
Opinions Wanted

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Dec 31, 1999
There are several things we can do on this site to help consumers selecting a better or cheaper diamonds. For example:

1. Advanced diamond search (much more filtering features including vendor' additional services)
2. Diamond Price checker
3. Advanced diamond price stats (much better than Rapaport Price Report)
4. preselecting potentially well cut diamonds.
5. consumer version of Diamond Calculator with basic functionality
6. finding a better deal for advanced consumers (I have some ideas here)
7. No advertisement - remove all the banners :)

and so on...

My problem is that those services will require small fee from consumers. Maybe $10 subscription fee?

I always thought information should be free in the internet. On the other hand, I realize that some developments are time consuming and cannot be covered by advertising only.

My questions are

1. Is worth it. How many people are ready to pay $10 for using such features?
2. What else consumers would like to have as advanced features.

Thanks a lot to those who'll share their opinions :)


Oct 4, 2002
I would definately pay $10 subscription fee. But at the beginning when I was simply exploring, maybe not. You will need to have some services free for everyone, and the more advanced services for members only.

I like the idea of diamond calc. Especially if you could export a file to Gem Advisor. This would help a lot of consumers who do not want to pay the price for diamond calc.

One problem I hate about a lot of diamond websites, is that they will rate a diamond as being of high quality, yet they give you hardly no info on the diamond, and the info you do get makes it obvious that it is not of high quality. This is especially true with fancies. It would be nice if the diamonds advertised on this site, for other vendors, had a requirement that it include certain information, and give an acurate AGA class rating to each diamond.

I would also be nice to have access to the online wholesale database, not to buy from, to to locate from and direct a vendor at what diamonds you want more information about. I know vendors will probably not like that. It would save the vendors time searching for a specific diamond when they are not really sure what the customer wants. This way the customer searches and tells the vendor what he/she found.

Another idea would be to have customers rate the different vendors, sort of how you see on and ebay. This way pricescope remains impartial and consumers get feedback about vendors in one eaxy to find area.

I would also like to see more info on tools. i.e. loops, tweesers, ultrasonics, other cleaners, ect.

Just some ideas, not sure they are any good or helpful.



Oct 7, 2002
I agree that I may not have paid $10 initially before I realized how excellent this site is. You might consider leaving many of the basic features as free -- forum, tutorial, pricescope -- but then have a small fee to have full access of the site. Once people realize how helpful the information is -- $10 is nothing.

I think the best features your propose are:

2, 3 and 5.

The other services are either not necessary for advanced users and/or not necessary because the number of vendors is really minimal (i.e., it is easy to research). But having that information front and center might spur the websites to improve their services.

7 is really up to you. I wonder how helpful the banners are to the advertisers anyway. I imagine that if someone is sophisticated enough to use the website, they're going to rely on Pricescope to find their diamond, not a banner ad.

If I were an advertising diamond broker, I would emphasize my services, customer service, and willingness to match other brokers' prices. If I were a non-broker, I'd advertise to emphasize the benefits I provide (better familiarity with the diamond, pictures, etc.).


Sep 2, 2002
I definitely agree with the others that some services need to be free or people will not pay because they won't know what they are missing. Does 2 mean checking for various vendors' prices for the same diamond? If so, then that would be extremely useful. Actually, all of 1-6 sound really helpful. You have already done alot to get vendors competing on prices. I guess there has been some whining from some of them, but we consumers sure are grateful! We're perfectly capable of deciding for ourselves what services we're willing to pay for, thank you very much! Now it would be great to get vendors competing more on the information they offer. It sounds like 1 would help here, and perhaps there are other things to do as well. You could, for example, say whether or not Sarin reports, B-Scope scores, ideal-scope images, inclusion photos, etc. were available for particular diamonds, and post links to them on the vendors' sites if they were. (Maybe you could post some statements from various experts who have different opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of these various devices so that consumers could make up their own minds.) 6 certainly piques my interest!

7 has the advantage of exhibiting impartiality. However, I think it does help consumers to know which vendors are willing and ready to deal with when they are educated and prepared, instead of just looking for babes in the woods on which to prey. Vendors who want to advertise on this site, if they are smart, will be vendors that consumers who use this site will be interested in dealing with.


Oct 30, 2002
Great idea! I think that 2, 3 and 5 would have benefitted me immensely in my searching...especially since I wouldn't have to post so much asking for those exact same details! :) One of the things that I found frustrating was not really knowing what a diamond would 'go for' in the retail world. Sure I could call and ask a jeweler, and then compare it to the price I was looking at myself..but it seemed as though in the vast world of the internet, a price calculator or comparison should be SOMEWHERE. Maybe it is and I never found it. Also the consumer version of the diamond calculator would be superb. The pictures you just posted for me would have been ideal to find for myself.

also I know that the experts on this forum (one of which I am not) seem to spend alot of their time answering cut questions and price questions, and the good old 'is this the right diamond'..which I have asked myself! If we had the means and the tools to do basic filtering ourselves, maybe the experts would have more time on their own. Or to tinker with the tools we're using :)

I know I would not have paid $10 when I first started using this forum, but now I would definitely pay it! Especially to get some tools to help narrow the search. There are thousands of diamonds to choose from out there, its tough to make the selection.

Also--as to the online picture/details comment someone made, great idea. I had to pull teeth with some online vendors to get Sarin results, or the crown and pav angles from a GIA certified diamond. I love that has such details and info on their diamonds on their site. They seem to charge a slightly higher premium, but maybe this site could only 'showcase' vendors who play by those rules and offer up everything they have in order to help the consumer make the best decision. I would have had to send many less emails than I have if this existed.

Anyhow, just my two cents..I think its a great idea, but agree that you should leave some basics for the newbies to play with until they get the idea that the $10 is really going to save them hundreds in the long run, and probably get them the best diamond possible for their $$.

Oh and one last thing to consider is that some people might just float into the forum, play for a few months while they learn and then buy, and then float off. So I don't know if $10 is enough to keep the site going for the majority of people who might be short-timers?

:)) Good luck and great ideas all!


Oct 4, 2002
Just a question to follow with the information that is provided with diamonds on the internet. If a vendor can get a sarin report for a diamond, shouldn't they also be able to get you the actual diamond calc, and gem advisor file and either send it to you or allow you to access it online??? I am not real familiar with the these programs.

Isn't the file created using a sarin?

Does it matter if it is the brilliant eye, or does it need to be one of the more advanced sarins?

It would be absolutely wonderful if consumers could get the actual real gem advisor file and be able to view an actual gem advisor picture of the diamond before even having the diamond sent for inspection. Also it would seem that this would also help vendors by reducing the amount of returns they may get because the diamond is not what the consumer thought it was.

Seems like a good idea to me, of course I am not the vendor who needs to pay for the equipment. :appl:


Dec 31, 1999
Thanks a million for the opinions and ideas so far! Let's wait a bit more and then I'll address all questions :)


Oct 30, 2002
I don't have much to add that already hasn't been said. I think that the potential new features would be helpful to many people on the forum. I probably would be willing to pay $10 for those services. I just wanted to mention that the advertisements on this site don't bother me as they are pretty unobtrusive.


Nov 3, 2002
i would like to concur. while i wouldn't mind paying for the services, i dont see the adds as an issue, that is unless they aren't paying enough!!! heheh. but seriously, the absence of ads would create a more *credible site, but better, not sure about that.


Oct 26, 2002
I don't even read the New York Times online because whenever someone sends me a link to an article on it I am asked to register. Registration is free, but I have to do it -- and don't bother. I just go to CNN or Foxnews instead. Now CNN charges a small fee to watch their videos now. I never considered paying it. Technically it is worth it, but it is just so easy to do other options. Maybe study how and if google makes money.


Sep 2, 2002
Hi Leonid!

I have to agree with the others...I would probably not have paid the $10 before finding out what an incredible site this was. We in the postmodern generation apply a strict hermeneutic of suspicion. While the banners made me somewhat suspicious at first, I do agree with the others that they weren't obtrusive or anything. I am the same as RSilvers...I won't register for a site, even if it's free, if I don't have to.

As far as advanced info, it's always appreciated...I would have loved more info on more rocks in one place. I agree with all that the diamond calc would be great! In fact, once I found out what the diamond calc was, I certainly would have paid $10 to use it when I was shopping.

PS. I REALLY like the looks of your new site...the feel of it is a lot more professional and I like the new info! Keep up the great work!



Jul 22, 2002
Nope, won't pay the $10.00......unless I wanted more specific information & was willing to pay for it. JMHO, keep the basic site & have a members only site.


Dec 31, 1999
Just to make it clear, the site was and will be free. I was thinking that some advanced features/tools will require small subscription fee.

Like RSilvers, I also have a problem to pay for information in the web. That's why I hesitate even to try it. :)

However, I feel there are quite a few interesting/useful things can be developed ;-)

Sierra Nevada

Sep 17, 2002
I would pay $10 bucks to use the diam calc software and extra goodies, I feel that's an area of service where an add on fee would be appropriate.

The banner ads don't bother me in the least, I use the test of whether the advertisers have undue influence on the forum or in the content of the website, if they don't then I don't care.

Leonid seems to do a very good job at keeping the info balanced and unbiased :appl:, so the businesses who pay for banner ads don't diminish the credibility of the site. I have been to websites and forums where the advertisers rule everything and it quickly becomes obvious and you know to move on, since you can't trust a word that is said- but that does not seem to be the case here. I'm sure it's a pain in the butt though, since I'm sure they would love to control the criticisms and disagreements that arise on the forum, but they should realize that is exactly why many trust this forum, it's not all sanitized and pro-advertiser.


Dec 31, 1999
Thanks a lot everybody for sharing the viewpoints on this matter. That was really helpful

Removing the pin and back to work now. Will see wat I can do :)


Jul 22, 2002
I'm with others - the ads don't bother me. I'm glad you will keep the original site gratis. I, too, don't like to pay for things on the net because of filling out the forms & having my credit card "out there". I have, on occassion, paid for an article or such when I *really* wanted to.

As for the special services, if I wanted to use it I would pay. Are you thinking a one time registration fee; or, a use fee? What services would be offered besides diamcalc?


Dec 31, 1999
FS, I was thinking about providing advanced tools (see above) for one time registration fee. I also thought that this advanced section will have no ads.

Actually I thought advanced price stats and price checker should be the main attraction but maybe you're right - basic version of diamond calculator is what people are looking for.


Nov 20, 2002
i'd definitely pay $10 to get good information that would save me from making an uninformed decision. hell,i pay that much for a drink on the weekends.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
I get the feeling reading all your opinions that subtle and appropriate advertising banners (no annoying pop ups etc) may not be a problem.

Leonid will growl at for telling you all this; but you perhaps may be surprised to know that pricescope is a poorly paying hobby for Leonid and he has a regular regular day job as a consultant. He puts an incredible amount of time and effort into helping you all get the best deal on the best quality diamonds. This site has won many industry awards too.

I think that there would always be plenty of people around on the forum telling people to pay the $10 (or $20?) to register and get better tools to find better diamonds more easily. If you used the table depth HCA search engine we have up our sleeves you could fimd non traditional cuts that sell for a lot less. We would really want you to send them off to appraisers - but even so there would be big savings to be had :).


Oct 7, 2002
I have one more suggestion for Leonid: more features on the search engine. (sort of goes to option #1)

That is, it would have been nice to search for fluorescence (i.e., none, or at least faint, at least medium, etc.). This would also encourage the stores to list all the factors, rather than conveniently leave out something they feel might cause people to pass over it (e.g., strong fluor, thick girdle).

Also, integrating the feature search with dollar search would be nice -- i.e., search for a Round of carat X, AGS0, color x-y, that is not more than $X.

You can always sort by cost, but it might save some time in a broad search.


Dec 31, 1999
Good point, Golfer, thanks!

I guess it's time to start implementing all this :)
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