
Oil Cleansing Method

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Sep 30, 2006
I had a couple of questions on OCM and didn't want to hijack the thread they came up in, so here's a new thread for us (hopefully people who are more expert than I!) to talk about it.

To start off...

Date: 2/24/2009 2:10:14 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Date: 2/24/2009 1:50:07 PM
Author: musey
Oil cleansing method.
I've heard of this - what do you use for it? I'm considering trying this because my skin breaks out so bad all the time.
I currently use Grapeseed as my primary oil. Most people who use OCM mix at least two oils, usually Castor Oil and a "carrier" oil (something lighter than Castor). Olive oil is also popular, as well as Jojoba and Sunflower Seed. It takes a bit of experimenting to hit on the right carrier oil, and castor to carrier ratio for your individual skin.

I switched because my skin is very dry combo and sensitive. Since beginning to use OCM, my skin has calmed a lot... little to no redness/irritation (an amazing change for me), no more oily t-zone, no breakouts (unless I stupidly use a different cleanser out of curiosity or laziness, did that about a week ago and am still trying to recover). I still use a hydrating serum (from John Masters Organics) and a very occasional moisturizer, but for the most part my skin is more hydrated (but not oily!) and calm without having to moisturize.

I'm a big proponent of OCM, and I think everyone should try it! The great thing about it is that it's about approaching your skin from a fundamentally natural perspective, so if you find the right combo for your skin, it can work for any skin type.

Here's a good link.
Interesting stuff Musey, I am thinking of trying it!
Interesting. Very interesting. So, on the days you don''t deep cleanse - what do you do?

I''ve used honey as a mask for my face before, and often use olive or sesame oil as a moisturizer - but not on my face, LOL. Count me in with those that cringe a bit at the thought.
Date: 2/24/2009 2:51:39 PM
Author: geckodani
Interesting. Very interesting. So, on the days you don't deep cleanse - what do you do?
I don't do anything else - I do it every single day, once morning and night (sometimes 3 if I'm having a breakout like right now). A lot of people do it only a couple of times per week, but using OCM exclusively has worked great for me.

My process is using my premixed oil, spread a thin layer on and massage for 1-2 minutes (some people say to do 7-10, but my skin gets irritated if I do it for that long), run a washcloth (I need to get some flannel cloths, those are supposed to be best) under hot water, and lay it across my face to steam. Then I very gently wipe my face clean, leaving some oil behind if I've been dry lately.

I think the fact that I do it for a much shorter period is the reason I can do it every day. Early on I tried to combine it with an alternate cleanser, but I think they were just creating a conflict and working against each other.

I've used honey as a mask for my face before, and often use olive or sesame oil as a moisturizer - but not on my face, LOL. Count me in with those that cringe a bit at the thought.
I know, it sounded disgusting to me - and felt disgusting the first week or so. Now using a normal cleanser feels harsh and abrasive. It takes awhile to get used to, but once you have, the idea of using anything else sounds crazy.

I've been trying to make a similar switch to "washing" my hair with conditioner only, but I can't do it. I just can't.
Date: 2/24/2009 2:38:02 PM
Here are some of the best quotes from that link:

"The reasons we have so much trouble with mainstream skin care products are numerous, but two reasons, in particular, lead the pack. These products strip the oil out of our skin, leaving our largest organ trying to repair itself by replacing the oil stripped away. This leaves us in a cycle of being tight and dry followed by the inevitable oil slick. Each time we strip the oil away, our skin over-compensates for the lack of moisture by creating more oil."

"On top of the drying effects, these products are highly-scented. Fragrance is one of the top skin irritants and strangely enough, even the so-called "unscented" products usually contain fragrance. See for yourself and check the labels. Dry, irritated skin replaced by oily skin, inflamed and trapping debris?"

"Getting right down to basics, when cleansing and moisturizing your skin, it is imperative that you keep in mind that oil dissolves oil. Your skin naturally lubricates itself with oil, and as we are creatures of adaptation, one can believe that if this weren't the appropriate built-in care for ourselves, our bodies would have adapted to suit the need."

"If you've been battling your skin for long, you're probably recoiling at the mere thought of applying oil to your face. You can imagine the slick, greasy, clogging feeling of smearing sludge all over your face. If you stay with me and read the rest of this article, that mental image will be replaced by a more comforting, Zen-like image of a relaxing spa massage. I promise."
Date: 2/24/2009 3:05:13 PM
Author: musey

I know, it sounded disgusting to me - and felt disgusting the first week or so. Now using a normal cleanser feels harsh and abrasive. It takes awhile to get used to, but once you have, the idea of using anything else sounds crazy.

I''ve been trying to make a similar switch to ''washing'' my hair with conditioner only, but I can''t do it. I just can''t.
I don''t wash my hair every day - I do rinse and condition it every night though. It took some getting used to, but I find unless I''ve had a horribly dirty or loooong day, it works out pretty well. I also only have about 2 inches of hair, so that probably helps too, LOL. When it was down to my waist... washed. Every morning. Without fail.
I''m just going to jump in for a moment here and point out that, over the years, there have been hundreds of new and seemingly improved ways to wash and care for your skin, and many of the "new" ideas don''t stand the test of time. It''s important to remember there is no catch-all solution or remedy to skin care. And you should seriously consult either a professional familiar with your skin, or a dermatologist before starting anything trendy and new. People can damage their skin horribly by using seemingly innocent products--and reversing the damage can take a long period of time.

I would personally not use oil on my skin in the way that the author of this article suggests. And from what I know about skin care, I would not advise anyone I know or work with to use this method either. Skin is easily damaged, and if you have constant issues with your such as excessive oil or what not, the best step you can take is to speak to someone who handles skin for a living and had the education to guide you in the right direction.
Italia, I know that you work in the beauty industry so obviously you would know better than I personally do.

I did want to say, though, that OCM is not new or sensational by any means. It's something that's been around as long as the skincare industry has. The only reason I started in the first place is that it was recommended to me by my dermatologist and esthetician (not based on the article I linked, it was just intended to be a jumping-off point for peoples' research). Both said that it was the most gentle method of cleansing available (especially for those on a limited budget, like myself), so if I were going to damage my skin, it would not be by using OCM.

All that is secondhand information at this point though, and I never suggested that I was an expert on the subject. Someone asked me about it on another thread, and I didn't want to threadjack, so I brought the conversation here.

I would be interested to hear about why you feel that this could cause damage, and why you feel it is not advisable for anyone?
When it comes to skin care, I''m very cautious and I don''t recommend anything willy nilly...if it works for you, great, that''s all the proof you need. And I think that oil in moderation (ie: the monthly massage) is perfectly fine for the skin, and it''s overall health...but for people with skin allergies, or sensitive skin overdoing something like oil cleansing can be overwhelming.

And the idea of using only condition on your hair would really damage it long term since you''re never stripping away harmful elements like you would with shampoo.
Interesting info, Musey :) I used to mositurize with jojoba oil and it really helped my skin. I don''t get breakouts anymore, so I stopped but reading this makes me wonder why. It was probably just as good as all the clinique products I use now and it was great for cleaning the pores. I also find that taking a couple tablespoons a day of an oil like flax or hemp, is really good for my skin but it makes my hair grow super fast (which bugs me). As for my hair, I wash it every third night with pureology shampoo and conditioner or aveda. I couldn''t imagine not using shampoo, but I have been told my several hair dressers that the natural oils in my hair are very conditioning for it. My hair is naturally pretty dry so it never gets greasy before then anyway.
Thanks for the further info, Italia.

Niccia, Jojoba was one of the first oils I tried. It was TERRIBLE on my skin - I got so so so dry, rough red patches, the works. It works wonderfully for my husband (who doesn''t cleanse with it, he uses it as a moisturizer after using cetaphil cleanser), though!
Hi Musey

I typically lurk and always enjoy your posts. I''ve never heard about this method and appreciate your detailed description. There is a dermalogica cleanser that has an olive oil base that I really like, so it makes sense that this method would work. Do you use special face-grade oils, or just high quality organic oils? Also, I was wondering what sunscreen (if any) you use?
I have a weird ritual, but it works for me. I put a layer of Neutragena the orange stuff... put it on my face while I shower. I let it soak in like a deep conditioner. I wash my hair, condition (leave this on), shave, wash out the conditioner, then I was the soap off of my face.

Only on the rare occasion will I get a little white head, but this is maybe 2-3 times a year, and it is probably more to do with the fact that I work out so much. I used to have terrible skin, and the BCP (ortho tri cyclen) made it WAY WAY WORSe, and this was supposed to be the miracle acne pill... NOPERS.

We all ahve our own thing... this one just works for me.

Date: 2/24/2009 5:08:38 PM
Author: tsavvy
Hi Musey

I typically lurk and always enjoy your posts. I''ve never heard about this method and appreciate your detailed description. There is a dermalogica cleanser that has an olive oil base that I really like, so it makes sense that this method would work. Do you use special face-grade oils, or just high quality organic oils? Also, I was wondering what sunscreen (if any) you use?

Hi Tsavvy!

I use expeller-pressed (though I''m not sure that part matters) organic grapeseed oil. I know that some cosmetic companies (shu uemura comes to mind) sell cleansing oils, which are generally well-received (and priced accordingly
), but one of my favorite perks of simple OCM is how economical it is. I used to spend an average of $30/month on cleansing products, now it averages out to about $2/month.

I have issues with sunscreen. Most work fantastically for one day, then irritate and/or break me out if used longer than that. So I avoid the sun as much as possible so I won''t have to use sunscreen often. When I do, the best I''ve found so far is Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant (SPF 30) for face and old standby Coppertone in SPF50. Coppertone used to make a gel sunscreen that I LOVED, but I haven''t been able to find it for years. Neither of these came on professional recommendation or through research, it was just trial-and-error

Brazen Irish Hussy once recommended Colorescience Sunforgettable sunscreen powder, which I really want to try but haven''t yet.
Date: 2/24/2009 5:16:55 PM
Author: tlh
I have a weird ritual, but it works for me. I put a layer of Neutragena the orange stuff... put it on my face while I shower. I let it soak in like a deep conditioner. I wash my hair, condition (leave this on), shave, wash out the conditioner, then I was the soap off of my face.
TLH, my husband used to use the orange Neutrogena bar soap (which I believe is really similar to this stuff, just in bar form?) before his second round of accutane. He loved it, but has found it's too drying for his "new" skin.

I used the pump bottle kind in high school and didn't have much problem with it for awhile, then my skin stopped being able to handle it. I think my skin is really adaptable or something, because it seems to change constantly. Something will work great for 6 months, then all of a sudden it'll stop working and I'll have to find something new! My skin has been getting drier and drier as I've moved into adulthood, and by now even the super-gentle cleansing milks leave me with patchy/red/dry skin. It's gross. That's probably a big part of the reason that OCM, at least the way that I do it (more a glorified moisturizer than deep cleanser), works for me... though most suggest that it's best for acne-prone, oily skin.
Can you add in essential oils as well? Like a lavender or rose for scent?

I may have to try this--it sounds intriguing and I am so over breaking out like I''m in high school.
LadyPirate, I think I read somewhere that the suggested dilution is 1 drop of essential oil per every 10ml of OCM mixture. I''m trying to find a good link for you, but most of what I see are forum postings.

Basically, use very very little as they are concentrated and can cause irritation.
Date: 2/24/2009 7:16:45 PM
Author: musey
I'm trying to find a good link for you, but most of what I see are forum postings.
Here is a really interesting thread on They talk about mixture ratios, essential oils and off-day cleansing
This is very interesting...hmmm...
Date: 2/24/2009 6:41:06 PM
Author: ladypirate
Can you add in essential oils as well? Like a lavender or rose for scent?

I may have to try this--it sounds intriguing and I am so over breaking out like I''m in high school.

Tea Tree oil would be really good for this!! Although the scent isn''t the most pleasant. Lavender would be good as well.

But yea.. you have to be careful with some essential oils. They can be irritating in their concentrated form. From what I know tea tree and lavender are the only ones that are really safe to use in their concentrated form directly on your skin.. I actually use those two all the time as an antibacterial on cuts.

But anyways.. this sounds interesting I''ll have to look into it!
This is so interesting, Musey! Thanks for all the information!

I have fairly sensitive dry skin and I wonder if this would work for me? Hmmm...I want to try it!
Date: 2/24/2009 8:05:34 PM
Author: thing2of2
I have fairly sensitive dry skin and I wonder if this would work for me? Hmmm...I want to try it!
That describes me, too
it's always worth a try!

If anyone does try it out, report back and let us know how it works for you
I think I''m going to try it. My skin isn''t bad, but my chin is consistently broken out, and with VERY uneven tone. Everything dermatologists have suggested has only ever worked for a little while. At least this wouldn''t be another Proactiv nightmare (uggggh, I hate that stuff).
I really want to try this out, but these quotes from the article you linked scares me a little:

Don't be surprised if you find you've unblocked an oil flow for the first few days.
Give your skin a few days to adjust and adapt to being clean and clear of blockages; understand that the new oil coming from your skin is actually a good sign and will balance out very shortly.

How did your skin react when you first started this new regimen? Will I be able to go out in public??
Date: 2/24/2009 8:29:14 PM
Author: musey
Date: 2/24/2009 8:05:34 PM

Author: thing2of2

I have fairly sensitive dry skin and I wonder if this would work for me? Hmmm...I want to try it!

That describes me, too
it''s always worth a try!

If anyone does try it out, report back and let us know how it works for you

Okay, good! I think I''ll go buy the stuff tomorrow if I get a chance-I''ll keep you posted! Thanks again for all the great links!
Date: 2/24/2009 10:29:21 PM
Author: White Orchid
I really want to try this out, but these quotes from the article you linked scares me a little:

Don't be surprised if you find you've unblocked an oil flow for the first few days.
Give your skin a few days to adjust and adapt to being clean and clear of blockages; understand that the new oil coming from your skin is actually a good sign and will balance out very shortly.
How did your skin react when you first started this new regimen? Will I be able to go out in public??
I know that there's definitely an adjustment period, and everyone reacts differently. Some people go through what I've heard called "purging," where they have a big breakout and then it all disappears (I read that this happens most with people prone to cystic acne, but I don't know how true that is). Some people never adjust to it. I think it all depends on your skin type and the oils you start with, most likely.

What happened with me was a very subdued version of purging... the pores on my nose got plugged and dark for a few days (I think it was 4 or 5), and then the plugs came out and everything was fine. I've never had any breakouts from it (only when I tried to go off of it and back to a commercial cleanser).

I wouldn't want to say "don't worry about it," because I don't know if my reaction is the norm. I was worried about the purging too and I remember timing it so that I didn't have anything important coming up soon within the first few days of starting, but it turned out that I didn't have anything to worry about in my case.
I''ve never heard of this, musey, but my interest is definitely piqued. I am thinking about heading to the local natural food store to look for some oil tonight, I''ll update if I try it!
I have read that site before and heard of the treatment, but I am so scared of making my skin worse. As it is, my skin breaks out constantly (mostly my chin) and every little thing irritates it.
Hi Everyone:

I''ve tried OCM a few times as well. Initially, my skin fees great, but then it actually becomes too drying for me. As Musey said, it can be too much for dryer skins if done too often!! Not to mention that I would inevitably get the oil creeping into my eyes and it would bug me. It is definitely worth a try though because I know several people who have fabulous luck with it.

If anyone''s interested, for my routine, I now use a gentle, detergent free castille cleanser that works fabulously and lasts forever - 1 tiny squirt takes off all makeup. I''ve had the same bottle for 6 months now and I''m only half way through... I then use pure exra virgin olive oil to moisturize my face, about 4 or 5 drops from a medicine dropper. I do this morning and night and my skin has never been better. Splotchiness/redness is gone, T-Zone has completely normalized (no oil slicks after a few hours), no blemishes. I''ve actually started putting olive oil on my husband''s face and he loves it as well. I may have to reduce the number of drops used in the summer when it gets hot and humid, but we''ll see.

I also stopped using commercial body lotions around the same time and now use Expeller Pressed Safflower oil, infused with Sweet Orange Essential Oil. I fill up a pump bottle with the safflower oil, and add about 30 drops of the sweet orange oil. I then use it all over my body after getting out of the shower. My skin really loves it (though I do miss the long lasting scent that I was getting out of the bath and body works lotions I had been using....but I guess that''s what perfume is for.). Using this oil on daily basis has totally gotten rid of the bumps on the backs of my arms - and I thought I was going to be stuck with them forever!
I love essential oils on my skin... and I have combination skin. I used to have breakouts and I can get shiny, too! I love Dr. Hauschka''s normalizing oil. I discovered it in InStyle magazine because the stars were raving about its natural healing properties. Since then, no breakouts and my skin is very moisturized and baby-like. It''s very inexpensive, too! I''ve tried ritzy rich creams for years like La Mer and Sisley and they always broke me out or gave me milia. Maybe they were too heavy for my skin. But this oil is very light and never ever breaks me out. It gives a glow to your skin! I only use it at night, though. I also have a spritz bottle I carry in my purse with distilled water and a few drops of lavender oil. It''s very relaxing and refreshes my skin & makeup!

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