
picked out the diamond!

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Aug 16, 2005
So last week i met with our jeweler and she showed us a bunch of loose diamonds. the one i picked out was a 1.16 Round diamond color E with an si1 or maybe si2 i really cant remember but with an ideal cut. Now heres my question, the woman said this diamond had a "feather" on the edge but it wouldnt be a problem because she could cover it with the prong. now she said the diamond other then that feather is practically flawless, would u buy this diamond or keep looking. it was priced at 6000. i never even heard of "feathers" so any insight would be great thanks!

The fact that the diamond has a feather near the edge is not in and of itself a huge problem. Having a feather (which is like a small crack) near the edge can make the diamond more suseptible to damage, but for that matter you could go buy a diamond that had flawless clarity and still incur damage during setting or normal wear.

There is a whole lot of information about that diamond you haven''t mentioned which may help other people give advise. These include things like the laboratory that did the grading, the specifics of the diamonds proportions (like depth, table, etc) and the exact quality of the 4 c''s.

The more you know and learn about diamonds the more confident you''ll be in choosing your perfect diamond.

Good luck!

I would not worry about a feather (that is just a small visible crack - all diamonds have cracks, but most are not visiable).

I am more worried about the description you got: Ideal... What does that mean?

What does "practically flawless" mean? Clearly it is not "practically flawless" if it is SI1 or SI2 (and there are some great SI1/SI2 diamonds out there - but also a lot of not so great ones).

Please be advised that there is no standard deffinitions out there. Perhaps it truely is an fantastic cut diamond (wow, wow, wow..), perhaps it is a real dog... (note that most jewerly store lighting can make the worst diamond look good).

I suggest that before you actually buy, that you spend some time reading the tutorial here and learn about quality of cut and what makes a diamond look good (and the different kinds of good - fire & brilliance).

I personally also recommend buying an idealscope and the light table. If you are going to spend $$$$, why don't you spen a hundred or so for the tools necessary to be sure you are getting a diamond that will have some life to it.

There is a lot of very good advise to be found here by following these forums as well.

There are some great jewelers out there who will work to get you a great looking ring. there are also a bunch who are not so great. I suggest it is in your best interest to learn to separate them.

Intenet buying is also an option, and many people who come here do it; but, it is not for everyone - and I have no problem with your working with a good local B&M store.

Become an educated consumer. A few days to a week of effort can ensure you have a lifetime of joy in your selction.

You plan on a halo/boxter setting right?
With a diamond with a feather on the girdle/edge I might set it with a bezel to protect it against damage/banging it.

Sounds like there could be a lot of value in the stone!
A lot of PS ladies have a diamond like this, with the major grader covered with a prong.
Sounds very smart to me - and will save you some money.
I would have an independent appraiser look at it to make sure it''s durable with this feather.

Do you have any numbers on the stone?
Do you remember who certed the diamond?

Compared to the ''ideals'' listed here, a least the price sounds nice - these start at 6k (looking for D-F. SI 1-2, 1.2-1.3cts on the cut quality serach). If it is Si1, all for the better. The inclusion you describe doesn''t sound that bad - some may avoid ''feather on the girdle'' but there is always the question how thich the girdle is, how large the feather, etc. If the diamond looks good, why not. If it ever breaks (there were a few cases of damage around here), it may well not be because of the feather at all and then, there is insurance...

How about THIS for a match ? It looks clean with a few scattered ''objects'' inside (btw, the ''needle'' is a long, thin crystal).

Looking for AGS graded ''AGS0'' and D-F, SI2, 1.1-1.3 cts in the general serach (''Search all'' button) there are a couple of pieces below 6k for better or worse.

So... there is choice, if that feather bothers you.

For example, THIS they say it is eye clean (a note that does not come with all USA certed listings
Ok thanks to everyone for writing in response to the whole feather thing, the jeweler made it seem like it wasnt really a big deal but now knowing that it could break and what not through out the years is not good. ill have to mention all this to my bf because hes meeting with her again without me, she was surprised i was there to begin with i guess she thought it was going to be a complete surpise but my boyfriend wanted to get exactly what i wanted so he brought me along, but now hes going alone so im going to have to send him with some questions. i do know it was gia certified she showed me the little paper it was wrapped in. thanks again for all the advice
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