
Now I really did it :((

Missy, I'm sorry your eye isn't improving, sending lots of good thoughts it clears up soon. Is it this Monday that you are having it checked again? I'm glad you had a good time at lunch with your friend. Looks delicious! Very cute pic of Fred, and so nice to get a good morning wish from him, great way to start the day :love: Love the pic of the marathon, very exciting and I hope everyone does well!

Scandi, I'm so glad your furbaby's recovery is going well, even though she had a bit of a rough night. It's great you and dh were there to comfort her. Hopefully you can take it easy today and get some rest. I'm keeping her in my thoughts and hoping she feels better today and is back to her usual self very soon. Hang in there, I know these past days have been really difficult for you. Please keep us posted, and big hugs to you.

Jaaron, good luck with everything, you have a lot on your agenda and I hope you have a productive week and a good time visiting your family.

Looks like it's going to be a somewhat soggy day here, and cooler too. Such a change from yesterday. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!
Lol to Fred online, he's tapping out: Sir Tommy is one lazy ba$tard, #pullyoursharedude!!!
Callie, that physio tape rocks, try it. There are great YouTube vids on how to apply and remove.

Junebug, we often say around here if you don’t like the weather wait 5 minutes - it will change. Most of our 14.5 inches of snow has melted already. You still see piles of it on the side of the streets or sidewalks but other than that; it’s mostly gone. Maybe the gators like to chase around little golf balls. One of the course at Pebble Beach had a ton of deer on the course. I am still loving my bracelet. Thanks. I think you should get one too. It’s very sparkly. Have fun visiting the cute baby.

Scandi, I am glad to hear your fur baby and you are both a little better today. That is so sweet you guys slept on the floor with her, I am sure she appreciated it.

Jaaron, how awful your dog got attached by an evil dog; I can’t say I am surprised she found a way to get that cone off herself in no time. Thank you for saying I make my every day life sound amusing and entertaining. Of course I am easily entertained so that probably helps. I’m with you on running in to a gator - I doubt I’d even think of taking a picture. Run away! Have a nice time on your travels.

Missy, sorry to hear there is no change in your eye. I continue to send you mega dust that it gets better. That is a very cool story about how you became interested in optometry. Your lunches look delicious. I am glad you had a nice visit with your friend. I definitely chuckled at you comment that if you don’t laugh at your jokes; no one will. Tell Fred thank you for the post. The marathon looks like there are a lot of participants.

Kristie, how is Maggie today?

I was going to make myself a Marcy McMuffin for breakfast but when I got out of the shower Marty was sound asleep on the couch and I hated to make noise in the kitchen. So I just had some toast. We had some burgers and an apple for lunch then headed to the movies. We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It was pretty funny and we enjoyed it. One the way home we picked up some food for supper and tomorrow. Marty is going to meet some friends near Denver tomorrow to play golf before he heads to the airport. The golf course here is still covered in snow so it’s closed.

Have a great Sunday.
Good morning girls!

Junie, yes, my appointment is at 7:30AM tomorrow. And of course tomorrow morning is supposed to be a soaking rain event. A few inches in a few hours. And we have quite the long walk from the train. Greg said so what it's not acid rain is it and I said isn't it? LOL. Yesterday we just got a few sprinkles here but it was overcast most of the day. How was it by you? Today is milder but windy so we are not heading to the shore for the day. Not worth the effort. Can you believe next weekend is Memorial Day weekend already? Hope you enjoy your Sunday and thank you again for your good thoughts.

Scandi, hope sweet F is continuing to heal well and feel better. Thinking of you and her and sending more good thoughts and healing vibes your way.

LOL Kristie, Tommy is our least lazy kitty. He is more often on the move and in action than the other 3. But of course our other 3 are incredibly lazy. Maybe they learned that from their mommy.:oops2: I have unconditional love for them. And unlike some people believe yes unconditional love does exist (referring to the weight thread). And not just from parents for children. And we all know how that is often a fairy tale anyway given all the abused children out there. But I digress. Glad to hear Finn and Maggie are feeling better and I hope that trend continues.

Marcy yes wait a moment and the weather certainly changes. That's too bad about the golf course being closed by you today because of snow but I am glad he can still get a game in at the other golf course. Sounds like you enjoyed a lovely day yesterday together. That was very thoughtful of you to forgo the Marcy McMuffin haha as not to disturb Marty. Hope the toast was tasty. Do you take jam on your toast? I think peanut butter would be delicious and nutritious over any other topping. Just saying for future reference (if you are not allergic that is). :lickout:

So we went exploring DUMBO yesterday. Which stands for Down Under the Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge. It has come a long way but still not a place I would want to live because it can be quite noisy due to all the traffic from both bridges and the subways right there. It is very loud. But it is more lively than a decade ago. We actually bought our couch from the store ABC Carpet in 2003 that used to be there but then it went out of business a number of years ago but there is still an ABC Carpet in the city. Here is a pic of the Manhattan Bridge.


As we were exploring I found a furniture store (not looking for one however) that had a couch and chairs I really liked. We are going to redecorate the beach living room (and still planning on renovating the beach kitchen but not sure when) and I am thinking of this couch and 2 chairs in white leather. Now Rainwood I remember what you wrote about white leather but this one was stained through and through so hoping it is good. It was very thick and felt like a great quality. But of course super expensive so I have to think about it and we have to take measurements when we go to the beach next weekend.

So this couch as a 3 seater and a 2 seater if we keep both seating areas in the beach living room. And 2 of the chairs. In the white leather fabric.




So that was our exciting day. Oh and I got mauled (well scratched lol) by a sweet kitty! Seriously not his fault as you know kitties are psycho by nature :lol:. We went to a poetry store in DUMBO and there was a sweet kitty there who I put my hand out to and he came over and rubbed against me and my hand and then I was petting him and all was OK when suddenly BAM out of nowhere he lashed out and not only cut me but sliced part of my leather sleeve on my jacket!!! Oh no! :eek: LOL my fault completely however and Greg is in the process of fixing it now. My hand wound is healing and I just hope he is up to date on all his vaccinations and has no diseases. :knockout: But I must emphasize it was not the (psycho) kitty's fault.:halo: Adam (the kitty) has something in common with Bobby.::) Fortunately Greg being the chivalrous and prepared gentleman that he is gave me his clean handkerchief to stop the bleeding. Afterwards we went to a bike store and were chatting with one of the guys who worked there (Ilya) and he noticed my wound and sent me to the bathroom there to wash up and he had bandaids there too! :appl:

I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday and sending hugs and good thoughts everyone's way.:wavey:
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OK I couldn't resist taking a few photos of the kitties right now. They are so darn adorable.
And Kristie I think Tommy is looking right at you saying boo. :lol::cool:



The camera had the toughest time focusing on HRH. I guess all the black made it challenging to focus LOL.


and finally a photo of the 3 of them just hanging out with me now. Bobby is in the exercise room as I guess he wants to get in shape for kittykini swim season.:lol:

Just wanted to let you all know that furbaby is a lot better today. hugs!
What good news Scandi.

Afternoon ladies. It's a beautiful day here and we've been out on a long walked, so we're all pooped!

Missy, your pusscats look full of character and your kittykini comment had me :lol: I said much the same last year, when Dottie had to have major emergency surgery to remove her spleen. She had a huge scar and I lamented the fact that she'd never be able to wear a bikini again :D

We suddenly remembered yesterday that it was the 39th anniversary of our first date! Little did I know then that all these years later we'd still be together. Where does the time go?

We're taking friends to the theatre tonight, (we're very fortunate to have one nearby that gets all the shows either pre or post their West End run).

Good luck with your eye appointment tomorrow Missy, sending positive vibes for a good outcome.

Have a lovely day ladies, whatever your plans.:wavey:
HA! Missy I am now on Sir Tommy's $#*t List!! :lol-2::P:lol-2: Eye appointment is tomorrow, that is GOOD, you are going to get good news I know it!!! You will be nicely moisturized by the rain when you get there, hahahaha!! Great pic in DUMBO, btw, very "New York" evocative. I've tried to buy things from ABC because I see their ads in The New York Times but I'm never fast enough to get a sale item dammit. They have beautiful rugs and accessories, that's for sure.

Austina, how fun you get the shows without a lot of the West End hassle. When the DH and I were in London we saw Les Miserables there in a splendid Victorian (I think Victorian) theatre. But the seats and leg room were *Victorian* sized---I'm almost 5'9 so I was super uncomfortable. I thought the guy in the seat in front of me was going to go right out of his skin, he was that uncomfortable and thus fidgety. At the intermission, we were SHOCKED that food vendors came into the theatre itself, including THANK GOD ice cream, because as you well know, Les Mis is longer than the Second Coming. When we left the show, we looked at each other on the street and started laffing because the second half was really an ordeal, a very expensive ordeal hahaha. We also saw the 100th Anniv Performance of "The Importance of Being Earnest" (modern theatre) which was AMAZING in every way. The best. English actors ROCK. Congrats on 39th anniversary of first date! If you'd known it was going to last THIS long you might have judged him a little more closely, no? heehee :lol-2::whistle:

Scandi, give FiFi gentle pats and sweet words from her NIRDI aunties, okay? And the very same thing for you, your heart is in your hands when your baby goes under the scalpel, I know.

Hi, Marcy! We know a few people who were moving cross country this week who got caught in that road closure that trapped Marty. Hello Weather!:doh::doh::doh:Maggie is not doing great. She really avoids weightbearing on the right leg. She is super gimpy when she will walk. She is avoiding a lot of activities she used to love, like giving the neighbor's dog a ration of Scottish $#*t, busybody-ing all throughout the backyard, running like a crazy girl through the house with a stuffed toy in her mouth. I'm so sad about it. I'm having a challenge controlling my panic about this situation. She goes for her first acupuncture tomorrow and honestly, I'm afraid to hope at this point. Maybe all I can do for her now is to try to keep her comfortable and give her the best possible time for whatever is left to her. It even kills me to type that.

The old saying: When you get a dog, you make a contract with sorrow.

Well that is knocking at my door right now. It feels like a terrible bargain today.

Jaaron, phooey on that dog that went after yours. That's a real adrenaline SPIKE. I've been in that situation once years ago, the neighbor's dog sent mine to the vet AND bit the crap out of his owners hand and arm.

Missy, oh no to walking so far in the rain tomorrow. We had some rain here today but not for too long. I often have peanut butter on toast or an English muffin. As a matter of fact that is probably going to be my supper. Easy cooking and clean up. Sounds like you had fun exploring DUMBO and I love the furniture you found. That is too bad the kitty scratched you. Good deal you go to clean it up soon after it happened. Cute kitty pictures. Good luck with your eye appointment tomorrow.

Scandi, I am delighted to hear your fur baby is doing better today.

Austina, yay for a beautiful day there and a nice long walk. Have fun at the theatre tonight. That’s great to have one nearby. How cool to celebrate the 39th anniversary of your first date.

Kristie, darn that Les Miserables was kind of a miserable experience for you. Our local civic center is like that; very uncomfortable seating. I’d suggest we go more often if seating and leg room for the 2 of us. I can’t say I am surprised your friends got caught in that storm; it was widespread and lengthy. At least snow melts quickly this time of year. I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you with Maggie; I am sending mega dust her way that acupuncture is her miracle treatment. Big hugs to you.

I’ve been watching movies all day. I am watching La La Land right now. I am not a fan of musical but it’s good enough I’ll watch it. Why Her was pretty cute. The Space Between Us and Lion were good movies. I picked up the house and finished laundry but with just me being here the past week there wasn’t a lot to do.

Have a great evening.
Missy, I'm sending lots of healing dust for your eye appointment tomorrow. I'm so hoping you have good news to share tomorrow. How is your hand feeling now? It sounds like you had a great today seeing the animals at the adoption fair. The workman that came today to work on the patio were here for 5 1/2 hours. Thankfully the DH ran the errands that needed to get dine while I stayed home. I think my husband got the better end of the deal. It was very noisy while they were working.

Scandi, You posts about "F's" surgery going well and seeing the pictures of her sleeping peacefully made my weekend. I'm so happy she is on the road to recovery. You must be so relieved and I'm sure everyone in your hosehold is thrilled her surgery went well. I don't blame you at all for sleeping with her. Our furbaby sleeps on the bed with us. My husband said that his only rule about getting a dog was that it couldn't sleep in our bed. That lasted all of 10 minutes. She stared crying as soon as we went to bed that first night we got her. 10 minutes later she was sleeping with us and has done so every night since.

Poodles, Thank you for sharing your experience with your shoulder. I'm also an occasional migraine sufferer so your comment about your shoulder hurting more than your migraine definitely made rethink over doing things. I'm going for a scan this week so I'm hoping the problem is nothing serious. Two of my co workers years ago had a frozen shoulder and it sounded awful. They both were in so much pain. Mine doesn't hurt terrible all the time thank godness but it's very annoying. I also spend a lot of time with my niece who is 3 and I can't take her without my husband right now as I'm a afraid it would be extremely painful to lift her. Trimming 50 evergreens 30 boxwoods was a really dumb thing to do last week. Your furbabies are so cute. I hope you had a great weekend.

Marcy, Did Marty go out of town again? I was glad to hear your snow melted quickly but wish you would just hurry up and get some great weather so you could get your flower planting done. They delivered all my potted plants this weekend and they did a really good job.

Junie, I hope you had a great weekend. Do you have any weekends at the beach planned? Will you do another family trip this year or just just keep the trip with your husband, son and daughter? I know it can be quite stressful when you have all the extended family come stay.

Rainwood and Jaaron, I wish I could have had you both with me Friday evening. We had dinner with one of my husbands coworkers who is from London. She is fascinated with American Politics and was quite eager to talk about every Trump. It was very interesting hearing her thoughts and what is being said in London about our current President. She was so much fun and I know you both would have loved her.

Kristie, I hope Finn and Maggie had a good day today and things start to really improve with Maggie. Did you do anything fun today.

Sharon, Don't you have a new bling project in the works? Are you ready to talk about it yet? I hope you had a good weekend and things are starting to warm up by you. I think we are all ready for summer. Well I am until I try to fit into my summer clothes then I think the cold weather isn't so bad after all. FYI The Daily Mail online had over 200 pictures from Pippa's wedding. She looked beautiful.
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Callie, that's great your potted plants turned out great. I'll probably plant mine in 2-3 weeks. I'll need Marty here too so he can get his drip system going on them. Did the workman finish your patio? That is pretty cute how long your husband held out that your fur baby couldn't sleep with you guys. I see who won that round. I hope your scan figures out what is going on with your shoulder and gets you on the road to recovery. Yes, Marty is on his way to LA right now. He sure wishes a trip or two to Australia would work out so he can get his status back. Basically not going anywhere last year dropped him from a 100K member to no status. I looked through most of Pippa's wedding pictures. Her dress was beautiful and I liked the jaguar they drove away in after the wedding.

I took a few photos of my bracelet today. Here are a few collages I made

Thanks Jarron, it's been an interesting time so far.
The highlight has been exploring on the bike to places you can't drive and are too far to walk.

AZ I'm worried about Maggie- how is she today?

Scandi it's cute and heartwarming that your DH would sacrifice and sleep on the floor. That says plenty!

My second handyman has not shown up or called so I am getting organized to repair the old floor myself.
Happily I have made friends with a knowledgeable person possessing rudimentary English-speaking skills at the dyi store.
This is what is called a working vacation lol

I hope those of us nirdis with health issues are doing better today. I read everything you write and am thinking about you.
Marcy your post appeared at the same time I posted...
Love your sparkling collage!
Missy, I hope everything goes okay with your eye exam. And your kitties are just such adorable balls of fur on the bed! And Tommy sending messages to Kristie with his eyes!! Hey, Tommy, you don't scare me!! Text me sometime when Missy isn't looking!! Love the half-marathon photos. What a body pack. And I'm glad the white leather is not painted. Do they bleach it to get all the pigment out of the leather? And use Dermagel on that kitty bite!

Scandi, glad that F is feeling better. It's amazing how fast dogs can bounce back from surgery. Hope she continues to get better and better.

Kristie, my thoughts are with you and Maggie and Finn. It's so hard not to worry and your Westies are so, so cute.

Jimmieanne, it's a bummer that your handyman hasn't shown up. Unfortunately, that happens a lot, including on this side of the Atlantic! Have you had much experience with the Gallic shrug of the shoulders that translates to something like 'Ah, that's just the way it is. What can you do?' And to answer an earlier question, all the photos lately are from my iPhone. It really can be amazing. I am planning to get the iPhone 8 when it comes out because of the better camera.

Callie, I would have loved to be at your dinner table!! For many reasons, but including talking to someone from London about #45. How's your shoulder?

Junie, I know you'll be able to appreciate this story. I closed out my mom's estate account with the brokerage firm last year. I get a statement from them this week for that account, and open it to find that they haven't closed the account because it has 91 cents in it. Aaaaaaggh!! In the last two years, I've gotten checks from various financial institutions for a few dollars, but also going down to as little as 2 and 4 cents. I'm waiting for the day I get a check for one penny. And they can't close the accounts because they still have a balance, but they don't tell you that. I haven't been able to close a single account on the first try because they always seem to owe some nominal amount of money. Totally crazy.

Marcy, I'm hoping that the only ice you encounter is that lovely bracelet on your wrist!! So pretty.

Austina, I know your sweet girl is a Spinone, but every time I see her I think 'Spumoni' instead!! Maybe it's because she's so sweet looking.

Poodles, my city did a similar fundraiser with pigs years ago. They were all over the city and very cute. But you needed both a big wallet and a big house because those porkers went for a lot of money and were the size of full-grown adult pigs of a very large breed. Kids could ride them!!

Jaaron, I hope things settle down and you get to have some relaxing time in the country. I certainly know about houses that always seem to need fixing so hope you don't spend all your time in fix-it mode.

Sharon, hope you're doing well. Weather getting better up there?

So here's something interesting that happened to me this weekend. I was getting some stuff ready for a free document shredding event I was invited to on Saturday. My DH was an excellent record keeper, but kept things maybe a littttttle longer than needed. I was going through an investment file of a previous 401(k) at my old firm and came across a couple of stock trades from 2000 that somehow caught my eye. The trades were made through the plan's designated broker. Check out who it was:


I had no idea!!!!!! I'm calling it my brush with history. I particularly like the asterisked comment. Truer words . . . . Fortunately, it all worked out fine for us!

I hope everyone has a good week. And my thoughts are with all the fur babies and their humans who are going through tough times.
Good morning girls!

Scandi thinking of you and F and hoping her recovery is going well!

Austina happy 39th anniversary of your first date! So romantic. I hope you had a wonderful celebration. Sweet Dottie what she went through having to undergo surgery and I hope it didn't curtail her spinonikini wearing season too much that summer.

Marcy I love that bracelet montage. Very blingy very glamorous! I love peanut butter and toast-sounds like a perfect supper and hope you enjoyed it. Sorry Marty lost his flying status. But I bet you are glad he isn't flying as often and staying home a bit more. Thanks for the rec on La La Land. We didn't see any of the nominated (or any of the 2016) movies yet except for Moonlight Mile which we enjoyed. Hope the rest of your Sunday went well!

hope Maggie and Finn had a good night and are both improving and hope the Wobenzym is helpful.
Hahaha Sir Tommy is not upset with you at all. He was just joking around. He has quite the wry and keen sense of humor.:lol:

Callie OMG 5 and a half hours. I thought you weren't going to stay the whole time they were there. That's 2 days they took from you but I know it's going to look beautiful and I hope it is just as you wanted it. Hoping you wake up this morning with your shoulder all better!

lol that is a piece of history. Thank goodness it worked out for you. Have you watched Billions on SHO? We love that series. And Sir Tommy says he is waiting for your phone call. He loves to chat so just a warning about that. He yaks yaks yaks and is difficult to get off the phone. He is an equally good texter.:P He is a true catlenial.:cheeky:

Oh no I am sorry the workman didn't show. WTH. I hope you can get some expert help for your floor and I have complete confidence in your abilities.

yesterday the weather was beautiful here and I hope you enjoyed the lovely day.
Sharon is there new NIRDI bling in our shared future?:love::cheeky::pray::appl: OK please share if there is...I need a pick me up and I would love to enjoy your bling joy if there is a new pressure though!

Thank you all for your good wishes. We had a wonderful day yesterday and visited an adoptalooza in the Union Square area and saw a lot of cats and dogs get adopted. Sharing some photos from the picture perfect beautiful day yesterday.




Please don't read the vent below if you dont feel like hearing about another health issue- seriously skip it.

But I feel like a walking time bomb sometimes because we got home and had a lovely evening and I bent over to hug Fred who was sitting on the couch next to me and all of a sudden the room started spinning and it was scary. I didn't lose consciousness or anything but the dizzy feeling never went away and I am still dizzy this morning. WTH. I am getting mad and frustrated with myself because this is not cool. I am telling myself to SNAP out of this because I don't want any more weird (or otherwise) health issues and c'mon already! :wall:Ugh ugh ugh. I dont need to add vertigo to the list of stuff. Thank you K for offering me helpful advice and hopefully it won't come to medical intervention and hopefully it will go away as quickly as it came on and hopefully that will be soon.

OK so I hope all the
fur babies are doing well and I hope all the NIRDIs are feeling well and I hope everyone has a good Monday! Off to the Retinal Specialist in half an hour and will hopefully check back later with you with good news. Fingers and toes crossed.:wavey:

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Rainwood that investment receipt is a hoot!

Missy I am thinking of you with love.
I hope your doctor visit includes good news.
As for the vertigo
That's one of the most awful feelings. I hope it goes away quickly and never ever comes back.

I paint a life sized cow for charity a couple of years ago. Supposedly an honor to be a chosen artist...
Imagine my surprise when they told me I was responsible for picking up the huge heavy cow to take to my studio, paint it in 3 weeks and return it. So much for being honored lol
But it sold at auction for $2500, which went to the charity, and was donated to the children's hospital.
A good memory.

Missy I'll check in later to see how you are doing.
Missy, sending good thoughts you get good news at your appointment and I hope this vertigo clears up for you. Will check back later.
Hi Jimmianne and Junie and everyone else. I'm ok. Status quo unchanged and now just making sure no change in sxs. Next appointment 6 months if all goes smoothly. Thank you so much for your support and good thoughts. Much appreciated!
I'm going to work out now and hopefully my dilation will wear off by the afternoon because wow is my vision blurry. Have a good rest of the morning and see you later.(((Hugs))) :kiss:

And no post complete without a photo :cool:. My dh waiting patiently. I took this pic on the down lo haha. I heart my sweet dh.:halo:


Missy and Callie: I have nothing to either tell or conceal! I have not bought anything nor have any plans--although that pair of Lalalaounis bracelets in the Dupuis June auction had me thinking!

Hope things go well for you today MIssy. Perhaps you were just a bit dehydrated and made you feel faint?

And hope all furry beings are in health and on the mend.

Going to enjoy our 25 C weather today and take out my husbands new bike!

JA--I love to hear about your adventures--one post (or rock removal) at a time.

Good afternoon lovely ladies. It's an absolutely beautiful day here, wall to wall sunshine and so warm.

I'm glad to hear there's been no deterioration in your condition Missy, but sorry that there's been no improvement either. Thank you for the photos, I do love to hear about people adopting 'preloved' pets. Ugh, to the dizziness, I had a week of that a couple of weeks back. I think whenever I'm fighting a low grade infection of some kind, I get the dizzies. Hope it passes quickly.

Oh dear AZ, no matter how much time we have with our beloved pets, it's just never enough.

Marcy your photo collage of your beautiful bracelet has made it easier to see the lovely setting.

Seems the unreliable no-show workmen is a universal thing!

The show was fun, I couldn't believe how versatile and talented all the performers were. The theatre often have one off shows on a Sunday, as the main shows run from Monday to Saturday.

I hope you're all having a really good start to the week, a big wave to you all:wavey:

I'll leave you with a photo of my 'Spumoni' sunbathing 'au natural' :lol:

Heehee, I love the au naturel sunbather!!! Before I read your post but saw the pic, I thought "That is a supermodel of a dog---all legs and arms and good hair!!!!"
That Madoff doc with the *May lose value?" FRAME THAT SUCKER!!!
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On I love your mini's, Poodles4, (are they mini?)!!! They sure have personality, love the cute neck ruff!!:mrgreen:
Missy, I'm sorry you're still having an eye issue but at least it didn't worsen, that counts for something. I'm really hoping it clears up for you soon. And that bout of vertigo must have been very scary, I hope by now you're feeling much better.

I'll be back tomorrow to catch up with everyone!

Jimmianne, I am loving the pictures you are posting on FB. It is so pretty there. Think of the money you are saving doing your renovations yourself; sadly it’s more work for you but think of the skills you are picking up from this. That is awesome about your painting going for $2500 and going to charity.

Rainwood, what a pain in the butt about getting accounts to close because they have a tiny balance. I had something like 83 cents in a HSA account at work and they wouldn’t let me close it; they wouldn’t issue any refunds for less than $5.00 and no they wouldn’t just close it and write it off the books. I called my dentist and had them card me 83 cents on it to get it zeroed out. Thanks, the only ice I dealt with today was my jewelry and in my ice water. OMG what a find that paperwork from a stock trade. My parents saved paperwork for everything and luckily I found his receipt for his utility trailer he bought in 1949. The ladies at the county clerk office were showing it to everyone.

Missy, Marty had his 100K status for about 4 years but just didn’t fly much last year and lost it. I don’t think he can get back to 100K with trips back and forth to LA. I really hate to hear you got dizzy when you bent over. I hope it was a fluke and won’t happen again. I am relieved to hear your eye was no worse but I am sorry it wasn’t better. Greg waiting for you is so heartwarming. He is worried about his honey.

Sharon, did you go for a ride on your DH’s new bike?

Austina, yay for sunshine. I saw the sun off and on today but we got more rain. LOL that your Spumoni is sunbathing au natural.

Kristie, how did Maggie do with acupuncture?

Hi Junebug?

Have a great evening.
Missy, I hope the vertigo is better tomorrow. I don't know much about it other than feeling dizzy all the time has to feel awful.

Rainwood, That receipt is unbelievable. There is a movie on HBO about his family my husband has on DVR. I'll let you know if it's any good,

Kristie, How is Maggie feeling? Did you see any improvement after her treatment today?

Marcy, I can understand how upset Marty is about losing his airline status. The only good thing from all my husbands flying is his status is now good for life. After 4 million miles of flying they should give you something. I really can't complain either. I sure enjoyed using all his miles for my trips.
Callie, the is wonderful your husband's status is good for life. 4 million miles of flying is something! Using those miles for trips is sure nice.
Dear Greg. He's wonderful. You two are so great together.
Missy I started getting light flashes about 5 years ago (the things no one ever tells you about getting older!). Despite regular checkups & assurances it still freaks me out.
I'm glad everything is ok with you.xx

Marcy thanks. Saved even more $ yesterday by learning how to change the locks on the house.
My skill set improves daily & I'll make someone a great husband someday
Missy, Lots of get well hugs from us - we are sitting out in the sun today :-) 2587_1495535565279.jpegLots of thank you all hugs for good wishes and dust!