
Nutty - koo koo!

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Dec 29, 2004
What''s the craziest, nuttiest, most cuckoo thing you''ve ever done? And I mean good-nutty-koo-koo, not funny-farm-koo-koo.
Ok, I "think" this is the kookiest. I was about 14-15, hanging out at the local park with a bunch of kids. There is a HUGE hill there. I have no idea of how steep or the length, but kids use it all the time for sleigh riding, to give you an idea.

Someone dared me to roll down it in a metal trash can. So I did.
Date: 1/23/2007 6:47:13 PM
What''s the craziest, nuttiest, most cuckoo thing you''ve ever done?

Signed up for a "hiking tour" of Italy somehow mistaking "hiking" for "marching" ... guess what ... HIKING is UPHILL!
Let''s just say that a) I thought I was gonna die -- and that b) a group of retirees were out pacing me and taking turns "pulling up the rear"/babysitting ME so I didn''t get eaten by wolverines or fall off the darn cliff faces.


Joining a "wilderness retreat group" ... and going away for a weekend with them WITHOUT A SLEEPING BAG. I thought we''d be staying at like a lodge or motel or something! HA!!!
I had my wisdom teeth removed by a medical testing group in Austin, TX. I was in college and poor! Not only was the surgery free, but I got paid $400 to have them test Vioxx on me as an anti inflammatory for post wisdom tooth removal recovery. This was, of course, before Vioxx was found to be dangerous and life threatening and I survived!
Date: 1/23/2007 6:58:30 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 1/23/2007 6:47:13 PM
What's the craziest, nuttiest, most cuckoo thing you've ever done?

Signed up for a 'hiking tour' of Italy somehow mistaking 'hiking' for 'marching' ... guess what ... HIKING is UPHILL!
Let's just say that a) I thought I was gonna die -- and that b) a group of retirees were out pacing me and taking turns 'pulling up the rear'/babysitting ME so I didn't get eaten by wolverines or fall off the darn cliff faces.


Joining a 'wilderness retreat group' ... and going away for a weekend with them WITHOUT A SLEEPING BAG. I thought we'd be staying at like a lodge or motel or something! HA!!!
Oh my gosh, ROFL!!! That is the funniest thing!!!!

You would think you would have learned the first time around.
At my last job our agenda consultant (PR gal) quit suddenly with three fashion shows left hanging...on a whim I told my boss I could take over, no problem. Unbeknownst to me at the time was the fact that she did triple duty as the commentator, organizer of the events, and "stylist." I had no experience commentating, and very limited experience at organizing such an event (3-400 guests per show), just a weekend in Atlanta at the Merchandise Mart as a college student doing some small fashion shows. I snuck two glasses of white wine before commentating the first one, and was off and running. No one was ever the wiser, and it was worth the risk because I was able to add the experiences to my resume! Oh, and did I mention I planned our wedding in the meantime? I really don''t know how I did it. I must have been nuts, looking back on it now...

All the rest of my nutty moments are best kept in the past...some were legal, some were uhhh, not.
Date: 1/23/2007 11:54:56 PM
Author: monarch64
At my last job our agenda consultant (PR gal) quit suddenly with three fashion shows left hanging...on a whim I told my boss I could take over, no problem. Unbeknownst to me at the time was the fact that she did triple duty as the commentator, organizer of the events, and ''stylist.'' I had no experience commentating, and very limited experience at organizing such an event (3-400 guests per show), just a weekend in Atlanta at the Merchandise Mart as a college student doing some small fashion shows. I snuck two glasses of white wine before commentating the first one, and was off and running. No one was ever the wiser, and it was worth the risk because I was able to add the experiences to my resume! Oh, and did I mention I planned our wedding in the meantime? I really don''t know how I did it. I must have been nuts, looking back on it now...

All the rest of my nutty moments are best kept in the past...some were legal, some were uhhh, not.
Whoo hoo, that''s chutzpah girlfriend!

I was at the last leg of my travels (into my 4th month I think) and I just decided to take off to Paros, Greece. No accommodation planned, which was my M.O. Got off the ferry and of course was accosted by tons of people who wanted to rent me a room. Ended up talking to a guy in his late 30s and agreed to a rate.

I got in the car with Nick the Greek, and he was telling me that he liked asians, we were nice, etc etc etc. It was only then I realized that this was the first destination that I had left absolutely NO paper trail. At that moment in time, not one soul I knew in the world I knew where I was (a very unsettling feeling)...and I was sitting quite vulnerably in a total stranger''s car. I prayed my gut instinct was correct and Nick was a decent guy.

He was. For 25 bucks a night, I had the most awesome accomodation...I think I posted a pic somewhere here on PS. I had the best time on Paros.
I called 411 to get an ex boyfriend''s number after not seeing him for 6 years. Called up, got him on the phone, met for drinks that night and were married a year later...I just decided to take a chance, he could have been married or in a relationship, but I just thought it was worth trying!
Date: 1/24/2007 12:32:05 AM
Author: diamondfan
I called 411 to get an ex boyfriend''s number after not seeing him for 6 years. Called up, got him on the phone, met for drinks that night and were married a year later...I just decided to take a chance, he could have been married or in a relationship, but I just thought it was worth trying!
Aww...I am glad you didn''t let him be the one that got away...
Me too, we laugh about it sometimes, because it really was fate in a way...and now 17 1/2 years later, think we are doing okay! (married 16 1/2)

I thought you might say you married the Greek guy!
Date: 1/24/2007 12:44:53 AM
Author: diamondfan
Me too, we laugh about it sometimes, because it really was fate in a way...and now 17 1/2 years later, think we are doing okay! (married 16 1/2)

I thought you might say you married the Greek guy!
I thought she was going to say that, too!
Date: 1/24/2007 12:44:53 AM
Author: diamondfan
Me too, we laugh about it sometimes, because it really was fate in a way...and now 17 1/2 years later, think we are doing okay! (married 16 1/2)

I thought you might say you married the Greek guy!
No...I married an Aussie guy after I somehow made him think that entering the U.S. greencard lottery might be a fun idea. That''s probably one of the more kooky things HE''S done. And he won...go figure!
Date: 1/23/2007 6:51:30 PM
Author: Ellen
Ok, I ''think'' this is the kookiest. I was about 14-15, hanging out at the local park with a bunch of kids. There is a HUGE hill there. I have no idea of how steep or the length, but kids use it all the time for sleigh riding, to give you an idea.

Someone dared me to roll down it in a metal trash can. So I did.
Date: 1/24/2007 5:05:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

Probably what''s wrong with me today.
Date: 1/24/2007 6:46:55 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/24/2007 5:05:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

Probably what''s wrong with me today.
Hehehe...I am trying to think of the nuttiest thing I have ever done and it is hard, probably my composing and arranging theme songs for the animals I think, AND singing them....

Excellent tale too DF!!!!!!!!
Date: 1/24/2007 7:22:28 AM
Author: Lorelei

Hehehe...I am trying to think of the nuttiest thing I have ever done and it is hard, probably my composing and arranging theme songs for the animals I think, AND singing them....
I''d LOVE to hear that.
Date: 1/24/2007 7:41:05 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/24/2007 7:22:28 AM
Author: Lorelei

Hehehe...I am trying to think of the nuttiest thing I have ever done and it is hard, probably my composing and arranging theme songs for the animals I think, AND singing them....
I''d LOVE to hear that.
Trust me El , you wouldn''t!
Date: 1/24/2007 7:46:50 AM
Author: Lorelei

Trust me El , you wouldn''t!
DiamondFan, LOVE your story!!

My story: Years ago, I met a guy at a friend''s wedding in Chicago, but he was Irish and lived in Dublin. We kept in touch, and then after a few months of emailing and phone calls, I went to visit him. The first night I was there, we were about three hours away from Dublin in some little village, having way too much Guinness and whiskey
We were about a mile walk from the B&B we stayed in, and it was a DARK and remote path ... and it hit me that I was in the middle of nowhere with a very drunk Irishman that I really didn''t know at all! That sobered me up quick! We made it back to the B&B ... to find out that we had been locked out! So we slept in the car in the driveway.

So that''s my story: I slept in the car with a drunken near-stranger 3000 miles from home.
Not exactly wise, was it?

Sorry, Mom.
Great stories...

Um, nuttiest thing I''ve ever done...hmmm...

Well, during my third year of law school, after a night of drinking at the bar review with one of my best friends(not the REAL review for the bar exam, but a thing my law school did every Thursday night someone would pick out a bar and we''d all go and drink), my friend and I decided that we didn''t want to walk all the way home in the cold.

So we hitchiked. At 2:30 am. Yeah.

Luckily the guy that picked us up was a super nice youth counselor who lectured us the whole way home and dropped us off.
Went snowboarding last winter. I''m REALLY not the snowboarding type of girl. I''ve never been skiing and I frankly despise snow-outdoor sports, but my guy bought me all the equipement as a Valentines day present so I had no choice but the try. (He''s a big snowboarder) Anyways....oh my gosh it hurt. I nearly killed myself a couple of times fell on my FACE managed to avoid those stupid moving-trees
. I''m actually a natural athlete though, so after the first cringe inducing period, I like to ride ALOT now.

But so far out of my comfort zone. And nutty by my standards.
Some of you guys were so brave and fearless!!

Just wanted to say, I would not say what I did was nutty per se, but maybe more silly? I just went with my gut, it was not risky or daredevilish at all, just ballsy!
Date: 1/24/2007 12:49:12 PM
Author: allycat0303
Went snowboarding last winter. I'm REALLY not the snowboarding type of girl. I've never been skiing and I frankly despise snow-outdoor sports, but my guy bought me all the equipement as a Valentines day present so I had no choice but the try. (He's a big snowboarder) Anyways....oh my gosh it hurt. I nearly killed myself a couple of times fell on my FACE managed to avoid those stupid moving-trees
. I'm actually a natural athlete though, so after the first cringe inducing period, I like to ride ALOT now.

But so far out of my comfort zone. And nutty by my standards.
OMG you sound just like me! I'm much better at team sports than the outdoorsy type stuff like snowboarding, skiing, biking, etc. The problem with me is, I'M SCARED TO DEATH OF SPEED. Any sport that requires you to ride on a piece of equipment at high speeds scares the bejeezus out of me. I've snowboarded ONCE. After attending a group lesson, we were asked to go down the bunnyhill. Out of a class of 20, I was the LAST ONE DOWN THE HILL....and basically I fell all the way down. Every time I picked up speed, I'd panic and sit my butt down. Ally, at least you overcame your fears and became a boarder, but after my one humiliating and SLOW bump down the bunny hill, I said "never again."

Give me a team sport, though, and I'll rise to the occasion!
Lol at the snowboard thing. My DH skateboards... well, he used to, but not so much now. But in high school we used to go to the skatepark all of the time. Well, one day I thought, if he could do it, I could do it. So I tried. I definitely COULDN''T do it. I stepped on the skateboard, and D (my husband), held my hand so I wouldn''t slip. I told him to let go because I could do it myself (this is my catch phrase, by the way). He said no, I said, "I can do it!!" So he let go of my hand. I pushed off on the skateboard... and got right up to the edge of the bowl in the skatepark. Until I got wobbly on the board, and it went down, with me rolling on the concrete next to it. It was actually quite painful. I haven''t tried to skateboard since.

I was on a web site ... like this only not jewelry focused... and they had a software that enabled real time chatting with a group of people. A nice person from the site walked me through the installation and set up of it on AIM and I was good to go. A couple of days later this other guy asked me to help with the install... and I tried, but couldn't via AIM. So I got his number and called him to help with the set up. It was... about 10 pm. 12 HOURS later (I had late classes that day) we hung up. Two weeks later... much to the horror of my freinds... I agreed to meet him in person. That's how I met my DF.
Anyone who knows me knows that I''m not a nutty kookoo type of girl. I''m Ms. Play-It-Safe and stand by the sidelines to watch other people risk their safety! I racked my brain trying to come up with kooky things I''ve done as an adult and here''s my list, though it''s not all that wild:

* In my early 20''s, I frequently zipped up and down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago at high speeds with my boyfriend on his Ducati motorcycle, neither of us wearing helmets (breakin'' the law! breakin'' the law!)
* I drank alcohol at a few frat parties in college. I''m deathly allergic to alcohol. I drank in the hopes that I might "build up my tolerance." Uh, NOT!
* I biked down Pike''s Peak in Colorado. For most people, this is considered fun. For me, it''s insanity. I''m scared to death of speed (see previous post). Sheer drops off the side of the mountain at high speeds (no guardrails). I was terrified - white-knuckle grip on the handlebars the whole time. I was amazed that I made it down alive. My boyfriend, however, flipped over the front of his bike and had a HUGE gash on his arm with torn flesh flapping loosely. We spent the afternoon at the ER.
* I moved to San Francisco without a job, without a plan, without any friends/family nearby. 9 years later I''m still here. It all worked out in the end.
i think mine is probably when i was learning to ski, going up to Heavenly with a bunch of coworkers and my then bf, on a work/conference trip...and telling them that i was just a beginner yet somehow letting them convince me that i would be okay up on the BLACK DIAMOND mountain.
because no one would go with me to a lesser mountain and i didn't want to go alone since i had no idea where i was.

well i made it down 1/2 way (crazily and veering and out of control and just about peeing my pants!)....but on the 2nd half...yeah it was bad...i took a serious spill, lost about every article of clothing and my skiis, ending up almost on the edge off the mountain near a nice big tree, and i wrenched my knee, almost tearing my ACL. had to be taken down the mountain on a stretcher and recovery of knee took weeks...i blew it out again once after that playing volleyball so it's totally a 'weak link' now...thanks to that fabulous mountain and my awesome coworkers who were 'so sure' that i'd be fine on the black diamond. uh yeah.
Date: 1/24/2007 1:36:26 PM
Author: Mara

i think mine is probably when i was learning to ski, going up to Heavenly with a bunch of coworkers and my then bf, on a work/conference trip...and telling them that i was just a beginner yet somehow letting them convince me that i would be okay up on the BLACK DIAMOND mountain.
because no one would go with me to a lesser mountain and i didn''t want to go alone since i had no idea where i was.

well i made it down 1/2 way (crazily and veering and out of control and just about peeing my pants!)....but on the 2nd half...yeah it was bad...i took a serious spill, lost about every article of clothing and my skiis, ending up almost on the edge off the mountain near a nice big tree, and i wrenched my knee, almost tearing my ACL. had to be taken down the mountain on a stretcher and recovery of knee took weeks...i blew it out again once after that playing volleyball so it''s totally a ''weak link'' now...thanks to that fabulous mountain and my awesome coworkers who were ''so sure'' that i''d be fine on the black diamond. uh yeah.
It''s so fortunate that you were ok!! A black diamond run... eep!

OMG! I hope you gave those coworkers a good tongue-lashing!!! Did they at least feel bad about it afterwards???
diamondfan that was such a great nutty-kookoo story!

KristyD, it sounds like you had a little nutty-kookoo in you too!!

During my sophomore year of college, my roomate was set up by one of her friends. The guy didn''t like her and wanted to go out with me instead. I said I couldn''t date him out of consideration for my roomate. 6 months later, we started talking again and he invited me to Germany to the 2000 World''s Fair (I''m a design nerd) as our "first date." I said yes, feeling totally nutty-kookoo and not knowing anything about him. The trip ended up not happening but we had another, more local, first date anyway. Six years later, we are now engaged!
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