
Now I really did it :((


Missy, good plan to focus on the here and now and live life to the fullest. Modern technology is cool but I doubt I’d ever want a driverless car. I hope you had a great time meeting your friend for lunch today. Great picture of cute Francesca.

Jimmianne, I agree letting you know there is a car in your blind spot is a great feature to have on your car. Especially with you pulling a trailer. My weekday chef is gone through Friday. I sunk pretty low and bought a kids meal from Wendy’s for supper tonight. That’s too bad you didn’t find something you couldn’t live without at Nordstroms; but it did save you money. I hope you had fun at lunch with your friends and at the estate jewelry sale.

Callie, did your bangle show up? Do you love it? I am glad your house looks good with a new coat of paint. I hope you had fun at lunch with your friend and seeing the new baby. My car does that too – slowing down for you. It does it so hard though it kind of freaks me out. I am so glad that young girl turned up safely. That is scary. It sounds like you had a nice time with your niece. Ugh to having a cap come off.

Marty left for Washington D.C. today. His plane was delayed over 2 hours so he’ll get to the hotel pretty late tonight. He’ll be home about noon on Friday.

Marty left instructions that the rabbits are in charge, then Aces (the Audi bear), then my bears. I am low person on the totem pole.

I am hanging out in the den with sunlight coming in – ooh sparkly!

Take care.
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I hope you had fun with your friends yesterday. It's great that the car features have helped you out and when we are in the market for a new car I will definitely be interested in getting those. Now if only we could get a car that parallel parks itself we will be in business LOL.

I just found out the garage we keep our car in (located in our apartment building) is going up a huge percentage in September. It is going to be crazy expensive to keep our car there but there is no other alternative short of parking it on the street and moving it every day due to alternate side parking. That is not going to happen. I am so bummed about that because it really is pricey. Yearly garage costs are going to cost more than a gorgeous VC reset. You get the idea. :(( Greg hasn't told me yet because he likes to ease me into bad news haha but I found out about it anyway.

Jimmianne, you never have to even ask me if I want to go shopping haha. Just get right on that plane as I am always ready and happy to shop! How is sweet Puff doing these days? I haven't heard about him for a while and I miss that. Hugs to Puff boy and tell him his Aunt Missy is thinking of him and misses him.

Callie, did your newest bracelet show up as promised yesterday and what are your thoughts? Do you love it as much as your other new bangles? How did the tree spraying go yesterday? Your sweet pup must be so happy to have you home this week. What are you 2 up to for the rest of the week? When I was with my girlfriend yesterday I thought of you because she has a lot of weddings to attend in the next few months and one of them is in California in September and that is the last time she will be flying this year due to being further along in her pregnancy at that time.

It is so hot here this whole week. Today real feel will be 105. OMG. Kristie, I know compared to your weather I have no right to complain so I am shutting up now. But let's just say I am sweating a lot these days LOL. How is the weather by you? I know you and Finn and Maggie and Bob are staying cool in your pool and with your central A/C and I hope you are enjoying those comforts!

Marcy, sorry Marty's flight was delayed and I hope he arrived safely and got a good night's sleep and I am glad he will be back home in 2 days. That's not a bad trip at all compared to some of his other business travels.

Those killer bunnies are not really in charge. Aces and your other bears will take care of you while Marty is gone and those killer bunnies better behave or I will somehow find a way to get there and teach them to behave. :devil:

It was fun meeting my gf yesterday though I swear sometimes my life is like Lucy and Ethel from I Love Lucy. The first restaurant we went to did not open on time and by the time it opened we had been waiting outside for 15 minutes in the heat and we went in and there was no A/C. Or at least it was NOT working. OMG. So we left and had to walk all the way back to where we started and went to another restaurant but by the time we got there we had walked almost 2 miles and well we were sweating quite a bit. Thank goodness the A/C worked there and it felt so good. I felt badly dragging my pregnant gf around but she was very good natured about it and we had a good afternoon. Though she did get a kick out of my parasol (I guess what one might do at 30 my gf's age is quite different than what one might do at 50) but I don't care if I look cuckoo. When the sun is so strong I need that parasol protection. It is a real SPF parasol from Coolibar. Heavy and protective and worth it. ::) :appl:

Off to work today. Wed sure gets here super fast somehow. Have a great day girls and stay cool!
This is War!! The "Rabbits in Charge" instruction is such a challenge to your authority!
I hope you come up with something good.
One thing I thought of was hiding them all and leaving their rabbitmaster a note, either that since they are in charge they went out partying, or that they were so terrified of the bears that they surrendered and retreated. Maybe they could be in a back room drinking beer and smoking cigars & ignoring their duties. Whatever you come up with will be fantastic, so I'm sure you don't need help, but I couldn't resist joining the winning side!
Missy, Puff sends warm, I mean nice & cool regards. His feathers are in a twitch because I don't let him fly around the whole house anymore since "The Cleaner".
OMG it's like you got the effect 10 prozac yesterday! with all the walking - and in the heat. Too Much.

That parking situation is not good. They know they have you, right? Drat them!

So you might be willing to do a little shopping? :cheeky: I think we could get in some real trouble out there...what clothing stores do you recommend?

Stay cool today!!
Hi girls, sorry but out of touch. Been on my own this week so just keeping head above water. :).

Missy, hope it is cooler today. That heat is prob worse than Paris cause you have the humidity too. Which reminds me, Parisians don't believe in air con. Isn't that weird? There have been articles written on this phenomena. Anyway, I digress. Love your kitty pictures. So sweet. Francesca right? Who is all stretched out long on the window sill. She is so pretty.

Marcy, got your fridge? And your new table wear? Sorry I might have missed your post. I think about my old fridge and they used to last so long, easily 15-20 years. Nowadays, the crisper drawers are not secure after 2 weeks. When I was buyer my new dryer, the salesman told us to buy the extended warranty bc they don't last more than 5 years these days. Lots of reviews give the same advice.

Callie, so happy for you that you found bracelets that fit. Yay!! Hope you will post some pics... Hope the wedding week was fun. I also went to a wedding this past weekend. My cousin got married, and just family alone was about 90 people, on my side. People get married later and later. My cousin is 30 and that is pretty young for CA. My other cousin just found out she is preggers, and she is 32. First baby. Yup, we're gonna be old grandparents! Lol! Although my son did say he is planning to get married when he is 23.

Jimmianne, how are the French lessons coming? My son does use babble I think. I am not sure if that is the right spelling but don't you think that is he most clever name?! I love it. Means so much!

Ok, girls confession time. I can't find either of my two wedding bands, even the one victor made. OMG. I am hopeful it will turn up somewhere. But I can see them stay missing for years. I'm considering whether I should get a skinny Love band or maybe at some later date, ask Victor to make an eternity band. But I do want a fatter band to wear with my ering. I tend to like fatter bands. I'm just annoyed with myself. Just when I have the bands I want to wear with the ering.
LLJ'smom, Oh No! Have you seen the bands since you came back from your trip? If so, they are probably somewhere in the house. I found a bracelet I thought I had lost years ago last week in a bathroom closet. I'm sending lots of finders dust your way!
Hi there everyone!

Missy, I think Kristie christened my pear ring Sunny Delight haha! Which is quite a nice name I must say - I never named my OEC, I'll have to think about that!

Unfortunately, I don't think taking my mother to the beach is feasible - she's pretty weak, frail, and unsteady, and she doesn't have much stamina. She just doesn't seem in good enough shape to handle all that activity. Added to that, she really doesn't have a desire to go anywhere anyway.

We're planning on going for a few days on Labor Day weekend, so that's something to look forward to.

How nice you ran into your friend at the beach! I'm so glad she's doing well.

So sorry about the restaurant rigamarole! Life sometimes does seem like an I Love Lucy episode, doesn't it? I love that you use a parasol, it really makes sense.

And that's a shame your garage fee is increasing so much! That really does stink, it's tough to be at their mercy.

Love the pic of Princess Francesca :love: She looks very cool and regal in spite of the heat!

And I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are cars that parallel park on their own! I think I saw a commercial for one recently.

Calliecake, sounds like you had a good time at the wedding, the pastor has a good sense of humor lol! It's a pain to have painting done, but I love how nice and freshened up everything looks when it's all done. Makes such a difference. I'm glad it turned out well and you like it. I'm also glad you're enjoying your new bangle, a jewelry purchase every now and then is such a day brightener!

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, I really do appreciate it, it means a lot! I will admit things are a little hard sometimes, but there are people dealing with a lot worse, and I have a lot to be thankful for - I need to keep things in perspective. I'm hoping I can get down to the beach at the end of August for a long weekend, so that will be a nice break.

Marcy, I can see out of my windshield but it's annoying, the ding is right in front of my eyes, which is just my luck. :roll: Luckily the scratches are on the passenger side - I really should get it taken care of, but I've been so bad lately with putting things off. I'm with you, I don't think I could handle a driverless car. It took me a long time to get used to cruise control haha! Sounds like getting your windshield fixed should go pretty smoothly. Ugh, the team leader sounds like a piece of work - You handled him well! And I think it's very dangerous to let those rabbits be in charge!!! Who knows what havoc they'll cause hehe.

Jimmianne, your outing with your friends sounds like a good time. Did you come across anything interesting at the estate jeweler? :naughty: I know, I'm bad.

LLJsmom, I am so sorry you can't find your bands! Sending many positive vibes that they turn up soon.

Hope everyone is having a good night, see you all soon!
I did christen her Sunny Delight, and she even has a theme song (Groove is in the Heart/I couldn't dance with anitger)!

Every diamond jewel must have a theme song!!!

LLJs, you will find them, I know it!!

Missy, well darn it that the fee to keep you car parked inside at your apartment is going up; I am sure it is very costly anyway. It would be a pain to leave it on the street and have to go move it all the time. 105 today? That is hot. Marty said DC was “steamy”. Those Killer Bunnies are all going to be named “Stew” if they keep it up. I did tell Marty the rabbits said I could buy some jewelry – he didn’t believe me but he said he didn’t care if I bought jewelry. Permission granted? Sweet! I am glad you had a nice time with your friend.

Jimmianne, I could put all the rabbits in a soup bowl and have the bears eating but of course Marty will have about 4 hours to rearrange things before I get home on Friday. Maybe I’ll just take him up on his “I don’t care” if I buy jewelry. I like your idea of drinking and smoking cigars. I could set them up around the poker table. That would be funny. I bet Puff isn’t happy he can’t fly around the house as much.

LLJsmom, the French don’t believe in AC? I’d be miserable. Our new refrigerator will get delivered Friday and my dishes will get here tomorrow. I agree appliances aren’t made to last anymore. The appliances that came with our house are builders grade and we unwisely paid $1500 to upgrade to stainless. We do like our gas range though. Oh no; I hate to hear you can’t find your bands. I hope you find them!

Junebug, Labor Day weekend at the beach will be very nice. Enjoy the ocean for me, okay? That is like my luck too – that your ding is right in your line of sight. I was thinking today of putting off getting my windshield fixed until after construction season but if they are ordering the windshield from Germany it may take a while anyway. My TL is a real interesting challenge. Marty says he leaves the rabbits in charge because he can trust them with a knife.

Kristie, good idea to name our diamonds and to give them a theme song.

I didn’t sleep well last night – first night with Marty gone I usually toss and turn.

I had lots of meetings today at work and had ton of reports to go through so it was a busy day. I met a friend for lunch and picked up a small pizza on my way home.

I was delighted to find a box on my porch that contained my fruit bowls and bread and butter plates. They are in the dishwasher right now. They seem so thin compared to our stoneware but I like them.

Have a great day!
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I love boutique shopping in Soho where you never know what treasure you are going to find. Otherwise I love going to the outlets (in New Jersey and in Long Island at Tanger) and most of my in between clothing shopping is done online. But in NYC going to the little clothing boutiques are one of my favorite ways to find clothing you don't see on everyone.

LLJsmom, Oh no, I know you will find your bands and to that end I am sending bucket loads of dust for you to find them sooner vs later. Did you put them away for safe keeping? Did you check all your clothing drawers? The freezer? The kitchen cupboards? Did you ask your dh if he saw them? Does your daughter/son have any ideas?

I cannot remember not having A/C when we visited Paris (summertime) so I am thinking I found a hotel that had it though I did stay in "boutique" hotels much of my trip. Of course I was more heat tolerant those days however I always loved A/c so I cannot remember not having it during my visit. I do remember ice was not plentiful so we drank most of our drinks room temperature which is usually the way I prefer it anyway except on the hottest of days where I enjoy an ice cold drink.

Callie, did you speak with the company that sprayed your trees this spring?
I am glad your new bracelet fits perfectly. Are you going to wear all of them together? Or at least mix and match wearing a couple on your wrist at the same time? I bet it looks fantastic.

Junie, I thought that might be the case with your mom but I was hoping she could make the trip perhaps when the weather turned cooler but I see that is not a good idea. I am glad you are going for a labor day holiday and it will be here before you know it. I cannot believe it is the last week of July. Summer is going so fast despite the heat wave we are having. Are you staying cool by you? The news just did a report on the underground subway station temperatures and just as I suspected it is above 100 degrees (literally) at many of the stations where I wait for the train. Yeah, that's too hot. :knockout: And then usually when you get on the train you freeze your a** off LOL. But I will take that any day over the boiling hot train stations.

Sunny Delight (thanks Kristie for that wonderful and appropriate name!) and your OEC are two of my favorite PS rings. GORGEOUS. And of course their owner is one of my favorite people along with all the rest of the NIRDIs and their beautiful bling. But every single one of the NIRDIs outshines her bling and that is saying something that is for sure. :appl:

Kristie, love the theme song idea. I bet you can come up with a great theme song for each of the NIRDIs major bling pieces LOL and I look forward to it if you ever get the desire to do so. You are very talented in many/most ways and words are definitely something you have a special way with so I look forward to your NIRDI bling songs. :naughty:

Marcy, yay for deliveries and I am glad you are not disappointed with your new bowls and plates. I am sorry you didn't sleep well the other night with Marty traveling but he will be home one more day woohoo! I cannot wait to see what bling you might be buying now. I mean Marty is onboard so that is very "sweet" indeed! Those bunnies better watch out or you will be serving "stew" to Marty when he returns home LOL.

So last night as I was changing to get ready for bed I noticed one of my incisions on my ankle was very red and inflamed. I mean very red and very inflamed surrounding and including the incision. ;( And I thought Oh no what is happening now. First the weird rashes and now this???

Greg says not to worry but it is still red and inflamed this AM. Why can't I just get a little peace from my skin issues? Is this too much to ask? Ugh! Sorry to cry here again girls just getting that off my mind and trying to not think about it today. It feels weird and I cannot describe it but it is not right. IDK if it is a skin issue around the incision or something else. This coming Tuesday (next week) I finally have my rescheduled surgeon follow up and perhaps he can tell me what that is if it is still there which I think it will be. Nothing goes away on me too quickly unfortunately.

However more than likely it is a David (derm) issue if he even knows what it is. I sure could use more dust for whatever it is to not be anything serious. So sorry to always have something to cry about it seems but thank you for always being so generous and kind and my soft place to fall. My NIRDI girls are the best listeners and supporters. (((HUGS))) to you all.

Have a great day and stay cool!
Missy, I'm so sorry about your inflamed incision site. Did something rub against it to irritate it? Will u see your derm soon?
Missy, I'm so sorry to hear about the inflammation, how random and frustrating :knockout: - You did a lot of walking in this hot weather when you met your friend for lunch, I'm wondering if maybe that caused the irritation somehow? It's the only thing I can think of. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping it just goes away as randomly as it showed up. :pray:
Missy, I hate to hear one of your incisions is inflamed. Could you have gotten a mosquito bite or something like that? Is it better tonight? My surgery scars have usually been easily irritated for a couple of years and I tend to scar easily. Hugs to you Queen of us NIRDIs!


Weird day for me. I didn't have any lunch so I came home in hopes of finding 2 packages on my front porch. No such luck. All the sandwich places looked packed at 12:30 so I picked up a McDonalds burger and fries. It wasn't that great but what should I expect? I got my work done about 2 today so I spent the afternoon revising some of our procedures.

After work I pulled up just as UPS was leaving and only found one package on my porch. I'm like Oh no! I called the UPS customer service and they found the other package and it will be delivered tomorrow. Tonight I got my platter, creamer and 11 of my 12 salad plates (which is weird since they were in boxes of 4). If my 12th plate isn't in the other box tomorrow I'll contact Mikasa about that.

We had a message they want to deliver our refrigerator between 8:30 and 10:30 tomorrow but Marty won't be home until about 12:30 to 1 so I left them a message the morning won't work so please come after 1. I put what little stuff we have in the frig in bags; Marty can take them all downstairs tomorrow with one hand. I am making death cookies tonight so Marty can bribe the guys tomorrow to take our current frig downstairs and I am taking some to work for one of my employees birthday party.

Take care!
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, Junie, Marcy and Kristie, thank you so much. There is no trigger I can think of and even though it is very hot in NYC I have been in A/C at work and at home so only in the heat for short periods of time. I really have no clue what is going on and just hope it is nothing serious i.e. body rejecting metal or something worse. I appreciate your good thoughts and support and I am going to just move forward and try not worrying about it too much. My surgeon appointment is this coming Tuesday and while I don't have an appointment with my derm till August 18th I will just hope it is nothing serious and see what develops. That is enough of that topic and now I would love to hear happy NIRDI stories.

Marcy, that is weird about the Mikasa shipments coming like that and not all the plates being there. Hopefully everything else will show up in today's shipment. Fingers crossed! And I also hope your fridge delivery goes smoothly and that the fridge is in pristine condition. Funny how the delivery time window never matches to what we want isn't it? Usually I love an early delivery so I don't have to sit in the house all day waiting and the earlier the better re delays with other people's delivery. But of course when they do give you the early delivery it doesn't match up with your schedule. Hoping they accommodate your time request and that Marty arrives home safely and on time to be there for the new fridge delivery.

You are so nice to bake the death cookies for your employees birthday party today. I am sure they will love it. Have a great day with smooth deliveries!

LLJsmom, how are you feeling/doing and have you been able to get back to running? I know the NYC marathon is coming up and I think you have another coming up too. Has your dd been wearing her necklace all the time now? :love: LOL I think I know what she is going to want for all celebratory occasions now haha. Well you can never start good habits too young I always say. :appl:

Sending you lots more dust for finding your beautiful bands. I have a feeling you will find it very soon!

Junie, what are your weekend plans? How was your visit with your mother this week and how is she feeling? I hope you and she are staying cool in this heat and sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts.

Kristie, Thank Finn very much from his Aunt Missy. He made my night last night and I wish I could give him real life hugs but virtual ones will have to suffice for now. (((HUGS))) to you too!

Callie, how are you enjoying your new bangle and are you wearing it with your others? How many can you wear at once? Any developments re the trees/spraying? Do you have any special plans this weekend?

Hi Jimmianne, I hope you are enjoying the French lessons. I am not great at languages though I used to speak and read Spanish pretty well and even took advanced Spanish literature in college. Sadly I forgot most of it now though I would hope if I started studying it again it would come back :read: ...not sure as it has been a few decades since college and my mind is not what it used to be. :oops: Anyway hope your French studies are going well!

Leaving you girls with a picture from 2010 the year we rescued Tommy. Greg sent this to me yesterday and Tommy (and I) look so much younger. We are in the basement at work and Greg and I were visiting Tommy on the weekends at that time. I was slowly hatching my plan to rescue him but it was a delicate matter as he was the mouser at work and apparently that was legal. :nono:

Only 5 and a half years ago but man that makes a difference. You can tell Tommy is younger here and so skinny poor baby. My sweet kitty. And LOL look how full (aka chubby face haha) my face used to be. I am laughing but not really because as I age my face is losing all the cushioning and my body is gaining it haha. :( Anyway sharing this with you girls because of how sweet and young dear Tommy looks in this pic. He didn't know it yet at that time but we were going to rescue him come hell or high water. I was already plotting breaking in and stealing him if I couldn't convince the superintendent to let me rescue him.

Have a good Friday! We are off to the beach house soon and hoping to get a ride in before the temps hit the 90's today. It is going to be a triple threat weekend. Above 90 each day of the weekend including today. Stay cool girls!

Hi Girls, I hope everyone is doing well. I only have a few minutes so I will post more later.

Missy, My first thought was the same as Junie's. I wondered if all the walking the other day aggravated a screw or some piece of metal. Please try not to worry too much. You have your doctors appointment all set up for Tuesday. Hopefully the doctor can shed some light on what could be going on. I certainly see where it would have you down. It's been one thing after another for the past year. It would wear on anyone! I have no idea what is going in with the magnolia. I have already looked into having it replaced. I seriously think it will not come back to the way it was before and it's in front of my house. The last thing I want is a partially dead tree. If it doesn't look better soon it will be replaced in the fall. I love the picture of both you and Tommy. Oh just wait Missy. The face and waist thing doesn't get any better with age. I read somewhere this week that 90% of women gain 15 pounds between 45 and 55. Kristie always teases me that if you get plastic surgery, you just get weird looking. I would gladly take weird looking over these darn jowls! What would we do without Kristie's sense of humor. My husband got such a kick out of her texts while we were away for the wedding. He kept saying "I like this girl"

Junebug, The last airplane trip I was on the woman sitting accross the aisle had either dementia or Alzheimers. Her husband was trying his best but you could tell he was at his wits end. He was having a hard time getting her off the plane. Finally I asked if he would like some help. We were able to get her off and she did really well. Maybe because I was a woman or maybe just because I was much calmer than her husband, I really don't know why. It is so important to get breaks and take time for yourself. Sometimes I don't think you give yourself enough credit. What you are doing is extremely difficult. I'm so happy you are getting away soon. You also need to enjoy your life and put yourself first once in a while. Junebug it's a good thing I don't live closer to you. I would kidnap you for a day of shopping and ice cream or at the very least watch your mom for a day so you could get a much deserved break more often!

Marcy, You are about to make some delivery guys day with your cookies!
Happy August 1st!
Time is flying so we MUST be having fun.

Callie, I hear you about jowls-yikes-horrible. There are supposedly face exercises that help, but don't count on it!
The only thing that keeps me from getting surgery is my Mom's experience. She had everything done at once at Duke and did her recovery in a hotel room near me. When I saw what she went through!! It seemed like a lot to go through for a temp fix. So I've been using philosophy instead of longer darned jowls, but dear jowls caused by living on Earth with its gravity...and thank goodness for gravity! Oh...and gaining weight fills in wrinkles! All Good.
Jimmianne, I can completely understand how you feel if you were able to see first hand the pain and swelling involved with plastic surgery. I have researched a plastic surgery website because the jowls thing has been getting me down. The pictures are terrifying. I also want my face to feel normal afterwards and it seems that can take up to a year and in some instances the feeling never comes back to normal. I told myself I need to just stop worrying about it and be grateful my eyes still don't look too bad. At some point I will turn into the woman who wears too much eye makeup so it distracts from the jowls. This getting older is not for the weak! The reality is I'm just so glad I feel good and am healthy. In the whole scheme of things that really is all that's important. Once you hit 50 no one looks at you anyway!

Kristie, I hope you are feeling well today and you continue to feel well. You almost gave me a heart attack last night! My husband has even been asking how you are!

Missy, I am anxious to hear what your doctor thinks could be causing your leg issues. Please, please, please take it easy until you see him. I'm sure it is a very slim chance you could do any damage but just to be safe. I know how upsetting this must be for you. You need at least a whole year of NO problems!
Hi NIRDI Grrls!

Re plastic surgery and jowels and just an aging face in general: The bigger the diamonds, the less anyone looks at your FACE! Plus, if the apocalypse comes, you can trade your diamonds for prescription dog/cat food and Crystal Head Vodka :lol:

Okay, I've not exactly been around much lately. Here's why: DHs estate/executorship has turned into a horrifying lawyered-up disaster. Tried EVERYTHING just short of *giving* my BIL/SIL all the property/house/goods. They believe they hold us hostage because we live 2000 miles from the property. Without us there to remind them, they took/use everything as if it is theirs. They prevented DH from selling the property in the first 2 years by claiming to be too busy to remove their things from the place, thus sale prevented to the buyer who presented to us. In year 3, they said THEY wanted to buy DHs share. This crescendoed to a bomb when DH finally confronted re IF YOU BUY, IT MUST BE IN THE NEXT 14 DAYS. Of course, in response, crickets. We have been informed they are considering lawyering up (can't figure out how they think there is anything actionable on our part here: We accommodated their lies the first 2.5 years, we trusted them with $50k of household goods/etc., and gave them repeated first shot at buying DHs share rather than the buyer who presented immediately, thus screwing that up). Extra added fun: Malpractice by the law firm who represented DHs mother/will/estate. So its been 3 years of heavy duty strain on the marriage and it got intense the past 3 weeks as it all went to hell.

Yesterday I wound up in the ER at our local hospital because I'd had almost 24 hours of unexplained right lower quadrant abdominal pain which fit the parameters for either an ovarian rupture or appendicitis. Had DH run me to the ER during the biggest storm of the year, leaving the Westies alone (poor kids) in it. MIracle: The ER was WONDERFUL. Got there at 4, saw the doc in 1 minute, had blood work, urine, physical exam, two CT scans with oral and IV contrast, two ultrasounds, and was out the door by 6 PM. Fortunately, no appendicitis and no ovarian rupture. I normally would not have a CT scan but my situation called for it: Possible life threatening event with imprecise diagnosis on preliminary imaging and tests. WIth CT scan oral/IV contrast, the confidence level of diagnosis of appendix is 98%. My white count and neutrophils were decidedly elevated, which would have weighted toward emergency appendectomy, so it was a good thing to get the CT and ultrasound, with them I avoided unnecessary abdominal surgery (and you NEVER EVER want an abdominal surgery unless you'd die without it).

Its possible the decidedly elevated white count and neutrophils are from: STRESS! Yep, GOT THAT!

Fortunately, I have convinced DH that *WE* will now lawyer up. We need expert help to get this SOB situation finished. I have made the promise that DH and I *will* donate the share of the property and estate goods if BIL doesn't not buy us out RIGHT DAMN NOW because we will NOT let BIL and SIL screw us over this way. Because we are willing to walk with $0, we now have some leverage here where before we had little to none. The recipient of the donation would then be able to TAKE BIl's property from them through a 'taking' as the recipient would be the county itself. (HA! I'm a freaking genius.) The goal with legal help is to get into our wallet the fair amount for the property and goods but if that is not possible then we will walk away and make sure BIL's portion of the property is severely compromised and unpalatable until its taken from them by the county (and I'll lose a new piano and a respectably sized OEC in this bargain but whaddya going to do?).

So the past 3 weeks I've been working on the estate conundrum and apparently working myself into a real meltdown.

So its not that I haven't been interested in everybody's goings on, and THANK GOD you guys post because what I would read here was most of my relief from the shitstorm at hand.

Okay. Nuff said on moi.

Kristie, I am so sorry that you and your DH are going through this. I know that you are doing a great job of supporting your husband through this messy, painful and stressful situation. It's ironic that it's the people who are closest to us that can hurt us the most deeply. I can see why you would both rather a charity have your share rather than the BIL/SIL grab that too. My thoughts are with you. I wish I could do more than just send you a big (((HUG))).

I am so relieved that your symptoms are not indicative of something more serious, not that stress is not serious. But you methods of coping had me laughing out loud. You really have to do whatever you need to in order to cope with this craziness that is your DH's siblings. Look at bling a little more often? I've been listening to audio books a lot. And I just had to yell the sh!t out of my son for insulting my daughter for no reason. What a total jerk he is!! Sorry, I digress. Please be good to yourself and take good care of yourself. Maybe a massage? (((Hug)))
LLJs, thank you for your positive words, much appreciated. We haven't handled it well as a couple, which is why I bought the book. I'd like to handle future issues right away and better :read:
Oh no Kristie, I am so sorry to hear about all of this, I had no idea the past 3 weeks have been so tough for you (actually, the past 3 years)- I'm really glad to hear you're ok, stress can certainly cause terrible physical discomfort and I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Please try your best to relax a little and take care of yourself (your coping pack should help lol); this situation is not worth risking your health. It's a shame this has turned into such a mess. I know things seem overwhelming right now, but eventually it will be resolved one way or another so please try not to worry. I think engaging a lawyer is a good idea, I'm sure he will be able to offer advice and you won't feel you and Bob are carrying the burden of this by yourselves. I can't help but think there's some way to force your in-laws into settling this. I obviously don't know the terms of the will but it sounds like you and Bob have done all you can on your own to resolve this. I understand how stressful something like this can be - I've spoken about my worries about being executrix of my mother's estate and frankly I'm dreading it. Big hugs to you my friend, please take care of yourself and vent all you want, anytime! That's the beauty of this thread!
Good morning girls!

Kristie, What a huge relief you are A-OK and thank you for putting my mind at ease yesterday about how you are feeling. I hope the book (and yes that's the one) works as well for you as it did for us. I think that is the only "self help" book I have ever read but it is a keeper and good for all types of relationships in fact though specifically geared towards marriage/SO relationships. Please let me know what you think of it after you guys read it and do the workshop exercises.

I am also thankful you have such a good hospital relatively close by to where you live and LOL I was picturing the monsoon during our chat and you cannot make this stuff up. Now if we could only find a good hospital that allows us to take our fur babies with us we would be in business haha.

Now we need to focus on getting your white count down which will take some time after all these years of chronic stress. But I know it can be done. Did I forget to mention meditation when we chatted? I think that is something you can benefit greatly from if you do not do it now and then either Pilates or Yoga as that also helps to quiet the mind IMO. And of course you are already doing aerobic exercise and that is the great quieter of anxiety/stress and works wonders! I know LLJsmom will back me up on that. You have the perfect setting for relaxing and chilling and quieting your mind and the stress. Floating in your pool OMG sounds like a real stress buster. Now tell Finn and Maggie to let you have some quiet time in the pool so you can enjoy that!

Anyway I am glad you decided to share it here because the NIRDIs are super (caring, supportive, warm and loving) in every way and as Junie said that is why this thread exists. So we can share and cry and vent and feel better ultimately. Having good girlfriends is good for the soul and priceless in every way. I know you are probably overloaded with my hugs by now but I am sending more to you and Finn and Maggie anyway! (((HUGS))).

Callie, I hope you had a lovely walk in town with your dh yesterday and I am glad your sweet doggie got to join in on the fun too!

Honestly the way I feel about plastic surgery at least right now is a big fat NO for me. I would not have any elective surgery. Too invasive and too much of a risk. But that is me and I respect others choices. I am too much of a scaredy cat (Meoow) to ever consider it even.

I am going to take the wrinkles, the sagging and the thinning of the face and see how I end up looking. It still has to be better than some of those plastic surgery gone wrong jobs. I mean look at Meg Ryan and Goldie Hawn to name 2 beautiful women who would have looked beautiful if they had just aged gracefully IMO but instead ruined their appearance. This is what the pressure of having to look perfect does (mainly to women). It damages our psyche and changes the way we feel about ourselves and makes us think about ourselves in terms of appearance vs who we really are. It is insidious and damaging IMO and affects is in so many ways. Ways we don't even realize fully. :cry: Vent over.

Sorry for the tangent but just wanted to add you are beautiful Callie no matter what as are LLJsmom, Kristie, Junie, Jimmianne and all the other wonderful ladies here. Your beauty shines through no matter what aging might do. (((HUGS))).

LLJsmom, sorry your ds was being a typical "boy" to your dd yesterday but I am sure he has learned his lesson. At least for now LOL. I have no doubt you will help guide him to become the type of man any mother would be proud to call her son and any person would be glad to call their SO and friend.

Jimmianne, I am with you. NO Plastic Surgery for us! I am sorry about your mother's poor experience. I agree that our wrinkles and our scars show we have lived life and conquered our adventures. :appl: Makes us more interesting at least that's what Greg says about my (ugly but beautiful because I survived) scars.

Junie, How is your weekend going? I hope you are enjoying and one day you and I have to meet at Park Place Jewelers OK? Let's pick a lovely day to stroll to our favorite shops and browse (maybe buy too if my bling fund gets replenished LOL) and then perhaps out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants around there called the Black Bass. Just saying if you have a free Friday or Saturday let me know because Greg and I are up for it if you and your dh are that is.

We had a good day Friday and yesterday. Very early bike rides due to the heat getting out of hand by noon and that is our plan today. Out to go riding very soon. Have to wait till sunrise or the bugs like to eat me alive lol. And then another lazy afternoon. I hope everyone is enjoying the first weekend of August 2015. Sending lots of love and hugs to all you lovely ladies!
AZ! I am so sorry to hear the depth of the mess you've been experiencing. My heart goes out to you - I know it must feel like being cornered with thumbscrews on. If you can just get through without further damage to yourself or your relationship! It sounds as though everything has reached the total crisis stage - which is good because now it is the beginning of it really being over. And then you can work on getting your life back.
Lots of deep breathes, often! and exercise - walking 20 minutes a day, natural prozac. Yoga class? Not answers of course, but could help stop your body's reaction. I know when things get this bad it's hard to work on [impossible?!] staying centered. I ended up on a bit of Zoloft which helped stop the stress chain reaction.

My thoughts are with you, strong lady. And envisioning you floating in your pool, looking up at a clear blue sky.
Hugs hugs hugs.
Missy, I hope your heat isn't quite as bad today for your bike ride. It will be 90 here today so I will be felling your pain today. Doesn't San Diego seem nice right about now! We had a great time yesterday and were very surprised how well the furbaby did. She didn't even bark at all the other dogs. My husband was getting concerned lately about her possibly having separation anxiety. He seemed much calmer about it yesterday after he witnessed another dog going crazy when her mom walked in a store and left her with another family member. He said a few whimpers didn't seem bad at all after he saw the other dog go crazy. We are going on another little adventure with her this afternoon. Although her favorite part seems to be putting her face in front of the air conditioner when we get back in the car. My husband looked at me and said "you can sure tell she is your dog"

Kristie, I hope you are feeling better today. It's good to see your sense of humor has not failed you! Chocolate and Crystal Head may really come in handy until everything gets settled. Families can really make things difficult. After hearing everything you have been going thru I'm grateful my husband's family was basically on the same page with the exception of some personal effects. I have already decided when we go thru this with my mom that I will divide my portion and give it to my brothers unless one of them continues on the road he has been on with being a jerk. In that case I will probably give all my portion to my other brother. There will not be much and my brother needs it more than I do. My husband's mom's family was destroyed when her mom passed away over the will. I would like to avoid that if at all possible. I know how stressful this has been for you and it has seemed pretty obvious that your BIL and SIL are extremely underhanded people. I will never understand people who try to take advantage of others and these two have it down to an art form! Please know I am here for you.

LLJsmom, Your posts always make me laugh. Your son is just being a typical boy. Anyone who has brothers remember those days.

Marcy. Has your new refridgerator been delivered. Are you happy with it?

Jimmianne, I hope you have a fun day planned!
Hi Kids!

Missy, how is your incision doing today? I am glad you are seeing your surgeon on Tuesday. Great picture of your and Tommy. You are both so cute. Too funny you were planning to rescue or just take Tommy home no matter what. I am sure Tommy is glad you were determined to bring him home with you. I am with you on plastic surgery. I think it didn’t work well for Priscilla Presley either.

Callie, I hate to hear you might have to replace your magnolia tree. Did you ever get a discount from your landscaper? I am still angry for you at that guy. That is so cute your furbaby likes to get her face in the AC when you guys gets back in the car.

Jimmianne, I agree we must be having fun. With all of the bling we collectively have here in NIRDI-land how could we not be smiling? I am sorry to hear your mom had a bad experience after having plastic surgery. I agree with you and Missy that our scars make us more interesting – both those inside and out.

Kristie, how are doing today? I hate to hear you ended up in the ER. I love your views on aging, plastic surgery, diamonds and the apocalypse. It certainly made me laugh. I am sorry dealing with the estate mess has been challenging for you and Bob. That is difficult anyway let along dealing with all of the headaches of the estate plus putting up with your horrid BIL and SIL. Your survival pack is perfect. I think getting an attorney is a fabulous idea. I am sending you lots of hugs and I wish we were down there so we could have drinks and go shopping.

LLJsmom, sorry your son wasn’t very nice to your daughter. Hugs to you and your daughter. I’ve been thinking of using audio books in my car; do you like them?

Junebug, I see you changed your avatar again. A lady at work is getting her engagement ring soon and it has a 1 carat yellow diamond (RB). I am anxious to see it. I told her about your beautiful pear diamond ring.

We’ve had a busy weekend. The refrigerator got delivered about 3 pm Friday. It’s been fun to play with so far. One cool feature is you can set it dispense a precise amount of water. I was making waffles this morning and punched in 1 ½ cups and it dispensed it right in to my bowl. I also loaded up pictures of the bears and rabbits to scroll through the little photo display. It only plays after you use the touch screen but it’s fun to watch on the tiny 2.5 x 4 inch screen. Yesterday afternoon Marty brought up everything from the man cave frig and I attempted to figure out where everything goes. The shelf space is different so that will take some getting used too. It has a dairy case on top of the door but doesn’t have a space for eggs. Marty crammed a dozen eggs in there and broke 2 of them. He did that because I bet him the egg carton wouldn’t fit in there; he made it fit so he says he won. I say it obviously didn’t fit so I win. I want my $10.

Today Marty has been trying to finish his man cave and is working on putting up an umbrella on the deck. One of the local hardware stores had it marked down to about $300. He is packing around the sand bags to fill the base right now. He also moved the old frig to the garage and has made about 5 trips to the hardware stores. I can hear the cash register ringing on each trip.

I got all my dishes washed and have rearranged the cupboard about 4 times trying get the best layout for them. I packed up all of our old stoneware and shoved old towels, dishcloths, tablecloths and curtains in there as padding. I haven’t used any of them since we moved in here so I think that’s a great way to get rid of them. A lady at work is going to come get them for her mom. Her mom has the same pattern.

Marty is cooking some ribs on the grill with a dry rub so hopefully we’ll eat sometime soon. I bought some corn on the cob and raw veggies so that should be plenty for supper.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Take care.
Missy, glad you are getting in some good cycling! I can see why you'd want to beat the heat, it really warms up as the day goes on. Your suggestion of getting together at some point sounds great! August is turning out to be a somewhat hectic for dh (traveling for work and a few golf outings lol) but I will be in touch when things settle down a little. Thank you so much for keeping my mother in your thoughts, she's not exactly doing great but she's still doing ok and we're managing pretty well overall. I really, really appreciate your support, thank you missy!

Calliecake, it was so sweet of you to help the woman on the plane, sounds like you really were able to calm her down, what a big help that was to her husband as well. Most people couldn' be bothered, but not you and that's what makes you so special. I wish we lived closer too, I wouldn't mind being kidnapped for an afternoon haha! Thanks for thinking of me, I'll admit I've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately but I'm honestly feeling better now; my pity party is over and I'm really working on being more upbeat and positive. Your concern and understanding is very comforting and helpful, big hugs to you!

Sounds like you had a fun day with the hubs and your fur baby! Sounds like she did great, I'll bet she loved being out and about.

Marcy, I'm thinking of you and hoping all your goodies arrived safely by this time! Hopefully it all worked out, having appliances delivered can turn into a big production sometimes. I'm hoping you're having a relaxing weekend - and enjoying your meals on your new dishes! :dance:

LLJsmom, kids can be something, can't they? I remember when mine were young I'd think "I can't believe my kid just said/did that!" What a minute, my kids are in their 20's and I still think it sometimes haha! It goes with the territory of being a parent I guess, and it's so common for siblings to be a bit rotten to one another sometimes. Your kids are lucky to have you as a mom, that's for sure!

Kristie, I'm thinking of you my friend and hoping you're feeling ok. Big hugs to you, hopefully you've been able to get a little time to yourself and just chill out and relax a little. Pamper yourself a little, you deserve it!

Jimianne, hope you're having a good weekend! I can't believe it's almost over, went by fast!

Speaking of weekends, I saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh. I know we all have different weekly schedules but I think the general principal still applies. I especially like the rest of Monday and Friday lol You gotta love Lucy!

Marcy, we were posting at the same time! Wow, you guys really did have a busy weekend. I'm glad everything arrived and you're getting things organized - the refrigerator sounds so cool! But I agree that figuring out where everything goes and getting used to the differences can take a little time. And you definitely are the winner of that bet lol!!! I guess you can't blame Marty for trying though. How nice that your dishes have found a new home, that worked out great. :dance:
Hi girls,

Junebug, I was just reading an earlier post and there was an issue with your windshield that you haven't fixed yet? Me too. The side of my car is dented and I just don't want to spend the money on it at this second. I feel badly about not fixing it but I am prioritizing my expenditures. I did just go on a major vacay and argh. (Eyeroll). Can't use the emojis on my phone. My kids sometimes annoy me and sometimes are my reason for living. I guess that is being a parent.

Callie, I think the aging thing is kinda hitting me. I turn 44 this year, and I am starting to be bothered by the sunspots and blotchiness on my face. I out on make up three days in row. Never in my life have I done this. Then the make up makes my face feel weird, and my skin is getting greasy. At my mom's insistence about 4-5 years ago, i had spots and white heads zapped off my face. Hurt like a bitch. I would never do it again. And mostly didn't work either. Now I just do my own extractions in the bathroom mirror with alcohol and a sharp tweezer. I'm crazy huh?

Kristie. I like your philosophy. Who gives a sh!t about weight and looks and skin and all that crap. Wear enough bling and no one with see anything else. Excellent idea. Words to live by. I hope today is a better day for you and Bob. I am pissed at my DH cause we are not on the same page on some significant home repair projects. I am trying not to be a beyotch, but I think I am two days out and my hormones are in control and not me. And I am so pissed that the CA public school system does not teach grammar as a separate subject any more so I have to supplement by creating my own curriculum. Either that or learn to live with the fact my son writes run on sentences and sentence fragments. I know my writing is very much train of thought in this thread but I am a total stickler on work/school stuff. Sorry. Venting. I actually found my old grammar text book on line. Bought it and am putting my son through grammar boot camp this August.
Callie, that was such kindheartedness that you showed that couple on the plane. I can see you doing that.

Missy, how is your ankle? Still irritated? I hope your derm will be able to take care of it on Tuesday. Or that it will be gone by then. I ran 6 miles on Saturday and no pain! Yay! Took it real easy though. Slow pace. I ran with my running girls so it went by quickly. Today it was a little stiff in the morning but nothing really bad. I did nothing today so as not to aggravate it. I will take it easy tomorrow too so I don't make it too bad. Cross your fingers for me.

Marcy, sounds like your new fridge is gonna be fun! Some stuff to get used to but fun nonetheless. Dispensing exactly the the amount of water you want is pretty cool. I think chefs would really appreciate that. I think about my plates that I have packed away. I hope that when my kids, daughter or son, get married, one of them will take my wedding dishes cause I will never use them. Then they can out more practical things on their registry. Actually, people mostly ask for vacation money these days, so that is pretty practical as it is.

Jimmianne, it must have been traumatic to watch the recovery process from plastic surgery. That would turn most people off I think. But seriously I cannot judge. When it hits me, who knows how rational or irrational I may be.

No sign of my rings girls. Oh well. No money to buy anything right now. I will live with just my ering. I love wearing it. I will try to be cool and not freak out.

Today feels like the two days before. I am moody and eating salty and sweet like crazy. And I am taking on this crazy project of soaking my bathroom fixtures in coke sodden paper towels to scrub off the rust with aluminum foil. Can you believe how nuts I am?!? So my old bathroom fixtures were expensive chrome ones from restoration hardware. I didn't know chrome rusted. Clearly dumb. Then even dumber I bought the same new ones. Anyway, I decided I have to keep them rust free because I am not replacing these. So now I am cleaning them and scrubbing the oxidation off. I have gotten off about 80% of it. Next I am putting on a wax layer to protect it from moisture. This is an outlet for my type A-ness two days before. So now after dinner I just had dark chocolate with seasalt, bow chips and a bowl of honey bunches of oats. Hmmm... What is next?

let's talk each other back away from the edge LOL
Uncharacteristically, I ate a sugar-laden meal from McD's for dinner on the way home from a bit of a fuss with my DD. I could not fall asleep last night - then woke up at 3:30am feeling wide awake & depressed for no reason, then remembered my "dinner". ugh. 4 hours of sleep. I know one day of veggies will turn things around, but today won't be thrilling. I am blaming the alignment of the stars for falling off the health wagon yesterday! So the stars got you too, huh.
How are you doing today?