
Now that the holidays are approaching....


Jul 8, 2006
Many of us must steel our nerves against the festive onslaught of annoying relatives who chew with their mouths open all the while making unfathomable kinds of eating noises and breathing so loudly you are temped to scream: breathe through your mouth! gaah.gif

Ahhhh, everybody loves the holidays.

Which annoying habit are you going to suffer though this holiday season?
I'm sad to say that one one side of my family I have some um.... not so classy cousins.... and they don't always smell so great. :oops:

I will have to listen to my aunt SHRIEK when she laughs. I mean shriek.
.. someone that is going to bring someone else to dinner. CAN NOT STAND this person. I cringe when this person is around.
You just reminded of me another reason to be glad I live 4000 miles away from family :D
Does constantly asking me when I'm going to get pregnant qualify as a "bad habit"? Because if so, then that.

Everyone in my family--grandparents, parents, sisters, aunts/uncles, cousins--had kids in their early to mid-twenties. I'm 29 and every Christmas my family reminds me that I'm way behind. Lordy, please help me!
I have an l in law who LOVES to talk about the most insignificant things--how much did Mrs, Martin spend at the local Stop N Shop, did the next door neighbor put out a garbage bag VS a garbage can, the neighbors across the street got up around 7 am this morning, isn't that strange because they USUALLY get up around 6, you get the idea.....and she expects you to REMEMBER this crap.
Sometimes it comes in really handy to be able to leave early because you have to go to work. ("You have to go to work? But it's ...insert any holiday here....... Yes, you want your paper tomorrow, don't you? ")
We had one Thanksgiving w/extended family, in 2002. My aunt/uncle/3 cousins/1 husband came, along w/my parents and grandparents. We'd volunteered to take over the holiday from my aunt who complained about it every year. She sneered at JD when he was in the store beforehand getting things for gravy (you mean it won't be homemade? MINE was always homemade), so we made turkey and also a bear roast and told her it was beef roast. She has always said she can taste a game animal no matter who cooks it or how it's cooked. Best beef roast she ever had, begged JD for the recipe. :bigsmile: The next year I was due to have London on the 30th so we declined to host b/c I was huge and tired and just in case I went early--and WOW were they PISSED OFF. My aunt told JD that if I was in labor or had the baby early, what's the big fricken deal for him to run home and cook? He'd just be sitting up at the hospital anyway. There were a few choice replies to that and we've never done it since for them. My parents come and that's all. It's quieter and a lot nicer!
The holidays are a terrible time in my family. My mom is hard enough to get along with but she's already in top form this year. She has an expensive car and she can't afford to get it serviced (supposedly)and my brother can get it fixed for free because he works at an automotive shop. Despite my mom blaming him for her broken transmission (which wasn't his shop's fault and later covered by her now expired warranty) he has agreed to do her service for free. Well, apparently he isn't getting it done fast enough for her so now she's mad at him and now want to boycott the holidays :nono: It's my first time hosting a Thanksgiving dinner and after 18 years of making it to her house at all costs, she reciprocates with a boycott :angryfire:
Every big holiday we had my MIL would bring up polyps and how my DH should have a colonoscopy ...right in the middle of dinner.
So annoying that she thought it was an appropriate dinner conversation. My DH finally hit the big 50 and went and had one so
she doesnt bring it up any more (thank God)!

I also have the Uncle that makes rude comments about my Mother (who hosted and pretty much makes the whole Thanksgiving meal
happen). He would comment on how she used to be a tiny little thing and what happen (well she is 70 years old now). But I've got
something on him now :naughty: and if he says anything to my Mom I'm gonna use it. His current wife *thinks* she is his 3rd
wife. Little does she know that she is 6th wife. I'll warn him first though. I dont really want to hurt his wife but his mean
comments to my Mom need to stop!
I don't mean to be the negative nelly of this thread, but I can't really think of anything bad. Sure, I have an aunt who has an atrocious laugh, my grandma talks about dead people, and my dad will be drunk, but that IS holiday to me. Honestly, I'd rather have that than the 6 course dinners in festive attire while everyone discusses current events.
somethingshiny|1289666142|2764445 said:
I don't mean to be the negative nelly of this thread, but I can't really think of anything bad. Sure, I have an aunt who has an atrocious laugh, my grandma talks about dead people, and my dad will be drunk, but that IS holiday to me. Honestly, I'd rather have that than the 6 course dinners in festive attire while everyone discusses current events.

Awh, that is nice not negative SS.

Btw, you and I must have a conversation about **bedroom decorations** in the new year. *ahem* So watch out for my bat signal. Shhhhhh! :naughty: :wink2: :wink2:
There are two of G's work colleagues whose parents are going away for Christmas. We invited them for Christmas dinner just to find that one of them hates kids. Should be interesting seeing as there will be 4 kids there.
:appl: ;)) ;))
In laws at Thanksgiving, I am having 23 people in my fairly small house, I am having it because believe it not I have the biggest house of all of them :eek: anyhow all I can say is thank goodness for wine, lots and lots of wine for me, they dont drink, I will need it! My MIL drives me batty all she talks about is her and her family what she is doing what they are doing, you cannot talk about anything else she turns the conservation back to her and her family....OMG I hate it alll.....27 freaking years of this dribble, it makes me crazy once again I am grateful for wine.
Politics at the dinner table. :nono: My family is apparently incapable of sharing a nice meal without someone bringing up what x politician did wrong and how congress is full of idiots and the country is going downhill, etc. And of course, there are conflicting views. It always happen about 2/3 of the way through dinner and by the time we reach dessert (supposedly the best part of the meal...) it's gotten really nasty. So I'm doing Thanksgiving with friends, and might just put my foot down at Christmas this year. 'Cause I do want to like being around my family at the holidays...
The future in-laws. FI has a half sister who is thirteen years older and she already has two kids. Every since those kids came along we have had to go to her house, which is an hour and a half away, for EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY. Her mom's birthday, FI's dad's birthday, Christmas, etc. Two years ago, I had to leave my mother, alone, at ten o'clock Christmas morning to be there until ten that night. I was so ANGRY at having to leave my mother all alone. We have never done that again. And her eldest child is the spawn of satan, "but it's just the terrible twos"... He'll be four in January. :errrr: But they can't get me this year! I have a new puppy and I can't leave her because she's not house-trained yet. And i'm sure she won't be by Christmas... *cough cough*. :Up_to_something:

ETA: Did I mention that I don't like kids? I'm just not a fan, and my future MIL thinks I'm a monster for depriving her son of children when he doesn't even want them either. FMIL also thinks that I am cold and emotionless so holidays are FUN!
I am laughing here, because John's mom also politely nags me every time I see her to make sure John gets checked for colon cancer (it runs pretty badly in her family)

This will be the first Christmas in many, many years that I have a family to spend it with. I'm a little scared, and I'm not sure how to act to be honest.
I don't know if there are any standouts, but I have 9, YES NINE, nieces and nephews, and GOOD LORD are they loud. My ears are still ringing from our Fakesgiving celebration, and I'm hoping to not be around people for the next 24 hours! :cheeky: But seriously I love them all and my family rules!
Steal|1289597849|2763736 said:
Many of us must steel our nerves against the festive onslaught of annoying relatives who chew with their mouths open all the while making unfathomable kinds of eating noises and breathing so loudly you are temped to scream: breathe through your mouth! gaah.gif

Ahhhh, everybody loves the holidays.

Which annoying habit are you going to suffer though this holiday season?

I almost peed my pants reading your description of gross chewing noises. :knockout: :knockout: :lol: :lol: When people slurp and smack it drives me so batty that I can't even think.

It's not a habit, really, but I will suffer through the game of "pass the baby." There is a new little one on DH's side (the ONLY little one, actually) and I swear there is a stopwatch running at all times during baby-holding & baby-playing. Heaven forbid someone gets to snuggle the baby for five seconds longer than anyone else... all hell breaks loose. Adults (and by adults I really mean 17-26 year old women) begin to scream, "NOT FAIR! You held her for TWENTY minutes!! I only held her for fifteen!!! STOP HOGGING THE BABY!" I feel bad for my SIL/the new mom. Nobody cares about socializing with her- they only want to have her over so they can see the babe.
thing2of2|1289716589|2765354 said:
I don't know if there are any standouts, but I have 9, YES NINE, nieces and nephews, and GOOD LORD are they loud. My ears are still ringing from our Fakesgiving celebration, and I'm hoping to not be around people for the next 24 hours! :cheeky: But seriously I love them all and my family rules!

Fakesgiving? Elaborate, please!
Steal|1289597849|2763736 said:
Many of us must steel our nerves against the festive onslaught of annoying relatives who chew with their mouths open all the while making unfathomable kinds of eating noises and breathing so loudly you are temped to scream: breathe through your mouth! gaah.gif

Ahhhh, everybody loves the holidays.

Which annoying habit are you going to suffer though this holiday season?

omg I think I love you. LOL! DH thinks I'm crazy that I cannot stand to eat in big groups! Seriously? Who taught these people that it's okay to chew with their mouth open or talk with food in their mouth :knockout: The inlaws think I have an eating disorder because it takes me the same amount of time to eat one small plate of food as it takes them to eat two full plates :rolleyes: . I eat slow and enjoy my food. Example: They take a full size hershey bar, break it into four pieces and eat in in four bites. I take one, break into the pre notched pieces, eat half a small piece then eat another half a small piece. I still eat the whole darn bar!
The only thing that I know is coming every year is DH's aunt holds my hand over dinner and tells me the story about how she went to a fortune teller when DH was 7/8 and the fortune teller told her that one day DH would get married and she had to run out and she cried for two weeks before going back to the teller who then told her that he would marry a lovely girl who would mind her when she gets older. Then she pats me on the top of my hand and gives me a wink. Every year. She's crazy about my DH!
I usually have a pretty good time during Thanksgiving but I might have to work this year, and I'm hoping no one takes it as an "oh so you don't really want to spend time with us huh HUH?!" thing. I doubt it'll happen but I'm still not excited about the possibility.

If we do go, I'll have to figure out what to do with the dog: leave him home alone for six+ hours (which he'll hate) or try to bring him to a full house already occupied by an elderly poodle who may or may not get along with a young rambunctious mutt.
Amber St. Clare|1289607798|2763864 said:
I have an l in law who LOVES to talk about the most insignificant things--how much did Mrs, Martin spend at the local Stop N Shop, did the next door neighbor put out a garbage bag VS a garbage can, the neighbors across the street got up around 7 am this morning, isn't that strange because they USUALLY get up around 6, you get the idea.....and she expects you to REMEMBER this crap.
Oh this would bug the crap out of me. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this!
I'm kinda with SS on this one. A few years ago I had major issues with my dads side of the family, but I've come to terms with the fact that they are all in denial about the fact that they are b@tsh!t crazy so it makes life easier. I no longer feel awkward about the fact that they talk about events we clearly were not invited to ...even tho it was a "family function."
When it comes to holidays now, I actually look forward to spending time with inlaws. DH has a great family filled with love...and I'm really not joking! DH plays with all his cousins kids, we watch sports, and drink lots of beer.
We have quit family holidays for at least this year. Usually we spend it with DHs family and we are not this year. We are thrilled. They are decent people it is just that they insist on doing things too early for one. Thanksgiving at 11. What? You are telling me that you want me to wake up 7 am on Thanksgiving so that I can get ready and drive an hour and half? Because of course you have to be early. You cant show up at the given time because that is "dinner time" and it is "rude" to show up and eat. She also has two obnoxious kids (not a fan of kids) and dog that has no training. Jumps all over me and stains my clothes everytime I go there. When we make turkey here we get up at 5 but we can nap. You cannot not nap there with the dog and kids.

This year we are making our own dinner and it might just be lasagna. It is going to be me, him, my mother and my sister. Thats it. At our house and I plan to stay in my jammies.

Christmas we are waking up, eating breakfast, opening presents, laying around for the rest of the day. It will be awesome to not have to spend the day running.
Holy cow Steel my family is CRAAZY! Mostly all of them get together. It's gotten a LOT better now that we just booze heavily. I can look forward to the baby pressure "Lay off! Geez!" mostly from my aunts, like who's business is it of yours anyway? Then the general parental not getting along-ness. Hm.... can one of you lovely PS'er adopt me so I can just stay away? I do miss seeing my brother though, so I'm sure we'll always visit for the holidays....

My dad and Fiance have HORRIBLE habits of chewing with their mouths open :angryfire: so I will be battling that!

Besides that, I can't think of anything else.

I tend to laugh more the drunker my family members get. This year there will be about 20 of us which is more than usual which only means it will be even more fun :D
Last time I saw my family a few months ago, they asked how much sex we were having because I'm not pregnant yet :errrr: