
First impressions of this cushion?


Nov 3, 2009
I'm always keeping my eye out for a chunky cushion or OEC on the lower end of my budget that'd make it worth it, to me, to spend less than getting an AVC of the same face up size. (Between a chunky cushion and an AVC- if they were the same price and same face up size, I'd get an AVC hands down but I would like to find something beautiful and spend less - if it's out there..) I found this and only have one not so great pic. What do you guys think just based on this pic and some stats?

GIA Cushion Brilliant (graded this year)
Just under 2.3 carats
56.5% depth (I know it's low but I've seen killer low depth cushions as well as many not so great ones.. so I'm willing to look at almost anything)
64% table

If I don't get an AVC I want a chunky cushion or OEC- and I can't tell if this one has a partially chunky, partially crushed ice look..

I'd like to get thoughts before I decide to go any further with this stone. Thanks! :D

what is your budget?
Any chances of an ASET?

I agree wit you that it looks mostly chunky with a little bit of ice in it. I personally could live with that if the light
return is good and its a bright stone.

Edit - I worry about seeing those black facets...I hope we're not seeing through to the background.
KMD|1294175604|2814235 said:
what is your budget?
$50.00 - $30k if I wait longer but I'd rather stay closer to $50 :lol:

Any thoughts anyone? I won't be offended if you say its the most hideous diamond you've ever seen :D
tyty333|1294177325|2814247 said:
Any chances of an ASET?

I agree wit you that it looks mostly chunky with a little bit of ice in it. I personally could live with that if the light
return is good and its a bright stone.

Edit - I worry about seeing those black facets...I hope we're not seeing through to the background.
Thanks tyty!!

ASET yes- but only if I get it pulled by the vendor I want to purchase it through but I don't want to do that if it looks like a dud off the bat you know?

I could live with the tiny bit of ice too I guess if it was a stunner in person. Those facets have me worried as well! I sent an email to have it checked out.. not really sure what's going on there.. ?
I've actually been able to compare an AVC with a similar face up size OEC. Would a (undoubtedly long winded) comparison help you out in your search? I'd be happy to clutter up your thread here with one if you'd find it helpful.

As far as this stone? So hard to tell from these pics- plus, with the black back ground it's even less helpful. In the size it's at, you'd be more likely to have medium to large virtual facets and less crushed ice, at least.
LGK|1294178828|2814264 said:
I've actually been able to compare an AVC with a similar face up size OEC. Would a (undoubtedly long winded) comparison help you out in your search? I'd be happy to clutter up your thread here with one if you'd find it helpful.

As far as this stone? So hard to tell from these pics- plus, with the black back ground it's even less helpful. In the size it's at, you'd be more likely to have medium to large virtual facets and less crushed ice, at least.

Thanks LGK!! Ugh I know- I wish I had a decent pic. I feel like such a PITA asking a vendor to get a stone when I'm not even 50% sure. What's the normal policy for vendors pulling stones from the virtual world? If I offer to pay shipping would that make me less of a pain in the behind?

Re the comparison-- YES! YES! Please clutter away!!! :appl:
Can you see it in person? Who is the vendor?
LALove|1294177430|2814251 said:
KMD|1294175604|2814235 said:
what is your budget?
$50.00 - $30k if I wait longer but I'd rather stay closer to $50 :lol:

Any thoughts anyone? I won't be offended if you say its the most hideous diamond you've ever seen :D

Sorry if it was offensive for me to ask about your budget. It may be a great stone for your budget or a horrible stone for your budget. For $50 its beautiful. For 30K it's hideous.
Dreamer_D|1294179542|2814272 said:
Can you see it in person? Who is the vendor?
It's listed on BN's virtual inventory. I could see it in person if I paid for it and then shipped it back if I didn't like it. I'd much rather have a vendor I trust check out anything in person before I have it sent to me (plus I'd like to get an ASET first too since I'm not going to be comparing many stones in person). If it looks good I'll ask Yekutiel from IDJ to check it out (other reasons are I can most likely get a better price from him and I may be using a trade in which I can only do thru him). I found another stone a few months back that looked great and sent him an email with just the cert to get his thoughts. He actually knew the cutter and picked up the stone the next day. It turned out that the cut was closer to a Daussi cushion which isn't what I want so it was helpful to have him check it out first.
KMD|1294180491|2814291 said:
LALove|1294177430|2814251 said:
KMD|1294175604|2814235 said:
what is your budget?
$50.00 - $30k if I wait longer but I'd rather stay closer to $50 :lol:

Any thoughts anyone? I won't be offended if you say its the most hideous diamond you've ever seen :D

Sorry if it was offensive for me to ask about your budget. It may be a great stone for your budget or a horrible stone for your budget. For $50 its beautiful. For 30K it's hideous.

No worries! For $50 I'd get it for sure! It's on the low end of my budget- around 10k which is pretty fair. The AVC I'm in LOVE with is 28k. But if I can find a stone I L-O-V-E almost as much for half the price- I'd just feel better about spending less. :)
Can you ask for another photo? Perhaps in daylight, held against someone's hand or palm? That would give a much better sense for the LP than the shot you have.

I found this out the hard way because I had a photo similar to yours (but the dark areas in that photo formed a maltese cross) and I figured it out after I saw the diamond -- it was taken in a dark room with one light source directly overhead, so the cross looked dark because it was reflecting the dark room! Also there was some purple and as soon as I met the vendor I knew why -- he was wearing a polo the same color as the purple in the photo, so it must have been another reflection.
Hee! Happy to clutter, always. :bigsmile:

Anyway. I got a 1.5 ct AVC, U/V light brown. It faces up almost exactly the same as my 1.22 ct N colored OEC. The OEC is a later one, almost verging on transitional but still, I'd call it an OEC. But it's got a large table for an OEC, 59%. And it's bang-on 60% depth. But high crown, big culet, etc, so it looks mostly like a slightly biggish tabled OEC. It's one I consider well cut, it shows fire from all across the whole diamond when you play with it.

The AVC is a square one with a good ASET image, some obstruction but definitely on the best cut end of the AVCs.

When you play with them side by side, they really show about the exact same fire performance. The AVC has those extra large maltese cross center facets, which are gorgeous- but it does show much smaller facets all round the edges, much smaller than any on the OEC. The OEC is much more evenly just large chunky facets, no huge ones, but no small ones. The AVC shows a smidge more obstruction than the OEC in some situations, and as such the OEC is brighter sometimes.

I was totally prepared for the AVC to blow the antique cut out of the water, but it really didn't. I mean, maybe it has a slight edge that is measurable with instruments or something, but in terms of real life performance? Nah, not enough to notice. And believe me, I'm picky. I don't love every antique cut I lay eyes on, because I find plenty that I don't think perform real well. So mine was definitely cherry picked.

In terms of which is so called better? Utter toss up, goes down to personal taste. I like the more wide range of facet size in the AVC, because I have several OECs and some variety is nice, but if I were going with one over the other? I'd go with the OEC, the even chunky facets make my toes curl, lol. The AVC is amazing too- really, you cannot go wrong with either a well cut OEC or an AVC, honestly.

(The light brown color of the AVC is just to diiiieee for, it's a lovely soft fleshy pinkish in a lot of lighting. I'm gonna put that puppy in a rose gold bezel and I think that's going to make it even pinker. The GIA cert doesn't note any pink hue, just light brown, but it's *definitely* there, in almost all lighting. No fluor.)

Hopefully someone out there knows how to deal with buying/shopping for stones off a virtual list- I've never even gone there, mostly I buy stuff in person or from pet ebay vendors, lol.
antelope1|1294181199|2814301 said:
Can you ask for another photo? Perhaps in daylight, held against someone's hand or palm? That would give a much better sense for the LP than the shot you have.

I found this out the hard way because I had a photo similar to yours (but the dark areas in that photo formed a maltese cross) and I figured it out after I saw the diamond -- it was taken in a dark room with one light source directly overhead, so the cross looked dark because it was reflecting the dark room! Also there was some purple and as soon as I met the vendor I knew why -- he was wearing a polo the same color as the purple in the photo, so it must have been another reflection.

Thanks antelope- I think that may be what's going on. But, I don't want to ask for more pics only because I don't plan on purchasing it from BN and to have them spend any real time on it doesn't feel right you know? Asking for 1 photo from the cutting house (is that what it's called? LOL) I don't feel too bad about but asking for more pics.. I'd feel guilty since they'd be wasting their time. Maybe it's wrong for me to even ask for 1 picture. Oh man I feel bad now! I guess I can just offer to pay the shipping for Yekutiel to check it out. Won't be that much probably.
LGK|1294181392|2814303 said:
Hee! Happy to clutter, always. :bigsmile:

Anyway. I got a 1.5 ct AVC, U/V light brown. It faces up almost exactly the same as my 1.22 ct N colored OEC. The OEC is a later one, almost verging on transitional but still, I'd call it an OEC. But it's got a large table for an OEC, 59%. And it's bang-on 60% depth. But high crown, big culet, etc, so it looks mostly like a slightly biggish tabled OEC. It's one I consider well cut, it shows fire from all across the whole diamond when you play with it.

The AVC is a square one with a good ASET image, some obstruction but definitely on the best cut end of the AVCs.

When you play with them side by side, they really show about the exact same fire performance. The AVC has those extra large maltese cross center facets, which are gorgeous- but it does show much smaller facets all round the edges, much smaller than any on the OEC. The OEC is much more evenly just large chunky facets, no huge ones, but no small ones. The AVC shows a smidge more obstruction than the OEC in some situations, and as such the OEC is brighter sometimes.

I was totally prepared for the AVC to blow the antique cut out of the water, but it really didn't. I mean, maybe it has a slight edge that is measurable with instruments or something, but in terms of real life performance? Nah, not enough to notice. And believe me, I'm picky. I don't love every antique cut I lay eyes on, because I find plenty that I don't think perform real well. So mine was definitely cherry picked.

In terms of which is so called better? Utter toss up, goes down to personal taste. I like the more wide range of facet size in the AVC, because I have several OECs and some variety is nice, but if I were going with one over the other? I'd go with the OEC, the even chunky facets make my toes curl, lol. The AVC is amazing too- really, you cannot go wrong with either a well cut OEC or an AVC, honestly.

(The light brown color of the AVC is just to diiiieee for, it's a lovely soft fleshy pinkish in a lot of lighting. I'm gonna put that puppy in a rose gold bezel and I think that's going to make it even pinker. The GIA cert doesn't note any pink hue, just light brown, but it's *definitely* there, in almost all lighting. No fluor.)

Hopefully someone out there knows how to deal with buying/shopping for stones off a virtual list- I've never even gone there, mostly I buy stuff in person or from pet ebay vendors, lol.
LGK as always thank you SO MUCH for your detailed comparison! I'd love an OEC BUT I only know of a couple of vendors who carry them. I'm also pretty sure I could get a nice sized one for less than I'd pay for an AVC which I like since I'm getting very frugal (cheap really) as I get older. :) I was mostly looking for cushions b/c I know I can get most of those called in as they're virtual inventory. I haven't even asked the vendor I want to use (ID Jewelry) if they can get some OECs for me to check out. Duh! That'd be a place to start! LOL

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVVVEEEE your 3.55 carat OEC! :love: (Is it an OEC??) I'd die if I found a stone like that! That was a great find! I'd love to see pics of your 1.22 OEC- pink hues!? How cool!!!! Do you also own an AVC or did you send it back?

If I ask a vendor to get some OECs for me to compare to this cushion -- what should I ask for?? I mean besides my size/color/clarity preference. I know you said make sure it sparkles in the middle and the sides - anything else I should request that I'd probably want but may not think to ask for?
Hi LA Love, I know how hard it is to find the perfect diamond for you, but when it comes to diamonds, I would not settle for something just because it's cheaper, meaning that if your heart is set on the AVC, I would go for the AVC. There really is nothing like those gorgeous stones, and everyone who has gotten one has absolutely loved it. But I understand where you're coming from and I think it's great that you're shopping for other options. This cushion doesn't really speak to me, and I have similar concerns as everyone else. I did a quick browse at JbEG and was wondering how you felt about some of their loose stones? They are lower in color but look so fantastic and are selling at a great price points. Sometimes hitting up more antique specialty places would be a good idea if you're looking for a chunky cushion or OEC. I think Old World Diamonds also carries OECs in larger sizes, maybe try them too? Whatever you decide to do, I really hope you find the stone of your dreams! Don't settle for less ;))
I'm no expert, but for 10k, that stone doesn't really call to me as a good lookalike/alternative for shelling out the cash for an AVC. For $1,500 more, I'd rather have this AVC:
I know it looks pretty warm in that photo, but look how much whiter this L-graded one seems: I'd say the K is worth a look.
I think with that depth it is more likely to look like a Daussi, which you mention you are not a fan of.

I think comprimising to spend less is not always the best. $10k is a lot of money no matter how you slice it. You can find a nice unbranded cushion, but I would suggest calling Mark at ERD or asking Jon at GOG to source it for you, maybe Whiteflash.
athenaworth|1294185949|2814380 said:
For your budget, you have to get my dream diamond so I can drool and be completely jealous:

ETA: oh der - I see you're in love with it as well.
Isn't that stone to die for?! I swear I look at it once a day at least! My budget isn't 30k yet- to get to that will probably take 6-8 months but there are so many variables so who knows really.

Plus, at this point, with everything I have going on (2 new businesses which take $ to get going, renting out our too small condo that we're totally upside down in which is risky and moving into a bigger house, enrolling DS in preschool which is outrageously expensive BTW!, planning on another baby this year *hopefully* etc) I just can't get myself to feel OK with shelling out 25-30k right now. I feel like there are other things that money could be going towards that would be more beneficial for the family. Ugh.

DH and I breakdown our income so that a % goes towards bills/expenses, % towards savings, % towards savings for DS, % for charity, and then a % to spend on whatever we please- non essentials. That's how I get money to buy diamonds- pinching my little pennies and foregoing new purses, shoes and the like. So, really it's OK to use my own "play" money buuuuttt that's a LOT of money. If I could put half into savings as a buffer that just makes more sense to me. I was all ready to spend it all but I'm just not feeling so sure or great about it anymore. Having my DS really made me cheap! LOL I used to blow money like it was going out of style. :rolleyes:

So, unless I want to go with a smaller AVC and upgrade later on, getting a "generic" cushion or OEC just makes more sense. I always have the option of getting another diamond down the road. I just think I'd be happier with a larger cushion or OEC over a small AVC that I couldn't upgrade til who knows when. I don't want to get a new stone and still feel the need to stalk that 4 carat N AVC on GOGs site everyday! LOL I'm still not sure what to do, but I have time to decide. :)

Ok, I'm done ranting. LOL
lokelani|1294187606|2814402 said:
I'm no expert, but for 10k, that stone doesn't really call to me as a good lookalike/alternative for shelling out the cash for an AVC. For $1,500 more, I'd rather have this AVC:
I know it looks pretty warm in that photo, but look how much whiter this L-graded one seems: I'd say the K is worth a look.
It's not an AVC that's for sure :) But I think I *may* be able to find a cushion or OEC that I could love almost as much as an AVC- especially if it cost a lot less for the same or close to the same face up size.

Edit: oops hit submit before I was done.

I really love the L you linked! Something like that is a possibility if I want to do the whole upgrade thing which I didn't really want to do (this will be my 2nd upgrade). When I do that (buy something with the idea of upgrading it later) I'm never totally appreciative with what I have- I'm always wanting the next better thing... I think I'll keep looking around for cushions and OECs and if nothing strikes me as amazing, I'll get a smaller AVC and upgrade it later. :)
sweetpea&babycorn|1294187455|2814400 said:
Hi LA Love, I know how hard it is to find the perfect diamond for you, but when it comes to diamonds, I would not settle for something just because it's cheaper, meaning that if your heart is set on the AVC, I would go for the AVC. There really is nothing like those gorgeous stones, and everyone who has gotten one has absolutely loved it. But I understand where you're coming from and I think it's great that you're shopping for other options. This cushion doesn't really speak to me, and I have similar concerns as everyone else. I did a quick browse at JbEG and was wondering how you felt about some of their loose stones? They are lower in color but look so fantastic and are selling at a great price points. Sometimes hitting up more antique specialty places would be a good idea if you're looking for a chunky cushion or OEC. I think Old World Diamonds also carries OECs in larger sizes, maybe try them too? Whatever you decide to do, I really hope you find the stone of your dreams! Don't settle for less ;))

Aw you're so sweet! Thank you! In a perfect world, I'd get that N color (I ADORE the color of that stone and pick it over a D any day!) 4 carat AVC - but I just don't know if I can spend that kind of money at this point. I also think it is possible that I could find an OEC or chunky cushion that I'd love as much but for different reasons you know? I found a totally lopsided OEC on JbEG site a week or 2 or so ago and loved it- the only thing that stopped me from getting it was the size.

I definitely don't plan on rushing or settling - that's why I haven't called IDJ to pull this cushion yet. :) JbEG has gorgeos stones but nothing in the size and budget I want at the moment. Same with Old World.
Dreamer_D|1294187761|2814406 said:
I think with that depth it is more likely to look like a Daussi, which you mention you are not a fan of.

I think comprimising to spend less is not always the best. $10k is a lot of money no matter how you slice it. You can find a nice unbranded cushion, but I would suggest calling Mark at ERD or asking Jon at GOG to source it for you, maybe Whiteflash.

Hmm.. do you think that from the picture or just the depth? If you're sure I won't bother asking IDJ to get it.. I don't want a Daussi type cut..

I tried ERD. Mark wouldn't look lower than J or VS2 and had nothing for under 11k that was chunky and faced up even close to 8x8 which is what I want and told me I had to lower my size or get a bigger budget. I think I was a PITA to him. Oh well :)

I do prefer to stay with IDJ as I will most likely use a trade in (see I really am a cheapskate lol) so I can have him look again, but he didn't have much luck about 6 months ago. This is why I'm kind of on my own searching for a cushion :)
Sooo... do you guys think it's worth it to have Yekutiel pull it to check out? :) The risk is only losing a bit of shipping money right?
LA, please don't tell me you are thinking of trading in that beauty of an eternity band??!!! Can you send the pic of the stone to ID and see what he thinks?
lizzyann01|1294193596|2814513 said:
LA, please don't tell me you are thinking of trading in that beauty of an eternity band??!!! Can you send the pic of the stone to ID and see what he thinks?
LOL! I never said that :Up_to_something: I honestly don't know what I'm going to do!! LOL Just when I think I'm all set I get cold feet! :errrr:

Ya I can send him the pic and cert. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. :)

I was just browsing the cushions on Leon's site and most of them show the black facets like this pic-- his background is black too. And to my eyes this stone doesn't really look like a Daussi- they have almost step cut facets, to my eyes and don't really look cushion-y to me. This definitely has facets like a chunky cushion unless I'm crazy which could be :bigsmile:

The only hesitation I have is the crushed ice look (which it may just be the crapola photo) in each corner of the table area..

The only way to know for sure is to see more pictures/see it myself. It faces up nice and big though :naughty: