
Oh wedding band, where art thou??

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Aug 18, 2008
I tried on this Michael B Petit princess w-band this weekend & thought it looked so delicate and beautiful, but I just can''t decide if it looks good with my e-ring. What do you guys think? I''ll post a few other looks too, so you can see others I am considering. I''ve ruled out the contessa band I was looking at a long time ago - I saw it last weekend and just wasn''t wild about it. I found it just a bit bulky (3mm) for my 2.5mm e-ring. I prefer a same width or thinner w-band.

a plain band

channel set

I personally think there is too much metal with the plain band. But I still like it! I do like the thin diamond band better because it makes your e-ring look beautiful- it enhances the ering. It definitely doesn''t take away from it. and it''s blingier!
i LOVE the petite princess band.
single prong

ha even though you didnt finish and you might not be done yet, i still like the thin band you posted first. But I do like the single prong second!
shared prong - memoire

I love the petite princess one with your ering! =)
Here is a Leon Mege ring that looks like the Michael B petit princess, but might even be prettier? Hard to tell without seeing it, but it looks just as think, but a little more diamond and less metal.

I also think that this one (and the next post) are possibilities but, again, I think - too much metal and I prefer how a thin diamond band brightens everything up and looks so feminine.

Memoire separated diamonds_320x240.jpg
I think they all look amazing with your beautiful ering!
my gut reaction is for the single prong
(but if I stared longer, I could be convinced of any of them!!!)
Have fun deciding!
michael b lace.....and that''s all!

I am having such a tough time deciding because I can''t see them all at the same store. I had to drive to Atlanta one weekend to see some, and Jacksonville the next weekend to see others. I wish I could see them all together in the same would be easier to decide.

What do you guys think?

I think I am leaning towards the pretty Michael B petite princess, yet wondering about whether the Leon Mege Mushroom pave ring would look even prettier. Has anyone seen both of these?

Oh....this is also a pic of the contessa band that I thought I was going to go with but decided I thought a less bulky, more delicate look was nicer.

I love the petite princess with your ring, the proportions are just perfect. That''s my vote.
Date: 2/22/2009 11:40:38 PM
Author: cara
I love the petite princess with your ring, the proportions are just perfect. That''s my vote.

Ditto! In second place for me is the shared prong Memoire, but I still think the petite princess is best!
My fav is definitely #1. I like the delicate band.

Shared Prong and Lace are a tie for #2. I actually really think the lace looks pretty with your ering. Wait...maybe Lace is #1 for me. Wow! Hee hee...what a tough decision!!
Okay...looked contessa is a little thicker than michael b lace?? I think the pic with the contessa looks the best...but if you want a more delicate look, maybe the michael b lace is the one??
My favorite is the Memoire, followed by the petit princess. They all look so pretty with your ring though!
Date: 2/22/2009 10:58:27 PM
I tried on this Michael B Petit princess w-band this weekend & thought it looked so delicate and beautiful, but I just can''t decide if it looks good with my e-ring. What do you guys think? I''ll post a few other looks too, so you can see others I am considering. I''ve ruled out the contessa band I was looking at a long time ago - I saw it last weekend and just wasn''t wild about it. I found it just a bit bulky (3mm) for my 2.5mm e-ring. I prefer a same width or thinner w-band.

I love the petit with your ring but it may be too little to wear as a wedding band on its own. know what I mean??? Could you get 2 to stack
The plain band looks best with your ering in my opinion.
Date: 2/22/2009 11:04:44 PM
Author: brightstone
shared prong - memoire
I like this one best.
Date: 2/23/2009 2:03:34 AM
Author: Miss Fortune

Date: 2/22/2009 10:58:27 PM
I tried on this Michael B Petit princess w-band this weekend & thought it looked so delicate and beautiful, but I just can''t decide if it looks good with my e-ring. What do you guys think? I''ll post a few other looks too, so you can see others I am considering. I''ve ruled out the contessa band I was looking at a long time ago - I saw it last weekend and just wasn''t wild about it. I found it just a bit bulky (3mm) for my 2.5mm e-ring. I prefer a same width or thinner w-band.

I love the petit with your ring but it may be too little to wear as a wedding band on its own. know what I mean??? Could you get 2 to stack
Now , that''s an idea!!
Actually, I''d love to have the little princess and then get the memoire purity, single shared prong later to put with it (maybe in .75 to 1ct, so it''s really thin too).
Hands down, the first pic you posted is the best for me! Sooo pretty!
I like the first one you posted best. I love how delicate it is
I like either a shared prong the same width as the band on your ering or the michael b lace. they''re both gorgeous!
I am a sucker for a shared prong memoire ring with a beautiful solitaire like yours, but I also
the first one you posted, the petite princess.
Love the first band you posted!!! Gorgeous!!!!
Date: 2/22/2009 11:39:40 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 2/22/2009 11:04:44 PM
Author: brightstone
shared prong - memoire
This and the plain band are my favorite looks. :)
I''m with SDL on this one!
I really like the plain one, probably a minority. I like the thin diamond band in the first photo but I feel it''s too thin. Maybe if you got a 2nd and wore one on each side?
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