
Now I really did it :((


@canuk-gal and @MamaBee sorry to hear your mothers are going through health struggles; it is so hard to watch what aging does to those we love. Keeping you both and your mothers in my thoughts.

@Jemi I am glad things are looking up with your DD and she can travel light back to France. Hoping your arrived safely today. Thank you, I am enjoying my new car.

@missy glad you are still enjoying cycling and ice cream. Love your pictures of the deep blue ocean and classic cars. I hope both of your blood tests are good. Yes they have a pretty blue new iPhone but I can't justify a new phone when there is nothing wrong with the one have. How awful about the wind damage. That is a BIG tree that got knocked home.

@Austina your house is coming right along. Sweet. I bet you are really busy getting everything done, arranged and ready to move! Take time to rest now and then.

@bling_dream19 what an awesome list of jewelry projects. I will be anxious to see them.

@MamaBee Marty's grandma had a very similar shiner like your poor mom. She also fell off a toilet. She had a life alert but never wore it. I am with you on bugs - I HATE them. Good luck with that!

@canuk-gal glad you got to have a nice dinner outdoors. Sorry you had some eczema pop up; mega dust coming your way.

@Slick1 bear is sure a cutie. Darn that we can't really justify that pretty new blue phone. I actually dropped my phone today and thought am I "trying" to break it?

@mrs-b I think I would totally enjoy retiring. I know it's coming but not exactly when - tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. I am slowly working on that decision. Sorry Tim is anemic too; I totally know what you mean. I don't feel awful but don't feel normal either; I really notice the breathing and being tired the most. Marty was able to get another personalized plate which I pointed out now the police will pull him over for having a stolen license plate. It will cost him $50 for the additional place and new plate holder. After the money we spent from that lady hitting his car he said he is tired of paying for things he didn't do. I hope you are feeling good. Your infinity ring is really cool. How fun to collect silver napkin rings. Happy Birthday to Tim! The flowers your friends sent you are beautiful. Very nice.

My sisters came by for a visit on Sunday. Had a busy day and full house that day. We had our first below freezing night this week; I cranked on our heater last night and slept way better. I've been training the new lady this week; she is doing really well. What a nice change! Marty's 2 clients cancelled last night so we went out for dinner. Marty got to hot rod my car so he was having fun. We polished off a bottle of wine too which may have contributed to me sleeping all night. Marty's arm is coming along. He has mostly quit wearing his wrist support other than sleeping. His therapy is making it a bit sore but he is even able to kind of lift his arm. Nice!

Take care.
GM girls and happy Thursday.
We had a lovely ride yesterday and I think Jimmy is trying to get on my good side with all the large servings he has been giving me. LOL but not LOL because I am mad at him because of the vaccine. But I won't say more. He knows because I cannot hide my feelings. Just look at my face and you know what I am thinking. But anyway that explains the extra large (which I do not need haha) ice cream servings he has been giving me lately.

Mine is on the left here with Jimmy sitting in the background. :/


and here mine is on the right. These are our ice creams from the past 2 days.


You can see my servings are quite a bit larger than Greg's. I am very intuitive and I know exactly what J is doing. You cannot buy my affection. I do like him but I am very disappointed in him and I probably will never feel the same way again about him. Sad. And we also know two of our favorite staff members are leaving him mainly for the reason I am disappointed in him. We are friendly with them and will miss them terribly but we are planning on keeping in touch. Speaking of which. Here is M again with her adorable leggings. She is a girl after my own heart.


Rose colored leggings...if only we could see the world that way truly.

@marcy how lovely you visited with your sisters and had a wonderful time. Glad you and Marty got to go out to dinner last night and so happy his recovery is going smoothly.

@canuk-gal how is your mom? Hope you are well.

@Jemi hope you are safely home in your home away from home with your DD and grand baby soon too follow.

@Austina the house is looking great and you are in the home (haha pun intended) stretch. So excited for you.

@mrs-b fingers crossed the surgery is within the next week or two.

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a beautiful week.

@junebug17 hope all is well with the family.

@Slick1 hope your work week is continuing to go smoothly and everyone is well.

@springerspaniel happy Autumn.

@sarahb hope the week is going well and all is calm and happy by you.

@MamaBee hope you can visit your mom and she is remaining well and safe and content.

Hi to everyone else. Sending you big hugs and lots of love. Be well and enjoy.
I took a couple of photos yesterday and the day before I didn't share yet with you. First up is gorgeous Eleanor the Egret. We saw her yesterday in Ocean Grove. She is a beauty.


Then the day before we saw Henrietta the Heron near us when were almost home.


And lastly have I introduced Midnight to you yet? We think she belongs to Sasha. Similar markings and very similar disposition. She loves hanging out on our, ermm I mean her, porch lol. And we don't seem to annoy her too much. She just looks at us and tolerates our presence. Luckily for us :lol:


And right by our car. As I wrote above she loves hanging out on our, umm I mean her, property. :)


With that wishing you all a happy Thursday filled with purrs and all good things.
Hello lovelies

Ugh @marcy, I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling your best, it’s very wearing when you don’t feel 100%. Sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend. I’m glad the new lady is working out, after all the issues you had with Moaning Minnie. Good news that Marty‘s arm Is healing well.

Whoa, he really is trying to get on your good side with portions that size @missy. I know what you mean, once you know something, you can’t unknow it, and it does change your view of someone. It’s disappointing to find out something like that from someone you trusted. Glad you got out and rode and enjoyed the scenery. Love seeing all the kitties that stop by your place to lunch at the Kitty Cafe :lol: Have you seen Foxy Fiona lately?

I hope you and Kine arrived safely and the journey wasn’t too arduous @Jemi.

Another busy day here, we went to Costco to buy more pick plastic lidded crates, then Colin had an eye exam, and I did a little shopping, just fresh stuff, as we’re trying to use up the contents of our freezers.

Our friends called round to collect the freezer that we bought last year, and other bits and pieces. Someone else called this morning to collect lots of things for the charity he’s involved in.

I have an orthodontist appt at 9am tomorrow, so will need to discuss with him getting everything finished before we leave.

It’s all a bit overwhelming at the moment, trying to get everything sorted, we are organised, but it’s all happening so fast.

Sending you all lots of love and hugs :wavey:
LOL isn't this purrrrfect for Halloween? Bwahahaha

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So the rain is now predicted to stop this morning woohoo so planning on cycling.
Yesterday we ran all our errands and it was a decent day for a rainy windy day.

@Austina you are super organized and it is all paying off....may it go as smoothly as possible.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY!

@Slick1 woohoo it's the weekend soon. A much needed respite for you.

@marcy hope you are having a good week.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well.
Wishing everyone a happy and not scary FriYAY!!!
Lots of hugs and much love!
Hello lovelies

My visits are going to be sporadic because we’re in the final stretch now, and there’s lot to do. We’re really busy going through everything again and listing more things to give away. It’s amazing how much time organising pickups are, and then dealing with people who say they want something, and then don’t bother to collect!

Sending lots of love and hugs to you all, I’ll pop in when I can. :wavey:
Hello lovelies

My visits are going to be sporadic because we’re in the final stretch now, and there’s lot to do. We’re really busy going through everything again and listing more things to give away. It’s amazing how much time organising pickups are, and then dealing with people who say they want something, and then don’t bother to collect!

Sending lots of love and hugs to you all, I’ll pop in when I can. :wavey:

@Austina I’m impressed about how organized you are. Can you just load up your car and drive it to a donation place? We have Goodwill here. I’ve been making runs there once a week.
I‘m so excited for you..Adam and Kim must also be looking forward to your move!

NIRDI shout out!!

Not living the dream here--feeling quite low today. It's just everything: no work due to Covid (so I'm bored!!!!), cancelled our Hawaii vacation due to Mom's poor health, appliance troubles, DS has heartache (girl issues) and is not happy with his job. So I slept poorly due to stress. The only good thing is the weather is stunning and although I have no energy went for a short ride. I'm quite the zombie/Debbie Downer.

Hope folks are well.


NIRDI shout out!!

Not living the dream here--feeling quite low today. It's just everything: no work due to Covid (so I'm bored!!!!), cancelled our Hawaii vacation due to Mom's poor health, appliance troubles, DS has heartache (girl issues) and is not happy with his job. So I slept poorly due to stress. The only good thing is the weather is stunning and although I have no energy went for a short ride. I'm quite the zombie/Debbie Downer.

Hope folks are well.


I’m sorry you feel low Sharon. I feel the same way. I’m normally a happy person..but I’m so sick of Covid. I want to wake up and this all be a dream. I could be doing something useful like finish organizing or cleaning the house..What fun is that? I just don’t have the energy to do it. I just want you to know that you’re not alone..I’ve also been averaging four hours of sleep a night.…It’s too much time to think…
Maybe a trip to Tiffany’s would perk you up? :lol:
I’m sorry you feel low Sharon. I feel the same way. I’m normally a happy person..but I’m so sick of Covid. I want to wake up and this all be a dream. I could be doing something useful like finish organizing or cleaning the house..What fun is that? I just don’t have the energy to do it. I just want you to know that you’re not alone..I’ve also been averaging four hours of sleep a night.…It’s too much time to think…
Maybe a trip to Tiffany’s would perk you up? :lol:

Joanne normally I am a happy person also. Stress sucks and sucks the life out of you.

I thought about Tiffany!!!!! That Victoria tennis bracelet would sure perk me up!! :lol-2:
Joanne normally I am a happy person also. Stress sucks and sucks the life out of you.

I thought about Tiffany!!!!! That Victoria tennis bracelet would sure perk me up!! :lol-2:

That would really perk me up too!! bought a preloved Tiffany necklace yesterday! I had to put myself on a ban. Too much jewelry self-medicating! Haha
That would really perk me up too!! bought a preloved Tiffany necklace yesterday! I had to put myself on a ban. Too much jewelry self-medicating! Haha

Which necklace???? When does it arrive?? Jewellery self medicating is the best!!
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@MamaBee ooh pretty. :love: Sweet purchase and haha now I understand the bling ban. For as long as it lasts.8) XOXO.

@Austina sending you so many good vibes and lots of smooth sailing wishes. We are here for you off and online and soon we will see you on the other side. XOXO.

@canuk-gal I hear you. Stress can be soul sucking. Sending you good thoughts and healing vibes for your mother. And hugs.

@bling_dream19 hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

@Slick1 enjoy a lovely and relaxing weekend. The weather will be purrrfect. XOXO.

@springerspaniel sending you big hugs.

@mrs-b hang in there...almost where you need to be and after that each day will surely be better and easier to deal with knowing you are on your way to complete healing. The waiting is the most challenging part. Hugs.

@marcy happy weekend...hope you have fun and do not have many chores to do. Hugs.

@Jemi glad you have arrived safely and hoping your DD and grandchild join you very soon. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else. We had a wonderful cycling day yesterday and today more of the same to look forward to.
Beautiful weather. Fresh sea air and cool and crisp. It is, for me, my favorite season as long as it is mild that is haha.

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and OMG I am in love with her glasses. She gave me the link to purchase them but I am afraid my face is too small for them. Aren't these great? Steampunk at its finest. Swoon.


OK off to start the day. Have a wonderful and fun Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. Sending each one of you big hugs.
Be well and stay safe. XOXO.
Just 2 more photos taken as we were cycling yesterday. The sky was awesome.

Sorry for the in motion shots. A bit off perspective but I like it still.

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Enjoy a beachylicious weekend all!
Trying to stay calm here....

Tim is over in Cali to take possession of my shipment of things to our new townhouse. He just called me. 10 items are missing.

Including our 1830 Australian dining table.

My hand made cello.

The living room rug.

Side tables.


About 100k worth of stuff.

I want to be sick.
Trying to stay calm here....

Tim is over in Cali to take possession of my shipment of things to our new townhouse. He just called me. 10 items are missing.

Including our 1830 Australian dining table.

My hand made cello.

The living room rug.

Side tables.


About 100k worth of stuff.

I want to be sick.

@mrs-b It’s probably a delayed shipment. Don’t panic yet! Big huge hugs!
Trying to stay calm here....

Tim is over in Cali to take possession of my shipment of things to our new townhouse. He just called me. 10 items are missing.

Including our 1830 Australian dining table.

My hand made cello.

The living room rug.

Side tables.


About 100k worth of stuff.

I want to be sick.

Mrs b.
How awful!
Any idea how it happened?
Is there a chance the items might be discovered somewhere?

I am in my house in France and totally ecstatic. There’s so much work to do and I’m loving every minute of it.
The trip was long and exhausting. I ended up staying in a hotel at the airport for two nights to get my wits about me as opposed to pushing through to get home, which would have required a half day of train travel. At the hotel I drank tons of water, ate well, and then slept 22 hours straight. This is the least jetlagged I’ve ever felt.

Hello to all dear NIRDIs. I hope all our moms are doing OK tonight.
Mrs b.
How awful!
Any idea how it happened?
Is there a chance the items might be discovered somewhere?

I am in my house in France and totally ecstatic. There’s so much work to do and I’m loving every minute of it.
The trip was long and exhausting. I ended up staying in a hotel at the airport for two nights to get my wits about me as opposed to pushing through to get home, which would have required a half day of train travel. At the hotel I drank tons of water, ate well, and then slept 22 hours straight. This is the least jetlagged I’ve ever felt.

Hello to all dear NIRDIs. I hope all our moms are doing OK tonight.

That was smart to stay at the hotel…Jet lag is awful. How did your little guy do?

It’s so nice to get home after being away for a while!
GM girls!

@mrs-b I truly hope it will come in another shipment and that no nefarious actions are at play here. My gut says the rest of your items will arrive. Sending you bucketloads of dust for all your items to be recovered. Biggest hugs my sweet friend. It is going to be OK.

@MamaBee so relieved for you the flies are all gone. Whew. I know exactly how you were and are feeling. Thank goodness that is over.

@Jemi so happy you are back in France and are happy to be there. It's a good exhausted I know. And yay for being the least jetlagged ever. You are a seasoned traveler and know exactly what to do to do it right. Big hugs.

@Austina wow I cannot believe 2 years have passed. I was just thinking last night it's been 27 months since Francesca died. It seems like yesterday. I know you get it when I tell you not a day has passed that I have not cried over missing her. Not one day. I don't care what other people might think. She was my daughter and she always will be. In my heart I hope to be reunited with all my loved ones and maybe most of all my dear Francesca. Taken too soon, too young. She was and always will be a big part of my heart.

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

@Slick1 hope you are enjoying a fun weekend. And getting energized for the coming week.

@sarahb hope you are having a lovely weekend and enjoying some beautiful autumn weather as we are here.

@springerspaniel hope you are doing well and I owe you an email. My energy is high until I think about all the things I have going on lol. It's not been an easy road but attitude is a big part of rising to any challenge and so I accept what I must and change what I can and try to keep a good attitude about it all. I know you get it. Big hugs.

@canuk-gal hope your mom is doing well and you are also doing well. You are both in my thoughts.

Hi to everyone else. Yesterday was another top ten weather day. Beautiful temps and decent winds and crisp autumn air.
We visited Archie and his cousin Luca was visiting too. He is staying with them for at least a month or more as he always does every year since his parents work overseas for part of the year. It was so nice seeing them together and the toys we brought them were a big hit.

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Archie really loved the stuffed animal. He was snuggling with it. :love:
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and there was a kite contest at the beach. It was the perfect weather for it.

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Today looks to be a bit windier but still really lovely out.
Off to go cycling after my weights and treadmill workout. Sigh. I am never in the mood to workout but I am motivated so I do. The worst part of it is the bleeding but well hopefully I can figure that out eventually.

Have a Fun Sunday lovely ladies. Big hugs. Love all of you wonderful girls and wishing you a wonderful Sunday. XOXO.
GM girls!

@mrs-b I truly hope it will come in another shipment and that no nefarious actions are at play here. My gut says the rest of your items will arrive. Sending you bucketloads of dust for all your items to be recovered. Biggest hugs my sweet friend. It is going to be OK.

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Archie really loved the stuffed animal. He was snuggling with it. :love:
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and there was a kite contest at the beach. It was the perfect weather for it.

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Today looks to be a bit windier but still really lovely out.
Off to go cycling after my weights and treadmill workout. Sigh. I am never in the mood to workout but I am motivated so I do. The worst part of it is the bleeding but well hopefully I can figure that out eventually.

Have a Fun Sunday lovely ladies. Big hugs. Love all of you wonderful girls and wishing you a wonderful Sunday. XOXO.
@missy - oddly, I actually have a lot of faith in your gut feelings. I have some hope it will turn up, but, on balance, I think it's unlikely - not least of which because the moving company has asked me to fill out an insurance claim form for lost items. So - no, not a great sign.

Today I'm simply trying not to think of it, but thank you so much for your kind comments, Missy, @MamaBee and @Jemi. As far as extra shipments go, no - this was the whole thing. So either is was overlooked in the warehouse and is still there (which they're already implying is NOT the case), or it's gone. So, as I say, I do still have some faith, but the balance is with 'it's lost'.

On the upside - and there always IS an upside - Eleanor has been here for the last 3 days, having arrived on Thursday morning, and was here for National Daughter's Day, which was yesterday. That girl just brings my heart joy! She goes back this morning - so it was a speedy trip - but the timing was perfect.

@missy - I cannot BELIEVE it has been over 2 years since Francesca left us! I still cry most days for Dixon (5 years this Christmas Day), and I've given up trying to celebrate Christmas in the same way I used to and now have a lunchtime celebration, since the sadness starts to roll in as the sun goes down. I spend the evening thinking about my darling, and missing him - but also remembering all the happy times we had. On balance, I am still very grateful and consider myself the luckiest of women to have had him in my life.

@Austina - all I can say is - I hope your move goes 1000% better than mine and is completely stress free. Good luck for a smooth transition from now to your next home! Keep us informed as able - my thoughts are definitely with you.

@Jemi - welcome home! I'm so glad you're back in France! I have loved every photo I've ever seen of your home and would love it if you posted some more! I'm sorry I'm off the pace here, but - did your daughter stay in the US? How is your dog? I'm SO glad you're happy to be home.

@MamaBee - the flies are gone?? Yaaaay! And thank you for the hugs - if ever a girl needed them, it was me yesterday. I remember the moment my dr told me I had cancer. I would take that feeling ahead of yesterday's stress any day. The cancer situation had a way forward and a sense of order and control. Yesterday just felt like being violated and NO sense of control. I'm praying and hoping my things turn up, but yesterday was pretty damn dark. And just btw, I'm on Ban Island, too. Waaaaay too much shopping! Oh dear.... How is your mother? Thinking of you and your family. ox

@canuk-gal - I'm so glad things have improved with your mother, but am sorry you're feeling flat. I'm with you and Joanne (and probably the rest of the world!) , in that I SO wish this pandemic would end. There's something about imposed boredom that's awfully tough to take. I do agree with the Tiffany option tho! :))

@marcy - thank you for the update on your thinking re your job. Tim is approaching that place, too, and we find the timing rather fraught. There's just no clear and obvious timeline - especially when you throw in the possibility of relocating countries - which, of course, is heavily influenced by my relationships with Eleanor and Nathaniel. And so on and so on and so on. Hopefully the right timing will present itself and the way forward will be clear for you, too. I'm glad Marty's arm seems to be improving; hopefully it won't be long till he's feeling back to his old self. And ditto for you as well. If we find any silver bullets for anemia re Tim, I'll pass it along. Are you on any meds for yours? Tim is seeing our PCP soon to see if he can get some help; he's been feeling very light headed and tired.

@springerspaniel - Eleanor left about half an hour ago - consequently I'm posting here asap! I'll sit down and respond to my emails shortly! My apologies for being so off the pace.

@Slick1 - I need to get back to you re a phone chat. There's been so much going on here, I'm sorry. I hope all is well with you and that Bear is keeping a smile on your face! :))

@junebug17 - I hope all is well with you and that the fall is making everything around you beautiful.

@bling_dream19 - your collection has just exploded, hasn't it! What a lovely collection of things! Please do post photos as things are completed! I hope all is well with you - hugs to you, my friend!

@sarahb - hoping you're having a very happy weekend!

The weather here is starting to cool, tho everything is still green and it's still t-shirt weather. It's no longer sweltering, tho, and we're moving solidly into early fall - cooler nights, temperate days, Just beautiful. Tim gets back from California this afternoon, and it will be wonderful to see him; the house feels different without him, as does my heart.

Love to you all. <3
Missy, what a beautiful picture of the kites.
I can’t believe it’s been so long since Francesca died! It seems like it was just yesterday. I’m so sorry.
@missy I’m so sorry you cry every day over Francesca. All of us that have pets we loved know how you’re feeling. It‘s like your heart is ripped out of your chest. I’m trying to make myself look at Bailey’s photos. I get so upset I can’t really look but a few seconds. My heart hurts for you.
Archie and Luca are so adorable. Please give them a hug for me. I remember when Gordie, my Golden, passed away…I kept asking people if I could hug their pet. Some people understood…and if the pet was willing I would give them some kisses and hugs. Other people thought I was a crazy person and would say no.. :lol: Thinking back now..I think I was so crazy with grief that I was a little crazy. After Bailey passed I had the same feeling… Because of Covid..I can’t hug any pets except for my son and daughter-in-law’s dog. Fortunately she loves all the hugs and kisses I give her. She becomes a Velcro dog and follows me around.
I loved the photos of the skeleton bride and groom! The husband looked familiar! :lol:The kites are so pretty!
Thanks to you we’ve been going to get ice cream. My favorite is chocolate chip. Brusters makes it fresh..It’s so yummy. I went two times this last week to get some..but they were closed! We were devastated! Haha They were closed for inventory or something. The last time I went they were also closed. They had a sign in the window that said they are only open from 3pm now that it’s fall. Oh well…David and I will have to push dinner back until at least 7pm. My husband may actually get a warm dinner then..haha He always comes in too late for us to eat with him.
Yes..The flies are gone..according to my husband. I spent so much money on every fly magnet thing to kill them..I gave them all to my husband to put around the house. He went back again on Friday to see if they caught any of them. Of all the things I gave him the window clings worked the best. He didn’t see one fly. The fly strips didn’t catch any…I was really surprised. My husband has very bad peripheral I worry that he can’t see any if he’s only looking forward. He convinced me there weren’t any. We’re going on the 8th to check. I will be armed with disinfectant. I will wipe everything down including furniture. Then I’ll spray Lysol everywhere. Yuck! There won’t be a germ or virus alive after I’m done. His brother wants to go use the house the weekend before we go back. He doesn’t care if we didn’t get to clean it before he goes :roll2:…I usually do the same cleaning after he uses the house anyway. He throws all my decorative pillows on the floor from the bed..He also leaves wet towels in a ball on the washing machine. My husband won’t tell him to at least throw them over the shower to dry so we don’t get moldy towels. I threw out the last set that he used. Ugh..
I’ll be back..I noticed I’m a little long winded today..sheesh..

Of everything they lost, if I could have had one thing back, it would have been my cello. It also holds out a degree of hope that they'll find the other pieces, because - they'll all be together...surely??

But either way - I have my beloved cello back. So grateful.
Nirdi shoutout! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and a fun Sunday!
@mrs-b YAY they found your cello! Let's hope and pray all items are found and returned to you. My heart sunk when I read your post.
Projects are in the works but I'm not sure what stage everything is in. I'm being patient but getting very excited lol.
@missy Your beach photos just look beautiful my friend. I love that you are living your dream life and it inspires me to do the same. I wish medical issues could be figured out for you and all of us.
@marcy I hope you can retire soon. You are always so sweet and good natured.
@Jemi How fabulous to be in your home again! I hope the weather is beautiful.
@canuk-gal thinking about your mom and you too @MamaBee It's very difficult. I had 2 bad dreams this week about my dad and his health.
Ok onto some bling! Hubby n I had a nice dinner so I poured on the bling! Also wore my diamond hoop earrings! Love and hugs to all!20210920_185714.jpg

Of everything they lost, if I could have had one thing back, it would have been my cello. It also holds out a degree of hope that they'll find the other pieces, because - they'll all be together...surely??

But either way - I have my beloved cello back. So grateful.
Wonderful news!

Of everything they lost, if I could have had one thing back, it would have been my cello. It also holds out a degree of hope that they'll find the other pieces, because - they'll all be together...surely??

But either way - I have my beloved cello back. So grateful.

Was the cello specially crated? It’s so odd that they found just the cello. They must be shaking down the place to find it all. This is such good news! You play the cello? I have no talent whatsoever..

@missy great pictures as always. I totally enjoy seeing the scenery, ice cream, people and animals on your outings.

@Austina I am sure you won’t have a dull moment until you get everything done and ready to move. Do you have your tickets back to the states yet?

@canuk-gal sorry you are feeling down; sending you big hugs and hope the world looks a little brighter to you today. Sadly I haven’t won the lottery yet so I can get you that Tiffany bracelet. I haven’t forgotten though.

@MamaBee I think we are all sick of COVID. Those projects around the house can always wait. I’ll be anxious to see your Tiffany necklace in person; it is very pretty. Glad the flies are gone.

@mrs-b hopefully your missing possessions will still show up. Good luck with that. That is great they found your cello. Nice that Eleanor visited. It is tough to decide on retirement; and yes that would be very difficult for you and Tim since you’d be moving to another continent. Do let me know if Tim finds something that helps with his anemia. I feel his pain on feeling lightheaded and being tired. I feel the same and don’t enjoy the rapid heart beat and feeling like I can’t breathe very well. The doctor didn’t give me any meds or recommend anything. All I’m doing is taking a Flintstone’s vitamin daily. Adult dosages make me sick. Go figure, eh? We are feeling very fall like here too.

@Jemi good idea to rest up from jet lag before the long day to get to your house. Glad you are enjoying getting settled in.

@bling_dream19 love all your pretty bling. Thank you for the kind words about me.

We had a busy weekend. My SIL was here Friday and Saturday. We ate out most of the time. I wrote my October article for the local paper and got it sent off this morning. Marty grilled steak and corn on the cob for lunch today. Now the weekend is winding down. Just think if I retired I wouldn’t care what day it is. Sweet.

Take care.
Nirdi shoutout! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and a fun Sunday!
@mrs-b YAY they found your cello! Let's hope and pray all items are found and returned to you. My heart sunk when I read your post.
Projects are in the works but I'm not sure what stage everything is in. I'm being patient but getting very excited lol.
@missy Your beach photos just look beautiful my friend. I love that you are living your dream life and it inspires me to do the same. I wish medical issues could be figured out for you and all of us.
@marcy I hope you can retire soon. You are always so sweet and good natured.
@Jemi How fabulous to be in your home again! I hope the weather is beautiful.
@canuk-gal thinking about your mom and you too @MamaBee It's very difficult. I had 2 bad dreams this week about my dad and his health.
Ok onto some bling! Hubby n I had a nice dinner so I poured on the bling! Also wore my diamond hoop earrings! Love and hugs to all!20210920_185714.jpg

I'm just a little jeali of your gorgeous pieces....OH did I just say that out LOUD? :lol-2:
Nirdi shoutout! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and a fun Sunday!
@mrs-b YAY they found your cello! Let's hope and pray all items are found and returned to you. My heart sunk when I read your post.
Projects are in the works but I'm not sure what stage everything is in. I'm being patient but getting very excited lol.
@missy Your beach photos just look beautiful my friend. I love that you are living your dream life and it inspires me to do the same. I wish medical issues could be figured out for you and all of us.
@marcy I hope you can retire soon. You are always so sweet and good natured.
@Jemi How fabulous to be in your home again! I hope the weather is beautiful.
@canuk-gal thinking about your mom and you too @MamaBee It's very difficult. I had 2 bad dreams this week about my dad and his health.
Ok onto some bling! Hubby n I had a nice dinner so I poured on the bling! Also wore my diamond hoop earrings! Love and hugs to all!20210920_185714.jpg

@bling_dream19 You were probably blinding your husband from all the sparkle! Gorgeous pieces! You’re also wearing one of your new dresses! You look beautiful!
I‘ll be waiting with bated breath to see all your new bling!
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