Hi All,
This is my first post, however I have browsed this site for the past few months, spent who knows how many hours trying to find the right diamond and I think I have come up with one.
I just wanted to get a few expert opinions as to if you think this diamond will be eye clean in person.
I am ordering it from overseas so am unable to arrange a visual inspection in person, and returning it after purchase will be a bit difficult with all the taxes involved.
Any help will be appreciated.
I feel it is an eye clean diamond, and have taken a good look at the hearts and they look alright to me.
This is my first post, however I have browsed this site for the past few months, spent who knows how many hours trying to find the right diamond and I think I have come up with one.
I just wanted to get a few expert opinions as to if you think this diamond will be eye clean in person.
I am ordering it from overseas so am unable to arrange a visual inspection in person, and returning it after purchase will be a bit difficult with all the taxes involved.
Any help will be appreciated.
I feel it is an eye clean diamond, and have taken a good look at the hearts and they look alright to me.