
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1457876808|4004425 said:
Eating lunch and checking PS, lol. OMG Missy, that OEC 10 ct ring... It hurts deep in my heart... LOL
The earrings are beautiful! But I know what you mean - I also would have skipped buying them and then regretted it. Please post tons of pictures :love:

Greg was just telling me he loved the 10 carat OEC on me. LOL I even thought it was too big and so did my parents. If we had a spare 485K laying around that baby would be mine! :bigsmile: My mom though said she thought my ring was much prettier. You know I hesitate to say this but it sort of looked like a flying saucer on my hand it was so large. I would have much rather had that antique pear from Harry Winston. And that was much more affordable! 8)

Enjoy your lunch! Bling and food. The only thing that could make that combo better are fur babies too. Pure bliss. Cats/dogs and bling while eating. :appl:


Feb 27, 2007

Scandinavian, that is some serious finger coverage with your 5 carat diamond. IMO I would not put it in a halo; I’d let that beauty shine all on it’s own. I think an eternity band would look fabulous with your diamond ring. Wine for dinner isn’t a bad thing - sometimes it’s almost a necessity. I don’t kennel my teddy bears but I think those killer rabbits might learn to behave it they were restricted sometimes. :lol: I wear studs most of the time. My main ones are F ACAs slightly over 1 ctw. I also have some E EC studs about .80 ctw. I have fairly small earlobes so the 5mm rounds are the size I like on me. Thank you for the kind words about the ring in my avatar; it is my 1.5 ACA. It’s a F color. I have 4 bands I switch out with my ering.

Jimmianne, DSS is such a fun disease though. Did your friends arrive safely?

Missy, I wouldn’t say I am celebrating DST but at least it will stay light later in the day. Glad to hear your parents found a parking place yesterday and you all enjoyed the jewelry show. The sketch in the park was just a get together of people who like to draw. The organizer is an art teacher at one of the schools here in town. I love the pictures you posted showing some serious bling. I am pretty shy around people I don’t know either. Your ering and bands look gorgeous together. Think of the dangle earrings 2 of those 10 carat OEC would make?

I am watching “In the Heart of the Sea”. It’s pretty good but wow what a story. Certainly not a happy story.

Marty is playing golf. I went to the grocery store and now I am watching this movie.

Have a great day!




Feb 27, 2007
I added Apple Pay to my cell phone this morning and then couldn't find my phone when I got out of the shower. I made the loop (bedroom, bathroom, closet, laundry room, kitchen, living room) twice and still didn't see it. I called the number and found 2 of the rabbits with my phone. Marty said the rabbits were excited they could buy their town teddy bears with my phone now.



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, thanks for your support, it feels like the right thing to do even though I'm nervous about a few things - but if I can find someone reliable to help me I think that will make a difference in how this works out.
I think you made the right call about the derm, now you can go to the pub crawl without feeling self-conscious about how you look and I think you'll just be more relaxed and have a better time. I LOVE the dress and you look fabulous in it!
Sorry to hear about the changes at work and uncertainty about the comfort of the room you'll be in. It must be awful to work in an overheated space with no relief, that would be really tough for me too. Hopefully things will work out but I can understand not wanting to continue working there under bad conditions.
Oh my gosh look how young Patty Smith is in that pic! Sounds like a fun and interesting exhibition, glad you had a good time.
I'm glad your parents were able to make it to the jewelry show without too much trouble. The pics are fabulous! I love the earrings on you, I think they look beautiful but it sounds like you just weren't that in love with them. How sweet that Greg wanted you to get them! And the 10 carat OEC is just amazing for its rarity and size and is stunning! but you know what, I agree with your mother and think your stone is much prettier; I think yours has a better facet pattern and looks more lively. And I think Bea is the perfect size for your hand too. The emerald and pear rings are just breathtaking, seeing such large stones is such a treat! :love: It must have been really fun trying these beauties on.

Marcy, thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate the support from you and the nirdis.
Sounds like it's for the best that Marty won't be going to India, that would be a brutal trip for him.
I laughed out loud when I read "wallet shrinkage syndrome" :D That's exactly what I'm suffering from too!!!
And your poor bears! I don't believe those accusations for a minute lol - Your bears are angels!
Glad you had another nice weekend, and I think popcorn makes a wonderful dinner! Some nights you just don't want to be bothered fussing around with cooking.
Love the pics of your earrings! :love: You have a great bling collection Marcy.
Too funny about the rabbits buying bears haha! I wouldn't put it past them!

Scandinavian, thanks so much for thinking of me; it means a lot to me that you were concerned. And thanks for your understanding, it helps to know that others have an idea of what is involved with making sure an elderly relative gets good care. You are absolutely not pushy at all! Your comments are actually very comforting to me and you're right, for now I need to take one step at a time and just deal with the present. It's kind of overwhelming to look too far into the future.
Your accommodations for your trip to Grand Canaria sound great! I always preferred a 2 bedroom suite when traveling with my young kids too, I just felt they were safe and secure and it helped me feel more relaxed. And a pool on the balcony sounds very cool!
How nice that you have a 9 day vacation coming up! That will be a wonderful break for you and it will be great to spend time with your family.
And your diamond looks HUGE and gorgeous on your hand! :love: The finger coverage is amazing! It absolutely does not need a halo. I like the width of the band, I think it looks in proportion to your stone. Thin eternity bands would look beautiful with your ering, I love that idea.
I smiled when I read that a one carat stone was a dream of yours when you were younger. I was engaged with a .33 diamond, I loved it and wore it for many years. My dream was to have a one carat diamond one day. I received one for my 25th anniversary, and after just a few years of looking at larger diamonds on PS I started yearning for something bigger, yikes. PS will do that to you lol! I received a 1.96 Old European cut for my 30th and I was a little disappointed that it didn't seem that "big" to me, and I felt guilty about that but it didn't stop the urge for a bigger diamond :oops: I thought about upgrading to a larger stone but I was hesitant to spend the additional money so I reset it in a halo for more finger coverage and I'm happy with it.
I have 1 ctw diamond studs and I'm happy with them. I feel they're a really good size and I wear them all the time. Here's a pic, my earlobes look weird and the pic is huge, sorry
Guess I'll sign off, I think I've said enough lol - see you all very soon!


Jan 23, 2016
Hello from Scandinavia :wavey:

Working from home today with sick children. They're not too bad, but as I was working past midnight yesterday due to a deadline, I wasn't really in the mood to get up early this morning. And as the oldest is coughing and the youngest have a cold, I'm being a little preventive so that we will not have our Easter holiday ruined.. ;-)

Food really is so expensive isn't it. Especially eco food. Scandinavia in general is an expensive place to live / visit - mostly due to high wages to all I think - so no low cost labour available anywhere. (A lot of companies are outsourcing work intensive things to other countries, intra group or otherwise)

My body is in "winter state" right now - too much food and too much carbs the last few weeks - because of too much work and not enough exercise. So now is time for an effort! I'm a little to self conscious, I always have been. So to stop worrying too much, I rather fix the "problem" so that I can enjoy beach time with the family without thinking about stupid things. :rolleyes: So todays breakfast - brokkoli and eggs. LOL. Healthfarm here we come! But it will all be for the best. My husband needs to focus more on his health after a few years of working really really hard. So now I think we will make an effort together before the summer holiday :)

(Side comment/rambling: I always annoys me no ends with newspaper articles that Scandinavians only work 37 hours each week. Before we had children, my week was normally between 60 and 70 hours. But that is not possible anymore off course. Not that my husband doesn't contribute. He does! (Scandinavia is all about equality of gender) But I prefer that he goes to work and I go to parent conference at school in stead of the other way around. Guess I'm a little old fashioned. Lots of our friends share everything exactly equal - every other meeting/outing/picking up and delivering each. My work is also a lot more flexible than his, I'm very lucky that way, so whilst he needs to be at work for x hours each week, I work (and get paid) as much as I want as I determine what projects I do and which I pass on. And also because he is working so much, I (stupid stupid stupid :wall: :wall: :wall: ) said that I would be responsible for all the things with the house, ordering, all the contractors, follow-up etc. Oh joy... :lol: :shock: :lol: :shock: :lol: So now I probably work for 50 (+) hours each week, but that includes tasks related to the house. Back to the annoying newspaper - government employees work 37 hours each week. By government I don't mean the actual government, but all employed by state/municipality/anything official - and there is a ton of them, includes all schools, hospitals, care for the elderly, local admin, well fare system, etc Almost 1/3 of the workforce works in some sort of government paid job. Pay is lower than in the private sector, but its impossible to loose the job and benefits (pension, early retirement, sick leave, parking haha) are good.)

Thanks so much (!) to all of you for reinsuring me that the huge diamond of mine is big :)

Missy, I LOVE your ring! And the two thin bands work really well with it! I think I will hint for one for my birthday (late summer), lol :)
And that cat! Perfect accessory for diamonds :) Seriously, so beautiful! I think he/she knows it too... :bigsmile: I'm still dying over the 10 ct OEC. Stabbing pains, lol. But I think yours (and mine) is prettier and nicer for every day. I told my husband yesterday and he just rolled his eyes and laughed.. :shifty: Hahahahaha... But then again he will be soooo relieved when I say that I really want a thin eternity band, LOL The art of negotiations... :halo: :devil: :halo:

Thank you so much to all of you for stud inputs!! Maybe a Christmas present project... lol. I think I want something between 1 and 2 ctw. The 1 ctw versions look really really good. I think I might have big ears, though.. And EC ones are so classy! But I realise that I'm a round kind of girl, haha. At least for earrings. Would be fun to buy ACA diamonds, but not sure if that is available here or if I would have to purchase online. That sounds a little scary.

Oh well. Focus on a thin eternity band first! Focus! Focus! hahaha my dad always says that it does not help to say things over again, doesn't make them more true... LOL.

Marcy, please to thank your killer rabbits for making me laugh!!

Junie, I love your story of your engagement diamond, thank you for sharing! I'm a little bit the same, except I started PS with my 5 ct diamond and is now yearning for a huge necklace.. and / or cocktail ring, LOL. My engagement ring is 0.7 ct G colour. Which is really big here where I live far outside PS land, lol. So I think two (one at a time) thin eternities would be nice together with my engagement ring on my left hand.

I have looked at something like this, it looked like a good size together with my engagement ring (full eternity 1,84ct diamonds (23x0,08) H VVS2 (not able to copy picture, sorry about that):

Looks a bit chunky in the picture but it's really pretty IRL.

Not sure what quality would be right for the diamonds? My failsafe is always G VS1, but I guess cut should be considered also to maximise sparkle :) I don't like that with most jewel shops, they don't really know their cut, just pretend to be insulted and insist that all their diamonds are "top quality stuff". :angryfire:

All the best to all of you!


Jan 23, 2016
I'm soooo looking forward to Easter, so here is a picture from lasts year :)



Jan 23, 2016
Sorry, can't help it...

Do you like the design on any of these? I'm thinking no more than 2ct because I don't want "competition" for the 0.7ct engagement ring, just some additional sparkle. Any thoughts / ideas / preferred vendors etc? Hmmmm... Grateful for input, don't really want to open a thread because I'm just going to give my husband a hint, not buy one.. LOL. But its always helpful to be helpful, don't you think...? LOL.

EDIT: this is also nice..

I'm hopeless :lol: Will try to do some work now :lol:

and Debeers, should never forget Debeers...


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. How is it Monday already? :boohoo:

Marcy, I never heard of that movie Heart of the Sea and will be checking it out. I love sad movies.
We just finished House of Cards and I am sad we are finished with another season. I tried to drag it out but it's too hard to do that as we want to keep watching lol.

Those darn bunnies. Haha. We have Apple Pay on our phones and use it regularly at Whole Foods. Not every store here takes it though so that's where we use it most of the time. Better watch out because those bunnies have expensive taste. I think they were eyeing those Van Cleef and Arpel watches I posted a page back. That would put a dent in all our retirement funds. :lol:

I love all your bling but right now I am just loving your EC studs most of all.

Hope this Monday goes smoothly at work and you have good news to share later.

Junie, when do you think this move for your mom is going to happen? I agree you will not be as nervous as soon as you find reliable and capable help. Good luck with the search! Your 1 ctw diamond studs is a perfect and big size on your lovely earlobes! Really perfect. Any bigger would be too big IMO. And they are so bright and beautiful too. I don't like diamond studs on my ears but they look great and classic on many others ears for some reason lol. Anyway, Junie, don't worry about your mom and your soon to be new living situation. It will all work out and we are here for you however we can be. Have you asked friends if they know any good person to help care for your mom? Sometimes personal referrals/recommendations are the best way to find good people. Thinking of you!

Scandinavian, I agree completely with Marcy about not haloing your beautiful ER. It is truly a perfect size. That 10 carat OEC (IMO and I hope this won't get me thrown off PS LOL) is ridiculously huge. The very definition of a doorknocker. :lol: While your beautiful ER is huge and bright it is the perfect huge size. It commands attention but only in the best possible way. No haloing is my vote. :halo:
The only thing I would vote for haloing are earrings for you. Here is a pic of my BN earrings. I think they are actually just under a carat. I never wear them but sharing a pic for you.


I like the way you think re dh negotiations. Yes tell him you want a 500K ring and then he will be relieved when the bling you want is 1/10 that cost LOL. Smart cookie you are!

Sounds like you and your dh have a good work/home life arrangement b/w the two of you but it also sounds like you work a lot of hours. In the USA you are right as we are told we work more hours than people in any other country but that doesn't ring true with what you are sharing. Work life balance is challenging especially when you have children. My hat is off to all parents whether they work from home/at home etc. It is not easy earning a living and caring for children. You are fortunate that you and your dh work together and are supportive of each other and the kids.

Gorgeous photo from last Easter. :love:

I will check out your ring links a bit later. It is always good to have a bling goal. 8)

It is pouring here today and I am enjoying coffee with the kitties. All of us having a sleepy morning together. We had a bit of a scare last night as Tommy had something wrong with his mouth during eating and the episode lasted for a long time and he acted weirdly long after the episode and I was so on edge. We have a 24 emergency animal hospital not too far away and we were prepared to take him. He was coughing and putting his paw in his mouth and I didn't know what to do. However he appeared to have recovered so we didn't need to bring him to the animal hospital but I am still not completely sure he is OK i.e. does he have a broken tooth or something but he ate last night before bed no problem and this morning too. Normal appetite and he came and kneaded me last night and this morning but I am keeping a watchful eye on him. Thank goodness I don't have human kids. I would be a total and complete wreck. Not kidding.

OK have a great Monday girls. Purrs and kisses from my kitties and lots of love from me. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, that rabbit and phone photo is disconcerting to say the least. Obviously set up by an artist with a good eye and a dark soul haha.

June, I enjoyed your story of your engagement ring, thoughts on halo upgrade. Your studs are a great size and look perfect for your ears. Thanks for sharing.

Missy, love your dress and boots outfit and dapper Greg's green as well. I hope there will be some upcoming photos of you two together in your crawl-wear. :wavey: Bea

Scandinavian, we think alike. I am a G/VS1er or higher too. Sometimes it's hard to remember that the diamonds are minerals and inclusions are a part of them that is not "bad". I had a oval that had a garnet crystal in it. Very cool.

My young friends have been uplifting. We walked the property yesterday and they are so excited and full of ideas-just the way I was when I moved here : ) . They want to make a retreat with art therapy, yoga and meditation classes. They are moving into my studio June 1, getting married in Sept and will officially buy the land in October and start to build. They are both visual artists.
I am just now aware that slowly this place is changing - with my long term tenant [inlaid-wood artist] in DD's old house and a gourd artist wanting to grow gourds out here...
I may be growing my own art community :dance:
Be well, dear NIRDIs. Happy Monday to you!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Jimmianne! Glad to hear things are going well and that your young friends are moving forward with moving and living on your farm. So happy for you. And that is a beautiful photo. (((HUGS))).


Apr 19, 2004
junebug17|1457926801|4004811 said:
Hi everyone!

Missy, thanks for your support, it feels like the right thing to do even though I'm nervous about a few things - but if I can find someone reliable to help me I think that will make a difference in how this works out.

I have 1 ctw diamond studs and I'm happy with them. I feel they're a really good size and I wear them all the time. Here's a pic, my earlobes look weird and the pic is huge, sorry
Guess I'll sign off, I think I've said enough lol - see you all very soon!


What gorgeous earlobes, and the earrings aren't bad either!! I think Tom Brady had a non issue, me and my deflate-gate lobes! :bigsmile:

Strength and health vibes to you, your Mom and family. Goodness knows we've been there!

kind regards/cheers--Sharon


Jun 8, 2008
Girls, I am so nervous and excited but also worried I am being crazy. I just found out via FB that Andres is having hernia surgery this Wednesday and his current foster cannot keep him while he is recuperating. So I called Greg and he said sure so I messaged K9Castle and am waiting to hear back.

The only problem is he is with his brother who has CH and I don't feel comfortable taking both for a total of 6 kitties even if just temporary so not sure they will want us to just foster Andres. Anyway feel free to think I am crazy. I guess you wouldn't be far off the mark lol.

Honestly if someone would just adopt them both I would be relieved but I couldn't just let Andres recuperate in a boarding situation yanno? Ok fingers crossed Andres and Simon both find loving homes and our offer is not needed for Andres.

Photo of Andres and Simon.



Jan 23, 2016
missy|1457969886|4005086 said:
Girls, I am so nervous and excited but also worried I am being crazy. I just found out via FB that Andres is having hernia surgery this Wednesday and his current foster cannot keep him while he is recuperating. So I called Greg and he said sure so I messaged K9Castle and am waiting to hear back.

The only problem is he is with his brother who has CH and I don't feel comfortable taking both for a total of 6 kitties even if just temporary so not sure they will want us to just foster Andres. Anyway feel free to think I am crazy. I guess you wouldn't be far off the mark lol.

Honestly if someone would just adopt them both I would be relieved but I couldn't just let Andres recuperate in a boarding situation yanno? Ok fingers crossed Andres and Simon both find loving homes and our offer is not needed for Andres.

Photo of Andres and Simon.

Take both! Best wishes from your little enabler... :angel:

EDIT: If you are half as crazy about cats as I am about dogs, there is not point discussing the crazy part.... :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Aww don't I wish I could Scandinavian. No just spoke with Vicky and she wants them together as they are bonded. I didn't realize they were so close and Greg just doesn't want 6 and I cannot blame him. Now I just hope they both can find a loving home. They are great kitties. Anyone from NYC area please adopt them and give them a loving family. :pray:


Jan 23, 2016
missy|1457970800|4005095 said:
Aww don't I wish I could Scandinavian. No just spoke with Vicky and she wants them together as they are bonded. I didn't realize they were so close and Greg just doesn't want 6 and I cannot blame him. Now I just hope they both can find a loving home. They are great kitties. Anyone from NYC area please adopt them and give them a loving family. :pray:

They look almost the same.. just tell Greg there is one of them... and or that he is seeing double..


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian said:
missy|1457970800|4005095 said:
Aww don't I wish I could Scandinavian. No just spoke with Vicky and she wants them together as they are bonded. I didn't realize they were so close and Greg just doesn't want 6 and I cannot blame him. Now I just hope they both can find a loving home. They are great kitties. Anyone from NYC area please adopt them and give them a loving family. :pray:

They look almost the same.. just tell Greg there is one of them... and or that he is seeing double..

Haha I like the way you think girlfriend. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I don’t know how big the city is where you live but maybe ask around for recommendations on in home health care or assistance. Also maybe go talk to a social worker at the local hospital. You’ve probably already been thinking and working on that anyway but those ideas just popped in my brain. I should start a thread “What piece of jewelry gave you WSS?” I always get a double whammy because it seems like my new jewelry coincide with a new watch for Marty. I am glad you see things my way - my bears are angels and those rabbits are usually up to something. One of them is staring at me right now. I love your earrings. They look fabulous on you! Thank you for the kind words about my bling collection.

Scandinavian, I hope your kids are doing better today. You and your husband sound very busy. For 14 years I was the one staying home and arranging things, waiting for repairmen or deliveries, etc and I know it can take a lot of time. Now that Marty works at home I enjoy being free of that. I guess it works out in the end anyway. Definitely start with a 10 carat diamond and work backwards on your jewelry shopping list. I like the 1 ctw studs on me. I wear my rounds most of the time but wanted the EC to go with my EC RHR. I don’t know how difficult it is to buy diamonds overseas but ACA diamonds are worth it (IMO). I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend buying from Whiteflash. Glad to hear the killer rabbits provided you a chuckle. I am no help on which band I like - I like all of them.

Missy, the Heart of the Sea tells the story of what led to the book Moby Dick. Glad you finished another season of House of Cards. I watched quite a few of the Soap episodes at work today. Or should say listened to them. If those bunnies buy a watch it will be because they are sucking up to Marty. Marty uses Apple pay off his iWatch. Our neighborhood liquor store takes it - look out! I’ve been wearing my EC ring and studs for the last few days. I sure ignore my gemstones more than I used to with it. I like your BN halo studs. They look great. I hope Tommy continues to appear fine and was just having an off evening. Andres and Simon do look a lot alike. I hope someone adopts them.

Jimmianne, lol on who set up the rabbits and phone pose. Sounds like your friends have things well planned out and cool you are starting to grow an art community. Do your earrings ship tomorrow? Does JA send glamour shots? Beautiful photo!

Not much new here again. Work, supper, dishes and now I’m relaxing. Stupid wind!

Have a great day!


Jan 23, 2016
Hello from Scandinavia!
Another beautiful day! The sun is here :) The children are back at school / kindergarten today, an I'm at work. No surprise there. I do like working, don't get me wrong based on my ramblings yesterday, just read this article and was a "little" annoyed:

The article refers to Norway, but the system is basically the same in all the Scandinavian countries.

Missy, you asked (I think?) about the health care system so you might find the article interesting.

Missy, your earrings are so pretty and perfect with that halo! Now I also want a halo for mine, lol... :love: And you are right about me being lucky with my husband :) He really is the best - lets me play "girl" when the car tires needs changing and "equal rights" if you are talking dishes, lol. Have you ever heard the saying "your money is my money and my money is none of your business"? LOL Scandinavians are funny that way. We expect everything to be equal, and get offended if the guy insist on paying in a restaurant. But if he doesn't open the door for you, he is rude! LOL. We are weird and we know it. But it works fine as we all know the "rules" - I do however have some friends from abroad who live here and who are sometimes a little confused.. :lol: Not sure how this is in the US though :angel:
How is Tommy doing? Human kids are easier than animals I think.. at least they talk so they can tell you if/where it hurts.

Jimmianne, your art community sounds nice :) Wish I was more artistic, can't even tell you that I'm creative. But I do love colours and decorating from a building a house - perspective, so I will focus on that :lol: I don't like inclusions, so I pretend they are not there. If I could see one it would drive me mad and I would probably end up crashing the car from staring at it.. :shifty: That picture is just amazing! Would love for you to share some of your art work :) Its always so so nice with friends who have the same "hobbies" as one self. For me, that includes dogs :) I love to have someone to talk to about dogs and hunting competitions (not actual hunting, just using a start revolver to make a fake bang, hahaha) without having them go all glassy eyes on me after a few minutes, lol.

Marcy: Thank you for thinking of my children :) Thank you for recommending Whiteflash, I will consider it! I like the 1ctw studs a lot on you too :) I'm not too good at rotating my jewelry either, think I might try to make an effort :) I do love all of them :) Haha yes, a 10 ct would be nice :shock: :lol:

Hope you all will have a fantastic day! S


Jan 23, 2016
Picture of the day: Bathroom: I really really appreciate all inputs!

We are building and extension to the house (as you know) and so we are building a new bathroom :) Floors in Alta slate (grey), walls in white washed timber logs (snow white), arctic green marble for the shower. So. Need a sink.. :lol: I'm trying to make the house look like it was built in 1901 but restored with love, lol. So I want a luxurious but rustic feel.

Thinking about this type of furniture for the sink (WITHOUT the mirror), only in a larger 2 sink version and a different colour, maybe white like the walls.

And "antique" mirrors over each sink. Probably won't find 2 identical antique mirrors in the right size, so I think I might have to make some.. Have looked at something like this - my idea is that I could dress it up with gold leaves that you "paint" on to the wood for an "authentic antique feel"... LOL

Please! Comment and criticise away! No decisions or purchases made yet! :)

(if you are wondering why I write "I" instead of "we" - my husband is only too happy to let me have free reigns, lol.)




Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
Looks like Andres and Simon have found a foster home woohoo! Now just hope they can find a forever wonderful home very soon and that Andres comes through the surgery tomorrow A-OK.

Hi Marcy, we have those bunnies *call*ing cards and we know what they are all about so need to keep a *watch*ful eye on them! Haha. :lol:

Glad your yesterday was uneventful. Uneventful is always good. Hope today is also quiet and calm. I have yet to find SOAP but will search today. Now that House of Cards is done we are watching movies again. Just watched Parenthood (with Steve Martin) last night. Enjoyable movie.

Thanks for the FYI on Heart of the Sea. It sounds good. I found the book Moby Dick hard to read however but I bet the "prequel" movie to the book is easier to watch. Will check that out, thank you.

Scandinavian, I love your bathroom idea right down to the mirrors too. Really very pretty. I cannot tell if that is a bowl sink in your bathroom pic. Personally I am not a fan of bowl sinks. They don't seem practical at all and I don't like the look either. That is the only thing I don't love in your inspiration picture. I love a big deep sink that won't have water splashing all over the counter.

Thank you for the link re healthcare. I am going to read it right now. Equality and democracy go hand in hand and with that I agree completely. This is a very informative article, thanks!

How it works here with paying when you are on a date varies by generation I think. The guy always paid when we were dating however I would always offer but they would never accept. Then once you are in a "relationship" you (the woman) can pay for the small things like ice cream cones, etc but the man still pays for the restaurant meal, shows etc. Now this is just how I did it and (in my circles) so did the majority of women in my generation at the time. Now I wouldn't have a clue.

Yes I like the man to still hold the door open for me and walk on the side of me nearer the traffic when we are walking. All for chivalry which to me does not mean inequality at all. But I know for some women it is a different story. And that's fine. But I like to have my cake and eat it too. He pays and he takes care of me but I am equal in every way. I don't see the dichotomy though I know others might.

I am not feeling too great today. I sort of have a funny feeling in my esophagus area and am experiencing a bit of back/neck and arm burning again. Praying it doesn't become what I went through 2 years ago. It started last night right before dinner and all I can think is deep breaths and trying not to think too far ahead. I don't want to d/c my Oracea as there are no other options. Good health is so precious and I just want to enjoy it some more and not start that roller coaster horror show again. So I am continuing to think good thoughts and distract myself from unpleasant feelings and fingers crossed it goes away. Just sharing it for this post and really don't want to talk about it right now. Sometimes sharing scary things helps me like venting but not in the mood to discuss right now. Thanks for understanding and for letting me share.

Hope all of you have a great day and sending lots of hugs and love your way. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, thank goodness about the kitties. :appl:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy: Very happy about the kitties! & Hugs!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Jimmianne and Scandinavian! I'm relieved for them and now just hoping all goes well re the surgery for Andres and then for Andres and Simon to find their forever home.
Leaving you with a photo from the past. It makes me LOL so thought I would share it here. And then on to start my day. Have a good day and ttyl. :wavey:



Feb 27, 2007

Scandinavian, we had a sunny day in Wyoming too but ominous clouds are looming on the horizon. Yay for the kids being back in school today. I am sure a lot of things Americans do wouldn’t make sense to foreigners either. Some of it doesn’t make sense to me. I like your selection for the sink and mirrors. How fun to be decorating.

Missy, I am so excited Andres and Simon found a foster home. Good on call and watch word plays. I listened to more Soap episodes tonight. I am going to set our DVR so record them all so I can actually watch them on the weekend. Feel better!! That kitty picture is precious. Very cute.

I stayed about 30 minutes after work today. Not only do I hate DST I hate March Madness.

Have a great evening.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls!

Missy, I'm so glad a foster home has been found for Andres and Simon! :appl: It was so great that you and Greg were willing to step up to the plate and help out. I'm really happy things worked out, they are both so sweet :love: I'm going to be hoping and praying they find a forever home. I remember years ago reading an article about a blind cat and his brother needing a home - they had to be adopted together because the one cat would help his blind sibling get around :love: I wanted SO badly to be able to adopt them but at the time I had a rambunctious yellow lab, an aging kitty, and two young kids and I just felt it would be a bit too much for me and it wouldn't be an appropriate placement for the kitties. But how I would have loved to be able to do it.

I'm glad Tommy seems to be doing ok, that was quite a scare…Zoe has done something similar, although I don't think her episode was as long as Tommy's. The only thing I can think of is that maybe a small piece of food got stuck in their throats or something? :read: Anyway, I'm happy he seems to be fine now.

I'm thinking of moving my mother the first week of June - I'd shoot for a little earlier but dh has invited his siblings to the beach house for Memorial Day weekend, and it just seems to make sense to wait until that's over with. I guess I could do it in the beginning of May though too, and see if my sister or brother could stay at my house that weekend. I don't know, I'll see. There's a part of me that just wants to have this all arranged as soon as possible. I have some work to do…the plan is to make the living room her bedroom/sitting area, and that involves putting up doors, new curtains, buying a bed, having a cable line put in,storing furniture etc. - so I need some time to set all of that up. I'm thinking it's better to have her stay on the first floor as opposed to the guest room on the second floor because I would prefer a caregiver not be upstairs, just for my family's privacy. The stairs would be tough for my mother too. I do have a friend who might be able to make recommendations about care-giving agencies, I don't have a lot of friends but she does lol. I'm sure she would ask around for me.

Love the pic of the sleeping kitty! So funny and adorable! I think cats can sleep just about anywhere lol.

I love your studs! Now I want earring jackets for mine haha!

Scandinavian, you certainly lead a very busy life! I give you so much credit for how well you handle working while raising small children, it is very difficult but it sounds like you and your husband make a good team. It's great that your job is somewhat flexible, I'm sure that helps. And handling a big construction project is probably a full time job in itself so I can appreciate how much time that takes too.

All of your ring choices are beautiful…that's my problem, I love it all when it comes to bling so I probably won't be much help! I personally prefer when the diamonds are set so the ring has a scalloped edge, like the Whiteflash and the first Ritani. The ACA stones from WF are extremely well cut too. I'm sorry if I missed it, but will this be a stand-alone ring or will you wear this next to your 5 carat ring? If you're going to wear it next to another ring, I would just make sure that the height of both rings is the same so the eternity doesn't stick up too much. The asscher band is also really pretty, just quite different from a round so it depends on your personal preference.

As for studs, I think .80 in each ear is a really nice size too - it's funny, I like large stones in rings but for some reason I like a smaller size for studs. Strange! But good for my wallet haha. I'm sure any size will look really lovely on you!

I love your inspiration pics, the bathroom is amazing! Elegant and a bit rustic at the same time. I might not choose that style of sink for myself but I do think they are very cool looking and interesting. My sister put one in her new home and it looks beautiful. Love the mirrors and I like the idea of adding gold leaves.

Jimmianne, so glad you are enjoying your friends' visit. Their plans sound wonderful and exciting. I love the pic you posted, so beautiful. You very well might be starting your own art community!

Sharon, thank you…your kind words made my day…Thank you for the good wishes and for understanding…and lol to deflate gate! :lol:

Marcy, thank you for the suggestion of talking to a social worker at a hospital, that is a good idea and I will do that. I was at the dry cleaners the other day and there were brochures there for a home health care agency so I grabbed one lol. Thanks for the compliment on my earrings - I'm with you, I think 1 ctw are a great size. I can understand why your gemstone rings aren't getting much attention these days, your EC ring is really amazing and I don't blame you for reaching for it often!

Callie, thinking of you; was encouraged by missy's comments and I hope things are going ok!

Kristie, how are the renovations coming along?

Hugs to all and have a great night!


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia :)

Not really my "morning" any more, but probably yours soon :)

Not much happening here today. I had to choose the ceiling for the house today, because it takes some time to order the material and our builder was fussing about it. So I chose the prepainted wood paneling one, which was the most expensive alternative off course, no surprise there.. lol. But I think it is less expensive than hiring someone to paint the ceilings, so win win. Less money, better result. At least that is how I'm going to tell it to my husband (and myself), LOL. I want the rooms to have a light feel so I think a properly white ceiling will go well with the white stained walls :bigsmile:
It is a bowl sink in the bathroom picture, I see your point, lots of water all over.. hmmm... So I have sent a request for a marble top with inlaid sink instead. Will see if they can find the same marble as I have ordered for the shower, might be nice!

Missy, I really like to have my cake and eat it too! :bigsmile: Hope you are feeling better today! (?) Try not to worry, it just makes things worse.. (sorry. I know its a lot easier to say than do.) That cat is just so adorable! Looks like he/she is having a really good nap :)

March is half way over Marcy, I hope that gives you at least a little comfort. I don't like your job right now, hope for April Bliss or something like that (sorry, not very creative... lol) to replace March Madness.

I'm so happy for you Junebug that you have made a decision regarding your mother. Everything is always easier when you have made up your mind and just need to execute. I think avoiding stairs is a good idea as long as it doesn't compromise your house too much to loose the living room.

I love all bling too :bigsmile:

Everyone, hello :wavey:

Time to make some money! :shock: :lol:


Jan 23, 2016
My little snowbunny :)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Today's a work day but I'm off tomorrow for the pub crawl. My 17th year in a row. It isn't easy being green yanno. :mrgreen:

Marcy, my friend Tom loves March Madness. Personally I'm neutral since I neither follow nor care about organized sports of any kind. I used to attend some of the basketball games with him when I was in my twenties as he has season tickets and so I supported him that way. It was fun going to the live events because there was so much enthusiasm but I never got it. I mean, how are you benefiting if "your" team wins? IDK it's not my cup of tea but to each his own. :halo:

However, with regards to DST I love it. Not the fact that yes I am still jet lagged (I know pathetic right-one hour time difference jet lags me but it does lol) but the fact that it is lighter out later. It almost feels like spring and summer are coming which of course it is. Spring is this very Sunday woohoo!

Have a good day at work today.

Junie, that sounds like a good plan. First floor is best for your mom and her health care assistant. Gives you privacy but also allows your mom easy access to her living space. Stairs are not easy to navigate as one gets older that's for sure. There are days I have trouble with them. :lol:

I think moving your mom after Memorial Day at the end of June is a good plan. Gives you enough time to make the changes you need to so you can all be comfortable and allows you to enjoy a good beach holiday long weekend. Sounds like you will be able to find a good assistant as well with your and your mom's and perhaps the social worker connections. It will all come together I hope smoothly and well for all of you.

Are you visiting your mom today? How does your brother feel about this new plan? It's going to be a lovely weather day so I hope you get to enjoy some of it outdoors. I will be inside at work all day today but enjoy it for the both of us OK?

Scandinavian, I love your latest photo of your sweet dog. She is a beautiful snow bunny. :love:

As for white ceilings I am all for that. At our beach house for some reason, the previous owners had all the ceilings painted the colors of the walls in each room and for what reason we could not figure out. Ease of paint job (?) IDK because they had a designer/interior decorator pick all the color schemes and such so it's not like they were being frugal as to costs. Anyway both my dh and I disliked the colored ceilings and we had much of the house repainted ceilings and walls as we didn't love all their colors either. You are right painting is expensive business when it is done right but it was worth it. Salmon for the guest bedroom blechhh. :knockout: Though I loved the grey of the dining room. But we pretty much repainted all of the rooms and now my favorite color is everywhere. Blue. Different shades but nonetheless very blue. :sun:

It sounds like your house is coming together and yay for that. And yay to having our cake and eating it too. :appl:
I think a deep inlaid sink with a marble top will be lovely and much more functional IMO. I hate water splashing all over the place as it creates a mess and is not fun to wash up in at all.

That is Tommy up there in my dh's home office space. He loves finding the most adorable places to just fall asleep. He is a bundle of love. :love:

Hope you have a good day today.

Hope everyone enjoys the day. A few more days and it will be officially spring. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Good Morning stateside ...
and good afternoon Scandinavian! Love your snow bunny with baby-faced mushy soft muzzle. I'm in love : )
It sounds wise to get a pre-painted ceiling. Makes sense financially and for a consistently beautiful finish.

June, I had no idea how much prep will go into having your Mom on board. You are a good daughter - the kind everyone hopes and dreams they will have. Your Mom is really lucky. I hope you find great recommendations for care givers. I have heard that Visiting Angels is good, but don't know if that's the case in your area.

My dear Missy, thank you for all the behind-the-scenes support recently. Things are getting better! I love sweet Tommy in the basket.
And moreover - I am so happy that you got to see all those fabulous diamonds! The 10 looked good on you LOL. yes I do like the way your DH thinks.
The pub crawl sounds so funny as I cannot imagine you two crawling anywhere. I hope you have a blast.

Marcy, thank you for sharing your bling. Everything is gorgeous, but my heart :love: :love: :love: the ECs. :naughty:

Today is dangle day. woo-hoo!
And my DD & I are getting together to sketch. When we were in Dijon she approached a new restaurant about having an art show and they want my thought was for her to take a portfolio of watercolor sketches to show and get simple frames at Ikea. I feel it will lend purpose and personal focus to her visit aside from hanging out while BF is at school every day. The Mother gene is constantly working. haha

Have not looked at the election results yet - not that I want to discuss politics here! :shock: :o
I am sure that the world world is watching our circus.

The clouds yesterday were so good, and everything is in bloom. Spring!



Jun 8, 2008
Beautiful clouds and blue sky. :love:

Yay for dangles today! Looking forward to seeing them and hearing what you think. :appl:
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