
Now I really did it :((

@missy Woke up today with 40 degree weather, of coure when I move back to Austin that will go bye! I'll tell Katie your kind words Missy, she is super happy with how it came out. :)

for my rosacea I use cleaner:

sodium sulfacetimide.jpg

and this gel after:

clindamycin gel.jpg

the cleanser is only sold by Walgreens from one vendor, nothing else works and this last time something was totally wrong with it :( smelled like cream and not a cleanser, usually is smells like sulfur! it doesnt gel like it is supposed to.

Missy, I wish I could tell you all will be well and great, but from your tone it seems scary and I am sorry for that... you can only do your best and no more, I hope that they all get better, it's like an older human tho, we just don't work as well as we did at 20. I soooooooooooo hope your thyroid meds work.. You aren't a downer you are human, and i send you love sweetie, truly! xoxoxoxo

@marcy I find beef reacts to me sometimes too, so sorry but ice cream is a good panacea! glad the article is done and hope you have a great week, hope the knee is doing okay and Marty's back is feeling better! sending love your way Marcy! xoxox

bbl just wanted to check in to see how the kittens were doing and what is new.

everyone have a great day!
@Scandinavian , Sending dust to your mom, your family and you. I know you are wonderful at juggling a million things at a time (and you always make it look effortless) but please remember to take care of yourself too. It’s not always easy being the person everyone relies on. Do you have siblings? Like @Tekate, I understand you not wanting to give up work. Work can be a wonderful distraction when life throws us truly difficult things.

@Slick1, Oh no about having to be back on antibiotics. Thank goodness it wasn’t a tick. I wouldn’t go with the fillers either. It’s great you were able to relax this past week before heading back to school. Have a wonderful first week back. It has to be exciting meeting the new group of kids. I’m supposed to get a call tomorrow to schedule the kidney stone blasting. I’ve been lucky that it hasn’t been a problem. I’m hoping to schedule it quickly.

@missy, Wow 4,500 miles! Is this a record for you and Greg? I’m so glad you have been able to get out and enjoy cycling. Hopefully life will soon go back to normal and you will never hear the words ring worm again. It’s been a really touch summer for both you and Greg. Are you planning to stay at the beach house until ring worm is no longer an issue? We had the cooler temps here this weekend too. It’s been great weather for working outdoors. Hopefully you can get the medicine issue resolved quickly.

@junebug17 , You are having a really busy weekend. I can’t believe it’s been a year since your niece got married. Time really flies by. Di

@Austina, The pictures from your trip look amazing. I’m glad you had a wonderful time. Who would have guessed it would be a man who noticed Bella? His comment was too funny. You look beautiful in the pictures you posted. I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves dresses. That return flight did not sound pleasant. Bask in the proud mum moment Austina. How exciting for Adam! You must be so proud. Any new wedding news or planning?

@Tekate, When are you going back to Austin to watch Autie? You will have a great time staying with Kathleen. She sounds like a wonderful friend. I can’t wait to see what you decide on for the new house. Do you pretty much know what you want as far as the floor plan? I can’t wait to see the ring Katie is making for you.

@marcy, I’m glad you had a good time with your sister and BIL. How is Marty’s gym coming along? Do you think you will spend much time there or will you keep lifting at home? Did the hot temperatures stick around or is your weather now back to normal?

I’m getting the kidney stone shock waved. I spoke with the doctor last Thursday. She basically said the stone could stay dormant for a year or it could give me trouble in an hour. I’m supposed to receive a call from the surgery scheduler today.

Not too much is going on here. I’ve been shopping for fall clothes, shoes and boots. I tend to buy much more when DH cones along. He usually tells me to buy everything so we can get out of the mall sooner LOL.

We got together with family Saturday night. It was fun to hear my grandniece talk about school. My mom has decided she needs a new iPad so I think we are going there today to walk her thru how to use it. She bought one three years ago that she never uses. I have no idea what sparked this need to have a new one.
@Tekate have you ever tried Soolantra? I use it every day and I have had good results with it regarding my rosacea. It's a topical and my insurance covers it.
I know we are all different but if you haven't tried it it's worth looking into I think.

Thank you for all your kind words Kate. And please tell Katie I say hi and how much I love her work. Sending you lots of love too sweet great Kate.

@Calliecake glad you are going to take care of that stone before it becomes a problem. It will be a relief for you when it is over and done.
It is a cycling record but that's only because we have been here all summer. We are actually doing shorter rides since we have less time each day but we are cycling most good weather days so that's why. The year after I broke my leg we did 4300 miles so close. But hopefully we have lots more cycling ahead of us this season. We have months ahead of us with the ringworm so probably staying here for the duration as we don't want to infect another home. If only we had dogs it would have been so much easier. ::)

@Calliecake --good luck with the nuking!:P2
@missy --great work on the cycling! Sadly we are way behind last years performance--I worked a lot this summer and the weather has sucked.

Hello NIRDIs!:wavey:

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@canuk-gal , LOL on the nuking. It sounds like an easy procedure. I’m sorry the weather hasn’t been better. Do you normally cycle multiple times per week in the summer?

@av , Are you finished clearing out the garden??? What you were describing is considered hard work. Gardening is dead heading flowers and watering in my book.

@missy, I would stay at the beach too. Heck I’d stay there for a year just to be sure RW didn’t find it’s way to the Brooklyn home.
@canuk-gal , LOL on the nuking. It sounds like an easy procedure. I’m sorry the weather hasn’t been better. Do you normally cycle multiple times per week in the summer?

Yes. We are out cycling as much as possible--together or by ourselves. We like to ride to restaurants and have a nice lunch or to the market.:wavey:

Missy, it doesn't sound like there are enough hours in the day to get everything done with cleaning and taking care of the sweet kitties let alone Greg working and running in to the city. Focus on that one thing at a time right now; I am hoping things ease up soon. Too funny I put down I was working on a scarf; it's actually a lap blanket and I need to make sure I get it done before it gets really cold. I am always freezing at work. How cool to meet a PS'er while you were enjoying ice cream. Fun!

AV, enjoy your fun and exciting week - work to do and new people to meet. Sweet.

I had a delicious BLT for supper; my nephew had my sister bring me some of this fresh from the garden tomatoes yesterday. Then I had a peach. Great supper.

I had to chuckle at work today. I was down in the empty cube of the employee who quit a few weeks ago talking to her co-worker and I hear Moanie Minnie and Negative Nellie bickering about something. I was trying to figure out what they were arguing about and said to the girl they both claim they don't fight with each other. Sadly I forgot their co-workers were in the cube right by me. Oh well, if MM and NN hear about what I said what are they going to do - deny it?

Take care.
GM girls. It's Monday already. And it feels like summer is almost over as the weekend was quite cool and crisp here. Lovely weather.

Ooh congrats Austina. Wonderful! And doesn't surprise me in the least. After all, Adam is your son isn't he. And haha neither does the ring compliment surprise me. Sparkling like crazy is one of Bella's lovely features. Bella is wunderbar in every way. :kiss2:
Sorry you had such a difficult flight but yay for getting home safely and being back with sweet Dottie.

Thanks Marcy. It's a wonder we hit so many miles but it's a welcome distraction. This week doesn't look too promising for us cycling wise. Greg has to head into the city midweek for a doctor appt that he has been putting off and then we have the lime dips Tuesday and of course work calls for Greg too so lots going on with the daily cleaning/disnifecting/meds/work/doctor appts and such. I feel like I am going crazy and this morning was awful re meds for the cats and Tommy outsmarted us and it seems everyone but Oliver is getting worse. I am feeling very down and scared for the cats.:cry:

Yay for a lovely is it with your sister and BIL but sorry the prime rib wasn't tasty and didn't sit well with you. But ice cream for supper is right up my alley and glad you enjoyed the ice cream and the visit. Yes to getting your article finished and starting the October article already. You are ahead of the game Marcy. Sweet. Nice you are knitting a scarf and before you know it the cool weather will be here for a long while. Where did summer go?

We will take you any way we can get you dear @AV_ and yes this is a good place to be with people who are kind and warm and caring and everything good. Unlike the world at large especially as of late. It's a scary world and sometimes I feel everyone has lost their mind.

@Slick1 how are you? How was your weekend? When does work start? (((Hugs))).

@Scandinavian thinking of you and your mom and continued healing dust being sent her way. And sending you lots of love and strength.

Gorgeous ring Kate. Amazing job. Yellowlicious and just so beautiful. Please tell Kate I am impressed. And how great the students use ethical gems too.

What's going on with your rosacea meds? What cleanser do you use? I hope that it gets sorted out soon for you Kate.
I am waiting to hear from the insurance company if they can get my meds. My doctor has no samples but at the moment I cannot think about my meds. The cat situation is getting worse despite all the effort/money and care we are giving. It makes me think very dark thoughts and I am so concerned for the welfare of our cats and beside myself with worry. Yes I know worry doesn't improve anything but it's in my DNA and this is a dire situation. I almost feel like giving up because the harder we try the worse it gets. :cry2: Sorry for being such a downer. Just wanted to get it out. We will continue to fight against the fungus and hope that the cats start improving. :pray:

Have a wonderful week and sending you all hugs and love. (((Hugs))).

We had a good day yesterday. After cat meds and cleaning we went cycling. And got back and was able to give Fred and Oliver a bath ourselves. Forget about Bobby and Tommy though so we are leaving them hopefully to Elaine when she gets back from her trip. Tommy is a wild animal and this morning he hissed at Greg which is not Tommy's MO. We could not give him Itrafungol this morning but we are going to keep trying. He needs the oral meds.

Leaving you with a few pics of our day yesterday.

Starting out yesterday morning cycling action shot

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Days ice cream in between
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And guess what? We ran into a PSer yesterday who recognized me while we were enjoying our ice cream at Days. What a treat that was. Shout out to @bling_dream19 it was so lovely meeting you and I forgot to say how gorgeous your ring is! And your FI is so nice as are you. Thank you for saying hello!

And ending the day over 4500 miles for the cycling season so far...

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Have a great day girls. (((Hugs))).

Missy it was so nice meeting you! I know you're going through an incredibly heart wrenching time, so I just appreciate you taking the time to say hello. It was a joy to meet you and your husband. I can tell you are the perfect fit for each other! Thank you for the ring compliment. Sending you strength and I'm here for you and hopefully we get to meet again. :wavey:
Our cutest neighbour. Always comes when I call her :kiss2:

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My mother has a few “good” days now before the next run, so I’m going dog training for a couple of days whilst DH plays homekeeper lol.
GM girls! It's Lime Dip Tuesday.

@junebug17 good morning. Hope you are continuing to enjoy the last week of August. What are your labor weekend plans?

@canuk-gal sorry the summer weather did not cooperate for you but glad you did enjoy some cycling and got to enjoy some yummy lunches while doing so. Ice Cream is one of our big incentives so you could say we love cycling for the food haha. We still have 3 weeks left of summer so here's hoping the weather improves for you. Do you cycle in autumn too weather permitting? Hope work is going smoothly and that you are feeling well.

@marcy yes you are wise. I must remember that. One thing at a time otherwise it's overwhelming. I love lap blankets and often use one but not since this ringworm business. We are washing enough stuff every day so I am no longer using a lap blanket on the sofa at night. Tommy misses kneading me through it and I feel bad about that but we are doing laundry round the clock as it is with 2 washing machines and 2 dryers. There really aren't enough hours in a day. Oy to NN and MM going at it during work the other day. SMH. Hope you don't have to hear them for the rest of the week. Long weekend for you Marcy woohoo. Any plans for the Labor Day weekend?

@bling_dream19 thank you and you and your FI seem like the perfect couple too. I hope we get to see you again sometime in the near future when life is less stressful for us and the kitties are doing well. Fingers crossed.

@Scandinavian aww your neighbor's cat is beautiful. I cannot help but think I sure hope she doesn't get ringworm with all that long hair. Glad your mom is going to have some peaceful days coming and hope they last and hope her treatment is blasting the heck out of the bad stuff and leaving her stronger and healthier and well. Continued healing vibes being sent her way. And (((hugs))) to you both. Enjoy the dog training.

@Calliecake sadly fungal spores are viable for 2 years and sometimes beyond so that really isn't an option. The beach house is a nice place to be don't get me wrong but Greg would rather not retire just yet...lucky you and J are retired and enjoying the sweet retired life. Do you think you are staying where you are or considering moving somewhere for the winters? Did you get your blasting kidney stone appointment yet?

@Slick1 hey girl, hope you are enjoying the rest of summer and feeling good. Sending you hugs and buckets of healing dust. XO.

A scary development is that all the cats are behaving catatonically. There's a joke in there but it isn't funny so I am going to leave that be. Fred isn't on the Itrafungol and he is continuing to be listless. Today Tommy wasn't moving at all and when I went to pick him up he just stayed there which is so unlike him. He let me pick him up like a rag doll. Usually he would never let me pick him up.

I am trying not to freak out but something is not right here. I don't know what it causing them all to be so lifeless and still and it is concerning. I am back to feeling there is a chance we aren't going to be able to get the adult cats through this. I hate putting them through the lime sulfur dip today but we cannot just give up. Girls I am going a little crazy with worry. Greg thinks they are just scared (that in itself is super stressful for the cats and will dampen their immune system and hinder their healing) and associating the morning feeding with the Itrafungol. But what about Fred? He isn't getting the Itrafungol.

Yesterday we went cycling and had Days ice cream and the weather was cool and lovely. It really has been an amazing weather August month. Feels like autumn is in the air.

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and look at this cool bike. We think it was taken out of the ocean. This is at the beach by us. Cool right?

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Have a good Tuesday girls and please think good thoughts for the kitties today at their lime dip. Fifth lime dip for Fred, Bobby and Tommy and sixth lime dip for Oliver. :pray:
Hello lovelies

This is just a quick Hi and Bye because my eyes are bothering me at the moment, so I’ll catch up properly, hopefully tomorrow.

Just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you all and hoping for better things ahead. :wavey:
@missy, I'm sorry the kitties are so lethargic, I know it's scary and really upsetting when our furbabies are acting differently. Having had both dogs and cats, I truly know all too well how sensitive cats are, and yes, much more difficult in terms of handling these kinds of treatments. I'm hoping this passes and they start behaving more normally for you. :pray: And sending good thoughts that they handle the lime dips ok. So sorry you and Greg are going through this, what a stressful and difficult time this is for you. (((HUGS)))

So nice that you ran into a PS'er and her fiance! Very cool pic of the bike too, love it. Omg, you outdid yourself with that pic of the sunrise, those colors are amazing! I just might try to paint it lol.

@Scandinavian, I'm glad your mother is going to have a few good days, and that you can do something relaxing and fun. You deserve the break, that's for sure. It's so hard when a loved one is going through something like this, sending you lots of love and support. XOX. What an adorable kitty, I just love her :love:

@marcy, I actually think it would be a good thing if what you said got back to them...maybe they'll stop that silly bickering! Love fresh garden tomatoes, they taste so good. Lol to telling Marty you must have been especially cute...very nice of the guy to treat you to a free muffin.

@Calliecake, yay to buying fall clothes, sounds like fun. LOL to buying more when your dh is with you. You should bring him all the time! Hearing your grandniece talking about school must be so adorable. I'll bet she has lots of stories lol. Glad you've come to a decision about that pesky stone, and it sounds like it's a good idea to just get this taken care of before it gives you trouble.

@AV_, glad to hear you've been doing some things you enjoy and good luck with your grant! I hope all your hard work pays off...literally and figuratively! :P2 That is such a pretty pic, so cool that you have those kinds of plants around you.

@Austina, oh no to that horrible flight! Sounds like you're settling back in nicely. What a lovely compliment on your rings! I'll bet they were sparkling like mad :love: They are both really stunning.

So sorry your eyes are bothering you, I hope they improve soon. Having an eye problem is just SO annoying :(

@Tekate, the ring Katie made for you is GORGEOUS! Love the brushed gold so much. The yg looks yummy. And the stone is beautiful. You must be dying to get this!

Had a really nice weekend, it was great to spend some time with my niece and nephew. So wonderful seeing them both happy and doing well. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We went out to dinner to celebrate my niece's anniversary and had the top of her wedding cake for sister had kept it in her freezer all year lol. It tasted fine believe it or not! Everyone has headed home...the house is too quiet!

Thinking of all the nirdis and wishing everyone well <3 <3 <3
Hi everyone!

@marcy I very much agree with @junebug17 that it may be great that the two workers hear what you said, maybe they will straighten up a bit and fly a little straighter, this is the reason why I never looked being a team lead or manager, but the pay was better! BLTs love love them... bacon is my middle name and good tomatoes make me smile! have a great day.

@junebug17 Hi June, yes! I look forward to getting this ring, I am a size 7 on my left hand and 7.25 on my right, so what did I do? well I have Kate make it in a size 7, and I wanted it to be a right hand ring, my mom always said to me "Catherine, when the Lord said those who wish a brain please step forward, and you Catherine took two steps BACK!" she was a tough one but it's true, sometimes I just don't think. So now I will get a ring I can wear as a wedding band in yellow gold and wear it as a set!.. Sorry everyone has left but sometimes it's those times that we sit and ponder (and swim and eat etc!) it's wonderful that you love your niece and nephew, all my nieces - 7 and all my nephews 8 are so special to me, I love the all dearly.. sometimes we need an aunt or uncle who can see things that our parents can't. sending mucho love your way! xo

@Calliecake I hope you can check in today and let us know when your blazer lazer will zap the stones is going to happen. Personally, I would have the zapped too, when my sister passed some stones she was writhing in pain, she was sometimes toooo stoic. How's your weather? we are getting warmer every day. I bought Autie a little outfit this morning on Amazon, hope my son and DIL like it! sending love to you Callie.. xoxoxoxo

@missy My marvelous, magnificent Missy! hi. First I think it's amazing that Bling* ran into you, PSers are good people, I hope after things return to normal that you and she can get together again.. Missy, I am heartsick that the kids are lethargic, that is almost more scary than having them be frantic, Missy, you know, the world needs more Missy's, animals are a gift, a true gift and need to be protected and loved, I thought this by time I was 2, really, we had a big sheep dog and I LOVED that dog and we had a big old fat cat Ringo that my little brother named that I loved, I had my own Tabby cat, Tabby! she was hit by a car and my mom was afraid to tell me and had Gen tell me because she couldn't face me, I thought I was going to die.. I think animals make us better people. I love Salley. I digress about me, sorry, but Missy you and Greg have the gift of love I so admire that. I again keep you and Greg and the furbabies in my love place, the place where I hope and wish for only good and happy and healthy things...I send you and Greg a huge virtual hug.. know that we all care, I know you do but it's always nice to say again Missy. Also please take care of yourself and Greg too, losing weight and dragging will get you sick. xoxoxo ... Missy I had Soolantra once and it worked well by my insurance company wouldn't cover it, but I should check and see if Medicare does! great idea Missy and thank you. have a great rest of the day, and get rest. sending love.

@Austina I'm sorry about your eyes bothering you again :( maybe a doctor visit? I know you say it's allergies, I hope it didn't bother you all day.. Have a great evening and night and I send you a hug and healthy, happy dust for your eyes.. xoxoxo

@Slick1 How's things down your way? xoxo

@Mamabean what is new and exciting? any new jewels? how's the family? how are you?!! sending love your way. xoxo

@Scandinavian beautiful cat Scandi! I am happy to read your mom had a few good days and you are training, you deserve it.. sending love and healing to you and your family xoxo

@AV_ your day is mostly over as is Austina's, hope it was a good one and all is good with you.

Went walking with a new mom down the street, she's a sweetie, baby is Olivia and she is almost 7 months old.. I made them Meat balls and Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad when the baby was born, they have a gorgeous HUGE home and they are nice baby is special as all are, not doing much else. We have an appt with the realtor this Thursday afternoon and surprise I head from Lisa the decorator so after we get the skinny from the realtor we have a meeting with Lisa on Monday and see what it would cost to do the slight changes (not the huge, big changes I was going to do) and even see if Lisa wants to do it..

I think @Calliecake and @Austina asked me what style of house we want.. well, we like modern, with an inviting backyard, the subdivision requires 3,000 square feet at a minimum, most houses are between 3100 and 5000 square feet which is next door to our lot, that thing is gigundo and it's a one story, there garages everywhere etc.. we aren't planning on anything more than 3200 square feet as it's toooo expensive and why do I need all that space? especially in Atown.. but the pool is a must, if I have to go back then I have to have a pool, and pool boy John was okay with it, and also we want solar panels, soooo let's see what I can get with my money.. they just reappraised all the homes in Scarborough and my house went up 80K but stlll less than I paid for it not by much though, what we do in Austin depends on the sale here, oh and we will probably not recoup ANY of the money we put into it, like 8K for a generator, 10K for shrubs, 45K on kitchen reno and maybe 10K on the bath ha! we are dumb, but we have made money on every house before this one so such is the nature of buying and selling.

sending love everyone's way!

we are looking at homes with this kind of vibe. this one is 3200 square feet, but has an upstairs and we don't want an upstairs. :)

Hi girls.

@junebug17 thank you sweetheart. I am glad you are having a lovely vacation and am sorry the house is empty now. I hate that feeling especially when it was alive and bubbling with loved ones and by comparison it seems so much emptier when they leave. LOL yes I believe the wedding cake was yummy a year later. My mom always told me you can freeze anything and it lasts for a long time. Oh I hope you do paint the sunrise. I know you would create a beautiful piece of art.

Fred is terribly lifeless. I cannot explain it. Not just regular listlessness but extreme lifelessness.

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And he keeps his eyes wide open.:cry2: I am so worried about him Junie. We asked the vet today to do blood work on Fred. Hoping he will be OK. We love him so much. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week and sending you hugs and love.

@Tekate Kate the great and very sweet....I LOVE your inspiration house. Can you get it in a one floor style? Very cozy and romantic and fresh. Love it.
Please check with Medicare because Soolantra should be covered as it has been out for a long time now. At first it wasn't covered by any insurance but now it's been out for years and years and is more accepted as a rosacea treatment. If it is not you can get a patient savings card from them I believe. That is what I used to do when Cigna didn't cover it. And my out of pocket was $25. Very reasonable. I think it is a great med and the fact you tried it and it helped is a good sign.

Sorry you are losing money on the house deal but yes that is the nature of it. And you are the opposite of dumb. You are smart and sharp and wonderful in every way Kate the Great. And glad you made money on your previous home sales. We would definitely lose money if we were to sell the beach house now. Anyway I hope the process goes smoothly for you guys and lots of good luck dust being sent your way. I am with you re size of the home. Now that we clean daily 3500 sq feet is too big. I say go as big as you can live in every room. And no bigger. Cleaning is more manageable when the home is just big enough.

Thank you for all your kind words Kate. It means a lot to me. I am feeling very sad and dark and I am scared. For my furbabies. There are no words to adequately describe how I am feeling. Thank you for understanding and for all your encouragement and love. It's funny but times like these show me who my true friends are. They are the friends still calling me and checking in with me and caring about my cats and everyone's welfare. Thank you and the other NIRDIs for being a true friend. It helps knowing there are others who are rooting for us when we are in our darkest hours. (((Hugs))).

@Austina I am sorry your eyes are bothering you. Is there anything I can do? Are you putting in preservative free rewetting drops?
@missy ,( I wish I had some way to help... What a year you are having! I am in awe with your hard work and all the cycling - you would have crossed Europe length-wise, by my count.
@missy ,( I wish I had some way to help... What a year you are having! I am in awe with your hard work and all the cycling - you would have crossed Europe length-wise, by my count.

Great analogy!
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NIRDI shout out.

@Tekate love the house style. A rancher (bungalow) is my fav.
@junebug17 your house guests sounded like a lot of fun. Nice to see folks happy!

Had a lovely ride in the sunshine today but came home to some very sad news--my sister had to put down her beloved dog. He will be missed! :(

Oh sweet Fred, hard to see him so under the weather and I hope the bloodwork gives some insight as to what's happening with him @missy. At least you will have a better idea of what you're dealing with. I really hope he rallies a little for you tomorrow. :pray: Sending love and comfort to you, and tons of healing vibes to all the precious kitties. XOXOXOX

@canuk-gal, very sorry to hear about your sister's dog, so heartbreaking for everyone :(2 Sending your sister comforting thoughts, the first few weeks are just terrible.
@missy sending you and all of your family big hugs and kitty scritches. I keep waiting and hoping for good news with the kitties. Hang in there.

Kate, sorry to hear beef can bother you sometimes. My knee is kind of bending again and hurting less - Marty is taking it a bit easy on lifting and his back is feeling slightly better. Thank you for asking. How exciting to be planning your new house and pool. I like the house you posted; it looks nice. I hope you make money when your place sells. BLT’s are quite delicious; every time I get a good tomato my mind goes straight to BLT’s. I totally agree with you about being management. I’m not cut out for the BS side of it. Can you get your ring sized? Does it fit you after you’ve been up for awhile? My rings can be tight in the morning then are falling around on my finger by 10. Nice that you went walking with your neighbor. Good luck with the realtor and decorator. When we were going to sell my parents house they told us to remember we won’t get back the money we put in the house to fix it up but those upgrades may make it sell quicker. It’s a tough call.

Callie, good luck with the kidney stone blasting - I am glad you haven’t had problems and they get your procedure scheduled quickly. Marty is advertising an open house for the 7th. I asked the lady I’ve been sending my article to at the paper if they would consider doing a little feature article on his new business and they are coming to see him Friday. I hope he picks up more clients soon. I want to continue lifting here but I have told some of his clients I’d come lift with them; I am stopping after work tomorrow as a matter of fact. I’d rather have my own personal gym. Shopping with DH sounds fun since you get more things that way. Good deal. I hope your mom enjoys her new iPad. Does your grandniece like school so far? Our weather has cooled off in the morning and evening but it’s still nice during the day. I am glad you are having nice weather too.

Missy, my heart is heavy for you, Greg and the kitties. I hope things start to get better soon. I know this has to be overwhelming with the uncertainty of it all. I hate to hear the kitties are so withdrawn. I bet your washers and dryers are going all day long. I hope the dips went okay today. I hope the blood work gives you some answers on how to help Fred. I had to see him struggling. I am taking Friday off so I’ll have a 4 day weekend. Sweet. No plans for me though. Great pictures; that bike is very cool and it sure looks like it’s been in the water.

Sharon, darn that you haven’t been able to ride as much this summer. Hopefully you’ve got time to get in more miles. I am so sorry to hear about your sister’s sweet dog. That is heartbreaking.

Scandi, I am glad your mom is having some good days. I hope her chemo isn’t real hard on her. Enjoy a doing some things for yourself; you deserve it. How cute your neighbors cat comes running when you call her. She’s cute.

Austina, I hope you get rested up.
Junebug, I hope MM and NN heard my comment; I always hope they will realize how other people see them. It always amazes me how much better garden fresh tomatoes taste; it seems most of them we get at the grocery store don’t have much flavor. Your weekend with the family sounds fun. I’m impressed the top of your niece’s wedding cake still tasted good. Ours wasn’t bad a year later but the frosting was like cement. I would love it if you painted a sunrise; it would be gorgeous.

AV, how is your week going?

I had a busy day at work. My one person team took the day off so I pretended to do act like I know how to do her job. It took me most of the morning.
Marty grilled corn on the cob and steaks for us for supper. I made us a plate of sliced tomatoes and cucumbers as well. McDonalds has Snoopy NASA toys and books right now so we went over and got a book I didn’t have yet and had an ice cream cone.

Take care.
GM girls.

@junebug17 thanks for your continued good wishes. We appreciate them very much. Hope you are well and enjoying a lovely week. (((Hugs))).

@canuk-gal I am so sorry about your sisters dog. My condolences to all of you. XO

@marcy sweet having a 4 day weekend. You deserve it. Glad you enjoyed ice cream yesterday too. And at work you can handle it all so who needs your team. You do it better and with much less complaining too.:P2
Love that Snoopy cartoon. True. XO

@AV_ love that analogy and if only we could cycle to Europe. I would love to visit many of my friends who live there. And get the Ringworm vaccine too. According to one of my friends it was the only thing that saved her cats but the USA doesn't allow the vaccine to come to this country sadly. Hope you are having a wonderful week. Hugs.

@Austina hope your eye(s) feels better. XO.

@Slick1 any plans for the long weekend? My nieces go back to school right after Labor day and my sister says this has been the shortest summer for them yet. They had no snow days yet school summer was only 9 weeks this year. Hope you are enjoying and feeling well. (((Hugs))).

@TooPatient thank you for your continued good wishes. Much appreciated by Greg and me and our furry babies. Hope you and your furry crew are doing well. XO

@Scandinavian hugs and hope your mom continues to do well and feel good. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate sending you lots of hugs. Have a lovely day. XO.

We dropped the cats off at the vet yesterday morning and came back and got ready for cycling as we cleaned early AM. We had a good ride and enjoyed Days Ice Cream and came back and Greg worked and then we made dinner and then we got the cats. It's an all day affair re Lime Dip Tuesday as it takes a long time for them to air dry. I got them all to eat finally and then the evening went fast. This AM we are going for a short ride as Greg has to head to the city for his quarterly body check due to his history of melanoma and surgery. I am not going with him as it will be a very long day. The ferry gets him in 3 hours before his appt and he will just wait as he doesn't want to drive in and I don't blame him. So I will be alone with the kitties most of the day.

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Have a wonderful day lovely ladies and sending you hugs and love.
Leaving you with a sunrise photo. No editing done at all. These are the true colors. Nature is stunning.

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:love:Hello lovelies

I was doing needlepoint on Monday, and I think I strained my eyes. I was concentrating and not blinking, so my eyes felt quite sore. I had a bit of double vision yesterday, just briefly, so I closed one eye for a couple of minutes, and it all settled down. I must remember to blink!

Oh my gosh @missy, the colours in your photo is just amazing. Poor Greg, I hope his appointment goes well today. I’m so sorry that things are so stressful, and the worry over the kitties is getting worse. I was really hoping that you’d reach a point where things would start to improve, and that it would’ve happened before now. I wish I could do or say something that would help, I just hate that things are so bad and no end in sight. I’m just glad you’re still able to get out and cycle for a while and then enjoy some ice cream. Thanks for your concern, I’ve been putting lots of drops in and I’m OK today. I don’t know whether the dryness is age related or anything to do with the laser surgery.

Thanks @Calliecake , I feel more comfortable in dresses, I’m so hot all the time that I find anything that clings just make me even hotter. :lol:No more news on the wedding yet, I’m beginning to thing that Adam will be 40 before it happens! Do you have a date yet for your stone zapping?

I’m glad your Mum is having a few good days before her next round of chemo @scandanavian. You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment, but I’m sure you’ll figure out the best way to go forward.

I wouldn’t be surprised of MM and NN took umbrage at your comment @marcy and actually became allies :lol: Yum to steak and corn, I’m already feeling hungry, not that I didn’t eat like a horse last week :D

Oh no @canuk-gal I’m so sorry about your sister’s dog, how heartbreaking.

I love the style of the house @Tekate, right up my street (as we say here), and exactly the sort of place we’d like too. We’ll be looking at the same sort of square footage, don’t need anything bigger and yes, a pool is a must for us too! Boo to not getting your money back on your current home, how disappointing, but moving to Austin and being close to Autie will compensate you for that.

Big wave out to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
I’ve been putting lots of drops in and I’m OK today. I don’t know whether the dryness is age related or anything to do with the laser surgery.

I am glad your eyes are feeling better. It can probably be related to both laser surgery (makes your eyes drier) and aging. Do you eat plenty of food containing omega 3 fatty acids? That might help...though evidence is lacking but I've observed anecdotal evidence it can help. There are supplements you can take to help. Vitamin D might help and we need that anyway if you don't get enough.

And there are prescription eye drops that can help. Restasis but that takes many weeks to start working. Systane is non Rx and can ease dry eye symptoms too. My favorite non rx drop is refresh plus. Warm compresses applied to your eyelids can also help dry eye. Lots of things you can do to ease your symptoms. It depends on what is causing your dry eyes.

I am here for you if you have any questions or if I can be of any help Austina.
@missy Hi Missy, I think Fred is depressed, as you know cats can get depression :( :( like Marcy my heart is heavy too Missy for you and Greg.. sending you love as you know my heart to yours. I hope Greg has a good day in the city and I hope all at home is going well for you, I want your ice cream, matter of fact I'm going to get some soon! Missy people who are wonderful drop in to just say hi to you, you impact MANY people here on PSer, me included of course, remember all that you give will come back to you.. you are in worry and sadness and we worry for you but we want it all to be better and I believe it will, you are a great mom. Hold on to those who care and love you! xoxoxo give Fred a pet for me.. sending you my heart.

@Calliecake how are you? when is surgery?

@canuk-gal so sorry your sister had to have her dog put to sleep, it's soooo hard we all know sending dust your and her way, knowing we don't let our animals suffer at the end, it's quite human to not want to see our fur kids suffering. Thank you for liking mah style in homes, if I get to build something like this you must visit in Atown! xo

@marcy thank you very much Marcy, all you say is true, you just don't get what you put in but you can sell it quicker and basically that is why we are still doing the bushes on the side yard and something in the master bath. Glad you can bend your knee.. knees ugh I know, if I walk really fast and long my one knee (left) gives out and hurts like hell and takes 3 days to feel better, but on the whole is doesn't hurt to walk.. tough call when to replace your knee or if you want too, my husband doesn't want to that is for sure. I don't have the ring Kate made for me, we are going to a big huge family wedding on 9/28 in VA and my son is going to bring it then to me... I'll figure out something, I love the way it looks, it's a 1 carat yellow sapphire :) Good luck on the article and open house for the gym, I would bet dollars to donuts that in 5 months you will be turning people away! it's a great exercise to do for many people, especially oldsters like me who need balance and muscle tone :) good luck! and Marcy, NOTHING but grilled corn for me, it's the best, boiled corn is yuck to me now.. something about grilling really brings out the flavor and sweetness of corn! yum! have a great day and I see you have a great holiday weekend coming up - I always loved 3 or 4 day weekends when I worked! :) When we meet we will have cookies! xoxo

@Austina good to read your eyes are better :) Well if we build similar homes! we can share! me up in Liberty Hill and you over in Bee Caves, great fun, not sure if we will share husbands yet ;-) :) you know, we made money on 4 houses so we will be ahead in the long run, to make money on a house you have to stay more than 5 years I think anyway :) have a great rest of the day Austina.

I hope all the NIRD's are having a wonderful day!
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Cooler day today, and rode to the market. My husband got a hole in one today--he is one HAPPY camper! We'll go out to celebrate for supper--any excuse not to cook!:))

@missy glad you got to take a day off of deep cleaning. Hopefully the cats enjoyed the break too and might feel a bit more normal. They are so sensitive to changes!

@Tekate beautiful house! I hear you on the stairs though! That was one of the few things I wanted when we were buying and I ended up compromising on that (well, giving up entirely and am now stuck with stairs). We're looking at selling this house in the medium term to buy one without stairs as they are more difficult for me to manage now.

My trip to Las Vegas was spectacular. Everything was amazing. I had a moment of oh s*** but it turned out all right and I have a new friend from the experience. The Grand Canyon tour was so breathtaking that my grandmother wants to go. She has been to the GC before, but never from the air. I'm working at trying to find a way to make it happen for her. Not a small thing with her Parkinson's Disease, recent brain surgery, and related health issues. Going to take some doing but I want her to have this -- she never asks for anything, ever. Asking about some details so she can see if she and Grandpa can go some day is such an unheard of thing from her that my mom and aunt were both shocked to hear about the conversation.
GM girls!

@Tekate I bet you are right. I think Fred *is* depressed. Last night when Greg finally got home after his 8 hour marathon to and from the city and at the doctor's office he spent quality time with Fred and got him to purr. I feel like a bad mommy but I am afraid to hold them and have them sit on me now while they are contagious. It's just I am susceptible to skin issues so I am more vulnerable than a person without skin issues to catching this and getting a bad reaction. But so is Greg (he has moderate eczema) and he is not afraid. Thank goodness he is brave and he doesn't care about catching it and that he can hold and hug the cats. Anyway all that to say Fred was finally purring a bit last night but he has been and remains very listless and it is scary. The blood tests didn't give us any answers. It showed he might have one of three things. Lymphoma (worse case), IBD, or chronic pancreatitis. We need to do an Ultrasound but I spoke with my sister and she agrees we can wait on doing more tests for now. If he has lymphoma we aren't doing chemo since he is (probably) 17 and in the words of the local vet he is an "old man". But of course the local vet office wants to do many tests. Today I will set them straight. We are hoping that Fred does not have lymphoma and that is is *just* pancreatitis. That we can manage hopefully. #butfirst ringworm has to continue being treated.

Thank you so much Kate the Great. From the bottom of my heart. You make me smile. You bring cheer to my world with your kind and energetic positive spirit. You are a warm and wonderful person and I cherish you and our friendship. Thank you sweet girl. (((Hugs))).

Woohoo to cycling and some lovely weather @canuk-gal and got to have dinner at a restaurant. Sweet that your dh played a good game. Glad you are enjoying and may that continue. Again, my condolences on the loss of your sister's dog. Sending you healing hugs and love dear Sharon. (((Hugs)))

@TooPatient nice! Glad you had a wonderful time in Las Vegas. I have never been. My friend Tom goes often and thinks I would enjoy it. I have been to the GC and it is breathtaking. I am sorry about your grandmother having Parkinson's and hope she gets to visit the GC from the air and enjoy. You are a good granddaughter to try making this happen for her. My dear friend Z has Parkinson's and was diagnosed at least 10 years ago. She had brain surgery and knock wood is doing well. It is hard watching loved ones deteriorate. Sending you and your grandmother lots of good wishes and healing hugs. Yes cats are super sensitive to change. We took a deep cleaning day off but we still vacuumed so it was still noisy. But less invasive since we didn't disinfect and mop etc.

Dear @Slick1 how are you doing? Thinking of you. My nieces start school Tuesday and my sister is dreading it. I have to laugh because aren't parents supposed to be happy when the kids go back to school? Not my sister. She loves having them around. Or rather chauffeuring them around to each thing. Gymnastics, ballet, music, etc. Anyway hope you are having a great week and feeling well. Sending you love and hugs. XOXO.

@Scandinavian how did it go? How are the dogs? Hoping your mother is doing well and feeling good and sending continued healing vibes her way. And sending you big hugs and lots of love.

@AV_ good morning. How are you? Hope your week is going well. XOXO.

@Austina hope your eyes are feeling better. Hugs.

Yesterday after we did the meds with the cats and had coffee and my own meds we went cycling. Greg had to leave by 11:30 AM yesterday (his apt wasn't till 330 but the last ferry was at noon) so we got in a ride and when we got back both Greg and I vacuumed the entire house but didn't disinfect as one day off we hoped would be OK. The veterinarian said it would be OK but she couldn't swear to it. Anyway I could have disinfected the entire house by myself but frankly I am exhausted and we thought it would be fine to take one day off since they just had their lime dip Tuesday so maybe not as contagious right after. Who knows. Then I had the entire day to myself as Greg did not get back til 7:30 PM. He got a clean bill of health re his skin so woohoo to that. Relief for sure. Having the whole day to myself wasn't fun. I was in the house with the kitties and I couldn't get comfortable. They kept shedding and losing hair all over the place and it's tough watching them go through this.

We got a little rain as we were cycling yesterday but it was still a wonderful ride.
I love a little gentle rain.

On the Asbury boardwalk
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Cloudlicious sky
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and when we arrived home Tommy was waiting for us.


Greg took a photo on the ferry coming back home.


Today we are going cycling after we clean and disinfect and Greg has to be home mid afternoon for an important work conference call. And so it goes. Have a wonderful Thursday girls and hope everyone is enjoying a good week. Labor day weekend is upon us very soon. This summer went by dizzyingly fast. But honestly not fast enough for me. I just want to skip ahead to when our cats are well and praying that day does come. (((Hugs))).
Hello lovelies

Thank you for the links @missy, I haven’t had time to read them all yet, but I will. Poor Greg must’ve been shattered when he got home, but good that he got a clean bill of health and managed to get Fred purring again. I know it must be a huge relief that everything is OK with him. Like @Tekate, I’m convinced animals do get depressed, I’m certain that Dottie was when she came to us, she’d had such a horrible life before, and everything happened at once with her rehoming, that she didn’t know what was going on. Looks like the weather wasn’t too great for you yesterday. Thankfully it’s cooled down a little here after the heat we’ve been having. I’m also :lol: at your sister’s comments, school holidays couldn’t be over quick enough for me!

I don’t thinking timing wise, it’ll be possible for us to buy off plan @Tekate, but I’m excited for you and looking forward to hearing all about your design choices. :lol: I suspect both our husbands are too set in their ways to want anything to change. I forgot to say that I love your ring Katie made, the yellow sapphire really suits yellow gold.

Hi @TooPatient , LV is certainly something isn’t it? We were there a couple of years ago when we met up with friends from AZ for a few days and our son flew in to meet us too. We didn’t go or the GC that time, but had driven there previously, and it was pretty spectacular.

Hope you’re having a quiet week at work @marcy, woohoo, nearly the weekend :dance:

I’ve been out most of the day, went out for lunch with my former colleagues and we had a good catch up. When I got home, Colin and I went shopping, got him some linen trousers, then we went to do the food shopping and didn’t get home till after 6pm.

Big wave out to all the lovely NIRDIs, hope things are good with you all,:wavey:
@TooPatient Hi TooPatient yes no stairs is a must, first we had a house where the master was downstairs and so when the kids were young that was great, but as they went off to college (only 2 kids not 50 :) ) we were living in a somewhat small place and heating and cooling and upstairs for no good reasons, then I had both hips replaced and I was happy! but we retired and moved up here to Maine and bought a ranch and now we are going to have another one story and thank you for your kinds words!! so sorry to read your grandmom has Parkinsons TooPatient, my brother has this also. I hope she makes it to GC! I loved it there, it's awesome. :) :love:

@missy I hope today was a better day for the kittens and you. I am so glad to read that Greg is still without any melanoma, what a relief, although I know you are both vigilant for him :) I'm so glad Fred purred! what a wonderful sound, and I do understand about skin allergies since I can hold a soap bar and then break out, it's a bane for sure. Missy this summer has flown by! time... hope your nieces are enjoying school. Missy you are the marvelous Missy, the one who keeps us all together, you are the center and we are the spokes :) truly a wonderful thing! I send my heart to you this evening and hope this day and your ride this morning went well.. sending you love. ❤️❤️❤️

@Austina hopefullly you and @AV_ are soundly sleeping.. Hope you had a great lunch and we have to remember that we are both going to be in the same area in November. Glad your eyes are doing well too!

everyone have a great evening!
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