
novice - help!

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May 16, 2001
Hi,I am new to the diamond world and am in the process of finding my ideal engagement ring.I have read all there is to read on the diamondscope site, but am having trouble finding more information on the internet re: crown, pavillion details.Most reports only give table and depth percentages.I am looking for an E coloured, VS1/2 stone around 1.10 carat.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Paula,You are right, GIA report doesn't show crown and pavilion angles/depths. However some other reports like AGS or EGL do.You need to inquire this information from a vendor. Fortunately Sarin and Ogi machines become more common now. Some vendors like Whiteflash, Blue Nile and Mondera have them in house. Other can get this info for you from the cutters.
Hi Paula,Congrads with you diamonds!
Good shopping Paula! Enjoy it.
paula,If a dealer can't provide you with that info, I would say you need to move on. It is to easy today for any diamond dealer to get and pass on that information.Happy hunting.......------------------
Paula,I'm in the same position as you in terms of buying a diamond for my ideal engagement ring. I'm working overseas and have been comparing prices in the States and Asia. I will be returning to Perth at the end of June - Can you recommend some reliable worthwhile shops to visit in Perth for diamond shopping? I really don't want to waste my time at places like Rosendorff, Ian J Brown etc... if they don't have what I'm after (which is similar to what you want) at a good price.Thnx ------------------
Not down hear boys and girls.There are 3 Sarin/megascopes in Oz - total.
Argyle own 1, a dealer owns 1 and i have 1.But we are talking to Paula.
Hi,I finally bought my diamond from Charles Edwards, they had the biggest selection of certified stones in Perth. Ask for Jackie.
I got a beautiful stone that was HRD certified. Don't bother with Ian J Browne (they actually told me NOT to buy a certified stone?!@?!?).Definately DON'T go to Stefans, I saw some shocking stones there and the service was TERRIBLE!!The lady tried to sell me a H coloured diamond VVS2 and tried to tell me it was "better" than what I was looking for ie. E VS1 - simply because they didn't have what I wanted. When I asked her whether it was true that the difference in colour from a H to E is visible to the naked eye but not the clarity between VS1 and VVS2 she literally scoffed at me and said if I didn't want a nicer stone than the one I was looking for then....Also BARGAIN HARD! and read up as much as you can on diamonds. Also be aware that lots of sales people know very little about diamonds and try to make you feel really bad about shopping around for an engagement ring. Good luck!Let me know if you need anymore info.
Originally posted by Diamondshopper:
Paula,I'm in the same position as you in terms of buying a diamond for my ideal engagement ring. I'm working overseas and have been comparing prices in the States and Asia. I will be returning to Perth at the end of June - Can you recommend some reliable worthwhile shops to visit in Perth for diamond shopping? I really don't want to waste my time at places like Rosendorff, Ian J Brown etc... if they don't have what I'm after (which is similar to what you want) at a good price.Thnx
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