
Pic heavy and verbose! My CADs, wax, and off to production!

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Feb 29, 2012
9 1/2 weeks after approval for 4 rings doesn't strike me as horrible, but I also acknowledge that you have discussed communication issues that you have felt were lacking throughout the whole process.

Sounds like you two aren't a good fit-- maybe Leon next time?

I can't wait to see your rings! I hope they blow you away.


Mar 15, 2017
So, I pulled my earlier post because I was quite upset when I posted and I've given this situation a bit more thought. I want to be as clear as possible because I AM rather alarmed...and upset.

Yes, I do currently have a project going with Caysie and yes for me and my husband, the investment IS a rather large sum of money. And without going "public" with details, I've had nothing but an extremely positive experience with Caysie...yet I recognize everyone is different.

As I wrote earlier, I've REFRAINED from posting because I do not want to hurt anyone, nor do I wish to stir up the pot but I feel I must comment (at this point) or my head will explode.

ILikeShiny...I am a nice person and I do not want to hurt anyone, so I hesitate saying the following: I think without actually "doing so," your innuendoes in nearly all your comments throughout this thread have been SLANDEROUS and DAMAGING towards both Caysie AND THOSE OF US WHO CURRENTLY HAVE PROJECTS ongoing with her...1) SLANDEROUS towards Caysie, and 2) damaging to Caysie and us, her current customers.

What really got me infuriated is the comment about "Caysie being BANNED from PriceScope." Banned? Really? For those of us uninitiated who came onto this website in good faith, to receive information, support and guidance from the PROFESSIONALS here...well, I think your comment is outrageous!

What do you hope to serve by making such a statement??

ILike of your earlier posts said, "Because Caysie has so many supporters out here, etc, etc...let's keep the discussion to facts, etc." I think it is CALLOUS to make a SERIOUS STATEMENT about someone being "banned" from a forum like PS without 1) knowing, or 2) stating the FACTS (not that this is the appropriate place to do so) because IMHO, DOING SO DIRECTLY ATTACTS SOMEONE'S INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY. I think MANY customers, those currently contracted with Caysie and those contemplating doing so, will read NOTHING BUT EXTREME NEGATIVITY & ABNEGATION IN SUCH A STATEMENT. And frankly, that concerns and frightens me on so many levels...

I just hope you have some serious facts to back your comments because if not, I would fear being held libel (I mean legally) based on some of your posts today.

I have "no monkey in your circus" and I think your ring is is beautiful. I wish you many many many many many years of unbridled marital bliss and I'm thrilled this CvB "debacle" has strengthened your love for your SO, his for you and your resolve that your marital choice is grand.

But I think you should be kinder and more thoughtful in your "statements," those written and those insinuated. WE OUT HERE ARE ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE OF THE STORY, RIGHT?!?!?!?

I do not consider myself "thin skinned" but many of your statements...ILike Shiny...are instilling fear & doubt & sadness in many of us (well, me) and I think you are fringing on harmful & hurtful slander.

AND IT IS JEWELRY PEOPLE...that's what I am telling myself. J-E-W-E-L-R-Y! My CvB ring may last longer than my marriage :eek2:

Now, I will wait to hear from everyone who IS or is MARRIED TO, RELATED TO, ENGAGED TO, PREVIOUSLY ENGAGED TO an attorney, or whatever....sigh. :cry2:

Sorry, I am frustrated and angry today...and I have refrained from posting.
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Jul 12, 2015
As someone else said, not all clients and vendors are a good match. The right client for Caysie is one who appreciates gifted design an an excellent quality outcome and who does not have a need to micromanage and can be flexible on the timeline if it should take longer than expected.

Agreed. I need a vendor who either lives up to their timelines or communicates otherwise. I also need a vendor who doesn't rely on ME to remind them multiple times how our rings are supposed to be finished.

Caysie truly is a talented and gifted artist. I really think that she's grown so big, so fast (coupled with illnesses, etc.) that she just can't keep up and doesn't want to disappoint anyone. I think that if she can figure out how to manage that, things will run much more smoothly. Perhaps a more formal contract/work order, spelling out details and completing a change order when changes are being made to that original contract? I don't know, but I do think there's definite room for improvement on that front. There's just no way that one person can manage everything, no matter how amazing they are...

ILS, I feel for you, I really do, but I'm disappointed that you chose to post something shared in a private FB group here. I chose not to post here for a reason (namely that I think PS is a much wider net than a private FB group and therefore FB is a "safer" place to seek feedback without doing potential damage to a vendor's reputation). I hope you'll consider that in the future before sharing something that isn't yours to share...

Yennyfire, you are right and I apologize. I wasn't trying to out you. It was more trying to show this is not an isolated incident, as it keeps being portrayed that we must have somehow been the most difficult clients ever and done something wrong for all of the trouble we've experienced. I do wish I'd known ahead of time though. Not just your experience, but others too.

It's interesting you say that about her contract/work order. When we asked for one before sending in our deposit, she only had a haphazard statement about what was and wasn't covered with a warranty. I wasn't comfortable forking over that much money without having it spelled out what we were getting in return so I offered to clean it up in to a more professional format and give her a template she could use for all future projects, so she could make sure everyone was on the same page with what they were getting for what price. She loved it and was grateful I did it for her.[/QUOTE]


Jul 27, 2011
So, I pulled my earlier post because I was quite upset when I posted and I've given this situation a bit more thought. I want to be as clear as possible because I AM rather alarmed...and upset.

Yes, I do currently have a project going with Caysie and yes for me and my husband, the investment IS a rather large sum of money. And without going "public" with details, I've had nothing but an extremely positive experience with Caysie...yet I recognize everyone is different.

As I wrote earlier, I've REFRAINED from posting because I do not want to hurt anyone, nor do I wish to stir up the pot but I feel I must comment (at this point) or my head will explode.

ILikeShiny...I am a nice person and I do not want to hurt anyone, so I hesitate saying the following: I think without actually "doing so," your innuendoes in nearly all your comments throughout this thread have been SLANDEROUS and DAMAGING towards both Caysie AND THOSE OF US WHO CURRENTLY HAVE PROJECTS ongoing with her...1) SLANDEROUS towards Caysie, and 2) damaging to Caysie and us, her current customers.

What really got me infuriated is the comment about "Caysie being BANNED from PriceScope." Banned? Really? For those of us uninitiated who came onto this website in good faith, to receive information, support and guidance from the PROFESSIONALS here...well, I think your comment is outrageous!

What do you hope to serve by making such a statement??

ILike of your earlier posts said, "Because Caysie has so many supporters out here, etc, etc...let's keep the discussion to facts, etc." I think it is CALLOUS to make a SERIOUS STATEMENT about someone being "banned" from a forum like PS without 1) knowing, or 2) stating the FACTS (not that this is the appropriate place to do so) because IMHO, DOING SO DIRECTLY ATTACTS SOMEONE'S INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY. I think MANY customers, those currently contracted with Caysie and those contemplating doing so, will read NOTHING BUT EXTREME NEGATIVITY & ABNEGATION IN SUCH A STATEMENT. And frankly, that concerns and frightens me on so many levels...

I just hope you have some serious facts to back your comments because if not, I would fear being held libel (I mean legally) based on some of your posts today.

I have "no monkey in your circus" and I think your ring is is beautiful. I wish you many many many many many years of unbridled marital bliss and I'm thrilled this CvB "debacle" has strengthened your love for your SO, his for you and your resolve that your marital choice is grand.

But I think you should be kinder and more thoughtful in your "statements," those written and those insinuated. WE OUT HERE ARE ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE OF THE STORY, RIGHT?!?!?!?

I do not consider myself "thin skinned" but many of your statements...ILike Shiny...are instilling fear & doubt & sadness in many of us (well, me) and I think you are fringing on harmful & hurtful slander.

AND IT IS JEWELRY PEOPLE...that's what I am telling myself. J-E-W-E-L-R-Y! My CvB ring may last longer than my marriage :eek2:

Now, I will wait to hear from everyone who IS or is MARRIED TO, RELATED TO, ENGAGED TO, PREVIOUSLY ENGAGED TO an attorney, or whatever....sigh. :cry2:

Sorry, I am frustrated and angry today...and I have refrained from posting.
I googled cvb banned pricescope and this thread from a few years ago is the first hit. If you scroll down Ella mentions multiple accounts and schilling...


May 15, 2013
Whoa. I have never seen any threads on that. If those two things indeed happened, the customers that they happened to should be posting about it, not you. You are posting here say, and that is very unfair. Unless there is indeed a thread on those two issues and I happened to not see it. In that case, please post the link. Thanks.

@soxfan Here is the link you were looking for. Caysie has been banned twice back in 2014 because of multiple accounts and shilling:

For me this was not a reason to work with her later in time as everybody - within boundaries - deserves a second chance.


Jul 12, 2015
9 1/2 weeks after approval for 4 rings doesn't strike me as horrible, but I also acknowledge that you have discussed communication issues that you have felt were lacking throughout the whole process.

Sounds like you two aren't a good fit-- maybe Leon next time?

I can't wait to see your rings! I hope they blow you away.

The 9 1/2 weeks is for my ring. It's been 10 1/2 weeks since we approved his design and 12 weeks since we ordered my bands...

And thanks. We hope so too.


Feb 29, 2012
I will add that I do think Caysie likely works better in a business sense with people who are more laid back, go with the flow type people. I see Caysie as a woman, an artist and then a business woman.

But, I'm not newly engaged and don't have that pressure to get my rings.

Our backgrounds influence our expectations. For me, my husband had stage II of III cancer when we were 28, many hours away from relatives and with a 6 month old baby. Ya know? I had a crash course early on with not sweating the small stuff.

We are all different.

@ILikeShiny I am curious who the right on time bench would be for you since they all seem to have issues with deadlines. Since you designed everything yourself, maybe your local bench would be a better choice next time? Idk. In looking at recent threads, it seems many vendors are out of pocket right now.... I'm not sure who a precise, time oriented, clearly deadlined person would be.
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Aug 18, 2013
I think good businesses are based on deliverables. Deliverables are comprised of the product in question - sure - but so are various attendant promises; you're not just selling your item, you're selling your level of service as well. So I think good faith re promises made plays a wide role.

And PS is a consumer forum, so discussing unmet promises of service seems like a good fit for a forum such as this. I don't think customers should be expected to suck it up and keep quiet on a consumer forum; buyers have to stand behind paying the check and vendors have to stand behind their product and service.

Shit happens - clearly - so we can cut our vendor in question some slack. But we can also allow OP to feel about her experience the way she feels about her experience; telling her she's being unreasonable in her response to undelivered promises seems pointless and equally unkind.

And tlfiore - I think your caps button is broken....


Apr 28, 2014
So, I pulled my earlier post because I was quite upset when I posted and I've given this situation a bit more thought. I want to be as clear as possible because I AM rather alarmed...and upset.

Yes, I do currently have a project going with Caysie and yes for me and my husband, the investment IS a rather large sum of money. And without going "public" with details, I've had nothing but an extremely positive experience with Caysie...yet I recognize everyone is different.

As I wrote earlier, I've REFRAINED from posting because I do not want to hurt anyone, nor do I wish to stir up the pot but I feel I must comment (at this point) or my head will explode.

ILikeShiny...I am a nice person and I do not want to hurt anyone, so I hesitate saying the following: I think without actually "doing so," your innuendoes in nearly all your comments throughout this thread have been SLANDEROUS and DAMAGING towards both Caysie AND THOSE OF US WHO CURRENTLY HAVE PROJECTS ongoing with her...1) SLANDEROUS towards Caysie, and 2) damaging to Caysie and us, her current customers.

What really got me infuriated is the comment about "Caysie being BANNED from PriceScope." Banned? Really? For those of us uninitiated who came onto this website in good faith, to receive information, support and guidance from the PROFESSIONALS here...well, I think your comment is outrageous!

What do you hope to serve by making such a statement??

ILike of your earlier posts said, "Because Caysie has so many supporters out here, etc, etc...let's keep the discussion to facts, etc." I think it is CALLOUS to make a SERIOUS STATEMENT about someone being "banned" from a forum like PS without 1) knowing, or 2) stating the FACTS (not that this is the appropriate place to do so) because IMHO, DOING SO DIRECTLY ATTACTS SOMEONE'S INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY. I think MANY customers, those currently contracted with Caysie and those contemplating doing so, will read NOTHING BUT EXTREME NEGATIVITY & ABNEGATION IN SUCH A STATEMENT. And frankly, that concerns and frightens me on so many levels...

I just hope you have some serious facts to back your comments because if not, I would fear being held libel (I mean legally) based on some of your posts today.

I have "no monkey in your circus" and I think your ring is is beautiful. I wish you many many many many many years of unbridled marital bliss and I'm thrilled this CvB "debacle" has strengthened your love for your SO, his for you and your resolve that your marital choice is grand.

But I think you should be kinder and more thoughtful in your "statements," those written and those insinuated. WE OUT HERE ARE ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE OF THE STORY, RIGHT?!?!?!?

I do not consider myself "thin skinned" but many of your statements...ILike Shiny...are instilling fear & doubt & sadness in many of us (well, me) and I think you are fringing on harmful & hurtful slander.

AND IT IS JEWELRY PEOPLE...that's what I am telling myself. J-E-W-E-L-R-Y! My CvB ring may last longer than my marriage :eek2:

Now, I will wait to hear from everyone who IS or is MARRIED TO, RELATED TO, ENGAGED TO, PREVIOUSLY ENGAGED TO an attorney, or whatever....sigh. :cry2:

Sorry, I am frustrated and angry today...and I have refrained from posting.

@tlfiore It would also be beneficial for you to do a bit of digging before saying such harsh things towards ILS yourself and stirring the pot! What do you hope to serve by denying something documented on PS and confirmed by the mods?

Another so-called "accusation" was confirmed by yenny about her engraving. There's no slander going on. It's the truth but some Caysie fans don't like to hear it.


Feb 29, 2012
Question: what is shilling? I also noticed Erica stated the reports were "exaggerated" about Caysie.

I’ll start by saying that I conduct myself in business the way I conduct myself in life: with honesty, integrity and kindness. I'm not perfect, but I make choices every single day that define the kind of person I want to be in this life. I have been privy to all of Caysie’s emails with Ella, and know exactly what she was banned for, that she was indeed apologetic, and that the claims being made by Ella are an exaggeration of the truth. This is all evidenced, in writing, and the truth will prevail, of this I have no doubt. CAYSIE HAS MY FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPORT. To suggest that she shilled repeatedly, was unrepentant and is in any way dishonest or lacking in integrity simply reeks of a smear campaign and has no basis in what actually took place. Did she break a rule and get banned? Yes. She apologized, accepted it and moved on with her life. Ella’s decision to publicly call Caysie’s integrity into question months later, and to invite others seeking to do business with CVB to please contact her for more of the same, wascompletely unprovoked, unnecessarily cruel, and interestingly timed. I’m not aware of any other vendor who has been targeted in this way. Ella’s commission of libel and defamation are what is of importance here. Had she simply said, “Caysie violated forum rules and is no longer a member here” it would have achieved the goal of explaining her inactive account. But she took it much farther than that, and continues to do so still. Why? PS has the right to ban anyone for any reason – the banning is not the issue, whether just or unjust. The issue is the subsequent actions taken by Ella and a small group of internet bullies, and we will get to the bottom of it all.

Caysie is a wonderful, kind and hardworking woman who will bend over backwards for every client to make them happy. She’s the same person that she’s always been. Her team is putting out work that rivals that of the top setting craftspeople in the industry, and that is threatening to some, I suppose. Yes, she has made errors here on PS, as have all of us vendors. I’ve personally been spanked by Ella for self-promo on many occasions, as have several other vendors here, but we haven’t been banned. Yet the excessively harsh treatment of Caysie, and the subsequent libel committed against her, speak clearly to a targeted attack and concerted effort by a member of an influential internet forum to tarnish her reputation and cost her business, and the obvious question is why? I will not speculate about the possible reasons behind it, but believe me, it’s quite a tangled web – and all pertinent information has been given to Caysie’s legal team. There is a history here that goes back many months, to which the general public is not privy, and which I believe involve me as a desired target as well.


Jul 27, 2011
Ok I'm a mess:cry2:. @tlfiore your experience with CVB will be unique to @ILikeShiny bc you're 2 different couples with different projects. I bet Caysie is already incorporating lessons learned into deploying your project as we speak.

Why am I a mess? Between interring DH's ashes on Friday and our 5 year anniversary coming up on 9/2, I'd give anything to be at the start of my relationship with a loving partner going through the emotional journey of getting a beautiful engagement ring. So rings be damned, you have your soulmates, and that's what matters.


Apr 28, 2014
@ILikeShiny I am curious who the right on time bench would be for you since they all seem to have issues with deadlines. Since you designed everything yourself, maybe your local bench would be a better choice next time? Idk. In looking at recent threads, it seems many vendors are out of pocket right now.... I'm not sure who a precise, time oriented, clearly deadlined person would be.

It's the lack of communication - not the missing of deadlines. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. No vendor is perfect and nothing goes right 100% of the time. But those missteps and delays need to be communicated. Especially after promising to "be better" which she wouldn't have started if she thought she was sufficiently communicative to begin with! She continued to keep quiet and blow deadlines. Again...her OWN deadlines.


Jul 12, 2015
@ILikeShiny I am curious who the right on time bench would be for you since they all seem to have issues with deadlines. Since you designed everything yourself, maybe your local bench would be a better choice next time? Idk. In looking at recent threads, it seems many vendors are out of pocket right now.... I'm not sure who a precise, time oriented, clearly deadlined person would be.
See, that's just it. We DIDN'T have a deadline. She set it for us! And then delayed. And delayed. And delayed. And delayed. And when you're messing with an engagement ring arriving, that really stabs a person in the heart. And to get the news of delays because we had to inquire after the due dates passed, not because she kept us informed.... Again, COMMUNICATION.

But I feel like a broken record. Time for me to peace out.


Feb 29, 2012
It's the lack of communication - not the missing of deadlines. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. No vendor is perfect and nothing goes right 100% of the time. But those missteps and delays need to be communicated. Especially after promising to "be better" which she wouldn't have started if she thought she was sufficiently communicative to begin with! She continued to keep quiet and blow deadlines. Again...her OWN deadlines.

I'm seriously asking which vendor is good at this? I can't even get in touch with Martin to ask about a stone (as another poster had no luck) and DK isn't answering emails, etc.

I did call Leon once a few months ago and he picked up on the first ring... so I suppose that is a check mark for him.


Mar 15, 2017
Ok I'm a mess:cry2:. @tlfiore your experience with CVB will be unique to @ILikeShiny bc you're 2 different couples with different projects. I bet Caysie is already incorporating lessons learned into deploying your project as we speak.

Why am I a mess? Between interring DH's ashes on Friday and our 5 year anniversary coming up on 9/2, I'd give anything to be at the start of my relationship with a loving partner going through the emotional journey of getting a beautiful engagement ring. So rings be damned, you have your soulmates, and that's what matters.

I am sorry you are going through this time. EVERYONE OUT HERE READING THIS NONSENSE IS CARRYING A CROSS TODAY. I second your words. It is just jewelry. And my heart hurts for you, it truly does.

And no...I wasn't kidding about a "ring" lasting longer than my cross (among others). And for THIS reason (more so than anything) is the reason I thought "Nah...forget isn't worth it...I don't care about a ring anyhow." I already have a bit of "sorrow" associated with this "ring."

But it's just a ring. And this is life. This is the SMALL stuff, right?

And now I will say "good-bye" for a bit 'cause I'm off to meet my husband at our marriage counselor's office then it's off to see my Oncologist for a re-check... :boohoo:
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Jun 20, 2013
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Apr 28, 2014
I'm seriously asking which vendor is good at this? I can't even get in touch with Martin to ask about a stone (as another poster had no luck) and DK isn't answering emails, etc.

I did call Leon once a few months ago and he picked up on the first ring... so I suppose that is a check mark for him.

I can't speak for every single vendor on this forum since I (unfortunately) haven't had the chance to work with them all! But I can say that WF has top notch service and when I got my DBTY, they told me X amount of weeks, and I got my update and my necklace in that time frame. I've also inquired about upgrading my stone with them and have received estimates in the time frame promised. IDJ has exceeded my expectations in terms of timeline. Yekutiel and his wife have both texted me updates, options, notes of completion, etc. When I inquired with BG about a DBTY before going with WF, I received the same level of service. I've tried contacting Caysie multiple times. Crickets.

WF and IDJ have both made mistakes that are also on this forum. But like someone else said, they have also learned and grown from them. Taken things constructively. It's about how they handle the difficult situations that set them apart. Having previously worked in high end customer service when I was younger definitely made lots of these expectations come to light.


Feb 29, 2012
I'd give IDJ another shot but I wasn't impressed with my experience with them the first time-- although communication was good, I didn't feel Yekutiel and I clicked. I didn't care for my interaction with him-- like not connecting at all-- not on the same page.. nothing.

With Martin.... it's just a small stone... my mother lost her ER stone from my late father and she is so upset about it, I entertained the idea of buying the exact one and pretending I found it on her floor, hence Martin and not WF. I gave up on him.


Jul 27, 2011
I'd give IDJ another shot but I wasn't impressed with my experience with them the first time-- although communication was good, I didn't feel Yekutiel and I clicked. I didn't care for my interaction with him-- like not connecting at all-- not on the same page.. nothing.

With Martin.... it's just a small stone... my mother lost her ER stone from my late father and she is so upset about it, I entertained the idea of buying the exact one and pretending I found it on her floor, hence Martin and not WF. I gave up on him.
If you give IDJ another shot, try Denise or Shulamit. Denise and I have a 7 year history and I've followed her from vendor to vendor.


Mar 15, 2017
I think good businesses are based on deliverables. Deliverables are comprised of the product in question - sure - but so are various attendant promises; you're not just selling your item, you're selling your level of service as well. So I think good faith re promises made plays a wide role.

And PS is a consumer forum, so discussing unmet promises of service seems like a good fit for a forum such as this. I don't think customers should be expected to suck it up and keep quiet on a consumer forum; buyers have to stand behind paying the check and vendors have to stand behind their product and service.

Shit happens - clearly - so we can cut our vendor in question some slack. But we can also allow OP to feel about her experience the way she feels about her experience; telling her she's being unreasonable in her response to undelivered promises seems pointless and equally unkind.

And tlfiore - I think your caps button is broken....

And tlfiore - I think your caps button is broken....

SORRY, mrs-b...CaPs BuTTon is NOT bRoKeN...NOT...but THANKS for pointing something SO CRITICAL out...I TRULY appreciate it :wavey:
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Apr 28, 2014
I'd give IDJ another shot but I wasn't impressed with my experience with them the first time-- although communication was good, I didn't feel Yekutiel and I clicked. I didn't care for my interaction with him-- like not connecting at all-- not on the same page.. nothing.

With Martin.... it's just a small stone... my mother lost her ER stone from my late father and she is so upset about it, I entertained the idea of buying the exact one and pretending I found it on her floor, hence Martin and not WF. I gave up on him.

And that's your right to not do business with either of them bc some people just don't click and that's quite alright - but you didn't commission them, they didn't set your expectations and then blow through your deadlines and give you excuses and radio silence.


Feb 29, 2012
If you give IDJ another shot, try Denise or Shulamit. Denise and I have a 7 year history and I've followed her from vendor to vendor.

Thanks for the tip. I like the "idea" of IDJ lol...

It's raining again. :(2 I have to go check the weather-- we are supposed to get in on the flooding and rain Houston is experiencing.... been raining since Thursday-- water is staring to back up. *sigh*


Feb 29, 2012
And that's your right to not do business with either of them bc some people just don't click and that's quite alright - but you didn't commission them, they didn't set your expectations and then blow through your deadlines and give you excuses and radio silence.

You are right. I didn't commission them because I found The main guy to be rude and abrasive, condescending and aloof. My opinion of course


Apr 28, 2014
You are right. I didn't commission them because I found The main guy to be rude and abrasive, condescending and aloof. My opinion of course

Maybe he just says the truth :think: like the truth is being told in this thread :eek2: and posters like you :wavey:and others just don't like to hear it.:wall::twirl: :rolleyes:


Dec 19, 2014
Ok I'm a mess:cry2:. @tlfiore your experience with CVB will be unique to @ILikeShiny bc you're 2 different couples with different projects. I bet Caysie is already incorporating lessons learned into deploying your project as we speak.

Why am I a mess? Between interring DH's ashes on Friday and our 5 year anniversary coming up on 9/2, I'd give anything to be at the start of my relationship with a loving partner going through the emotional journey of getting a beautiful engagement ring. So rings be damned, you have your soulmates, and that's what matters.
Oh Pinto! My heart shatters for you :cry2: I am so, so, very sorry for your loss. I wish I can speaks words of wisdom, tell you that everything will be alright, tell you that tomorrow will be a better day...I can't even imagine how you feel. I am not sure why the universe sometimes takes the people we love the most away from us, but I hope that you find the strength to continue living to the fullest and I hope that happiness and true love always surround you. I do not know you, but you and your husband seemed to have had a wonderful love story, I think your marriage would always be worth celebrating, even if he is not here with you. May he rest is peace.
.. and you are so right.. rings, things, none of it really matters. We should all count our blessings and remember what is truly important in life..


Mar 15, 2017
@tlfiore It would also be beneficial for you to do a bit of digging before saying such harsh things towards ILS yourself and stirring the pot! What do you hope to serve by denying something documented on PS and confirmed by the mods?

Another so-called "accusation" was confirmed by yenny about her engraving. There's no slander going on. It's the truth but some Caysie fans don't like to hear it.

Yikes...I didn't think I was that bad.
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Feb 29, 2012
Maybe he just says the truth :think: like the truth is being told in this thread :eek2: and posters like you :wavey:and others just don't like to hear it.:wall::twirl: :rolleyes:

I think you don't like to hear that I didn't like him.

I would have purchased two diamonds for him for that project, so I'm not sure what you mean about him saying the truth. Truth about what? That the project would have been 2/3 his stones?

I suppose the truth is he didn't want to work with me. I told him I didn't want what everyone else had and then he threw out casually that he could make me what I call a "zales $199 special"... therefore, he did NOT get my next $4,000 job. He may or may not get future business from me. I may not make $20,000 purchases at one time, but I am on a buying spree and have been spending money.

Not everyone is going to click and apparently some people don't want business.
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Aug 18, 2013
SORRY, mrs-b...CaPs BuTTon is NOT bRoKeN...NOT...but THANKS for pointing something out...I TRULY appreciate it :wavey:

You're welcome. :)


Jun 6, 2010
Agreed. I need a vendor who either lives up to their timelines or communicates otherwise. I also need a vendor who doesn't rely on ME to remind them multiple times how our rings are supposed to be finished.

Yennyfire, you are right and I apologize. I wasn't trying to out you. It was more trying to show this is not an isolated incident, as it keeps being portrayed that we must have somehow been the most difficult clients ever and done something wrong for all of the trouble we've experienced. I do wish I'd known ahead of time though. Not just your experience, but others too.

It's interesting you say that about her contract/work order. When we asked for one before sending in our deposit, she only had a haphazard statement about what was and wasn't covered with a warranty. I wasn't comfortable forking over that much money without having it spelled out what we were getting in return so I offered to clean it up in to a more professional format and give her a template she could use for all future projects, so she could make sure everyone was on the same page with what they were getting for what price. She loved it and was grateful I did it for her.

Yennyfire, you are right and I apologize. I wasn't trying to out you. It was more trying to show this is not an isolated incident, as it keeps being portrayed that we must have somehow been the most difficult clients ever and done something wrong for all of the trouble we've experienced. I do wish I'd known ahead of time though. Not just your experience, but others too.

It's interesting you say that about her contract/work order. When we asked for one before sending in our deposit, she only had a haphazard statement about what was and wasn't covered with a warranty. I wasn't comfortable forking over that much money without having it spelled out what we were getting in return so I offered to clean it up in to a more professional format and give her a template she could use for all future projects, so she could make sure everyone was on the same page with what they were getting for what price. She loved it and was grateful I did it for her.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Thank you for the apology, I appreciate it. I think my project was underway before yours (went to production May 16th) and therefore, I didn't benefit from the contract you created. I understood why you referenced my project, which is why I came forward. I didn't want you to get roasted for not being able to reference a specific thread. The truth is, it DID happen and people have a right to know. For the sake of complete transparency, I had sent Caysie photos of two rings with engraving which I loved. Caysie happens to use the same engraver who did one of the rings and we agreed that we would go with something similar to that ring, which has engraving called "Papillion". I didn't ask for a sketch of the proposed engraving, as Caysie said that the engraver would come up with something spectacular and she recommended that we give him some freedom. Knowing that he had created the "Papillion" and that I loved it and wanted something similar, I agreed to let the engraver do his thing. However, what I received bears no resemblance to either photo that I had sent to Caysie. I've decided to live with it because I can't decide if I don't love it because it's not what I've been envisioning all of these months or if it's because I just don't love it and wouldn't have loved it had it been what was suggested in the first place....kwim?

The problem with vendor feedback here (imho) is that it IS one sided and every situation is a little bit different. I do think that the concerns you have are not unique to you and this specific vendor. There is a pattern here. Now, would this pattern deter me from working with Caysie again? I don't know. Her work is truly exquisite and for the price, I can't get anything close elsewhere. If I were to do another custom project, I think I'd be MUCH more specific and outline those details via email (or even better, a contract). All of that said, I do hope that you are blown away and can just wear your rings with pleasure for many, many years to come.
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