
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Please give all the babies a kiss for me! Thank you for the picture of sweet Tommy. How is your toe feeling ths evening. I think I did some damage to my mouth tonight and wouldn't you know it, the doctor's office isn't open until Monday. I'm going to try to contact him tomorrow anyway. This hasn't been my week. The friend I met for dinner tonight went to see some famous physic back in 1998. She went with a whole grouping of girlfriends and I had also been invited but chose not to go. This man had predicted that Trump would be one of our future presidents when they met with him.

Rainwood, Thank you very much for your post. I feel very much the way you do. The only positive thing I can come up with is at least I have 500 black outfits. My wardrobe is set for the next four years. Hopefully we will elect a new President in 2020.

Gypsy, I hope your kidney infection is improving and you are feeling better. I'm sorry you have also felt so bad the past couple of days.

Scandi, If our election results seemed upsetting to you just imagjne how it feels to live here! I can't believe we elected this disgusting human being. Thank you for the picture of your sweet furbaby. She could brighten any day!

Jimmianne, Can we run away to France???? I get dibs on the month of January! I don't want to have to see Trump get sworn in. You sure picked a great time to purchase a home in France.

CJ, I hope you are feeling better today. I'm also not jumping out of the stock market just yet.

Marcy, Great news on getting a new employee!

LlJsmom, Thank you so much for your text today! You made my day.

Kristie, Best of luck tomorrow!!!!


Aug 8, 2005
Kristie... holy sh*t.

No words. Just... unfreaking believable.

If the cops "know him" then your lawyer should be looking up his record if he has one and using that. Getting the deposition of the cop who took the report. Grill him on the lack of report of the other guys car. Grill him on his comments about the other guys's temper and history.

You can use that.

If the "victim" ends up being a bad one, the prosecutor isn't going to want to take a chance on that. And if there was police mishandling of the case, they aren't going to want to pull on that string either.

I understand what you mean about sharing about problems. It's hard.

I am physically better today. The antibiotics are kicking in. The rest? I've had two total panic attacks in two days since the election. I actually stop being able to breathe when I think of it.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

I have a meeting this morning so have to be brief, but I have read all you posts! Let me just focus on the surreal part - Kristie. What the h***??? I can not believe you have to go through this! So unfair!! Hopefully, the guy will loose his temper in court also, so they can see what a horrible person he is. And hopefully it will help to just focus on the police report stating that you car didn't have any kind of scratches. In this respect, I'm very happy to live in a small place. If anyone behaved like that, the "neighbourhood justice" would just fix it. Oh this is just horrible. We are here for you any way we can. I'll try to think about ideas. Have you checked if there is a surveillance camera at the pizza place? Could show what happened and/or that the older guy was never there at all? Any witnesses that work there perhaps? It will be OK somehow, but the idea that you have to spend so much time and effort on this - :shock: :angryfire: :wall:

Good luck with the meeting Kristie, bet they are asking for money - good old fashioned blackmail..

Hope today is a good day for all of us!


Jan 23, 2016
Kristie, two ideas that are not very well thought through.. If your lawyer works for a law firm - call his boss and ask to have him replaced. Should be easy as he did a bad job with the deadline and you could have a claim against the firm. Go to a local newspaper with your story. Little old lady (just pretend you are really old and have trouble walking) threatened by fire captain.. Quite a few people need to loose their job here if you ask me..


Aug 8, 2005
Scandinavian|1478851837|4096841 said:

Hi Scandi honey. (((HUGE HUGS))

I've missed you.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Veterans Day!

Callie, hope your mouth is feeling better and I am sorry it was aggravated last night but I hope you enjoyed the evening despite that. (((HUGS))) and healing vibes your way. Tommy and the rest of the furry crew send their love and purrs. They miss you. (And so do I!)

Rainwood, Hope you had fun last night and that you have an enjoyable weekend planned. I will forward the info as soon as I receive it.

Marcy, good news about the employee potential turn around and maybe finally you will have a worthy employee. YAY for carbs. I have been enjoying some myself and keeping my fingers crossed that my face doesn't flare. Yesterday was a sloooow work day for me and it was torture as I was alone. None of my colleagues worked yesterday so it was just me by my lonesome unless you count the dentist who isn't the most friendly woman. The dentist there on Wed is super friendly and I really like him but the Thursday dentist not so much. Oh well. Thank you for the good toe wishes. LOL sounds silly but I thank you and will take them. ((((HUGS)))) to you Marcy!!!

Kristie, honey, soon it will be over. This 4 month plus nightmare (that has felt like 4 years to me so I can only imagine how long it feels to you at this point) will be finished completely very soon hopefully and you know we are always here for you. I am only sorry I couldn't make it go away for you and I am still burning for you to get justice and not let this scumbag get anything out of this. I get fear and worry of revenge but OMG what a fr****n bully and I just want him to be punished and not get away with this. Anyway no matter what it will be over soon so continue hanging in there.

Gypsy, hope you continue to feel better and I am sending more hugs and healing vibes and good luck dust your way for better things coming!!!

LLJsmom, NICE purchase. I have yet to find something that will cheer me up sufficiently but if you see something good send the info my way OK? :halo:

Scandi, good (late) morning to you. What are your weekend plans? Is this another work weekend?

Jimmianne, OMG thank goodness I never received Trump emails. YUCKKK. How did you get on their mailing list? I sure hope you can figure out how to permanently unsubscribe though that saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer does come to mind so maybe you shouldn't unsubscribe. :knockout:

Hi Junie, how is the rest of your week going? Any weekend plans?

Hi Orsi, hope you are feeling better after your procedure. Thinking of you.

We were supposed to meet my parents at the Antique, Art and Jewelry show today at pier 94 but I am thinking I don't feel like going. It doesn't look that great IMO from what I can tell on the website and it is supposed to be a decent weather day (unlike tomorrow where it will be bitter cold) so I think I want to spend it outside. So I am leaning towards having my parents come to us and for us to walk around my neighborhood this afternoon and enjoy the weather. We have Sunday plans with friends so only Saturday is open and we have to plan something inside as it will not be a nice weather day tomorrow. Why does the weekend always go so fast? I mean I know it is only Friday but it already is going too fast. :lol:

Have a great Friday girls! :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning (read: lunch) Missy :wavey:

I'm sorry about your toes - why are they not behaving? You need to tell them off for being difficult with you.. :devil: :halo: And oh-no to unfriendly dentists. I don't like dentists much anyway - something about pain inside my mouth that is just so very not appealing..

Gypsy, thousands of hugs and best wishes your way! Hope you are having a better day today and that you are a bit less sick and that the antibiotics are doing their job! (Free health care is another reason all you girls should move here)

Callie, hope you are feeling better today!

Marcy, hope your new employee turns out to be fantastic and a great addition to the team. Hey - you are there - why would she not enjoy her new position??

Rainwood, you are as wise as always :) Always good to be self reliant.

Jimmianne, hope you are having nice weather and that the house is coming along nicely and exactly like you want it :)

Cj :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
June, how is the "estate things to fix" going?

Missy, no weekend plans: just work. big delivery on Monday :wall: :wall: :wall:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Scandi! I will save you the horror of sharing the photo of my toe but let's just say I was so upset when I found out the results of the election on Wednesday morning that I wasn't paying attention closely enough and cut my toenail too short (to be fair it split again) and my friend the podiatrist had to work some of her magic and cut more away so it wouldn't cause an infection to my toe and leg and well my big worry is infecting those metal plates in that leg. :errrr: :wall: My fault because I shouldn't have been cutting since I was so upset about the election results that morning. But oh well. I have been soaking it twice a day in Hibiclens and applying the appropriate topicals and so far it seems like it isn't getting worse fingers crossed.

Sorry you have to work this weekend but hoping it is the last weekend you need to work for a long while. I thought people worked longer hours in the USA but wow 3 weekends in a row is challenging. (((HUGS))).

Our nephew kitty (Greg's brother's cat) Cleo died yesterday. He was 21!!!!!!! That is the oldest cat I have ever personally known! He had a good life though and 21 years is amazing. Sharing a photo of this handsome baby. RIP Cleo.



Jan 23, 2016
RIP Cleo. A very handsome boy.


Jan 23, 2016
Apparently I'm still on PS and not working.. so... :lol:

Well, more seriously, the "standard" work week is something like 40 hours. But it greatly varies with the kind of job you do, and how much overtime you are expected to work. But you can choose. The jobs with the most overtime is generally the jobs that are the hardest to get, because they are better paid (even before the overtime kicks in) so.. And then you have idiots like me who can manage their own work hours as they like, but tend to say yes to too much work.. :lol: :wall: :lol: :wall:


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1478866206|4096869 said:
I kind of like these.. (but really don't know my old cuts, so I promise to go to you girls for help before buying any :lol: )

OK - back to work now.

Pretty but IDK it doesn't seem to be matching enough for earrings...but perhaps I need to see more photos and it is just the perspective of that one photo...if you are serious I will go in person and inspect them for you Scandi! Anything for my NIRDIs no matter how painful and you know it would be quite the painful visit seeing how much I hate bling... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Speaking of diamonds LLJsmom and I were being silly taking photos yesterday (well I was being sillier as I took way more than her one photo LOL) and I am going to share them here. My photos that is not LLJsmom's photo. But take it from me OMG her diamond is GORGEOUS in every single way!!! :love: :love: :love:

Bea under the fluorescent lights at work and in the yellow beige room with yellow beige floors and walls. Truly an ugly color work environment that does not allow Bea to be her best but even at her worst I still love my Bea. Last pic of her in the sun soaking up the light. She loves the light. Too bad at work I am in a room with no windows or natural light. Lower level they call it. Nice spin to being in the basement. :lol:






Jan 23, 2016
Missy, you are the best but no need to go inspect :) I'll take you with me though if thou do not protest too much when the time comes :) I think a nice little trip to NY with a bit of bling shopping would be a nice little weekend holiday next year.. :love:


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1478866814|4096873 said:
Apparently I'm still on PS and not working.. so... :lol:

Well, more seriously, the "standard" work week is something like 40 hours. But it greatly varies with the kind of job you do, and how much overtime you are expected to work. But you can choose. The jobs with the most overtime is generally the jobs that are the hardest to get, because they are better paid (even before the overtime kicks in) so.. And then you have idiots like me who can manage their own work hours as they like, but tend to say yes to too much work.. :lol: :wall: :lol: :wall:

Say YES to the bling but NO to more working hours Scandi! Come play with me and I will show you the dark (i.e. diamondy bright blingy) side... :naughty: :Up_to_something: :cheeky: :appl:



Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1478867223|4096877 said:
Missy, you are the best but no need to go inspect :) I'll take you with me though if thou do not protest too much when the time comes :) I think a nice little trip to NY with a bit of bling shopping would be a nice little weekend holiday next year.. :love:

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I am glad to see you are already taking my advice. NO to more work and YES to more bling. I will be happily awaiting your blingy visit Scandi!!! :love: :halo:

And Sir Tommy is quite pleased at this news. He is contentedly waiting your arrival. 8-)



Dec 31, 2006
RIP Cleo. :(( What a handsome boy he was. Send our hugs to Greg's brother and family.

missy Tommy is so gorgeous and cute. And so is Bea. Tell her I'm so sorry I haven't acknowledged her all this time, it took a little bit for me to figure out who she was. :lol: She is gorgeous.

I hope your toes are better and that you don't get an infection.

Happy Friday girls.

My day started off great - I made it to the gym (I've been on an off lately), had the perfect bagel (not too baked), and just finished a nice hot large cup of coffee.

kristie - OMG - what a nightmare. :/ I can imagine how scared you've must felt when he was coming towards you even though I know you're a tough cookie. I hope this goes your way and gets resolved soon and without too much stress for you.

callie hi, hope you're feeling better. (((hugs))) Same to you gypsy sorry to hear about your infection, sounds dangerous. I'm guessing you haven't been able to catch the orange boy yet. :((

scandi hi :wavey: I hope work goes by really fast and you're able to get back to taking beautiful view pictures and hanging out with your doggie.

jimmyanne they asked you for money to build the wall? :knockout: but you know, I think missy actually makes a good point about subscribing to Trump emails. That's probably one of the best ways to keep up with what he's doing.

hi rainwood
Hi june
hi marcy

Hope I didn't miss anyone. :kiss:


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, everyone! I promise I'll get back to regular posting and get off the election, but right now I just need to say a few things and vent a bit so I can get my mind off this for a bit and focus on regular life stuff.

I didn't watch any video (couldn't bear to), but did look at photographs of Trump's meeting with Obama and tour of the White House and was struck by how Donald Trump looked in all of them. He did not look like a man triumphant or happy or even satisfied. He looked alternately scared, unhappy, and in shock (as did the rest of the family). Some of those shots with him and his family looked like they were headed to the gallows. You'd have thought he lost instead of won.

For months, I've been telling everyone who would listen that Donald Trump wanted to be elected president but he didn't want to BE president. I think I only got the second half right. I think on some level he didn't want to lose because he didn't want to lose, but in his mind he really wouldn't be losing because he had a plan for staying in the public spotlight, making people listen to him mouth off and tell him how great he is, and that's what he cares about most. And now that plan is f$#@!ed. He actually has to BE president. And he's gotten his first glimpse of what being President entails and he doesn't like it. Wait until they take away his Twitter account because they will (remember Obama saying how much he didn't want to give up his Blackberry?) and his whole day and night are scheduled for him with stuff he doesn't want to do. It's the most stunning example of 'Be careful what you wish for' I've ever seen.

And the stuff that's leaking out about his transition team is telling. First, the transition team had been on the back burner the whole campaign which makes it even clearer he didn't think he had a chance. And the actual composition of the team is also pretty telling. Looks like Trump's administration will be very much like the George W's with Pence running the show instead of Cheney because Pence will be leading the transition team (must suck to be Chris Christie as he gets pushed aside again). There are 12 members, 4 are his children and son-in-law (who may be the only savvy one in the family). Who puts their kids on their transition team, especially ones who don't know anything about politics? Crazy. And there are lots of super conservative folks on there, starting with Pence, Trump's Breitbart-based campaign manager, and Sen. Sessions of Alabama. So they're likely to push a REALLY right-wing social agenda because they are true believers. And here's the part that is just starting to dawn on me. That's the best outcome we progressives could have hoped for. And here's why.

I don't like what they stand for, but the Republican leadership in the Senate is very politically savvy and they're pissed that Trump both stole the party and the presidency from them, but could end up saddling them with his baggage (of which there are truckloads and soon to be more). The only thing most people can agree on is that the first and foremost concern of almost every politician, regardless of political affiliation, is to stay in office. The Repubs know Clinton won the popular vote, but more importantly that it was really close in a number of states, and that the reaction to this election is stronger than in the past. That's why everyone is telling us to come together or to simmer down. They know that a large part of the population is really mad. They also know that except in a handful of states (like maybe 5 or so), young voters went for Clinton. They aren't winning that demographic. And there will be even more young people in the next elections.

Republican senators in those swing states who are up for re-election in 2 years, if they're smart, have to be wondering if this election has finally poked the bear. Will the people who are incensed by what happen stay incensed long enough to organize to try to defeat them? They have to hope the initial outrage will simmer down and political life will go on an usual. One thing you have to give the reactionary right is that they never give up, they never go away. The progressive left hasn't had that same stamina in a long time. The upside of the White House pushing a really reactionary social agenda to obliterate marriage equality, a woman's right to choose, racial equality, and maybe even Obamacare is that it keeps poking the bear. For those of us older folks who know how hard it was to get those things in the first place, it's not as much of a surprise. Younger people who take them as a given are realizing how important and how fragile they are, especially now that someone is trying to snatch them away. It's human nature. Over a million people have signed up for Obamacare in the few days after the election. That is stunning. You don't realize how much you care about something until someone tries to take it away from you. And sometimes the idea that someone could take it away makes you value it even more. That's human nature too.

So if these things really come up for a vote (my guess is the Senate majority will do what it can so those biggest hot-button social issues don't come up but sometimes they don't have a choice if the House has passed legislation), one of 2 things happens. One is that senators in those swing states will either choose or be allowed to vote however they need to on those issues to keep their Senate seat. Republican discipline has been pretty firm in the past so Republicans don't stray from the herd much (Repubs do this way better than the Dems), but the Repubs don't want to risk their majority either. They might not be willing to risk it on social issues so the legislation fails in the Senate. Or they toe the party line, the bear gets poked, and those folks have the distinct possibility of being voted out in the mid-terms. It's happened before. After Reagan. Plus, when those Trumpsters realize he didn't do any of the economic stuff to benefit them, some of them will drop away. Maybe going to the Dems or maybe just drop out or going third-party. Not as many as I'd like to see because those people have a history of voting against their own economic self-interest because they don't understand or care enough to understand the reality. But we only need some and maybe none if enough of the non-voters realize they need to step up too. And that's probably all we need to flip things around. So there's a chance that Trump gets stymied the way Obama did sometimes, but that if he doesn't, an energized populace of voters will let toss them out of office. I'm hoping it happens in two years. It may take longer.

It's a great big, scary game of chicken with a lot hanging in the balance, but sometimes you have to hit bottom in order to come back up.

One of my fondest hopes is that two of the people leading the charge to take back the Senate, get non-gerrymandered congressional districts after the 2020 census so we can take back the House, and lead us to the nation we deserve are Barack and Michelle Obama. He was a community organizer at the beginning and ran big, successful grassroots campaigns for the Senate and the White House. And their stature will increase even more after he leaves office. They've got the right stuff. Maybe turning Congress around could be their biggest legacy.

Thanks for lettiing me get this out. I promise to be back to original programming tomorrow because this election has been exhausting.


Dec 31, 2006
rainwood I love love love that you posted this.

I thought kind of the same.

Like his energy was during his acceptance speech...he didn't seem excited.

I understand what you're saying about filling the thread with election stuff, because I felt the same way when I went to talk about it. But I don't mind you posting this stuff at all, I love hearing your posts! I'm sure others do too.


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I'm sorry your BIL lost Cleo. How amazing. 21 years old. So impressive! I love your pictures of Bea. I can never get enough. I really hope your toe is better today.

Kristie, thinking about you. (((Hug)))

Gypsy, looking forward to seeing you and sending you lots of love.

Marcy, so glad your employee situation should improve.

Rainwood, I loved your commentary and hope you will continue to share your thoughts. Politics is like chess to me, and I can't play because I don't even know what piece does what. I learn a great deal from you. CJ that goes for you too. I am happy to learn from people who aren't mean about it. I feel this is a safe place.

Scandi, June, Callie, everybody else and I'm sure I missed a bunch. Hugs girls. Be safe and vigilant.

And I will leave you with my method of dealing these past several days, courtesy of Lang's Antiques when I did a hit and run at lunch.






Oct 24, 2012
Some more






Oct 24, 2012
Some more,

And I stopped at Tiffany to try on some link bracelets. I will admit I have been eBay-inv at the midnight hours.






Oct 24, 2012
Guess what?! I totally forgot with all that is going on.

We are taking the kids to go see a local theater production of The Diary of Anne Frank tonight, as we will be taking a trip to the Netherlands soon. My son read he book last year and my daughter not yet. I honk it will be so good. I can't wait.

I also found out my favorite bakery reopened so I had to.

Chocolate ganache torte.




Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone! I'm really far behind so I'll just jump back in - I don't remember where I left off so forgive me if I repeat myself! :oops:

Missy, I love seeing all of your pics - you and Greg at the beach, your sweet nieces, your kitties, the fall leaves, your gorgeous diamond - I really appreciate you posting them and it's nice to be a part in your daily experiences. Oh and I love your boots, they look great on you.

So sorry about Cleo, felt a pang in my heart when I saw his pic, it's comforting to remember he lived a long and happy life.

Thanks for the pic of the cluster ring, it's gorgeous! A bit out of my price range though, the one I'm looking at is a little more in my comfort zone right now…I go back and forth, I really don't need any more rings (but I want them ha :halo: )

Sorry to hear about your toe and I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse.

Kristie, omg, I am so sorry about this mess, it's crazy that this situation has spiraled out of control like this. I'm hoping and praying that your lawyer steps up to the plate and starts assisting you in resolving this. I wish I could offer more advice and help but I'm with you in spirit and am here to offer you any support I can.

Callie, sorry to hear about your dental issues and hope you're feeling better soon. I would love to get that cluster ring, I'm thinking maybe Christmas? Although I haven't even run it by dh yet. I dunno, I love bling but hate spending the money for it haha!

Jimmianne, it's so great to hear from you and I'm really happy you're having fun sprucing up your house. Can't wait to hear from you again and see some pics, I'm living vicariously through you and loving this adventure you're on!

Marcy, I'm glad things seem to be falling into place with your new employee and is ok working with these 2 women, who are beyond annoying with their negativity. I don't know why some people love to complain so much. Love the pic of the rabbit wearing your rings, too funny!

Gypsy, so glad you're doing better physically and sending good thoughts to you, ((((hugs))))

Rainwood, thanks for sharing how you're handling settling the estates, it's good advice and I think intuitively I've been doing the same thing. Hugs to you, it's tough dealing with so much loss and also having to deal with these financial headaches. I'm going back a bit but I was glad to see the heating system issue is resolved, it's great the original installer was able to work on it.

You made some excellent points in your post, I am not that politically savvy and I learned a few things. And I agree that the great responsibility that Trump has taken on is probably starting to hit him and there's a good chance he is feeling overwhelmed and intimidated right now.

Scandi, sounds like you're working very hard, hugs to you and make sure you try to relax a little too when you can! The estate stuff is going ok for now but selling the house and some other things are weighing heavily on my mind, I will be so happy and relieved when this is all over.

CJ, so glad your day had a great start and I hope it carried over to the rest of your day!

LLJsmom, I'm loving your recent purchases! And thanks for the fabulous eye candy, Langs has such amazing pieces. Those ECs are gorgeous! All of it is gorgeous lol. :love: And the bakery goods look yummy.

Dh and I are at the beach right now, we got here yesterday and are staying until next Sunday.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and I'm hoping everyone has the best weekend possible!


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

I'm working from home today, not sure if that is better or worse.. At least I can have coffee with furbaby every now and then :)

Soooo cold outside today! All of a sudden, we have snow and minus 15 C (5F according to google..) Brrrrr... I love winter, but it takes a bit getting used to for the first few days. Oh well. No time to go outside anyways, sigh.. Its OK though. Big *big* delivery on Monday, then I can relax a bit with a ton of work but less stress.

Missy, how is your toe? If it is as bad as you say, I don't need pictures, lol. :-o So sorry about Cleo, but he has had a good and long life. Looks like an old gentleman waiting for his pipe in that picture :halo:

Marcy, any exiting weekend plans? Good eating plans? :)

June, the beach sounds nice :) Pictures please ;))

Gypsy, hoping you are feeling a little better at least.

LLJsmom, I sure need to move.. we do *not* have that much bling candy readily available for a lunchtime stroll here..

Missy, come on over and play in the snow with me :) It is sooo pretty here now! And I'll make you hot chocolate so you can sit by the fire with the kitties and your toe can get all better!

CJ, oh I do hope so too! Miss going for long walks and not stressing.

Kristie, tons of hugs your way! Fingers crossed for a fire captain that moves to another town..

Rainwood, love to read your thoughts, always very interesting!

Jimmianne, :wavey:

By the way, I seriously considered online shopping for "lunch break". Will let you know.. :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Saturday!

Rainwood, please continue sharing your thoughts. I am in agreement with most of them but even if I weren't I love hearing everything you share. I always thought Trump didn't want to be President and this was just another game he was playing for the spotlight and I sure didn't think he was going to win. And I agree I don't think he did either. OMG I am WORRIED but I am remaining calm and anyway with everything else going on in our lives I don't have as much energy to spend stressing and worrying about the future. Just trying to live in the present and the moment. We all didn't need this complication and I do worry for everyone because of the person who is now President Elect.

It is disheartening to hear of the increase in racist/sexist/bigoted/hateful comments/actions all over the country and just because I am in NYC and I don't experience any of that horrible behavior I still see it happening and it makes me sick. Electing Trump was a huge mistake and a drain on the collective soul of America. A drain on the good and the love and the unity that I refuse to believe was a facade all along because he was elected. No, rather I think many people wanted a change and many people hated Clinton enough to vote this man into office. But I really think we had 2 awful candidates to choose from (though I know you like and respect Clinton and I respect your opinion completely and in fact I voted for her too though I didn't like her quite as much as you did) and unfortunately too many people voted without thinking all the issues through clearly IMO.

I just don't (want to) believe that so many people hate and I also know that not everyone who voted for Trump is a bad person. I personally know some people who voted for Trump and so do all of you and they are good people and people we care about and just wanted to point that out because there is a lot of painting with a broad brushstroke here and well I wanted to add my thoughts. Because we all know some people who voted for him who are really decent, kind, and empathetic people who made a choice we don't agree with but I don't care about them any less. I know some of you might not agree with what I just wrote but I felt it needed to be said. Empathy works both ways and while we are spitting mad about who our next President is we have to realize that not everyone who voted for him is a bad person or a mean person and in fact some of these people are lovely, kind and good people.

Marcy, what are your weekend plans? I might have missed them. How was your workday Friday? Did it go OK? How is the new employee working out? It is almost Thanksgiving can you believe it? Are you planning to spend it with your sister or your inlaws? We are hosting as per our tradition and I can almost taste the pumpkin pie and apple pie and stuffing. My favorite food holiday and I hope you will share some of your delicious food photos with us. I love seeing what you are baking. How is your gorgeous car doing? Are the killer bunnies less jealous? Francesca and you know who are chatting up a storm every night and she is just not listening to me. Maybe you can talk some sense into them. A long distance romantic relationship b/w species is challenging and I wouldn't object except for how young they both are... :cheeky: :lol:

Callie, I hope you are feeling better and I am glad the ibuprofen is helping. Big (((hugs))) and healing vibes to you sweetie.

CJ, thank you honey. And Tommy and Bea thank you too!

Jimmianne, hello, how are you?

Gypsy, how are you feeling? Thinking of you. (((HUGS))).

Kristie, (((hugs))) and I hope this is all over soon. You will be OK and we are all sending you lots of good luck!

Junie, thank you sweetheart for the compliments. Oh I hope your dh buys you that gorgeous cluster ring you shared here. It looks amazing on your hand. It's the perfect holiday gift. I am so glad you are enjoying the beach house for a nice vacation. Hoping you are getting a lot of rest and relaxation and enjoying the ocean waves. Nothing is as calming as the ocean. Well nothing except for the purring of a kitty sitting or laying on you. Two of my favorite things. That along with bling and food which brings me to LLJSmom!

LLJsmom, thank you for cheering us all up with the bling and delicious bakery treat photos. OMG I wish I was there with you shopping at Lang Antiques. I LOVE their bling and cherish the earrings I bought from them. You take gorgeous photos and thank you for choosing the pieces you think are best for me. I love all your choices. I have to say along with Marcy I am in LOVE with that EC diamond. Do you remember how big it is and how much it costs? I love dreaming and you know I am still dreaming about that other ring but I have to say I love Bea and feel traitorous that I was even considering the other. 8)

Scandi, it is freezing here too. I don't know the temps yet though as I haven't watched the morning news. I miss going for long walks too now that it is colder here. Yesterday we met my parents and I couldn't stay outside too long. I cannot wait for Spring! I no longer love winter like I used to and I think many of us (not you though as I think you will always be a winter girl!) start not being able to tolerate the cold temps as well as we used to as we get older. Oh well. Thank goodness for heavy winter coats. Though I hate being weighed down with clothes it is a necessary evil when the temps drop. I still haven't worn any of my winter coats as I am resisting and prefer my cute jackets. However you know I love wearing all my boots but I don't need cold temps as an excuse to wear those as I start wearing those when the temps get into the 70s (F). :lol:

Please share whatever you buy from your online shopping lunch break OK? 8-)

Thank you all for asking about my toe. It is holding steady and so far so good. No infection. I am being diligent and it will take time to see how it goes because the nail has to grow before I can see if it will be cutting into my toe again. Hoping for the best. Thanks for caring.

Update on my parents FeLV positive kitty. They brought him upstairs 3 weeks ago and we are hoping for the best. They had their other cats inoculated twice but the thing is it is an imperfect vaccination so they can still catch the FeLV but they felt it was the only decision they could make as this other kitty deserved a good life. I am anxious about the whole thing but I am hoping it all works out and the other cats don't get infected. My parents each have a crazy big heart and they cannot bear it when anyone is suffering especially animals. But it has gotten them into trouble countless times. Oh don't I know that feeling well. ::)

Have a great Saturday girls and (((HUGS))). :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
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