
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
I can hardly remember my son being that small @Niffler75, they’re really cute at that age, although, having said that, I can’t believe my ‘baby’ is going to be 37 this year :shock:


Jun 8, 2008
Okay. Someone - who is not me - just bought a 7ct. See owd Instagram. Wow! And I got DSS again LOL. think I need another halo slightly more pink...

Oh I know the lovely lady and I’m thrilled for her. It was a long time in coming and finally after a lot of different diamonds and settings she found her dream diamond. ❤️❤️❤️


Jun 8, 2008
I’m in the FedEx parking lot with the crew! I tore open the package saying out loud that I’m going to upgrade would be too warm for me..Omg! It’s gorgeous! It’s so sparkly! It looks really white to me. I’ll check it against Libby when I get to Maryland! I love it! 02FE11C0-4B16-4FAD-9BE7-A750303AAF4E.jpeg 8BBA15A3-7742-42E2-87A6-6D9DA7CC06D8.jpeg 9B9394C3-7964-4695-8AFE-BE30FFD50B36.jpeg



Jan 3, 2020
@Austina he was tiny at age 3 when we first met him. He has shot up and is going to be a bean pole. I hate to admit he is only two shoe sizes away from mine! :shock:
Yes and butter wouldn't melt, he can also be a little :evil2: ! x


May 11, 2013
@junebug17 June I am sorry your brother is having difficulty, my brother in California does also..long story, but right now he's in a manic phase and very upset because he was rejected from the VA Home.. he's had 2 strokes, it's quite a conundrum :( Sooo you met the GF! things are moving along nicely :)

@missy I hope you are doing okay Missy, picking up Daisy's ashes was very deadening to me, I was so sad..Well Missy and @Mamabean Autie is available for pre-engagement!

@Austina ha! 'devil child' I love that! I used to call my older son "the baby from hell" unfortunately my BIL won't let me forget it oy! How truly wonderful you are to watch your friends dog, it's hard, I know how much you loved and miss Dotte Austina.. it's so difficult sending a Kate hug (huge) to you..

@Scandinavian whoa what a scary situation with your dog, are there wolves or coyotes where you are located, I guess I mean predators on dogs.. I'd probably have flipped.. Good for you for keeping on Scandi.. you are good furmom, mom, daughter and granddaughter. I am so sorry to read your mom was vomiting blood, I am reading and replying so I hope there is further news ahead of how she is feeling

@Niffler75 I am so sorry to read there isn't tons of support for your son.. that stinks.. I hope you can continue to try, seems all countries are cutting back on healthcare, unfortunately. Sending you a Kate hug too. :)

@Jimmianne Hey, I am reading as I type so I will most probably add more, but you are so right, NIRDIs do have ups and downs.. that thing we call life..

@Mamabean another boy! how so very exciting and very happy to read you sold your AVR.. that Chris is doing well must take some load off your mind.. ((mamabean))

Okay I have been babysitting Autie for 2 days and busy so I am behind, I have to make dinner now but I will be back to continue to read and reply. sending love to all the NIRDIS and peace and love and kindness too :)


Mar 31, 2018
@junebug17 That is so sweet that your son’s girlfriend was shy about meeting you. What was your impression of her? Did you get to spend any time getting to know her? Did your son say it’s serious? It’s so nice you are able to watch your son play in his band.
@Tekate We will have to do a meet and greet when they are older..haha I think she will be more compatible with Jackson. Baby Bean is still cookin’
Jackson got his new big boy bed today. They FaceTimed me so he could show me his new bed. He jumped up on it and flung back and hit his head on the headboard..:doh:
@Scandinavian That 7 carat cushion probably faces up smaller than yours..haha...Are you seriously thinking of adding a larger pink halo? It would be gorgeous!
@Niffler75 Your photo of the two of you is so cute. He looks adorable. I’m so happy you found each other..When will you know if the school will work out?
@Jimmianne How are you feeling? Have you been a good girl and staying off your iPad in search for more Sepkus? :lol: Did you decide to keep the platinum band? I did have trouble driving with my new diamond on my hand today...I kept looking at it every chance I got. I had to take off my driving sunglasses and put my reading glasses on to get a better look. I was wishing for traffic so I would have time to look at it again! I was getting the fish eye from my mother in the front seat. She doesn’t get the whole diamond love at all..
@Austina Yes..I love it..It’s just gorgeous..I am color sensitive but it faces up very white. I can only see a teeny tiny bit of warmth if I really concentrate on it and it’s tilted. Even then it’s hard to see..
I wish I learned how to play golf when I was younger. My husband loves to play but admits he’s not very good at it. Haha..I can’t play golf because I wouldn’t be able to move afterwards. It looks easy but the swing would kill the muscles in my shoulders and arms..
Thank you everyone for sharing in my excitement about my ACA..You made it fun for me! :appl:


May 11, 2013
@Mamabean Thank you re: brave to build a house.. so far this week we sent an email Tuesday and never heard back from the architect so John sent him a FUP email.. it's really a PITA. but again thank you Joanne. I think 2.78 is just a start mamabean! the upgrade policy is wonderful at WF.. I would love to upgrade to 3.50 carats but it's a no go, first the people I associate with as friends (except for my NIRDIs !) all have much smaller stones and I think people would think it fake! But I can dream! your husband gives you gifts of money to buy what you want, wish John would do that :) but he won't so EVER is my forever.. I feel lucky to have this ring, but my dream is a 3.00 OEC H color ha! dream on Kate. @Mamabean OMG OMG lordy lordy lordy, that is one gorgeous ring, it checks EVERY box I want in a ring, I'm not big halo fan, I'm not a big fan of diamonds on the side of a ring unless it's baguettes, this is one EXQUISITE ring Joanne, hope you love it as much as I

@marcy I need a danged working house plan, me personally? I would never have gone the architect route but my husband has build one house from scratch and SWORE TO GOD he would never do it again and here we are! shake my head in wonderment.. I hope they will be able to build my house by November and the pool and the outdoor kitchen blah blah.. we shall see. Marcy, getting the withholding right takes genius! we started out getting 6K back for our fed return and now owe 2k! haha. John never gets it right.

@missy sounds great that Greg will soon be breaking up his stones.. that is a relief. I think a mother loves all her children differently but the same. My mom loved my sister best I really believe that, but then my sister was very very ill when she was 4, almost died and my mother always thought she was going to die.. it made things very screwy... We love our kids, all of them, but circumstances bring out the worst or best in us.. Greg looks GREAT and you do too Missy. hopefully Greg will soon be running! :) and that Tshirt is totally outrag

@Jimmianne Lordy the new band looks spectacular with your ring. Seriously it's gorgeous, now I'm not done reading so maybe you sent it back but I can say from my eye it's perfect. Jimmie the collection of rings is outta this world! I love each and every one of those rings.. so YOU.. :) Oh I do hope you are feeling better Jimmie, I've never had a reaction to a flu shot YET.. sending healing dust,vibes and just a regular old hug from one friend to another. get well! xoxoxox

@Niffler75 so glad to read the school you want your son to attend is now an option! all it takes is perseverance! you are a mamabearlion! if we aren't our child's advocate then who will be? my older son was sometimes in trouble and I always could tell what was real and what was something the school was BSing on.. I was his advocate, my younger son was never in trouble but once and it was totally BS but it affected him deeply sadly. We are the first line of defense and offense when it comes to our children. Period. :) aw @Niffler75 a beautiful picture of a mom with her son.. you cannot beat it.. love it.. he's adorable.

@marcy I so miss the wind, snow and blowing... have lucky dog!

@Scandinavian Hi Scandi I'm glad to read your mom is feeling better.. chemo is a bitch, ust a bitch.

@AV_ okay chocolate and tea, I'm visiting you ASAP! ;-)

I believe I am totally caught up, if I missed something my apologies, we had a wonderful dinner with my son, DIL and Autie and John and I.. I'm tired and off to bed.

THANK YOU NIRDIS for being there.. love you all.

kate the GreAT!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I should get that T shirt for Marty - or work shirts as I refer to them. I like soup on cold days. I lifted 83 pounds Wednesday. I don’t have much planned this weekend. We had 2 nice days before another snow storm arrives so we’ll probably stock up on groceries. Yeah for you and Greg having a nice, calm day; you both certainly deserve it. Nice that Greg walked even farther this time. Great winter leggings and boots.

@Jimmianne your pond adds to the coolness of your place. I loved your snow video - it was so unusual to see snow coming straight down instead of sideways. Oh no for having a reaction to the flu shot; I hope you feel better soon.

@Mamabean your ACA ring is gorgeous and it looks fabulous with your band. I can totally see you ripping the box open in your car; I’ve done that a few times. My recent earrings / pendant box I kind of smacked myself in the face with the box. I was too excited to see my jewelry. I bet it was hard to keep your eyes off your diamond while driving today. It had to be very distracting for you especially if you were driving in sunlight.

@AV_ Marty would be really cranky if he went that long without coffee. He has espresso and regular coffee all day. And he wonders why he can’t sleep at night. Go figure. Darn that you missed seeing a great meteor - did someone see it hit the ground? Cool!

@Niffler75 beautiful sunstone ring and celebrating with Haagan Daz ice cream is perfect. What flavor? Love the picture of you and your cute son. How fun that your son is hilarious. Have fun painting.

@junebug17 soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are perfect on chilly days. Have fun painting day.

@Scandinavian I totally think a 7 carat with a double pink halo would be amazing.

@Austina I never get the flu shots either; I figure I’m allergic to something in it. Nice that you have a big pot of soup going in the winter. It hits the spot.

@Tekate how fun to spend 2 days with Autie. How frustrating to not hear back from the architect. We had realtors working in the builder’s office we could contact for help / questions but they weren’t exactly speedy at returning out calls. And while they will HATE it I suggest you guys check on their progress on a daily basis; we had to stop them several times from doing things different that we requested. I see you already have been through another house build so I guess you already know that anyway. Never say never; your dream ring may be on your finger someday. Yes, the new 2020 form of W4’s is clear as mud to me. I’ll be anxious to see how the next check turns out. Sadly it’s always a “guess” how taxes will turn out; I have no idea how combining Marty’s gym with our taxes will turn out. I will gladly send the wind your way; it has been awful. They had a 24 car pile up west of here today from snow and blowing snow.

Not much going on with me today. Work, being cold at work and looking forward to the weekend. I have to stay close to my phone this weekend for any Superbowl related work I might have to take care of at the last minute. It is going to be warmer for 2 days then the cold and snow is back.

Take care.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Tekate im so sorry your brother didn't get into the VA home
the system seems pretty unfair
What support does he have ?


Aug 5, 2018
@Tekate Well, I've just read your post with a cup of English Beakfast with two lemon leaves in it & a slab of bitter chocolate; there will be seconds.
digressing: I should do something with the fruit of the lemon tree one of these days, there are hundreds & the neighbours only manage to pick so many ,) [not that I mind; the rate picked up once I told one; I cannot use all & they are my favourite citrus]

@Scandinavian I hope you are not serious about your current ring, but a hot pink sapphire [cca. second & third on the top row www] with a trim of deep pink diamonds would change the weather! I have not seen such a ring item, but the types of stones together, yes. [random thought]

@marcy I have seen crummy phone pictures of the meteorite; it is said to have dissipated about 20KM up above the mountains near Granada & they are lived in [dark, stargazing places].

@Austina I need to go to town [running out of everything!] so the gallery is on my way; I am not happy to have missed the opening; I like everything this woman likes & her jewelry [polished gold & silver, on the scale of small armour components]. If not this afternoon, Tuesday.

@junebug17 I've been through such with this work, it is difficult to touch; it is not possible to be not happy at this time of year.


count down to dawn [10AM, since I am in a mountain's shaddow]
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@AV_ make lemon juice ice blocks for summer drinks
i should do this also - i have them falling all over the place
My tree is really tall - i can only reach the ones on the lower branches


Jan 3, 2020
@marcy :lol-2: :lol-2: :lol-2: smacking yourself in the face with the jewellery box. That's the kind of thing I would do! It's pralines and cream haagen daz for me. Yum!
@Tekate I totally am a mammabearlion and am sharpening my claws so these professionals had better get things sorted! :nono:
@AV_ :wavey: you have lemon trees. Seriously jealous lady here!
Have a good saturday everyone.
Take care x


Aug 5, 2018
@Niffler75 Just one - a weed that sprung from an old root, with intriguing habits. I hardly notice it this time of the year, since there are almond orchards flowering on each side & each end of my street! [diving in now that the sun is up] I am not reasonable about these things ,)


Jan 23, 2016
@Scandinavian I hope you are not serious about your current ring, but a hot pink sapphire [cca. second & third on the top row www] with a trim of deep pink diamonds would change the weather! I have not seen such a ring item, but the types of stones together, yes. [random thought]
Oh now that would be something wouldn’t it <3
But I’ll have to be a good girl for a little while now I’m afraid lol. Husband just told me he had to upgrade the insurance papers, makes me realise that perhaps my ring is enough for now lol.


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, everyone. Feeling much better, and yesterday my eye surgeon said my eye healed nicely! I can even wash my face now! Whoo hoo!!
And yes, the band. is a keeper. Turns out Joy likes it as well, so there’s no going back.


Haha you are willing to admit that NC snow is snow?? Lol
Yes, we have very polite snow here that does not blow side ways.
Do you ever get Monarch butterfly storms there?

Missy, I love your outfit with the white tunic top. You always look so put together. How’s dear Greg this morning?


Jan 23, 2016
My mother is continuing to improve, thankfully. Only question is how the chemo has worked... this was the last planned round of chemo. It is given intravenously and works for about three weeks. So in another week or so she should start feeling better! But the strain on the body is pretty high so I guess it will take time before she is herself again. I just hope it has worked... it will take a few weeks before they take new pictures and we get the results from those.
So now I’m heading south for our seaside cabin / summerhouse today to look for “border bolts” (what is the right word for this??) that marks the border between us and our neighbours. One of our charming neighbours have taken out a lawsuit against us re the border. But we don’t know what he wants... the papers just say it has something to do with the border. Always something isn’t it. LOL. Laugh or cry. So I’ll try to make sense of the old papers (from 1920) where most of the things are “from big rock go north 100 meters until cross in stone”. Oh well.
Hugs to all of you and merry weekend!


Jan 23, 2016
Thanks, everyone. Feeling much better, and yesterday my eye surgeon said my eye healed nicely! I can even wash my face now! Whoo hoo!!
And yes, the band. is a keeper. Turns out Joy likes it as well, so there’s no going back.

Joy sure looks joyful!!! So pretty the combination! And joy is as always amazing!

Haha you are willing to admit that NC snow is snow?? Lol
Yes, we have very polite snow here that does not blow side ways.
Do you ever get Monarch butterfly storms there?

Missy, I love your outfit with the white tunic top. You always look so put together. How’s dear Greg this morning?


Jan 23, 2016
I’m in the FedEx parking lot with the crew! I tore open the package saying out loud that I’m going to upgrade would be too warm for me..Omg! It’s gorgeous! It’s so sparkly! It looks really white to me. I’ll check it against Libby when I get to Maryland! I love it! 02FE11C0-4B16-4FAD-9BE7-A750303AAF4E.jpeg 8BBA15A3-7742-42E2-87A6-6D9DA7CC06D8.jpeg 9B9394C3-7964-4695-8AFE-BE30FFD50B36.jpeg
Very much looking forward to more pictures!


Dec 9, 2013
My mother is continuing to improve, thankfully. Only question is how the chemo has worked... this was the last planned round of chemo. It is given intravenously and works for about three weeks. So in another week or so she should start feeling better! But the strain on the body is pretty high so I guess it will take time before she is herself again. I just hope it has worked... it will take a few weeks before they take new pictures and we get the results from those.
So now I’m heading south for our seaside cabin / summerhouse today to look for “border bolts” (what is the right word for this??) that marks the border between us and our neighbours. One of our charming neighbours have taken out a lawsuit against us re the border. But we don’t know what he wants... the papers just say it has something to do with the border. Always something isn’t it. LOL. Laugh or cry. So I’ll try to make sense of the old papers (from 1920) where most of the things are “from big rock go north 100 meters until cross in stone”. Oh well.
Hugs to all of you and merry weekend!

My sympathy to your Mom. She is very brave to go through this. Hopefully she will be open to eating many healthy foods to recover! At least now the chemo is over so she will be able to recover. Praying that the chemo did it’s work perfectly.


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies! Happy Caturday Saturday.

@marcy how was Friday at work besides being cold? I am sorry the temps are so uncomfortable and I know how that feels. Darn I wish they could make it warmer for you. I remember shivering at work. But woohoo it's the weekend. Did you have astronomy yesterday? Hello to Marty and hope you are planning a fun weekend. With minimal laundry and chores haha. As you know I love soup too especially in the cold weather. Hope you get to enjoy hearty thick soup and yes get that Tee for you and Marty. I will share mine when they arrive. LOL I doubt we will ever wear them out however. I do not and Greg does not wear tee shirts outside the house. But they are fun tees indeed.

@Mamabean please come back and share more thoughts with us. I LOVE your new ring. It's a stunner in every way. And Libby does hold her own that is for sure. Your bling is blingdlicious! Hope you are enjoying a lovely time in Maryland and happy Caturday Saturday! Hugs.

@Scandinavian how is your mom doing sweetie and how are you holding up? Thinking of you every day and sending lots of good thoughts and love your way. XO.

@Slick1 dear friend how are you feeling this AM? Was the stitch issue resolved? I was so upset for you but I hope all is OK now. Sending you big hugs and lots of well wishes.

@junebug17 glad you are having a lovely weekend and all is well. Sending you good thoughts and lots of gentle hugs.

@AV_ how goes the writing? Any long walks planned? Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

@Niffler75 I love that sweet photo of you and your son. It should be (if it isn't) framed. You can see the love in that photo. Hope you have a lovely weekend. XO.

@bling_dream19 more power to you for your decluttering. I have not yet started. My heart is heavy right now so will wait til I am in the frame of mind to do anything. I am just sitting here posting and I think I will be writing a poem to express how I am feeling. The losses of Francesca and Fred weigh heavily on my mind and truth be told Greg's too. We miss them so much and well for some reason the pain is intense today. Thanks for letting me share and I hope you and your DH are having a wonderful Caturday Saturday. Big hugs.

@Jimmianne how are your furry crew doing? And how are you feeling? I am so pleased your surgery went well and you are doing so well and your vision is all good. Woohoo for keeping the Sepkus band. It does look great with Joy. I cannot believe you are returning to France so soon but as always wishing you a bon voyage and hoping you are having a great weekend. Hugs to you my early bird friend.
And haha my mother says I have now surpassed her age. LOL. OK with me. Personally I don't mind saying how old I am because I have earned these years. Every single one of them as I know you have too @Jimmianne and @Austina and all the NIRDI ladies.

Thank you for your lovely compliments. I don't feel put together but it is kind of you to say. Sharing a photo where I think I look sloppy but it was just the way the sweater was hanging out of the coat. Sharing it anyway.

@Austina how are you doing? I trust Colin is back to feeling all well and that you are both anticipating a wonderful vacation away. Hugs and have a lovely weekend. XO.

@Tekate Great Kate the wise and warm and wonderful. Girlie how is Autie doing and how is everyone else doing this fine weekend? I am glad you got to spend so much time with Autie and the love shows. I am enjoying all the beautiful photos you are sharing on IG and thank you for allowing us a glimpse into that wonderful love you all share. Any architect or house updates? Sending you much love and big hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds how are you feeling Nicky and how are Gary and Melanie doing? What plans do you have for this fine weekend? How goes the job hunt? Sending you continued job dust and hugs too.

@canuk-gal how are you? Any weekend plans? I went for a long wonderful walk yesterday and though it was not sunny the weather was mild. We are getting rain today though but it was a nice day yesterday. Hope all is well and sending you big hugs across the many miles. XO.

We had a good day yesterday. PT for Greg went well. His last at home therapy session. I couldn't get out patient therapy for him til Feb 12th unfortunately but Greg will continue home therapy while we wait for the appointments. Though I will call next week to see if there are any cancellations. The problem is with an initial they need an hour set aside.

Greg and I went on our short walk yesterday and he is doing well.

Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 7.57.39 AM.png

Then M and I went out for a long walk yesterday afternoon. With Greg's blessings of course. He was in a lot of discomfort yesterday and I was worried but it was muscle cramping and not knee pain. But still it was intense and I hope he can get relief from that.

We visited the library (love our library) and saw an exhibit they had on display then went on a long walk and it was just a lovely Friday.

Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 7.58.53 AM.png

Hope everyone has a happy Caturday Saturday and sending you all big hugs.

Tommy and Bobby and Oliver send everyone purry love and furry hugs.

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Jun 8, 2008
Missy, I love that library. Who needs France when we have such amazing architecture here! What an interesting exhibit. What was that all about?

Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 7.59.07 AM.png

I agree. Our architecture here is amazing and well as you know I adore living here. I truly do. Despite all the negatives (expense, busy, noisy etc) I feel alive here unlike anywhere else. Though I also feel alive at the beach with the roar of the ocean and the gorgeous scenery and the fresh air. Like you feel with France. The best of both worlds. Looking forward to your visit to my part of the world sooner vs later. XO.


Mar 31, 2018
Thanks, everyone. Feeling much better, and yesterday my eye surgeon said my eye healed nicely! I can even wash my face now! Whoo hoo!!
And yes, the band. is a keeper. Turns out Joy likes it as well, so there’s no going back.


Haha you are willing to admit that NC snow is snow?? Lol
Yes, we have very polite snow here that does not blow side ways.

Do you ever get Monarch butterfly storms there?

Missy, I love your outfit with the white tunic top. You always look so put together. How’s dear Greg this morning?
@Jimmianne I love Joy! Do you have a thread on her? She’s just gorgeous! I love the way they look together. I have a beautiful white gold band that has a few bezel diamonds in it with pierced flowers... I wasn’t able to wear it before because I didn’t have a solitaire..It didn’t fit well with Libby. You gave me such a great idea!


Mar 31, 2018
Very beautiful and big and looks perfect on you.
Our diamond is B-U-TI-FULL!

Let us know you got to your destination safely ;)2

Thank you @Jimmianne! I’m so happy with her...I put her in a 14k white gold temporary setting....I never expected to love the setting! I think if I do upgrade later..which I think my husband wants me to do to get to my VS1 G color sweet spot...I would get the same ring but in 18k white gold. I can’t see spending the money when it looks so pretty now. The price exponentially increases and it would be a minute visual difference. I have not seen her outside on a sunny day yet..only indoors this morning. After I get dressed I’ll take her outside with Libby and see if I can see the difference between the I and the G color. Also, I’m happy with the VS2 because I can’t see a thing..I’ll check it all out later..:appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Girls just wrote a poem for Fred and Francesca and if it's OK sharing it with you.

Once upon a time
We had two cats sublime
Fred and Frankie were their names
They left too soon, nothing’s the same

They brought joy and much more
Sweet, sassy and so adored
Love filled our home
Happiness brightly shone

One day without warning
the time came for Frankie
Cancer so cruel and fast
She was gone, not two weeks passed

We said goodbye, not ready at all
Life is so cruel, such a hard fall
The last day a nightmare of pain
Our hearts in pieces, everything’s changed

Seven months later
The same fate for Fred
He was fine and then he was dead
This time a heart, suddenly seized
He was just purring then couldn't breathe

Big changes once more
More pain and grief to be endured
They’re here, then they’re gone
Their lives so sweet but too short a song

The grief comes in waves
The nights filled with pain
And same for each and every day
Our lives never to be the same

We hope one day again
We will see them at Rainbow Bridge
Along with our other babies
Our little furry kids

Until that day we wait
Missing them so much
Taking it day by day
Keeping them in our hearts
So they are never too far away
The bitter with the sweet
In our hearts will forever keep

We love you Francesca and Fred
No more words need to be said
Take care of each other please
Where you are, you are finally free
Of the pain and tragic disease

One day we will see you again
Together forever once more
And all will be right again

Our love forever pure


Mar 31, 2018
@Jimmianne I had my first son super young. He’s 44! Omg...I really was very young though. He was an oops baby. We were just married but I was taking birth control pills at the time and they were making me sick. My husband said to stop taking them and talk to the doctor. Well...I must have become pregnant that day! Haha..


Dec 9, 2013
@Jimmianne I love Joy! Do you have a thread on her? She’s just gorgeous! I love the way they look together. I have a beautiful white gold band that has a few bezel diamonds in it with pierced flowers... I wasn’t able to wear it before because I didn’t have a solitaire..It didn’t fit well with Libby. You gave me such a great idea!

Photos, please!!
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