
Now I really did it :((


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

Had a brisk ride today--wind was chilly!!!! But bright blue sky so can't complain. If I don't ride I walk so getting my exercise from trying instead of running at work.

My Mom is not improving, in fact, is more confused. Sad times. Trying to KIT (keep it together) because it isn't just one thing, it is everything these days.

Keep well folks.



Mar 31, 2018

NIRDI shout out!!!

Had a brisk ride today--wind was chilly!!!! But bright blue sky so can't complain. If I don't ride I walk so getting my exercise from trying instead of running at work.

My Mom is not improving, in fact, is more confused. Sad times. Trying to KIT (keep it together) because it isn't just one thing, it is everything these days.

Keep well folks.


It’s great you got a ride in today Sharon. I’m sorry your mom is having a hard time. It does seem like everything goes wrong at once. Hopefully she will turn a corner and start improving.


Apr 19, 2004
It’s great you got a ride in today Sharon. I’m sorry your mom is having a hard time. It does seem like everything goes wrong at once. Hopefully she will turn a corner and start improving.

Thank you for your kindness and support. I wish rather than believe that will happen. She has become so frail so quickly as often happens. :(


Jun 8, 2008
I am so sorry Sharon. :(
Continuing to keep you and your mom in my thoughts. Gentle (((hugs))).


Apr 19, 2004
I am so sorry Sharon. :(
Continuing to keep you and your mom in my thoughts. Gentle (((hugs))).

Thank you friend. I need all that you (and kitties) can provide.


Jun 7, 2014
@canuk-gal, Are they giving her any meds that could be causing her to be more confused than normal.

Sharon, I’m just throwing this out there because I’m thinking this could be happening to your mom and it may help you calm down or at least ease your anxiety a bit. My dad was hospitalized a few weeks ago with pneumonia. The only drug he was on was an intravenous antibiotic. When I called his room to talk to him he told me he was sitting on the roof and they weren’t ever letting him come home. It took me about 10 minutes to calm him down and for him to realize what he thought was happening wasn’t happening. Later that night he was threatening a nurse. She asked that I please talk to him and calm him down so she could take his vitals. He was released a few days later and as soon as he was back home within a few hours he was completely back to normal. I have no idea what caused this but since he has been back home he has remained his normal self. Please know part of the confusion may be because she is in an unfamiliar room and area. I hope this gets easier for you Sharon. I know how helpless you feel but please know even if you were right there with your mom she may still be experiencing the confusion. I’ve considered starting a thread on aging parents as someone may have tips that could be helpful to others.

@marcy, I hope you are feeling better and more like yourself. I’m thinking of you and sending good thought your way. Callie


Apr 19, 2004
@canuk-gal, Are they giving her any meds that could be causing her to be more confused than normal.

Sharon, I’m just throwing this out there because I’m thinking this could be happening to your mom and it may help you calm down or at least ease your anxiety a bit. My dad was hospitalized a few weeks ago with pneumonia. The only drug he was on was an intravenous antibiotic. When I called his room to talk to him he told me he was sitting on the roof and they weren’t ever letting him come home. It took me about 10 minutes to calm him down and for him to realize what he thought was happening wasn’t happening. Later that night he was threatening a nurse. She asked that I please talk to him and calm him down so she could take his vitals. He was released a few days later and as soon as he was back home within a few hours he was completely back to normal. I have no idea what caused this but since he has been back home he has remained his normal self. Please know part of the confusion may be because she is in an unfamiliar room and area. I hope this gets easier for you Sharon. I know how helpless you feel but please know even if you were right there with your mom she may still be experiencing the confusion. I’ve considered starting a thread on aging parents as someone may have tips that could be helpful to others.

@marcy, I hope you are feeling better and more like yourself. I’m thinking of you and sending good thought your way. Callie

PS'ers are PRICELESS! Lubs you all.

Thank you for this heartfelt post. She is not septic, is medically stable, and her meds have been recently adjusted by her Cardiologist for (R) CHF. No sedation of any kind. Confusion is always a warning sign in the aging--and change of scenery can trigger that. So can isolation. But organic changes in the brain (+strokes), compound that.

I am glad your Dad is better!! Thank you for sharing. There is nothing we wouldn't do for our folks--a thread would be welcome!


Aug 18, 2013
@canuk-gal - Sharon, I'm thinking of you and your mom, sending hope and warm wishes. Both my parents died when I was in my 20's (mother when I was 20 and still living at home with her and my father, and my father when I was 27, tho I was married at that point), and in some ways I've always felt ripped off by life. But when I hear people talking about the grief of caring for declining parents, I know that - at least in that one way - I was spared major heartache. I hope there's some improvement as the days pass, and that your spirits stay up.

I'm glad you've at least been getting out in some fresh weather. It's gorgeous here in Massachusetts and the leaves are turning. I hope Canada does the right thing by you and gives you a spectacular fall. Hugs to you. ox


Aug 18, 2013
@missy, that one went into the PTP (pictures to paint) folder, just look at that gorgeous sky!!! Thank you for posting! Here's another I loved & saved a couple of weeks ago:

NIRDI shout out to of luck to all with your challenges & next chapters!

All is good in the sarahb household, just watching fall's beauty unroll here. Jack is approaching his 17th. He's an old man now.


@sarahb - he looks WONDERFUL for 17! What a gorgeous little man he is!

@MamaBee - you have a new Tiffany necklace? I'm having a majorly tough time at the moment - if you have any photos at all, I would LOVE to see them.


Mar 31, 2018
@Calliecake I didn’t know your father was hospitalized. That must have been scary to hear him talk like that. I’m happy he’s back home and doing well!


Mar 31, 2018
@mrs-b I’m hoping you get your surgery quickly so you can start to feel better!
I was thinking of updating my ring family in the thread that someone started. It’s been a while since we updated with things we sold and purchased. When you’re up to it you should put yours on it too.
I’m starting to decorate for fall and Halloween tomorrow. I’ll post some of those too in the next few days.
Oh..This will make you laugh..I need to get braces. OMG..I’m too old for them..but the orthodontist says I need them.
Big hugs H..XOXO


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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts, and hoping things improve for you.

@MamaBee, you’re never too old for braces, can you believe I’m almost done with my Invisalign?

It’s really busy here, and I’m feeling swamped. Hopefully the removal people can get here next week, and we’ll be all packed up and ready.

I can’t wait for this to be done, I’m stressed to the max.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Hoping today is a bright and beautiful day for all the lovely NIRDIs.

@canuk-gal continued healing vibes to your mom and gentle hugs to you. From the kitties and me.

@MamaBee don't worry about the braces. I see lots of adults wearing them and in fact they make them clear so you can barely see them and think how gorgeous your teeth will be afterwards. Cannot wait for your autumn decorations. There are awesome Halloween decorations popping up here already. Love them. XOXO.

@sarahb aww Jack is such a love. Happy 17th to Jack. He is a sweet and gentle and beautiful dog. Happy Autumn to you. I love that you paint photos and am honored if you use any of mine to paint. Big hugs.

@Austina I am sure you cannot wait for all this to be over. In the meantime each day you accomplish so much more and you are in the home stretch. Sending you lots of good wishes. XOXO.

@mrs-b keeping good thoughts for you each day. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 I bet you are planning an adorable Halloween outfit. They are having the Zombie March this weekend in Asbury on the boardwalk. They skipped it last year due to Covid so excited they are resuming it this year. We probably will go unless it is super crowded. Then we won't. We will cycle through it and wear our masks.

@Jemi how is life going in France? How is Kine adapting? Was the trip OK for him? Sending you lots of love.

Hi @junebug17, hope all is going smoothly.

@springerspaniel sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. Hope the week is going well.

@marcy you and Greg might end up retiring around the same time. That would be sweet. Hope you are feeling well and getting the answers you need. Sending you lots of well wishes. Hi to Mr Marty.

Hi to everyone else. We had a lovely day yesterday. We got to cycle and the weather was picture perfect. Cool and sunny with a stiff breeze that made it feel good to be alive. Crisp cool fall air. Today looks to be the same albeit a bit cooler. We are going to enjoy this amazing weather while it lasts. This is my favorite thing about autumn. Not the days getting shorter which they are...but the cool clear beautiful skies and weather. For as long as it lasts. Wishing everyone here a beautiful day. May the day be as sweet and glorious as you are. Big hugs to my sweet friends.

Speaking of sweet.



Jun 8, 2008
Last night as the sun was setting I took 2 photos from the living room. I was too tired to go outside lol but did the best I could from inside.

I wanted to capture the pink of the clouds and the blue of the photo editing was done on these photos. True colors. Which is how I prefer people in general. True blue and true colors are the sweetest.

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Sep 26, 2011
@canuk-gal, FWIW, such a rapid change from being cognitively intact to confused is usually a reversible condition, due to some of the possible things you mention (isolation combined with medical issues, medication changes, etc.). (@Calliecake's description of delirium is spot-on; I see it often enough at work.) It must be even more difficult to not be able to see her while she is struggling. Please make sure you are taking care of yourself.

@sarahb, what else is there to say about Jack other than how handsome and healthy he looks, at 17 no less! I have always loved your avatar pictures, but have had to squint to see him more clearly, so I greatly appreciate the larger photo.

@MamaBee, I get so easily distracted by shiny objects, so before I admire your beautiful necklace, I will send good thoughts that your mother will feel better.

@missy, what a lot you have been enduring! From what you write, it seems that one of your great strengths is your ability to see the good things that happen throughout the day (you and @mrs-b share this ability, I think.) I look forward to your daily posts routinely, and yet I am definitely not a creature of habit.

NIRDI shoutout to everyone else! Sorry I've been AWOL for a bit, contemplating a change in career focus (than you for your sage advice @mrs-b! It also was really cool to be able to try on Beloved. I swear, that stone is such a satellite dish, it receives signals from space! So lovely.)

We are traveling to pick up a puppy tomorrow, so I am taking a day of pupternity leave from work.


Feb 21, 2019
Hello lovelies

Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts, and hoping things improve for you.

@MamaBee, you’re never too old for braces, can you believe I’m almost done with my Invisalign?

It’s really busy here, and I’m feeling swamped. Hopefully the removal people can get here next week, and we’ll be all packed up and ready.

I can’t wait for this to be done, I’m stressed to the max.


You can do it! @Austina If anyone can do it, it's you! One step at a time and before you know you'll be enjoying your new life!


Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout! Missy, those pics wow! You live in paradise! I don't think I ever got to see the zombie parade boo but I did get to see the Halloween puppy parade! That was adorable. I think you would enjoy that. I do love when people dress their dogs up lol. Icecream is looking amazing. I've decorated the house for Halloween but didn't keep a costume out, no plans as of now but that could change. Or if I'm just feeling silly I can put on a costume at home giving out candy! Lots to do and fix around here but making slow steady progress.
Sending all the nirdis love and hugs!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!

@mrs-b the colors here are stunning!! I know what coming, and I don't want it, but I do enjoy the vibrant colors of Fall.

@springerspaniel lovely to "see" you. Thank you for your support. Career change? Sounds exciting!

@missy we rode today in 22C. Lovely! Took a different route and got a few groceries, my DH wore them today! (didn't bring my backpack...)

@Austina keep calm and carry on!

@sarahb oh gosh your fuzzy little man is SO sweet!

@bling_dream19 I look forward to seeing your yellow diamond hearts set. I wish I owned some. Whose those found on the pre-loved forum? That said , I'd also love some long skinny marquise stones for earrings and a middle finger ring. A girl can dream!

@marcy my DH reported to me that he's seen the "S" word in the forecast. For now, I won't abide.

Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy October and happy FriYAY.
Another gorgeous crisp cool autumn day.

I actually slept well because the ocean waves and breeze really helps put me to sleep. It was freezing but oh so comfy cozy under the warm comforter.

@canuk-gal big hugs my sweet friend. I am sending your mom and you so many well wishes. They are so fragile and helpless and it is heartbreaking. Praying your mom does as well as possible and makes a recovery. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY...if we get to attend the Zombie march I will take lots of pics for you and the other NIRDIs. I know you enjoy them so I will do the best I can. Hugs.

@Austina you will look back on this time with bittersweet memories. I know you will love your new home but of course you will miss your old home and country. XOXO.

@sarahb hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Hugs.

@springerspaniel I am sorry..IDK why it has been hard to write this email. I look forward to brighter days and do not want to dwell on the negative...maybe that is why I am finding it challenging. I did just write an email to a specialist someone recommended to me in another state asking if she does telemedicine. I know I have a parathyroid issue though so far no specialist can figure it out. I am hoping she agrees to take me on as a telemedicine patient but do not know if she offers that service. And if she does IDK if she can help me. But it is worth a try for sure. I hope you have a lovely weekend and I promise I will write to you soon. XOXO.

@Slick1 happy weekend and hugs to you and Bear.

Sweet @Jemi biggest hugs and lots of love across the many miles. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

@mrs-b I wait with high hopes to hear good news from you very soon. Lots of love and healing wishes going your way.

@marcy I hope the snow stays away from you and Sharon. Snow snow go away, come back NEVER. :lol:
Sending good wishes your way.

@rainwood my dear friend, gentle hugs. I cannot believe how many years it has been. Our loved ones who are gone but always in our hearts. They live on forever. But that can be cold comfort I know. Sending you love and gentle hugs and all good wishes. Words fail me but to say you are the strongest person I know and my respect for you immense.

Hi to everyone else. Have a good FriYAY and a wonderful weekend.
Sending well wishes and good thoughts to all.

Leaving you with a few shots from yesterday.

May your heads and hearts be high in the clouds but always firmly rooted on sold ground.

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May your days be sweet and satisfying.

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Pantascopic shot last night in our backyard around 6:30 PM...days are getting shorter.

Lastly a city view from the backyard last night.
I love you NYC and Brooklyn and it makes me happy to see them every day from our house here.

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May unexpected beauty and happiness come your way.
Today, tomorrow and always.
Love you girls.


Mar 31, 2018
Hello lovelies

Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts, and hoping things improve for you.

@MamaBee, you’re never too old for braces, can you believe I’m almost done with my Invisalign?

It’s really busy here, and I’m feeling swamped. Hopefully the removal people can get here next week, and we’ll be all packed up and ready.

I can’t wait for this to be done, I’m stressed to the max.

@Austina I’m sorry you’re really feeling stressed..It won’t be long now. XO

That’s great you were able to get the Invisalign…I have to get the teenager kind..The only choice I had was whether to get the ceramic or metal pads for the teeth. I’ll get the ones on the left..I was so traumatized I forgot to ask how long would have to wear them.


Jun 8, 2008
@MamaBee oooh. Almost had a heart attack lol :P2
JK. Good morning my bright toothy friend. :)
I have no doubt this will be worth it. Hang in there. You’ve been through (much) worse. XOXO.


Mar 31, 2018
@MamaBee oooh. Almost had a heart attack lol :P2
JK. Good morning my bright toothy friend. :)
I have no doubt this will be worth it. Hang in there. You’ve been through (much) worse. XOXO.
Good morning @missy!
Too bad I’ll miss having them on Halloween this year..I could have scared the children! :lol:


Sep 26, 2011
@missy please do not worry about getting back to me. I understand completely--just offering myself as a sounding board if you want one


Mar 29, 2005
GM girls! Happy October and happy FriYAY.
Another gorgeous crisp cool autumn day.

I actually slept well because the ocean waves and breeze really helps put me to sleep. It was freezing but oh so comfy cozy under the warm comforter.

@canuk-gal big hugs my sweet friend. I am sending your mom and you so many well wishes. They are so fragile and helpless and it is heartbreaking. Praying your mom does as well as possible and makes a recovery. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY...if we get to attend the Zombie march I will take lots of pics for you and the other NIRDIs. I know you enjoy them so I will do the best I can. Hugs.

@Austina you will look back on this time with bittersweet memories. I know you will love your new home but of course you will miss your old home and country. XOXO.

@sarahb hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Hugs.

@springerspaniel I am sorry..IDK why it has been hard to write this email. I look forward to brighter days and do not want to dwell on the negative...maybe that is why I am finding it challenging. I did just write an email to a specialist someone recommended to me in another state asking if she does telemedicine. I know I have a parathyroid issue though so far no specialist can figure it out. I am hoping she agrees to take me on as a telemedicine patient but do not know if she offers that service. And if she does IDK if she can help me. But it is worth a try for sure. I hope you have a lovely weekend and I promise I will write to you soon. XOXO.

@Slick1 happy weekend and hugs to you and Bear.

Sweet @Jemi biggest hugs and lots of love across the many miles. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

@mrs-b I wait with high hopes to hear good news from you very soon. Lots of love and healing wishes going your way.

@marcy I hope the snow stays away from you and Sharon. Snow snow go away, come back NEVER. :lol:
Sending good wishes your way.

@rainwood my dear friend, gentle hugs. I cannot believe how many years it has been. Our loved ones who are gone but always in our hearts. They live on forever. But that can be cold comfort I know. Sending you love and gentle hugs and all good wishes. Words fail me but to say you are the strongest person I know and my respect for you immense.

Hi to everyone else. Have a good FriYAY and a wonderful weekend.
Sending well wishes and good thoughts to all.

Leaving you with a few shots from yesterday.

May your heads and hearts be high in the clouds but always firmly rooted on sold ground.

Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 6.33.09 AM.png

May your days be sweet and satisfying.

Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 6.33.51 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 6.36.07 AM.png
Pantascopic shot last night in our backyard around 6:30 PM...days are getting shorter.

Lastly a city view from the backyard last night.
I love you NYC and Brooklyn and it makes me happy to see them every day from our house here.

Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 6.35.24 AM.png

May unexpected beauty and happiness come your way.
Today, tomorrow and always.
Love you girls.

Thanks, Missy. The anniversary of his death is always hard. And the strongest person you know is you. Don't ever forget that. We all have things to deal with.


Apr 19, 2004

Brisk ride today--nice and sunny tho. I wore gloves!

I had a medical appt near to nice jewellery shop--so I stopped in. Saw a few items I could have had!! LOL I resisted.

No good news on the Mom front--she fell again--luckily no injury. Sad. I just spoke to her.

NIRDI shout out!



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday.

@rainwood wise words as always. I agree we are all strong in our own way and most of us are all stronger than we think we could ever be probably. Of course there are levels and degrees to challenges and hardships and heartache and in my perspective nothing is harder than what you have gone through and are still experiencing. With such grace and strength and wisdom. Always. There is no need to compare heartbreak but just want to say I don't think my challenges at the moment are anything compared to what you have (and are still going) through. Not even close. So while I bellyache and vent here I have perspective and am well aware. Sending you continued gentle hugs and lots of love and good thoughts. If only that could heal heartache and pain.

@canuk-gal glad you enjoyed a lovely cycling day and bling too. Hope the medical appointment went well. I am so sorry about your mom falling and hope she is OK. Glad she didn't further injure herself. But it is scary watching our elderly parents go downhill. And there is nothing in our power to stop it. :(

@MamaBee when are you getting your braces? Hopefully it won't be too difficult to wear and it won't be for too long a time

@springerspaniel I wish I had only one or two health issues I was dealing with...the problem is that proverbial drip drip drip of water in the bucket. One or two or even three no problem but so many all at once. Such is life at the moment and the best anyone can do is one step at a time. And compartmentalization helps me too. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

@mrs-b hope your weekend has good news and is pain free.

@marcy hope you have an enjoyable time away from work and get some needed R and R. And that Marty's recovery is almost complete.

@Slick1 have a lovely weekend.

@bling_dream19 today is Zombie Day...hoping we can get some good photos for you.

Hi to everyone else.
Yesterday was a cycling dream.
Wind was relatively light and air temps in the low 70s.

Today is going to be another beautiful day but a bit warmer and rain is coming later and tomorrow and well looks like into next week too. That is why I greatly appreciate the wonderful weather while it is here.

We visited our old friends D and T yesterday for a change in ice cream lol.
It was nice seeing them but I did feel guilty (useless emotion I know) for not getting their ice cream all summer.

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Have a sweet Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. Lots of hugs and well wishes to each and everyone of you.


Aug 18, 2013
Good morning - and I have some wonderful news!

Australia is opening up its borders to international travel, so citizens and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated will be able to LEAVE THE COUNTRY!! As well as that, returning quarantine can now be done at home, rather than in a government controlled facility in the Northern Territory in the back of nowhere (which you had to pay for yourself), and will be for ONE week, instead of 2. Qantas, also, has started selling international flights again, starting from November, and my best girlfriend, Wendy is COMING OVER FOR CHRISTMAS!! (Yes, I know I'm yelling - I'm just very excited!) That also means she'll be seeing her husband for the first time in 2 years (my housemate in California). She's coming over for a month, and will be back again later next year for another 6 weeks, or maybe longer.

This is such wonderful news and means that Christmas will be on, full force! I'm so happy and so excited! Yaaaaay!

My surgery is still scheduled for October 25th and I'm going back and forth on it. I've been doing decompression for a week now, tho, and am already feeling much better. Would love to avoid this surgery if I could, and there *is* that possibility, so we'll see.

Thank you for all your warm thoughts and support - it's meant a lot and has encouraged me to hang in there when things have been terribly difficult.

@canuk-gal - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom having another fall. Warm thoughts to you both.

@MamaBee - Tim had braces as an adult (also as a teenager, but his teeth moved again) and was so pleased he did. I wish you well on this. And I love your new Tiffany piece! Verrrry nice!

@missy - good morning, AG! Firstly - and I meant to say this days ago - thank you so much for the names of all your cats! I will do my best going forward... Also - how are your hands feeling? Do they get tighter in the cold weather? It's glorious weather up in MA - I hope it's the same for you and you get to go out cycling today! If you have some nice bue sky, I do think a couple of snaps of Bubbulah at the beach are in order!

@bling_dream19 - your ensemble jewelry photo was AWESOME! Bring it on, girl! I hope you have a lovely, lovely weekend! ox

@marcy - how are you feeling? And how is Marty? I'm glad your new employee is working out - tho I'm sure it will be better when she can access everything you need her to access and she can do her whole job! How is the weather there? You said you could smell snow - did it come?? Sending you warm thoughts!

@junebug17 - hoping all is well with you!

@Austina - I'm sure your moving experience could not possibly be as bad as mine! I hope everything goes really well for you. ox Our international moves were actually our smoothest! You must be running around like a mad thing at the moment, tho; I'm sending you calming, uplifting, supportive thoughts.

@springerspaniel - DO YOU HAVE THE PUPPY?? Thinking of you a lot and have sent a demanding email re puppy photos! (Pls forgive me - I am a crazy puppy lady!) oxo

Greetings to everyone else and hugs for a wonderful weekend!

NIRDI Shoutout! oxoxo
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