
OEC "guidelines"


Jun 6, 2010
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in RT, but I've been trying to see if there has been a topic on this before and either there hasn't (which I find hard to believe ;)) ) or I'm not searching the correct terms. I'm still really wanting an OEC and have been trolling ebay, JbeG, OWD, etc. However, I know that antique stones don't follow the same "rules" as modern RBs so I have no idea what to look for, other than what pleases my eye. Are there guidelines regarding depth/table, sym/polish, etc. as there are with modern RBs? If so, could someone please point me in the right direction?

Hey Yenny, what a great topic idea! Unfortunately from my experience (although somewhat limited I've spent countless hours looking at them) there really isn't to much of a guideline for antique diamonds. It helps to be able to identify what type of cut it might be (transitional, old mine cut, OEC, etc) but it really is what is pleasing to the eye. I've seen OEC that have had no depth at all have amazing fire and be amazing and beautiful and I've seen other ones where it was wonky and all messed up. Same thing if they are to deep, I've seen them be amazingly attractive and face up larger because of the way they were cut. If I were you I'd check out all the different types and just pick one that's pleasing to the eye. Most of them can be found in some unattractive rings for a fraction of the price you'd pay on OWD or some place else if you're willing to take a chance (or actually clean the amazes me how many rings aren't cleaned prior to pictures being taken for the listing :wacko: )

I'm sure you've seen this on JBEG site already but here is the link anyways.

One from OWD

The OMC are really the most difficult IMO to source bc they are so hard to photograph. I really like the ones that look like pillows and sometimes the photos come out making them look all wonky (and some of them really are that wonky and by wonky I mean crooked and lopsided) but bc you're searching for an OEC it should be a little easier.

What size/specs/price are you searching for? I have quite a few that I watch on ebay on a regular basis (for the day when money rains out of the sky and i can buy all the amazing vintage pieces on my watch list lol) and I'm more than happy to link you to them.
Thanks VL! I honestly don't know what I'm looking for exactly. I have calipers, but somehow, I can't get a good visual of what 5mm will look like on my ear or hand....I need to go to a store and look at RBs in a variety of mm's to see how large they are. I know that you can't really go by carat weight, so I can't say that I want ".50 ct", but I don't really grasp the visual size of mm yet. Once I know, I can be more specific. I just wondered if there were basic rules (i.e. don't get an OEC with a table larger than....or get a depth in "X" range)....
I've researched this topic like crazy. :) Dave Atlas has a guidline on his web site here: oops, wait the link doesn't work for it on his web site. Try this one: It's hard to read that chart when printed so you might want to contact Dave Atlas and see if he has a link to the chart.

Then I remember a really good post made by LGK about what she looks for. I'll see if I can dig it up but maybe if you search for LGK then OEC you will find it.

Thanks MDS, those are great places to start! I appreciate your help!
MyDiamondSparkles|1303941329|2906524 said:
I've researched this topic like crazy. :) Dave Atlas has a guidline on his web site here: oops, wait the link doesn't work for it on his web site. Try this one: It's hard to read that chart when printed so you might want to contact Dave Atlas and see if he has a link to the chart.

Then I remember a really good post made by LGK about what she looks for. I'll see if I can dig it up but maybe if you search for LGK then OEC you will find it.

I think that was in one of my threads.... LGK gave some great advice on selecting an OEC.. I'll go check now..

ETA: this may be LGK's post I was thinking of: [URL=''][/URL]

From what Ive read- making sure the stone isn't "dead" in the center (meaning not sparkly) is what stuck in my mind most. Must be common in old cuts? I also have this idea that the table should be smaller than depth ie 50 table 60 depth but I could have made that up lol. I also know you can't really go by numbers with antiques like you can with modern stones. Kelpie has a stunning OEC with a depth in the low 50s!