
Paxil Withdrawal: Coping Advice/Suggestions Wanted

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Dec 23, 2008
After taking Paxil for the better part of ten years, I tapered from 60 mg daily to 10 mg daily in a matter of months and then quit Paxil all together on September 5, 2009.

I have been suffering extreme withdrawal symptoms such as:

Body Aches
Muscle Cramping
Stomach Cramping
Nausea (more of a motion sick feeling, hard to explain as it isn''t full nausea)
"Busy" Feeling In My Head
Cold Sweaty Clammy Hands and Feet
Hot/Cold Flashes (sometimes occurring together)
Disturbing, Vivid Dreams (when able to sleep)
Extreme Sensitivity To Smell, Sound and Sometimes Light
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
Emotional Sensitivity (Crying)
General Feeling of Being Overwhelmed
Feeling Disconnected From Reality
Electric Zaps Throughout My Body

As of October 1, 2009 I felt some relief from the symptoms and it couldn''t have come any sooner as I was positive that it would NEVER end. My body and mind had been attacking itself to no end in search of any trace of Paxil and then brutally punishing itself when it didn''t find any. I cannot explain how miserable I''ve been and because of that am thankful for every second of well being I''ve been able to grasp up to this point.

Luckily, I was able to take time off of work and have had the help and support of my Mom and Sister during this struggle. I don''t know that I would have made it to this point without the two of them.

Though I''ve seen and felt tremendous progress in myself within the last four days, I''ve still been plagued with anxiety and panic that fills hours here and there. A newly developed symptom has shown itself and is what I can only describe as a "heaving feeling" I don''t feel sick or that I will be sick, I just feel like my body will involuntarily heave at any second and that feeling triggers full blown panic and anxiety (I should mention I am unreasonably afraid of being sick.)

If you''ve made it this far into the post I apologize for rambling, but the reason for this post is that I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with Paxil and or Paxil Withdrawal. I went to sleep this evening and slept for about an hour before waking up with a full fledged panic/anxiety attack featuring clammy hands and feet, tight tingly jaw, the shakes and then on top of that am now experiencing the "busy" feeling in my head with the nausea and some tummy cramping.

I am feeling very overwhelmed and defeated right now. I woke up tonight feeling like the last few days didn''t happen and I know that the withdrawal doesn''t go away over night, but after feeling better for couple of days I''m disappointed and upset that I feel so miserable right now.

With help from my Doctor, I''ve been using Gravol and Ativan (not together) to try to relieve some of the withdrawal, ONLY when I absolutely feel I HAVE to. I don''t want to use any medication when I don''t NEED it and so that is what brought me to this post. I have Ativan and Gravol sitting in my nightstand drawer and I find some comfort in just knowing that they are there IF I need them but am VERY hesitant to actually use them. I use Ativan in what I consider complete emergencies ONLY and Gravol I use to control the dizziness/nausea/busy feeling which thankfully in the past month has provided some relief. I don''t like to use Gravol unless I absolutely have to either. When it comes down to the point of actually taking Gravol or Ativan I decide in that moment which will benefit me the most based on the symptoms I am feeling.

In effort to avoid taking Ativan or Gravol tonight I thought I would log into PriceScope and see if anyone else has gone through this and has any suggestions or advice on coping in this situation. While taking Paxil daily I had experienced some withdrawal from time to time if I missed a dose or was late taking it but never could have imagined the severity of the withdrawal I have been experiencing now.

I want to acknowledge that I realize that it is not suggested or advised to stop taking Paxil the way I did. I did it because I felt it was what I needed to do because the benefits of Paxil did not outweigh the problems it was causing me and I have been seeking the help and advice of my Doctor throughout the whole process. If you find yourself in this situation, do not attempt discontinuation without consulting your Doctor first.

Tell me if you''ve been here and how you made it through this or let me know your advice and or suggestions. Again I apologize for such a long post.


Apr 30, 2005
Just wanted to reply to let you know someone hears you, and send you a hug!


Oct 4, 2007
I just want to send you a hug and support


Sep 1, 2009
More hugs for you.

I took Paxil for a couple of years. Had some problems stopping, but nothing like you are going through. It will get better. Your mother & sister sound wonderful.


Jul 13, 2007
Many people have problems with Paxil withdrawal. I think you''re doing great! Can you manage 2 more weeks? By that time, all these symptoms should be gone and you''ll be free of it. Take each day as it comes, as you''ve been doing. Drink water--it helps with anxiety. Keep a bottle nearby at all times. Play some computer games for distraction. Go for a walk, exercise is helpful. Practice breathing exercises to calm yourself naturally, this gives you a resource that is always available anytime anywhere. Take a bath and listen to meditative music by candlelight. Read a book, something not too challenging at first. Don''t worry about the future, you''re going to do this one day at a time and eventually it will all pass. Good luck!


Nov 13, 2007
I''m so sorry that you are going thru this. *Big Hugs*

As far as dealing with the withdrawals, here is what I googled and you might find more advice here: Google: "Paxil Withdrawal"

I was on Lexapro for about 3 years. Which I started taking after experiencing anxiety for over 2 years, and not knowing what it was. I finally got off of it in 2007, because I started having anxiety attacks about never being able to stop taking the medication. Crazy... I know. I stopped taking it daily, and started taking it about every other day, and then every third day, and so on... until the medication was out of my system.

I know that Lexapro isn''t as strong as Paxil, and that probably contributed to me not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, but it sounds like maybe you should replace your medication with a therapist or someone that can help you to train your body/mind how to cope with not having the "crutch" anymore.

I experienced anxiety attacks again when I got off of it, but I just had to convince my mind that I was never going to have that help again, and figured out my own ways of coping with it, each time it happened. Lots of time talking myself down, and out of attacks. Luckily, after a while I could figure out when they were going to happen, and could eventually talk myself out of even having one.

It''s very empowering to have that control, after having absolutely none for so many years. It took time, but I learned so much more about myself. You will get better, I hope that the link above has some advice to help you minimize the withdrawals. It sounds like a very hard time. I hope you are able to find something that works for you, while your body and mind are dealing with the fact that things are changing.


Jul 20, 2008
I am very sorry that you are going through this. I have never taken Paxil. I did take Seroquel and decided to go off that. It was the worst thing I had ever been through. I had alot of the same symptoms as you. It was almost like I wasn''t quite alive. I thought for sure that my body was going to fail. I felt so badly. The one problem I had was the insomnia. I would take an ambien to go to sleep. Wake up an hour and half later and take another and on and on it went. I was up to 5 ambien a night. I am not sure how I lived through that. I am sure that if my husband knew that is what I was doing he would have never allowed it, but I was so exausted and miserable that I HAD to sleep. During the day I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and had all the same symptoms. Unfortunately I had to work through my withdrawal. My boss and close coworkers knew what was going on and took it easy on me. Honestly I am glad that I had to work. It forced me to do things. When I came home from work I went straight to bed. I couldn''t eat and did throw up, but of course there was nothing in my tummy. All in all the severe symptoms lasted for about 3 weeks. After that I wasn''t 100%, but was able to manage. About 2 -3 weeks after that I was almost myself. It did take about 2.5-3 months to get an appetite back. Since then I have been back to the doctor and I am still leary of taking prescription drugs. I don''t ever want to go through that again. EVER! He wants me to try other things because I still have the issues that I had then, but I am afraid to put drugs in there and have to go off of them again.

Stick in there. It will pass. It does take a long time, but it isn''t permanent. I too was surprised by how long it took for me to be myself again. Just try and placate your body. If you think a shower or bath will help, do it. Even if it is the 4th one that day. Don''t force yourself to eat. I tried that and it never benefited me one bit. I would end up throwing up even the beverages I had managed earlier. I suggest not taking the other medications. Rid your body of the drugs. Like you said, your body is looking for the Paxil. If you are putting something else in there it will replace the addiction to Paxil with the other ones and you will continue to be in the same boat. If you want to ask me any other questions about my ordeal ask admin for my contact info.


Feb 29, 2008
I am sorry you are going through this. Often, when someone is getting off an SSRI, a little trick is to put them on prozac for the last week because it has a really long half life and kind of tapers itself.

It sounds like you are having lots of symptoms, and some may be anxiety. I hope you and your doctor can find a way to lessen what you are going through.


Dec 12, 2008
I''m sorry you''re going thru this Jae! I''ve experienced a lot of those feelings when I''ve had panic attacks and boy is it horrible, so for it to be a continual experience like what you''re having, I can''t imagine and am sending you lots of hugs! When I feel a panic attack coming on, I insist to myself that it''s because I''ve not had enough water and am dehydrated, so I start chugging. I also eat a little something..cheese or a banana (so many good things for you in a nana) or peanut butter-I just tell myself I could be lacking in potassium or protein or something and that''s why I feel funny.

The busy head feeling..sometimes I exercise..get out the wii and play, or I clean. Or I try to let it simmer down by getting out my Will & Grace or La Femme Nikita dvd''s and just zone out.

I''m glad your mom and sister are there for you, and we''re here too, to listen and do what we can!


Jun 3, 2008
Miss Jae, I''m so sorry you''re going through this! When I was married to my ex-husband, I had some pretty serious problems with anxiety, and the doctor wanted to put me on Paxil. I refused to take it, because I had heard so many horror stories like yours!

I wish I had some advice for you, but I just wanted to say I feel for you! Let us know how you''re doing!


Dec 23, 2008
Thank you for the hugs and support everyone. It really helps to just be heard and to be told that I am going to be okay. I am surprised to find how therapeutic it actually is.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 11:24:03 AM
Author: LtlFirecracker
I am sorry you are going through this. Often, when someone is getting off an SSRI, a little trick is to put them on prozac for the last week because it has a really long half life and kind of tapers itself.

It sounds like you are having lots of symptoms, and some may be anxiety. I hope you and your doctor can find a way to lessen what you are going through.

I did come across that too, but not until I was two and a half weeks into the withdrawal and at that point wasn''t willing to put anymore chemicals into my body out of fear! My Doctor prescribed Metoclopramide in 10 mg tablets to relieve the dizziness, nausea and "busy" feeling but after two doses I didn''t notice any help from it and took a Gravol which almost immediately gave me some relief for a few hours. I had researched Metoclopramide before taking and it didn''t see anywhere that it was used for this sort of thing so I wasn''t too surprised to find it didn''t work for me.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 9:53:57 AM
Author: lyra
Many people have problems with Paxil withdrawal. I think you''re doing great! Can you manage 2 more weeks? By that time, all these symptoms should be gone and you''ll be free of it. Take each day as it comes, as you''ve been doing. Drink water--it helps with anxiety. Keep a bottle nearby at all times. Play some computer games for distraction. Go for a walk, exercise is helpful. Practice breathing exercises to calm yourself naturally, this gives you a resource that is always available anytime anywhere. Take a bath and listen to meditative music by candlelight. Read a book, something not too challenging at first. Don''t worry about the future, you''re going to do this one day at a time and eventually it will all pass. Good luck!

Lyra, thank you for your support and suggestions. You''re last sentence is very encouraging to me, feeling unwell most of the time makes it hard to remember that though I feel like I''m losing this battle, ultimately I will win the war. Thank You.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 10:06:03 AM
Author: meresal
I''m so sorry that you are going thru this. *Big Hugs*

As far as dealing with the withdrawals, here is what I googled and you might find more advice here: Google: ''Paxil Withdrawal''

I was on Lexapro for about 3 years. Which I started taking after experiencing anxiety for over 2 years, and not knowing what it was. I finally got off of it in 2007, because I started having anxiety attacks about never being able to stop taking the medication. Crazy... I know. I stopped taking it daily, and started taking it about every other day, and then every third day, and so on... until the medication was out of my system.

I know that Lexapro isn''t as strong as Paxil, and that probably contributed to me not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, but it sounds like maybe you should replace your medication with a therapist or someone that can help you to train your body/mind how to cope with not having the ''crutch'' anymore.

I experienced anxiety attacks again when I got off of it, but I just had to convince my mind that I was never going to have that help again, and figured out my own ways of coping with it, each time it happened. Lots of time talking myself down, and out of attacks. Luckily, after a while I could figure out when they were going to happen, and could eventually talk myself out of even having one.

It''s very empowering to have that control, after having absolutely none for so many years. It took time, but I learned so much more about myself. You will get better, I hope that the link above has some advice to help you minimize the withdrawals. It sounds like a very hard time. I hope you are able to find something that works for you, while your body and mind are dealing with the fact that things are changing.

Meresal, you are such a sweetheart for googling this for me. Thank you for sharing your experience with Lexapro, I look forward to gaining control of my anxiety/panic as you do. The information you posted is very helpful and thoughtful of you.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 11:11:03 AM
Author: radiantquest
I am very sorry that you are going through this. I have never taken Paxil. I did take Seroquel and decided to go off that. It was the worst thing I had ever been through. I had alot of the same symptoms as you. It was almost like I wasn''t quite alive. I thought for sure that my body was going to fail. I felt so badly. The one problem I had was the insomnia. I would take an ambien to go to sleep. Wake up an hour and half later and take another and on and on it went. I was up to 5 ambien a night. I am not sure how I lived through that. I am sure that if my husband knew that is what I was doing he would have never allowed it, but I was so exausted and miserable that I HAD to sleep. During the day I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and had all the same symptoms. Unfortunately I had to work through my withdrawal. My boss and close coworkers knew what was going on and took it easy on me. Honestly I am glad that I had to work. It forced me to do things. When I came home from work I went straight to bed. I couldn''t eat and did throw up, but of course there was nothing in my tummy. All in all the severe symptoms lasted for about 3 weeks. After that I wasn''t 100%, but was able to manage. About 2 -3 weeks after that I was almost myself. It did take about 2.5-3 months to get an appetite back. Since then I have been back to the doctor and I am still leary of taking prescription drugs. I don''t ever want to go through that again. EVER! He wants me to try other things because I still have the issues that I had then, but I am afraid to put drugs in there and have to go off of them again.

Stick in there. It will pass. It does take a long time, but it isn''t permanent. I too was surprised by how long it took for me to be myself again. Just try and placate your body. If you think a shower or bath will help, do it. Even if it is the 4th one that day. Don''t force yourself to eat. I tried that and it never benefited me one bit. I would end up throwing up even the beverages I had managed earlier. I suggest not taking the other medications. Rid your body of the drugs. Like you said, your body is looking for the Paxil. If you are putting something else in there it will replace the addiction to Paxil with the other ones and you will continue to be in the same boat. If you want to ask me any other questions about my ordeal ask admin for my contact info.

Thank you for sharing that with me! It is so encouraging to know that I''m not alone in this. After the night I had last night and the day I''m having today it is so nice to see everyone here being so supportive and thoughtful. I cannot get over what a great community PriceScope is. I had joined a forum specifically made for Paxil Users and Paxil Withdrawal hoping to find tricks, advice, suggestions and support, but, I can honestly say that after first glance, it was completely obvious that even though the forum was made entirely for what I am going through, it did not have the feel, the knowledge or support I find here at PriceScope.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 11:44:15 AM
Author: packrat
I''m sorry you''re going thru this Jae! I''ve experienced a lot of those feelings when I''ve had panic attacks and boy is it horrible, so for it to be a continual experience like what you''re having, I can''t imagine and am sending you lots of hugs! When I feel a panic attack coming on, I insist to myself that it''s because I''ve not had enough water and am dehydrated, so I start chugging. I also eat a little something..cheese or a banana (so many good things for you in a nana) or peanut butter-I just tell myself I could be lacking in potassium or protein or something and that''s why I feel funny.

The busy head feeling..sometimes I exercise..get out the wii and play, or I clean. Or I try to let it simmer down by getting out my Will & Grace or La Femme Nikita dvd''s and just zone out.

I''m glad your mom and sister are there for you, and we''re here too, to listen and do what we can!

Thank you packrat :) thank you for acknowleding the "busy" head feeling!! I cannot explain how good it is to know I am not alone and better yet NOT CRAZY! It is so hard to explain and or describe a lot of the symptoms I''ve been feeling with this withdrawal so I associate them to the closest category, example the nausea I feel isn''t
"normal" nausea , but lack of better description I file it under nausea. If I cannot associate the symptoms with what I feel are their "relative" symptoms, I make up words for them like "busy" head. I''ve tried cleaning and being active during all of this and find that even light activity makes me feel worse, as though I''ve been overworked. I know it will get better as I get stronger. My Mom and Sister are my Angels, I honestly don''t know what I would do without them.


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/5/2009 12:50:50 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Miss Jae, I''m so sorry you''re going through this! When I was married to my ex-husband, I had some pretty serious problems with anxiety, and the doctor wanted to put me on Paxil. I refused to take it, because I had heard so many horror stories like yours!

I wish I had some advice for you, but I just wanted to say I feel for you! Let us know how you''re doing!


In researching Paxil, I''ve found many times that Paxil is named the most dangerous SSRI out there and after experiencing what I''ve been going through, I believe it. I have extreme anger about Paxil because I''ve also read many claims that Paxil is not an addictive or habit forming drug and when I have been experiencing severe withdrawal and to be as sick as I''ve been, I cannot imagine why the human body and mind would react to discontinuation so horribly if it wasn''t habit forming or addictive in the first place.

Doctors seem to be so quick to prescribe Paxil and other SSRI''s, and I acknowledge that sometimes it is appropriate to do so, but, I don''t think they are as informed about the drug as they should and could be. I feel that Paxil was a like a band-aid for my anxiety/panic, it covered it up but didn''t deal with what was truly causing my problems. Instead of "curing" me, it turned me into an overweight, apathetic, exhausted robot that was too tired to function in every day life. It took away my ambition and my quality of life.

Thank you for posting and for your support :)


Dec 12, 2008
I had a virus a couple years ago, (according to Dr..I think they call it a virus if they can''t figure out what''s wrong, and if it doesn''t go away in a reasonable amount of time they look for something else) and I thought I was going crazy. It was a couple weeks before I made an appointment, and the whole time I thought I was really going to get committed. I''d have dizzy spells that left me feeling nauseated, but it wasn''t..I don''t know, it just wasn''t *exactly* like nauseated, but that''s the only way I could describe it. It would happen randomly. I worked at home at the time, and I''d be merrily working away, singing Chicago songs, and BOOM, lean forward in my chair and grab onto the counter, thinking I was falling. (like when you''re half asleep and you wig out in bed b/c it feels like you''re falling) I''d be walking thru the house and think "Oh hello..why am I heading this way? I''m listing to port here". Scared the bejezus out of me and it would make the inside of my head tingly and I''d get hot/cold flashes. I had myself convinced it was a brain tumor or I needed serious mental help, so I called the office and got in w/Dr right away. We''d actually had several people being seen those last couple weeks w/the same symptoms. Dr said it was some type of weird virus probably, that was messing w/our inner ears and causing vertigo. It did go away but boy was it an issue.

For crying in a bucket that was a long tale. Anyway, my point being-maybe while you''re going thru all this, your immune system isn''t up to snuff and you''ve caught a bug on top of it. Having had panic attacks before, anything that remotely feels like it, even if it''s just being tired, can make me anxious and start triggering an attack.

Or, maybe my point was for you to think of me wandering around my house trying to figure out the best angle I needed in my trajectory to get where I was heading during my dizzy spells and make you laugh.


Dec 23, 2008
LOL Packrat, that was a very cute story. I''m sorry you had to go through that, I know it wasn''t funny at the time, but the way you delivered the story did make me giggle.

It''s amazing that you mentioned the bursts of feeling like your falling out of nowhere because that is one of the major symptoms I have been dealing with for the last ten years. It was partner in crime to the MAJOR reason I ever started taking Paxil and that major reason is what I can only describe as "The Moving Feeling." It is a feeling that would come out of nowhere and hit me when I would be standing it line at the movies, grocery shopping and then eventually it would happen in the movies and I found myself all clammy and clinging to my sister resting my head on her shoulder to stabilize myself. It got to the point where in highschool I would be clinging to my desk with white knuckles and finger tips holding on for dear life because I honestly felt like I was going to fall out of my desk. I eventually avoided movies, public places, class trips etc. There is no talking myself out of it either. I could think "what will happen if you fall, you fall, that''s it" but the feeling would not go away - I actually found myself getting up in class, in the middle of a test, test in hand and walking home from school not realizing what I was doing until I got home, then I would break into tears wondering what was wrong with me. After the moving feeling passed (because I removed myself from the situation) I would be completely exhausted, as though I''d run a marathon or something.

Anyway through out the last ten years I too get spells where out of nowhere I''ll be sitting at my desk or somewhere and all of a sudden it''s like the world has been jolted, I lose focus and feel like I''m falling it lasts what feels like a long time but I''m sure is only a couple of seconds then leaves me with tingling in my hands and heart racing. I almost have myself convinced I can feel the earth moving sometimes from lack of ability to properly describe what I''m feeling. It''s the worst.

I know stress can affect the immune system but I''ve been tested for all sorts things like thyroid issues, ear problems, the works and everything always comes back perfect. I''m fairly certain this all anxiety/panic related. I''m really suffering still tonight - I took a hot bath and am going to crawl into bed right quick here and see if I can''t manage to get decent sleep tonight. I know being overtired only adds to the suffering.


Dec 12, 2008
I hope this crap starts dwindling away for you soon Jae. Maybe once the Paxil is out of your system and the w/drawl is gone, the rest of it will at least be manageable for you.


Jul 11, 2003
Been there and done that. Sounds simple but drink lots of water.


Dec 23, 2008
Packrat - thank you for all of your support and advice, you're such a sweetheart. I am happy to report that today I felt MUCH better. I was able to sleep through the night and woke up feeling not 100% but over the hurdle of the previous day and night at least so that was a relief. I had a pretty normal day today and was able to leave the house and run some errands, go to an appointment and spend time with my boyfriend this evening. I know there are going to be some rough times ahead yet, but I am thankful that the last rough patch didn't last longer than it did. Having the support, advice and suggestions in this thread really helped me get through it. I really appreciate everyone's input.

Lulu - thank you for the suggestion. It's nice to hear what worked for those who have been here before. I'm seeing that drinking water is a common suggestion so I will be sure to start making it a priority in my coping methods.


Jun 1, 2008
Hugs. I am sorry. I went off Lexapro and Wellbutrin and was in hell for 3 weeks. Since you asked I will tell you how I coped, but it was a little weird and silly.
1) used motrin for the headaches/aches and pains
2)Got a dog. This took my mind off things and made me get up and be physically active which sucked at first but eventually felt good
3)Changed and watched my diet
4)Joined a gym
5) Found a great therapist

It has been 18 months and sometimes its hard, but you will get through it! It gets better, take it one day at a time!


Dec 23, 2008
Date: 10/7/2009 5:54:59 AM
Author: sba771
Hugs. I am sorry. I went off Lexapro and Wellbutrin and was in hell for 3 weeks. Since you asked I will tell you how I coped, but it was a little weird and silly.

1) used motrin for the headaches/aches and pains

2)Got a dog. This took my mind off things and made me get up and be physically active which sucked at first but eventually felt good

3)Changed and watched my diet

4)Joined a gym

5) Found a great therapist

It has been 18 months and sometimes its hard, but you will get through it! It gets better, take it one day at a time!

SBA - Thank You for your suggestions! - It is 4:43AM right now and I''m up feeling unwell, haven''t been to bed yet, actually I''ve been in bed for hours, haven''t slept yet. I got up a couple of times and came back. Every time I lay down I start to panic and have to sit up. Knowing that lack of sleep will only make the situation worse is only adding to the anxiety. I really hate this. My sisters puppy is in bed with me, as sweet as can be (my puppy is in my sister''s bed lol) I''ve been drinking water, I made everything all comfy and now just need sleep to find me. Withdrawal Symptoms have invaded my body and mind and I wish they would just give it a rest already, because I need that is.

I had a decent day today following a very trying day and night previous, I thought I was headed towards another healthy streak, but I guess the withdrawal has decided otherwise for me. It''s moments like these that I feel like it will never end. It''s been a month already. *sigh* Why is it that when I start to feel this horrible, it''s nearly impossible to remember how well I was feeling prior to this. What an ugly thing withdrawal is.


Dec 23, 2008
6:42AM and no end to the suffering in sight. I''m absolutely miserable. Getting close to taking an Ativan, trying not to though, but I know the tears are on the way. I cannot stop shaking, I''m compelely exhausted and cannot get comfortable or in control of the situation. Please let this stop soon. I need to sleep, I need to gain control of this situation. Right now, the withdrawal is owning me :''(


Jun 3, 2008

I''m so sorry that you''re going through this. It''s such a awful feeling. When I was going through my divorce about 6 years ago, my MD put me on Paxil and Trazadone. The Paxil gave me awful skin sores (like chicken pox) and was discontinued. She then placed me on Celexa.

I''m finally off both of these meds but it took months of tapering (under MD assistance). I did 3/4th doses than 1/2, than 1/4th and completely off. It was a long process but I didn''t have a time frame. When I felt that I was ready to decrease the dose, then it was decreased.

The only negative problem that I''m having right now is that I don''t get a good sleep. It''s pretty anoying, but like you, I''m reluctant to go on other medications.

It does get better... really.


Dec 23, 2008
Thank you Mochi - it''s now 7:34am and I am still sitting here shaking and feeling like death with withdrawal symptoms. Had to come back online to try and distract myself...still fighting the urge to take Ativan but I don''t know if I will be able to get through this one without it at this point. Going to try my hardest though.

I can''t wait for the next better moment. Anytime now, it''s welcome to arrive!


Dec 12, 2008
You feeling any better Jae? Did you manage to get any sleep today at all?


Dec 23, 2008
I caved and took Ativan at 8:00am, turned my fan on (it calms me) and turned "Horton Hears A Who" on my laptop and placed it on my nightstand (a cute movie that is very light hearted and funny, I find it relaxing and distracts me from the suffering). These are my usual coping mechanisms, and fell asleep some time after that. I was woken up by my sweet darling twin sister at 1:00pm, she didn''t know I was up all night and I have been awake since - I felt off all day but about an hour ago withdrawal started creeping up on me.

I''m feeling very miserable right now. Going to go get a tall glass of ice water and try to get to sleep within the next hour or so, it is 7:10pm here right now. Thinking of taking a Nytol just to be able to sleep because I can''t afford to not rest tonight. I don''t know how much longer I can do this. I mean I know I can and I will because there is no other option at this point,''s very overwhelming and every part of me is screaming "I can''t do this anymore."

I know it will get better, in my mind I do. It''s just hard to believe it right now.

Thanks for checking in Packrat The support from you and the others in this thread is enouraging and inspiring. Reassurance that this won''t last is comforting, it helps me to take this hour by hour and tough it out. I just have to make it to that next point of relief. I hope it comes soon!


Nov 18, 2004
I am so sorry you are going through this. Hoping it gets better for you soon. HUGE HUGS. What does your Doc say?? I can''t imagine anyone should suffer for this long?? I know you don''t want to take anything else, but the Ativan in an as needed case seems ok to me??? I am not up on all this stuff. I can just say, I will be praying your suffering from the withdrrawals ends soon.

We are all pulling for you!!!!
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