I must say that this website and all that contribute help out so much. That is why I am asking for your advice.
My girlfriend has always said that she liked pricess cut diamonds, but i thought with a little education i could convince her of why the round was nicer. I was wrong! She does like the round, but still prefers the princess. My questions to you are:
1. Is there any proven guidelines to choosing a princess cut diamond? I love the scientific aspects of choosing a round.
2. Is it worth buying a branded princess cut diamond that has more facets cut into it, such as the Lila diamond at Zales or the one Hearts on Fire makes.
3. Or do I continue to try an convince her why the round is incredible. I just do not want her to get what she wants, but i at least want her to be educated.
My current goals are around 1ct, G or better in color, and VS1 or better. I was looking into the H&A round, but now it appears i must look at many others.
Thanks in advance!
Any other thoughts would also be wonderful about the above.
My girlfriend has always said that she liked pricess cut diamonds, but i thought with a little education i could convince her of why the round was nicer. I was wrong! She does like the round, but still prefers the princess. My questions to you are:
1. Is there any proven guidelines to choosing a princess cut diamond? I love the scientific aspects of choosing a round.
2. Is it worth buying a branded princess cut diamond that has more facets cut into it, such as the Lila diamond at Zales or the one Hearts on Fire makes.
3. Or do I continue to try an convince her why the round is incredible. I just do not want her to get what she wants, but i at least want her to be educated.
My current goals are around 1ct, G or better in color, and VS1 or better. I was looking into the H&A round, but now it appears i must look at many others.
Thanks in advance!
Any other thoughts would also be wonderful about the above.