
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Aww thanks ladies, we did get to see them officially become man and wife, the sun was shining, and Bertie was determined to join in :lol: We’re thrilled Kim is now officially part of our family, although I did tell her from now on she has to call me Mother Dearest:mrgreen:

We are getting more and more frustrated with this whole house buying process. Our realtor went to look at 2 houses for us yesterday, one we like, and she’s advised us to put in an offer $100,000 over asking. NO, not happening. At the price is was advertised at, we felt was fair, especially as it’s in a higher property tax area, but $100,000 more, pass. That takes the PT to an absurd amount a year. What on earth is the point of putting your house on the market at an advertised price when that bears no relation to what you’re expecting to get? How do we know other offers weren’t substantially less, and we’ve paid way over the odds? :angryfire:

If we were able to travel, at least we could go around and talk to builders, but trying to do things through a third party, makes it more difficult. Sorry for the rant, but oy, who knew it’d be this frustrating?

@mrs-b your room looks lovely, we found the same when we got rid of our sleigh bed. Thank you for taking the photos. How’s your hand now? I’m so shocked at the cost of your meds, I hope you do manage to get them at a more reasonable price.

Wow, wow, wow @MamaBee seeing your diamond as your avatar just shows how spectacular it is, you must be so thrilled with it.

Thanks @canuk-gal enjoy the cold sunshine before the freeze. They’re talking about several inches of snow here, hopefully not in our area.

I hope you’re keeping safe and warm @missy and that you haven’t had any power issues.

We’ve cleared the sitting room, all ready for us to start painting tomorrow. Didn’t feel like starting today, we had a late night waiting for Adam and Kim and viewing the houses. This 6 hour time difference is a pain.

We’ve got through another week, so one week closer to getting vaccinated, no news yet, but hopefully soon.

Take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy (I hope) Blizzard Monday.

@missy, stay safely inside today please, the weather report is not all good for your part of the woods today...

Thanks @Scandinavian. It's the biggest winter storm here in over 5 years. It's super ferocious outside right now. I think we have already near a foot of snow. May get 2 feet before the end of the storm tomorrow AM. Combined with the tide it is eery out there. I am trying not to think about my feral cats.

The governor has declared a state of emergency here. Blizzard conditions, highwinds, heavy snow, Coastal flooding across the state.

Big hugs to you @Scandinavian and your family.

Congratulations @Austina-gorgeous couple. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness together.
I am sorry the house buying process is frustrating right now. I hope it becomes easier soon and your dream home presents itself and is easily purchased. It's going to work out but in the meantime I get how stressful this is. Combined with Covid and well we are all ready for a bit of peace and quiet and contentment and just happier times.

@Bayek haha we have surpassed 7 inches. I believe the prediction was initially for 12" but now 24'!
How's Chris doing? NYC isn't getting that much snow. Only out in the suburbs haha. I was up in the middle of the night listening to the winds and realizing if our generator doesn't work not even sure we can get to Brooklyn because the roads are treacherous and with four cats and all and we have no more parking garage in Brooklyn so where would we park? The only garage in our neighborhood is completely full during snowstorms. The joy of urban living.

I am glad your friend Kathleen is doing as well as to be expected. What a difficult time this is for so many. She is one of the lucky ones. Honestly she is. I try not thinking about all the tragedy and heartache around us but I cannot help it. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything all better for everyone. Yay for more of your family getting the Covid vaccinations. I cannot wait for my family to be able to get them. My dad and mom and sister are still waiting to be able to get an appointment. As are we but I don't mind waiting as we are relatively young and we are remaining home most of the time and away from people with the exception of doctor appointments and supermarket outings. But my sister is at work every day now and it is ridiculous that NY isn't giving her priority for vaccination. She is considered essential enough to have been working through the pandemic including March 2020 when everyone was told to stay at home but the veterinarians were told they must go to work. Of course she wouldn't abandon the sick animals but look at how the state treats them? Off my soapbox now.

Sending you and your crew big hugs and much love. Be well and stay safe and lucky you no snow lol.

@MamaBee if you lose power your diamond will light the way...:lol:

@canuk-gal I am with you. Hope your weather behaves and sweet ring your friend has. Tiffanylicious. My sister's ER is from Tiffany. Small but powerful.

Last but not least my sweet sweet @bling_dream19 You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers and Greg's thinking of you too. Big big hugs and healing vibes across the miles. My sweet friend I promise you better times are ahead for everyone. ((((HUGS)))). I am here for you anytime.

Hi to everyone else. It's a winter wonderland out there and I will try getting pics later but I am not going outside to get them lol. Be warm and cozy and stay safe. Big hugs.

Leaving you with a photo from Noon yesterday. It started snowing 5 hours earlier than predicted yesterday. The calm before the Nor'easter.

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 7.41.19 AM.png

The cats were going crazy watching the snow fall when it started. I will add an updated photo later. Still having my morning coffee and it is still pretty dark outside.


Jun 8, 2008
OK I took three photos to show how it's going here at the moment. Being on the sea blows much of the snow away but I took a photo of the front yard too to give you a better idea.

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 7.59.27 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 8.00.54 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 7.59.13 AM.png

Enjoy from the safety of your homes. :)


Jun 8, 2008
Wow so the dermatology office is closed for the next 2 days.
Just received the email.



Aug 18, 2013
Ok - sorry for the disjointed replies earlier!

Missy - that WEATHER!! :eek-2: We were expecting the same here - about a foot of snow starting last night - but so far we've probably had an inch and nothing more. It was meant to continue till Wednesday, but they've already amended the weather report so it now says no snow at all for this area on Wednesday and only a little tomorrow - followed by rain, which will probably wash away the Tuesday snow, at least. We're expecting about 3-4" today - mostly this afternoon - but only mild winds, so - lucky, compared to your situation. I really hope your power holds on - especially for your outdoors cats. Hang in there, Missy and Greg! <3

@Austina - CONGRATULATIONS!! Yay to being a Magnificent-in-Law! She's lucky to have you - tho I'm sure the reverse is also true. I'm so glad you were able to *see* the ceremony, at least! Good luck with this afternoon's painting - house renos are endless, aren't they! Our bedside tables won't come till March, I believe, and the carpeting is being done then, also. We're not putting in central air for another 2 years: we just really don't need it and, while the through-wall air-con isn't exactly a thing of beauty, it's only a few years old, it's not particularly invasive, and it's neat and clean. It's also way cheaper than central and still manages to cool the entire house. So we're not pushing to get it done - but - when we do - we'll be taking down the box on the wall in our bedroom, so that will be one more streamlined thing. As I said endless.... And I have nothing to say about your real estate situation - your realtor encouraging you to put in bids 100k over asking seems wicked, to me. And lunatic-land, to boot. And pretty damn self-serving, if she goes on commission! Not cool.

@MamaBee - how is your mother doing? And has your head calmed a little" I can completely understand your head going into the hyper-drive of worry over something like this - at a time like this, too! However - do you look at your ring and smile despite it all?? I think I would! I'm sorry I wasn't more help re the insurance question - the truth is - Tim handles all of it, and I'm useless. One of the benefits of having a husband who works in the insurance industry! I know that your day-to-day normal (as opposed to Covid) life serves you up plenty of responsibility - how are you coping? Your life sounds a bit like mine in some ways - swings and roundabuts...swings and roundabouts... Hugs to you. :))

@junebug17 - I was so pleased to hear about your husband getting the vaccine appt. What a load of your mind! Just starting the process would be such a huge step forward! Things here in MA, tho, seem to be progressing very slowly, and nobody really knows what to expect. Anyway, I hope you're hanging in there ok!

@marcy - did you hang the water pick? I LOVE those things! My teeth have never felt so clean! I'm sorry for the demise of night-light-Snoopy, tho. :(2 I'm sure he's served you well. I'm totally with you, tho, re lights during the night! Once I turn on the light...I get my computer, check my phone, start up some music...I mean - I'm done at that point! I hope work is treating you well!

@Scandinavian - how are you holding up? How are the kids? I'm sure you're doing a great job!

@Polabowla - shout out to you! And - check in please? Thinking about you and hoping you're feeling better.

@canuk-gal - I've aaaaaalmost managed to claw myself up off the floor after hearing the price of your friend's ring! Gees louise!! I suspect I'd like your gorgeous new solitaire just as much - it's all elegance to my eye! I'm glad your temps have been staying remarkably well-mannered! Roll on, Spring!!

@bling_dream19 - I saw in Missy's post that she was sending healing vibes to your family - but then couldn't find why. Can you fill me in, please? I hope all is well with you, my friend. ox

...and @missy again...I just took another look at your photos. For goodness sakes, girl, stay inside and stay safe! Oy, that looks frigid!!

Shout out and {{{HUGS}}} to all NIDRIs everywhere!

ETA Laughing here and - UGH! Forgot my own update! (The gift of aging!) Things here are cold but in the 30's - ergo - bearable. I pinched a nerve in my neck 4 days ago and got a cervical vertebrae out of alignment - soooooo sore! It's gotten a little better each day, and today it's much better. Hoping tobe back to 100% (or as close as my spine ever gets) in the next day or two. Gut/Crohn's is bad today, tho. >sigh< Will be pleased to get the Humira, but (secretly) terrified this 'last resort' to which I've pinned my hopes won't work. I just can't imagine going through the rest of my life like this. I haven't been in remission for over 2 years now - meaning - I've had an active flare for over 2 years - and it's no way to live.

Tim's 'thing' (cold? sinus infection? Covid??) has slowly improved. He never had a fever or cough, and seemed no more tired than normal, so we think it was just some sort of nasal thing due to indoor heating, open fires, cold weather, etcetc. We treated it like it was Covid, but he seems fine now, so we assembled our new bed yesterday and watched some TV together yesterday evening, which was very nice! I hadn't spent any time with him for 4 days, and even yesterday, we were still masked. It's almost certainly overkill, but even so.... My hand is fine now - just a lot of cooked, dead skin, which will abrade away over time, I assume.

Highlight of my weekend - I got to spend 15 blissful minutes with Murphy (next door's rescue dog) yesterday afternoon. Meghan, his owner-mom, saw me walking outside and looking forlorn and asked me if I'd like her to bring him out onto their front path, so we could catch up in the human-doggy sense. Obviously I said YES! - and she brought him out and the reunion was blissful and joyous! He was wagging his tail ferociously, I had treats for him, he kept trying to jump into my arms, I was kissing his head and he was licking my face, and Meghan was laughing a lot. I have a Valentine's Day gift planned for him, and, altho I know he loves his mommy best, I still think it's true love for him and me. :mrgreen: My own dogs (AKA TWASBB - ie Those Who Are Spoiled Beyond Belief) are insanely jealous, or at least, I'm sure they would be, if they weren't too busy going on walks, taking car rides, being cuddled, eating dinner, getting treats, and so on and so on. It's a great place to be a dog, at our house!

And that's it from me!
Last edited:


May 11, 2013
@missy Wow what great pix, I got an email this morning from IDJ heehee telling me they were closed today, probably a lot of PSers did :) talked to Kate last night and she said "Yeah I think we are getting some snow" and Chris also "I think we might get some snow" ah youth... Do you have any doc appts in the next day or two? hug that hunk of a husband (hey an alliteration!) hug the kittens and sending you all my great big kate love! xoxoxo

@mrs-b wow, your bedroom is so soothing, love it.. xo all sounds good with you and happy to read your neck is getting better! stay in stay warm!

@Austina Again! congratulations and welcome to the MIL club, it's a fine club.. Austina, are you using a buyers agent or just a realtor? your agent should be angling for the best deal for you, if he/she is the builder/sellers agent, tell them you want a buyers agent. We had a buyer's agent in Maine - and she wasn't a GREAT as she could have been, she did get us some breaks back in 15.. Mother Dearest! love it!

@Scandinavian yup, Missy stay in! xo

@NIRDIs!! sending warm and loving hugs to you all, nothing much new with me.. pool is getting better and better every day, we are almost done working with the effing building.. ugh.. on the bright side we are one day closer to all of us being inoculated and being freer.!!

@bling_dream19 I too read Missy's post, whatever is going on, we are all here for you, sending you special, healing thoughts and know I care as we all do.. xoxoxox0o


Feb 24, 2017
We have engaged a realtor who is supposedly working FOR us, @Bayek although it seems at the moment, that‘s not working out too well! Honestly, the housing market is just crazy, if you look at listings on Zillow you can see hundreds of people have looked at the listing, sometimes thousands. :doh:

We’re beginning to wonder if we’ll ever buy a place, Colin has been phoning builders advertising lots for sale on developments, they’re not answering the phone, or you get a message saying you can be put on a list as they’re already over subscribed for homes. There’s no point moving there is we’re going to be hours away, that’s not the plan.

We found a great house this afternoon 16 mins away from Adam, asked our realtor to enquire, and it’s just been sold for only $10,000 over asking.

Sorry to monopolise the thread with my complaints, we’re just so incredibly frustrated by the situation.


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b wow, your bedroom is so soothing, love it.. xo all sounds good with you and happy to read your neck is getting better! stay in stay warm!

Thank you, Kate! It's beyond time to remove the Christmas tartan bedding - but it's flannel, and in these temps, I would far rather get into a bed made with flannel than 'crisp cotton' sheets, regardless of how tasteful they might be! UGH!!

Note to self, buy some non-tartan flannel bedding....


Jun 8, 2008
Good snowy morning girls! Happy Groundhog Day! Looks like winter is never ending. Forget about 6 weeks or not :lol:

Missy - that WEATHER!! :eek-2: We were expecting the same here - about a foot of snow starting last night - but so far we've probably had an inch and nothing more. It was meant to continue till Wednesday, but they've already amended the weather report so it now says no snow at all for this area on Wednesday and only a little tomorrow - followed by rain, which will probably wash away the Tuesday snow, at least. We're expecting about 3-4" today - mostly this afternoon - but only mild winds, so - lucky, compared to your situation. I really hope your power holds on - especially for your outdoors cats. Hang in there, Missy and Greg! <3

@mrs-b I am sorry you lost power and hope it returns ASAP!!!! You are a dear and a sweetheart and you and Tim are the perfect couple! Sending you continued well wishes and big big hugs and lots of love. There is a better tomorrow for us I am sure. ((((((HUGS))))))).
How is your neck? How are you feeling? Praying that the new medication works very well for you and that insurance and the patient copay card will cover it all. More hugs and to Murphy too.

@bling_dream19 continued healing dust and big hugs and much love to you and your wonderful family especially your sweet sweet mom. I am sending out so much good energy to you all. XOXO.

@missy Wow what great pix, I got an email this morning from IDJ heehee telling me they were closed today, probably a lot of PSers did :) talked to Kate last night and she said "Yeah I think we are getting some snow" and Chris also "I think we might get some snow" ah youth... Do you have any doc appts in the next day or two? hug that hunk of a husband (hey an alliteration!) hug the kittens and sending you all my great big kate love! xoxoxo

We do! Greg has a surgery follow up appointment Thursday and we are snowed in at the moment with so signs of abatement. So we shall see. I am aggravated about my parents situation but not going into it here. We all take it one day at a time. How's Chris? Auti? Big hugs and love to all of you Great Kate. XOXO.

@Austina how is the happy couple? Any house updates? Hugs to you.
And please feel free to vent away. That is what this thread is for and we are here for you. Always. It's going to work out I know it. Hang in there. XOXO.

@canuk-gal I am calling uncle. I am ready for winter to go bye bye. Hope you are experiencing milder temps and less ice and snow and doing well. Have a wonderful week. XOXO.

@Slick1 when is the snow stopping lol. Hugs and stay warm and keep that power on for all of us. XOXO.

@MamaBee how are you? How is that gorgeous new ER of yours? Did you decide upon a name? I was on a high with your good news much of the day yesterday. Hugs.

Joy and good news shared is joy and good news doubled and sorrow shared is sorrow halved. To all the girls experiencing both I am sending you so many good vibes and wishes and hugs and I hope you can all feel it.

Hi to everyone else. Warm hugs.
We are snowed in and taking each day as it comes.
Stay safe and be well and enjoy.


Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 8.56.05 AM.png


Jun 8, 2008
In honor of Groundhog Day (Greg's and my favorite holiday by the way)...




Mar 31, 2018
We have engaged a realtor who is supposedly working FOR us, @Bayek although it seems at the moment, that‘s not working out too well! Honestly, the housing market is just crazy, if you look at listings on Zillow you can see hundreds of people have looked at the listing, sometimes thousands. :doh:

We’re beginning to wonder if we’ll ever buy a place, Colin has been phoning builders advertising lots for sale on developments, they’re not answering the phone, or you get a message saying you can be put on a list as they’re already over subscribed for homes. There’s no point moving there is we’re going to be hours away, that’s not the plan.

We found a great house this afternoon 16 mins away from Adam, asked our realtor to enquire, and it’s just been sold for only $10,000 over asking.

Sorry to monopolise the thread with my complaints, we’re just so incredibly frustrated by the situation.

@Austina When we moved to a different state where we had to fly to get there....I decided to rent a house so I could take a year to find the perfect home for us to be familiar with the area. I highly suggest that route. I just made sure thar it had a huge basement so store my things for the year. If I remember correctly their weren’t basements because of the high water table where we lived. You could just get one large enough to contain everything you’re bringing with you.


Mar 31, 2018
Good snowy morning girls! Happy Groundhog Day! Looks like winter is never ending. Forget about 6 weeks or not :lol:

@mrs-b I am sorry you lost power and hope it returns ASAP!!!! You are a dear and a sweetheart and you and Tim are the perfect couple! Sending you continued well wishes and big big hugs and lots of love. There is a better tomorrow for us I am sure. ((((((HUGS))))))).
How is your neck? How are you feeling? Praying that the new medication works very well for you and that insurance and the patient copay card will cover it all. More hugs and to Murphy too.

@bling_dream19 continued healing dust and big hugs and much love to you and your wonderful family especially your sweet sweet mom. I am sending out so much good energy to you all. XOXO.

We do! Greg has a surgery follow up appointment Thursday and we are snowed in at the moment with so signs of abatement. So we shall see. I am aggravated about my parents situation but not going into it here. We all take it one day at a time. How's Chris? Auti? Big hugs and love to all of you Great Kate. XOXO.

@Austina how is the happy couple? Any house updates? Hugs to you.
And please feel free to vent away. That is what this thread is for and we are here for you. Always. It's going to work out I know it. Hang in there. XOXO.

@canuk-gal I am calling uncle. I am ready for winter to go bye bye. Hope you are experiencing milder temps and less ice and snow and doing well. Have a wonderful week. XOXO.

@Slick1 when is the snow stopping lol. Hugs and stay warm and keep that power on for all of us. XOXO.

@MamaBee how are you? How is that gorgeous new ER of yours? Did you decide upon a name? I was on a high with your good news much of the day yesterday. Hugs.

Joy and good news shared is joy and good news doubled and sorrow shared is sorrow halved. To all the girls experiencing both I am sending you so many good vibes and wishes and hugs and I hope you can all feel it.

Hi to everyone else. Warm hugs.
We are snowed in and taking each day as it comes.
Stay safe and be well and enjoy.

Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 8.56.05 AM.png

@missy The snow started picking up after I told you we didn’t have that much! This

I LOVE my ring...I don’t have a name for her yet. I’m trying to find a Scandinavian name for her....
I‘m having a difficult time getting it insured. USAA have to get the underwrites approval...etc. I’ve been on the phone an hour the first time and sporadic phone calls asking me more questions...I’m so frustrated but the hubby wants me to stick with them...grrrr..
It may clear by Thursday for Greg’s appointment. Is the appointment far from your house?


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Mar 31, 2018
Thank you, Kate! It's beyond time to remove the Christmas tartan bedding - but it's flannel, and in these temps, I would far rather get into a bed made with flannel than 'crisp cotton' sheets, regardless of how tasteful they might be! UGH!!

Note to self, buy some non-tartan flannel bedding....

I love your bedding @mrs-b! Tartan plaid goes with everything! It says winter..not Christmas..
I love your cozy bedroom..


Mar 31, 2018
@MamaBee. Thinking of you and your family. I know how hard it is not being at your Mom’s bedside. Prayers continue.
BTW bangle TDF.

Thank you so much @Luvallgems..I talk to her a lot on the phone...She’s a little depressed and homesick...The latest thing is I’m trying to get her to go back to reading. She was an avid reader...mainly think it kept her brain stimulated.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy The snow started picking up after I told you we didn’t have that much! This

I LOVE my ring...I don’t have a name for her yet. I’m trying to find a Scandinavian name for her....
I‘m having a difficult time getting it insured. USAA have to get the underwrites approval...etc. I’ve been on the phone an hour the first time and sporadic phone calls asking me more questions...I’m so frustrated but the hubby wants me to stick with them...grrrr..
It may clear by Thursday for Greg’s appointment. Is the appointment far from your house?

Beautiful photos.
Greg’s appointment is in Manhattan.

Any luck getting your mom an appointment for the vaccine?

I’m sorry the insurance process is so difficult. It’s super easy with our insurance. Hope that’s straightened out soon.


Mar 31, 2018
@Austina When we moved to a different state where we had to fly to get there....I decided to rent a house so I could take a year to find the perfect home for us to be familiar with the area. I highly suggest that route. I just made sure thar it had a huge basement so store my things for the year. If I remember correctly their weren’t basements because of the high water table where we lived. You could just get one large enough to contain everything you’re bringing with you.

Please excuse all the mistakes in this post! Hahaha I’m always multitasking!


Mar 31, 2018
Beautiful. Appointment is in Manhattan.

Any luck getting your mom an appointment for the vaccine?

I’m sorry the insurance process is so difficult. It’s super easy with our insurance. Hope that’s straightened out soon.

@missy I checked to see what the weather will look like on Thursday in New York..It will be sunny! Hopefully it will be the same at the beach to start out.

I asked her team about getting my mom the vaccine while she is there. Everyone got the first shot the week before she got there. They said they are only coming for the second shot the third week this month...I told them to see if they can schedule the shot because the second vaccine will be the same as the first..same vaccine...It will just be HER first shot. I could worry about getting the second one after that...crickets. OMG The efficacy is near 80% after the first shot so she would be somewhat protected.

The photos of the beach house in the winter is so beautiful..


Jun 8, 2008
The efficacy is near 80% after the first shot so she would be somewhat protected.

Wow that’s great. I didn’t realize efficacy was near 80% after the first dose. I thought it was near 50%.


Mar 31, 2018
Ok - sorry for the disjointed replies earlier!

Missy - that WEATHER!! :eek-2: We were expecting the same here - about a foot of snow starting last night - but so far we've probably had an inch and nothing more. It was meant to continue till Wednesday, but they've already amended the weather report so it now says no snow at all for this area on Wednesday and only a little tomorrow - followed by rain, which will probably wash away the Tuesday snow, at least. We're expecting about 3-4" today - mostly this afternoon - but only mild winds, so - lucky, compared to your situation. I really hope your power holds on - especially for your outdoors cats. Hang in there, Missy and Greg! <3

@Austina - CONGRATULATIONS!! Yay to being a Magnificent-in-Law! She's lucky to have you - tho I'm sure the reverse is also true. I'm so glad you were able to *see* the ceremony, at least! Good luck with this afternoon's painting - house renos are endless, aren't they! Our bedside tables won't come till March, I believe, and the carpeting is being done then, also. We're not putting in central air for another 2 years: we just really don't need it and, while the through-wall air-con isn't exactly a thing of beauty, it's only a few years old, it's not particularly invasive, and it's neat and clean. It's also way cheaper than central and still manages to cool the entire house. So we're not pushing to get it done - but - when we do - we'll be taking down the box on the wall in our bedroom, so that will be one more streamlined thing. As I said endless.... And I have nothing to say about your real estate situation - your realtor encouraging you to put in bids 100k over asking seems wicked, to me. And lunatic-land, to boot. And pretty damn self-serving, if she goes on commission! Not cool.

@MamaBee - how is your mother doing? And has your head calmed a little" I can completely understand your head going into the hyper-drive of worry over something like this - at a time like this, too! However - do you look at your ring and smile despite it all?? I think I would! I'm sorry I wasn't more help re the insurance question - the truth is - Tim handles all of it, and I'm useless. One of the benefits of having a husband who works in the insurance industry! I know that your day-to-day normal (as opposed to Covid) life serves you up plenty of responsibility - how are you coping? Your life sounds a bit like mine in some ways - swings and roundabuts...swings and roundabouts... Hugs to you. :))

@junebug17 - I was so pleased to hear about your husband getting the vaccine appt. What a load of your mind! Just starting the process would be such a huge step forward! Things here in MA, tho, seem to be progressing very slowly, and nobody really knows what to expect. Anyway, I hope you're hanging in there ok!

@marcy - did you hang the water pick? I LOVE those things! My teeth have never felt so clean! I'm sorry for the demise of night-light-Snoopy, tho. :(2 I'm sure he's served you well. I'm totally with you, tho, re lights during the night! Once I turn on the light...I get my computer, check my phone, start up some music...I mean - I'm done at that point! I hope work is treating you well!

@Scandinavian - how are you holding up? How are the kids? I'm sure you're doing a great job!

@Polabowla - shout out to you! And - check in please? Thinking about you and hoping you're feeling better.

@canuk-gal - I've aaaaaalmost managed to claw myself up off the floor after hearing the price of your friend's ring! Gees louise!! I suspect I'd like your gorgeous new solitaire just as much - it's all elegance to my eye! I'm glad your temps have been staying remarkably well-mannered! Roll on, Spring!!

@bling_dream19 - I saw in Missy's post that she was sending healing vibes to your family - but then couldn't find why. Can you fill me in, please? I hope all is well with you, my friend. ox

...and @missy again...I just took another look at your photos. For goodness sakes, girl, stay inside and stay safe! Oy, that looks frigid!!

Shout out and {{{HUGS}}} to all NIDRIs everywhere!

ETA Laughing here and - UGH! Forgot my own update! (The gift of aging!) Things here are cold but in the 30's - ergo - bearable. I pinched a nerve in my neck 4 days ago and got a cervical vertebrae out of alignment - soooooo sore! It's gotten a little better each day, and today it's much better. Hoping tobe back to 100% (or as close as my spine ever gets) in the next day or two. Gut/Crohn's is bad today, tho. >sigh< Will be pleased to get the Humira, but (secretly) terrified this 'last resort' to which I've pinned my hopes won't work. I just can't imagine going through the rest of my life like this. I haven't been in remission for over 2 years now - meaning - I've had an active flare for over 2 years - and it's no way to live.

Tim's 'thing' (cold? sinus infection? Covid??) has slowly improved. He never had a fever or cough, and seemed no more tired than normal, so we think it was just some sort of nasal thing due to indoor heating, open fires, cold weather, etcetc. We treated it like it was Covid, but he seems fine now, so we assembled our new bed yesterday and watched some TV together yesterday evening, which was very nice! I hadn't spent any time with him for 4 days, and even yesterday, we were still masked. It's almost certainly overkill, but even so.... My hand is fine now - just a lot of cooked, dead skin, which will abrade away over time, I assume.

Highlight of my weekend - I got to spend 15 blissful minutes with Murphy (next door's rescue dog) yesterday afternoon. Meghan, his owner-mom, saw me walking outside and looking forlorn and asked me if I'd like her to bring him out onto their front path, so we could catch up in the human-doggy sense. Obviously I said YES! - and she brought him out and the reunion was blissful and joyous! He was wagging his tail ferociously, I had treats for him, he kept trying to jump into my arms, I was kissing his head and he was licking my face, and Meghan was laughing a lot. I have a Valentine's Day gift planned for him, and, altho I know he loves his mommy best, I still think it's true love for him and me. :mrgreen: My own dogs (AKA TWASBB - ie Those Who Are Spoiled Beyond Belief) are insanely jealous, or at least, I'm sure they would be, if they weren't too busy going on walks, taking car rides, being cuddled, eating dinner, getting treats, and so on and so on. It's a great place to be a dog, at our house!

And that's it from me!

@mrs-b I‘m happy your husband is feeling better. That’s great that you separated in the house and wore masks. Hopefully it was just the winter crud..

I burn myself...all the time...I’m glad it’s feeling much better..

I love my new diamond. It was the quality I saw in Libby..I kept thinking she was so white...All along she was an F! I love that crystal drop of water white. I just wish my insurance company approves it and it gets insured. I was on the phone with them forever..faxed documents over...and still waiting...

My mom is depressed. I have to keep giving her the Rocky Balboa talk...”You can do this mom!” ....”If anyone can do can!” I’m like a cross between the trainer in Rocky and Mr. Rogers...haha


Mar 31, 2018


Mar 31, 2018
@Bayek Kate...Auti is so sweet...How old is she now? They grow so quickly! I’m happy you get to spend time with her. I get FaceTime with my grandchildren usually every day...I have the best son and daughter-in-law.

Your house is drop dead gorgeous! I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble getting it finished. When it’s over you will laugh about it...I know it must be frustrating...

Which vaccine did you get? I have an appointment for my hubby, David and me for the 20th of this month. We have to drive two and a quarter hours one way to get it. I will be the one driving...My husband isn’t the best driver...He’s actually scary...He also is late to everything. I told I’m taking David and leaving if he’s not ready..and I’ll meet him there! After all the searching for the vaccine I don’t want to be late and risk not getting it.. I keep worrying about where we can go to the bathroom. Restaurants are closed... I have the bladder of a gnat...haha

How’s your friend doing?

Big hugs! XO


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Honestly @missy, it’s appalling that your dear parents can’t get vaccinated yet. I think most 80+ here have had theirs, and now they’ve started on the 70 year olds. John went yesterday, Tracey went with him and asked if she could have it too. The nurse told her no, but she spoke to a Dr and explained that John has Addisons, so he said yes, so she’s had her first dose too. No news for Colin yet. Your weather is really severe, it looks lovely, but the practicalities of getting about in it, are somewhat different. Hopefully by Thursday, it’ll be safe enough for you to go to Greg’s follow up appointment. I’m sure the ferals have their warm places when the weather gets bad, so hopefully they’re tucked up somewhere keeping safe.

I’m sure your Mum must be feeling very frightened at the moment @MamaBee, especially being away from home and feeling alone. She’s where she needs to be and hopefully it won’t be long before she’s feeling a lot better. Do you know how long she’s expected to be in the rehab centre? I’m surprised they’re not doing everything they can to get her a vaccination.

If we haven’t found anywhere by the time we’re ready to leave, we’ll be able to stay with Adam and Kim. We want to have a home waiting because I want to be able to just unload our things once, and not have it go in to storage.

What a relief that Tim is feeling better @mrs-b. The problem now is that any slight symptom has us all worrying it’s the dreaded Covid. How lovely to be able to spend time with your furry ‘boyfriend’, I miss my Dottie so much, she was the sweetest girl ever.

I’m sorry things are tough for you at the moment @bling_dream19, I hope the situation improves, take care.

Thanks for listening @Bayek, I won’t bore you all anymore with house issues, you’ve certainly had your own fill of it. Do you have a date for your second shot yet?

We got cracking with the ceiling this morning, I did all the coving, edges and around the lights, and Colin did some of the main ceiling, then had a rest for a while. We did a bit more after lunch, and he’ll finish the rest tomorrow, and I’ll start on the walls.

Just the kitchen and a few small bits and pieces to do and then we’ve painted every surface in the house :lol:



May 11, 2013
It's ridiculous that you have to keep watch on the listings all day, but something will come up I'm sure.. there's always out here in the hinterlands of Liberty Hill ! nah, there's not even a mcdonalds here.. all you want to do Austina is get here, it will be wonderful when you do because your son is starting his own family, yes I know that they were together before but when Mike finally married Cara I felt as though he's really starting to move on in life into his own family (there was no mention of when or where etc of having children) but the steps to being a unit started 3/10/17 :) hard to believe in March it will be 4 years he's married..

how's your Covid there? I read the NYTimes that you have some strange covid varieties in England and they are afraid the vaccine won't be as successful with the new strains, that's grim and bothers me.

You are probably getting ready for bed so have a wonderful 'what's left of the evening!' sending love!

ETA: sorry about the cracking.. I can't wait to see pix when you are done with all this, you guys make me tired reading about what you both do! xoxo

We have engaged a realtor who is supposedly working FOR us, @Bayek although it seems at the moment, that‘s not working out too well! Honestly, the housing market is just crazy, if you look at listings on Zillow you can see hundreds of people have looked at the listing, sometimes thousands. :doh:

We’re beginning to wonder if we’ll ever buy a place, Colin has been phoning builders advertising lots for sale on developments, they’re not answering the phone, or you get a message saying you can be put on a list as they’re already over subscribed for homes. There’s no point moving there is we’re going to be hours away, that’s not the plan.

We found a great house this afternoon 16 mins away from Adam, asked our realtor to enquire, and it’s just been sold for only $10,000 over asking.

Sorry to monopolise the thread with my complaints, we’re just so incredibly frustrated by the situation.
Last edited:


May 11, 2013
@mrs-b you lost power, you may have said that on another thread, I hope it's back now. I am so sorry, these nor'easters can be so devastating (I remember from Maine).. stay warm, sleep in the tartan! hope both you and your husband are feeling good.. all my love to you both. Kate


May 11, 2013
@missy sorry to read about your mom and dad, but having had elderly parents myself I do get it - fer sure.. and yes to Ground Hog day! 6 more weeks, hopefully it's a hoax this year! :) Missy your pictures are gorgeous! where you live in so gorgeous.. love it..

@MamaBee hmm on the insurance for the beautiful! gorgeous! fantastic!! ring.. I use jewelers mutual and i really like them but then again I've never had to do anything but pay them money!

Your outside looks beautiful! your home is magnificent! gosh I miss winter and tall trees!

oh Auti is going to be 2 on 4/12 hard to believe, I enjoy her so much, lately when we DUO call she keeps running to the phone and saying 'HI'! she knows who makes the best cookies ever.. how's your grandboys?

Thanks about my house, it's nice.. :) I'm sorry about your mom! she is a trooper though, she's healing, I worry about you and what will happen if she refuses to go to a convalescent home to do P/T etc.. and btw she CAN do it I am sure.

John and I got the Moderna vaccine and we need the 2nd one in 2 weeks, we are hoping that they will contact us about the 2nd dose, otherwise we will probably not be able to find a 2nd shot anywhere, but right now the Austin Public Health site keeps saying they will contact all 1st time vaccine shots the 2nd on or a bit after when it's due for the 2nd shot, FINGERS CROSSED...

How's Shotzie and your sons? and hey my bladder and your bladder must be related ugh! I get it.

Take care, be safe and sincerely sending healing dust to your mom and love to you! xoxo

pix of the sunrise this morning at 7:02 a.m. house across the stret.



Aug 22, 2012
Hello lovelies

Aww thanks ladies, we did get to see them officially become man and wife, the sun was shining, and Bertie was determined to join in :lol: We’re thrilled Kim is now officially part of our family, although I did tell her from now on she has to call me Mother Dearest:mrgreen:

We are getting more and more frustrated with this whole house buying process. Our realtor went to look at 2 houses for us yesterday, one we like, and she’s advised us to put in an offer $100,000 over asking. NO, not happening. At the price is was advertised at, we felt was fair, especially as it’s in a higher property tax area, but $100,000 more, pass. That takes the PT to an absurd amount a year. What on earth is the point of putting your house on the market at an advertised price when that bears no relation to what you’re expecting to get? How do we know other offers weren’t substantially less, and we’ve paid way over the odds? :angryfire:

If we were able to travel, at least we could go around and talk to builders, but trying to do things through a third party, makes it more difficult. Sorry for the rant, but oy, who knew it’d be this frustrating?

@mrs-b your room looks lovely, we found the same when we got rid of our sleigh bed. Thank you for taking the photos. How’s your hand now? I’m so shocked at the cost of your meds, I hope you do manage to get them at a more reasonable price.

Wow, wow, wow @MamaBee seeing your diamond as your avatar just shows how spectacular it is, you must be so thrilled with it.

Thanks @canuk-gal enjoy the cold sunshine before the freeze. They’re talking about several inches of snow here, hopefully not in our area.

I hope you’re keeping safe and warm @missy and that you haven’t had any power issues.

We’ve cleared the sitting room, all ready for us to start painting tomorrow. Didn’t feel like starting today, we had a late night waiting for Adam and Kim and viewing the houses. This 6 hour time difference is a pain.

We’ve got through another week, so one week closer to getting vaccinated, no news yet, but hopefully soon.

Take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

$100K over asking....? Will the realtor take a cut off her commission ? What kind of advice is that? ! Hang in there something will pop up.


Feb 27, 2007

I swear I answered these posts since last week but it must have been in my imagination.

@missy what a snow storm you got - looks cold and pretty. Me plan revenge on Marty for playing a joke on me? You know me so well. Ha Ha that Gracie took over your chair. I have to admit I paused and looked at the snow and ocean picture; I don’t see that view around here. Very pretty though.

@Austina congratulations to Adam and Kim - how exciting for all of you. Your wisdom teeth sounds like a real ordeal to remove. Ouch! Sorry you are totally fed up - I don’t care what side of the isle you are on and can’t be discussed - I believe there is a LOT of that going around. That really stinks about the builder isn’t taking offers right now since the market is so hot. And upping your offer $100,000 that is kind of crazy. From what I “hear” California residents are relocating to Texas. LOL to Kim calling your mother dearest; look out if it switches to mommy dearest. Woo hoo to finding a realtor that is working for you!

@canuk-gal I stopped at the store on my way home tonight to top off my gas tank and to buy our winning lotto ticket. Does Tiffany’s have a good upgrade policy?

@Bayek thank you but I constantly tell Marty I am WAY more funny than he is; strange he doesn’t agree with me. Auti’s babblings sound adorable. She is a cutie and treasure for sure. How cute she is wore out from visiting grandma and grandpa. Your pool looks great. Beautiful sunrise picture.

@mrs-b your room looks comfy and the sweet fur babies agree. Stay safe and warm from the snow storm. I don’t take off our flannel sheets until about April. I did try my water pick last night and quickly realized I need to make sure and close my mouth - my second shower of the day. Ha Ha. Marty ordered in a multi-plug adapter so my Snoopy night light is up and running. It comes on automatically in the dark so is perfect for those trips to the bathroom at night. Sounds like we are both bad at checking our phones and things at night. When Marty is traveling I do it all them time then wonder why I don’t feel like I slept last night. You’ll be proud of me I never checked my work email at ALL today. Oh no to your pinched neck. That sounds painful and I am glad it’s doing better. That’s great Tim is feeling better and how fun you spent time with Murphy. When I was in high school I babysat for some neighbor kids for several years to their dog would wander over to see my; my dad just started letting him in the house. That dog ate well between 2 houses.

@Scandinavian I hope you are staying warm.

@MamaBee love your new avatar. Gorgeous diamond! Beautiful snow pictures! I am so glad you love your ring! I have mine insured with Jeweler’s mutual. Glad to hear you can talk to your mom; is she at rehab yet? I hate to hear she is depressed and I am sure she really misses you. I hope she starts reading again soon. Big Hugs to both of you!

I worked at home yesterday and then went jewelry shopping today. My friend sadly didn't get her DH's blessing to buy a new ring or diamond. While we were looking at stuff through loops she looked at her diamond so then I took a look. IMO her DH needs to suck it up and buy her something nice. It's cloudy, dull and has nasty inclusions including black ones. Oh well, none of my business. I just told Marty and he agrees - you'd think the guy would be embarrassed it's such a nasty diamond and want to get her something nicer. Maybe someday; I know she wants one - I’ll gladly help either of them get something nice if they ask.

As for my shopping I spent more than I planned but I always do. The band I liked looked great with that oval sapphire so I bought it and then got a 7.8mm round sapphire to but in my chunky solitaire ring. The round just looks so much better in that setting that the square cushion that was in it. Four rings need repairs (3 prongs re-tipped and one ring missing a pave diamond). I should get them all next week sometime.

My nephew works at a coffee shop by the jewelers so we stopped in there to get my friend coffee and I got to talk to him. Sadly I wasn’t sure it was him with a mask on. I finally said is that you Blake? He got a job near his community college but his classes are all online but he keeps working there anyway.

We stopped on the way home and had a nice lunch including a glass of wine. Jewelry shopping, wine - what a great day. We both got a small box of chocolates at the jewelry store as well.

What was kind of funny Marty sent me a text about 10 am about my drive to work - I reminded him my friend and I were at the jewelry store. He completely forgot.

Here is a collage of what I got. The left images are the new ring for the oval sapphire and the sapphire kind of propped in the round head. The ring has PC diamonds, baguettes between them and little round diamond. On the right is the new sapphire for the solitaire ring.

Tomorrow is back to the office and work. Phooey.

Take care.
Marcy today.jpeg


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy and wonderful (I hope) Wednesday.

@missy sorry to read about your mom and dad, but having had elderly parents myself I do get it - fer sure.. and yes to Ground Hog day! 6 more weeks, hopefully it's a hoax this year! :) Missy your pictures are gorgeous! where you live in so gorgeous.. love it..

Thank you for enjoying my photos! No to 6 more weeks of winter sob sob sob. Please no more bad storms though. :pray:

John and I got the Moderna vaccine and we need the 2nd one in 2 weeks, we are hoping that they will contact us about the 2nd dose, otherwise we will probably not be able to find a 2nd shot anywhere, but right now the Austin Public Health site keeps saying they will contact all 1st time vaccine shots the 2nd on or a bit after when it's due for the 2nd shot, FINGERS CROSSED...

Fingers and toes crossed for you and John to receive that second dose when you are due! My friends who got both had their second dose scheduled at their first dose appt. Can you try calling them to see if you can schedule it sooner than waiting for them to call you? I am hopeful they will schedule you soon Kate the Great. They are (as far as I can tell with my other friends who are getting vaccinated) pretty on top of that second dose once the first dose has been given. Keeping good thoughts. XOXO.

@marcy gorgeous ring. Bluelicious. Thank you for always enjoying my photos. Sorry you have to go into the office today but glad you enjoyed yesterday with your friend and haha Marty better watch out. LOL not recognizing Blake at first for sure. It is more challenging with the masks on and I told Greg after the pandemic I might not recognize people without their masks lol. Hugs.

$100K over asking....? Will the realtor take a cut off her commission ? What kind of advice is that? ! Hang in there something will pop up.

Hi @lambskin! To play devil's advocate, sometimes that is a strategy. To ask a lower price in the hopes there will be a bidding war. IDK if that is what is happening in Austin right now but I watch so many RE shows and in certain regions the seller asks for a lower price hoping that will attract many buyers and cause a bidding war.

@Austina I feel certain you will find the home of your dreams and you are smart to start now. Hang in there. It will happen and at a fair price I hope. Fingers crossed. XOXO.
Nice job on all the painting you have accomplished and you are so right. You can stay with Adam and Kim if necessary. No worries there. Magnificent mother in law you are. :love:

@MamaBee good morning! How's your mom doing today? Hugs.

@bling_dream19 continued bucketloads of healing dust and big hugs. ((((HUGS)))).

@mrs-b what a huge relief to both Humira and heat woohoo! You made my day. Big hugs and much love to you and Tim.

@MMtwo how is your relative with Covid doing? Keeping good thoughts and sending you hugs.

@SallyBrown not sure if you are reading but you are in my thoughts.

@junebug17 hope all is continuing to go smoothly. Did you guys get a lot of snow?

@Scandinavian hola, hope your winter fun is continuing and you are staying nice and warm.

@canuk-gal hope the week is going well and you are feeling good. Big hugs.

@Slick1 glad you have been enjoying a warm and cozy few days and hope that continues. Big hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well. Hugs to all of you.

Gracie purrs good morning to all the NIRDIs.
Especially @rainwood
Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 7.03.59 AM.png

Stay warm and cozy lovely ladies. XOXO.


May 11, 2013
@missy good morning! and you are awesome with your litany of replies, most times I peter out around #3 or 4 :) may your day be filled with warmer weather and no snow, sending hugs and love! xoxoxo

@marcy oooh Marcy gorgeous jewelry, I LOVE that sapphire, we have blown SO much money on this damn house that I think jewelry is a thing of the past for me, but I love what I have so there is that! stay warm! make cookies! xoxo

@bling_dream19 I hope you are doing well sweetie! xoxo

@MamaBee love your avatar too! I hope your mom is doing okay Joanne, sending you a Kate hug! xoxo

@junebug17 are you guys digging out? hope you didn't get the brunt of that danged storm! xoxo

@canuk-gal hope you get minimal snow and that your temps warm back up quickly! xoxo

@mrs-b I'll check around to see if you've posted elsewhere about how the weather went in Boston, sending kate dust and love to you and family.. xoxo

So a few updates..

I went bonkers yesterday, I called my son Chris around 5:30 EST, and he didn't pick up, I tried again at 5:45, N/A, (those were Facetimes), then I called him around 6:00 pm on the phone no answer!!! (at this point I've moved into WHERE IS HE!!??? it's a blizzard, it's freezing, he never ever does not call me back within 15-20 minutes) so then I texted him, no reply, then I called Katie as she is in Williamsburg not that far from Chris, N/A, so then I call Anne (Danny's wife) who doesn't pick up (she lives right across the street from Chris), I leave her a msg that I was wondering if the phones were out in Brooklyn, then I texted her the same thing, then I called my nephew Danny! so of course he doesn't pick up either, so at this point I'm starting to faint, where is my son, and family??? what is going on, so first Danny calls me back and I do my crazy Aunt Kate crazy act and as a parent he understands he says - altho he's up at their Catskill house and not in Brookyn, he said he was on the phone with Anne when I called her and she said to him that your aunt is calling me, so he said to me that he'd check on Chris tomorrow as he was coming back to the city in the afternoon, now Anne didn't volunteer to run over and see if he is okay, and all I can say about Anne is that she doesn't like Danny's family, who knows why, don't know don't care, my sister despised her and my sister was such a sweetheart about anyone, but Anne, so Anne wasn't going to go across the street to help me, so be it :) her problem, not mine, (I have never called anyone of my family to look in on Chris for me in over 2 years, this was a first time).. so then I hung up with Danny, Katie immediately called me and said her phone was on silence as she was working, now she lives too far away from Chris to walk over in a storm, but she would have! my sweet Kate, so Katie talked me down off the ledge and Danny did too somewhat, so I hang up with Kate and I walk out of the bedroom and John says "While you were on the phone, Chris called!" hahaha, so I called him and told him the whole story and Thank God or Yahweh, or the Stars etc he wasn't mad at me, he was actually swell, if I pulled this on Mike he would have been mighty pissed off.. so that this is my Irish, my fear something is always going wrong that I cannot control.. all's well that ends well. :)

So I was allowed to call Kathleen today, it went VERY POORLY, I asked about her voice and when she might get it back, ventilator really screws that up, she said she didn't know, she told me the heart doctor wants her to have implanted the VAD till heart transplant, I said to her that her friend R contacted me and she has a good friend who has had 2 heart transplants and R suggested that if Kath wants to talk or listen about the latest on recovery to get in touch with R, right after this Kath says: "I gotta go" so I don't know if this pissed her off, or her heart felt weird, or she is mad, or if she was sad, I suggested an anti anxiety pill to her and she said "Kate I take too much medicine now" truth is I was so unsure of WHAT to say that I think I screwed it up, I texted Jim and said the call did not go well at all, I was sorry and that I will wait for Kath to get in touch with me, I didn't want to say the wrong thing so of course Kate the GrEaT did!.. I wish I had had more info before the call, she had the pulmonary embolism, her ECMO area is infected, she can barely walk or talk, she is having P/T to strengthen her ability to walk, I dunno, the more I try the more I screw it up, John said I should not be hard on my self since I was doing a mitzvah, that I was trying to do a good deed and she wasn't really ready for a talk yet.. anyway I hope I didn't make her heart go screwy and back into the hospital.. I dunno, I feel terrible about this, but when a person has a terminal heart condition it's new territory for me in how to respond, John said he wasn't surprised how it went down, I was so nervous and I feel so bad that I am basically just sad and will wait till she ever contacts me :( :( I did try. It's her story not mine and she can be as mad, happy, confused etc as she wants, she doesn't want to wear a VAD and she does't want a transplant, she wants things to go back to the way they were before heart disease crept in.. I understand it and so I will wait.

I know I was trying etc and I am not going to keep berating myself, I am who I am and while I make mistakes and screw up, I really only want the best for everyone and try to assist those who want my Kateness! I love that girl but I have to let go of this, maybe that will help her, I hope she is alright. oh well, life and covid.. and all this makes one looney (the one being me!).

Everyone have a GREAT day, it's nice here, lucky me, but when it's July and it's 109F then it won't be nice at all..

loves you all!
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