
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

It's a beautiful day here, so we decided to walk the 3+ miles to PetsAtHome to get Dottie a mani/pedi :D She was very good, normally she's a terrible wriggler, I think the constant supply of treats helped!

Hope puss starts eating properly @PierreBear , it's always a worry if they don't. Whereabouts in Austin do you live (that's if you're comfortable saying), my DS lives near the Galleria in Bee Cave so we are often down there shopping :mrgreen:

Awww, the ferals look sweet and in quite good condition @missy I know you'd like to be able to help them all, but you're doing a good thing, lots of people would be actively discouraging them, rather than helping them. Perhaps they spread the word in the kitty underground, that there's food and lodgings to be had at your place:razz:.

So sorry the house sale isn't going smoothly @junebug17, continuing to keep everything crossed it gets done quickly so you can put all this stress behind you.

My earrings and pendant will be ready for collection on Thursday @marcy so we will take Dottie out, go and do the weekly food shop, then go and collect them. Knitting is a dying art, I used to knit a lot, but haven't done any for quite a while.

I'm also going to speak to him about resetting my tanzanites. I have 3 diamond rings I no longer wear, so I'm wondering if he can use the diamonds for halos. I suspect it'll be more expensive than buying diamond set semi mounts, but we'll see. I've seen a couple I like on B2C Jewels site, and they've confirmed my stones will fit. I don't really want to spend a fortune resetting them, as they were pretty expensive in the first place.

Hope the puppy is behaving @Scandinavian and not spending too much time online :P2

DS has decided to come for a visit- not to see us, but to catch up with his friends, we're just a cheap hotel :lol: I'll ask him if he can help me post the video.

I'll leave you with a photo of Dottie supervising her Daddy in the garden :bigsmile:

Have a great day everyone :wavey:



Jan 23, 2016
Oh and T is getting freckles and we are fencing in part of the garden :P2 Anybody see a connection there???


20170815_132551-1.jpg 20170815_132641.jpg


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I know tax can take a bite out of big purchases and I am sure your taxes are higher than mine. Darn.
I am still chucking at HRH’s video. I feel that way going to work on Monday. So I can identify with her for sure.
I talked to my friend today who is coming over for the eclipse. She is perfectly fine with us watching it mostly on TV. We’ll go out on the deck now and then but just visit and have fun.
Maybe Tommy has figured out those outside kitties aren’t going to be joining him on the window cushion. You and Greg have definitely provided those kitties a safe haven.

Scandi, LOL to my job security; I must admit I’d be stunned if they let me go. I’d be even more stunned if they didn’t call me back within a week.
Pizza and cinnamon buns both sound great. I haven’t made homemade cinnamon rolls in a long time; I should do that this weekend. It could be eclipse food.
T is adorable.

PierreBear, sorry to hear the cat got sick again. Good plan to get him eating out of his auto feeder again. I hope he gets better.
I am glad to hear your leg didn’t bother you on your vacation. I hope your running analysis goes well.
I like dress scarfs too; they are kind of like halos though - they look fabulous on other people but I don’t care for them on me. I don’t like turtle necks on me either; I guess my neck is short. My knit scarfs I just put them on and they hang down in the front. Speaking of things hurt I notice my left arm is kind of hurting and it is either from knitting so much the last few days or holding my iPad up all weekend. I am guessing it’s the iPad.
I think Marty is pretty worried about his job security but he doesn’t say much either.

Austina, glad you had a love day for a long walk and pampering Dottie.
I’ll be anxious to see picture of your pendant and earrings. This week - sweet.
I don’t know many people who knit anymore. It is a dying art. I starting knitting as a young child and can honestly do it without paying much attention. I learned to crochet after college and I work the hook like a knitting needle. People who crochet look at me funny and ask me - what are you doing? My stitches come out the same as theirs though. With crocheting I have to watch and count every stitch.
I think your tanzanite would look fabulous in a halo but going custom would probably be pretty costly. The local guy charges me per stone to mount so that is what I am basing that on. I would guess buying a semi mount might be cheaper. You could maybe have a diamond by the yard necklace made with those diamonds. I told my sister she should do that with her small sapphires.
Your garden is lovely. Dottie is a good supervisor making sure your DH is doing his chores.

Another boring day in Marcyland. I stopped at a restaurant for supper and indulged in a piece of pineapple upside down cake for dessert. It was delicious. Then I went grocery shopping and picked up some things including treats for the eclipse on Monday.

Marty said he was doing Romanian deadlifts tonight (whatever those are) and it made him nostalgic. 4 years ago he was in Serbia and Romania for about 1/2 of the year. I told him to go to a smoky bar and have beer and sausage. Every Friday the office there would go to lunch at a local McDonalds. Everyone was excited and looked forward to it all week. Then they’d go eat at McD’s then complain about how awful the food was there. Marty asked them why do they always eat there every Friday if they hate it? They said, because it’s McDonalds. Too funny.

We had more rain and my baby car had 1/2 inch hail on it this afternoon. I told my boss that’s it; I’m outta here and I’ll come when all this “hail” crap is done.

Have a great evening.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is the location of the "Cat's Eye" in Scorpion. They really look like a pair of cat's eyes in binoculars. Kitty's in the sky.

m6 m7 cats eyes map.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

PierreBear how did your running analysis go last night? I hope your kitty is feeling better! LOL both my dh and I do that...give voices to our kitties with silly comments haha. I won't bore you with what we have them saying. Suffice it to say I think it is pretty hysterical.:lol:

Austina I love the photo you shared. Dottie looks quite content and thank you for sharing it. And yay to you and Dottie walking all those miles to her mani/pedi. Treats help in all sorts of ways don't they?:halo: So excited to see your new bling and hear about your additional bling projects. Looking forward to seeing it all. One more day to your latest project completion woohoo!

Scandi oooh T is such a love. What a face, what expressive eyes and I love the freckles. Hugs and kisses to sweet T and F from their Auntie Missy.:kiss2:

Marcy I LOVE those Cat Eyes in Scorpion. Perfect. Kitty in sky...please don't come to Missy and Greg's house. We have enough kitties.:lol:
We saw a sci fi movie last night called "Passengers" and surprisingly I enjoyed it. With Jennifer Lawrence. I like her. I think you might enjoy the movie if you haven't already seen it. From 2016.

Yumm to pineapple upside down cake. Sounds delicious. I have never tried it despite loving pineapples so must put that on my to try list. Now you have me craving pineapples and sugar LOL.

Oh no to hail (even baby hail) and glad you got home safely yesterday. Your weather can be quite dramatic all year long can't it? I am not looking forward to hurricane season here but fingers crossed it passes uneventfully. :pray:

Marcyland sounds perfectly lovely and not boring at all. I always look forward to hearing the events of your day Marcy!

Cleaning woman is coming this morning so I have some morning straightening up to do LOL and then I am off to work in a few hours. 2 more weeks left. Butterflies in my tummy but just hoping it goes smoothly and I make it through OK. Hugs to all of you girls and enjoy your Wednesday!:wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls! Or midday to Missy, LOL. You beat me today, shame on me for not being here to wish you a good morning!
Marcy, I would not mind a day or two in Marcyland at all actually, lol. Here we are practicing chaos! I need a new phone. Do I imagine it, or do you - and probably everybody else - have the Iphone 7? Happy with it?
We are building a fence around part of the garden so the furbabies can have a bit more freedom. F can be off the leash, but T is not really good at listening to me yet, lol, so he just runs for the woods. And that is not allowed for about 4 months each year. So it will be good to have somewhere they can run safe. Little terrorists. They think they can play catch inside the house.... Not so good for the condition of the flooring, so really it will be good to just be able to say "out" when they start, LOL.
Missy, hope work is treating you well today! I keep thinking of things I want to show you when you come to visit next summer ;-):kiss2: We can start with the summerhouse until the jet lag passes :Up_to_something:
The ferals are looking good! To funny that cats can take years to get used to something, so different from dogs I think. But then again I guess cats and dogs really are rather different. Reminds me - I say a clip on Youtube with a cat doing a dog agility tack, LOL it was really good!! My rascals sure would never be that obedient :lol-2:
June, any light at the end of the tunnel? My dad always says that the light is the train coming... Sorry :lol-2::lol-2: this estate thing is taking so long I guess my brain is telling me you might be ready for some black humour, but my brain has been wrong before...
Pierrebear, hope the run analysis is helpful! And that both knee and furbaby are feeling better!
Austina, Dottie is welcome here any time, we could really use some help with our garden too! It's big and sunny and turns south, so no excuse. Just lack of effort - let's call it lack of time. That sounds so much better..!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

We dropped Dottie off with Tom, not because we 'need' her looking after today, but to start building the relationship, he had a 5th month old cockerpoo pup, who was very noisy, When Tom let him out, and he saw the size of Dottie, he ran straight in to his crate :mrgreen2: She was totally disinterested as usual.

We got back and have been busy cleaning and resealing the travertine floors.

We're going out shortly to a local golf club for afternoon tea:D

I tried agility with Dottie @Scandinavian , she was really good at it, but really didn't like the lady who ran the course, so we stopped going. Might be worth setting up a course in the garden for the terrors to wear themselves out:bigsmile:

Do you get giant hail there @marcy ? I remember visiting Texas years ago and seeing cars completely covered in baseball sized dents from a recent hailstorm.

Thank you for the cats eye map, reminds me of Missy's kitties on guard duty:mrgreen2:

Hi @PierreBear I hope the analysis went well, I'm assuming it's similar to a golf swing analysis? Glad your recent exercise hasn't exacerbated the pain, hopefully it was just a bit of strain or overuse.

I think you might need to borrow Marcy's telescope to view my little earrings and pendant @missy :lol: I'm looking forward to collecting them tomorrow and finally wearing the diamonds again. We bought the ring in 1998, long before I knew anything about diamonds, so they're ungraded, but I'd think they're about G/H probably SI1. They'll be perfect for everyday. I adore all your beautiful rocks, but unfortunately for me, I don't really have the lifestyle where I could wear them :cry:. Why couldn't I have been a Princess?:roll

I'm sure as the time draws nearer, there'll be lots of mixed feelings about leaving work, it's been a big part of your life for so long, you're bound to feel anxious. I know after a few weeks you'll have found other things to fill your time and wonder how you ever had time for Work!

Must go and get ready to go out, have a great day ladies :wavey:


Good morning ladies! Thanks for asking about the run analysis. Yes, it’s similar to getting a golf swing analysis though I’ve never done that before but realize it’s an incredibly hard sport! They basically video tape you running on a tread mill. Then they can see in slow motion if for instance your hip is dropping while you run. Or whether you are not landing on your foot in the proper stance (encourage mid-foot landing). What they detected is that I cross over on my right foot, which is an indication of a tight hip flexor. Also that I don’t really extend my legs far enough when pushing off, which might be an instance of being too quad dominant and not using my hamstrings enough. Sorry to get a bit technical which is a boring read. All it is to say that want me to come in every other week to work on things. I’m not sure if I want to squeeze that into my schedule and all those co-pays add up even if insurance covers it. I’m going to try and just work on the exercises at home first and give it a try. I know I have some biomechanic issues but I think part of my leg irritation is probably more due to cycling than running. I bring in my right knee slightly when I cycle but my left is fine. Such an imbalanced lady I am! I will always have things to work on but so far so good that I’m able to train. Just need some more TLC from DH when it comes to massaging out my legs. : )

@Austina – What a wonderful back yard! Love all the greenery. The grass looks so lush that you can just take a nap outside. Ya’ll certainly have quite the green thumb! How sweet of Dottie to be nearby to keep a watchful eye.

We are on the opposite side of your DS and I don’t actually think I’ve been to the Galleria sadly to say. We go to the Domain most often, which is on the north side. If you haven’t been, there are lots of fun new restaurants and shops now. My gosh, we even have a CB2 (modern version of Crate and Barrel)! We live on the east side of Austin and moved to that area in 2009 before it became cool/hipster. Now it’s really getting built out and our main highway that we take to get anywhere is under constant construction as it’s being expanded and changed into some sort of toll way as well. It was inevitable that the growth would come. We still enjoy that area though you can’t beat Bee Caves area with the beautiful rolling hills!

Do you have any grand babies, Austina?

@Scandinavian – I didn’t realize that pets can develop freckles. How adorable!

I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind explaining your username. I’m assuming you are from the Scandinavian area as you mentioned one time that English wasn’t your native tongue. Did you meet your DH in the states? Just curious and only if you would like to share!

@marcy – I’m with you on turtle necks. I feel like I’m being strangled but with a scarf I can control the tightness.

Sorry to hear about your left arm bothering you. I hope it is the ipad instead of knitting so you can keep working on your project.

I’m glad that Marty doesn’t let his work emotions get into his personal life. I have a hard time keeping things separate when I was in a stressful job situation. I feel like men seem to be very adapt into isolating emotions when needed. Least my DH can shed off work woes better than I can as well. We are all rooting for Marty though. How is bicep doing by the way?

@missy – Hope work went well yesterday. Gosh just 2 weeks left. It will pass by in a blink of an eye! Did you figure out what you might want to do after it officially wraps up? I’m glad that all your kittens have voices and comments too.


Feb 24, 2017
IMG_1983.JPG IMG_1984.JPG I kept meaning to get a photo of the pots I planted up 4 weeks ago, I can't believe how much they've grown!

We've visited the Domain several times @PierreBear it's lovely there.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, there is a Cats Eye Nebula in the sky too. Celestial kitties. I think they’ll stay where they are though and no show up at your beach house.
We did watch Passengers and thought it was good. I am glad you liked it.
Pineapple upside down cake is fabulous. Yellow cake, a little brown sugar, pineapple and a cherry; what’s not to love? Grilled pineapple with cinnamon is good too.
I hope the hurricane season is totally uneventful. Yes, our weather can be wild around here - I’d still say wind does the most damage. One Christmas morning I was doing dishes and looked out the window only to see 2 section of our fence totally snapped off lying on the ground. Marty couldn’t put in new posts until the ground thawed in May or June.
I am glad you enjoy hearing about my boring life. Thanks for listening to me.
I bet the last 2 weeks of work will seem strange to you. I know your patients will miss you but I know you’ll be fine with whatever new adventures you decide to follow.

Scandi, come on over. We have plenty of room here and I can make cookies. Yes, I have the iPhone 7 and really like it. I am totally an Apple product person.
LOL to F and T being little terrorists. They are just anxious to explore and see things.
That is spot on about the light at the end of the tunnel being a train coming your way; but what are you going to do but keeping going? But Junebug, I hope the light at the end of your tunnel is sunshine.

Austina, your flowers are gorgeous. Mine look so bad after the hail storm but they are perking up again.
How was the afternoon tea?
Yes, we get large hail here. My dad’s car got hit on the trunk with a hail stone about the size of a grapefruit one time. That was the largest hail stone I ever saw and it left quite a dent.
Those cat’s eye stars do look like a pair of cat’s eyes in binoculars. I wish I could find a picture of them for you ladies.
I think your earrings and pendant will be perfect. I am very anxious to see them.
I don’t think I’d want to be a princess; I’d hate the constant scrutiny.

PierreBear, your running analysis sounds very thorough. Hopefully following their tips and suggestions are helpful for you.
That’s nice you guys settled in a growing and developing area. More things to do, more places to go and your property values have got to be rising. My parents bought a place in Chandler, Arizona in the early 1990’s and more than doubled their money when they sold it.
Me too on turtlenecks. I hate them. I knit more tonight and it doesn’t seem to bother my arm. I finished my second ball of yarn. I am thinking one more skein will do it. I’ll have an extra one left; I am thinking of making a scarf for a friend of mine for Christmas.
Marty is pretty good at not letting things get to him. He told me a while ago all the guys he worked with when he started have been let go now. The guy that was kind of instrumental in getting his interviews told him he heard they are organizing the company to keep their top talent. Marty said that should make him feel good he is still there but he of course is nervous. The guys who got let go all had projects so maybe Marty will be so busy he’ll be more valuable and also enjoy his work more. Thanks for rooting for him. His bicep is still bothering him.

We didn’t have any rain today. Wow! The grass will be crispy and dried out again by Saturday.

Yesterday Marty asked me if we were going to get in a fight over who gets the solar telescope for the eclipse. I initially responded with just “no”. Then I sent another text that said it’s staying home with me. Ha! But then I told him he should take it with him. I’ll be more worried about my tripod in the wild than the solar scope. I’ll be sure to tell him don’t hurt my Bogan.

I also didn’t tell all of you about my “selected for you” notice from Facebook. It was notifying me about a book named “I’m okay, But you’re a pain in the a*s”. I thought that was pretty funny. Marty responded with wow FB must have an algorithm that really nails what people are like. He’ll be finding his rabbits in the freezer when he gets home tomorrow.

One more day of work then I’ll have a 4 day weekend. I have no idea what I’ll do especially with Marty gone for the eclipse all weekend but I’m sure I’ll figure out something. I’d go to Denver on Sunday but I think the traffic coming back to Wyoming that day would be awful. I am calling it the eclipsolypse.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy ooh cat's nebula. The more kitties watching over us in the sky the better. Meeeeoooooowwwwww. Did I tell you how much I love the kitties and puppies? If I could have a whole house full of cats and dogs I would. I really love the fur babies so much. I want every one I see lol. Poor dh.

Yay for no rain by you right now. You deserve some beautiful weather that is for sure. LOL to your selected for you FB notice. As I told you I bet I would get worse if I had signed up for that. Woohoo 4 day weekend. Is it crazy I will miss those extra long weekends? I know I am a bit cuckoo at times but seriously if one isn't working what vacation time is there to look forward to? I guess Greg's vacation time will be special for me at least...
I will also miss Greg meeting me on the train as we often did. He would leave work timed just right to meet me at my work subway station stop. I always found that so romantic for some reason. I am silly I know. We will definitely meet often in the city for lunch or for an early dinner now that I am no longer working soon and he is still working so we can still have our midweek rendezvous. :kiss2:

Hope Marty is feeling OK and that he receives good news soon so you can put worrying on the very back burner. And I hope your arm feels better soon.

LOL to your "eclipsolypse" :P2
I will keep you company during the eclipse Marcy so you will not be alone.:halo:

Scandi hope your final building stuff is going smoothly. Hugs to your little "terrorists" hahaha F and T and I know you are enjoying them very much. Puppies are just so adorably precious. OMG I wish I could hug them right now. Hey I beat you again's late here already. 7:09 AM. I have to get moving soon lol. I am already becoming so lazy.:cheeky:

PierreBear don't feel badly...I am quite unbalanced myself and when I took that fit test OMG my knees (especially my right one) was totally in the wrong place however it's physiological and it just doesn't line up with my foot and my hip lol. And you are still rocking it and doing amazing athletic feats so you go girl! Those tests are good up to a point and no matter the challenges you make it work.

Austina please share photos of your new bling today. So excited for you and hope they are just as you envision them. Gorgeous flowers. Just for you I took a quick pic as I was walking out of the subway from work going home yesterday. I call this Urban Flowers and Trees grow in Brooklyn.:sun:
My building (coop board beautification committee) planted the flowers in front of our building on our block. Pretty isn't it?

The flowers are planted around the trees in the tree bed with fencing around it to protect it.

Close up


Trees on the block and all over our Brooklyn neighborhood

Flowers next to the gritty environment of cars and cement and noise


Sorry for the flower overload but I went a bit photo crazy after work lol.

My 2 pairs of Maui Jim sunglasses were delivered last night around 7 PM woohoo but my contact lenses were out by then so I could see how they looked lol. I tried them on for Greg and he liked them but I will see what I think today after I put my contact lenses in and decide if I keep one or both or neither.

So this is National Health Center Week and at the end of the day yesterday work had a little dessert station set up. I swear it is rarely like this but I will share with you since the good deserves to be shared as well.




And as promised my sweet dh worked on (every morning before work) sewing the rest of the new sun canopy for me for the trike and voila, here it is. Haha he finished it yesterday AM as I was working out so he came to show it to me while I was working out on my arc trainer. He was still wearing his PJs. Isn't he the sweetest to get up early and sew for me? Cannot wait to get it on the trike and see if it is more protective from the heat of the sun.


OK girls I have to get moving and time to work out on my next to last week of work. Have a great days and will see you all later.:wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Lol so I'm working out and suddenly I have to try on the new sunglasses. Still not wearing my contact lenses and can't see a thing without my RX glasses but here goes nothing. Tried them on and took 2 super quick selfies. Workout break. Haha. Excuse my messy hair and sweaty face. When I can see later I will decide if I keep either none or both. Both have the Hawaii Blue lenses. The dark frames are a bit cat eye style while the white/clear are more wayfarer style I think. Both are glass lenses so heavier than I am used to but easier to clean with better optics.




Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I really like these on you!! Which do you prefer? Had a friend over hor coffee and cupcakes so had to clean the house this morning. And shop+bake. Lol. I think the lighter ones look really nice on you actually! Brings out your fantastic hair!


Hello hello! Happy Thursday and glad that the weekend is nearing. My cat is getting back to normal. A full day of being vomit free. I’m so relieved!

Yesterday for dinner I made a curry and put in tofu, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower. First time doing cauliflower and it was pretty good! I really don't know what to do with cauliflower and usually roast it but glad there is another way I can use it now.

Ya'll do such a great job with pictures. I need to work on taking photos more often. I do have another fun one from vacation that I haven't sent yet. We did some paragliding in San Diego. First time doing it. What an unique feeling to just get pulled up by the coastal breeze. Effortlessly cruising along. It wasn't scary at all and was very freeing in many ways. Picture below is DH who is strapped in the front and the instructor at the back. I think he was just taking off!


@marcy – What is a skein? I’m guessing it’s a row/block of the yarn that has been knit already?

Yes, I was actually just thinking that Marty must be a super star to still be part of the core team before you mentioned that comment that he should feel good he’s still around. Hope that he does get additional work and that his expenses get paid timely!

Oyy… we haven’t had rain in quite a long time. Typical over here. I water the bamboo and my fig trees for a few minutes every morning though. Good thing we xeroscaped the front yard. The back yard looks “green” but it’s not really good grass. I wonder if we should re-sod one day but perhaps there is no point unless you water consistently.

Woo hoo on a 4 day weekend! Hope you have some great “me” time. Enjoy looking at the stars and by the way, how did you get into that hobby? Seems like a hard one to get into unless someone teaches you and helps you find the right gear.

@missy – Awwww love that story about Greg meeting you at your work subway station stop. So romantic even if it’s just to sit on the train and hold hands. Time with your spouse is so precious. My DH is out of town this week for work. He was supposed to be back yesterday but it was too busy. Tonight we will be reunited!

What is it like commuting to work every day via subway? The only option for me is to drive. I tend to listen to NPR but get tired of hearing about politics. Haha! What do you like to do on the subway?

Wow beautiful flowers! It looks very “wild” as it would naturally appear in nature but not too messy where it isn’t appealing. Hope that makes sense!

What a dessert feast you have going on! Never heard of the Turkey Hill brand of ice cream.

Love the new canopy! What is an arc trainer?

Regarding the sunglasses, both look great! The frames look similar. Are they the same but just different lenses in? I vote on the clear frame with the brighter metallic lenses. You can’t go wrong with a black frame but the clear is really unique!


Jan 23, 2016
Pierrebear, I'm sorry to have been misleading you! T dies not have freckles. The just looks that way. Setters takesam time to develop their pigmentation. So whilst his ears were born brown, the fur is white at first and then turns into a mix of white and brown :) Like F, just brown instead of black. White is the main colour, and so the brown patches in his face looks like freckles :)

My username is quite simple as you guessed. I'm Scandinavian, borne, raised and living :) It's a smal part of the world, so I prefer to stay a bit anonymous ;)2


Jan 23, 2016
Marcy, eclipsolypse, LOL. Made my day! Come to my house, you can help me with the garden fence!


Jan 23, 2016
Austina, are you happy with the bling?????
I have some smaller diamonds too that I love much more than my big ones for sentimental reasons! And because they are pretty :)


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies! :D

I am back with my tiddly bling:lol: Actually, I'm surprised they look much bigger than I expected, and set in to platinum has certainly made the diamonds look better, so white and sparkly. He's done a really good job of the soft rub over setting, can you tell I'm very pleased? These are made from my 20th anniversary ring, so I'm happy to be putting them to good use.

Excuse the hurriedly taken photos and messy hair, but I wanted to get in and snap them to show you.


Feb 24, 2017
Oops, in my haste, I pressed submit

IMG_1986.JPG IMG_1990.JPG

@missy the flowers look lovely, we often have lots of floral displays on the central reservations of roads, baskets hanging from street lights, and floral displays on the sidewalks, it certainly brightens up a dull grey road.

The sunglasses are a very flattering shape on you, I particularly like the darker frames.

Your 'sausage' is a clever and thoughtful man, in fact a real diamond! :mrgreen:

Yum to cauliflower @PierreBear we often have it here in a cheese sauce. I didn't answer your question the other day, no we don't have any grandchildren, the brat isn't married yet. He and his g/f have been together 3/4 years but don't seem in any hurry to get married. I can honestly say that I'm not one of those women desperate to be a Grandma, I'm a bad mummy, I think I'd be more excited if they got a puppy:lol:

Glad your arm isn't hurting from the knitting @marcy It's quite therapeutic and relaxing, except of course if you're involved in a complicated pattern. Yay to a 4 day weekend, and watching the epocaclipse. Is it a holiday there, the brat and friends are off to San Padre Island for the weekend.

I hope the terrorists aren't getting in to too much mischief @Scandinavian. Our garden isn't really that great, just looks green from that angle, the grass has been liberally watered by Madame and therefore has several brown patches. If only we'd trained her to go where it doesn't show, but of course, they prefer to sprinkle their favours everywhere:rolleyes: :roll2: Still, a small price to pay for loving them.

Big wave to everyone:wavey:

(I'll try and take done better photos)


Jan 23, 2016
Austina, the bling looks perfect!! Not small at all! :love:


Apr 19, 2004

Thanks for the healing vibes about my knee. It has not resolved to its former self--I still have pain, some swelling and tightness. But not like it was, thank goodness. I have been lying low--not too much walking, no cycling or swimming. I am going crazy! I plan to go to work tomorrow as I need to get out and I know my leg will hurt anyway....lolol

Hope everyone is well.:wavey: Hoping to get in on the eclipse hysteria:P2



Feb 24, 2017
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your knee @canuk-gal , have you had it looked at? (Sorry if I've missed the details)


Apr 19, 2004
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your knee @canuk-gal , have you had it looked at? (Sorry if I've missed the details)

Yup. Ruptured Bakers cyst. Needs to heal. I am impatient!:mrgreen:



Feb 24, 2017
Oh yes, sorry, I did read that, mind like a sieve :oops:


Mar 29, 2005
@missy, love the flowers outside the co-op and the Maui Jim sunglasses. The lighter frames make you look cool and hip, the dark ones are more classic. Glad they did something nice at work. It's certainly deserved and a good way to start your last two weeks. Greg is such a doll and love the new cover. Hope it works!!

@Austina, love the earrings and pendant. Way to recycle!!

@junebug17, sorry to hear the house sale is being tricky. Is it the inspection? Those things can be very challenging.

@Scandinavian love the pup!!

@canuk-gal, never heard of a Baker's cyst before and hope I never get one. That sounds really painful. Glad you're on the mend.

Have to run. Hi to all I didn't get a chance to scroll up and read then respond. Hope all is well.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, thank you for reaching out to me the other day, I was having a particularly bad day and your kindness was very much appreciated! Thanks for your support. Your pics of the feral kitties are lovely, they are so sweet. I'm so glad they have you and Greg to help them. I hope work went well for you this week. So sweet that Greg meets you on the subway! It is totally romantic! But as you said, you can still meet up, go out to lunch, will be fun! Love the canopy he's making, it's very thoughtful of him to work so hard to get it made, what a gem he is! Wow, the flowers outside your building are really beautiful! How great to have a bit of nature in the city, I love it. Both pairs of sunglasses look fantastic on you, and I swear I'm just not saying that lol! My vote is to keep both.

Sharon, sorry your knee is still not quite right but glad to hear it's getting better, hope you're back to normal very soon!

PierreBear, love the pic of the seals, they are amazing! The tidal pool is beautiful, what a great experience. Thanks for the encouraging words and for understanding my anxiety! I'm so glad your leg did well while you were on vacation. It sounds like the analysis gave you some helpful information but I can see why you might not want to make the commitment to go back every week. Love the pic of your dh paragliding, what a fabulous experience. I'm so glad your sweet kitty seems to be doing better, sending lots of good thoughts she's back to her usual self very soon!

I think I forgot to thank you for your nice words about my ring and nail polish! Sorry, and thanks for the compliments! I've gotten better at putting on nail polish but my right hand is always a little messed up lol.

Scandi, thank you for joining me in my frustration lol! Everyone I'm involved with in this transaction is starting to get to me. Personally I think I deserve some bling for all the aggravation I've been having lol. :P2 LOVE that pic of T, he looks so adorable! :love: Great idea to fence in the yard so the dogs can run and play, they will love it and it will tire them out ha!

And I actually love black humor, it gets me through some tough times! Sometimes if you don't laugh you'll cry. Lol to the light being a train, I love that.

Austina, resetting your tanzanites sounds like a great jewelry project. I hope you can find someone reasonable, and that you can use the diamonds you have. Custom can be pricy but you might get lucky. I love the pic of Dottie and her daddy, she looks so content and happy! Hope you enjoyed your tea, you and dh deserve it after all that work on the floors! Your flowers are SO beautiful. And I love your new bling!!! Thanks for posting pics :appl: Wow, the earrings and pendants turned out beautifully!!! The bezels were such a great choice, the diamonds look fantastic in them and the bezels have such a nice presence. The earrings look perfect on you! Congrats, and enjoy your "new" earrings and pendant! :dance:

It's great your ds is coming for a visit - yes, he might be coming and going a lot, but at least you'll get to see him when he needs a rest lol!

Marcy, sorry your shoulder is bothering you, I hope whatever it is just goes away lol. Oh no to your beautiful car being exposed to that nasty hail! Love the Cat's Eyes, it looks just like Missy's pictures, very cool! Sending good thoughts to Marty about his concern for his job, it certainly is a good sign that the company has kept him on when so many others have been let go. LOL to that book title, I feel like getting it for my realtor haha! She being the pain, not me :sun: Yay for a 4 day weekend, my recommendation is that you do whatever you darn well please! I think the break from your employees will be the best thing about your time off :lol-2:

Rainwood, hi! Nice to hear from you, hope your summer is going well. No, it's not the inspection, we haven't even made it that far. When the time eventually comes for that, I'm sure I will be having some more bad dreams lol. Long story but my realtor is very unhappy with the current buyer's behavior which has triggered lots of phone calls back and forth with her and the attorney helping me, who she doesn't like :roll - the buyer wants us to drop the price of the house or terminate, so we're terminating. But lots of angst reaching this point. We're checking to see if another person who made an offer is still interested. Thanks for asking, and hopefully I can report that things are moving along soon.

Made some progress this week cleaning out my mother's house - more to do but we're getting there. Dh and I are in SC for the weekend - I'm leaving on Sunday and he's staying because he's hosting a team meeting here at the house next week. Nice to get away from the rigamarole that's been going on in NJ for a few days lol. The bad part is I have to go back :eek2:

Hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend!


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!

Signing in from work today, woohoo!

My mother is taking care of the four little ones today. Someone asked and I forgot to answer. Sorry! We have two dogs and two children. So not that many but more than enough for us! The children are pretty well behaved most of the time, the dogs - more questionable, lol. They are angels at heart, but love their little "pranks". Yesterday, I told F "come" and she just looked at me like "why....?" Not OK so we had to have a little chat about that.... The dogs live a good life though I think. They are very free, and only have a few rules: Don't ruin the house + Come + Sit. The rest of the time they can pretty much do as they please. But the "come" and "sit" part are crucial for having them run free off the leash, otherwise it is just too dangerous. So no leeway there

Sorry for rambling.

I have hurt my knee now too, can you believe it??? I never get hurt!! Was pulling on some branches that we had cut down, and apparently, they were heavier than I was strong, and now I have a swelling thing behind my knee. Better today than yesterday though, so will probably be OK after the weekend. Fingers crossed!

June, yes, I hope they will love it! F is used to running around, but this will make playtime easier :) More work watching 2 than 1, and if they run, who to follow?? Last time T made a break for it, I just had to scream "sit" to F and run after him... It is OK for now, his legs are still short
but soon he will outrun me and then we need to practice a bit more before he is "safe" on commands, LOL. Good thing your DS is coming. You get to mess with his head
. Make a super long list and tell him that these are the things you need fixed in the house before he leaves again!

Missy, please, we need an update re sunglasses!

Gotta run. Will be back.


Happy Friday! I’m excited for the weekend. DH has been traveling this week so it will be nice to reconnect again. Ya’ll don’t laugh at me but I have yet another baby shower to go to. This time, I’m keeping my mouth closed unless I’m eating cute girly sweet treats to commemorate my friend’s baby daughter. Someone gave me the tip that “if it doesn’t work on your cat, it probably won’t work for babies” so I’m keeping that in mind. Hope ya’ll have a great weekend!

@Scandinavian – haha shows you what I know about dogs. For humans, I know that sun exposure causes freckles. Thought it completely makes sense that it would apply to pets too. Good thing I’m not a vet! Thanks for sharing your background a bit. I, too, appreciate the disguise and benefit of being anonymous.

Aiayaya… sorry you hurt your knee! I hope it is just a small irritation that will go away on it’s own. Give it some time (elevate it above your heart and ice it) but please go to the DR if it doesn’t get better.

@Austina – Gorgeous! Have you been wearing your new jewelry pieces daily now? Or is it hard to incorporate it with all your other pieces? Your pieces don’t look small at all! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Everyone is on a different time table to get married. Your DS must be relieved that you are so understanding. A puppy to play with would be a joy as well! All I’ve given my in-laws are a cat. : )

@canuk-gal - Sorry to hear that your knee is still bothering you. I’m glad that despite the pain, you are still moving it about to get some circulation going to it can recover quickly. I hope you get to resume your favorite activities soon though. How would you prevent a cyst from forming/bursting in the future once your knee goes back to normal?

@junebug17 – Great work on making progress on cleaning out your mother’s house! Is it emotionally difficult to sort through the items that might bring up certain memories? I’m sorry that I was just jumping into the thread but does this house sale imply that you recently lost your mother? My condolences in advance if that is the unfortunate truth.

Nice of your DH to host a team meeting at your place, even in your absence. How does a man host a big group without a kind wife to help prepare the food, drinks, and clean?! Very impressive! It brings me back to a few memories of hosting a work event at our home. I’m glad we catered the main entrée and just focused on the smaller things. Hope it goes well!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Friday girls from the Jersey shore! It's a rainy muggy stormy day here.

Junie thank you for always being here for me as well and I am thinking of you and sending more love and hugs and comforting thoughts and good wishes your way. Glad you are getting lots accomplished re the cleaning and bah to the realtor and attorney have issues. Enjoy your weekend in South Carolina! So glad you have a beautiful place to getaway from it all. Best of both worlds. May this be a peaceful relaxing worry free weekend for you and your dh. XOXO.

PierreBear so glad your kitty is getting better! And I am so happy for you that your dh is home and you get to enjoy the weekend with him. I hope you enjoy the baby shower. And even though you have been attending a lot of baby showers I am glad it's a happy event you are celebrating. I love happy events. I love that paragliding photo. I enjoyed parasailing when I was younger in Lake George and it was a blast. Greg has never tried it so we probably will do it together (tandem of course haha) in the next year or so since he has expressed an interest.

Arc trainer refers to my Cybex Arc Trainer. I have 3 of them LOL. 2 in Brooklyn and one at the beach. I have to workout every day so if we don't cycle I do the Arc trainer. After I injured myself running many years ago I did some research and found this. It is extremely low impact yet a great cardio and weight bearing workout. I LOVE it. The reason I have 2 in Brooklyn is in case one breaks down lol. Really best gentle effective workout I have ever had and I tried it all. Highly recommend.

Re Subway commuting - not as pleasant as the old days but I have a whole thread about that here so won't bore you here with the details. I never had to entertain myself on the subway as there are always people doing that for us LOL. People watching. Plus I am fortunate that generally I am not on the subway very long. So all in all an effective way to get to Point B from Point A and with traffic and parking it is the best way to get around NYC for sure.

Besides the baby shower what else do you have planned for the weekend? I have to tell you I am super excited for you re the bling and a bit impatient lol. I cannot even be patient when it isn't my bling project. I am ridiculous I know but I love bling and I love when people get the bling of their dreams. Makes me almost as happy as if I am getting it. Almost.:bigsmile:

Re the sunglasses the dark pair is more of a cat eye and the clear white frames more like a Wayfarer style. Thanks for weighing in yesterday. I am leaning towards your preference.

Scandi sounds lovely having your friend over for dessert for breakfast the other day. Where was the NIRDIs invitation? Did it get lost in the mail? I don't like missing out on dessert.:lickout:
I hope your knee is all better by now. Healing vibes going your way.

I have not yet decided re the sunglasses. Though I am leaning towards the white clear frames. One issue for me is they are heavier than I am used to and I wonder if glass is not a good option for me and perhaps I need the polycarb. Only thing is with the blue hawaii lenses they come mostly in the hi index glass so if I want the blue lenses I may not have other options. One last photo shoot from yesterday.



Hi Rainwood thanks for your analogies and yes I agree. I want to be hip and classic so perhaps both?:whistle: :cheeky:
Have a lovely weekend.

Austina me too! Mind like a sieve. Haha I just said that the other day too. And it is true.;(
Your new bling looks terrific! Yay! Just perfect in size too! Any tanzanite updates?

Sharon sending more healing vibes your way and I hope you are feeling much better by now. Darn Baker's Cyst. And yes I am impatient too. Heal already heal!!!!

Hi Marcy! Hope you are enjoying the start of your 4 day weekend!

Hi to everyone else! Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your Friday!

We came to the Beach house early this AM and I just finished working out and showering. We have plans with Greg's mom and brother for dinner later. His brother came in from St Louis yesterday to help him mom find a good assisted living center. She thinks it may be time soon. It is challenging watching our parents struggle with aging and all that it brings. I know the alternative isn't pleasant but truly, aging is not for sissies. I think Bette Davis said that and all I can say is True dat!

Off to Costco in a while and then off to make the trip to meet Greg's brother and mother. Enjoy the rest of your day girls.:wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
I want to be hip and classic so perhaps both?:whistle: :cheeky:
Missy, good idea! You can wear them on top of eachother! That will make you hip and classic at the same time!! :lol-2::lol-2::lol-2::lol-2::lol-2::lol-2::lol-2:
Sorry. You know I love both glasses on you. I'm still at work but will check the ones I have when I come home, I don't think they are too heavy, just can't remember their brand.... :confused2: These should be good for not getting entangled in your hair, though :geek2:
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