
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Just a quick hi while I can get in, hopefully when we’re nearer land tomorrow it’ll be better.

Hope you’re all well, I think we might be in for some choppy seas today :sick:

Met us with our friends and enjoyed quizzing with them (and won :mrgreen2:j.

Will post on more detail when the signals better.

Have a great day :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy yes I will send you and some of the other lovely ladies here some more photos that we just got yesterday from our carpenter. Sweet that Uber Marty is working to keep you safe and yay for enjoying a lovely dinner out with good convo last night after he picked you up from work. I like Sorel boots and your insulated LL Bean sound very cozy too. I tried on all my snow boots yesterday and determined I don't need more right now. I am recognizing I have an issue with buying too much crap and it is time to get smart about it. And if I decide I won't wear something I am going to get rid of it! Having said that I just took one of Greg's shirts he was going to get rid of because it is a comfy big shirt and I can wear it in the house. LOL he thought he could get it past me all the clothes he is giving away but no I am taking at least that one haha. Ok baby steps baby steps. :lol:

Jimmianne boo to stitch fix. But now you will be saving money shopping without them. And I am happy to join you in your search. Tell me what you are looking for and I will be happy to look for you. I enjoy shopping and while I do most of it online you can find real treasures online with a little bit of effort and some trial and error if you aren't sure of your size...I think we are similar sizes and have similar tastes so I might have an idea of what will look good on you.

Austina! Hello there from the cold northeast. Glad you are staying warm and enjoying some sunshine and fun and thank you for checking in! Enjoy and we look forward to hearing from you at your next port of call (or before). Hugs and have fun.:appl:

I have most everyone's contact info but if I don't and you want to see photos and video of the kitchen reno please just contact me here and I will send them.

Right now I am not sharing photos (and cannot share video) on PS but I reserve the right to change my mind at any time but as of now I am not in the mood to share on PS. But happy to share with my NIRDIs via email or text as I have been doing. There are one or two NIRDIs though whose contact info I don't have and I am not leaving you out purposefully so if you are interested just contact me. Though I don't blame you if you aren't interested I mean it's not as exciting as diamonds that is for sure.

Speaking of diamonds any blingy news from any of you lovely ladies?8):bigsmile:

Enjoy a lovely day girls!:wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls,
No news, and definitely no bling news. LOL.
Marcy, dinner sounds really nice. Surviving work this week too I hope?
Missy, LOL to not tell DH that you said I should stop working. I'm actually thinking about writing a doctorate (is that what you call it? To get the Ph.D.?) but I have not decided yet. Not until next year either way. Boots. I love tall boots. But I REALLY HATE snakes. Mostly in the woods. But I hate them so much that it transcends to all aspects - books, movies, fashion. LOL LOL LOL sorry..
Austina, please have some sun for me too!
I'm working in my own language this week, so confusing. I actually have to translate some of the words I need from English. :lol:
Jimmianne, perhaps you could complain about the box and get a new one?


Busy day at work yesterday but I wanted to pop in and say hello! I did have 2 of my girlfriends over yesterday. Cooked a simple meal and we caught up on life. One of my friends brought over some dolmas (stuffed grape leaves) that are one of my new favorite things to eat. If ya’ll have a Trader Joes, check it out sometime.

Well another busy day at work but afterwards will be stopping by another friend’s place. She recently lost her father and they are about to have her second baby. Challenging times for them but I’m bringing over a frozen meal and frozen cookies to hopefully help out in some way. Dust to them please? : )

I’m sure making the most of these evenings without DH being home but I’m eager for his return. Friday night, come sooner! Hope ya’ll have a great day and be safe!

@Austina – Hope the waters are smooth and you are getting a nice tan at the moment!

@missy – You crack me up… mystery boxes filled with jewelry. Quick, open it up and see who can style it best with your wardrobe.

Wow those white boots are definitely fun! I have a hard time being “bold” with some of my outfits and not sure if I’m an animal skin type of girl. I do have one pair of black shoes that have some sort of animal type look but it’s black and is really subtle. If you don’t mind the boldness of it, I think it is quite fun!!! What a fun decision and most important is to find something that keeps you warm!

Love all your reno updates and send them my way anytime! So nice to see progress!

No bling news yet. Still the patient waiting game.

@marcy – Yes they got the mystery box idea from the cooking shows. The instructor recently revamped the entire syllabus. I think he’s just having fun with us. : ) He’s a great instructor though so it will be a good experience.

The scarf sounds beautiful! How long does it take to make a scarf if you worked on it continuously?

Sorry to hear about the meatloaf issue but at least it wasn’t undercooked and got people sick.

@Jimmianne – maxi dresses at this time of year? A bit too early perhaps? Sorry that you aren’t going to continue with Stitch Fix but there is always online shopping!


Jun 8, 2008
Just a few quick thoughts.

@Scandinavian lol I was only joking! You are far too young to stop working and yes to getting your Phd! I am a big believer in education as in more is better and the more you learn the more you know and the better it serves you! Good for you. I am always rooting for you no matter what. And more healing hugs for a full recovery and successful surgery.

@PierreBear haha not a real snake but yes I hear you. I am not getting the boots. I decided after going through my snow boot collection yesterday enough is enough. Though on Rue La La there are some tempting La Canadienne waterproof boots I am eyeing. Hahaha omg what can I say I am hopeless. As for being bold you can try it with baby steps. One item at a time. It is a fearless way to be bold I think and have fun with it. Try one accessory and see how you feel. It's fun!

@marcy forgot to ask you could you share photos of the lovely scarf? Either here or via email or text? Thanks Marcy. I love that you are so creative and that so many of the NIRDIs are so creative! A talented bunch for sure. :love:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, I'm enjoying this break from the cold weather, that's for sure! I agree, we're nearing the end of January and spring seems just a bit closer, woo-hoo. Would love to see progress pics of the kitchen! I understand not always feeling up to sharing online. It's a shame that the red boots turned out to be out of stock, ugh! The white boots are adorable but I hear you on holding off, atl least for now :twisted: I love the snowboots you do have! So cute. Unfortunately, no new bling for me anytime soon :cry2: Poor poor Junie lol.

Jimmianne, forgot to say that I love your new band with Mildred! Looks beautiful, the engraving is lovely :appl: Oh no to the Stitch Fix fail, sorry! - and lol to having to leave the house to shop for clothes :D

Austina, thanks for checking in and I'm sorry the seas are a bit choppy for you - glad you are having a great time so far. Thanks for mentioning the Agatha Christie movie, I read the book and will definitely watch the movie.

PB, it's great that the people in your class seem nice, makes a big difference. I hated classes where people were competitive and cold. So funny your assignments were inspired by tv cooking shows! I'm sure you will learn a lot. Looking forward to seeing what you make! I've known my friend since high school, and that's a looong time haha - we've lost touch here and there over the years but have maintained a relationship in spite of that. Glad you had a nice time with your friends and that you are keeping busy while dh is away. So sorry to hear about your friend's loss, very hard. I can empathize, my father died while I was pregnant with my second too. Very kind of you to visit and bring a meal, I'm sure it will be such a comfort to her. You're a good friend, hugs.

Scandi, I hope work has eased up for you a little and you're not feeling too stressed. I hope you can get the surgery over with soon, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Marcy, your scarf sounds really pretty, agree with Missy, would love to see a pic! Glad the roads are better, and sorry the messy weather is making your beautiful car so dirty, boo. Your mid-week dinner sounds like fun - I love doing something a little different duing the week once in a while just to break up the usual routine.

Just kind of plugging along here, not much new to report. I've been looking online for painting classes in my area just to get out and do something a little different but haven't really found anything that appeals to me yet. When I was at Pet Smart the other day I noticed that their adoption center uses volunteers and I've been thinking about looking into it but not sure.

A big hello to all the nirds, hope all is well with everyone!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, Hobby Lobby is a great store to wander around; they have so many cool things. I am pretty introverted around people I don’t know. I become an extrovert after a glass or two of wine. Oh no that your Stitch Fit box was a disappointment.

Austina, sounds like you are having fun. Oh no to choppy seas.

Missy, I love big, comfy shirts. Plus you’ll enjoying wearing it because it is Greg’s. Cool. When they were building our house we were taking pictures daily; it was fun to watch the progress. What is their estimated finish date? I have no new bling news but it’s not for lack of wishing I could buy this, this or this. It’s hard not to buy stuff, huh? I will post a picture of my scarf. I hope to finish it this weekend. The NIRDI’s are a talented bunch.

Scandi, I hope you are feeling a little better. Sorry for no news yet. I have survived the week so far. One more day to go.

PierreBear, that’s nice to have some friends over to visit. That is nice to take some food to your friend; that is too bad she recently lost her father. That’s great your instructor changes things; I did that when I was teaching to keep myself from getting bored with a routine. I could probably get a scarf done in a week if I worked on it every night. I used to knit a lot; I don’t have to pay much attention to it when I know. Crocheting - that is another matter.

Junebug, I am glad you are enjoying some nicer weather. That’s nice you are still friends with someone from high school. I keep in touch with a friend from grade school; she lives in Nebraska but it’s always like we just talked to each other. I will get a picture of my scarf, I know it will help keep me warm at work. My car is pretty dirty but it still goes fast. I hit a new top speed today. Ha Ha. A painting class and volunteering at Pet Smart sound like a great idea. I think you’d enjoy both of them.

Not much going on today. We watched 2 classic movies tonight. Uncle Buck and Grumpy Old Men. Both amusing shows.

I went shopping on Amazon tonight. Ha Ha.

Tomorrow is Friday. I have to get up early because we are dropping off the pickup for an oil change. But I get off work 2 hours early so that will be nice.

Have a great day.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!
Horrible picture, but never mind that! Bathtub finally installed! :)

Marcy, any cookie plans for the weekend? Can I come if you are baking?
Missy, you have such a big city life! Any shows planned this weekend?
June, buhu to no bling, LOL
Jimmianne, still a lot of snow where you live too? We are driving into the mountains tomorrow to look for even more snow, LOL
PB, your cooking classes sound amazing, look forward to pictures!
Hugs! And merry weekend all!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie I love the idea of taking painting classes to make winter more enjoyable. I hope you find something suitable. Being in my neighborhood there are so many classes offered (at Brooklyn Museum and Botanical Gardens) but I just don't seem to have the time this winter. Maybe next year. My friend M takes so many classes and really is enjoying her retirement but super busy all the time. I am not ready to over schedule myself just yet. I really hope you can find a class you want to take now or maybe volunteer at Pet Smart. That is a great idea too and one close to my heart. I think you would be so great at working with the rescues Junie!

Austina did you receive all the photos and videos I sent you? If not check your spam folder. Hope the seas are calm and smooth and you guys are enjoying yourselves.

Marcy love online shopping as you know...what did you buy on Amazon last night? Yay to getting out early from work today and for taking care of your car. Estimated finish date is around beginning of March I think but we will see. Initially they said the job would take 6 weeks. Bwahahaha never in a minute did I think it would be 6 weeks. The soonest it could be done (my estimation) is beginning of March and that is if everything works out from hereon in so likely it will be done hopefully sometime in March. Fingers crossed. I am glad you enjoyed the photos/videos and I will keep em coming as I get them. Cannot wait to see your beautiful scarf when you are finished with it.

Scandi haha big city life not lol but yes we are going to the Philharmonic today to enjoy Romeo and Juliet and the music of Prokofiev. Can't wait. Love the photo of your bathroom and it looks beautiful. Love all your photos from yesterday and before thank you. Everything you are building looks so homey and comfy and warm and cozy and inviting. (((Hugs))) and thank you sweetie.

PB please update us with your culinary class and what you are cooking this week. Yay it's Friday and your dh is coming home today I think. Have a lovely day and enjoy.

Hi to everyone else. Have a wonderful Friday!:wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

The internet is still hopeless, I’m not receiving any emails @missy so I’ll check when we get to Aruba.

Talking of which, we saw the coastline of Colombia, and that’s as far as we got! They tried to dock but it was too dangerous so gave up and decided to head for Aruba, so another day at sea.

Will hopefully catch up properly tomorrow, so until then, have a great day :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Austina, you are having a real adventure already! I hope it’s OK for you..
There is somnething nice about having to drop back on communicating via electronics, but indeed I am looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

Now Missy, please live the big city life for us. You are our eyes on the ground, or whatever it is called, for the sophisticated life : )

Scandi, you are driving to look at more snow!!??
Don’t you want to stay home and take a nice bath in your beautiful tub??

Marcy, I hope you had fun at Amazon last night. What did you get?

I’ve been Zappoing and found shoes that I love. They are very comfortable. You cannot destroy Sketchers and they are blister-free right out of the box. I bought a pair of their flats to wear for my very first visit to France and thanks to the fact that you can toss them in the washing machine they still look brand new. Amazing. These are metallic sparkly and chunky... 9CC6B00C-B0E6-47D5-9AE7-782DB9CD8DF2.jpeg

It is like Spring here and the daffodils are coming up, the grass is growing.


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Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Austina ahoy there! Sorry you were unable to dock the ship at your last port of call but better to be safe and Aruba is waiting for you. Hope your day at sea is proving to be calm and enjoyable. We might have more photos next week weather depending as now cabinet installation is tentatively beginning next week and they are leaving 4 days for it. Sounds like a long installation doesn't it?

Jimmianne good morning. Love those sketchers. Those are sophisticated and elegant and comfortable. LOVE them. And I love that you made Zappos a verb. I love Zappos by the way. Great site. And haha to the sophisticated life compliment (not really) but thanks and I graciously accept. What are your weekend plans? Hope you are enjoying some nice weather. Yay to Spring on the way and daffodils blooming. ((Hugs)).

PierreBear sleep well and no worries. I think it is all going to be a happy outcome fingers crossed for you. Hope you are enjoying your weekend and enjoying your dh being home again.

We had a lovely time yesterday and the music of Prokofiev is powerful and gripping and impressive. Wonderful. I loved our seats for this performance even more than last week. We were in first row mezzanine center. Perfect overview of the stage and the musicians. Last week we were in the front orchestra center. Greg prefers orchestra and I prefer mezzanine. LOL but it is good switching it up for sure. Both areas have advantages and disadvantages.

I love the overview of all the musicians but being closer you can see their faces and details you cannot see from the mezzanine. Greg prefers orchestra mainly because he feels the sound is better in the orchestra. Fuller and you could feel the vibrations which is a plus when you are listening to powerful music. I see (and hear haha) the advantages.

For our next philharmonic performance we are in the orchestra because the orchestra is bigger and easier to get tickets for vs the mezzanine which is much smaller an area and also more expensive and all that was left for the Beethoven concert was orchestra. But I did manage to snag aisle seats which is always my preference. Haha enough chatter about the Philharmonic and thanks for reading my boring rambling thoughts. A photo for your efforts.:bigsmile:

It's a gorgeous stage and was an amazing performance. Wow to the violinist solo. Took this photo at the end of the program during the very long standing ovation.

Beautiful weather here and probably going to visit the rescues and enjoy the day outside while we can. Rain and snow on the way uh oh. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
Have a lovely Saturday girls!:wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Hooray! We’re on terra firma again. The sea was choppy, but I think we’ve found our sea legs as we didn’t feel queasy at all.

We’re in a very sunny, hot Aruba, Starbucks to be precise :lol: At least we have Wi-fi, but no emails coming through as yet :(

Wow, that bathtub is glorious @Scandinavian if you decide to go ahead, what will your doctorate be on?

Glad your DH is home and you can enjoy the w/e together @PierreBear good that you already know some of your cooking classmates. Is there a theme to this next course?

Great seats @missy, either position sounds good for the performance so win win situation. If I recall, I think it took at least 4 days for cabinet installation when we had our kitchen done, it’s all the finishing pieces that take the time rather than the unit placements. Can’t wait to see the progress.

Another Skechers fan @Jimmianne they are soooooo comfortable, feel like ‘old’ shoes as soon as you put them on. I’ve even persuaded Colin to try them :D. Boo to receiving unsuitable clothing, but lots of choices on line to look at.

Hi @marcy hope the snow isn’t still causing you issues and the pickup is full of clean oil:mrgreen2: have a great weekend, any plans?

Hey @junebug17 I wish I had some artistic talent like you, it’d be great to take classes. Yes to volunteering at PetSmart, just don’t fall in love with all the waifs and strays.

A photo from Miami as we were about to set sail :bigsmile:

I ‘may’ have bought one or two things to ease the boredom of being on board ;)2 A beautiful baby Blue Coccinelle hand bag with matching wallet, and a Bellarri silver and rose gold necklace :oops:. :lol:

Will hopefully be able to post a bit easier as we should be in a different port most days from now on.

Have a great weekend :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Beautiful photo @Austina. :love:Such a magnificent backdrop too. And the color of the sea. Wow. Enjoy!


Dec 31, 2006
Marcy OMG I totally misread the bear picture LOL Now I get it. So funny. Speaking of stolen identity I went to a new breast doctor yesterday and they asked for my social security #. When I refused that, they asked for the last 4. I refused that too and they backed down, thankfully. I always get nervous when going to a new Doctor's office because I know some won't back down.

jimmianne NIRDIs count as social contacts for sure (or at least I hope so because if not I am in sad shape LOL) I couldn't count Cortana (that's the Windows girl) because I have her completely turned off and blocked so she can't help me or talk to me LOL Had never heard of the book Quiet. I strongly dislike when a therapist talks during a massage - but might be different if I had a friendship with them I guess.

missy I would love to see the video of them warming up - please send it to me when you have a chance. I have not sent the letter yet :/ but thank you so much for asking because it prompted me to at least draft it. I think part of the reason I was procrastinating on it is because I wanted to include some questions about the actual findings and wanted to look at some things from previous reports. It's almost ready to go. BTW I would have voted black on the boots but like PB I'm not very bold with my outfits. Have a nice time at the rescues today and give an extra hug to lovely Luna for me. She is so lovely.

PB sorry to hear about some of your plants :( the only thing I've ever read is that when it gets cold you should bring the potted ones inside if possible. Did you get to the part in your class where you have to modify a recipe? And what did you pick? (I don't like cooking at all, but that sounds so fun and interesting to me). And yes, sweet potatoes are awesome - they're easy, and so good, even without any oils or salt. Tons of dust for your friend :( It was very nice of you to go by and see her.

Austina "Colin was in a flap" I love that way of putting it I've never heard that before. How did you manage to get a double upgrade? Was it luck or you negotiated it? ETA we were posting same time! Nice picture! Enjoy!

june glad you had a nice lunch with your friend. Hope you find a nice painting class soon. It would be so awesome if you ended up doing something at Petsmart with the doggies and kitties.

Everything is OK here. Mousey is good. She is now on Petfinder so one more avenue of exposure.

The one thing I wanted to share with you guys is how weird people can be. :( Remember I had told you about the really nice lady I met at the vet, who said to send her pictures of Mousey so she could share with her contacts, since she knows a lot of people in rescue? I mean I had like a 15 minute conversation with her. Let's just say that she not only never responded to my emails when I went back to the vet and she saw me I was so glad to see her, I was like "Hi! how are you doing?" she was kind of aloof and weird. But I figured let me not assume anything - so I was like "oh, and did you ever get my email? I thought maybe you don't recognize me?" She was like "oh, no, yeah, I got it, I recognize you." And said nothing else. :( And then at one point she (while talking with someone else) said something along the lines how she doesn't like cats too much or that she likes dogs better or something like that. :( I was just so confused by the whole thing. I know I might be reading too much into it and personalizing it but I just felt confused and hurt for Mousey.

On another note I watched that movie Snatched with Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn last night. It got really bad reviews so I wasn't expecting much, I put it on out of curiosity, but I thought it was really funny. I haven't seen much of Amy Schumer lately and when I looked her up I see that she seems that a lot of people dislike some of the things she's said / done and that she has been accused of stealing jokes but since I didn't know any of that I was able to just enjoy the movie. I think she's hysterical even if she can sometimes be quite raunchy and tactless. Kind of like in the same way I think Chelsea is funny.

I also went to see another "breast Doctor" I'll fill you guys in on that a little later.

For now just wanted to check in and say hello and send you hugs all around.

Rainwood and Christy, missing you!

Hugs everyone! Have a wonderful Saturday.


Apr 19, 2004

Missy: I saw a couple of gals walking with your red boots--I wished it had been you but knew you were at the symphony....LOL Next year will be yours for those red boots cuz they are totally stylin. :love:

Austina: I love cruising except for the boats and water and waves and thousands of people. But Aruba? Yes, totally. Me loves.

JA--I'd love to see dozens of pictures of your Tiffany ring. I read your post (in another thread) of how your Mother wanted the Tiffany experience, and I would love to live that in seeing your ring. That Tiffany ring is truly my favorite solitaire ring....:love:...and if I had one I'd wave my hand around for all to notice!

Mother nature really has no business pissing me off. It has turned into a deep freeze and at present is snowing. On the naughtily list....FOR SURE!

Scandia--your tub is divine looks as though it could fit all us NIRDIs in it. Can we all come over? I promise to behave and only drink 3 of the 4 bottles of champagne I bring. After all, I know my limits and have no wish to put upon a great host.

Glad you are feeling better PB. Hello Marcy.



Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, all right for the bathtub finally installed. I did make Snickerdoodles this afternoon. I need to take them to work on Monday. I swear I am making my bear and rabbit sugar cookies on Wednesday. Come on over; I can always use the company and a cookie tester. Do you still have a lot of snow? Our streets are still like glaciers.

Missy, my shopping on Amazon was rather boring. 2 water filters for the frig, some lotion, vanilla lip smackers, a game for my friend’s kids and some Valentine’s cards. March 1st isn’t that far away but I know it seems to take a long time to finish things. When they were building our place we came by daily to see their progress. I am so glad you enjoyed the Philharmonic today. What a fabulous picture and that is very cool to hear the difference in experience and sound depending on where you set. I also prefer isle seats; easter to get in and out if you need to go somewhere.

Austina, why was it too dangerous to go in to Columbia; the sea was rough? I have visions of emeralds dancing in my head. At least you found wifi in Aruba. I love the picture of you in Miami. Your new treasures sound great. Naturally you should be buying new things on your trip.

Jimmianne, I told Missy above what I bought at Amazon. Just boring stuff I am too lazy to go buy or things it’s hard to find on the shelves here anymore. I like your Skechers. They look very comfortable. I saw where the had flooding in France. It looks pretty awful.

CJ, no worries about the bear picture. I don’t like to give out my social security number either. Why a doctor needs it; I just don’t get it. I know it’s in case they have to track you down for payment but I pay my bills leave my info alone. I hope Petfinder helps find a great home for Mousey. That is strange about that lady acting so differently; maybe she has different moods that come out at times. Snatched was pretty good. I’ve got on Geostorm right now; it’s not wowing me for sure.

Sharon, we have very similar thoughts on cruises; I continue to resist that adventure. My in-laws love them. Sorry that Mother Nature is reminding you who’s in charge of the weather.

Marty got up about 4 and left by 4:30 this morning. There were an accident in the mountains so he took a mountain pass to get around it. He said it was very pretty up there. He and his sister and company enjoyed the snow tubing. He said it was very safe. I’d been giving him a hard time about how dangerous that was to do. He is about an hour out from home according to my stalking app.

My cleaning lady had to leave an hour early today but amazingly she got everything done. Makes me wonder why she can’t do that all the time.

My sister and BIL got to town about the time she left so I met them for lunch then we came back here to visit. She picked up another one of her sapphires rings from the jeweler downtown. It is really pretty. The sapphire is something she found in a gem tailings bag and had cut. It’s a teal blue color.

I made snickerdoodles for work on Monday and then had popcorn for supper.

I did get most of my laundry done so I’ll be bored when Marty heads to DIA tomorrow because my weekend chores are finished.

Take care.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Sunday and hugs to all your furbabies.

Sharon ugh to the weather behaving naughtily. Hoping it starts behaving soon and I am glad you have your Olang boots to keep you safe, warm and stylish. Yes I will be the gal wearing the red Olang boots next winter and I will take the photos for you to show them off. Haha to loving cruising except for the boats and water and waves and people lol. I know what you mean. Yes to Tiffany ring being special and well I might be checking a Tiffany ring with an OEC out soon...will keep you all posted if that happens. :cool2:

CJ aww sorry about that odd behavior from that woman. People can behave so strangely. I know that was particularly upsetting however having to do with Mousey and the hope to find a loving home for her. I'm sorry sweetie and I am keeping good thoughts and not giving up in the search and I know you are doing everything possible. (((Hugs))). I don't give out my SS# either anymore at the doctor's office. I am glad you enjoyed the photos and videos and I will continue sending as I receive/take new ones. Also Bianca (I think that is who you mean when you say Luna) is with the Sunday rescue group so we didn't see her yesterday. I am hoping she found a loving home but will check on that and let you know if I find out. Hugs to you and all your sweet fur babies. I LOVED the photos you sent thank you so much!

Marcy glad Marty and his sister enjoyed the snow tubing. Sounds like a blast. And glad he left early to avoid traffic and issues getting there and that he missed that accident. Nice that your cleaning lady was super efficient and haha I hear you. I don't love when they are there too many hours as I like to be out of the house when it is getting cleaned (I feel strangely weird being there like who am I to sit around while they clean do you kwim?) so the more efficient they are the better. What a beautiful sapphire ring your sister found. I LOVE it and the color is gorgeous. Umm snickerdoodles and popcorn oh man I wouldn't turn either of those down. Though I am just going by the name as I never tried snickerdoodles before. It sounds delicious however. Your amazon shopping sounds good to me. I like vanilla lip smackers and I didn't even realize you could buy cards on Amazon silly me. What can't you buy on Amazon is the real question.:lol: Good for you for getting all your chores done and safe trip for Marty today.

Jimmianne oh no to the Paris flooding. Have you heard anything from your DD's in-laws to be about the situation? Hoping everyone is OK and that things are getting back to normal. Terrible flooding.:cry2:

We had a lovely day yesterday and the weather was just beautiful especially for January. 50s and sunny and mild and comfortable. Won's last however as it is cooling down by tomorrow. A bit of light rain now and supposed to clear for the afternoon. Visited the rescues yesterday and not sure we are going to see the Sunday crew today. Still deciding what we want to do for the day. Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday fun day.:wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
marcy I *especially* enjoy buying all the boring stuff because every second I realize I don't have to go outside to get it LOL Glad you didn't get upset about the bear I really did get it quite wrong. :/ They don't need it they want it, just like you said, in case you don't pay. I think they have enough info with my license #, address, date of birth, insurance card, and everything else they have you sign. :/ I realize that there is no way to protect yourself against identity theft but I think every time a patient refuses it makes them realize they should be using a different way to ID patients. Yeah, the lady was weird. It really threw me for a loop. Thank you for your good thoughts for Mousey. Snatched was good, right? I laughed several times throughout. It was kind of sad for me to see Goldie Hawn with so much facial surgery, but I also "get it"', wanting to get rid of wrinkles. Geostorm has really bad reviews too - guess those are true LOL

So, was your stalking app correct? Hope you enjoyed your evening with Marty. (glad he was safe)

missy yeah on top of it being confusing for me personally it was hurtful because of Mousey. I even went back to the email to see if maybe I had said something without realizing that she may have taken the wrong way. I didn't see anything at all but of course I'm not her. Thank you for your thoughts and good wishes and help with her. (((hugs back))) OMG yes, I meant Bianca! She is just so gorgeous I'm sorry that you didn't get to see her yesterday. I loved the renovation pictures so nice to see it as it goes along. :) I am sure whatever you guys do today will be super nice. Enjoy to the max. (((hugs)))

Hugs and kisses to everyone, have a great Sunday girls!

Hi Sharon! :wavey:

ETA OMG Jimmianne I hope everyone's OK


Feb 24, 2017
Hi lovelies

We’re in Bonaire today, small island, not a lot to see, but we’ve added to the economy by taking a taxi ride around the island:D

I used to feel like you @canuk-gal couldn’t imagine being on a floating hotel, but really, if you find the right cruiseline, it’s a great way to travel. The ship has only 1250 passengers max, so never feels crowded, we’ve met great people who we’ve remained friends with, the food is good, it’s usually calm seas, and we only have to unpack once.

Thanks @missy, I finally managed to get the photos and I’m really liking your choice of cabinets. I know it’ll look great and be well worth the upheaval. A Tiffany ring???:shock: I still find it hard to believe you’ll find something more elegant than Bea.

The woman sounds like a weirdo @CJ2008 put her strange behaviour out of your mind, perhaps she was just showing off at the vets office. Hopefully it won’t be long before Mousey is getting her paws firmly settled in a new home. The winds were too strong in Colombia for us to dock safely, apparently they tried twice, but gave up so as not to damage the ship or injure passengers with a possible impact.

Wow, that sapphire is a gorgeous colour @marcy, what a great find for your sister. Snow tubing sounds like fun, but I’m not sure I’d get up that early to go and do it :shock: I’ve never had cleaning people in, because I always have visions of them rifling through my stuff and I couldn’t go out while they were there. When we moved, the new owners asked me for our cleaning lady’s name. I told them I knew she wouldn’t be interested, and they were surprised, till I told them it was me :mrgreen2: The roads sound treacherous, be careful.

What is a snickerdoodle? Sounds like some overpriced crossbreed that silly people pay a fortune for, but I know it’s not :lol:

Hope everything is well with you @Jimmianne and your French home isn’t in any danger.

Hi @junebug17 and @Scandinavian hope you’re both having a good weekend.

Day on the water tomorrow then next stop Grenada :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, ooh to a Tiffany ring with an OEC. I love my one and only Tiffany band. I feel funny just sitting around when they are cleaning too; like get off my butt and do something. If you like sugar cookies and cinnamon you’d like snickerdoodles. You are so right; I think you can find almost anything on Amazon. I just ordered Marty a clock that looks like a weight on a barbell. It’s will be his Valentine’s Day present. Glad you are having a nice weekend.

CJ, I am getting more and more protective of my info; too much identity theft for sure. Snatched has some funny spots. I agree facial surgery didn’t do Goldie any favors. I didn’t last more than 15 minute with Geostorm. I am watching Salt right now. Yes, my stalking app was correct. I really liked it when he was overseas because even through we didn’t want to pay a lot of money to talk or text I could still see he was at least going to work, eating dinner and then getting back to his hotel. Email was the cheapest way to stay in touch then.

Austina, good deal touring the island to help out the local economy. Glad you don’t feel crowded on your cruise and have made lasting friends on them. I don’t like to get up early for anything especially to be playing out in the cold. My parents used to snow mobile and I did that occasionally; it was fun once I got out there but I always got cold. What a compliment the new owners wanted to hired the same maid at your old house. One thing I like about our cleaning ladies is we know them so I do trust them with our stuff. The one lady is the DIL of a very good friend of Marty’s and the other lady is her sister. Snickerdoodles are basically a sugar cookie with cinnamon on top. Have fun in Grenada.

Marty is on his way to the airport already. I’m bored and restless. I am watching the Monk marathon. Maybe I’ll dig out my knitting. It will keep my lap warm anyway.

Have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
I found something to do.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi nirdis! I'm very far behind but I'll do my best...

Missy, so glad you had a great time at the Philharmonic, sounds wonderful. A nice perk to city living is having so many options for things to see and do. March seems a long way off but the days are flying by so it will be here before you know it and you will have a gorgeous new kitchen.

Scandi, beautiful tub, love it :love: Hope you found more snow in the mountains and had a great time!

Jimmianne, I really like sketchers too, very comfortable. Love the ones you got!

Austina, lucky you to be visiting such warm and beautiful places! Love the pic of you in Miami, you look great. You must be having a fabulous time. Yes, I do run the risk of bringing home a furbaby if I volunteer at Petsmart lol! I don't think dh would be too thrilled.

CJ, that woman really did behave strangely, not sure what's up with her. . It's definitely nothing you said or did. Some people are just so odd. I'm sorry for the confusing and upsetting encounter and I'm hoping that she did at least let some people know about Mousey.

Sharon, ugh, sorry about the deep freeze! I like your idea of trying out Scandi's tub, I'll bet we could all squeeze in somehow ha!

Marcy, glad Marty made it home from tubing in one piece lol - sounds like he had a good time. It's nice you went out to lunch with your family and I love your sister's ring, the sapphire is such a beautiful color. Yum to snickerdoodles. Lol to finding something to do, those cookies are really cute and I'm sure they're delicious - I'm getting hungry looking at them haha!

A pretty quiet weekend, didn't do too much. Dh and I grabbed a bit to eat Saturday night and then watched Bridesmaids and ate ice cream. I had never seen the whole movie - so silly but some parts are just really funny. Today was just laundry and watching golf with dh and ds. Oh, I did do some Amazon shopping too - I bought a bird feeder and a few toys for Zoe, I never got her anything for Christmas lol :P2

Hope everyone has a good Monday!


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!
I'll check in later but just wanted to say good morning and show you this picture from yesterday. We didn't go to the Mountains, too much wind. So this is what I did instead :mrgreen2: The world can be such a fantastic place!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie I'm glad you and dh enjoyed a lovely weekend. Yay for movies and ice cream and spending time together. Zoe is going to enjoy her belated Christmas gifts I am sure. Too bad it is winter and the weather won't be so great this week as I might be checking something out and if the weather was going to be nice I would love for you to join me...

Austina I enjoyed cruising in the past and went on many cruises. I agree with you that it depends on the size of the ship and the crew to passenger ratio and the nature of the crowd. I always enjoyed seeing different ports of call that you might not as easily get to see in another fashion and I LOVED not packing and unpacking. Many advantages to seeing different places via ship. And the food was amazing too. So yes it can be a very pleasurable and easy way to travel. Enjoy the wonderful sunny weather!

CJ hope the rest of your weekend went very well and that your furry crew is well. I sent out a few more emails yesterday fingers crossed. Let us know how it goes with your doctor's office and the letter you are sending. And yes you never know where a home for Mousey might be found. I am hoping her purrrrrfect family is out there and will find her soon. Sending you big hugs. And fwiw I think we are more alike than we are different. (((Hugs))).

Marcy That is sweet that you already got Marty his Valentine's Day gift. Way to plan ahead! I hope Marty has a good trip and that your workweek goes smoothly and that everything continues working. Speaking of which we bought a few things yesterday just in case our Roku (new) decides it doesn't want to be compatible with Netflix. So in addition to a new Roku and waiting for a new modem to be sent here we bought an Amazon Firestick. Does anyone here have any experience with the Firestick? We didn't need to set it up last night as Netflix was working through Roku but we are prepared lol. Started watching a sweet series called Anne with an E and we surprisingly are enjoying it. It's a 180 from what we normally watch but I am loving the peaceful non violent nature of this show. I need a break from the graphic violence that seems to be in every movie/series etc.

Those cookies look scrumptious (haha to use Anne with an E's word of the day lol) are teasing us naughty girl but please continue doing so as I love seeing your baked goodies and can almost taste them. And no calories too. Though if you sent some here I would surely enjoy them and darn those calories. You gotta live right?

Hello Sharon! Hope you are staying warm and comfy. The series we are watching was filmed on Prince Edward island. It is beautiful there.

Scandi love that cool photo.:love:

Have a wonderful Monday ladies!:wavey:


Good morning! This past weekend went by too quickly. Not necessarily a restful one with some chores of gardening, car washing/vacuuming, and other misc items but it was necessary and the home feels more in order. We tried a new Chinese restaurant this weekend and the soup was so flavorful and spicy. My new favorite place and it really transformed me back to visiting Taiwan, which we are planning to do this upcoming year to see my mom.

Oh and DH and I watched a beautiful and poingnant animation. I just randomly found it at the library but it was called Red Turtle. Same creators of Spirited Away and Ponyo. Very simple movie without much words and it was interesting as the animation was so simple that I almost thought it was an old movie. Anyhow, it had a pretty sad ending but very fitting. Has anyone seen it?

Well today is cooking class and it's all about cheese. I think we are going to eat our fill tonight. Cheese for dinner is healthy right?! hehehe....

@missy – Such a foreign thing to me to hear about your “snow boot collection” as a Texas who rarely sees snow. I think the warmest thing I have that is a bit unusual is a parka, which I used for swimming as a kid. I’ve kept it with me and used it occasionally on really terrible days but it’s water proof on the outside and has some warm fuzz on the inside.

The name Rue La La is wonderful! I would be tempted just with the way the brand sounds. : )

Thanks again for keeping me calm and I guess the performance is rubbing off on you to me. I didn’t have much anxiety on Sunday but on Saturday, I was comparing pictures a bit. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever sat close enough to “feel” the music. We will have to splurge one day and get good tickets. I played the flute in high school and went to concerts frequently to get extra credit when you write a report. I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have getting access to those concerts at such a discounted price!

@junebug17 – Oh goodness, sorry to hear about your father passing away at a pivotal point in your life. May I ask what he passed from? My friend was in fairly good spirits. She’s a pretty stoic young lady and very strong and put together. They are handling it well. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to go to the memorial since DH is running a race that day that he’s been training for quite awhile.

I wish we lived closer as I would absolutely love to take a painting/art class one day. Hope you fond something you like! Have you considered community classes? Not to bring up age and not sure where you are in life (young at heart obviously!) but I’ve heard that if you are over 65, you can get up to 6 credit hours for free. I know what I’m doing at age 65….. : )

@marcy – A week to make an accessory? Wow, I am thoroughly impressed. I have a few scarfs that I just love and wear them to death. I often rely on them instead of wearing a jacket at times since it’s smaller thing to carry and the weather swings so much here.

By the way, we are planning for our Wyoming trip and luckily booked up some camp sites within Yellowstone. Geez, it was booking up quickly for our trip in June. I guess it’s just the thing to do in the summertime.

@Scandinavian – Hope you are feeling better. The tub looks great. I don’t think I’ve seen a purely round tub before so it really stands out to me as unique. Have you used it yet?

@Austina – Glad you are having a blast on the cruise and staying safe. You look wonderful in your cruise attire! That hat!!!!! : )

Share a photo of your new hand bag and bling once you get the chance! What a great souvenir. My DH finally got a replacement wallet. It took some digging and exploring to get what he wanted and eventually he picked a wallet that was 50% on sale and they offered free embossing. I think that’s what ended to search… hahaha

@Jimmianne – Those shoes you found are so fun!

@CJ2008 – Yes, the potted ones we bring inside but the other ones are in permanent structures so we could only just wrap, cover, and pray for their safety. We did do some gardening this weekend to try and replant the ones that fell/broke off. Time will tell but I know mother nature is amazing so I have some hope!

Thanks for asking about my cooking class. I am turning in that assignment today and the chef will meet with us one on one to game plan which recipe we will modify or make a twist on it. One of the recipes I said green chili stew and I know I can easily turn that into a sandwich/noodle dish using the same flavors but that might not be adventurous enough. I’m not worried about it yet…. Hehe .

Hmmm that is a weird story about the lady at the vet. It almost sounds like she might have a memory issue or is having an off day? I wouldn’t take it personally at all.

@canuk-gal – Hello and sorry to hear about all the snow over there! Hope you are keeping warm and I think your idea of drinking 3 to 4 bottles would surely keep the internal fire going. You are too much fun!


Dec 9, 2013
I just read this whole page and have one thing to say...

From what I’ve learned, the flooding in France is similar to what I saw in 2016. No better, no worse. My house is just out of the flood zone, and all my friends on rivers are safe and dry.

PierreB, a friend made lasagne out of layers of ravioli. It’s fun to think of different ways of doing things. Good luck on your cooking project!

Winter, please be over! Of course it’s only January so we have miles to go, but a cruise sounds very very good just about now!



Dec 31, 2006
Just a really quick hello right now, mostly wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for saying the woman is probably a weirdo, and odd, and everything else. I love my NIRDIs. :D

it's funny how when we try to think of OTHER reasons why someone might behave a certain way we can always find them and makes you realize it really might have nothing to do with you. Maybe they're just weird. We never know why people do what they do. Thanks.

marcy if you're ever bored again come over my house I'll let you make some cookies just so you're not bored :bigsmile: I don't remember that movie Salt, even though I'm pretty I saw it. It's with Angeline Jolie right? Hope you had an uneventful day at work today.

juney thanks. It made me laugh when you said some people are just so odd. No toys for Zoey on Christmas Day? I hope she forgave you. I haven't had ice cream in so long. What flavor did you have?

missy yes, I relaxed, mostly, so it was perfect. :) and yes I have a feeling we're alike in many ways. :) I only got one email - no pictures today.

Scandi that is one cool picture.

PB glad you got to replant your plants - I hope they all make it OK.

I hope you'll keep us updated on your cooking class assignment. Hopefully your idea is adventurous enough. Or maybe he will force you to try something totally different. Whatever it is I hope you have fun with it and that it comes out great.

Thanks for your words about the vet lady. Yeah it could be any of those things for sure.


I just read this whole page and have one thing to say...

LOL my thoughts exactly!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, Marty did enjoy tubing and wants to go again. He asked me today if I’d go and ride the Gondola to the top and hang out enjoyed adult beverages and take some pictures. I said that sounds like fun. I was on a cookie baking binge this weekend. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. Bridesmaids is pretty funny. And mm to ice cream. How fun to get Zoe some presents and a bird feeder. I’ve spent more on Amazon since we joined Prime than I probably did the last few years.

Scandi, how are you feeling? Very pretty snowy picture with the cute kids leading the way.

Missy, so what are you checking out if the weather is nice this week? You teased us. My SIL uses the Amazon firestick and likes it. I hope Netflix works fine with your new Roku. I was going to switch over to Amazon Prime yesterday but decided my luck I couldn’t get back to our satellite TV. Glad you found a new series you like with no violence. You do have to live. I didn’t eat any of the snickerdoodles I took to work today so I could have some sugar cookies below. One of the rabbits thought they were for him though. I won.

PierreBear, isn’t it great to get some deep cleaning done? That’s great you found a restaurant you really enjoy and are looking forward to your trip to Taiwan. I have not seen or heard of Red Turtle; it sounds nice. I think I am safe saying you’ll have a cheesy time in class tonight. I hope it was good. I do knit pretty quickly and don’t have to pay attention to it. If I’d get off my computer at night, I’d have that scarf done already. I didn’t even knit a single row this weekend. I have 2 shows I want to watch tonight so I’ll work on my scarf then. I have to say it’s kind of amazing to me you use a scarf to keep warm on chilly days; they are certainly not enough to take care of that here. Yes, Yellowstone does book up fast. It is very pretty.

Jimmianne, COOKIES indeed. Come on over! You may have to wrestle a rabbit for them but my money is on you. I am glad to hear your house in France is not in the flooding and your friends there are all safe. I know a guy at work who makes lasagna with raviolis; it looks good when he warms it up for lunch.

CJ, not only do my cookies get requested but if you invite me to a party I will definitely clean up the kitchen for you. My OCD gets the best of me. Yes Salt has Angelina Jolie in it. It was pretty good.

We got in the 40’s here today; the glaciers didn’t seem to budge though. Darn. I wish they’d hurry up and melt since more snow is coming on Wednesday night.

Marty rented an AIRBNB this week and I told him last night to watch out for bugs - ewe. I got a text first thing this morning that said “damn you telling me to watch out for bugs; thought of that all night”.

We had our team meeting today to tell our teams of changes. The 2 employees who struggle or rarely get their own work done didn’t look happy. The new way tasks are divided will quickly show who does work and who doesn’t. What? Careful what you wish for; they asked for more empowerment and less micro management. Is it bad I am amused by this?

Take care.


Dec 31, 2006
Junie's post reminded me...don't want to forget to share it LOL

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