
OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opinions!


Jan 12, 2012
Ok. It got here today, as promised by USPS. It's a 1.13 M OEC in a platinum Leigh J Nacht reproduction setting. Though there's things I need to ask and lots of opinions I need, in a way I hope it to be a comparison of old stones and MRB and also lower and higher color. I have one week to decide on this. There will be lots of pictures...

Backstory- I was really just looking for a pretty OEC 5 stone band to wear because I have the OEC bug pretty bad, and was trying to "quench" that for awhile, as DH said. Then I saw this ring and was mesmerized by the warm buttery tones in the photos. An upgrade was not on the agenda for a couple of years, though it is something we were going to look at a little later. A reasonable sized OEC was also on the wish list for some time in the future as DH and I both love them and he appreciates them a bit better than the modern rounds because he can see them better. He has what is called "low vision" so although he can see, it's kind of like having the vision of an 85 year old but only being half that age...and he's almost completely colorblind. Given this, modern diamonds don't really do much for him but he is fascinated by the old ones because he can see the facets better. So I saw this ring and began obsessing on it's buttery flavor. We discussed it for several days, worked through both the finances and the logic of making a purchase like this now rather than in say 2 years, and decided though the timing was not so good, it could be done (and would take care of the next couple of anniversaries too....).

My basic instinct reactions are: It's very pretty and I don't think I mind the color at all. I think it is a little shallow (59.3 I think), and so may have some obstruction issues or it could just be a function of the much shorter LGF (60%). (That's one question I have for the experts.) The setting will probably not be the forever setting, but that can be eventually changed as long as the stone is nice so I'm trying to focus on that.

The comparison is being done with my .794 H AGS 000, average diameter 5.97mm. LGF on that one is 76% so I am consistent with what I like so y'all can see both size and color differences. If I take the average of the diameter on the 1.13 M it is 6.71mm.

I've taken a few starter pics with my iphone which aren't as good, because I have to download and edit the ones on my camera so will come back with those later. Hopefully this will make a start on things.

Sellers pics:


Phone pics:




OOh sorry- wish I could resize those. You can see the M really pics up the surrounding colors more than the H. I guess that's a function of those short LGFs? In the second pic, you kind of get a feel for the size difference, even though the H is in a halo and the M is a solitaire and they sort of negate each other a bit.

Now I hope you'll give some gut reactions and opinions while I wrestle with the other camera to download the other pics. The H isn't going away. It's my e-ring and we're both sentimental about it. So I would have 2 diamonds if I keep this....
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Would love to see many more pictures! My gut reaction to the pictures posted is that I can see much more color in the new stone. Who graded it as an M? Are you going to have it appraised? The up close picture looks very pretty and if you don't mind the color, it might be a keeper for you. A well cut M stone is certainly going to be prettier than a poorly cut M stone but an M is still a M and will always show color in some lighting and views.

The only other question I would ask is if you want two rings that look like engagement rings? If you are definitely keeping your original, will this be a ring to switch on and off with or will it be a RHR only?
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

My first thought was similar to what MGR said...if you are keeping your e-ring, I think I'd consider getting something like a 3 stone ring for a second ring. (Although I can see myself possibly ending up with 2 e-rings, so who am I to give advice on that!!!)

I will tell you that after my experiments with AVR and AVC's, I can handle lower color in the cushions. I could not do M in a round because I am used to looking at a G and you are used to looking at an H. I just wonder if you wouldn't be happier waiting a little longer and finding a nice J or K instead? It looks like a pretty stone, but decent OEC's that size aren't terribly hard to find. How much is this one?
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

It's GIA graded May of this year. The whole ring was a little over $3K.

Specs are 1.13 M VS1: Table: 54%, Crown angle 35, Pavilion angle 39.9, Depth: 59.3

It would probably end up being an OEC alternate e-ring, but I can fit it on either hand easily. The eventual setting that I think would look fab would be from Leigh J Nacht, the L1071...yeah, I pretty much would like to halo it...but it seems so safe and secure in there. I'd eventually reset it and sell the setting. (Totally sold on platinum now. This setting feels great. Very dense, if that makes sense.)

I am continuing to think on the M-ness of it, and whether that bothers me or not. I'm still putting it through all the lighting environments I can imagine. I greatly appreciate and continue to be interested in y'alls thoughts on that too. My other main questions to the gurus here are how y'all see the cut and performance aspects of it....more pics in a bit...I finally got them downloaded. I'm such a goober and keep using my seriously outdated Photoshop that I know backwards and forwards and have to run it on a a crossover program because I am on a Mac and the original program I had is for PC....
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

I am sure Dreamer and some others who have seen a lot of OEC's will be here later to comment on the stone's performance.

I LOVE the design of the setting you are interested in! Tell me how the quality is on the details on the one you are looking at. I was looking at that site last night just to get some ideas of styles I like.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Okay...first, in think it's beautiful. It's "lemony" to me. But, I don't think it adds much more finger coverage than your original halo e-ring. So, if you keep it, I would suggest a halo in rose gold to balance the yellow tint in the diamond. I think it would enhance the color. Since you had to stretch financially to get this, make sure you really love the stone.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Second try.

Thank y'all for your preliminary thoughts.

Mandasand- You are very right. It doesn't give a whole lot more finger coverage than my halo ring so that I AM going to have to ponder quite a bit. I don't know though, that even waiting another year or 2 will guarantee a larger budget. Maybe, but who knows, the future is not guaranteed. That was part of the reasoning behind going ahead with this.

DS- I will try to photograph the setting tomorrow when it's light. I think it is nice quality, but not VC, IYKWIM. The milgrain and wheat patterns are finely done and it feels solid. I think some of the settings may take better to the reproduction process than others.

Here's some more photos taken with my other camera.

Outdoors with the H:


Outdoors by itself:



Indoors, near a window with putty and sage walls and dark red and gold curtains:


Indoors with mixed lighting (window and incandescent):


Indoors in ambient lighting, no lights on, near a window. Sage walls and dark brown curtains:

Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Just my thoughts, for what they are worth.

I really think it is a beautiful ring! I admired it when it was for sale and I am glad in went to a PS'er. If you will get wear out of it as it is, with a view to halo - ing it later, then I say keep it. Especially if it makes your heart sing. :love:

I can see the advantages of having two rings. I will indulge in a second, smaller ring, hopefully very soon, too. I wear a 1.7 rb in a Canera Halo and I adore it. However, it is my dress up ring, not an every day one for me. (I am a make up artist so it isn't practical)

I will be looking for a low bezel set ring for everyday use.

So the question really is, do you love it and will two halo's work for you? If it does, then great!! If not, change it. Life is too short not to get what you want (within budgetary constraints!!!! ;)) )

Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

I really agree with Susan...if you LOVE it, then keep it!!! If you aren't sure, then send it back. There's always something better out there! Very simple, really.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

WELLL..... With a diamond like this and you have the ring in person, the only opinion that matters is yours! If you LOVE it then keep it. If you do not LOVE it, then keep looking! Each old cut stone is totally unique. A different set of proportions will look totally different. All I can tell from photos is that its worth seeing in person, which you are doing ;))

You paid what I think is a very fair price, especially given the GIA report and the attractive mount.

If you can afford it, though, I'd hold out for a bigger stone since you have a halow already.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Dreamer, Susi, MGR, Manda and DS...thank y'all for the input.

Susi- I think my motto with jewelry in general is "stick a halo on it". :)

Dreamer, it's really good to hear you thought this one merited a closer look. DH likes it as well, though his main opinion since he can't really see the color is just "darker" but sparkley and he likes that he can "see into" it, I guess because the much larger facets are acting like a larger scale mirror than the smaller ones do on the modern stones, where he says you can't really see past the surface, which I think I understand. I think mostly his concern is that I both like it, and that we did ok price-wise on it because though changing my original e-ring is a no-no, he's got no problem with finding something bigger later should the opportunity arise in an old cut. I feel the same. I like my modern stone, but I don't ever see wanting 2 of them as rings, and that leads me again to old cuts. (I've probably committed PS blasphemy there...) (I didn't say ANYTHING about earrings though).

On color- this thing sucks up color from everywhere, I think and that's very interesting to me and still hard to comment on. I will try tomorrow purposefully finding a place where it will photograph as white as it can as opposed to today where I just let it come out how it wanted to. (My camera does seem to handle color a little differently than my last one. I am not quite used to this one yet.)

On setting- One of the things I keep wondering when I look at this is whether this particular setting is just not doing the color of the stone any favors???

On size- As DH says, the only thing that will stay constant is the original e-ring. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy this one for some time, then resell later to fund another should we want to an the stars be all in alignment and so forth. Do you think this would be a good way to look at this ring?

On cut- Ok, here is where my only other experience with a stone of any size in an old or old style cut is an AVR so it's just my theory. We looked at AVRs for my e-ring, and actually looked at an M and also a J. (DH thinks he likes this M better.) There's something about the AVR (maybe it's just mental) that makes me evaluate them the same way I do MRB and for those I think H is my limit. Maybe I if I were pressed to it. But there's something about a true old cut that even with all the wonk in the faceting, or maybe even because of the wonk, makes the antique color much more attractive and charming.

One thing they do have in common is the way the pavilion faceting seems to behave, though it's toned down quite a bit in the AVR's. I don't know if it's a function of the LGF but maybe someone who knows better can give me an idea of what I see or what I should see technically. (I have read GOG's info on LGF lengths). In the modern cut stone, the much thinner LGF make some contrast between the arrows (from a top down view). In the older stones and also somewhat in the AVR, the shorter LGF bunch together at the edges and so you get the flower petal but not much separation between them, and also sometimes get either a 0 or 1, like all on or all off for those reflectors, if that makes sense.'s a quick IS I did of it just for the heck of it because it's fun. I imagine it's not as accurate since it is set, it's still cool!


Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

I think I am picking up what you are putting down in terms of describing the cut and optics :lol:

And since you seem interested in the analysis I will bite, with the caveat that these are just my impressions based on photos. Your impressions in person matter much more.

I do quite like the cut of this stone's jib. Based on its proportions I actually think it is an Early American cut like mine and Demelza's! Early Tolkowski ideal cuts, most from the 1920s, had pavilion angles between 40 and 41 degrees, crowns between 33 and 35, tables between 45 and 55, and depths around 60% (see page 123 of Gilbertson's American Cut: The first 100 years). Lower halves tended to be in the 60s too. That fits yours exactly ;)) So there is a little history. An early ideal cut, or Americal Cut, my favourite flavour.

More thoughts: It is very symmetrical as I think you can see in the IS image which shows big fatty arrows. That is good. The depth is fine, 59.3 is basically 60% and that is the same as my diamond and Demelza's stones and ours are perfect if I say so myself :rodent: The LGF at 60% is also a good length for this style of cut, because the table is a teensy bit bigger than you can see you would not want lgf any shorter or you would likely have issues with obstruction. The *only* think to check for is when you look directly into the face of the stone does the center turn into a black abyss? I doubt it, but the head on shot on DB shows some obstruction and its hard to tell if it would be like that in person or not. For comparison, I cannot take a photo of my diamond where the central area goes totally black, even when it is obstructed some under-table facets remain lit up. *shrug* that is not the measure of perfection or anything, just noting it. Most old cuts have some obstruction it only bothers me when the *whole* table goes dark. Acceptable obstruction for me is when you see some darkening under the table area but not total, and some facets stay lit up as I said.

Anyways I am biased because the flavour of this cut is in my zone. I think you did well to find such a nicely cut stone, with a GIA report, and with such a nice mount. The price you paid is very good and I think should you ever choose one day to sell her to upgrade you could recoup your money or even make a little if you consigned it. Color... can't help you there. I can tell you it will look less tinted in a mount without any melee side stones. I would look for a true antique with a bezel halo, no diamods.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Dreamer- that's what DH thinks too. He thinks the cut looks like an American cut.

I'm going to reread your post again thoroughly in the AM, when my brain is working again and I have graded the papers I neglected this evening. Mostly, I see flower petal shape when the center area goes in to shadow (which would have been arrows had those facets been longer).

DS- side pics tomorrow when I have some light.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Like Dreamer, I also favor this cut (as well as AVR's). But what worries me is that if you don 't REALLY love it color and all, you may see one you like better next month and not be able to buy it because you have this one and would have to wait to sell it.

Remember MrsSalvo's tagline...a deal is not a deal unless you are getting exactly what you want!
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Oh and if you do decide it isn't for you, given all the beautiful pictures you have posted, I do not think you would be short of a buyer or three!!! ;))


Susimoo skips of to the PreLoved section............. :Up_to_something: :bigsmile:
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

You did get a good bargain. I love the faceting, it is very attractive. I actually love that setting too, but I agree that it may not be doing any favors for your stone. I keep thinking about the rose gold bezel with mil grain that a PSer just had done by ERD...could not find the's too early and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet!
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

I'm really liking the stone AND the setting.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

I think it is beautiful!!
You have wonderful taste-your current ring is a gorgeous modern ring, this one is a wonderful ring of times passed.
I like it as is, but the other setting is pretty also.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

woof. Paper grading and kitchen restocking all done now.

Thank y'all so much for the comments and insight- everyone!

I've got a few more photos and some side pics for DS. It's really hard for me to nail down a color that I see most often, as this stone is a bit of a chameleon and all you have to do is take it in to a different room to see a different color in it, which is very cool.

I knew I had seen the setting I really like before here from Elliemay: [URL=''][/URL] . Now I begin to feel like her in more than one way! I didn't know I even liked diamonds until I came to PS and learned more about them (and still am learning). Really, I may have to change my username to HeartsPave or MeleeMadness or something like that.

I'm sitting here, after a little test drive out to the post office with Little Miss Chameleon here pondering the things that brought me here and now. Do I want a stone that competes with my e-ring for wear-time? Do I NEED one? (DH already answered that one for me as we discussed expensive audio equipment and computers.) What is the itch I am trying to scratch?

My town is very low key, earth nut crunchy and laid back. Many times when I am out, I see many plain bands, sometimes colored stones on ring hands, and chunky yellow gold most often on "ladies at least a certain age". Some of the younger crowd sports more sparkly pave but even then, my halo ring is considered large-ish by people I know (and incredibly sparkley, which it is!) and I am not the norm here when it comes to sporting sparkles (but I am earth nut crunchy). (My friend who was my bridesmaid at the wedding says it was always in there just waiting to come out.) Most people don't realize my e-ring is under a carat. So I am looking, and considering y'alls very very wise words about just how big I would (eventually) like to go because I could totally see why you'd want to go over 7mm, but at the same time I sure do like getting my foot in the door so to speak! (And also just trying to be realistic about that also...)

And this is scratching a major itch I acquired...DSS AND OEC madness all at once....

DD- I did reread your post and think I understand what you mean. WHen the stone is shadowed or obscured, then you see mostly like the 1st IS pic, the flower pattern in dark and usually 2-3 of the petals on the opposite, which I think came out pretty clear in that image. Even when I work to get the center as dark and obscured as I can, there's generally at least a few splinters in there working opposites.

Ok- so last photos of the color in different rooms:

Aqua BLue room:


Kitchen with more RLP:


Front shot for DD-


Side views of setting for DS-

Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Thanks for the close ups! I imagine these are cast and I can see the difference between cast detail and hand engraving. Of course, you pay more for handmade, so these are nice for what they are!

I think the ring is very pretty but I almost wonder if something like a three stone or a cushion might work better for you because then you could wear them as a RHR when you wanted to wear your e-ring. Of course, this stone would also make a beautiful pendant if you found another ring or stone later on!
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

DS- you're welcome! It's the least I could do with all the help y'all have been giving me! :) I've got no issue sticking on the other side as it is for a RHR when I feel the urge for it. :P It happily fits on both fingers.

If I should end up with a setting change, and change it to something other than platinum, like the rose gold that Mandasand suggests it would end up a RHR (I did go find that thread and it was lovely in RG). Is is just me, since we haven't been married long, that I don't like the thought of not wearing at least one of the rings related to the engagement or wedding even if I change other parts up? Does that wear off over the years? Even though I was married before, we never had rings so having rings that mark a certain moment in time you want to be reminded of is like a tooth growing in and I have to feel it all out.

I am becoming more convinced it needs metal behind it, in a setting like DD suggests all of this and more I need to factor in to my considerations over the next few days. My dream is still the Leigh J Nacht setting like Elliemay's or something very like it style-wise. Dang- I wish I'd known before she was selling that! This one's even even got almost the same measurements as hers did!
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

You need to figure out what you are trying to scratch ;)) I went through a lot of rings until I nailed down my own reasons for wanting to change. I don't like or want more than one ring, at least not at this point in my life. I wanted one ring to rule them all. And when I was able to figure out what I really wanted (unique, big, unusual, awesome optics, and mind clean for price [i.e., I had a set amount I was comfortable spending]) I was able to get something that was just right. But if you don't know what you are after then its a long road of dissatisfaction.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Yeah- I know DreamerD. I think the main itch was OEC, larger stone (ct or over) and the bonus has been that I have been able to look at all the angles and proportions on it in addition to my eyes and I understand a little better how they are "built" now because I am always nervous about that when looking at stones. (I'm going to reread your post again on the angles explanation.) With the 5 stone ring, we were also looking for 1-1.5 CTW and I realize the itch probably would have not been fully scratched. :devil: So part of it is the larger stone too....At the moment, I feel like I've eaten a big dinner.

I also really like the idea of having a nice example of an old cut, and a nice example of a modern cut. The best of both worlds. DH mentioned when we were discussing it that he was kind of glad in the end we didn't try to mix the two old and new all in to one with the AVR/AVC.
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

Did you end up keeping this ring?
Re: OEC sparkley arrived! Time to compare to MRB! Need opini

motownmama|1355155182|3327574 said:
Did you end up keeping this ring?

I did, but I am saving for a reset of it. The setting only superficially was like the other one I really like so it's kind of in there temporarily until I can figure out how to get what I REALLY want, which keeps slipping back and forth between 2 styles. Luckily, I haven't got quite enough saved yet so I have time to think still, but a thread is potentially upcoming....