
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Groundhog's Day!!!!!!!!

Callie, hope the rest of your day went well and sending you bucket loads of good luck dust and healing vibes for today. And lots and lots of (((HUGS))). I am with you in spirit and hope it goes super smoothly!!!

Marcy, glad your day was busy and productive but sorry it was frustrating too. Please resist the urge to beat your head on your desk. When you have the urge hit a killer bunny instead. JK! I never advocate animal (even stuffed animal) violence. Wow to having all your tax documents. I don't think we have close to most of ours yet.

Hope today goes well at work and that it is not as crazy.

Have a good Groundhog's Day girls. It's one of our favorite days (but I really wish they wouldn't bother any groundhogs yanno) because oh how can one resist the preciousness of a groundhog. Awwww, so sweet. :love:





Aug 31, 2005
omg, missy! I had no idea they were so cute. That last photo, especially. :love:


Jan 23, 2016
Hello there and very good very late morning to you girls :wavey:

Life here is going about in its usual kind of chaotic way. The builders are removing one of your walls this week, so furbaby can't be home alone, so even more chaos than normal to make the days go around somehow. Who knew that 24 hours can go so fast?? Anyways, yesterday DH had to stay home with her, because I was stuck all day in a meeting. Actually, when it was 5 pm, I told them I had to go home to furbaby, (the children had skiing class) so more than one adult was needed to get through the evening, lol. So the meeting continued by phone when I got back home and I think I logged off the last part of that meeting around 10 pm yesterday. All I could think was - SERIOUSLY??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

But then again - should never complain about having too much work to do. The opposite would be far worse.

Tomorrow evening we are driving back up to into the mountains. I need to give furbaby as much practice as possible before the winter competitions begin first weekend in March. For those of you (Jaaron at least, lol) who have happily escaped from the endless furbaby loosing yet another competition stories, I'm sure I'll have a few new ones for you soon!! :lol:

Jaaron, I try to compete with furbaby in hunting competitions. No actual shooting involved though, so all the animals are quite safe, including the somewhat frightened birds that we mock-hunt. The point is that the dog should (i) search for, (ii) find and point towards birds (grouse) (iii) scare them into the air, and SIT down nicely once the bird is airborne. We are having a bit of trouble with that last part, so no first prizes for us yet.... :lol: :wall: :lol: But I really want one, because I would love to have a puppy from furbaby, and I really don't want to bread her without that prize - it would make the puppies so much more popular so that I can choose really good homes for them. Also, the selection of dad-dogs would be much better.. Oh well! We enjoy the competitions regardless, it is always nice to have something to practice for! So except that I'm always so worried that I almost throw up the day before, it should be a lot of fun! :loopy: :roll: :lol:

Missy, how are things going at work and with the double bookings? Perhaps you could register all your patients under two different names? Should at least reduce the number of people that actually shows up... LOL

Marcy, any new news re your yellow new earrings? If I have missed it, I'm sorry! But please repeat...

Jimmianne, I also have trouble not reading your news these days. But it is easier from over here, I think. More like a sci-fi series.. Sorry. No disrespect intended. Just difficult to believe.

Callie, I'm sorry you have been feeling a bit down. Might I suggest a bit of shopping therapy...? Usually works wonders for me.. :shifty: :whistle: :naughty:

Rainwood, if your Elle was mine, I think I might show her off :naughty: :appl: Such a nice girl :bigsmile: :halo:

CJ, my grandmother has IBS (and celiac decease also). She was tons better shortly after the diagnosis because it was so much easier for her to adjust food etc when she knew.

Ciao and hugs and hope to talk to you all soon!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone -

Missy, sorry to hear about the change at work, I hope the transition goes smoothly and doesn't make things difficult for you. Love Calvin and Hobbes, such a great cartoon, lots of truth along with the humor. Aw those ground hogs are so cute!

CJ, yes, we can keep each other posted - I just started with the tea and a probiotic today so I'll let you know how I make out. It's great your doctor was so nice; it really makes the whole experience of going to a doctor so much better.

Marcy, thanks for explaining how you handled things with the house. I know it must have been a difficult thing for you but it sounds like it went as smoothly as it could and things fell into place with selling it. Sorry you're so busy at work and I hope you catch up soon. I hope returning to the old company doesn't cause too much upheaval. The uncertainty of a change like this is stressful. I'm having a good time wearing Fleur, she's a fun ring to wear! Hope you get good results from your new shampoo.

Rainwood, I'm so glad Elle is back and that you are enjoying her! A setting from LAD sounds fabulous. In the meantime it sounds like the temp setting will do very nicely. I understand your reasons for not doing a thread right now; you can always do one when you feel more comfortable about it. And yes, I agree that hiring someone is definitely an option if the job just gets to be too much for me and my brother. I'm sorry you had some sad moments, and so very sorry for all you've been through.

Calliecake, thanks for sharing your experience selling your mil's house - yes, we might have to consider hiring a company if we end up in over our heads (which we probably will lol!). Sounds like you're having some major dental work done and I'm sending good thoughts that it all goes well and you recover quickly from it. My daughter always says food has no calories if you eat it in little pieces ha. I'm thinking of your family members and hoping they are doing ok.

Hi EB! I agree, I didn't realize ground hogs were so adorable!

Scandi, wow, you do have a lot going on, but as you said it's better than the alternative lol. I'm glad to hear there is a lot of work going on at the house even though it's disruptive - it means you're that much closer to being done! It's nice you're heading to the mountains and I hope your furbaby does well with her training. It's a lot of fun hearing about her competitions, I always enjoy reading about them!

I'm gearing up to take Zoe the cat to the vet this afternoon - not looking forward to it because she just hates it so much but it has to be done, ugh.

Have a great day everyone!

Speaking of Zoe, here's a pic - she matches the rug haha!



Dec 9, 2013
Happy Groundhog Day!
nice that it's a girl groundhog this year. Phyllis?

Missy, thank you for the cute photos. Who knew they were so adorable?!

I'm sort of a lurker here these days. Getting ready to host my women's group here this weekend and woefully unprepared & lazy. : )
Not a good combination. lol

see you all later!


Jan 23, 2016
Zoe is spectacular! :love:

Btw, forgot to tell you: I have been to the hairdresser (can't remember which day but this week I think, lol) and added some lowlights, light brown, to tone down the blondness a bit :lol: Thought you might find that amusing, most people who do not live here do :lol: I just get too blonde from the sun, so it looks like I dye my hair... So I tone it down a bit every now and then...

Jimmianne, unprepared and lazy gives a lot of room for creativity in my experience :cheeky:

Missy, those are too cute for words !!


Jun 17, 2009
Jimmianne, lol to being woefully unprepared and lazy - I can relate all too well these days haha!

Scandi, your hair sounds lovely! Although I'm sure you'd look fabulous with any hair color - and my daughter would love to have your natural color, that's for sure!


Feb 27, 2007
A few frosty tree photos




Mar 29, 2005
Hello, my neighbors in NIRDI-ville!

Missy, I hope they didn't double book you into exhaustion this week in the clinic. It's hard to provide good care to your patients if you're rushed and tired. It's amazing how many providers lose sight of that very basic truth. And having a changeover in management can be such a crap shoot (and sometimes I mean crap literally). Even if the current one is terrible, you never know if the next one will be worse. When I was in private practice, I was partner in charge of our largest office for 2 years. I would rather have had someone pull every hair out of my head one strand at a time. My boss, the managing partner, had very different views on how to handle things than I did and I wasn't going to be his henchwoman. We had some very interesting meetings - interesting in the sense that I didn't leap out of my chair and try to strangle him with his own tie.

And this isn't related, but groundhog pups are the cutest!! They'd have seen their shadows here today. And this sounds terrible of me I'm sure, but Adam's video can be circulated by e-mail, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it going into a NIRDI post.

Jimmianne, you crack me up! Unprepared and lazy was the motto I lived by for the entire month of January!! It's embarrassing to admit but so true. My Christmas tree is still partly up with only the top part down (it's fake so it's not as if I took an axe to a real one). And I'd love to hear about your women's group - is this a group of artists?

Scandi, fingers crossed that construction doesn't make you insane for the next few months. And as far as work goes, the stress that comes from being too busy is always better than the stress of not having enough work. And having to get lowlights because your hair gets too blonde is like someone claiming she has to wear glasses because otherwise she'd be too pretty!! I hate you by the way!! And best of luck with your fur baby's training this weekend. One of these days she'll get that sit right.

Junie, when we got my mom's house cleaned out and we were getting it ready for sale, the realtor went through it to see what kinds of things were most likely to be flagged in an inspection, suggested we get them fixed and had recommendations of companies who could do the work promptly at a reasonable cost. A good realtor will have those resources, and because the realtor is a good source of business, you get on their schedule sooner than you would on your own. And it was a good move. Other things were flagged on the inspection report (which I chose not to have sent to me because I didn't want to then have an obligation to disclose those things to the next buyer if the sale fell through), and we gave them a bit of money back in escrow for that. The one thing I'd do differently next time is to have the deductions for needed repairs reduce the sales price of the house because otherwise real estate commissions, excise tax, etc. are based on a higher sales price than you're actually getting. I won't make that mistake again.

Callie, I hope your dental work went well and you're doing okay. I hear you on the difficulties of dealing with people on the opposite side of the issues. Tricky, that's for sure. I have a friend from school I don't see often but have very fond memories of. We're FB friends and I tried to help with caregiving and other cancer-related advice pre-election because his wife had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He is rabid, and I mean rabid, about a particular issue (one that I choose not to identify here) and his posts on my FB feeds were just constantly filled with it. I decided I had to unfollow him even though I thought I could have been of help. I went back on his FB page today to discover his wife is very near death, but to find that out, I had to weed through probably 15 posts about that same issue. I know it's probably part of his coping mechanism, but the truth is I can't cope with his coping mechanism. There's just too much of it and it's stuff I disagree with on such a fundamental level. So I'll monitor every once in awhile so I can acknowledge his loss when it comes, but otherwise I have to disengage. They aren't local and I know they have lots of local support without me, but it still breaks my heart a little. He was a big part of my life a long time ago.

Marcy, do not mention tax documents to me. Do not mention! I want to push that nasty little chore off into the distance for a little while longer. Bears, bunnies, and baubles are okay, but no taxes!!!!

Kristie, if I end up buying something, I'm blaming you. Is your PS parole up yet?

Okay, so I've struck a bargain with myself. I'll post another picture of Elle but only because I'm also going to post a few things that are either useful or funny for those who fall on the progressive side of the spectrum. I'll start with the useful. I've seen a lot of articles and lists about what we should do, some of which I kind of agreed with or disagreed with and then this list came up on my FB feed. I don't know who wrote it because there was no attribution, but these may be my new 10 commandments as slightly amended or supplemented by me:

Advice on how to deal with what's going on in the country:

1. Don't use his name (he who shall remain nameless but I've decided to call #45).
2. Remember this is a regime and he's not acting alone.
3. Do not argue with those who support him--it doesn't work and it wastes time and energy.

4. Focus on his policies, not his orange-ness and mental state.

5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow. Thank people who stand up for what's right and let them know you stand with them.

6. No more helpless/hopeless talk. Figure out what steps you can take now. Do the same next week and every week after that.
7. Support artists and the arts. They make the world a better place and that's important too.

8. Support independent and investigative news sources. Be careful not to spread fake news. Check it first.

9. Take care of yourselves. We need to be in it for the long haul.
10. Resist!

And now for the funny courtesy of The New Yorker. I can't post the cartoons because of copyright, but the first one is a man and woman in bed. The man is working his smartphone. The woman is reaching to turn off the bedside lamp and says to him,"Set the alarm for 2020." The second is a cartoon of a short little king in a jester hat sitting on the throne with a very grumpy look on his face. Two courtiers are standing in the wings and one says to the other, "He was once funny ha-ha, but now he's just funny terrifying." Sometimes, you just need to find the humor.

And now for the second part of the deal, a new photo of Elle:

As I've said before, I have someone else's hands. My mother had these long beautiful fingers and she was 5'2". I have these short, pudgy fingers and I'm 5'8". How is that possible or fair? But on the good side, having fat fingers means you can wear bigger stones and I think one of Elle's greatest strengths is she's of a size that helps you really appreciate the soft, romantic qualities of an OEC. No photo will ever do her justice. I must look at her 200 times a day. Elle est belle.



Feb 27, 2007

Missy, the groundhogs came out around here today and said screw this we’ll be back in June. Cute pictures of groundhogs. Funny you mentioned tax documents I got another one in the mail. It’s something to do with health care and looks like I owe money for not having health care at work. I get healthcare from Marty’s company. I’ll have to do research on that silly thing.

Hi E B.

Scandi, sorry you have been so busy but yes it’s better than having nothing to do. Have fun in the mountains and training with your sweet furbaby. No news on my yellow sapphires. That place wanted nearly $1000 to have them made so I asked for my sapphires back – I haven’t heard a word from them yet letting me know they are back. I will go over there Saturday. The guy I usually take things too will hopefully come in cheaper than that. I felt like that was pretty high for lever backs and a few small diamonds. Too funny you are trying to tone down your blonde hair. I want to go the other direction.

June, looking back I think things went pretty smoothly for me getting everything handled taking care of my parent’s estate. I hope you have as good of luck as I did. I didn’t use my blonde shampoo today because my forehead was all broke out under my bangs and my scalp itches in quite a few spots. Darn it. I don’t know if it’s worth it to try It again. I am glad you are enjoying wearing fleur. I can see why; it’s such a pretty ring. Zoe does match the rug perfectly. I hope she didn’t get too traumatized going to the vet.

Jimmianne, have a wonderful time with your women’s group this weekend. I see nothing wrong with some lazy days.

Rainwood, I think the thing that should not be mentioned should count as a 4 letter word. When I used to teach at the community college we always got hammered on taxes. Now we tend to break even. Elle est tres belle! I am glad you are enjoying her so much

Callie, I hope you are doing okay after your surgery. Big hugs to you.

We still have very pretty trees here today. Sadly, it looks like a lot of them are going to lose some limbs and the power lines are covered. Things should start to melt tomorrow. We drove around tonight and I tried to get some pictures but I need daylight to get some shots. I might get up early tomorrow and try again before I go to work.

People are stressing at work about the upcoming move but I am just going oh well, not much I can do about it so why waste a lot of time worrying about it.

I am glad the weekend is almost here again.

Take care.


Mar 29, 2005
Junie, I forgot to say what a beautiful girl Zoe is!!


Dec 9, 2013
Oui, Elle est tres belle!
More than one photo, please!
Sorry to be so demanding :naughty:

Marcy, I love your photos of the fresh snow - and the bit of blue made my heart beat faster. lol what a pretty color. Perfect for white weather - or anytime, really.

Scandi, that's funny and interesting about dehighlighting.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Hi EB! I am glad you enjoyed the photos of the groundhogs. They are super sweet!

Rainwood, quite the opposite. They haven't started double booking my clinic yet and hardly any of my appointments showed this week. It was painful being so slow at work. Feast or famine there and goodness knows what next week will bring. One day at a time and I refuse to stress about it and I am pretty impressed with myself in that I am not stressing. I just need to develop more interests because animals and cycling and bling won't be enough when I stop working. Darn my lack of skills with almost everything lol. I am the true opposite of Greg in almost every way.

Thank you for the advice of how to deal with what is happening. I admit I have been feeling overwhelmed and defeated with the political climate but will take your suggestions to heart and remain hopeful and positive and strong.

Thank you for sharing Elle and love your latest photo. I won't get into a big disagreement with you but I think your hands are lovely! And don't I wish I had your height! I am squarely stuck in the middle re height and I have man hands :knockout: so there you go. I think I shared the story where our tandem dealer after taking our measurements for our latest tandem said to me I had freakishly long arms and legs. True story. LOL. :lol:

If anyone wants to see Elle in action email me. She is a beauty in every way. :love:

Junie, I LOVE sweet Zoe. She is so precious. :love: Please give her big hugs and lots of kisses from her Aunt Missy. How did Zoe's veterinarian appointment go yesterday? I hope she is OK!

We have the same area rug I think. It looks exactly the same. That doesn't surprise me though. We share great taste if I do say so myself. ;))

I am happy you are enjoying Fleur. She is so lovely! I love old cut cluster rings. They are so romantic.
And I am glad you are receiving good advice re the estate from the NIRDIs who have been through this. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, ooh the snow photo is so pretty. I hope you don't lose power! Any sapphire updates? And I am sorry about the work upheaval and your advice is sound. Nothing you can do so don't fret about it and see how it goes. I am taking that advice too. Yay it's Friday! Any interesting weekend plans? It is going to be bitterly cold here I think so I have a feeling we aren't going to be doing much outdoors. Darn I wish Spring and the more mild weather would get here soon! I am becoming a couch potato. :snore:

Scandi, sorry life is chaotic right now. And yes as per usual. LOL. But if anyone is up to the challenge it is you. Soon you will be reaping the benefits of all your hard work re your new home. I enjoyed your description of the competitions and hope you have fun this weekend in the mountains again. It's a pretty escape.

Jimmianne, hey there! How are you doing? Any plans for the weekend? How did your women's group meeting go?

Callie, I am thinking of you and hoping you are not in any pain and recuperating well. Glad you slept most of the day and night yesterday. (((HUGS))) and healing vibes and the fur babies all send their purrs and love to you too!

Have a good Friday girls! I will be back in a bit with a few pics I took yesterday as the sun was setting if the photos came out OK. But first I need coffee refill right now.

Ok adding 2 sunset pics. You can see the sun and the moon. Cool.




Apr 19, 2004

I want someone elses' hands.....namely Rainwood's AND Missy's...with those rings on it! :cheeky:



Jun 7, 2014
canuk-gal|1486156712|4123837 said:

I want someone elses' hands.....namely Rainwood's AND Missy's...with those rings on it! :cheeky:


You and me both Sharon!!!!


Apr 19, 2004
Calliecake|1486162337|4123883 said:
canuk-gal|1486156712|4123837 said:

I want someone elses' hands.....namely Rainwood's AND Missy's...with those rings on it! :cheeky:


You and me both Sharon!!!!

hhehhee So what scent are you rockin' these days CC---because if IRR you first posted on the perfume thread. We'all talked. Because it was fun and perhaps it was to escape...yet it was fun and still is:))


FWIW, on PS, no one seems to talk these days. No fun allowed. Lots-0-screaming/pushing/rhetoric/verbal diarrhea. But, like RW, I won't hijack this thread. Oddly enough for a thread that seems to be "stuck" on "the same old" does MOVE forward. You betcha.




Jun 7, 2014
canuk-gal|1486166845|4123949 said:
Calliecake|1486162337|4123883 said:
canuk-gal|1486156712|4123837 said:

I want someone elses' hands.....namely Rainwood's AND Missy's...with those rings on it! :cheeky:


You and me both Sharon!!!!

hhehhee So what scent are you rockin' these days CC---because if IRR you first posted on the perfume thread. We'all talked. Because it was fun and perhaps it was to escape...yet it was fun and still is:))


FWIW, on PS, no one seems to talk these days. No fun allowed. Lots-0-screaming/pushing/rhetoric/verbal diarrhea. But, like RW, I won't hijack this thread. Oddly enough for a thread that seems to be "stuck" on "the same old" does MOVE forward. You betcha.



Sharon, I have been hooked on Creed Spring Flowers since the first time I tried it. Smells feminine and best of all I don't get headaches from it. I have already purchased 3 bottles. I spent so much of last year staying with a sick relative in the hospital and was stopped so many times and asked what I was wearing. My niece told me the other day that she put cologne on and asked her two year old if she wanted some too. Her daughter told her that she wanted to smell like aunt Callie. My niece called laughing asking why can't you get her hooked on an inexpensive scent. What scent are you wearing these days?


Feb 27, 2007
A few photos from today.



Feb 27, 2007
Gorgeous winter wonderland.



Feb 27, 2007
Yes it's cold.



Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, this storm has made things so darned pretty it makes me realize one of the reasons I love it here. I am pretty happy with how well my blue streak gets around in the snow and on ice.

Missy, fabulous pictures of the sunset. It does sound like a great weekend for you to stay in and be a couch potato. We are going to be warmer tomorrow. Woo hoo! We seem to have higher humidity than normal with this storm; it is bone chilling cold. I hope your weather doesn’t get that cold. I keep swearing I am going to get my knitting out; that is something I enjoy doing. It’s cheap and keeps me off the internet.

Sharon, have you had much cold and snow this winter? The tone on PS has definitely changed.

Callie, I’ll have to hunt down that scent and see what it smells like. I sent you an email from a different email account with a question. I hope you are doing well.

I actually had my work done by mid-afternoon today; after such a busy week, I was kind of bored with nothing to do for 2 hours. I thought of asking if I could leave early and go take pictures but that is hardly an excuse to leave work early. The temperatures are going to warm up overnight but I am going to try and get out with my camera before 7 am.

Marty signed up for to take the class to get the National Society of Sports Medicine and get their certification. It is a 6-month session.

I have no idea what is going on this weekend. I plan on going to see if they got my sapphires back yet; they mysteriously didn’t call me again. I try to give them business every few years then they irritate me like this and I don’t go back for a few years again.

Have a fabulous weekend.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from the mountains again :)


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Sharon, if you even come here you can wear Bea for as long as you would like. Your hands are way more beautiful than mine and you can do her justice! And yes we might share lots of the same stuff over and over (hey that is life right?) but it is peaceful and enjoyable and agreed that somehow we do move forward! Stronger and better. Look at how far I have come in the past 2 and a half years! Walking well without a limp and hardly think about the accident anymore. And all in large part because of the support and love I have received from you girls (and guys). (((HUGS))).
How has your winter weather been going?

Marcy, love the snowy photos! And good luck to Marty with his class. That sounds like an exciting new possibility. What is going on with your sapphires? DOnt they know the NIRDIs need to see your finished bling as soon as possible. BLING emergency! Need sunshine to out do the stress and sadness of the current poetical climate. Pretty please.

Scandi, have fun in the mountains this weekend and hope your sweet fur baby does well. Adding 2 Cola photos just for you sweetie.

Callie, hope you are feeling stronger and better and healing is happening fast. (((HUGS))).

Have a good Saturday girls! :wavey:




Jan 1, 2016
Good afternoon!

I'm just going back to see if I can catch up with everyone since my last post.

Marcy - Good to hear you feel better about Marty's plans. What happened with the place he looked at (or will I find out as I read on?-- the joys of playing catch up :lol: ).

I hope you enjoyed your cookies and coke-- I have coke about twice a year because, although I like it, I'd way rather get my calories from cheese and chocolate. But the funny thing is that European coke is still made with sugar instead of corn syrup and it tastes soooo much better. French is better than UK for some inexplicable reason...

And I hope you're enjoying your new technology. Our 'smart' TV is a bit high maintenance. A year or so ago there was a big uproar because it turned out that if you had the voice activated settings turned on (we didn't), it could record your conversations and send them back to Samsung. We had to laugh because if ours had recorded us, all it would have heard was a lot of complaining - 'if this thing's so freaking smart, how come it can never connect to [insert whatever you were trying to watch]?'

Sorry to hear there is potential work upheaval on the horizon. I hope it turns out well.

I have to laugh at the drying your hair in the sun thing. I have brown hair and started greying in my mid-thirties (genetic), and it now requires a very carefully orchestrated (and expensive) schedule of appointments to keep it in it's naturally brownish/blondish state, and I am forever trying to keep the sun OFF it,to keep if from fading. When we're in Maine, I am almost always to be found with some kind of hat clapped on, like a crazy Victorian grandmother (except it's often a Yankees cap).

Ugh. Taxes. I am currently ignoring several emails from our accountant about various documents I need to pull together. Dealing with taxes in two countries is a nightmare.

And your pictures are giving me snow envy.

CJ- Hi. Sorry about the IBS stuff. How are the peppermint oil pills? I thought I had something along those lines and had a colonoscopy about five years ago, which didn't turn up anything. Weirdly, everything got better after that and I haven't had any issues since. I have been pretty faithful with taking my probiotic (I alternate two different ones, as my gastroenterologist said that they often contain different strains). I don't know if that's what's made the difference, but I plan to stick with it. My doctor likes the CT scans--she says the bonus is that they can see everything going on around the colon-- ovaries, etc. The downside is that the prep's the same, and if they see anything, then they do have to check it using the more traditional method. I did have a traditional one when I did it, and opted for no sedation, and it was a breeze- ten minutes, slightly uncomfortable for maybe two of the ten, and then done. Good to hear you've found a doctor you like. I love mine, and hope I never have to switch for any reason.

I'm so sorry about your friend's son. How awful. My heart goes out to those parents, and I hope your DH is doing ok.

Missy- Jet lag- I think I've gotten pretty used to it. I find heading back to the states pretty easy. I force myself to stay up late the first night and then I'm fine. Coming back is harder because it takes a few nights before I can get to sleep before 3 am - Melatonin does help. I did see your comment a while back about the rate of contamination in Melatonin supplements. I do worry about that kind of thing (well, I worry about everything, actually :lol: ), but it's prescription here, so it's regulated, which I feel a bit better about. The downside is the the lowest dose is 2 mg, so I can be found hovering over the kitchen counter, cutting my tiny pill into quarters, which isn't the most exact science...

I totally agree on the movie endings! Ambiguous endings often irritate me because I think they can be excuses for being creatively lazy - they couldn't be bothered to really bring it together and think the ending through, or as a bid to be taken more seriously-- the critics tend to disparage happy endings. I was even disappointed with LaLa Land... I mean, come on, we need feel good right now.

Your job sounds a bit stressful. I hope the changes are for the good. Can I ask what you do? Something medically-related, clearly. It sounds very interesting, either double booked or no one showing...

Thank you for the Calvin & Hobbes cartoons-- I've always loved them--and for the groundhog pics. We have one that lives in our yard (ahem, under the house) in Maine. Everyone who works on the house tries to get us to have him trapped and re-located as I gather they do build themselves some fairly complex tunnelling, but I can't bring myself to do that. In fact (hiding my face here), we often leave little bits of fruit out so we can watch him come out and nibble it.

Junebug - Hi, back! I hope you're working your way through some of your paperwork. I have a rather daunting stack myself, and that's without something as difficult--both in emotion and complexity--as an estate to settle. I also agree with the hire help when necessary philosophy.

Zoe looks so sweet. I hope the vet visit went well. I love the way her colours match the rug.

Where can I find a picture of Fleur?

Rainwood - Anyone foolish or brave enough to offer to walk the flatcoats has a place here. And if you make your bed, well, I'll say no more, except, what time does your flight land?

I completely understand how you feel about about Elle and what's going on in the world. I think it's natural to feel some sense of it not being the right time, but on the other hand (no pun intended), there is something nice--almost necessary--about reminding ourselves that we are among the fortunate, and it's still ok to get enjoyment out of things. My husband sent me a link to an article the other day about the necessity of self-care in the Trump era. It was a lot about unplugging and getting sleep, exercise, watching movies, etc. But the point was that we have to take care of ourselves in order to have the stamina to take this one on. And I'm choosing looking at OEC facets as a part of that regimen :lol:. I hear you on the bad pictures- I don't know how people on here manage such great ones.

I like your ten commandments, but I can't bear that he's #45, so I will have to come up with something that doesn't remind me he's actually in the office. I was going with orange orang-utan, but decided that was an insult to orang-utans, so am still looking. I love the New Yorker cartoons. And the Borowitz Report has been keeping me going. I think I can link to it-- this one made me spit my drink

And your fingers are gorgeous. Inasmuch as I noticed them, since I could barely tear my eyes off of Elle...

Callie - Ugh, dental surgery. That's no fun (although truthfully, usually not as bad as the anticipation). I hope it's gone well.

Thanks for saying you like my political posts. I've been dipping in and out of those threads because I can do it quickly, when I need to look away from work for a five minute break. I think I'm just about done, though, as it seems like either preaching to the converted or banging your head against a brick wall, so not much point. I do keep thinking about writing a post with the view of a citizen abroad, but haven't had time. I'm telling myself I still might... Yes, there is some real feeling that the US has lost its collective mind. That said, things aren't exactly great here, or anywhere in Europe at the moment, so there's less looking down from high horses than there would otherwise be. The run up to Brexit was almost American in its polarising nature and liberal use of alternative fact.

Scandi - I completely agree about better too busy with work than the opposite. I'm just trying to get back in after having taken a lot of time out with the kids, and have told myself to never complain about having too much.

I hope your practicing is going well. The competitions sound great-- except for the almost throwing up part, of course. And sitting is hard when there's so much excitement around. I'm sure she'll get there. One of ours doesn't stay sitting if you walk away, but follows you and then pops right down into a sit and assumes an innocent expression as soon as you turn around and look at him, so it's like being followed by a jumping bean. He would not do well at competition. And if you have puppies, I might just have to come visit... although I cannot manage a third dog (repeat to myself as many times as necessary...).

Jimianne- I hope you're enjoying your women's group and your weekend. I always think casual, not overly prepared, entertaining is the best kind. Although I will confess that I occasionally have a dream about having invited a dozen or so people for dinner and realising that I have no food about a half hour before they arrive. It hasn't happened yet, and if it does, I guess that's what pizza and win were invented for.

Sharon- Hi!

We're having a quiet weekend - we were out Tues, Weds, Thurs- two purely social and one work-related. Three weeknights is way beyond me, so last night we stayed in, had takeout and a glass of wine, and watched the first episode of Lovesick on Netflix, which was pretty entertaining. Today took the dogs for a long run in the rain, which they loved way more than we did. Now my H has gone to the Chelsea-Arsenal match with a friend, and I'm catching up on non-work-related computer time and trying very hard to stay away from the news. I really do need a break from this constant feeling of panicky despair. And tonight we're off to dinner and to see a feminist comedian ( I've been to see her with girlfriends a few times before, but am taking my husband tonight.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Jan 23, 2016
Today's picture! Two for one! LOL




Jun 7, 2014
Scandi, Love, love the pictures. They look so peaceful and beautiful. How did the furbaby do today?

Missy, Did you have a good day? I can't get over how sore and swollen I am today especially because I know it will be more swollen tomorrow. The doctor called today to check in. I wish I had never agreed to this. I'm worried my face won't go back to normal. Believe me it's looking pretty scary today. I have been the biggest baby today. I won't take as many pain pills as the doctor advised. I keep remember hearing my brothers doctor saying they are bad for your liver so I'm trying to take as little as possible. I really suck at being a patient.

Marcy, Did you get your stones back from the jeweler? Have you decided who will make the earrings? I sent you an email this afternoon. If it doesn't make much sense please know it's from the painkillers.

Jaaron, I have the same problems with my hair and the sun. The sun just zaps the color right out of my hair and for what It costs to have Maintain the color I try to keep it looking good as long as possible. I'm trying to stay out of the political thread. I only seem to get aggrivated. One poster in particular allways manages to push my buttons. It's easier to just ignore than end up getting banned.

Rainwood, I hope you are having a good weekend. Have you been taking more pictures of Elle? I'm so glad you decided to make the purchase. I'm sure she is a lovely distraction fro the all the political stuff. I told my husband last night that I will be needing a 4 or 5 carat stone to get me thru the next 4 years. Now if only I could get him to agree with me. I'm so glad you decided to check out OEC's. They are so beautiful. If you decide to have a setting made do you know what type you would like to have. I love Elle as a solitaire.

Junie, Jimmianne and CJ, I hope you are doing well and are enjoying the weekend.


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, NIRD-lets!!

Missy, love your early morning photos. So beautiful and I'm glad you're the one getting up that early, and not me!! And I always like a sneak peek of the ferals. You and Greg are so dedicated to those kitties (or maybe you are and Greg is dedicated to you which is okay too!). I went to the ballet and they had a pause (not an actual intermission) between acts and they brought up the houselights just a little. Elle was going off like a glitter bomb, sending flashes all over the place. I'm sure she put on quite a show for the people behind me, and so appropriate because the ballet was French. Thanks again for the nudge!! And I have the opposite of man hands unless that man is . . . you know who. I have small hands for my height and short fingers. Good thing I didn't want to be a concert pianist!!

Scandi, love the photos of your fur baby in the snow, especially the one where she's in point!

Callie, If you need a laugh, go to the videos at if you want to see all of them. A Dutch comedy show started it off by doing a video on how's it okay for America to be first, and showing all the reasons why the Netherlands should be second, narrated by someone doing an excellent #45 impression. Now shows from other EU countries are making videos as well. I think I've watched 6 or 7. No one tops the Dutch so far, but they are highly entertaining. But tell your DH these videos will only provide temporary relief and an OEC still needs to be applied to your finger to heal your wounds!! I have some ideas on a setting for Elle, but I'm going to wear her awhile before deciding. Definitely a solitaire and sort of modern with a twist, no pave or anything. I like the idea of a vintage OEC in a somewhat minimalist setting.

Jaaron, I'm okay with calling him #45 because it reminds me that he's just one in a long line. We've survived a civil war, we'll get through this, but I find it very cool that a Bush-appointed federal judge in my state is the one who issued the order that stopped the Muslim ban at least temporarily. We are all referring to ourselves as "so-called lawyers" in honor of our "so-called judge." in And the suit was filed because our AG is a kick-ass Democrat who came up with an argument for why the ruling should be nationwide. Proud, proud, proud.

Marcy, love the snow photos. Glad you're getting it and not me!!

Sharon, sorry but Elle is staying with me!! I need a big bauble for maximum distraction value from the hands that should belong to someone who is much shorter and much older than me. I was going to say Yoda but he had really long fingers!! Aaack, I'm driving myself crazy. Even Yoda has longer fingers than me.

Kristie, I'll be looking for your posts.

Well, ladies, I'm headed off to the airport tomorrow on a bit of an adventure. I don't want to say what it is here because I'm going to a very specific destination, but will tell you more about it when I get back. I'll be gone for the week and not sure if I'll be able to post much so if you don't hear from me, that's the reason. Elle is staying home because she's not allowed to be part of the experience - this will make more sense when I come back and can tell you what I was up to. Sorry to be so cloak and dagger, but you'll know why when I get back, I promise. Have fun while I'm gone. I'll at least lurk if I can.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, that is quite the kitty café you and Greg having going there. I hope it warms up there for you.

Jaaron, so far the places Marty looks at are way more money than he is willing to spend. I am trying to be supportive. I would save Coke has become a habit for me but I only drink the 8 oz bottles or cans. I can get Coke from Mexico with sugar; funny thing is I don’t like it as well. The Pepsi I can get with sugar tastes great to me though. I knew that about the Samsung smart TV’s. Marty has always make sure to turn that feature off. Interesting though, huh? I think we all try to change our hair someway. I can’t imagine how fun that is doing your taxes in 2 countries. You had a busy week; I hope you rested up this weekend.

Scandi, pretty pictures. The furbaby is out having fun.

Callie, I hope you are feeling okay tonight. I haven’t had any major dental surgery but even minor stuff is not fun. I am sure you swelling will go down soon. My worst experience was filling a cavity in a wisdom tooth that is only partially in; he drilled for almost 2 hours on that sucker then had to fill it. He did call Marty that night to see how I was doing. I got your email; thanks. Ooh to getting a 4 to 5 carat diamond. You know we’ll vote for your DH to say yes.

I was out the door this morning before 7. I did rudely wake Marty up first though, I walked in to the kitchen to leave him a note telling him where I went and I get halfway in to the room and I think - I didn’t shut the alarm off why isn’t it going off – then it went off. Marty was wide awake then. Sadly, all the frost and snow was gone since it got above freezing overnight. Rats.

We picked up my yellow sapphires today. I asked to see pear diamonds while I was there; they brought out one .74 G VS pear. That sucker was $7200. But they told me it’s on sale for 50% off. I won’t be going back there again anytime soon. I dropped off my sapphires downtown and will be interested to hear what estimate he gives me to make them. That guy just got back from the Tucson gem show; I’ll have to go check out what gemstones he picked up.

We went out for lunch and then Marty drove around looking at empty buildings. He gets irritated following “slow” cars so really punched it one time when he got around some cars and sure enough got pulled over. Luckily he got a verbal warning. The policeman started with “this goes really fast”. We’ll see how long he remembers that close call.

We watched “Inferno” today. It was a good movie. I also watched the new Jack Reacher movie earlier today. Tonight we are watching Naked Gun and Airplane movies.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! I'm posting on the go so I apologize if I miss anything as it's not easy posting from the phone. Such a small screen at my advanced age lol.

Rainwood, have fun!!!!! Elle is a fireball and glad she entertained all around her at the ballet. Smart leaving her safe and sound while you enjoy your adventure. She will be waiting for you upon your return.
Lol at your concert pianist comment. My piano teacher always used to say how jealous she was of my long fingers. But since I'm not a concert pianist it is not to my advantage but oh well. I just need bigger diamonds. :naughty:

Jaaron, thank you. So glad I'm not the only Calvin and Hobbes enthusiast. Bill Watterson rocks. Your social engagements sound exhausting but I'm an extroverted introvert and I always prefer a quiet evening at home. Lovesick is very enjoyable and hope you like the series as much as we did. At work I provide primary eye care. We don't dispense contact lenses or glasses. Just exams and treat and refer if surgery is needed. I work with the intellectually disabled population and we are a non profit. I very much enjoy what I do but after 28 years and all the changes in healthcare in general and in my organization specifically making it more difficult to provide excellent care it might be time to make a graceful exit. We will see.
Would love to hear more about what you do if you are ok to share.

Scandi, yay for a lovely weekend. Go F!

Callie, each day you are getting stronger and healing is occurring. Glad the doctor finally got back to you. Good reason to do procedures at the beginning of the week I guess. Hugs and more healing vibes being sent your way sweetheart. And you don't suck at being a patient. IMO it's your surgeon who is a bit remiss here. You rock girlfiend!

Marcy, sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. What is your current sapphire plan? The movie Inferno sounds familiar. Will check it out. We started watching a Netflix series last night called Frequency. We like it so far. Based on the movie.

Hope I didn't leave too much out. Have a great Sunday girls! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Sorry I don't have any good pics for this am girls. But I'll share 2 pics of yesterday morning when Greg and I were working out side by side in my exercise room. Taken as I was working out so keep that in mind. LOL, I'm a talented photographer. Not. :cheeky:


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