
Our journey for our ring

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Jun 28, 2005
The story:

So my bf and I have been together for 3.5 years. We have a 19 month old daughter, Alyssa (in my avatar). We love each other very much, but we never got married when I was pregnant. When we first found out I was pregnant, we were forced by both sides of the family to have a quicky wedding (old Chinese customs, not supposed to have kids out of wedlock...blah blah blah).

Sam and I did not want to do that. We felt if we were to get married, it would be because we were ready, not because of a pleasant surprise (Alyssa) that came along the way. So we never wed. After Alyssa was born, we both wanted to get married before she turned one. Time was ticking away and he never mentioned when he wanted to do it. After Alyssa turned one, I was so ready to get married! I did not want to have another child until we were married, and he felt the same as well. But our original agreement somehow was neglected. So I started to put the pressure on him.

One night I was hopping out of the shower and noticed him looking at rings online! I was happy at the moment and then thought, "What is he thinking?" He knows I used to work in the jewelry industry and he's going to go look at rings by himself?
without my guidance?! What? Does he want to get ripped off?

So a couple days later, I casually asked him about our wedding. And he was like "wedding? We're not even engaged yet!" I was like, "Oh, ya, that's right! When will that be?"

He then asked me if I wanted to go look at rings the next week. And that is how I found PScope. I am so glad I found PS, because I learned so much more than I had already known. Which helps in this journey.

Anyway, we are currently getting our e-ring and w-ring setting custom made at Topper's in Burlingame. My jeweler is such a wonderful man, he puts up with all my crap throughout this whole process. For those of you who know how Slammie's set looks, it'll look similar to that, except I won't be having any diamonds on the side of my e-ring and the diamonds on my w-ring will be larger. The set will be made to sit flush with one another.

My diamond is coming from WF. I originally ordered an ES, 1.72ct, G, SI2, from them, but Sam and I didn't fall in love with it so I sent it back yesterday. I placed another order. This time is for an ACA, 1.6ct, I, SI1. The ES was a beautiful stone (it scored a 9.3/10 on that machine that measures the light and brilliance, forgot what it was called), but we didn't fall in love with it. When we compared it next to my cousin's ACA H&A, the ACA won by far.
So we decided to go with an ACA.

I sent the ES back yesterday via USPS registered, insured mail, so it'll probably take awhile before WF receives it. I'm hoping they receive it by Friday and send out my ACA, so I can get it by Saturday!

If I fall in love with this stone, I will definitely be posting pics for all of you to see. If this is THE DIAMOND, I will take it to my jeweler, and from there I am out of the loop. My rings won't be ready for another 3-4 weeks after the dropoff. And after that, who knows how long Sam will take to propose. He told me not to expect him to propose right away, since he has to plan it, so it probably won't happen for another 4-5 months!
4-5 months???!!! That's way too long. I hope that ring will burn a big hole in his pocket and FAST too!

Maybe he's just saying that to throw me off
...but what if he really means it?
Oh, no...I won't be able to sleep after 4 weeks, because I know the ring will be ready by then! *sigh* I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Your story is wonderful! Your daughter is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, by the way. Soo freaking cute, how do you keep yourself from eating her up every single day?

Anyway, congrats on taking this step.. I hope that this stone is the one for you so that you can be on to getting the ring made! I hope he doesn't make you wait too long..
What a wonderful story you have shared with us. Your daughter is just too cute for words. I hope that this stone is the one and look forward to hearing more. You guys sound like you have a wonderful relationship and how nice that you are doing things on YOUR terms. I wish you only the best!!!!!!!!!
Hey Melissa,

She is so cute, I find myself biting her (on her toes) often! Now that she is older and understands, she bites my toes back!

Oh, ES is expert selection from WF.

Thanks Kaleigh, it IS nice that he is so willing to go on this journey with me. I have been waiting for a long time....
Milly: what a wonderful story !! and I hope the new ring will make you both happy! (make sure to share it with us when it arrives!)

your daughter is the cutest!!!

What a wonderful story, and your daughter is TOO CUTE! she is adorble!
Ya''ll are too cute...I am sorry you didnt love the ES but that ACA is going to be fabulous! Congrats!
Thanks for all your kinds words you guys!

I can't wait until the new stone comes in. I really really want to see it!! The ACA are so beautiful! I've never seen another stone like that before! It's just crazy how much it sparkles! (My cousin has one, so I've been drooling over hers.)

I will definitely update you guys as soon as I receive it!
Can''t wait to see the stone....I hope it is "THE ONE" for you guys!!! And I love your story--thank you for sharing it with us!! (Your little munchkin is SO YUMMY!!!)

I''ve been reading your posts about your helping your family with their diamond purchases. You seem like the SWEETEST person who immensely cares about their family.

I hope that you will be SUPER happy with your own diamond purchase and you, your soon-to-be husband and ADORABLE daughter (+puppy) will have a happy, wonderful life together!

Congrats & good luck!
Thank you Asschergirl and Blueroses!

I do care a lot about my family. Family is the most important thing to me. I'm always the one put in charge of planning family events or trips, parties, etc. I just love the feeling of everyone being close and being there for one another. It's priceless.

As for the diamond, I hope this is "the one".
I think my time should be just around the corner. It's been quite a journey, and I can't wait to actually be engaged and then married to the man that I love! It's all so exciting. Words cannot even begin to describe it all.

Everytime someone asks me about my ring or when the wedding will be, I go on and on and on about the "project" that we've been working on. Of course none of my friends in the "real world" appreciate diamonds like we do on PS. Any of you have friends like that? It's funny how I'm the only one amongst my friends that have this passion for diamonds!
Ah, Milly, I hope you love your ACA when you get it!

As for having friends like that...why do you think that we all hang out here so much?

None of my friends care about crown and pavillion angles. Can you believe it?
I know! How can they not care about this stuff?!
Oh, Milly, I''m so excited for you! Thank you for sharing your sweet & wonderful story w/ us! You''ve spread so much diamond joy in your family, I''m thrilled to hear it''s your turn now!

I agree with you---real world friends just don''t understand the diamond passion like PS friends! I''m glad I found PS when I did. I''m afraid my best friend was on the verge of disowning me as she was so sick of hearing about "the ring."

I think it''s very likely that Sam is trying to throw you off with the 4-5 months thing. I mean, my FI said he wasn''t going to propose until September, & he only waited a week after he got the ring to pop the question!
Some advice: don''t check his pockets obsessively! Apparently this caused quite a bit of stress for my poor boy...

Now it''s my turn to watch your pot....
Milly your daugher is adorable (and you know I want your dog!)...I am keeping my fingers crossed on the 1.6 being the one for you. Same size as mine! Yummy on the wedding set as you well know I am a fan!!

I know how it is with our "real world" friends. One of my close friends (future MOH) can actually put up my jabbering about my ring. She told me that not many people are like me...and I said "ya, there is! Pscope people are exactly like me, some are even worse!"

I have a folder with all the research material and info on my ring and stone. She doesn't think it's normal...oh, what does she know?

As for the 4-5 month thing, I really do hope he is just trying to throw me off! I can't bear to wait that long!
I will definitely "try" not to check his pockets. I'm just gonna have to find something to fill my time so I don't think about it. *coughs* Ya, right, like anything will be able to get my mind off that! Well, I still have at least another 3-4 weeks before the ring will be ready. So I can still sleep (a little).


Thanks! The 1.6 ACA comes in tomorrow. They received the one I returned and are shipping out the 1.6 today! I can't wait to see it!!! I know it's going to be hard to sleep tonight, but I think I'll be sleeping like a baby, since I am very sick right now and will be taking meds as soon as I get home, so I'll be knocked out!

After (if ever when) I get engaged, we'll have to plan a get together will all the bay area people from PS. It'll be fun to meet and drool over each other's rings in person, because the pictures don't do the rings enough justice at all! Do you know who else is in the bay area?
So, did you get the 1.6 ACA? Do you love it? I can''t wait to hear about it/see it! Yeah, the waiting once you know he has the ring is the worst! (It''s also kind of fun too!)

I hope you''re feeling better...
So I got the diamond in on Saturday. I picked up the package on the way to my jewelers. I waited until I got there to look at the diamond. It is gorgeous!!!

OMG, the ACA is soooooo beautiful!!
But I'm most likely going to return it. My jeweler had a diamond to show me as well. He knows I want a H&A ideal stone. The one he showed me is a 1.64ct, I, VS1, ideal H&A cut. That stone is it for me. I saw it and fell in love with it.
And the price was only off by a few hundred bucks! The ACA is 1.6ct, I, SI1. So the size is about the same and the color is the same. The only difference is the clarity. The VS1 was so clean! I could barely even find any inclusions with the loupe. The SI1 is extremely clean too, only one small black inclusion near the 9 o'clock postion of the table (which I could slightly see with my naked eye-I have really good vision-). So, most likely I am going to go with the VS1.

Sam and I are going back to look at the stones side by side again just to double check and make sure. He didn't come with me on Sat, cuz he had work, so he wants to make sure this is the stone for us before buying it. I went with my friend and she fell in love with the VS1 as well. She said it was just more sparkly than the ACA, I don't even know if that is possible!! They both looked the same to me, blinded my eyes!!
I think the VS1 is definitely the stone for me. We will be making the final decision on Wednesday.

So until then, I can sit at home and stare at the ACA.
Yay, Milly! It sounds like you have 2 fabulous options--let us know which one you choose! Then, the countdown begins....
Okay, to update everyone. Sam and I decided to go with the I, VS1 instead of the SI1. We both went to see the stone and he loved the stone as well. Okay, now it's time for me to stay out of the loop, well almost time. I'm thinking about going down to my jewelers one last time to look at the loose stone and take some pics to post. I want pictures of the hearts and arrows before they set the stone.

I am so excited!!!!
I can't believe we have the setting AND the diamond all picked out! That means making of the ring has started!
I'm trying to keep myself occupied so I don't think about the ring at all. I've been surfing the net for a RHR.
Sam caught me doing it
and was like, "this ring isn't even done yet and you're looking for another?" Hahaha. Men just don't understand! I told him I will always have some sort of "project" working, ya know?

Anyway, the project with the RHR is really keeping me occupied. I managed to not think about the e-ring at all last night, not even once! Instead I was dreaming about my future RHR.
I went to my jewelers yesterday and spent an hour taking pics of my loose diamond. It was so fun. I didn't even notice that I was there for an hour!

So here are the pics. I warn you. I went kinda crazy with the photo snapping, so there are A LOT, I MEAN A LOT of pics to follow. And the thing is I only picked out about 1/3 of the pics to upload.

Here's the first one. Pics of the hearts.

And here are the arrows!

Up close. Don't worry that blot is just dirty, not an inclusion. This VS1 baby has no visible inclusions, even under a loupe, it's very hard to find any, at least I couldn't and I have eagle vision.

So white and sparkly!

Through the loupe.

Loupe again, so shimmery!!

Such crisp arrows!

This is my favorite picture!! I love how the arrows show and the reflection of the diamond on the loupe is so yummy!! And the colors of the light reflecting on the stone is so gorgeous!

This is my other favorite pic! The colors on the diamond are to die for!!
It''s almost like a pinkish sparkle!

A view from behind.

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