
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, thanks. I had to get a few pictures of the eclipse. Some of our friends got some fabulous ones to totality. The eclipse pictures you posted look great.
Marty enjoyed his weekend. It took them over 4 hours to get home; it should have taken about 2 hours. People who were further north took 7 to 10 hours for 3 to 4 hour trips. Carmageddon.
I really noticed the shadows looked funny during the eclipse and it just looked weird. I am sure you kitties know they are safe with you and Greg so they wouldn’t be worried.
I am so sorry to hear your toe doesn’t look any better. I have been wondering how it was doing along with your rash. That will be great if the cool water helps.

PierreBear, yay for trying new recipes. Good luck with the cashew milk. Marty tried to make himself Almond milk; he only tried it once. Ha Ha. Mm to homemade bread; I would definitely eat too much bread though. We used to have one of those bread makers but gave it away after a while since we couldn’t eat the bread before it went bad. We sure tried though.

Sharon, it can’t hurt to talk tough to that cyst that is annoying you. I am glad you can get outside. I hope it gets better soon. Pretty funny about eclipsing anyone.

Austina, that’s great Dottie has her own comfy bed. She does want to come see you guys though.
Your story about the sweet fur babies breaks my heart. I just don’t get how people can be so mean and cruel.
I am so glad your friend has met a decent man. I wish her much happiness.

Scandi, I always forget to turn that off on my phone. Glad you found it. T and F are having fun.

Four day weekends don’t come cheap and easy. Ugh. My boss was grumpier than normal today and my team made a mistake yesterday. A few ultimatums later and I get to try and get my team (don’t laugh) to show initiative and motivation to learn how to do my work when I’m gone. I sent them an email and said - please stop by my desk and I’ll show you how to do this. Not one of them stopped by today. Every time I heard them talking I went in and put them to work on something else. Get me grumped at and I’ll grump at you. Ha!

I hauled in some of Marty’s stuff from the weekend tonight and I am washing everything. Two pairs of his socks has so many thorns, stickers and sticky bark on them I plan on throwing them away. I think one of them is one of his favorite socks though. I don’t want to get those stickers in the washing machine though. He got a rock chip on his windshield and then it split.

My glasses are ready to pick up. The doctor called me again and wants me to come in tomorrow to get another 3D image taken then he’ll check my new glasses on me. He told Marty he thinks my new glasses will help me see. Marty said he is doing another image because he wants to reassure me I’m fine. Strange. I did think of 2 more questions I am going to ask him. Once Marty gets home from the gym I’ll pick his brain some more about it.

The dryer is calling my name.


May 11, 2012
Hi everyone, I hope I'm not interrupting Missy Maui Jim's are the only sunglasses I'll wear their lenses IMHO are so much better than most of the other sunglasses on the market, no, they don't look as stylish as the high end branded ones but after having laser surgery on my eyes 15+ years ago so I could see without glasses they really do work.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

PierreBear yes we all love bling and animals and not necessarily in that order haha. Cashew milk sounds intriguing. Your poke bowl sounds delicious. I love quinoa and shrimp and zucchini and mushrooms. Yummm. And lol now you are making me hungry and it is only 6:30 AM here haha. I guess we have pretty suggestive minds in common too.:cheeky:
Thanks for the suggestions re different lengths of pants shorts etc but I have tried it all. After 3 plus years of dealing with it I think I have exhausted all options and now after finally receiving the proper diagnosis i.e. NOT heat rash but Progressive Pigmented Purpuric disease I understand why everything I tried in the past including changing what I was wearing had no effect whatsoever. I am hopeful that dousing my legs in cool water every 15 minutes or so even though it is a pain will continue to work so I can continue cycling. I am not sure how it will be once the weather gets cooler because pouring water all over my legs will be super uncomfortable but we will see how the disease behaves once it turns cooler. I have gotten this reaction in the cooler temps so I am concerned but time will tell and one day at a time!

Only 6 more days to go till A day. Super excited for you!:appl:

Sharon I am sorry that darn Baker's Cyst is being so darn persistent. I am sending go away vibes to that bad cyst and hope relief is yours soon. Sending more healing vibes and (((hugs))) across the miles.

Austina Thank you sweetie. I am glad you enjoyed lunch with your friend and glad she has found true love and happiness and joy and peace after having such a rough go of it.YAY to your son being (almost) there with you. Do you have anything special planned for his visit? How long is he staying? I know you will have a terrific visit!

Marcy I'm glad Marty had enjoyed his eclipse adventure and actually relieved for him that it only took hime 4 vs 2 hours to get home. I have heard horror travel stories where it took 3 to 4 times longer so really an extra 2 hours not bad at all.

David thinks the water helps for the same reason I do. Keeps my legs cooler helping minimize the blood vessels from leaking due to the heat trauma. He also wants me to take Vitamin C with bioflavenoids as it cannot hurt and some research shows it can help. And he also wants me to start taking Heliocare again. I took that over a decade ago and honestly thought it was useless but I just ordered 2 bottles and will give it a go. Thanks for asking.

Please keep me posted re the doctor visit. I hope the testing goes well and shows improvement and I hope your new glasses help you see more clearly. Fingers crossed for you!

LOL hope your laundry duty went well and be careful of thorns and stuff.

Our friend Andy sent us a photo he took in totality. Isn't this awesome?


Scandi love that photo. F and T look so in love with each other as siblings should be. (((HUGS))) to both of them. How do you like the
iPhone 7?

Hi everyone, I hope I'm not interrupting Missy Maui Jim's are the only sunglasses I'll wear their lenses IMHO are so much better than most of the other sunglasses on the market, no, they don't look as stylish as the high end branded ones but after having laser surgery on my eyes 15+ years ago so I could see without glasses they really do work.

Hi Arkieb, you could never intrude and are always welcome to join in! I agree Maui Kim sunglasses have the one of the best lens optics of any of the sunglasses that are available. It's why I have 11 pairs of MJs LOL. I also like Persol lens optics. Also excellent quality.

Arghhh the stupid
print size changed again as I was typing and I couldnt fix it so sorry I had to go to size 4 print to make it all uniform. I apologize but something happens when I am typing and it gets super small and when I try fixing it I cannot so I have either size 3 or size 4 print to choose from and I always go bigger (haha diamonds, print you name it that's my default :lol:). It's easier to read 4 than 3 but I would prefer to get back to the original size the print starts as when I am typing but no way so again I am sorry.

Have a good day girls. It's my next to last day at work. I am apprehensive. 3 decades of working in my
profession that took 10 years of study and higher education and it all went so fast. I am looking at it as a new beginning rather than an ending. And it will be nice to be able to go back to sleep after a hard night instead of needing to get up no matter how poorly I have slept. I think I might be looking forward to that most of all. Of course I realize I will have to retrain my body to try to sleep later but I will be patient and hopefully that will happen. See you ladies later and enjoy your Wednesday!:wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, you sleeping in is good! Then I might be able to post before you in the morning.... LOLOLOLOL


Jun 8, 2008
Scandi :lol:
And I sure hope so! :appl::halo:

How are T and F doing this morning? How are your sweet children? When does school start for them? How is your house coming?


Jan 23, 2016
School has started, F & T are home with "grandma" and I'm at work today, LOL. House - not so good. The builders have disappeared! Don't ask. They did not show up on Monday, and I'm not able to get hold of them on neither phone nor email. Oh happy days.... Consider driving around looking for them next.... :wall::wall::wall::wall:


Jun 8, 2008
School has started, F & T are home with "grandma" and I'm at work today, LOL. House - not so good. The builders have disappeared! Don't ask. They did not show up on Monday, and I'm not able to get hold of them on neither phone nor email. Oh happy days.... Consider driving around looking for them next.... :wall::wall::wall::wall:

Ugh. Wishing you good luck in getting this resolved. Thanks for the update. Sending you lots of good thoughts.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, sending good thoughts to you as you finish out your last week at work! I know you probably have lots of emotions about it right now but this is the beginning of a brand new time in your life, and I'm sure you're going to enjoy it. And yes, having the option of getting some extra rest after a bad night's sleep is going to be heavenly!

I'm glad you stumbled upon a potential way to lessen the rash, it makes sense to me that cooling off the skin will help. I hope it ends up working and at least keeps the rash from flaring up so much.

Great pics of the eclipse! Very cool. I especially like Andy's, very nice!

PierreBear, I'm glad you had a nice time at the shower, and don't feel bad - my kids are 28 and 25, and I recently went to a baby shower and had no idea what some of the things were lol. Congrats on your run and bike ride, those are some impressive numbers. I'm so excited about your new ring and can't wait to see what diamond you select! I agree that it's even more fun when the hubs is excited too. Thanks for your supportive and comforting words, your kindness is much appreciated!

Marcy, so glad you enjoyed your eclipse experience, it sounds like the perfect way to spend the day, in comfort with all the modern conveniences lol. Love the pic you got with the colander, so cool! Oh my gosh, that traffic was crazy! Another advantage to staying home imo!

I'm really glad your eye doctor is being so attentive. It's also a great opportunity to ask him any questions you have. I really hope the glasses improve your vision a little.

I'm sorry your boss was even grumpier than usual and that you had to deal with problems after being off for a few days. Yes, it would be great if your employees could handle things while you're gone and I really hope you can eventually get them to that point. :roll

Wow, judging by the condition of Marty's clothes he was definitely roughing it! I'm even more supportive of your decision to stay home after hearing about his socks lol!!!

Sharon, hopefully your cyst will listen to you and just go away! Sorry it's taking so long to get back to normal, sending lots of healing vibes to you.

Austina, that is wonderful news about your friend, I am so happy for her. I'm always so glad when people who have had a very rough time find happiness and peace. It's great you're going to be able to see ds on his birthday, and I know it will be wonderful seeing him! :appl:

Scandi, adorable pic of your sweet furbabies! :love: I'm glad you figured out the phone because I was having a hard time figuring out how to explain it haha! Ugh, I am SO sorry about the workmen not showing up, what a pain and I hope you can get things straightened out soon.

Thinking about PB's baby shower reminded me that I have to buy a present for dh's best friend's grandson. We're going to his first birthday party this weekend, so I guess I'm going shopping today lol. Have a good day everyone!


Good morning! Got up at the same time as DH and did a morning run. So peaceful to wake up while the city is sleepy and clear the mind. Had my usual cold oatmeal with yogurt and fruit on top for breakfast. Grabbed a few pieces of watermelon as well. Speaking of food, I think I’m going to try cooking tempeh I picked up at the store earlier this week. It is similar to the texture of hard tofu. Not sure what it will taste like but hopefully some spices will give it some flavor. OK once again, talking about food is making me hungry so I’ll stop for today. Ya’ll have a great one!

@canuk-gal – Hope your knee continues to improve. Your eclipse joke made me laugh out loud.

@Austina – How adorable that your dog will put herself to bed. I still remember the day that we adopted our cat together. It was my first pet ever and I was following DH’s lead on pet maintenance. DH picked up our cat from the shelter and we let him into our home to smell and explore while we ate dinner. Soon enough came bed time and we did our usual routine. I asked DH if the cat should sleep with us and he said let’s try with the habit of no pets on the bed. We were tucked in without much interaction with our new pet but sure enough, he jumped up to say hello. DH put him down. Cat jumped up again. This processed repeated 5 times and finally DH the softie just said OK, we have a new bed buddy.

Our cat sleeps with us every evening but surely warms up the bed. It’s nice to have the warmth in the winter time but sheesshh in the summertime, it’s not needed! He does have a strange behavior where he “sleeps like a human.” Cat head on the pillow. Body stretched out. Anyone else’s cat do that?!

Glad to hear that your friend is doing so well, recovering from some challenging life circumstances. Wow, rugby is a foreign sport to me but all I know is that you have to be pretty tough to do it!

@marcy – I don’t know if it’s strange but we freeze the extra bread that is made. Then throughout the week when it’s needed, I pull out a few slices at a time. When you toast it up, it tastes pretty fresh. Good job to Marty making Almond milk! Is that what he continues to drink even though he buys it at the store? I’m surprised there are so many versions of Almond milk… original… vanilla… unsweetened original… etc etc. I like variety at the grocery store but sometimes I find myself standing in front of the options and deliberating too long.

I wish I had a manager like you! I always love to take up my managers on any wisdom or knowledge they can share. My current one is a bit too hands off. I think he’s just counting down to retirement and isn’t really putting much effort into anything. : /

@missy – Good luck to you adjusting with the progressive pigmented purpuric disease. What a mouthful and an annoyance to think about. I wonder if ice will be more effective than water? Not fun to ride when you feel chilly though. Anytime it requires foot warmers and full finger gloves, it’s time for me to keep the bike in the garage and do more running instead.

Good luck to you on your last day of work! Way to go on sticking with your professional industry for so long! Hope they throw you a celebration to commemorate your efforts!

@junebug17 – Thanks for the excitement about the upcoming ring. I’ll def keep ya’ll posted and anyone is welcomed to offer input!

Hope you found that perfect gift for your grandson. What are kids into these days and what did you end up getting? I was watching some sort of talk show since it was playing in the background at the gym. Kids are into slime? Icky sticky stuff that you roll around in your hands? Great for kids but terrible for parents to clean them up afterwards?! Hahaha… I’m a sucker for those little kid backpacks that are in the shape of animals. So adorable!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies.

The eagle landed safely this morning, picked up his hire car and got here about 10.30am, the hire car is a Fiat 500 in pale turquoise :lol:

He's going to be catching up with lots of friends, so we won't actually see much of him, but will, of course, be spending time with him when we go to Orlando next month.

Ugh to the hassle at work @marcy it certainly takes the bloom away from having time off. I'm glad the eye Dr is being very vigilant with you, and hopefully the new glasses will help your vision.

Yay to trying new things @PierreBear , if I have something new out, I try to recreate it at home and add things I like or take things out I don't, hence my paesotto:lol:

Puppies are like children @Scandinavian - they have expensive toys but prefer a free plastic bottle or cardboard box :mrgreen2:

There you go @junebug17 an idea for the present, an empty cardboard box. I remember when DS was little, I'd sit him in a box with his toys and he'd be happy as a sand boy :D

I'm sure tomorrow will be an emotional day @missy , it's been a huge part of your life for so long, but don't look upon it as an end, rather the beginning of a new chapter. The pages are blank, waiting to be written. :)

The eclipse photos have been amazing, thank you for posting them.

Enjoy your day, and have a lovely evening. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It is a beautiful weather week here. Dry, warm but not hot and sunny. Just the perfect summer week. 8-)

Junie thanks so much. I appreciate your good thoughts and wishes. Hope you find a fun gift for your dh's best friend's grandson. The circle of life. Enjoy shopping!

PierreBear nice that you got to share a morning run with your dh. I love early mornings (if I slept well the night before lol) and it is a peaceful time of day. Before the hustle and bustle of the city/town around us gets going. I like tempeh and hope you find a good way to prepare it. My favorite vegan restaurant closed recently and I am sad about that. They made the best tempeh dishes. OMG I loved their earth bowl. OK now I am making myself hungry LOL.

Austina haha glad the "eagle" has landed safely. Ooh Fiat in pale turquoise sounds lovely. I hope he enjoys catching up with his friends and yay to you all visiting Orlando next month. Lots of fun occasions to look forward to together.

Marcy good news about your vision improving somewhat and sending more healing vibes for continued progress!
Hope you slept well and that Marty has recovered from his adventure. How is he feeling?

Today will be crazy busy at work and then that's it for workdays. Weird. Yesterday was the day I worked with my friend Doris and Michael and they had flowers and other assorted goodies waiting for me when I came in to work yesterday which was so sweet and thoughtful.


Yesterday right before we left Michael took a photo of Doris and me. We already have plans for the week after Labor Day (OMG how did it get to almost be Labor Day already) but I sure will miss seeing my friends and colleagues at work. And my patients. However I will not miss the administration nor keeping my patients waiting 3 plus hours because of double and triple booking.


So today will be bittersweet I think. My schedule is crazy overbooked today so I have a feeling I will be more than confident by the end of the day I made the right decision. Yesterday when I got in to work in the morning I already had 6 patients waiting for me. 6. It takes me at least 40-45 minutes a patient so you can see why they end up waiting for hours and hours. And today is even crazier so it just reinforces I am making the best decision for me. And today I don't work with anyone I will miss so I expect it will be a day without any fuss about me leaving which is perfect because I don't want a big deal made today. I just want to see my patients and say goodbye to everyone who is working today and leave.

Sorry I go on about it but it helps me to "talk" it through here though I sure have talked it through ad nauseam with my non online friends too. Sorry and thanks for listening and being here for me. (((HUGS))).

Enjoy your day girls and next time we see each other here I will be officially retired. :wavey:



Good morning! We finally got some rain this morning. I finished my run right before it started to trickle in. My plants are thankful for some reprieve. The house cleaner will come today so I got the home ready for it. DH loves it when they come over. Apparently they do a much better job at cleaning the home then I do. Or at least it smells extra fresh. DH asked if they should come more often than once a month for a deeper clean but I find some joy in doing the chores and taking care of our things. I think some of ya’ll have a helper as well. How often do they come over and how have you enjoyed that process? Anyhow, hope everyone is doing well!

@Austina – a turquoise car? Wow what fun. I think momma needs to be driven around in it too!What are ya’ll doing in Orlando next month? Any specific plans or just to relax?

@missy – Any good ways you like to prepare tempeh? I’ll have to admit that I didn’t fall in love with it but it wasn’t bad. Texture doesn’t usually bother me but the way I could see the soy beans wasn’t appetizing to me. I actually didn’t know what it was and after looking at the ingredients at the back, I think I rather just eat tofu instead. DH liked it though so I’ll still put it into rotation.

Ahh sorry your vegan restaurant closed down. Hopefully another good one will open up in it’s place. You know what… I think I need to order tempeh at a restaurant and then I’ll really get an understanding of the potential of the ingredient!

How wonderful that your friend Doris and Michael left you some surprises. Is that a beanie baby? I can’t tell what it is but perhaps a cat or a unicorn or a bear? How sweet!

Glad you had a good day of work and congratulations on your last day. We are excited for what will be in store for you next though!


Jun 8, 2008
PierreBear! Thank you sweetheart. I'm off to work now. Had a rough morning. Poor Callie as I was chatting with her when I started having bad stomac pain oy. I swear whenever I get upset my tummy goes nuts. I'm still very uncomfortable but I have no choice and have to go to work today. But just wanted to say thank you and re the tempeh I will ask greg. I don't cook and have no clue lol sorry. Also just wanted to say I emailed you a couple of early kitty videos but don't feel obligated to watch. One of them is 22 minutes long haha and taken by one of my longest and close friend Tom. It's hysterical but also boring. Just skip ahead to the cats if you're interested. Also check out Hangawi. They're a wonderful vegan restaurant in NYC and might have prep info re their tempeh.

As for what's in store for me now? Absolutely nothing and that's ok. :lol: I'm sorry but my overachieving days are over and now I'm going to follow Ms Kristie's sage advice. No more shouldas for me. :appl: Just taking it easy and slow and one day at a time. But I'm here to help with bling as always of course. :sun: And any eye issues the nirdis might have. I'm always here for you girls. :kiss2:

Ok I'm off. Hugs to all of you and have a lovely day. :wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Hope your last day as an employed person went well @missy I know you won't miss working under those conditions. You can now join the ranks of us layabouts (if only!) :lol: How sweet of your co-workers to surprise you like that. If you are anything like DH, it didn't take him long to adjust to NOT getting up at 5am everyday. I sometimes think if it wasn't for the alarm going off, he'd sleep all day!

We have rented a lovely house on a golf course in Orlando @PierreBear and we will be hitting the theme parks. G/f has never been to Disney before and it's been more than 20 years since DS has been. DH bought the park tickets today, so we're all sorted. Glad you managed to get your run in before the rain started. Apparently Tx is in for some rough weather, so I hope you won't be affected by it.

I hope the builders have turned up @Scandinavian and are getting on with the work. The running joke here is that as long as you supply endless cups of tea, they work. There's nothing worse than waiting for people to turn up, and they don't even bother to let you know they're not coming.

Hi @marcy, @junebug and @canuk-gal hope everything is well with you :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Arkieb1, glad you like Maui Jim sunglasses to well. I was looking at them at the optical shop today.

Missy, congratulations on your retirement. I am excited for you and your new adventures. That is so nice they surprised you with some gifts at work and gave you a nice party. Sleeping in will be a nice reward. I love all the pictures.
Sorry your favorite vegan restaurant closed. Hopefully you’ll find another one you enjoy.
I am glad the cool water is working to help on your rash. I hope the vitamins and Heliocare help too.
Your friends solar eclipse picture is fabulous. I have been looking at a lot of them online.
Thank you again for all of your help, support and suggestions re my eye and my eye exams. I feel hopeful now anyway.

Scandi, those people building your house sound like my employees. I hope you’ve found them by and now and they are back at work.

Junebug, I keep having people tell me I missed out on seeing the total eclipse and I keep telling them I don’t regret my choice.
I agree my eye doctor is being very attentive. I appreciate he is so approachable.
My new glasses are in my purse and going back Saturday. They aren’t lined up right. I can’t say I’m shocked.
I did inform Marty his socks were history. I told him he could go work on picking out all those stickers but so far they are still in the garage. Next trash day they are gone.
Have fun shopping for your DH’s grandson’s first birthday. What a fun age.

PierreBear, good deal to get in an early morning run.
LOL to your DH deciding you had a new bed buddy. That’s cute.
That is a good idea to freeze your bread. We hardly eat bread now but hot homemade bread is the best.
Marty didn’t care for almond milk. Now that he is trying to eat 4000 calories a day I keep suggesting he drink milk again but so far he hasn’t picked any up.
Sorry to hear your manager is so hands off. There is nothing I love more than setting down with someone and showing them how to do things. Must be why I enjoyed teaching for so long.
The ladies that clean for us usually come every 2 weeks. I think 3 weeks apart would work but definitely 4 weeks would be too long - or at least for me. They keep our place looking nice.

Austina, I am glad your DS has arrived and in style.
Marty is doing well after his weekend. He has slept more for a few nights so he must have been tired.
I love the term layabouts. I could do that.
Renting a house on the golf course would be Marty’s ideal vacation. With a gym nearby of course.

I finally had a decent day at work and had everything done by 4 pm. One hour left in the day to goof off. I also finally caught up at home; how did Marty coming home from camping negate all the stuff I caught up over my 4 day weekend? The solar scope is still in the box in the garage but I think I’ve got everything else kind of put away.

My eye appointment was rather surprising yesterday. I thought my vision had improved a little bit and it had. The 3D retinal image also showed my eye had changed. He said he can see some fluid there and recommended some eye drops to help take out the inflammation. My new glasses were in plus my lenses for my sunglasses. Sadly to get clear vision I have to look down and to my left. Phooey. I went back 3 times to get the glasses tweaked for fit. I’ve already decided I don’t like the frames; they are the most uncomfortable frames I’ve ever had. They set on my head funny.

The eye doctor gave me a prescription for eye drops to put in once a night. That little tiny bottle of eye drops was ridiculously expensive but the insurance paid for most of it. It says shake well before use; I did and opened the lid and about $50 worth of drops came shooting out of the top. Then I was all thumbs trying to get one drop of foamy stuff in my left eye but did finally manage. This morning I could see a little better (mostly distance) and I could breathe out of my nose. That part is amazing.

Marty is off to LA again next week.



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!
Have been super busy, the contractors have gone awol (or a-wall in this case...) and then sent sick leave papers + resignations in the post. How fun! (As you might remember, if I remembered to tell you, they first went bankrupt so I bought the company to keep the workers and avoid delays. Well. Maybe not my best move. Have not lost any money, but still. Annoying beyond words!

So lets talk about something fun! Just ordered this sofa:


I quite like it actually. With tons of pillows, I think it will look nice in front of the fire place in the "loft" living room with the "church" ceiling. And I did not want the sofa to feel lonely, so I also ordered 2 chairs and a puff (?) to keep it company.

chair.jpg puff.jpg

Missy, how was yesterday? Are you happy at home today?? Thinking of you! Oh and you owe me a picture of you wearing all 3 of your new sunglasses! You made me go online too - now I want new ones :mrgreen2::lol-2: How was your weekend? And how is the weather? Here, fall is coming and coming fast. Almost 0 degrees C (water freezing temp) yesterday morning. Brrrr....

Marcy, hope for some pictures of your new glasses? Spilling USD 50 - good story! Glad the insurance helps! LOL to Marty and driving, but most of all the socks. I do the same. I throw things. But DH never notice, I think..., so I'm good LOL. Hope your employees are behaving today. Or maybe not. Might prefer the story... LOL

Pierrebear, so nice of your cat to keep you warm! F does the same ever since we came home from our holiday, she will snuggle up or preferably sleep with her head on my arm... :rolleyes: She normally sleeps in her bed, but since T is so small, we have to have him in the bedroom, and then she needs to be allowed there to, so she just jumps up in the middle of the night when I'm to tired to throw her out.. LOL

Austina, your story about how your sweet baby just came upstairs one day almost broke my heart. Don't even know why. Probably because I could just picture her peeking around the corner looking for you, wondering if she was allowed to. You are so right to give love to an animal that needed a new home! Wish I could do the same, but two are quite enough right now. And they are hunting dogs / competition dogs, and they are hard to come by, puppy or adult alike LOL. We are lucky in our little part of the world though. There are enough rescue centres so all animals that are "discovered to need help" are taken good care of. The problem are the animals that suffer without anyone knowing.

June, how was the birthday party? Lots of children with lots of chocolate on their fingers, or nice? :lol-2::lol-2::lol-2:

Oh yes. And this daybed for the home office so the furbabies and I can curl up with a book at night if DH is working :P2



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Just a quick check in as we are running late. I was so exhausted when I got back from work yesterday and then had trouble sleeping but slept like a rock (or is it log?) this AM. Meeting friends and looking forward to a lovely day and weekend.

Austina your planned Orlando vacation sounds lovely. I love Disney so much but of course I haven't been there for more than 25 years but I think it is a very happy place to be.

Scandi oh no I am sorry. What are you going to do now? What is left to finish re the house? LOVE the furniture you have picked out. Just my style.:appl:

Marcy I am so relieved for you and hope your eye continues improving and also that your new glasses work out well. How did instilling the eyedrops last night go? Any easier?

Yesterday was a long day and seemed to last forever yet also seemed to go fast lol how's that for a description. At 5PM my colleagues had a little going away party which was very sweet. Delicious rich creamy chocolate cake and Greg joined us too. It is as predicted sweet and sad that I am leaving and I didn't shed a tear at all though so unlike me. Not sure if it will catch up to me later or not. I usually cry as a catharsis and so far no tears at all. Even when my colleagues were crying around me.

Just a few pics.






I was so tired at this point so excuse the very weird expressions I have in some of the pics and I know I look a wreck but hey 16 years there and I am tired.:lol:

And a photo from Wednesday.


And Sir Tommy when we got home yesterday. :cool2:


Enjoy your Friday girls! If I have time I will check in later. Very busy day planned and hopefully we can get some early cycling in as well. (((Hugs))).


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Good morning and Happy Friday! Wow we are supposed to get flash flood rain possibly this weekend. I had friends who were going to stay with us but just decided to play it safe and cancel the trip. Not sure how we are going to get in our work outs but it might entail long tread mill and spin bike work instead. I’m going to enjoy digging into some books this weekend. I love to read when it’s a dark day outside. Currently reading a book called A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. I can’t remember what list I pulled it off of but it’s a fun fictional read.

*cheers* to Missy retiring! I was thinking/wondering how long have ya’ll been working in your industries. Do you enjoy it and how do you know when it’s time to hang up the hat? I’ll share a bit that I’m in my 30s, so it’s been almost 8 years that I’ve been in my field of accounting. Never grew up wanting to be an accountant but had some challenging times in college and in the end didn’t go with something I loved but had to pick something practical. I think about making a change but not sure what I would try out or what I would be good at instead. Certainly not picking out diamonds/settings like some of you ladies out there. Haha!

@Austina – Excited about your temporary living arrangements on the golf course. Do you play and get to take advantage of being near the course? Ohhhh my hitting the theme parks. Should be a blast! Are ya’ll going to coordinate on clothes and wear the same thing as a family? I think it’s pretty cute when families do that. Cheesy but can’t help but smile. What does G/f stand for? I tried looking it up but there were too many options. Grandfather?! Your son’s girl friend? I need to work on my social media skills!

Yes, we will get some residual rain from Hurricane Harvey. Hopefully it won’t deter too many of our plans. If it does though, I know I need to be thankful for it as our plants really need a hiatus from the sun!

@marcy – Wow 4,000 calories a day! I wish I had that goal for the day. I would stuff myself with ice cream! How is his bicep doing now?

Every 2 weeks is a good time frame for a deep clean. Such a nice feeling to come home to an extra clean house.

Sorry that you aren’t happy with your frames. Hopefully you can find some that fit better. But oh my… sorry that you lost some of your medicine when just opening it. But glad to know that you were able to see a bit better. A friend just mentioned that he went with someone to get their blood/plasma converted into something that would be good for their eyes?! I know technology is amazing these days but that was a new one to me. Hope your vision continues to improve though!

@Scandinavian – Love the contrast of the black with the gold accents on the furniture. Lol lucky fur babies get such a comfortable day bed! My cat loves to sit on the yoga matt. Glad he won’t ever know what he’s missing out on… as a day bed is a new concept to him!

@missy – Wow… what kind words and lovely pictures of you and your coworkers. You are always rocking such a pretty dress too! I’m glad they had cake to celebrate you and your 16 years… wow such a long time to be working. Was it all at this same company or do you mean working in your industry? Have fun this weekend and hope you get to cycle off all those emotions from the last day of work. Keep on dousing your leg to keep that pigment down!


Apr 19, 2004

Happy retirement Missy! Wonderful pictures--thanks for sharing. 16 years of dedicated work in the same place is no small putata's--your patients will miss your kindness and talent.

Take care to all the folks in bad weathers' way--gimmie shelter! (Stones)

My knee sucks. Went to the pool today--its been two weeks of doing almost nothing--and now I feel sore.

Hello to all the NIRDI's.:wavey:

PS my DH has taken to watching kittah TV on you tube--I think he is trying to get in my good books!



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, love the pics of your last day at work, it was very sweet of your coworkers to have a party for you and it shows how much they care for you. I know they will miss you. I'm glad your last day ended on a good note, and with such a pleasant experience. You look beautiful! Congratulations on your retirement, I know you will enjoy it! I hope you have a fabulous time with Greg and your friends this weekend - it's been a stressful week for you, time to relax and enjoy yourself! :dance:

PierreBear, I love the story about your dh gave in and let your kitty sleep with you, so sweet! I ended up getting this sorting type of toy where you have to put the different shapes in the correct hole, and a few books. I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to kid stuff, but I remember that my kids liked that kind of toy back in the day.

Marcy, I'm glad your vision seems a little better but I'm so sorry about the glasses! Ugh, what a pain that they're so uncomfortable. I hope the drops continue to help and it's a nice side benefit that they help you breathe better.

Scandi, I'm so sorry about all the aggravation with the workers and I hope you can find other people to take over. The couch and chairs are beautiful! I really love that daybed, it looks so comfy and cozy!

Austina, you are so right, my kids loved playing with the boxes the toys came in lol! Your trip to Disney sounds really wonderful, you will all have such a fabulous time. You must be so excited about it! Are you going to take your beautiful new ring? Please say yes haha! It will look amazing in that Florida sunshine :love:

Sharon, I am so sorry your knee is still giving you trouble. And I hope the soreness goes away soon, it's no fun. Aw, so cute that your dh is watching kitty videos!

I'm plugging along...things have been hectic lately, lots of issues popping up but I'm hanging in there. Just an example...I got the tax waiver I needed from the state to get funds out of a bank account...went to withdraw the money and the person helping me said there was nothing in the account. I think my heart might have stopped for a few seconds. She started making phone calls and typing furiously on the computer. She also said something about the abandoned property department. Finally she got the idea to enter my social security number and the funds appeared. Apparently someone didn't attach the profile to the account, whatever that means. She issued me a check and I practically ran out of there and immediately deposited it into the estate account I have at another bank. She apologized and I think she expected me to be angry but all I could feel was relief.

Oh, here's another one... my brother left the water running in the bathroom sink and it leaked down into the kitchen ceiling and part of the ceiling fell down so we have to replace it.

One bit of good news...they accepted our offer for the condo for my brother. Now my realtor is annoyed because she feels my attorney isn't acting quickly enough on it. Deep breath, I'll get through this!

Thanks for listening to my tales of woe, I won't be such a downer in my next post lol - hope everyone has a great Saturday!
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Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

PierreBear, I am keeping you and all the folks affected by this hurricane in my thoughts and prayers and hoping everyone stays safe and well. Please keep us posted if you can. I am sorry your friends canceled but it is for the best. Safety first. I hope you can enjoy your workouts with your dh and that you enjoy a safe and not too wet weekend.

I have been working in my profession for almost 30 years and at this particular job 16. However I was at my previous job 24 years before I left (when I broke my leg and then decided not to return to that job as I decreased the number of days working after I recovered from my accident in 2014).

Sending you hugs and good thoughts and lots of PS ***DUST***.
Hurricane Harvey stay away
and please never come back
another day.

Sharon, thank you so much. I am sending lots and lots of healing dust to you and go away vibes to your darn annoying and painful Baker's Cyst.
LOL to your dh watching kitten tv. So sweet and yes that would definitely put them in our good graces. That and buying us lots of pretty bling.:halo: Hey it would work for me...see I am easy.:devil::cheeky:

Junie thank you. And a big congrats on your brother's purchase woohoo! That is something to celebrate.:appl:

Wow what a scare at the bank. And what a mistake she made. I would have been ultimately way more relieved than angry though I would have been pissed too because that is an egregious error to make. So happy that it was relatively easily and quickly resolved. Whew!

So sorry about the water your brother left running and the damage that occurred. Oy it is always something on top of a lot of somethings isn't it.

Sending you lots of love and hugs and please don't think you have to be fake upbeat here OK?! I forbid fake upbeatness lol. Feel what you feel and you are in a safe place and very loved by us. (((HUGS))).

We had a wonderful Friday. So much activity. We got to cycle and visit with friends and overall a wonderful day. Our weekend is action packed with more plans today and tomorrow with friends. I think we might have over scheduled ourselves lol and in fact the next couple of weeks I might be too busy. LOL. That is OK I think I am going to have plenty of free time very soon. Just the last 2 unofficial weekends and last week of summer is proving very busy.

Leaving you with a photo from late yesterday afternoon. A good friend (over 50 years friendship with Greg) was visiting us after our other friends had left yesterday. Please excuse the attire as Greg had not yet changed from our bike ride that day in between our friends visiting as we were tightly scheduled the whole day and there just was no time at that point haha. D had been waiting at our house for a bit before we got back from our ride since he came early. And D didn't change from work that day yet either (where his speciality is anesthesiology and he had just come from the hospital). Gotta love these 2. Adorable. Well I know I am biased.:P2


Enjoy a wonderful Saturday girls and wishing all of those who are in the path of this hurricane to be safe and well and sending good vibes to everyone.:wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

We've had a couple of busy days, but DS has gone up to London to catch up with friends and us staying over tonight and tomorrow night. I just pray there's no madness up there after the last few days. :x2

Love the photos of you and your colleagues, I'm sure they will miss you very much, they look a happy bunch. :lol: at his lordship sitting in a box. Hope you're having a great time at the beach house with your friends.

Good grief @junebug17 that certainly was a heart stopping moment at the bank, thank goodness it's all been sorted now. Why don't they double check these things before saying anything? It's stressful enough dealing with estate business without them adding to the worry. Oh noooo, to the water damage, it's so invasive.

So sorry to hear your knee is a (literal) pain, @canuk-gal how long do these things usually ltake to heal? Are you supposed to be resting it?

Loving the new furniture @Scandinavian, it's very stylish yet still looks so comfortable. Did you order it in those colours? We don't allow Dottie on the furniture, and to be fair, she's never really tried to climb up. You can imagine having a big lump like her, there'd be no room for anyone else :lol:

Hope you're safe from Harvey @PierreBear, we've not heard anything from g/f (girlfriend) to say there've been any problems at the house, so hopefully everything is ok there and with you. We used to play golf, but haven't done so for several years, life got in the way, but we're thinking of. starting again. We weren't very good, but it was exercise :mrgreen2:

I'm glad the eye drops are helping @marcy I hope you get your glasses exchanged for some more comfortable ones. People always said I looked good in glasses (I hope they didn't mean because they covered my face :roll2: ) but I preferred lenses and since having laser correction, don't need them, but comfort is a must.

We're just about to settle down and watch Allied, so I'll wish you all a happy weekend :D :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, congratulations on your retirement!

Scandi, holy cow to your contractors resigning. WTH? Now you have to hire someone else to finish? Your new furniture will look fabulous.
I am not too far behind you on temperatures. Fall is in the air.
I wasted probably a $25 drop of those eye drops last night. I almost had it in my eye then moved and it went on my face. I’m getting better at them though.

Missy, I ordered a new pair of glasses today; the ones I’d picked out just didn’t fit my face of head right. I felt like they were smashed on my face. I got Oakley’s this time which is what I have now and really like them. Yes, I am getting better at getting my eye drops in. They tweaked my sunglasses while I was there this morning and I drove around town for awhile and decided my vision with them was awful. I couldn’t see signs which is rather important behind the wheel. When I came home I went out on the deck and messed with different positions until I found one where I could actually see pretty well. The temples were basically on my ears but I left them in place and went back and said “hey I can see with my glasses in this position”. They had me put them on normal and tweaked them and voila - I could see pretty well.
Great pictures from your going away party and I am glad Greg came in for your retirement celebration as well.
Yay for sleeping like a rock / log - either one work for me.
You are having a busy and fun weekend.

PierreBear, I hope you are staying safe and out of flooding. My niece lives in Pearland and I see they are getting a ton of rain. The other niece is near Johnson Space Center and they are getting rain as well. It looks like everyone is in for a few wet days with potential flooding. The devastation from the hurricane is awful. My heart goes out to everyone. Good idea to read a good book this weekend. I just finished the new Micheal Connelly book and started a recent W.E.B. Griffin book. Great reads.
You know I haven’t asked him how his bicep is doing. I feel like I’ve hardly seen him. He and his sister went to a concert in Denver last night then he spent the night at his sister’s. Today they went to her gym to work out; they he helped her get stuff for a party at her office tomorrow; then they ate and he headed home. He even ordered pizza for supper. I’m like, what? I’d made a crock pot roast and mashed potatoes with a place of raw veggies from my BIL but since he wasn’t getting home mid afternoon I ate without him. Ha!
I like having the house clean every 2 weeks. Three weeks apart would save me money but by then I am already thinking this place needs cleaned.
Thanks, I think my vision is back to what I would call normal for me. I have been struggling with my computer here at home and at work and it’s pretty clear again. I hope it continues. Yes today’s medicine and technology is pretty amazing.

Sharon, I am sorry your knee sucks. Glad you got to go swimming.

Junebug, I remember those toys; I know I got them for kid’s parties too.
I am still breathing through my nose better. It is so strange. I keep checking in case it’s a fluke.
I am so glad they found your money. I am sure you were quite relieved.
Oh no to ceiling damage you’ll need to fix. I hope the condo purchase goes smoothly. Yes, you will get through this.

Austina, I hope your DS’s place is okay from the storms and floods. There is so much damage there already.
I am with you on comfort is a must for eye wear. That’s great laser surgery corrected your vision enough you don’t need to wear anything. I wore the hard, rigid contacts from high school on; they switched to gas perms and I never really adjusted to them very well. All the solutions seemed to irritate my eyes. Once I had to start wearing reading glasses with the contacts I decided I may as well just wear glasses. Our office (and Wyoming) is very dry so the gas perms kind of stuck to my eye which was not very comfortable.
How was Allied?

Not much new with me. As I mentioned above I am seeing better than I have for months and that is with my year old glasses. Woo hoo! I would say this is normal vision for me; my left eye still has some issues but nothing like what I was seeing. Those eye drops are my new best friend (for now anyway).

Marty is off to LA again tomorrow. He’s been home about 7 days total this month. Phooey.

We watched a 4K version of the Fifth Element tonight. That is one of Marty’s favorite movies.

Take care.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from the mountains :mrgreen2:
Lots of driving later, and furbaby F is very happy to find her birds again :P2 The real furbaby is at home with grandma :geek2:. Tired last night after having a blast lol.

Missy, the work pictures are really nice!! I think they will miss you a lot. Missing ms Missy! I miss you too BTW, please come live here!

Marcy, you are a true fighter for fixing those glasses eventually! I am sorry (not sporty - my phone is working against me as hard as it can!) Marty is leaving again. But it is good that he has a lot to do!! At least the house will be clean and you can eat takeout :mrgreen2:


Jan 23, 2016
June, seriously careless of the bank! So scary! Oh no to the water damage! So not what you needed right now! Very happy to read that the condo is "in the box" as we say here :kiss2:

Austina, perhaps Dottie would like a sofa to herself? :lol-2::lol-2::lol: F was not allowed before but I got tired of sitting on the floor. She always ask first though.


Jan 23, 2016
Austina, yes, the furniture in those colours. Needed something to hide stains from kids with both two and four legs... lol

Pierrebear, kitty can come visit us! Being an accountant is not so bad! At least you should have a nice and safe job forever! If not as exciting as skydiving :)

Sharon, how is your knee? Still worse from swimming? I know how you feel. Waiting is just plain horribel.


Jan 23, 2016
forgot to add that I have also ordered pillows in lots of jewel colours!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Beautiful day here, lovely and warm and sunny. In fact when we got back from our walk, we all had ice cream, lemon meringue flavour :P2

Jewel coloured cushions will be lovely on the new furniture @Scandinavian tanzanite, Emerald, Ruby, citrine, amethyst, all lovely and bright :D Dottie is (supposedly) a hunting dog, the Italians use them for collecting birds as they have very soft mouths. At one of the meetings we went to, a couple were giving a seminar on training your dog, needless to say, my Princess took one sniff of the bird wing and walked away with a look of disgust on her chops :lol:

She has her own memory foam sofa, which has removable washable covers.

We're having a quiet day, just relaxing, and I hope you're all enjoying the weekend, whatever you decide to do. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

Off for another long bike ride--will stop for brunch. Sore knee is not so bad....must be on the mend. Icing post exercise does the trick.

Scandi--I am shocked to hear about your house issues--very upsetting and unsettling. How will things unfold now?

Marcy--keep up with the eye drops!!

JuneB--very sorry to hear about the water damage--hope you get someone good to help with the repair.

Austina: Glad you son is having a good time at home.

Hello to everyone--have a great Sunday!



Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, F looks like she is resting for her bird hunting. She’s maybe resting from trying to keep up with T.
I do try to always find a way to make something work for me. I told Dee Jay in the other thread I frequent to remind me next year - DON’T buy glasses from the optical shop.
Sorry / sporty it’s all good to me. He was just packing and I asked him where the h*ll he was going? He said I was mouthy so he’s leaving. I then reinforced his opinion I’m mouthy. Ha! And yes the house will be cleaner. I’ll be picking up things before he reaches the highway.
Ooh to jewel colored pillows for your new furniture. That will look fabulous.

Austina, Dottie looks very comfy on her couch. I chuckled that Dottie wasn’t interested in carrying a bird.

Sharon, I am delighted to hear your knee is probably on the mend. Enjoy your bike ride. I am faithfully keeping up my eye drops.

Not much going on here today. Marty and I were having a battle over the covers in our sleep last night. He was throwing them off then they’d be on top of me so I’d wake up too warm; then I’d throw the covers back off me. I swear one time they went right across my face and startled me awake. Then I wake up cold and tried to pull the covers back my way but Marty was on top of them so I grabbed what crumbs of covers I could get. The sheet and blanket were pretty much a ball in the center of the bed when we woke up. I wish I could find oversized King flat sheets and blankets. I don’t think either of us were awake enough to know what what going on. Pretty funny. When we had a queen sized bed I was always losing my covers (and they were King sized) so I’d wrap them around my right arm so at least if he was rolling over and stealing the covers I could try to hang on to them - they word there being “try”.

My nieces and the one niece’s husband left the Houston area Friday night ahead of the hurricane and rains. I was relieved to hear they are all safe. They both have cameras at their homes so they can monitor remotely and so far everything looks fine. The married niece talked to sone of their neighbors and the streets around their house are all under water. It looks pretty awful in that area.

Take care.
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