just a little butter in the pan, melted, then scramble the eggs and pour them in the pan, stirring constantly. A little bit of salt and pepper finishes nicely, but with grated CoJack cheese and Pace Picante sauce....yummy!
Ha! This is a funny thread

JCJD, I am right there with you on the onions! I HATE raw onion!!! And even cooked, I need them diced up really tiny - I just hate that crunch. But on the other hand, I kinda like really really cararmelized onions.

I HATE carrots! But I will eat them if they're boiled to death in soup ... just because I feel like I should eat them. But raw carrots taste like dirt to me. Someone once made me try a carrot-orange juice blend, and I thought it was the worst thing in the world. I felt like someone ground up a piece of turf and made me drink it. Bleeeeech.

And I'm not a big fan of honey. That one always seems to confuse people, but really I find the taste so strangely unappealing.

Oh, and one more -- yogurt with fruit in it. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Those slimy little globs of "fruit" just make me cringe!
CHEESE! I don''t know anyone else who hates cheese. I can handle melted cheese on pizzas and mexican food, but a piece of cold hard cheese just tastes awful to me.
I don''t like stringy foods: shredded, cooked cabbage, spaghetti (but I love other kinds of pasta), etc. GROSS!

I don''t like most seafood. I try and I try and I try, because I know how good it is for me, and I just can''t do it. I really like fried shrimp and crab cakes but that''s it. I''ve tried fish tacos, I''ve tried shark, I''ve tried tillapia, I''ve tried salmon, I just can''t learn to like it.

I don''t like bone in meat, ribs, chicken, whatever. Boneless only please.
Foie gras -- just the idea of it makes me a bit ill.

Mayonnaise. I would starve to death before I would touch it.

And anything that I don''t have to chew to eat is not gonna make it down. My gag reflex kicks in in a big big way. (The ONLY exception to this is CHOCOLATE pudding. Apparently my love of chocolate is stronger than my gag reflex LOL.)
i hate fish...all kinds , even tuna white meat in a can. i hate cooked spinach, but like it leafy in my salads and throw some in my soup when its done. i hate yogurt...tastes and smells like sour milk. i don''t like chicken on the bone. i hate turkey like on thanksgiving, but will eat sausalito turkey cold cuts. i absolutely hate
asparagus!!! theres plenty more--i''m less picky than i used to be.
I love chicken, and I love grilled meats, but I HATE grilled chicken. Especially if it''s on a caesar salad. Something about cold chargrilled chicken just is gross to me.
Asparagus...can''t stand the smell of it. A friend of mine has tossed it in hot pasta dishes and I liked it, but I think it''s because it was mixed in with the pasta and sauce. Oh, peas, too. Again, if they''re mixed into a dish I''ll eat them but I won''t eat them on their own. I don''t really like canteloupe but honeydew isn''t bad.
Raw meat grosses me out, specially ground meat of any kind. I''ll cook it when making tacos or in meat sauce for pasta but I try not to look at it that much. That''s kinda hard to do though.
Date: 3/1/2007 9:55:32 AM
Author: Sundial
CHEESE! I don''t know anyone else who hates cheese. I can handle melted cheese on pizzas and mexican food, but a piece of cold hard cheese just tastes awful to me.

I do!!! I''m the same way. I''ll only eat it if it''s melted. You''re not alone Sundial.
Sour dough bread & salmon. As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I can''t admit in public that I don''t like these because I''d be tarred & feathered.
Date: 3/1/2007 11:05:32 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 3/1/2007 9:55:32 AM
Author: Sundial
CHEESE! I don''t know anyone else who hates cheese. I can handle melted cheese on pizzas and mexican food, but a piece of cold hard cheese just tastes awful to me.

I do!!! I''m the same way. I''ll only eat it if it''s melted. You''re not alone Sundial.
Hey it''s nice to know there is someone else!!!
Man, I haaaate carrots. As a vegetarian, it''s the worst. Also, I am the worst mexican- I HATE beans. All kinds. Garbanzo, kidney, navy, pinto.. name it, I hate it. I also can''t stand any kinds of peas. I''ve always hated them. Blaaah.
I dunno if I''m embarrassed.... but I really don''t like most mexican food and my husband is mexican. I also don''t like italian. Greece for me is the turning point - some I like and some I don''t... the further east you go the more I like it (though I dunno, I love middle eastern food over asain except sushi) It is ironic that I don''t like mexican food though LOL I eat it - I don''t hate all of it... but it is NEVER where I suggest to go. Its funny because I think olive garden is WAY over priced but I drop at least that on sushi and don''t blink LOL!!!

In fact these threads of yours gypsy - I want sushi and peanut butter cups!!!!!!!
Date: 3/1/2007 7:35:11 AM
Author: diamondfan
I hate caviar. I think of it as fishberry jam, and it makes me ill.

I hate raw sushi, I will eat California rolls etc but some of the raw stuff reminds me of bait and I will not touch it,

I hate any organs like liver, sweetbreads, etc...find them vile.

I hate chopped chicken liver and gefilte fish, two major things in Jewish cooking...and I hate tongue.
anything that ever was an organ (other than maybe chicken skin) isn''t something I want to eat. I''ve never had gefilte so I can''t speak to that but heart brain liver tongue lung glands etc. oh hell no. My husband loves chorizo - made of the salivary glands of pigs and cows.... just nasty nasty stuff but I have allowed him to convince the kids it''s Good Eats. (love that show lol)
Date: 3/1/2007 9:26:38 AM
Author: littlelysser

Apple pie? YUCK! (Now, I can choke it down, but I don''t enjoy it), unless there is some icecream involved.
Cherry cobbler! YUCK!

I love apple pie - but I scrape all the apples out and eat the cinnamon sugar sauce and crust LOL

As for cherries - fresh raw cherries are MY FAVORITE FOOD ON EARTH.

Cooked cherries in pie, cherry lifesavers, cherry flavored anything - GAG ME WITH A SPOON LOL
Date: 3/1/2007 9:30:37 AM
Author: lumpkin
Canned ocra. Yuck!!!

I used to not be able to handle eggs. Just the smell would nauseate me. But, my dear MIL cured me, and now I love eggs! We were at their lake house and she fixed them. They smelled GOOD! I found that the reason I hated eggs was because my mom always added milk or water and used Pam or margerine in the pan. Gross. I like them with just a little butter in the pan, melted, then scramble the eggs and pour them in the pan, stirring constantly. A little bit of salt and pepper finishes nicely, but with grated CoJack cheese and Pace Picante sauce....yummy!
you know how I make eggs that my kids love?? Exactly like that except I brown the butter first... we call it browned butter eggs... just eggs with salt and pepper in them... put the butter in the pan and wait for it to turn a nutty brown then cook as usual.... if you have ever had popcorn cooked on the stove in butter... but I just love browned butter on just about anything.... especially broccoli!!!
Amber, I agree about beans. Yuck! If they''re in something and I can''t taste them or feel the mushy texture of them, it''s okay. But in general, I stay away from them.
Okay this is a weird one and it really bugs me that I''m like this... but I don''t like alcohol. Especially wine. My family has winemakers in napa and for events they bring hundreds and hundreds of dollars of wine and I am always a good sport and try it. I LOVE the idea of drinking out of beautiful glasses and being grown up and discussing the flavors and they''re always telling me I just haven''t found it yet... well the last event I did have a few glasses of reisling and I thought okay so I like that wine - and ordered it at lunch one day and could barely get it down. Apparently I liked *that one* reisling LOL An uncle who makes wine was very proud of his latest batch (red wine is the worst for me) and he said now take a sip and wait a second then tell me the first thing that comes to mind... so I did and I said, "Sour Dirt". Oops! Maybe I shouldn''t have been quite so quick to say what I really thought haha... and all alcohol - I have a natural aversion to it. I have to kinda force myself to have a drink or two before I can enjoy it. If I just sip at a drink I won''t even get half way through. There''ve been a couple beers I''ve liked (dark black beers like guiness) but I can only drink about 3 sips before it doesn''t taste good any more.

And I wish I could drink because some days I''d really like to get away from all this!!! LOL
I didn''t think I was that picky but I keep rememering foods I don''t like. Raw carrots -- when I was little my parents wouldn''t let me leave the dinner table one night until I had finished eating. Raw carrots were the only thing left. I still remember being like 5 or 6 and sitting there, chewing and chewing but the carrots wouldn''t go down. I still won''t eat them.
I do like cooked carrots though. Go figure.
Date: 3/1/2007 11:07:56 AM
Author: Matata
Sour dough bread & salmon. As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I can''t admit in public that I don''t like these because I''d be tarred & feathered.
::gasp:: !!!!!!!!!!!!

When family comes here from CA they''re amazed at the price of salmon here.... I *love* salmon and as for sourdough - it''s my favorite but it isn''t as good here asn in california. So often here the flavor is almost right but the texture is way too dense - yuck!!! It''s not real sourdough - it is like regular white bread with sour flavoring!!!
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