
Pending Engagement

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Feb 10, 2006
Ok so here we are planning this great getaway for Niagara Falls. We were scheduled to leave this Friday morning and stay at the Embassy Suites...Romance Package and all.....well...that trip is not going to happen and now out engagement is on indefinite hold. Not because of the ring or the timing or cold feet but because of a sick niece.

This little girl is 8 years old. She is FFI niece. She is at our house every weekend. Last weekend, she had a fever and then it got progressively got worse. In a matter of 2 days she went from having walking pneumonia to being on life support at Childrens hospital.

I cannot just understand how a little girl can go down hill so fast. Her kidneys have failed. Her lungs have failed and she is on heart bypass. All three she needs to be in bypass for in order to survive.

They have diagnosed her with MRSA, Sepsis and Pneumonia. She is a fiesty little girl who loves to make people smile. She is always running around saying things like" Rock on and boys stink" ;)

I just don''t know how this could all happen. So FFI and I were up there for 3 days and they transferred her from Georgetown to Childrens and she coded twice. They now know that there is a little damage done to the heart because of it but they do not know how much just yet. They have started her on dialysis as well because she is not pushing any fluid. She is so swollen and i cannot believe that this has happened to her.

So although the engagement will be postponed I almost feel like this was a reality check for everyone to know just how precious life really is and not to take it for granted. I will say that our relationship has been through some tough times and I cannot believe that she is lying there on life support struggling to live.

The Dr''s are optimistic that she will make a recovery, but the road will be long and hard. They will have to keep her sedated and on life support for at least another week to make sure her body can take the much needed rest that she needs. Then she will have to re-learn to walk and possibly have some speech therapy to help her back to where she was. She will have to start the third grade over again.

Please pray for Katie...she is a great girl...and she is the one we wanted to tell the most about our engagement. She is always giving FFI a hard time because she cannot be in our wedding. She calls me her "half way there aunt". Plus she always makes kissing noises when she is over...its really cute. I cannot wait to hear her voice again...

Thanks for letting me get my feelings out....its been a really long week or there is more to come.

Thanks Ladies...I know the prayers and the dust here really does work!!!

Love you all my PS ladies! (and Gents...Strm and DF...I cannot be gender specific)
Oh Alexis! I''m so sorry to hear that. I hope that she makes a speedy recovery and that everything goes well.

I''m so sorry to hear this recent set of news.

I pray for a speedy recovery for her. *dust*
Thanks Freke...its been a hard week for everyone in the my brother and my SIL are getting a divorce after only a year and a half...well my former SIL is also my FFI''s she was up and she was giving attitude all week and texting FFI about my family and blaming my brother for their failed marriage....

I laid it out that I will not discuss it with her and i will not discuss the divorce because it puts me and FFI in a really bad spot. I just wish things would just settle down.

The stress is killing me!
Omg, I feel so bad for this little girl! Tell her to keep fighting and stay strong for her!!!
Oh gosh Alexis, that''s terrible. I hope she gets better soon - she sounds like a great, strong girl, and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for her!
Oh my god! These stories just break my heart, and sadly, this is not the first one I have herd in the last year. Is she an otherwise healthy kid who got MRSA sepsis???? Or was something else going on that put her at risk (if you don't want to share, I won't be offended).

I really hope her kidneys recover, many times in this situation they do. I am still very worried about her. I know I don't know her, but I feel for any child going through this.

I will be thinking of you. I hope that she makes a full recovery.
I''m so sorry, Alexis. I will be keeping your FFI''s niece in my prayers.
oh, goodness, so sad.

I hope she gets better.
I am so sorry Alexis I will keep your FFI''s niece in my thoughts and prayers, I hope she makes a speedy and full recovery
Oh what a horrible thing for such a little girl.
You and your FFI and Her, and well everyone involved will be in my prayers!
I''m so sorry to hear about what your little niece is facing. She is in my prayers.
Oh, gosh, that''s terrible! Loads of prayers and dust headed to that spunky little girl.
Alexis, I am so very sorry to hear of your (almost) niece''s illness! She sounds like a darling. Many prayers outgoing for Katie''s speedy and full recovery. My thoughts will be with you!
Oh my goodness! I hope she gets better soon. My prayers are with her & your family.
So so many prayers for Katie, what a strong little girl. You''re a wonderful almost-there aunt.
oh wow that''s awful! I hope she gets better!
Oh my goodness!! That`s terrible!! I hope she gets better soon and makes a full recovery.
That''s awful! Hope she gets better soon.
She''s only 8 years old? Aww, poor thing, that''s just terrible. Hoping she keeps fighting and stays strong!!
Oh gosh, this just breaks my heart. She is in my thoughts and prayers, and her family and both of you.

For what it''s worth...for about six months I followed the blog of a 2-year old girl that I had never even met. She was very sick after a small infection essentially turned into the same thing as your FF''s niece (sepsis.) On several occasions the doctors had to revive her in the hospital and it was assumed she would not make it (she was an only child and her parents had tried to conceive her for years.) She was very sick for months but her tiny body fought back. She''s had to have some physical therapy to teach her to use her limbs again (keep in mind, she was only 2) and the only lasting effect is that she lost the tip of one of her fingers due to no blood flow - a small price to pay when your life is on the table. No one knows why these things happen to some people.

I am praying for her recovery. Hang in there sweetie.
Oh my god, this is awful! I am praying for her!! I live in Maryland, and my oldest daughters are treated at Children''s for scoliosis, and my 4 year old for a heart murmur, they are WONDERFUL and if god forbid you have a sick child, that is the place to be. I am soooo praying that she recovers. My heart goes out to your entire family.
Poor little are all in my thoughts! Here''s some *dust* for a speedy recovery.

As a mother of four, this has me in tears! I am so sorry to hear of any child suffering, but something like this hits too close to home.

I for one will be praying for Katie, and for her parents who I am sure must be going through hell right now.
Alexis, I hope that you and your family get some good news soon. Thinking of you.

Prayers and thoughts immediately outgoing, I will be praying especially hard for the little girl.
so sorry, I hope she gets better soon. We''ll be praying for her.
Oh goodness! My heart goes out to the family. You will be in my thoughts Alexis..
Praying for your niece and all her loved ones! Keep us updated!
alexis - i am so sorry for your niece!! i hope she continues to get better, quickly!

My thoughts go out to her!
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