
Now I really did it :((


Aug 18, 2013

That looks incredible, @marcy! What a lovely addition to any home!!

My birthday is early next week. Time marches on inexorably. What a shame we can't get the one thing we'd all truly want - to roll back the clock a year!


Feb 27, 2007
Thank you @mrs-b I will enjoy having this on the couch. I should make a smaller version for the love seat. It doesn’t need to be as long for me.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!

I really enjoyed Jurassic Park. Nothing really new, but I love the creatures!! Nice family outing.

We have a rainfall warning. About to get nasty here. I thought we would not get the bulk of the weather but I see the forecast has changed. Not too happy, I hope flooding is avoided. :roll:

@Austina your place looks like home!!!
@mrs-b gorgeous photos and happy you had a great meal! Sorry your back continues to give you grief. I haven't work general duty for 2 decades and when I did I never had a work injury--very fortunate--considering all the heavy lifting I did!!
@marcy thank you for sharing.
@missy rain rain go away!!!
@MamaBee hope your finger gets better soon.
@junebug17 may you continue to get great joy from your new ring!




Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy (how did it get here so fast???) Monday!

@mrs-b happy early birthday! We aren't getting older. We are getting better. Wiser and comfortable in our own skin. That is everything. I am continuing to send Tim and you bucketloads of healing vibes. And lots of love. The early birthday dinner looked wonderful and everyone so happy. Safe travels to Eleanor today. I do love the sound of rain. It's so peaceful. Minus the thunder that is lol.

@Austina lovely furniture. Your house is becoming a home. :kiss2:

@marcy gorgeous afghan and yay for your earrings being shipped this week. I cannot wait for you to get them. Good luck with the sapphire halo repair. May it arrive to its destination safely and arrive back to you safely. I am happy to share my ice cream with you anytime Marcy. Anytime. :)

@canuk-gal you'll know when it is right. Took me some time to realize but when I finally did I went for it. It was scary at first. the unknown always is but it was one of the best things I have ever done and I never regretted it. Best thing besides marrying Greg that is haha. Good luck and sending you many good wishes for a decision that will bring you happiness and peace.

@bling_dream19 happy Monday! Got here so fast. Hope the week is a good one.

@Slickk when are you on vacation? Pretty soon I would think. I bet you cannot wait. Have a good week.

@MamaBee how was the rest of your weekend? Any upcoming plans for this week? How is the home renovations going?

@springerspaniel how are your sweet puppies doing and how are you?

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well and everyone enjoyed a fun weekend.

We did go to Brooklyn yesterday and it was nice to see one of our doormen and catch up with him and be in the neighborhood. I was a little sad seeing our apartment empty and quiet but it was nice also. I picked up a few things and Greg got all the mail that had accumulated (thankfully our super puts everything in our apartment for us since we are not there). Today is a cycling day woohoo.

I took a pic going and coming. Haha I love taking photos and I know of at least one person who tells me she loves to see them so here they are. :)

Heading to Brooklyn
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Leaving Brooklyn
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Have a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. XOXO


Apr 19, 2004

Monsoon-o-rama here. Thunder and lightening. Oh joy. :rolleyes: :roll:

not so cheery--Sharon


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Fab phots of Eleanor and Tim @mrs-b and everything crossed that the biopsies come back all clear. Sending positive thoughts you’ll be on that plane on Wednesday. Thank you, it’s really funny, but we were just saying that we don’t feel strange living here at all, it doesn’t feel like we’ve just moved in. I don’t know if that’s because we came up here so many times before moving in, but it really feels like home already.

Wow @marcy the afghan is looking really great, you’ll be done in no time, then what will you do? I hope you’re not working as much this week.

Thanks @canuk-gal, I think we’re going to enjoy living here. Hope you having an easy work week.

Must’ve felt strange going back to Brooklyn after being at the beach for so long @missy, and the soggy drive couldn’t have been much fun either. Glad everything was OK back at the appt., and reassuring for you that the staff are on the ball. Hope you got out to cycle today and enjoyed your ice cream afterwards :lickout:

We’re having an easy day today, we’re exhausted. We found our missing delivery dumped on someone else’s drive, FedEx are hopeless, it not as though the house numbers aren’t clearly visible.

Got to go and get a few things tomorrow that we can’t get locally, and will probably have lunch out.

Got people coming Wednesday and Thursday to fix a couple of things, but other than that, we’ll be in.

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week, and yes, oy @missy where is the time going?



Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal oh no to a rainfall warning - they are expecting heavy rains? I hope you don’t end up with flooding. Glad to hear you liked the movie, I’ve only heard bad reviews of it so far.

@missy sadly my earrings are still in production, but I remain hopeful they will arrive this week. My ring did arrive safely to the shipping address but not at the final destination - aka - the jewelry store. Supposedly, I’ll get an email from them at some point they received my ring. Great shots of the drive in to Brooklyn, I bet it is VERY hard to find a parking place on that street. I am sure you have a lovely day of cycling.

@Austina that’s wonderful you feel at home already in your gorgeous, new home. Next, I am going to make a smaller version of the same afghan for our loveseat. I bet you and Colin are exhausted but now you can relax and enjoy being home. Glad you found your missing delivery. FedEx and UPS are pretty good here but the USPS sure messes up deliveries.

@mrs-b yes we are halfway through the year. Time flies.

I worked about 6 hours today. I updated a top 10 list that was wordy, and needed fixed in a lot of ways. It took me a while. Luckily, it was astronomy related so I didn’t need to check the accuracy of anything. Woo hoo!

I just got my lifting done and need to figure out something for supper. Marty is too busy to grill so we ordered in lunch today. I don’t feel grilling is one of my skills.

Take care.
Marcy #wheretheheckaremyearrings?


Feb 27, 2007
Ooh, I lied. I just checked my earring status again and they are now in quality check. Sweet. Maybe I will get them Wednesday.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@springerspaniel awwww so beautiful. Please hug them from me!

@marcy fingers crossed your earrings arrive this week. And they are perfect for you. Or as the kitties like to say purrrrfect. Glad you got your lifting in yesterday. Me too. We have decent luck parking but I shouldn't talk as I don't want to jinx it. We got parking right on our block Sunday.

@Austina @mrs-b time is going so fast. Dizzyingly fast.
Yes the delivery services are all messed up lately. We get our neighbor's deliveries occasionally and vice versa. Luckily we have good and trustworthy neighbors. Glad you had a relaxing day and hope you are less tired today.

@MamaBee don't worry it will all work out!

@canuk-gal go away monsoon! Hope all is calm and quiet by you now.

@bling_dream19 good morning!

@Slickk I know you are enjoying your gorgeous new ring. BLINGALICIOUS. Swoon!!!!

Hi everyone else. Never a dull moment here. Long story short I now know what to do if we see another diamondback (that's right diamond haha) terrapin. I wont go into details as it's long but next time I know exactly what we need to do. We went back but couldn't find this little fella after I spoke to two wildlife rescue organizations who don't rescue terrapins but do rescue sea turtles. They both called me back within half an hour but I wasn't sure they would so we didnt wait and well when we got back he was gone :( I pray he is safe. They are endangered here and get run over by cars. Just awful :(

Here's the sweet little turtle. Probably a female and definitely an adult.

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We skipped ice cream because we went back to find him after I spoke to the wildlife animal professionals on the phone. But he wasn't there. We went back and forth and searched everywhere. They can only survive out of water for 8 hours. You can imagine I did not sleep well at all and got out of bed at 3AM. I cannot stop thinking about him/her.

We did see other wildlife on our ride yesterday as usual. I will share a couple of photos for your viewing pleasure in the next post as I don't want to lose this post. My computer (or PS) is acting a bit wonky this morning for me. Have a wonderful day girls. Enjoy and be safe. XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
Some other wildlife we encountered. This doe was not scared of us at all and that concerns me as humans are not to be trusted. AT all. :(

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And less than a mile from home we saw our exceptional exquisite Egret. So gorgeous. Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at 5.13.16 AM.png

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@marcy woohoo Wednesday delivery fingers crossed. :)

Have a wonderful day. (((HUGS)))


Aug 18, 2013
And less than a mile from home we saw our exceptional exquisite Egret. So gorgeous. Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at 5.13.16 AM.png

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The elegance of these birds is astounding. Thanks for sharing, @missy.

Getting my hair done in an hour, then lunch with Tim after. Hoooooping to head back to LA tomorrow, but we'll see. Nothing is a sure thing at this point until it's done. Having a birthday wine-tasting this weekend if I make it out there, Wendy comes out to LA on the 27th of this month for 2 weeks, then we're having an adoption celebration dinner on July 9th, all being well. I'm heading to Vegas and Sedona for 2 weeks in August, then back to Boston August 23rd, where I will stay till the end of the year, post surgery.

Fingers crossed this all works!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy the deer probably senses you and Greg aren't going to cause them any harm. Animals have that great survival instinct. Hope the turtle got back to water okay. Great pictures of all the animals you saw on your outing. That's amazing you found a parking place right in front. Sweet.

@mrs-b you have a busy summer planned. It all sounds fun. Ooh to a wine tasting party. Great idea! I was just talking to a friend of mine recently that would be fun to do; have a wine tasting party. Enjoy and safe travels.

I got up way too early today but have my work done for the day other than a meeting. I'm done with my to do list for now so need to ask what else can I do but may put that off until tomorrow.

I did get a shipping notice on my earrings and they are currently scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Sweet!!

I should go buy some more fruit for us but it's semi-tipping windy here today and I just hate going out in it.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

@marcy the semi tipping weather did uproot some huge firs in our yard (at least they landed in "just" the driveway...) and all about town. More rain and TS. Fun times!

not so cheery--Sharon


Feb 27, 2007

@marcy the semi tipping weather did uproot some huge firs in our yard (at least they landed in "just" the driveway...) and all about town. More rain and TS. Fun times!

not so cheery--Sharon

@canuk-gal that is awful. I am glad they didn’t crash in to your house! Stay safe.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Hopefully the little fella found his way back to safety, as @marcy says, creatures usually have an inate sense of self protection @missy. Beautiful photos of the deer, when Adam was leaving on Saturday, he sent me a photo of the deer he saw here on the ‘ranch‘ :D I know some of the neighbours are complaining about them munching their way through their gardens. Not a great photo because it was taken through the car windscreen.


Oy @canuk-gal your weather sounds horrendous, thank goodness you didn’t sustain any damage from the falling trees. It’s another hot week here, apparently unusual for it to be this hot at this time of year.

Yay to your earrings being shipped @marcy, I can‘t wait to see them, how lovely to be expecting some bling. Your weather doesn’t sound any better than canuk-gal’s. Glad you got all your work done early, hope you enjoyed the rest of your day.

Good luck for a safe flight tomorrow @mrs-b, lots to look forward to in the coming weeks.

We’ve had a busy day today, our neighbour called by as she had the colour swatches for the guttering, and wanted to see the house =)2 The guy turned up unexpectedly with our new vanity counter, at first he thought it wasn’t level because they’d shimmed up the wrong side, but then he realised it was warped. He sorted it all out and tomorrow the plumber is coming to refit the taps, and the mirror guy is coming to reattach that.

I’ve spent all afternoon putting together some garden furniture, which was a total faff, but at least it’s done. Colin’s new desk has arrived, so I’ll put that together tomorrow, and the electricians are coming early to put up the fan and the missing light in the morning.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Just a quick post and run as today is a busy day. Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

@marcy woohoo earrings tomorrow! Cannot wait. Haha tipping day. Yes I get that. The jersey shore can bring some powerful winds as well. Yay for being done with your to do list and starting more. LOL you are a busy productive bee. You go girl! XOXO

@mrs-b yay all good things happening. May you enjoy every moment. Big hugs

@Austina sounds like you are getting things accomplished slowly but surely and it was good fortune you were there yesterday when the vanity counter guy showed up.

@bling_dream19 speaking of big hugs. Thinking of you and more well wishes being sent your way. Today, tomorrow and every day. XOXO

@Slickk we have had a gorgeous run of weather. Tomorrow it's ending but the weekend looks to be nice fingers crossed. After 90 plus degrees Friday. Or should I say FRY (in the heat haha) Day! LOL. Have a wonderful Wednesday. XOXO

@canuk-gal stay safe and hope your weather calms down soon. Hugs.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well.
Leaving you with 3 photos of our day. I think it says it all. :)

Cleopatra. She is a love with RBF. LOL
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Ahhh ice cream. So sweet and creamy and delicious. Yummm. Wish I could share with all of you. Maybe one day...
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And the beach. Yesterday was a purrrfect beach day. East (cool) breeze and just lovely temps in t he 70s.
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Have a wonderful Wednesday! XOXO


Aug 18, 2013
Heading to the airport - fingers crossed this old body holds together. I've been out walking - and it's a struggle (wearing 2 different back braces!!) and it's never far - but still managing to move.

@canuk-gal - good lord! Stay safe and I'm sorry re your weather!

@Austina - well done you on all the assemblage! I'm glad it feels like home. :))

@marcy - YAY re earrings! Please post photos if you get a chance. I hope you had a nice rest yesterday.

@missy - day after day you continue to outdo yourself with photos! That beach shot....!! <3 <3. I hope your day goes well today. oxo

Love to everyone else - will pop in once in LA and settled.


Mar 31, 2018
Good morning girls..We just got home last night from Maryland. We had to check on the repairs being done there. Somehow our skylight in the master bath got shattered. That house is a money pit.
It will be a really busy day.
@missy I loved your photos of the turtle. Here are a few photos we just took of our resident turtles. They live in the pond behind my house. The squirrel is a regular. :lol: That photo just shows how badly we need a new roof. The basement rec room leak repair, new carpet, etc are finished.. The roof is next..Our money is flying out of both houses.
I hope you all have a beautiful day!


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Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout!
Everyone here is amazing. Thank you for all of the love and support.
@missy Hey girl! I'm loving the icecream, the jersey shore and of coarse you!
@Austina your home looks beautiful! I'm so glad you are ok from the car accident. You are just so lovely.
@junebug17 I LOVE your new ring!!! It's stunning! Looks so beautiful on you!
@marcy You're getting so much done and yay for your earrings! They will be beautiful. I can't wait to see them.
@mrs-b I hope you are feeling great in CA my friend!
@MamaBee Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm soo excited for your ring!!! It's going to beautiful. 890171 890166
I'm loving my new ring that @mrs-b helped to design and saved the day!
Love and hugs to all!


Apr 19, 2004
Nirdi shoutout!
Everyone here is amazing. Thank you for all of the love and support.
@missy Hey girl! I'm loving the icecream, the jersey shore and of coarse you!
@Austina your home looks beautiful! I'm so glad you are ok from the car accident. You are just so lovely.
@junebug17 I LOVE your new ring!!! It's stunning! Looks so beautiful on you!
@marcy You're getting so much done and yay for your earrings! They will be beautiful. I can't wait to see them.
@mrs-b I hope you are feeling great in CA my friend!
@MamaBee Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm soo excited for your ring!!! It's going to beautiful. 20220528_164553.jpg DKPV2021___05__17____76316____76316.jpg
I'm loving my new ring that @mrs-b helped to design and saved the day!
Love and hugs to all!

So sweet! Did you buy those gorgeous hearts from the pre-loved forum?


Feb 27, 2007

@Austina there must be lots of deer near your place. We had them around here when we moved in, but now that the area has filled in with houses, I haven’t seen any lately. Nice that you are getting things puts together; Marty never lets me attempt those things since I am klutzy. I bet you and Colin are looking forward to having everything done and in place.

@missy great pictures from your ride. LOL to Fryday since it’s going to be in the 90’s. We still have that semi and wind tipping weather going on here so it’s kind of chilly out there. I tried to go pick off dead flowers and gave up since my little bag kept getting blown all over the place.

@mrs-b I hope the flight went smoothly and your back didn’t suffer from the trip. Yay to be back in California!

@MamaBee yes houses are a money pit. It’s always something. I hope the squirrel doesn’t get in your house - they can do a lot of damage. They are cute outside, but not so much inside. Oh no that your skylight shattered. We have bad, frequent and large hail here - most people here end up putting the roof back over their former skylight spots.

@bling_dream19 your new ring is gorgeous. Love the color.

My earrings showed up at 11 this morning. I opened them and took a peak, then headed to the grocery store. Marty (who eats for 4) was out of things so I decided to prevent having a hangry husband. On my way back from the store, I got a text from work to go fix something that we had incorrect dates and times listed. I diplomatically replied after fixing it “I wonder where D** got the information he used?” The boss apparently knew it wasn’t my article, but I wanted to make sure.

My afghan is getting so long it’s hard to work on it. I am maybe almost 1/2 done with the last skein. Yay!

Take care.

I like my earrings. They have a lot of fire and sparkle. It's hard to see they are hearts but at 1/2 carat each, I knew they would look more like a trianlge.



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Apr 19, 2004


Apr 19, 2004

The weather has finally started to calm down--wind and rain warnings lifted. But chilly outside. :roll: :rolleyes:

@MamaBee I know how you feel about the house money pit thingie. I hope your skylight repair isn't costly but I have a suspicion it will be. But you are replacing the roof anyway?

Not much else to report. I've had enough excitement in the last few days, to last me a lifetime.

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