
Now I really did it :((

@bling_dream19 Aw thank you!!!! I love winter wedding but don't listen to me, I got married in late may first time and early june 12 years later! (of course I was 5 1/2 months pregant then another story though!)...

Thank you B_D you are most kind... I am looking forward to see your wedding unfold.. it's such a wonderful time after you minus the stress! sending love your way girlie!!

OMGosh @Tekate, I’m so sorry you are having to deal with all of this. This mouth issue has been an on and off issue for you for so long, and it has to extremely painful. Hopefully the shot for your shoulder will help ease the pain. To deal with one thing would be difficult but dealing with all this when you are also trying to deal with a move would get anyone down. Hugs Kate. Please make sure you health remains the priority during this craziness. Sending lots of healing dust and hugs your way. Your mom was right about when it rains it pours.

I’ll post later to everyone.
@Calliecake Hi Callie! thank you so much... it's this age thing, not one thing goes but all of them.. The migraine came on because of stress and sadness :) but today I feel better and it's Friday and I will be seeing the ID doctor next week :) the shoulder is going to just be there till I ever get better!

Callie you are so nice to me and I so appreciate it! HUGE hug to you Callie, I'm lucky to know you!
@Jimmianne how are you? I hope your medical peeps are helping you, accupuncturist? if you get the time and have the feeling could you explain what he/she does? I'm ready to do this for my shoulder.


Weather insanity ensues. 100km winds and temps dropping. 17C now....but snow?

Picked up my bike from repair and it is as good as new. But wind gusts nearly knocked me off:eek2: on the ride home. Crazy crazy crazy. Wouldn't want to be flying today...….


Missy, Greg’s soup sounds fabulous. Hopefully you guys can have some soon. Yes, I guess we can get up to a foot of snow with temps below zero. Ugh! I am glad you guys got to go for a ride yesterday. I hope the cultures come okay negative. Sorry they take so long. I hope your new jackets work out well for you. You look great in your cycling jacket. That’s good to hear Fred’s shaving went okay, I hate to hear Bobby has a spot on his face. NOOOOOOOO!!!

Daisys and Diamonds, I hope it warms up there for you. I wish we were going to have some nice weather; we have a big snow storm moving in tomorrow.

AV, I hope the view of snow on the mountain is very pretty.

Austina, that was a lovely gesture by your vet to send flowers about Dottie. Marty is a better today. Thank you. It sounds like you’ve had a nice time with Adam and Kim’s visit; darn that it was so short.

Kate, I hope your migraine is way better now. I am so sorry about your jaw and shoulder; best wishes to get all of that worked out. Big hugs to you. I do agree with you; people can and do change. Of the approximately 8 performance plans I’ve given only 2 of them were very successful. Both of them told me later they did need a kick in the butt. Love your fall colors.

Junebug, I have so far avoided getting Marty’s crud. I hope that continues. I am glad you are having a lovely time at the beach.

Bling Dream and Mamabean, oh no for losing a long post. I hate when that happens.

Bling Dream, it sounds like you have your heart set on a December wedding. You already have a lot of plans already.

Callie, I you are having a nice weekend.

Sharon, I hate to hear about your weather; it is coming to visit me next.

Marty’s great uncle’s funeral was nice. We visited with some of his cousins for a while then picked up lunch. This afternoon I went grocery shopping, went down and signed papers for the new insurance policy and have just been goofing around since, I’ll save laundry for Sunday when I’m staying in from the snow.

Take care.

Take care.
They had the post funeral luncheon at our Botanic Gardens today. Here are a few flower shots.


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best wishes and good health to all
i still have my "now i really did it" L plates on but Missy did i just read your mom and dad have been married just shy of 56 years
that is amazing - im so happy for them, and you and your sister and her little family
( longer than my dad was alive)

oh and Nicky is fine
Daisy is my ulta ego - actually she was the name of our Jeep Wrangler named after Catherine Bach

yesterday was a mixed day
we had Gary's brother and sister plus spouses visit
we thought we would go out to lunch but turned out they went to lunch with them selves in our town before they visited us
we can't get our head around that
did they think we couldn't afford it ? We can afford to buy lunch ! or did they think Gary was too ill ? or did they just not want to ?
anyway the house was sparkly clean, the back lawn growing wild
anyway people are so judgmental

so just as they were leaving Jannet said she doesn't think Melanie will be here next year and we should have Christmas with her this year - we were planning a quiet xmas at home with Gary being not well and not being able to drive long distances and i think its polite to wait to see what Melanie wants to do. she may just want to have xmas just with her little family or maybe her mum has plans

then she (Gary's sister) said i should join facebook to keep track of how Melanie is
but this is what i hate about facebook
everybody knows all your bussiness and your cousin's great aunt knows stuff you should really be finding out first hand

anyway xmas and facebook aside i havn't talked about what Janet said about Melanie to Gary and he hasn't brought it up either

my dad also had liver cancer and he lived 6 times longer than the doctors said and that was 25 odd years ago. Melanie's kids are younger than we were but like my dad she will fight on for her kids and her husband just like my dad did for us, i know everyone's cancer journey is diffetent and i never bring up my dad because cancer killed him but we had plenty of quality family time
anyway i want to say that to Gary but im just waiting for the right time - mind you even though he never met my dad he knows that

i have a friend in NJ who has secondary cancer after her breast cancer also came back - its heart breakiingly uncanny the similarities with Melanie and she was also stage 4 - but she is holding her own and taking each day as it comes
i tell Gary about her
her kids are college age

anyway anyway i have something much nicer to shear...
They had the post funeral luncheon at our Botanic Gardens today. Here are a few flower shots.
im.sorry about your great uncle
i hope he had a long snd happy life and he would have approved of his send off
its always nice to catch up with long lost people - its just a shame its a funneral -but its like that for most people
i like the idea of a post funeral lunchon.
the botanical gardens sounds very fitting
ok ok i have a tiny bit of lovelly to shear
see i once had an internet troll
i wish the smilies would work !
my spelling used to drive him crazy
anyway after about 18 months of really nasty back and forth, driving our mutual friends crazy we became friends because we really had alot in common

anyway i woke up yesterday morning to Bruce's new album in my inbox
its the soundtrack to his concert film of his latest album
im still planing on getting it when money isnt quite so tight and the vinyl and a tee shirt and the dvd heehee
but it was such a wounderful surprise to wake up to

anyway i have learnt sometimes when someone comes across as a right .... um- trying to think of polite word - can i say dick head? - across the internet doesn't mean they might not be a good person and even a potential friend in real life

of course every one is so lovelly and polite here (imsmgine a happy smilie)
oh by the way a bit of eye candy for you all
if 70 year old rock stars do not float your boat check out his braclette !!!Western-Stars_Movie-Key-Art-700x1037.jpg
@Tekate i hope your head is better today
oh my that poor jaw
and the shoulder
i hurt my shoulder last year and thank goodness the physio made it better because i could not beleave the pain and how hard it was to get comfortable
but once your jaw is better you can get a new shoulder?
meanwhile this is a good excuse to overdo it on the cheese (imangine winking smilie face)
GM girls! Just had some butternut squash soup and it was oh so good. Not homemade sadly but from TJ and it is satiating this cool brisk AM. Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Tekate girlie you are always in my heart. A true friend with a heart of gold (or is it platinum haha) and a warm loving spirit. You rock and I am sending so many good thoughts and good luck dust and love and hugs your way. May your shoulder and jaw not be giving you any more trouble and hope that migraine is staying away. Love the autumn colors. Beautiful. Thank you for your loving and generous support. I know you care and it makes all the difference. I care about you too girlie. XOXO

@missy Thanks for your kind compliments. They mean a lot! I am glad you are feeling the energy and love - I've been through some really rough times and the support knowing that people care really got me through, so I have the utmost respect and empathy for you and Greg.

Aww thank you and right back at ya. And I could not agree more about making rough times easier when you know there are people who *really* care. I have no use for fake friends and frenemies. It's the real people who are true blue that make the difference when times are tough. Thank you dear bling_dream19 for being here for us. And we are super excited for your upcoming wedding whenever it is. And cannot wait to enjoy the adventure with you.

Oh and while I was on Nordy's @missy ...I thought I'd try out a pair of your famous SW boots! I'm actually in the market for boots and I might be on my honeymoon and needing some snazzy boots! They are gorgeous, well made and I love them but too narrow in calf and thigh. So, I will return them to the store tomorrow and see if they have wide calf. It got confusing on the website to figure out how to get wide calf but not wide foot. I think that's the combo I need. Going to keep reading. Hugs to all for wonderful connections, they really make my day.

I am not sure if they come in wide calf but they have styles that stretch more than others. I would ask the sales associate if she could help you find the right pair. They do rock and you would rock them so much. I am glad you got to see them in person and hope when you go back to the store you can find a pair you love and can wear. I am almost positive you can find the perfect pair for you. I will do some research for you too. XOXO.

@canuk-gal oh those winds are quite annoying and glad you got home safely. We often battle winds and it can be hairy. Crazy is right and who needs to be flying in a plane with those winds we can be flying on our bikes lol. Honestly what I love about cycling so much is the feeling of flying and being so free. Not with the crazy winds though no but just cycling down the shore, enjoying the scenery and smelling the sea and feeling the (gentle) wind in your face and just feeling free and alive. It's a feeling like no other and why I am addicted to cycling. Glad your bike is back in tip top shape. And may your weather calm down! Hugs.

@marcy I forgot about Marty's great uncle's funeral yesterday. I am sorry. Glad the service went well and that you took a day off work to attend. LOL while you are saving laundry for Sunday because of the snow we will be dealing with torrential downpours here. Not sure what we will be doing that day but laundry as you know cannot be reserved for one day. It is a multi event each and every day and thank goodness both washing machines and both dryers are working and please let them keep on working through RW gate. Speaking of which thank you for your always kind and warm continued support and hugs. You are a true friend Marcy and I cherish you. Beautiful photos from the gardens during the luncheon yesterday. Sweet. XOXO

@Daisys and Diamonds Aw Nicky I am sorry Gary's siblings and spouses had lunch without you the other day. What the heck. And I am sorry about Melanie and the pressure his siblings are putting on you guys about Christmas and FB too. People can be overbearing and just too much and OTT. I know you and Gary will figure out what is best for you and the situation too. You guys have to take care of you and Gary first.

I am so very sorry about your dad and his liver cancer. :( But glad you got to have more time with him than initially predicted. I am also very sorry about your friend in NJ and her cancer and hope she can beat it again. Cancer sucks.

How exciting about Bruce's film and album and I know you cannot wait to enjoy it. Woohoo.
And lol about your internet troll and you becoming friends. That is sweet.
Sending you big hugs across the miles dear Nicky @Daisys and Diamonds XOXO

@AV_ hope you are having a fun weekend and that your week ended on a high note. Thinking of you in your lovely country and wishing we were all there with you enjoying the beautiful scenery and company. XOXO.

@Scandinavian (((hugs))). How is your mom doing? Thinking of her and you.

@Slick1 sending you much love and hope the craziness calms down. Yeah at work there is only so much one can control. (((Hugs))).

@Calliecake hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.

@Mamabean hope you arrived safely in Maryland and had a safe drive. XOXO Please come back and let us know you are A OK.

We had a good day yesterday despite all that we had to accomplish including shampooing all 4 cats. That was not fun.

And then last night (late for us as it was almost 7PM which is near my bedtime since we are awake by 3AM) I realized uh oh we only have 2 cans of cat food left...I feed the cats about 8 cans a day no joke because we end up throwing older plates away and giving fresh food to them all day long. So we ran out pretty quickly despite having a few cases. So Greg had to run to Costco before they closed at 8PM and he got more cat food and other supplies. I have to laugh because the old me never would have made such an error in not realizing how low in supply we were. Being truly sleep deprived I am off my game. It worked out though and now Greg did our food shopping for the week so we are pretty much set there woohoo.

The day was beautiful and we got to enjoy a nice ride and ran into our friend with the weird bike and his dogs. Speaking of dogs we also ran into Stella. What a gorgeous girl. Like we don't have our fill of animals with all we are dealing with but there is always room for more love yanno?
Even with it being Caturday Saturday I am going to share photos of the dogs.


Stella! (Haha why am I thinking of the stella stella stella from Streetcar named Desire lol)


Such a beautiful girl.


She wanted to ride on the bike with us. <3

And look at these sweeties. Awww


That tongue!


Sweet baby.

Of course we enjoyed Jimmy's amazing homemade ice cream.


And for @bling_dream19 and @Daisys and Diamonds here's a little Jersey shore from yesterday for you lovely ladies. Asbury Park to be specific.


We might be hitting a pivotal number on the bike today if we can ride weather permitting today and I think we can...but tomorrow is no bueno for riding so today we have to hit that number. :) I like having and reaching goals as if you didn't know haha. I am maybe too goal oriented.

Speaking of goals off to clean the house. The fun never ends around here :wink2:
To all of you who truly care sending you much love and hugs and know how much I care about you too.
Enjoy a wonderful Caturday Saturday!

Daisys and Diamonds, sorry about the mixup about lunch with Greg’s brother, sister and their spouses. I’d like to think they were being too polite and not wanting to impose on you. It’s hard to tell what other people are thinking. I am sorry to hear about your dad’s liver cancer; I am glad he was with you longer than expected. I hate to hear about your friend in NJ too with cancer. Cancer is awful and you can’t predict its outcome. My the time they diagnosed my mom’s leukemia she was already pretty much gone. As Missy said you and Greg should do what’s right for you guys for holidays and don’t join FB if you don’t want to. Nice to waking up to a new album in your inbox.

Missy, I love the picture of Stella and your red shoes. Cute puppies and great ocean shot. As always your ice cream looks delicious. Glad to hear you enjoyed some soup from TJ’s. I am sure my laundry is a drop in the bucket compared to how much laundry you are doing on a daily basis. Oh no to expecting torrential downpours tomorrow. Right now our forecast is 6-8 inches of snow through tomorrow, then 1 to 3 inches additional on Monday and Tuesday and then another 6 inches on Wednesday. Thursday we’ll get back above freezing. NooooooO! You are very welcome for my moral support on RW gate and anything else; I truly wish I could do more for you. Good thing you realized you were low on cat food before Costco closed. Nice that Greg got food for the week then too. Dee Jay found an advent calendar for her and me at Costco; we figure her BF and Marty are more likely to buy us that than the Tiffany’s one. So is the pivotal mileage number 8000 miles? That is the diameter of the Earth. SWEET!!!!

The funeral was nice yesterday. He was cremated and they had a really nice flag looking urn; he retired from the military so he had a military funeral. They did a canon salute instead of a 21 gun salute, sadly the canon misfired several times. The luncheon was nice to catch up with Marty’s distant cousins. We haven’t seen them since Marty’s grandmother died maybe about 12 years ago now.

We both slept in this morning. Of course Marty’s insomnia kicked in at some point and he was up for a while but he went to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms then so I don’t know how much sleep he got. I was out. We had strawberries for breakfast because i wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse when they opened at 11 for an early lunch. They have a 16 oz. sirloin that is quite tasty and I get 3 lunches out of my leftovers with it. All for a decent asking price of $20. Of course Marty eats all of his steak but that is way too much for me. I am going to make tacos for supper later.

I knit for a while last night. I need to get my lap blanket done for work now that winter is here. Marty might be flying to Dallas Monday and coming back Thursday. We will see. There is only one flight a day between here and there but at least he won’t have to drive 100 miles through snow to get to the Denver airport. We will see.

I did lift this morning. I bumped up my deadlift to 55 pounds. Woo hoo!!!

Take care and all of your troubles be minor like ooh I have a smudge on my pretty diamond.
GM lovely ladies! It's big and small dog Sunday.

@marcy woohoo to deadlifting 55 lbs! You rock girlfriend. I cannot lift 16 lbs lol and not funny I know. And haha yes I am with you in that wish. May everyone's troubles be minor like having a smudge on their pretty bling :cheeky:

Sweet you are knitting a lap blanket. You sure need that where you live. Brrrr.

Good luck if Marty has to fly to Dallas tomorrow. Nice you both enjoyed sleeping in yesterday. One day that would be nice to do. Yummy to strawberries for breakfast. I love strawberries but if I have more than a few I get hives. Story of my life. LOL. It's not just bad food (chocolate, ice cream etc) that causes me issues. Healthy food does too. Citrus is a no no and tomatoes are a no no. Like you my list is long but luckily I enjoy what I can eat and with all the accommodations that are made for people with food intolerances these days we are not suffering.

The funeral sounded nice with the canon salute (despite some misfiring) and glad you got to catch up with Marty's distant cousins.

Haha glad you got an Advent calendar at Costco. Costco has everything (almost). Sweet.

Not quite 8000 miles. Not sure we could have done that since we recently hit 7K but I so appreciate your confidence and enthusiasm in our cycling abilities! We hit 7500 K and that is pretty sweet for me. I think Greg would faint if I asked if we could make it to 8K before the year is up. The weather has changed so not sure we have more than a day of cycling is raining all day but maybe tomorrow...

Before we hit that goal however we broke a chain and something else that caused Greg to share some expletives and he rarely does that. It was a part that never is supposed to break and we had no spare. I was concerned and we were in Manasquan at the time so 30 miles from home. Luckily he patched something together so we could continue and we did. We hit the 7500 mile mark in front of The Stone Pony @Daisys and Diamonds !

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and then we enjoyed Ice Cream at Jimmy's right near there

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And the young lady who comes up with Jimmy's ice cream concoctions was there and we enjoyed a lovely chat about cats and ice cream. She is a delight and we have met and spoke with her before. She shared her tattoo of her beloved kitty. We bonded over our love of both ice cream and cats. She rocks. And she is making me a special gluten free dairy free ice cream concoction with my favorites. Did I say she is a doll cause she is.

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Now I want one but without a skull. LOL. I want to tattoo Francesca on the back of my shoulder. With my skin sensitivities though I bet I would reject the tattoo. I would love to do that however and will have to ask David about the risks. He will probably have a conniption that I am even considering this.

Anyway it was a wonderful Saturday and the weather wasn't bad. Not very sunny unfortunately but relatively mild so no complaints. Today is a rainy day so just going to kick back and see what we do. I briefly considered heading into the city to the JAWS (antique jewelry show) but decided nah too tired to do that. You know I am tired when Greg offers to go into the city to enjoy JAWS and I decline. :/

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying a nice weekend.
Have a wonderful Sunday girls!

And haha look who came to say hello yesterday.

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@Mamabean can you find the kitty in this photo? 8)
here you go
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Samson and Fresca. Hanging out.
Hi NIRDI’s! I hope all of you are having a fabulous week.

@missy I think as active as Greg is he’ll do great with his knee. My sister could barely walk and was up and about in no time after her knee surgeries and is still doing great. Marty is a sweetie; he is a little better today. He took NyQuil last night and at least slept all night. You are doing at least half of taking care of the bed. I have a really hard time getting the corner’s tucked under on the fitted sheet. Good luck tomorrow with the cultures. Great t-shirt. I always tease Marty he bought a new work shirt when he gets a t-shirt. That is quite good that you worry more because Greg worries less; that is us to a tee. Love the songs and yes they’ll be in my head while I’m doing my chores.

@Tekate oh no for your bone popping out in your gum. I had a nerve die and break that started sticked through my gum. I finally had to have the tooth pulled because they couldn’t save it.

@Jimmianne I have been thinking about you. Sounds like you are getting back in to the groove with a life coach and a new art class. I hope you had a lovely day.

@bling_dream19 a 10-12 carat diamond bracelet would be some serious bling. I have a 4 carat I thought was too much for a long time but of course I’ve adapted; it wasn’t hard. I am with you - I always have my eye on something too. My knee hasn’t gotten so bad that I need Advil for a few weeks; that is a PLUS in my book. Of course it hurts and aches plus wakes me up at night but less than it has in the past. No doubt about it though that right knee is shot. Both wedding dates and options sound fabulous. Like you said as long as your families are there. Go with what your gut tells you. Which one sounds more appealing to you. I can totally see how your nieces are the light of your life. I have 2 nieces I thoroughly enjoyed when they were growing up. I still think they are very special but don’t see them too often anymore. And now we have a great cleaning song. Sweet.

The best part of going to talk to our insurance agent is leaving work early. Sweet. Looks like the home insurance will be about $500 less a month than the other policy we had with them plus better deductible. So many insurance companies around here have 1% the value of your home as your deductible for hail and wind damage - too many losses over the least few years around here. He changed ours from the 1% to 1500 which can go down $50 a year for 10 years if you don’t make a claim. The car insurance is about $200 less with better coverage than we have. I also bought Apple Care+ for my new phone tonight and dropped the Asurion plan we have with Verizon on it. I have been busy today.

Work was okay, I had several meetings and barely got my normal work done but 3:30 but I did make it. I might take off Friday because we have a funeral to go to with a luncheon afterwards; Marty’s great uncle passed away this weekend. Since I’d be gone for about 4 hours I think I’ll just take the day off.

I lifted tonight and added a pound on presses and deadlifts. Woo hoo!

Thanks for your input @marcy yes a 10-12 ct tennis bracelet would be serious bling! We are working out the finances for wedding right now, so it probably won't happen and that is ok. I don't need all the bling at once lol! I'm soo sorry your knee is hurting. I'm soo sorry for your uncle passing. I hope you were able to take the day and you and your family are in my prayers. And that is incredible you are saving many bucks on your home insurance! Good reminder to always revisit terms because maybe they've been reduced. Hope you're having a nice weekend. Hugs.
Strange. I missed some posts which showed up after I posted my response.

Missy, I feel your pain on so many food allergies. But like you I have figured out what I can eat. Great pictures from your ride yesterday and Greg's the man being able to fix your bike without the necessary part. He is definitely Mr. Fix It! Woo hoo to 7500 miles. That is quite an accomplishment. I would imagine your doctors would suggest you not get a tattoo, heck even draw on ink would probably break us out.

Bling Dream, you are like me; we work on building our bling collection one at a time. I am sure your wedding is top priority right now. Thank you for the condolenses for Marty's uncle. It was a sad occasion but everyone was telling good stories. I agree; I think it's a good idea to always inquire with insurance about increased rates and shop around for a better deal. The only reason I have put up with the increases so far is I didn't want the hassle of having to cancel the autorenewal before it went to our mortgage company. Now i have a date on that so I will be more mindful of that in the future.
Reset and all good to share.

@bling_dream19 for you. Look at those waves and the color of the ocean. And that sweet bird.

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If it wasn't for the crisp autumn air I would think we were in the Caribbean with those colors. Swoon!

And our yummy ice cream treat.

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and a gorgeous sunset

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And Oliver a moment before I restarted the computer. LOL he is a heat seeker.

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He's like, mommy open the computer and let's go back to Pricescope please. :lol:

My 2 new jackets arrived. The cycling jacket and the faux fur jacket. Not sure I love them but probably going to keep them anyway. The cycling jacket was expensive though so will have to think about that one. It doesn't feel as warm as I would like but maybe it's warmer than it feels? IDK.

Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. XOXO.

@missy Yes that is the money shot! I love how the waves crash over the jetties with sun sparkling on the water. Soo gorgeous - thank you for bringing the ocean to us all! I'm excited for you for your new jackets! I'm following along with your kitties and glad you are seeing some improvement. And love Oliver on your laptop saying yay let's Pricescope!
Hi everyone... had a migraine today.. I always get aura's and I was reading the NYTimes and John kept talking to me and I just felt so stressed and up pops the zig zags, sometimes it takes 45 mins to an hour till they go around my whoe 360 view but today it was only from the bottom to the top.. I ran and took 2 Ibuprofens and that warded off a major headache but I've been sluggish today and am very tired now.. My OS wants me to take clindamycin and doxycycline together for 10 days, I"m scared of ecoli and I've not gotten an appt with the ID doc so I'm unsure.. it's all so much crap. My shoulder is sore but I can lift it up higher than usual!!! Last year my Sports Doctor told me that the jig was up with my shoulder and that the only thing I could do was probably get a new one, she said the osteoarthritis was totally complete, no cartilege and the rotator cuff tear was almost complete and that she doubted any Orthopedic surgeon would repair it since I've no cartilege and it wouldn't stay on the shoulder.. So I ignored all that and I had a shot of steroids and went to Europe! but the pain after Autie pickups and just life is too much and so she reiterated that my shoulder was shot, gave me a shot and said to go te Ortho surgeon, so I can't have a new shoulder because I have an active bacteria infection in my jaw and if I had an operation the bacterial would 'seed' in my shoulder.. so there we have it.

Today I packed stuff and we went to the bank to check on closing accounts and we went to Goodwill (again) dropping off stuff, we will be going again I'm sure.

@missy Hello Marvelous Missy! I'm sure you would look great in any color Missy, you have great hair (I know you don't think so but I think you do!) and you are slender and can really rock some cool clothes! truth. Missy we always shaved Daisy totally, she was a cocker but she always looked like a dog because of all her crusting all the time I thought it was better for the constant shampooing to get into the skin, you guys do more with your cats but with Daisy I did have to use two different shampoos every 2 days for years and years, but I do think it helped so hopefully the shaving of Fred (I so hope it went well) will give medicine an abilit to even go deeper into his skin.. here's hoping! :) xoxo If the cycling jacket isn't what you want, send it back.. it's the only downside to buying online, sending back! Ice cream looks delicious Missy.. sending hugs and huge ones at that.. I hope Greg is feeling good, I know the good days of arthritis.. tell me HI! xoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds Hi! sending a big hug across the sea to you and yours! you are very kind. xoxo

@Austina aw thanks Austina, my mom always said it 'never rains but pours' :) so goes it with my stuff right now.. thank you very much for your kind words.. I appreciate it so much. Your vets caring thoughts was remarkable and so nice, a good lot they are. I hope you are doing okay, having Adam around I hope is making the days a bit happier... sending love to you!!! xoxoxo

@marcy Snow! how exciting.. and fun, and it sounds like NN is trying, that is great, people can and do change you're off for the weekend now I think? hope so! have a great weekend Marcy.. xoxoxo

@junebug17 I hope your daughter has bluer skies soon.. I can tell you that if either of my son's sounds off, depressed, annoyed, sad when I speak to them that I feel it and I feel sad when I know they are bothered or down.. I am glad your daughter can perhaps share her ups and downs with you that is great sons aren't usually as open, well at least mine aren't! sending you a huge hug and lotsa love xoxoxox

Sending hellos to everyone and hoping that everyone's friday is great!

Kate the GreaT :)

Here's 2 photos from last night when the sun was going down in my back yard.. I will miss this so much.. I am a fall girl.. :)
Soo pretty love the fall colors @Tekate
GM girls! It's FriYay. How did Friday get here so darn fast???

@junebug17 I am glad you had a lovely walk on the beach with your dear sister and her bichon. Would love to see photos of the dog. Glad DH is back with you and that you enjoyed a nice dinner out. Hope you have a great weekend and that your DD is feeling better and things are going more smoothly. Thanks for all your warm and lovely wishes for the cats and us. XOXO.

Oh no dear @Tekate Kate the very great! I am sad to read of your continuing pain and want things to start improving for you. When are you making the ID appt? I hear you on being concerned about e coli. I remember the steroid shot you had before your European vacation. It did the trick while it had to. I want only the best for you and to that end I want this to be figured out and fixed for you. The endless round of doctors and treatments and appointments plus all other life getting in the way. I hear you and am sending you so much good energy and positive healing dust and lots and lots of love and big hugs. I hope that headache stays far away and that you get to enjoy all of autumn. It is my favorite season too but I hate the fact that winter comes on its heels. Winter isn't my favorite season. The dark and the cold. But once the days start getting longer I feel a bit better. Only about 8 more weeks for the days to start getting longer. Thank you for all your lovely good wishes for the cats and us and I told Greg you say hello and he sends his love and well wishes to you dear Kate the Great. Gorgeous fall photos Kate. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping you get good news very soon and relief from the pain. (((HUGS))).

Dear Daisy (or should we call you Nicky? Which would you prefer here?) thank you. And we are privileged you share with us here and we get to know you. The more I know about you the more I adore you. Have a wonderful Labour Day weekend.

@AV_ wow, snow already. Brrrrr. Hope you are staying warm and comfy and if you want ice cream I hope you can get some. Where there is a will there is a way. Hope the day smooths out for you and that you catch up. I hate running late and with our new routine of cleaning and now shampooing the cats more often it seems we are always running behind our self imposed schedule. There are not enough hours in the day.

@Austina how lovely of the veterinarian office to send you the flowers and card. Very thoughtful. I am glad Kim got home safely and that Adam is enjoying a bit of time in London. Yes I still consider all of us here to be young absolutely. And you are only as old as you feel right? Thank you for all your kind wishes.

@Slick1 hope whatever happened hasn't destroyed your faith in your true friends. I responded to you in RC but just wanted to say I am sending you love and hugs. And one day we can chat because oh I have a story to share with you that might make you feel better. XOXO.

@marcy hope you have a good Friday and that the temps by you aren't too cold and that Marty is feeling much better. And that you do not catch his cold. (((Hugs))).

@canuk-gal speaking of cold hoping you are keeping warm and cozy. I wanted to add a thought about that Trek bike you almost bought. Would it be terrible to have a back up bike? I like having back ups in case a bike goes out of commission for a while. We used to have (well still do) backup racing tandems (we have 2 racing tandems) but we do not have a back up recumbent tandem unfortunately. Anyway just wanted to add that thought. Giant for main bike and Trek to alternate with and use in case of Giant emergency? LOL feel free to ignore my rambling thoughts. That's what 2 hours of sleep will do to a person. Have a wonderful Friday dear Sharon. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 arghh, I hate when I lose an entire post. I am sorry. Sending lots of good morning wishes your way and hopefully we can all catch up when you have time. Just a tip that you probably already tried but just in case. When I lose a post I hit the back button and occasionally I can save the post. I took another photo for you yesterday and will share it below. (((Hugs))).

@Scandinavian sending continued healing vibes and good thoughts your mom's way and hugs to you.

@Mamabean any weekend plans? Hope Chris is doing well and that everyone by you is good.

We had a good cycling day in between Greg's working and us caring for the kitties. And Greg brought Fred in late afternoon to get his belly shaved and it went well. Thank goodness. Today I think I see a spot on Bobby's face and am trying not to freak out :( We are shampooing everyone soon. Not looking forward to this at all.

But first some photos for you lovely ladies to hopefully enjoy.

Ice Cream. Yummmmm. Jimmy is a chatter and while it is nice chatting with him and he is very interesting indeed we don't have enough time in the day as it is. But he is so nice.
Screen Shot 2019-10-25 at 5.34.09 AM.png

Beautiful late October beach scenes.
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@bling_dream19 took these for you

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and lastly my new cycling jacket. Decided to keep it despite it feeling quite light. We shall see today if it keeps me warm as yesterday it did but it was 67 and sunny. LOL hardly a test. But yes it kept me quite comfy and cozy in 67 degree F sunny weather yesterday.

Screen Shot 2019-10-25 at 5.35.49 AM.png

Have a fantastic Friyay girls! May everyone experience a bit of YAY in their Friday today.

@missy thanks for the tip on going backwards for a post - I will try that. I usually only post when I am on my laptop instead of reading on my phone. And I LOVE the beach pics - with the blazing sun and ocean waves - just beautiful especially in autumn. And I love your new cyclying jacket - cute color and a hood is always good. Glad you and Greg are still getting out and enjoying the weather and scenery. Hugs to you girl.
Weather turned yesterday - it was well over 20°C in the early afternoon [no snow left even on the peaks above 2K m above] so great time to clean up garden, that is to say, the best way to get tired flat [I am such a whimp... Those numbers, 55 lbs deadlift @marcy, & 7500 miles of bike ride! @missy sound surreal!]; now is the time of the year when it is legal to burn stuff in open field [a precaution against field fires] and I have enough dead wood & hedge [mostly thistle, a pleasure to cut down] for a serious camp fire, or three [chestnuts awaiting!]

@bling_dream19 I can highly recommend December anniversaries [that a December wedding gets] - my birthday is just between Christmas & EOY, so everyone is in the right mood even if they do not know the date!

@Tekate I hope you will settle somewhere soon & take care of those pains ,( What is the countdown?

@missy WHOA! For the mileage! & I hear you re. Brooklyn...

Not sure how November got full with trips & work & chores; OK, it'll get done. No real showdown until Jan.
AV, cleaning up the yard is serious work. I'm tired thinking about it. Be safe with your bonfire; have some s'mores. Leave it to me to think of them.
@bling_dream19 Aw thank you!!!! I love winter wedding but don't listen to me, I got married in late may first time and early june 12 years later! (of course I was 5 1/2 months pregant then another story though!)...

Thank you B_D you are most kind... I am looking forward to see your wedding unfold.. it's such a wonderful time after you minus the stress! sending love your way girlie!!


Thanks @Tekate I'm feeling the love! We are getting there. We've finalized our December date and location and next is the amount of people to invite...go big or small.
ok ok i have a tiny bit of lovelly to shear
see i once had an internet troll
i wish the smilies would work !
my spelling used to drive him crazy
anyway after about 18 months of really nasty back and forth, driving our mutual friends crazy we became friends because we really had alot in common

anyway i woke up yesterday morning to Bruce's new album in my inbox
its the soundtrack to his concert film of his latest album
im still planing on getting it when money isnt quite so tight and the vinyl and a tee shirt and the dvd heehee
but it was such a wounderful surprise to wake up to

anyway i have learnt sometimes when someone comes across as a right .... um- trying to think of polite word - can i say dick head? - across the internet doesn't mean they might not be a good person and even a potential friend in real life

of course every one is so lovelly and polite here (imsmgine a happy smilie)
oh by the way a bit of eye candy for you all
if 70 year old rock stars do not float your boat check out his braclette !!!Western-Stars_Movie-Key-Art-700x1037.jpg

Handsome and LOVE his bracelet! You go girl!!!
@marcy Hi Marcy, thank you for all your kind and caring words, I appreciate your kindness so much. My jaw is healing, the problem to know is if the infection is still moving through the bone, I hope when I get to Texas and a new Oral Surgeon hopefully I will learn more. You are probably done with the laundry for the day, Sunday is a great laundry day, when I was young Dr Who would come on PBS at 6:00 pm and I would spend the time watching Dr Who and folding, one of the happiest times of my life. how's the snow going? We had rain all day today!

@missy Hello!!! been packing all day today on and off, we had rain all day so we did watch some netlfix.. How's the kids? how's Greg's knee? I am sorry you all had bike problems, John used to bike a lot and he said his #1 took was his cell phone and once he did call me to come and get him miles away from our house, tires both out.. :) No sleep till Brooklyn! (thank you Beastie Boys)... you look beautiful Missy, you have a heart that is just beyond, I think anyone who meets you and knows you is better for it.. I hope you had a good Sunday and this week is full of wonderful Missy and kids News! sending you love.. xoxo

@AV_ Hi AV! the countdown is: 19 days till closing, we then plan to stop in BROOKLYN! for a few days to spend time with our son, niece and nephew, grand nieces and grandnephew.. then off to Texas , that will take a few days for sure, we have rented a house in Georgetown TX, then American Thanksgiving on the 28th and my older son WANTS a 'mom' turkey and trimmings :) then it will be time to get the architect working on the house plans

@junebug17 hi June!! are you in SC or back up NE? how's everyone in your family? hope you had a wonderful weekend June! xoxo

@bling_dream19 hello sweetie! did you have a great weekend? I would love a 7 carat bangle.. I have a 4+ carat tennis bracelet, I got it b4 PS, the diamonds are meh.. my hubster said I could sell it and get another one but I don't even go to the movies anymore, so I think I will just keep it and should I win the lottery I will sell it and get a gorgeous plantinum 7 carat bangle! I can dream.. xo

@Mamabean what is the haps with you? how is your Chris? my Chris is good I think.. didn't talk to him this weekend.. sending you love Joanne... xoxoxo

@Calliecake another weekend over Callie! hope you had a great one sending you love. xoxo

@canuk-gal sending hellos and a hug to you Sharon! hope your weather is good.. xoxoxo

@Scandinavian sending hugs and a big hi across the water, I so hope your mom is feeling well. xoxo

@Slick1 hola Slick... my jaw and problems are turning into a saga of pain and sadness, I just don't know anymore if I will ever be cured. :( we shall see, hope all is well down your way.. have a great week! xoxo

@Austina Hi, how are you and your son? Colin? I hope you are finding some peace, I send you love Austina and understanding.. if only our furs kids had a longer life span.. hopoe al is well with you otherwise, sending a huge hug from Maine.. xoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds hello! I hope you had a great weekend, may you have great weather and a wonderful week! xoxoxo

packed today, rained all day. we met the buyers yesterday, nice guys, went well, they are going to paint! I said great idea.. :) but they do love all I did last year in the kitchen.. it's so bittersweet.. have a great week everyone.
GM girls! Just had some butternut squash soup and it was oh so good. Not homemade sadly but from TJ and it is satiating this cool brisk AM. Happy Caturday Saturday!

@Tekate girlie you are always in my heart. A true friend with a heart of gold (or is it platinum haha) and a warm loving spirit. You rock and I am sending so many good thoughts and good luck dust and love and hugs your way. May your shoulder and jaw not be giving you any more trouble and hope that migraine is staying away. Love the autumn colors. Beautiful. Thank you for your loving and generous support. I know you care and it makes all the difference. I care about you too girlie. XOXO

Aww thank you and right back at ya. And I could not agree more about making rough times easier when you know there are people who *really* care. I have no use for fake friends and frenemies. It's the real people who are true blue that make the difference when times are tough. Thank you dear bling_dream19 for being here for us. And we are super excited for your upcoming wedding whenever it is. And cannot wait to enjoy the adventure with you.

I am not sure if they come in wide calf but they have styles that stretch more than others. I would ask the sales associate if she could help you find the right pair. They do rock and you would rock them so much. I am glad you got to see them in person and hope when you go back to the store you can find a pair you love and can wear. I am almost positive you can find the perfect pair for you. I will do some research for you too. XOXO.

@canuk-gal oh those winds are quite annoying and glad you got home safely. We often battle winds and it can be hairy. Crazy is right and who needs to be flying in a plane with those winds we can be flying on our bikes lol. Honestly what I love about cycling so much is the feeling of flying and being so free. Not with the crazy winds though no but just cycling down the shore, enjoying the scenery and smelling the sea and feeling the (gentle) wind in your face and just feeling free and alive. It's a feeling like no other and why I am addicted to cycling. Glad your bike is back in tip top shape. And may your weather calm down! Hugs.

@marcy I forgot about Marty's great uncle's funeral yesterday. I am sorry. Glad the service went well and that you took a day off work to attend. LOL while you are saving laundry for Sunday because of the snow we will be dealing with torrential downpours here. Not sure what we will be doing that day but laundry as you know cannot be reserved for one day. It is a multi event each and every day and thank goodness both washing machines and both dryers are working and please let them keep on working through RW gate. Speaking of which thank you for your always kind and warm continued support and hugs. You are a true friend Marcy and I cherish you. Beautiful photos from the gardens during the luncheon yesterday. Sweet. XOXO

@Daisys and Diamonds Aw Nicky I am sorry Gary's siblings and spouses had lunch without you the other day. What the heck. And I am sorry about Melanie and the pressure his siblings are putting on you guys about Christmas and FB too. People can be overbearing and just too much and OTT. I know you and Gary will figure out what is best for you and the situation too. You guys have to take care of you and Gary first.

I am so very sorry about your dad and his liver cancer. :( But glad you got to have more time with him than initially predicted. I am also very sorry about your friend in NJ and her cancer and hope she can beat it again. Cancer sucks.

How exciting about Bruce's film and album and I know you cannot wait to enjoy it. Woohoo.
And lol about your internet troll and you becoming friends. That is sweet.
Sending you big hugs across the miles dear Nicky @Daisys and Diamonds XOXO

@AV_ hope you are having a fun weekend and that your week ended on a high note. Thinking of you in your lovely country and wishing we were all there with you enjoying the beautiful scenery and company. XOXO.

@Scandinavian (((hugs))). How is your mom doing? Thinking of her and you.

@Slick1 sending you much love and hope the craziness calms down. Yeah at work there is only so much one can control. (((Hugs))).

@Calliecake hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.

@Mamabean hope you arrived safely in Maryland and had a safe drive. XOXO Please come back and let us know you are A OK.

We had a good day yesterday despite all that we had to accomplish including shampooing all 4 cats. That was not fun.

And then last night (late for us as it was almost 7PM which is near my bedtime since we are awake by 3AM) I realized uh oh we only have 2 cans of cat food left...I feed the cats about 8 cans a day no joke because we end up throwing older plates away and giving fresh food to them all day long. So we ran out pretty quickly despite having a few cases. So Greg had to run to Costco before they closed at 8PM and he got more cat food and other supplies. I have to laugh because the old me never would have made such an error in not realizing how low in supply we were. Being truly sleep deprived I am off my game. It worked out though and now Greg did our food shopping for the week so we are pretty much set there woohoo.

The day was beautiful and we got to enjoy a nice ride and ran into our friend with the weird bike and his dogs. Speaking of dogs we also ran into Stella. What a gorgeous girl. Like we don't have our fill of animals with all we are dealing with but there is always room for more love yanno?
Even with it being Caturday Saturday I am going to share photos of the dogs.


Stella! (Haha why am I thinking of the stella stella stella from Streetcar named Desire lol)


Such a beautiful girl.


She wanted to ride on the bike with us. <3

And look at these sweeties. Awww


That tongue!


Sweet baby.

Of course we enjoyed Jimmy's amazing homemade ice cream.


And for @bling_dream19 and @Daisys and Diamonds here's a little Jersey shore from yesterday for you lovely ladies. Asbury Park to be specific.


We might be hitting a pivotal number on the bike today if we can ride weather permitting today and I think we can...but tomorrow is no bueno for riding so today we have to hit that number. :) I like having and reaching goals as if you didn't know haha. I am maybe too goal oriented.

Speaking of goals off to clean the house. The fun never ends around here :wink2:
To all of you who truly care sending you much love and hugs and know how much I care about you too.
Enjoy a wonderful Caturday Saturday!

Gorgeous pic @missy Love the Jersey shore and especially AP! I returned the boots today and we were on a time crunch so I didn't shop for myself today but I plan to go back when I'm in the mood no time crunch. Yesterday we toured 4 venues and found one that we LOVE. I found 2 venues that I love but FI didn't like one of them, so we will go with the one we both love. So, we've got the date in Dec and the venue - just need to figure out how many folks to invite. Immediate family and we are at 16-17. Family with nieces and nephews and their kids and aunts and we are at 50-60. But you never really know how many people are going to rsvp yes and take off on a Wednesday and drive 4 hours? So, who knows maybe invite all family (so no feelings hurt) and see who accepts. Or just do the small 16 person wedding. Basically, they have a gorgeous barn room and we marry in front of the fire place, with a harpist for music:))) and then host a dinner in the reception in the special wine room (for events). There would be no dj, or reception per say. Or do the ceremony with the harp and invite everyone and then host a plated dinner reception and then dancing with dj or band later. We are making progress, and had a lot of fun yesterday, and we are getting closer to figuring it all out. Thanks for being there Missy and everyone. It really helps to talk.
It looks like you and Greg had so much cycling and delicious icecream. And so great to run into ones and humans :). I love that you and Greg love Costco too! Anyone, try the Autumn's Gold granola bars yet? @junebug17 @Mamabean they are so delicious and you might like them too Missy. I'm missing the JS too and hoping to get to see you sometime, just not sure when! Anyway, hope you had a great weekend - hugs and love :):cool2:
Weather turned yesterday - it was well over 20°C in the early afternoon [no snow left even on the peaks above 2K m above] so great time to clean up garden, that is to say, the best way to get tired flat [I am such a whimp... Those numbers, 55 lbs deadlift @marcy, & 7500 miles of bike ride! @missy sound surreal!]; now is the time of the year when it is legal to burn stuff in open field [a precaution against field fires] and I have enough dead wood & hedge [mostly thistle, a pleasure to cut down] for a serious camp fire, or three [chestnuts awaiting!]

@bling_dream19 I can highly recommend December anniversaries [that a December wedding gets] - my birthday is just between Christmas & EOY, so everyone is in the right mood even if they do not know the date!

@Tekate I hope you will settle somewhere soon & take care of those pains ,( What is the countdown?

@missy WHOA! For the mileage! & I hear you re. Brooklyn...

Not sure how November got full with trips & work & chores; OK, it'll get done. No real showdown until Jan.

ooh good point! I agree - it's just special and romantic that time of year, so to have an anniversary makes it all the more special. And happy for you for your special birthday getting extra specialness:bigsmile:
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my missing post turned up
yum i want to make pumpkins soup but its a bit too warm for soup today

yum to butternut soup
i just call that pumpkin soup because pumpkins are a savoury thing here - but they have no taste right now - i roasted some with a piece of pork the other day and was so dissapointed. its just the time of the year

and when we have cold horrible weather i like to think well its sunny in NJ
NZ just lost in the semi finals of thw rugby world cup so i can tell you the sun is never going to come up again for at least the next year so it should be nice for everyone else at least for tomorrow
i just changed the bed - Gary still wants the fluffy sheets on
usually labour weekend is when i move them all to the back of the linin cupboard

@AV_ you are so good getting out into the garden like that - i should be doung that but we have light drizzle and rain
@marcy i would have cried at Marty's uncle's funneral. on a happier note ill be over for the tacos

@bling_dream19 - so it is you getting married. congradulations . you'll get that tennis braclete one day just keep visualizing it on your wrist !!!

@missy why won't my @ thing work today
i am glad Greg got his bike gling again - and outside the stone pony !!!
that is a pretty impressive about of miles you two have clicker up this year, its a bummer you can't ride on the winter - i have no comprehension of your winters, i mean they look pretty on tv - but i can't imangine snow that does not melt by lunchtime

sending happiness and good health to all - healing thoughts to those in need

@Tekate how can you do laundry and watch Dr Who ?
do you still watch it ?
wernt you afraid of what might be hiding behind the couch !?
Dr who scares me just as much now as when it was on when i was six years old
i need to watch it in the middle of the day or with every light on in ths house!!

are you moving Texas ?
i really hope your jaw gets better soon