
Paging STRMRDR (or other asscher experts)

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Mar 27, 2005

When looking for an asscher cut diamond, do any of the certs say how many steps are on the pavillion? I really like asscher cuts that have 5 or more thin steps vs. 3 wider steps. (hope I am using correct terminology).

I have been doing a quick search and I notice none of the certs or really any of the product descriptions state number of steps. I can tell on the photos once I open them up, but would rather do direct searches for stones with more cuts.

Is it a specific search term I shoud use rather than "asscher"? Not many sites have "cut corner step cut" or "square emerald cut" - - they seem to use "asscher" for all of them.

Thanks in advance.
3 4 5 it doesn''t matter they can all look like each other and a well cut one will rock with 3 4 or 5.
If you want to narrow it down to extra facets call a vendor and work with them.
They will have to work the phone to track them down.
I suggest starting with good old gold so you can get ASET and videos.
Hi SparkleRX!

I agree with storm that 3 , 4 or 5 step tops can be awesome.
But I've found that counting the steps must be done in person.
Many times a step on the bottom of an Asscher cut looks very much like it's on the top- an optical illusion, as it were.

I agree that the lack of universal terminology makes it tough.
GIA would call a Royal Asscher ( the branded stone) Octagonal Step Cut.
The fact GIA themselves do not use the term "Asscher" makes it even more difficult to level the playing field.
Actually, it is easy to tell how many steps of facets there are on the pavilion, if it is a GIA certified stone: Just look at the plot on the certificate. It will show the number of facets.
boyscout- I don;t believe the diagram on a GIA report is necessarily accurate in that regard...hopefully storm will come back and verify that....
The GIA plots are supposed to be accurate but if I remember correctly there have been a few posted that were not identical to the cut of the stone (cushions).
Thanks all for replying.

Arghhh - now I am even more confused. I have seen some asscher cuts that seemed to have wide steps with maybe only 3 steps (less sparkle) and have seen asscher cuts with thin, many messy steps that almost looked like a radiant cut (loosley). So both of these were just BAD cuts?

I like the "bottomless" look with what seems to be many steps to give a lot of sparkle. And obviously a very square, even step look. To acheive this, it doesn''t matter how many "steps" it has? Just as long as it is a good cut? How do I know it is a good cut - what is the term they use for grading it? I don''t know what to look for anymore!

DBL Dave, I see what you are saying about the illusion of maybe counting the same steps over and over. Also, I think you may be correct in that the GIA doesn''t draw the correct number of steps and uses a generic drawing to pinpoint the inclusions only. Boyscout, I thought the drawing would be correct also, but from what I can tell it isn''t and just makes it more confusing for us!

Any advice would be appreciated or a link to other links. I have looked at links on here but there are hundreds and many change topics half way through. WHO IS (one of) THE MOST RECOMMENDED TO BUY LOOSE ASSCHER FROM? (Storm, I will check out GOG - thanks).

Thanks all!
GOG is the top PS vendor for asschers both in volume and in contacts for hunting them down in my opinion.

JamesAllen has a selection up with pictures and sometimes sorting thru them can result in a kicken one. ASET and Vids however puts gog over them on the list.

Asschers are bought online using pictures and videos not numbers.
The only numbers I pay attention to are crown height, table size and l/w ratio.
Depth/spread is considered for pricing only.

David is right, gia plots and names for step cuts are frankly sometimes nuts.
A while back I saw proof of 2 near identical asschers (there is no such thing as identical asschers) with different diagrams and names on the report and the diamonds were from the same cutter and the same lot and other than size and some minor angle variations were the same.
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