
Padparadscha Sapphires


May 17, 2019
Since my search for Alexandrite is proving inefficient, I'm looking into Padparadscha Sapphires.

What do you think about them ? What are the best sources to get one ?

I have spotted this one that I find very beautiful, what are your thoughts on that ?
Padparadcha sapphires and alexandrite are the two most difficult gems to shop for. You certainly like challenges!! However, although most so called padparadcha on the market is overpriced mislabeled peach or brownish sapphire, it’s still easier to find a true and semi decent padparadcha than an alexandrite.

The thing you really have to be careful of is color shifts, as some get too brown, and heavily treated stones. Like alexandrite, there are lots of overpriced ugly stones on the market, and to top it off, even if you do find a true padparadcha, it may have an awful cut on it as they are often cut to save weight, over beauty. Only a reputable lab like AGL should designate the stone as a true padparadcha. However, vendors unscrupulously call any peachy sapphire a padparadcha so they can overcharge. The only acceptable treatment per the labs is heat only. However, I’ve seen chemically color enhanced stones called padparadcha. It’s one of the most commonly diffused colors (orange-pink).

To be honest, the two gemstones that make my heart sink every time someone opens a thread looking for them on this forum, are alexandrite and padparadcha. I’m fine with just about everything else. I start to think, “oh somebody’s going to be overcharged for something totally not worth it.” That being said, I would search the forum for nice examples of padparadcha, because there’s way more of those than alexandrite. There are some beautiful examples on pricescope.
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Here’s a padparadcha that I particularly like from PS member sssab

BDE06348-26F3-4F9A-9C15-E853EE926541.jpeg F26BC3A6-258E-425E-B24C-4E9960FA53F8.jpeg CE60E8F7-A3F7-47C8-81B9-759CEF7F980D.jpeg
Thanks for your answer TL, that's very informative.

Do you know good sources to get pad sapphires ?

The stone from ssssab looks very nice indeed. Maybe a little too much orangey for my taste. But the color balance is nice.
Thanks for your answer TL, that's very informative.

Do you know good sources to get pad sapphires ?

The stone from ssssab looks very nice indeed. Maybe a little too much orangey for my taste. But the color balance is nice.

Gary Braun at occasionally has some, but they are very pricey. I think he takes trips to Sri Lanka to get material every so often. Some padparadcha come from Africa, but origin premium is placed on Sri Lanka. For some purists, only true padparadcha come from Sri Lanka.

If it’s too orange for you, maybe you should perhaps look at pink sapphires just to gauge if you even like the look of padparadcha sapphire. Padparadcha is supposed to be orangey pink or pinkish orange in hue, and a light pastel in tone. It’s not supposed to be a super saturated, deeper toned gem. The color is very delicate.
I'm already in regular contact with Gary, he's a very nice guy.

Pink sapphires are too saturated I think, and yea I agree with you that the color should be subtle and delicate. But that's also the reason why I don't like when there is too much orange, I feel like it adds too much "intensity" to the stone while it should be more pastel.

What do you think about the one I linked from gemfix in my first post ?
Haha, I like the same one you picked out. The lab report should say padparadcha sapphire though. It might be too pink. Ask for multiple lighting shots.

Sorry, I don’t know why I missed your link in the first posting.
Haha, I like the same one you picked out. The lab report should say padparadcha sapphire though. It might be too pink. Ask for multiple lighting shots.

Sorry, I don’t know why I missed your link in the first posting.

At least now I know my initial choice was good since you picked the same one ;)

It indeed says "padparadscha" in the GIA report :

I will ask for more pictures.
Seems like a decent price too. Good luck!
Picture of stone on GIA report for reference.
For padparadscha sapphire, I recommend this reading.

It's written by Inken Krause of Enhoerning Jewelry, who has excellent taste in sapphires and can help you look for what you want, since she knows all the big dealers. I've been impressed with the gems she has shown me way more often than what I see online from NSC or GemsNY or even Gemfix. Gemfix has many heated sapphires, and Inken specializes in unheated sapphires, which is primarily what I tend to buy.
Just wanted to note the gemfix stone above is unheated (GIA).

Thanks for the link @voce.
This is not likely to be easier than the other search for alexandrite.
I think the gemfix one you and @T L posted is AMAZING. Lol I'd buy that and call it a day but that's how I roll:lol:
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For padparadscha sapphire, I recommend this reading.

It's written by Inken Krause of Enhoerning Jewelry, who has excellent taste in sapphires and can help you look for what you want, since she knows all the big dealers. I've been impressed with the gems she has shown me way more often than what I see online from NSC or GemsNY or even Gemfix. Gemfix has many heated sapphires, and Inken specializes in unheated sapphires, which is primarily what I tend to buy.

Thanks voce ! It's quite interesting. I've been in contact with Inken for a few weeks already for my alexandrite search, so I contacted her also for pad sapphires, will see how it goes.

I know that Litnon usually has one or two. Just checked and here is a similarly sized GIA certified pad on their website

Like TL said, that's really inexpensive, where is the catch ? I'm not sure. I have asked for additional pictures and video.

The cut is so damn symetrical and precise, I've never seen that before. The clarity seems really strange ? Like it's not transparent at all ?
Not a fan of the Dyer cuts. The stones don't need it and imo it detracts from the colour. I dunno.... I'd find those cuts challenging and not in a good way.
John Dyer is a very famous lapidary, and while he can do traditional faceting, he specializes in concave and more modern cutting. It’s not for everyone.
By the way, if you do get a lab report for a padparadcha, which I highly recommend, make sure to get origin on it. Sri Lanka is a premium.
@mellowyellowgirl Many of his stones do not have great colour - there are few exceptions & I tend to agree that top color does not need the extra action of cut... (if only there were more cabochons in the world!) - hopefully a nice extra, not distracting & not priced beyond reasonable.

I suspect that the pictures are weird, not the sapphires.

There is also an interesting color change sapphire among a few over 2 carats:

- I believe that these are silly rare with fine saturation, although color change (indigo to dull purple) is not terribly rare.

That’s more of a color shift, not a color change. I think concave cuts already darken stones, so I don’t think they’re appropriate for already dark gems.
Wow, that’s extraordinarily inexpensive for an Unheated 2+ Carat GIA padparadcha.
I get a strange error-vibe there: Is this 'litnon', or 'gem-line'. If it is the latter then I think it is one of the many websites run by the RubyIn people from India (no good in my book, had bad experience). Handle with care, especially if too cheap to be true.
I get a strange error-vibe there: Is this 'litnon', or 'gem-line'. If it is the latter then I think it is one of the many websites run by the RubyIn people from India (no good in my book, had bad experience). Handle with care, especially if too cheap to be true.
No, he’s a very reputable vendor with many happy customers.
Pad sapphires is what brought me to PS originally 10 years ago!
One of my current favorite rings is a pad and tsav two stone design. I chose a pad that’s more saturated than most would classify as pad but I love the intense grapefruit of it.


Bought it from Ivan at Adamant International. He lists stones on loupetroop occasionally