
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Oops, left out 2 pictures I need to fully tell the pictorial story I am illustrating for you girls hehe. OK will be right back. :cheeky:
It is not easy adding all these pics in the right order let me tell you. But you girls know I am technologically challenged anyway and I am sure you could all do a much more efficient and better job than I am doing. But you cannot say I am not trying. ;))


Jun 8, 2008
Adding 2 pics I forgot for the complete story in pictures. 8)
Sorry for all the extra posts this morning! :oops: :oops: :oops:

OK loaded pics and posting in chronological order. I hope you girls enjoy this because I took all these with you in mind. Greg thinks I am crazy haha. :bigsmile:

First up Brooklyn Bridge view as we head into the city. It was leftover rain/clouds and I thought it was so pretty I had to take a couple of pics. This is my favorite bridge in the world. LOVE it. Also it is the oldest suspension bridge. Cool.



Next up just a shot of the avenue. Pretty quiet on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I love it like this. It took us 10 minutes to drive into the city into Midtown. All tourists gone and the city is mine again. :halo: cruisingdowntheavenuesundayafternoon_0.jpg

Then I had to get a few bling pics in for my sweet NIRDIs before we went to the theatre.

Girls, what do you think? I could wear this as an everyday necklace right? :cheeky:

Next up some pretty watches.

panerai.jpg paneraicloseups.jpg

A shot of the set. Isn't is pretty? I thought they did a wonderful job.


OK now I am adding the 2 pics I forgot to in my previous posts in order to complete my pictorial for you girls. :bigsmile: This is during the fire alarm evacuation. See how calm and cool NYers are? We were outside for about 40 minutes. It was cooler than the morning and early afternoon so I was a bit chilly but don't worry Greg kept me warm. 8) It was very fortuitous too that the alarm went off almost right after intermission started for our show so the timing couldn't have been better. I mean if a fire alarm had to go off at all this was the best time for it to go off. Some of the other shows that were evacuated were not so lucky and it interrupted the performance when it went off. Anyway onto the pics I forgot.



A pic of my oldest dearest friend Tom. With his permission of course!


And then on the ride back home Sunday night. I thought it was so pretty.



Hope you girls enjoyed my sharing my day with you in pictures. Enjoy this Monday and hope to chat with you later! Callie I know I am chatting with you later. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, I made a mental note “if I visit Callie in the winter wear lots of warm clothes”. You’d love our man cave; it’s very chilly down there. You still have a chance to win the big Powerball. Then you can have your Audi custom built or whatever car you decide. That’s good your new car drives well in the snow.

LLJsmom, I am sorry you are stressed about work - I hope it gets better for you soon. I am glad you are enjoying your AVR it looks so pretty. My EC is doing well thank you. My gemstones are crying for me to pull one of them out to wear.

Missy, wouldn’t that be a great job for us PS ladies - bling shoppers? You dream it, give us the money and we find it and buy it for you. Ha! I can’t believe how many similarities there are between Greg and Marty. Marty’s job has been slow lately too and I really worry about it. I agree with what you said that they would try not to worry us about it. I am glad you had fun at the show, met some cool people to visit with and bought tickets for a show next month. Good deal! Oh no for the fire alarms going off but Yay for cute fireman. Too cool you saved all the baby gerbils. Thanks for the great pictures of your outing. I love the everyday necklace. It must weigh a lot. I should show Marty the watches; he has one Panerai. Everyone does look calm waiting outside the show.

Not much new here today. My employees got on my last nerve by 10; I got in lots of exercise going back and forth between my desk and the room having them fix issues I found. My boss is having the same problem with his team so he’s grumpy. Joy. Glad I had a few pretty diamonds to look between internal verbal outbursts.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, sorry work is stressful. It's crazy. It's stressful when you have it and it's stressful when you don't. The bling really does help, I must say. I look at it and I feel better. I'm glad I am not the only one.

Missy, I do love your pics. Makes me feel like I'm a New Yorker too. Lol! It's wonderful. So glad you and Greg enjoy life so much.

I am really liking my necklace even in bathroom fluorescent lighting. Someday I want a great big one for my finger. :)


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya all!

Missy, wow, I love all the pics you posted of the city, thanks for taking the time to do that, I really enjoyed them! Looks like you had a wonderful time, and even the fire alarm thing worked out ok, at least the show wasn't interrupted. I'm so glad you had a great time with your friends - I know what you mean, I never really want to go out but when I do I have a good time and wonder why I don't go out more lol! How cute Tom wore a bow tie, he looks really good!

Aw, your guinea pigs were so cute! :love: They do make nice pets; I had gerbils as a kid and they were cute too, but guinea pigs are definitely more pet-like.

I feel much better about the ring after not wearing it for a few days - I do like it on my hand and it has a great sparkle, so yeah, I'm just going to enjoy it and not obsess over it. And as you said, I can always return it if I start to have serious doubts.

And thanks for the hugs and the kinds hugs! They are very much needed and appreciated! I'm doing better today, thanks for giving me a safe place to vent and just unload a little, it helps

Marcy, I'm glad you had a good time at the party, sounds like a really nice night out - except for the desserts haha! It's fantastic that your company has not had any layoffs, I guess cutting costs on certain things does pay off! Yes, I've been second-guessing about all the things you mentioned with regard to the ring, , but I do really like it so for now I'm going to chill out about it and just enjoy it. Sorry for the frustrating day, but I'm glad you were able to look at some bling to calm your nerves.

LLJsmom, sorry to hear you're so busy at work, hope it calms down for you soon! Yes, I'm really enjoying my ring, and I'm so glad you're happy with your pendant. It is gorgeous on you, and I love the setting - I actually prefer how you set it as opposed to a bezel, just this sparkly beautiful diamond sitting gracefully on your neck, it's perfect! :love: and thanks sweetie, I'm feeling much better!

Jimmianne, thanks for understanding - I hope you're having a good visit with dd and that you're creating beautiful works of art for the upcoming show. Looking forward to seeing more pics of your spinel ring too :halo:

Calliecake, I am feeling better, thanks! My mother is doing ok, some days better than others but she's comfortable and feeling fine. And I'm still enjoying my ring but I think it's starting to lose that "new ring" feel so I'll probably start wearing my other rings - it's been a while since I've worn them so hopefully they'll feel like new rings now lol. And I promise, if I win the lottery I'll buy you that Audi!

Kristie, hope all is well!

Have a good Tuesday everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Freezing temps here but I know that some of us (hey Marcy) have been dealing with this cold snowy weather for much longer so no complaints. I have a dermatologist appointment this morning so I will be trying out my new warmest coat. Let's see if it lives up to the hype.

Marcy, I am sorry your employees are giving you a hard time. What's up with that. Perhaps the cold winter temp is putting everyone in a bad mood. I am also sorry Marty is slow at work like Greg is. Pushing it from our minds and focusing on our pretty bling is best for now I agree.

Yes we would love spending other people's big budgets on bling. Think of the (beautiful) damage we all could do. :cheeky:
That De Beer's necklace is rather heavy but I would sacrifice comfort for that baby haha. :bigsmile:

Hope today is a better workday for you!

June, I am glad you are feeling better! I am also glad you are enjoying the ring again. It helps when you have a fail safe plan to fall back on and knowing you can return it at any time is a good calming thought. But having said that the ring is really beautiful.

I love gerbils too Junie. They are so sweet. I sort of wish I could get gerbils and guinea pigs now but Greg doesn't love that idea LOL and feels it would be too dangerous with the kitties. I am inclined to agree with him plus our traveling back and forth to the beach house makes it impractical to get them. Oh well.

I am glad your mom is doing well and that things are calm. Let's hope they stay that way for all the NIRDIs and their families!

LLJsmom, I am happy you are enjoying your gorgeous AVR necklace and yes I think a big beautiful AVR/AVC or that new hybrid GOG diamond would look amazing on your finger some day. :love: Or if you find the perfect OEC. You never know! I also agree with June in that I love the way you set your pendant. I like that it is all diamond and no bezel. It just floats. :love:

And thank you all for enjoying my pictorial haha. LLJsmom you and the other NIRDIs are honorary NYers for sure. :appl: :bigsmile:

Today is the continuation of destruction of the basement lolly columns. I cannot believe what a big job this is. Fingers crossed everything associated with this beach basement expansion project goes smoothly. Makes me nervous that we are doing much of it long distance. And also fingers crossed that the feral kitties are staying somehow warm and dry and safe and content.

OK girls have a great Tuesday. I hope everyone is staying warm and comfortable and see you later. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I am glad you are enjoying your necklace. Yes, I hate it when work is stressful. I am glad we have pretty bling to help us get through the day.

Junebug, I am delighted to hear you are enjoying your pretty ring again. It does look absolutely perfect on your hand. I am glad you are feeling a little better today.

Missy, did your new coat kept you toasty warm on your trip to the dermatologist? I hope your appointment went well. I think we could tough it out wearing that heavy diamond necklace. I hope the construction project goes well. It will be so nice when it is done.

Marty tried the day without bread - he wrote me at lunchtime saying he was starving already. He’s eating chicken and salad mostly, veggies for supper and of course now I want chicken.

I got one of my items from Chefscatalog - a 16” round skillet which is HUGE. I boxed it up and will give it to my niece and nephew with 3 teenage boys. I guess we need the 12” size skillet. They were out of that size already though. Rats. I got a heck of a deal on it though; sadly no returns.

Off to pick up my house. The cleaning lady comes tomorrow.



Oct 24, 2012

Things are good and bad at work. But I would rather be working than not. :loopy: I have been enjoying wearing it, and planning more bling projects. Although nothing really grabs me right now. Have you guys always loved bling or did it come on gradually? What is your history? Do you mind sharing? I wonder if I will every grow out of it. My mom seldom every wore jewelry and so I didn't grow up seeing people wear it. I wonder if it's a phase for me. I still really enjoy it, and it's been 4 years. However, I know people have always loved it and collected all kinds of bling.

I ran really hard today. It was strange that I had so much energy. Very uncommon. Sometimes I want to talk to people next to me on the treadmill, but then if it's a guy, he thinks I'm trying to pick him up. That happened today. I noticed that he was doing a speed workout, and I was just honestly curious what plan he was following. I think he was very taken aback that I started a conversation. ***sigh***

I'm feeling weird. Sorry.

Hope everyone is doing well. And thank you NIRDIs for telling me not to do the usual bezel. I'm still liking it a lot. Did I tell you I still like it under bathroom fluorescent lighting?

I hope things are good for DH by April so I can come visit you in NYC Missy.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, my new coat is warm. It got a workout yesterday during the walk to and from the doctor's office from the subway so that's good news. It wasn't as cold as it could have been but I am pleased. I know no coat is going to keep me as warm as I want when it is really freezing out but I think this coat is reasonably warm. When it is super frigid out I will try not to be outside for very long.

Ha we are on the same schedule because our cleaning person is coming today at 8AM. So I tried straightening up but honestly got lazy and gave up in the middle. :oops:

I am sorry the skillet purchase did not work out for you but nice that you are giving it to your niece and nephew. Greg recently bought 2 skillets from Le Creuset. A 12 inch and an 11 inch. One for Brooklyn and one for the beach and he sings their praises. He LOVES his Le Creuset skillets.

Good luck to Marty. Breaking the bread habit is not easy. I eat less bread than I used to but I cannot give it up entirely. I mean I would if I determined I was allergic and had to but other than that happening I am going to continue enjoying bread occasionally. I hope Marty is powering through the cravings. Not easy.

Thanks for asking Marcy but unfortunately the dermatologist appointment did not go so well. David thinks there is a good chance I am becoming allergic to the stainless steel in my leg because it is not pure stainless but has copper and nickel in it but he also said that leaving it is the best option unless it becomes a more serious allergy. Removing it is very risky (which I know from what the surgeon explained to me) and is a last resort option. It also looks like parts of my largest incision are not totally healed and he was surprised at that too but given my slow/poor healing abilities I cannot say I am shocked though it is a full 18 months after I had the surgery.

And he tried for a 3rd time to remove this white growth thing on my face that he thinks/thought? is a Seb Keratosis but it isn't budging and now it looks like I am going to scar there. Right in the center of my face. Right now it is still white but because of the (3rd visit attempt) cryotherapy procedure it is hugely red and raised even more yet still is not going anywhere. I have had these cryo techniques for years and it never stayed so red and raised as it is now and it looks just awful and the white raised bump is totally still there. Not budging in the least. David was confused as to why it is not budging and mentioned that he didn't want to cut me (and believe me that is not something I want either because of my poor healing and easy scarring ability!) but the fact that it is not being removed by cryo is puzzling to him and he mentioned a possibility that concerns me but I will wait till I see him next month to discuss if we need to do anything to rule that possibility out. Because when he mentioned it yesterday both Greg and I just phsawwed it. I know that is not a word but it fits here.

LLJsmom, I hear you and get it. Work is both good and bad for me too but right now I am just happy to be working. Good for you for running so hard today and don't worry about that guy's reaction. I understand sometimes it is nice to chat while you are working out and I do that with my friend Rob sometimes. But on my phone hands free headset while he is at work and I am working out. It just works out that way a lot as he calls me when I am working out and sometimes I end up chatting with him for the whole 90 plus minutes LOL. I don't think I get as good a workout however as when I am just concentrating on my workout yanno?

As for bling I was not into it when I was younger. Except for my mom's black opal and my grandmother's old cut diamond ER. That black opal ring kept me in awe and I always just loved my grandmother's ring. However for me not so into the bling and in fact did not get my ears pierced till I was 16 and then I stopped wearing earrings so the holes closed up. I didn't really get into bling till I met Greg and he started buying me jewelry. My first bling purchase from him was a Lisa Jenks bracelet from the Clay Pot in Park Slope. And then the obsession began LOL. Poor Greg. He didn't realize he was creating a Bling Monster haha.

My mom seldom wore/wears much jewelry either LLJsmom but what she did/does wear is beautiful. Very minimalist though in what she wears so we are similar that way. Though I have many more pieces than she ever did I still only wear 2 or 3 pieces at a time. More often than not I just wear my ER/WBs and earrings.

Hope things continue to go well for your whole family and improve for your DH because I would LOVE another visit from you and this time we could plan more fun activities to enjoy. Watch out. NIRDIs are in town. 8-) :bigsmile:

Have a good day everyone! :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I am relieved that your blingaholism is Greg's fault and not that of your dear NIRDIs!
Your health issues are worrisome. Why can't your dear leg just resolve itself so you can move on! and same with the skin issue. I will be saying a healing dust prayer for you today and every morning.
Are there any therapies for better healing? I recall something about mild electric current, oxygen, etc.

Thank you for the vicarious "day in NYC". You live in a beautiful city.

Marcy, my email to you was sent back as well. I'm happy to hear that you pursued things to a favorable outcome.
Somehow I have missed mention of Marty & bread, but FYI my DD has broken the bread habit due to gluten intolerance and has found many happy substitutes. In fact they are often much tastier than bread made with wheat flour and her pastries are divine, so there is hope : )

I am all for winning the powerball "on paper", but wonder what it would be like in reality. Because the acquisition is so public - the resulting social isolation, change in lifestyle, and inevitable daily focus on sudden wealth would not be so much fun. I think it would take an exceptionally strong person to stay spiritually grounded. That said, I'm sure there are some positive aspects :lol:


Oct 23, 2006
Dear Missy & Friends,

On December 3rd, I broke my ankle and want to thank you all SO MUCH for this thread. I have been unable to read all the posts but I am current up to (approximately) page 40 and have found all information provided so helpful to my recovery. I do not have the best resources and this informative thread has saved me in so many ways.

My fracture was not as bad as yours Missy. I do have a plate and 10 screws and am not allowed to put weight on it yet. I have found all the encouragement & advice given to you, so encouraging for myself. Missy, many thanks for sharing your strength getting through a very difficult injury and your personal journey to recovery. It has meant so much to me these last few weeks.

MANY THANKS to all! :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
lucyloo :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, work is such a necessary evil, huh? I am so glad you are enjoying your pendant. Good idea to tell our jewelry stories. Kristie asked me about that earlier today. My boss goes to the gym everyday and I know he hates to have people strike up a conversation with him. Marty is going 3 times a week now and using his gym downstairs on 2 days a week. He talks to a few of the guys at the regular gym but not much.

Missy, I am glad to hear your coat was warm for you. I am not a fan of being cold. I don’t know how I put up with star parties in 30 degree weather or colder for years. It shows you how much I love the stars. Glad to hear Greg likes his Le Creuset.skillets. Marty buys Staub; I can’t tell those 2 brands apart but I am sure there is a difference. Kristie and I got the same skillet from Chefscatalog. Cool, huh? Sorry you didn’t have good news at the doctor. I sure hope that’s not what’s going on with your leg. I hate to hear about the growth on your face too. He sounds like a really good doctor so I know he’ll keep working on taking care of everything. I loved the pictures of your view.

Jimmianne, thanks for letting me know about my emails. I will see if I can figure it out. Marty is reading online for recommendations on what food to eat while working out. I will tell him about gluten free stuff. We generally buy whole wheat bread but I know there are so many alternatives to choose from these days. Good thoughts about how winning the lottery would be such a dramatic change. I don’t think I’d go public - I believe you have the choice whether they release your name to the public. I see our state is one of 10 states where you don’t have to pay state taxes if you win.

Hi Lucyloo. Oh no to breaking your ankle. Missy has done so well with her recovery. I hope you are mending well too.

I think I always liked jewelry. I used to buy costume rings and bracelets in grade school and junior high. I think it’s my 3rd grade picture where I am holding up my arm so you can see my bracelet. Ha Ha. Funny thing my favorite shape was emerald cut then. I got my ears pierced when I was 16 and wore mostly gold studs (little gold balls) and lots of dangly cutesy earrings. I bought my first real ring in high school; it was a gold ring with a marquis aqua. I didn’t want a class ring; I didn’t like them so my mom bought an antique style ring (leaves all around the stone) with a lab emerald which is my birthstone. After college I bought that EC emerald ring I put the diamond with this summer. After that it’s been ooh shiny. I want that.

We went out for supper tonight. I want to enjoy a clean kitchen for 1 evening.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Jul 1, 2014
lucyloo|1452725651|3975653 said:
Dear Missy & Friends,

On December 3rd, I broke my ankle and want to thank you all SO MUCH for this thread. I have been unable to read all the posts but I am current up to (approximately) page 40 and have found all information provided so helpful to my recovery. I do not have the best resources and this informative thread has saved me in so many ways.

My fracture was not as bad as yours Missy. I do have a plate and 10 screws and am not allowed to put weight on it yet. I have found all the encouragement & advice given to you, so encouraging for myself. Missy, many thanks for sharing your strength getting through a very difficult injury and your personal journey to recovery. It has meant so much to me these last few weeks.

MANY THANKS to all! :wavey:

Sorry to hear of your injury. These things SUCK. Order your Wobenzym asap :wavey: We're here if ya need us!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kristie! :wavey:

I won $4 on Powerball. What should I buy? :lol:

ETA: Since I bought the Power Play we won $8 Ooh!


Oct 23, 2006
Dear Jimmianne, Marcy & Azstonie,

Thanks for the warm welcome! At this point, I am following doctor's orders and elevating, icing & doing all the recommended home PT :)

Azstonie, I ordered the Wobenzym this afternoon on Amazon. Love the 2 day free shipping! So it should arrive by Friday.


Feb 27, 2007
Lucyloo, good call following doctor's orders and doing PT.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Marcy, I also won another $4. It's time to go shopping! It was just announced that there is a winner in California for the power ball. I wonder if there will end up being more than one winner? Why is Marty giving up bread?

Lucyloo, I'm so sorry to hear you also hurt your leg. I'm sure Missy and Kristie can be a great source of knowledge for you. The rest of us can try to be a good support system for you. Hugs and welcome! Callie

Missy, I hope you face begins to look better tomorrow (you know how I meant this. You are still beautiful).

Junebug, Thank you very much for the Audi offer. I wish one of us girls would have won the power ball. I hope you are feeling better now and everything is going well with your mom. I had a shock yesterday. Can you believe the doctor's office made me get on that damn scale. I'm surprised you didn't here me screaming in New Jersey! No wonder nothing is fitting properly.

Jimmianne, I hope you are having a good time with your daughter.

LLJsmom, I have always loved jewelry. I just could not afford much of it when I was young. My mom has never really had much of an interest in it. My MIL loved jewelry and worked in a jewelry store for a few years. She used to joke that she never ended up actually bringing a paycheck home. She bought a lot of jewelry and had many items custom made. I'm glad you are loving your new necklace.
Do you think your daughter will become a jewelry addict?


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I hope your leg feels better. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know it can be really hard, and it's difficult not to be discouraged. Please whenever you feel like you need to vent, you know how to reach us. And also so sorry about the bump on your face. I actually have lots of those. My mom tried to have them burn mine off with a laser treatment, which was extremely painful and did not get rid of them. The just ended up causing the bumps to be flesh colored, which I guess is an improvement.

I end up removing a lot of white colored bumps myself, a lot under my eyes. I am assuming we don't have the same issue. I get a really sharp tweezer, and poke a hole in my skin and do the extraction myself. Yeah, it can leave a little scarring but my face usually heals up pretty quickly. My derm would do the same thing, except charge me $200.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.


Jun 8, 2008
lucyloo said:
Dear Missy & Friends,

On December 3rd, I broke my ankle and want to thank you all SO MUCH for this thread. I have been unable to read all the posts but I am current up to (approximately) page 40 and have found all information provided so helpful to my recovery. I do not have the best resources and this informative thread has saved me in so many ways.

My fracture was not as bad as yours Missy. I do have a plate and 10 screws and am not allowed to put weight on it yet. I have found all the encouragement & advice given to you, so encouraging for myself. Missy, many thanks for sharing your strength getting through a very difficult injury and your personal journey to recovery. It has meant so much to me these last few weeks.

MANY THANKS to all! :wavey:

Dear Lucyloo, I am so sorry this happened to you and I wish you a full recovery. I am glad this thread has been helpful for you so far and we are here for you should you want to talk about it or ask anything at all.

One important piece of advice is when things seem overwhelming just take it one day, one hour, at a time. You will get through this and you will be OK! And we are here for you. (((Hugs))).

Good morning girls!

Thank you Jimmianne, I appreciate your good thoughts as always. And right back at ya. I hope things are going smoothly with your DD's recovery and I am keeping her in my thoughts.

Marcy, hope you and Marty find delicious bread alternatives. Can he still have Christmas butter cookies? We have almost a whole year left but if he can't I will start thinking of alternatives. You know I'm a planner. :cheeky:

It is freezing here again this morning. Brrr winter is staying. IDK how you do this for so many months but I guess it is what you get used to. Wishing us all an early spring.

Since I don't know anything about cooking I don't even recognize the skillet brand you and Kristie got LOL. I know Le Creuset from Greg and that is probably the only reason I know that brand. :lol: Glad our men are pleased with their utensils. :lol: Also very glad our men are handy and good administrators of everything that breaks down in the house. Whew that is a relief! Go Marty, Go Greg, Go NIRDI Men! :appl:

Wow you don't have to pay state taxes on lottery wins. That is awesome. I don't think I would mind paying state tax on my 1.5 billion dollar win though. But man it sure is difficult to win right. I bought 2 power ball tickets in the last week and I have won nothing. You girls who won $4 and $8 woohoo at least you won something... I think I am done buying lottery tickets but I might keep trying because I really want to open my animal refuge for all homeless animals in need of a safe and loving home. OK back to cold (literally and figuratively) reality. :!:

Callie, aww thank you sweetheart. I know what you meant. It is so darn front and center and really quite :knockout: . I know Greg and my NIRDIs love me anyway. (((Hugs))).

LLJsmom, thank you for all your good thoughts and wishes. You are such a love. I can't believe you are able to remove those bumps yourself. I wouldn't dare try it because I scar with paper cuts (not joking) so my healing capabilities are not as awesome as yours that is for sure. I think David is going to biopsy it next visit because it is not budging and it is still really red and swollen from his latest attempt at cryo. I wish it would go back to what it was before I saw him Tuesday because it is impossible to effectively cover with makeup right now.

Is your mom wearing her new diamond earrings and loving them? Any girl would be thrilled with those earrings and I hope she is loving them and wearing the heck out of them. :love:

Sharing a few pics from last night. I sent it to most of you girls (and thank you Kristie, Peggy, Marcy, LLJsmom and Junie for keeping me company during sunset last night) but I was not able to send it to Sunstorm or Jimmianne so this is for you. I took this from the living room/dining room/kitchen last night while Greg was hooking up our new TIVO. I am enjoying my new iPhone camera and all. I especially love the sec before during and after making each shot a little live movie. So cool. I wish I could share the live action shots of the kitties that I have been taking.





Jun 7, 2014
Lucyloo, Just checking in to see how your day is going? Please know you can talk about how you are feeling. This is a really stressful and tough time for you right now and sometimes it's easier to say how you feel to us rather than you're family. Sometimes a good vending session really helps too. Please know we are here for you.


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, Your post had me laughing out loud. I get those darn white bumps too and have also done the PIN surgery! Too funny. My husband has a fit when I do it. I always tell him that it will take me weeks to get an appointment with the dermatologist and I can take care of it myself in 10 minutes.

Missy, Thank you for everything this morning. You have no idea how much it meant to me. Thank you Sweetie!


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, what shall we do with our winnings? I guess there were 3 big winners. Good for them! Marty is trying to lose some weight and is working out with weights so has been reading online suggestions for proper diet with working out. I am sure he won’t give up bread long. I think if he quit using oil to cook things and learn portion control he’d be fine. I also don’t think he has much to lose and muscles weigh more so he’s lost inches already. That is cool you have always liked jewelry and your niece is already following suit.

LLJsmom, you are more brave than I am; I don’t think I could remove those spots on my face. I scar very easily I can’t imagine what that would do to my face.

Missy, Marty is still eating cookies - no problem. He was having bagels for breakfast all the time and then bread with lunch so decided to cut that out. I am sure he’ll try it for a while then be eating some bread again. Sorry it is freezing there this morning but now you have a nice warm coat to wear if you go out. Our NIRDI men can be handy all right. Wyoming doesn’t have state taxes which is nice. We pay property taxes to the county and our license plates are pricey here they are based on value of the car like a property tax but that’s it. Our local and state sales tax is 6 cents on the dollar. I love your pictures.

Work was really busy so other than meeting a friend for lunch the day zipped by. It was really windy today and those cemented in place snowdrifts managed to get blown around in to new places plus make the roads icy again. I swear if some of this melts before June I’ll be surprised.

Marty tried making smash potatoes for supper. They were okay but I can’t say I’d request them again. He did make us some little sirloin steaks so I ate all of that. We ate our last 2 Christmas cookies; my freezer is empty of cookies again.

I have to go practice my astronomy program.

Have a great evening and Friday.


Oct 23, 2006
Hi Calliecake & Missy,

I appreciate your warm welcome and I thank you for offering your wisdom & encouragement! It's been 6 weeks since my injury and 4 weeks since my surgery. Although my surgery was completely necessary, my recovery process started all over again. Early on, I had at least a weekly pity party, with those overwhelming feelings at night (why are nights the worst?). I was very active before this happened and walked 8-12,000 steps daily. I found the adjustment to being bedridden very difficult. But currently, I am managing very well, just waiting for the ok to start formal PT. I find sleeping with the heavy, cumbersome boot the most difficult challenge at the moment.

I know once the PT starts it will take determination and lots of ice! I still ice frequently and elevate constantly. There is just too much ugly purple swelling if I don't. I also expect I will have lots of questions once the PT starts. :confused:

So I WILL definitely be checking in for advice frequently.


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, I cannot believe you made those cookies last that long. you and Marty have iron wills. We finished ours in 3 days. :cheeky: What astronomy class are you talking about? Sorry missed this from a while ago.

Missy how is your leg today? (((Hug))). I can totally see how Greg takes care of you Missy. I think that is great and it works for you both. DH takes care of everything I am sorry to say. Car, bills, repairs, kids. My dad does the shopping and cooking. I just work and help with homework. I'm pretty spoiled.

Callie, I just have to remember to clean my enxtraction tool regularly. Lol!! How are you doing?

Lucy, sorry to hear about your injury. I know you and missy are both mentally and physically strong. I could t handle it. I would be climbing the walls. You are doing so well.

Jimmianne, sayin' hi how are you!

Heya Kristie and June. Thinking about you guys. (((Hug)))


Dec 9, 2013
Hi Guys!
Is it Spring yet?

Lucy, I'm glad you found us. This is a good place to go through your recovery and I hope it helps to read the experiences of the brave NIRDIs who have gone through the recovery process. May each day to be better than the previous one!

Not much new here. Waiting for my ring to be sized and will call Tony today. It's only been a week and I hate to bother him, but I want it. Now. :naughty:
My DD needed a minor surgery and we decided she should come home for it. She is doing well and started back to her Cross-Fit group yesterday. I think she may stay home until May even though she left France 6 weeks early. She is working on getting a long-term visa, but for now has to go back and forth. They are planning a wedding after dear BF graduates, and he promises me they will spend time here. A long-distance relationship is challenging, but it certainly makes their lives - and mine too "interesting"!. [freudian slipI mean ...mine, to, interesting! lol]
Meanwhile, I have a major barn clean-up at the top of the list. Volunteers, anyone? :lol: Life is so glamorous here, I want to share it all with you guys :saint:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I am with you. C'mon spring hurry up and get here LOL.

How exciting that your dd is engaged. I wasn't sure they were so now that we know woohoo and congrats to the happy couple. I am glad she is coming along well and that her life is getting back on track. I sure hope you convince her to stay till May. Will the wedding be here or in France?

Good luck with your barn clean up today. And yes please ask Tony to get your ring sized already. We have all been without it for too many days. :cheeky:

Marcy, thank you for helping me along yesterday AM. OMG I am a baby I know. And I appreciate your comfort and calm. (((Hugs))).
I am glad Marty is still enjoying the cookies. They last forever believe me. I think last year we still had some through the spring and they were still yummy. LOL.

I'm right there with Marty needing to lose a lb or 2 (or 3 or 4 or more lol) but I am not motivated to get going on that. So I am being kind to myself and just not thinking about it. Luckily my clothes fit because I wear them really loose. Haha there's the advantage of wearing things not skin tight. I don't feel as badly about my weight that way. And of course it helps to hear Greg say he loves me just the way I am and not to lose a lb.

LLJsmom, you are very fortunate to have such a supportive dh and dad and your entire family in fact. I am so happy you have that support and love all around you. Personally I think men make the best chefs and personal assistants out there and as I said before GO NIRDI men GO because we are pretty lucky that way.

Next year I am sending you double cookie packages so it lasts longer for you! I should have realized with your large family it wasn't enough and I am sorry about that! So get ready because next year you have a lot of cookies coming your way. You can tell your DD I am doing that just for her (and you). Maybe you can let the men have a few. Haha. :bigsmile:

I need to talk with you so I am going to be emailing you later. I hope you are having a good week and enjoying your beautiful AVR necklace. (((hugs))).

Callie, OMG I was up so late last night. And not casting any blame hehe but I need to be on a more civilized schedule like midnight to 8AM sleep vs my now schedule which is cutting into all my social time. Seriously we are in bed before 9PM most days and you can see where that doesn't leave room for social activities. It's just I wake up before 5AM naturally and cannot get back to sleep usually. What a hassle. And when I am off the normal schedule I feel crappy much of the day. I feel like I have a hangover now. :knockout:
But it was worth it! Thanks for hanging out with me into (my) wee hours and tell Jeff sorry for monopolizing you last night! Greg didn't mind it at all and enjoyed his cereal. He was asleep when I got into bed last night LOL.

Oh and right back at ya about yesterday. You are always here for me and you know I am always here for you. Sending bucket loads of healing dust and good luck dust to your brother. (((HUGS))).

Kristie, waiting for the info today. And woohoo on beginning your remodeling project. I cannot wait. It is going to be beautiful. :love:

Junie, I hope your week is going well and that your mom is doing well. There is a warm up today but then our temps are going down again. Any weekend plans? And how are your DD and DS doing? I am interested to hear what is happening in their lives if you are good to share that with us. Being a young adult these days is different than when we were young.

Lucyloo,I am so sorry how challenging this is for you and just so you know and I hope it provides some comfort I was the same as you. I am a very active person and the not being able to put weight on my leg/do anything activity wise was the hardest part of recovery. That and the pain. I hope you are not dealing with much pain. I remember that and it felt like the painkillers didn't do much for me but by the time I was as far out as you are re the surgery I was feeling much better pain wise. Not being able to put weight on it was very challenging. Before the accident I worked out 90 minutes plus on the elliptical and cycled thousands of miles per season. So you can see we were in the same boat and I made it through and so will you.

For me, I needed a place to share and vent my fear (and there was plenty of that), frustration, stress etc. and this thread helped me immensely. The girls here are awesome (and that is an understatement) and I don't know what I would have done without them. They saved me emotionally. And of course collectively all the info the NIRDIs shared with me helped me through. Kristie was right there all along sharing her experience with a similar trauma injury and is so generous with her time and energy as are all the girls here. In fact and I cannot believe I am saying this but I said it before that in some way I believe it that breaking my leg in 2 places might have been meant to be so I got to meet this amazing group of women whose friendships I will cherish forever. But I digress.

I just want to say that don't hesitate to ask us anything or to come here for moral support. Knowing what you went through and what you are going to be dealing with I can positively say you are going to be OK. We are here for you however we can be and want to help you through.

And I hear you about there being dark days yes and I agree nights can be so challenging while going through the recovery process. Sleep can be challenging (are you sleeping on your back?) and getting into a comfortable position and quieting the mind can be tough. But you will get to the other side and this will be a distant memory before you know it.

In the meantime take advantage of the forced rest as best you can. You will probably (hopefully) never have so much time to yourself again. So read those books you have been wanting to read, listen to all the music you love, watch all the great movies you can and take advantage of people wanting to help you and visit you and cook for you. And be kind to yourself and don't let the negative thoughts take over. It's OK to feel sorry for yourself at times (believe me I did plenty of that so don't beat yourself up about that) because you need to feel that to get over it and move forward. Soon you will be so grateful for having made it to the other side and you will be strong and capable again and able to do all the activities you love doing.

So lean on us Lucy. We are here for you. (((Hugs))).

OK girls I am getting ready to start the rest of my day. Sending you all lots of hugs and love. Have a good Friday!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, I have my fingers crossed that the basement renovation goes smoothly, I know it's nerve-wracking to undertake such a big job but I have a good feeling about it and it will be so great for Greg to have the additional work space.

I'm sorry your derm appointment didn't go that well - I know these things are upsetting and worrisome and I'm sending tons of healing dust that both issues somehow resolve themselves and improve with time. (((hugs))))

My kids are doing pretty well - dd is living in Hoboken right now and really enjoying it. She is doing her student teaching this semester and then will get her teaching degree - and then hopefully a job lol. She seems to be enjoying just being young (and pretty, I remember those days haha). She's working hard but also having some fun just being out and about and doing things with her roommates. She's had a few dates with a policeman from Brooklyn too! She went snowboarding the other day with him and called me just to tell me how it was going, but I had an anxiety attack when I saw she was calling me because i was afraid she had broken something lol. My son is doing ok, he's working in a store right now but still having trouble figuring out exactly what he wants to do on a more permanent basis. He's in a band with his long-time friends from high school and is having a good time practicing with them and doing shows. I love music but am not musically inclined so I'm happy to have a musician in the family. They were practicing at the house the other day and I really enjoyed listening to them.

LLJsmom, I'm so glad you're enjoying your pendant! I have a small but pretty OEC pendant that I don't wear much and I think I would like it more if it was set like yours. I just love the look of that elegant sparkle floating at the neckline :love: I started getting more into jewelry in my early 30's but as a SAHM there wasn't the extra funds for bling so I scratched the bling itch with sims and gemstone rings - at the time I enjoyed them and they added some fun and sparkle to my life. Since joining PS 5 years ago I've made up for lost time lol. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just put that money towards one major ring and called it a day. But I enjoy wearing what I've purchased so I'm going to try not to second guess myself. At this point I think I'm kind of done with major bling purchases. As much as I love the sparklies I'm sort of a minimalist and usually just wear my studs and a wedding set. I have a 1 carat diamond and a 3 stone ring that I would like to reset at some point though.

Lucyloo, I am so sorry to hear about your broken ankle and I can only imagine how difficult all of this is for you right now - I hope you can get some comfort and inspiration from missy, she has been where you are - and we are all here for you to offer moral support whenever you need it. I know the forced inactivity and discomfort must be tough, missy has great suggestions on how to pass the time and of course you can distract yourself by joining us in this thread! I know things must sometimes look bleak right now but please try to remember that you will make it through to the other side, and in the meantime we are here for you whenever you need us! (((hugs))) and hang in there!

Jimmianne, glad to hear your dd is doing ok after her surgery - it's nice she's here and I hope she can stay until May, it would be great to have her company during the winter months. And planning a wedding is quite exciting! And I enjoy living vicariously through my kids, it does add a little excitement to life, although maybe sometimes too much haha!! And yes, hurry up with that resizing Tony!!! I can't wait to see more pics of that gorgeous ring.

Marcy, yep, like Marty I'm currently trying to shed a few extra pounds - I do find that for me it does help to cut down on the starchy carbs like bread, pasta, and potatoes. I don't know, it just seems to de-bloat me or something lol. But I agree with you that portion control can really make a difference too. Ugh, it's all a drag and no fun but my jeans are feeling tight these days unfortunately ;(

What football team do you root for? Dh will be watching all the games so let me know so I can root for your team too!

Callie, I hear you, see my comments to marcy lol - eh, we probably shouldn't worry about it too much, in both our cases it sounds like a matter of just a few pounds, they'll come off eventually!!!

Kristie, hi there girl, hope all is going well on your end!

Anybody have any plans for the weekend? Nothing much going on with me but I'm looking forward to just hanging out at home for a few days with dh.

Have a great afternoon everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's the weekend woohoo. :appl:

Hi June! Thank you for sharing about your DD and DS. I enjoy hearing about them. They are good kids.

Hoboken is hot and our friends (who live full time down the shore in Sea Girt ) have an apartment in Hoboken so they can get the best of both city and beach in their lives. Sort of like what we do but we are in NY and NJ and they are just in NJ. A bit easier for them but I just love Brooklyn. Speaking of which, what a small world. I hope your DD is enjoying her foray into Brooklyn and that her boyfriend is showing her around a bit. If she ever needs anything June please give her my contact info and mobile phone # OK? I am serious. If she is ever here and needs anything at all.

I hear you about worrying about her when she went snowboarding. If I had children I would be worrying about every little thing but most of your worrying will be for naught and let's hope it continues that way. Snowboarding seems safer than skiing but what do I know. I used to ski but fortunately sense took over and I stopped because someone like me should never be on skis LOL. I have never snowboarded but from my outside perspective it seems more stable than skiing.

Your son is young and figuring it all out and in the meantime he is working and being constructive and I love that he is a musician and you are enjoying his music. Nice.

Thanks for your good wishes for the renos. I just found out they are not actually starting the renovations until January 25th because Greg left extra time in case the lolly column destruction and plumber work ran over. So just waiting now. I just want to get it over and done with so I could get back there and enjoy this time but patience is necessary now. As you know it is not my strong point.

We don't have anything special planned right now for the weekend. I have webinar CE all weekend long and paid for it but am having second thoughts as I just don't feel like doing it. It is not simple. You have to watch it for all the hours and after each hour there are 10 questions to make sure you were paying attention. They really make you work for your CE credit that's for sure. It is actually easier to sit in a CE class than a webinar because you don't get tested after the class to make sure you were paying attention but you do after the webinar. I would hate sitting there for 8 hours each day (11-7PM!) Saturday and Sunday and then not getting the credit because I didn't pass the test. Ugh. Anyway long way to say I am not sure what we are doing yet LOL. Greg has Monday off because of MLK Jr. Day so YAY for that but still not sure of what we want to do. I was thinking of going to the Holocaust museum because we haven't been yet but not sure I am up for that. Too depressing.

I hope all you girls have a wonderful Saturday and looking forward to hearing what is going on with you. Have fun. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Lucyloo, hope you are enjoying the weekend. I think nights are the worst for any of our worries; maybe because it’s a more quiet time or because we’ve had the entire day to let those thoughts build up. I honestly had resorted to chanting “la la la teddy bears” when I am trying to fall asleep and I can’t shut my mind down. Stick in whatever makes you smile or laugh and it seems to work. Yes, I am the crazy teddy bear lady. Isn’t it weird how sleeping with a boot or something on makes it so stinking awkward and uncomfortable? You’d think you’d get used to it but I never did. It sounds like you are determined and ready for PT. Do you know when they will let you start?

LLJsmom, I didn’t make Missy and Greg’s delicious cookies last that long. They were gone in days. The cookies we were finishing off were in our freezer from the cookies I baked for our family Christmas. I am a cookie monster for sure. Marty and I run the local astronomy club so I was giving a program on how telescopes changed our understanding of the universe. I used to teach astronomy for our community college. I miss the students but don’t see how I worked 2 full time jobs for 21 years. You do have a good set up there splitting tasks and chores with your DH and dad.

Jimmianne, even when spring shows up I don’t think it’s going to help me. That drift out front is still 4 feet tall. Good idea to call Tony about your ring. Now every time you mention him I will think of his pretty award winning ring. Wishing your DD a speedy recovery but I am glad she came home so you can be with her now. I think distance relationships are hard but probably a bit easier now that people can see each other on video calls. You’ll enjoy having her around until May and how exciting to be planning a wedding. A barn clean up does not sound like something I’d enjoy. I am a sissy little fraidy cat of bugs and varmints.

Missy, I was glad to help keep you company yesterday. I was glad I found some silly bear pictures to hopefully at least make you smile. I love the bunny hat. We quickly devoured your delicious cookies. We were working on some of the ones I made that were in the freezer. I need to give away the rest of the PB ones so I have an excuse to make new ones. I hear you on not being motivated right now to lose weight. I can stand to lose LOTS of weight but my motivation is severely lacking. Greg is a sweetie and loves you just the way you are. Good luck with your webinar.

Junebug, it sounds like your children are doing well. I can understand worrying about getting a call from your DD when she was out snowboarding. Are teaching jobs hard to find there? Most people here start out as substitutes or start at one of the rural schools. Sometimes it takes a few years to land a full time position. As with anything these days it seems to matter who you know. Your son’s band must be good if you enjoy his music. I don’t eat much bread but we have pasta and potatoes frequently. I hope Marty’s new eating habits wear off on me. I can definitely shed some pounds. I am rooting for the Broncos so if you DH wants to cheer them on I’ll take all the help for them I can get. I think Peyton Manning is a classy guy and would like to see him go out on top.

Callie, I don’t know the story but hope all is well with you and your brother.

Kristie, good luck with your remodeling project. Post pictures please.

The astronomy meeting was okay last night. We moved the meetings to a retirement community a block and a half from us. We are using the pub and it’s kind of a broken up area so I don’t know how it will if we ever have a big crowd but due to more snow and ice here yesterday our attendance was small. One of the residents came and we were all very nice and patient with her but then everyone kind of tried to get away from her. She couldn’t remember things, couldn’t hear and had no idea about astronomy I think she just wanted to talk. I had my first slide from Keynote just on the TV and it had a NASA/STSCI photo of galaxies on it and she kept asking me what STSCI was. I tried explaining it to her about 8 different ways and she wasn’t understanding it was just an image credit. Once I started my talk she kept asking me questions so I finally had to ask her to hold her questions until I was done. I felt bad but I’d still be there answering her questions if I hadn’t move along.

I got my bands shipped off today. Let’s hope I don’t regret that choice. Kristie you will be welcome to say I told you so if something goes wrong.

Okay I’ve discovered my left hand is not strong enough to hold my Macbook Pro with just my thumb and forefingers. I didn’t drop the laptop but sure did a number on my hand. It’s better today but “cracking” sometimes and sore. It hurts to type. It hurt so bad when I did it I wanted to scream. That would have torn Marty away from his PS4 game. I put one of those ice gel packs on it. Leave it to me to do something just picking up my laptop. I got the lecture today I am not skilled, strong or coordinated enough to try and pick up or carry something expensive with one hand or part of one hand.

I got paged from work while taking my shower. 90 minutes later I got that mess cleared up. Marty made me a pancake that I put cool whip and strawberries on top. Mm.

Then I made 2 trips to Fedex to get boxes then went back to drop off the package.

We are going to Outback for lunch. I wish Marty would get hungry because I am hungry already. We are invited to a brewery downtown tonight for a birthday party. I don’t feel like hanging out in a bar with millennials so I might beg out of it unless Marty agrees to a token hi here are we’ll have one drink and leave.

Have a great weekend.

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