
Nitpicking superideal RB's


Aug 10, 2015

After receiving great feedback from the folks here, I've decided to go for a WF ACA. However, picking one out from several within a price range is quite challenging as they're all beautiful. Obviously, it boils down to color, size and clarity.

But proportionwise, I understand that crown and pavilion angles are critical for light return and should complement each other should one lies at the edge of its recommended range (crown: 34-35; pavilion: 40.5-41).

My question is since all ACA's have earned AGS 0 Ideal in light performance (and the requisite for earning the ACA brand goes beyond simply having great proportions), how big of a factor then do crown and pavilion angles play in light return in this situation?

Below are 3 examples. Unfortunately, the last listing doesn't have a video clip for comparison. Color and clarity difference aside, the first diamond has a 35 degree crown angle while the others are at 34.7 and 34.5. They all have slight variations in the complementary pavilion, star/LG%. Does it make sense to think the 35 crown is less favorable stone than the other 2? It's video clip is quite appealing, however.
There may be some minute differences that give each diamond their personality but if you can't really notice or distinguish it then that says it all. And we're also looking at magnified images so under real life viewing circumstances the different are even more minute. So yes to a degree it is nitpicking. If you think you can spot a noticeable difference then go with the one that appeals to you. All will perform well so you can pick the diamond by whatever metric you deem important.
The first one says sold. Did you buy it or has somebody else swiped it?
Its not the best one anyway some of the arrows look to be off
Umm, no, no ACA's have arrows that are off. Whiteflash is very strict about what goes into their ACA line.

I would personally go for the G because I'd rather have 6.6mm over 6.4.
If they are all ACA, then I would honestly make my choice based on other parameters, such at color, clarity, size to get the one that best fits your wants. The only exception is if you are trying to make a matched pair, in addition to having them in same ballpark for color and clarity, also trying to get close with both diameter size and table size.
Thank you, everyone!

I did decide on the first one (35 crown angle) and am waiting for the transaction to finalize. I chose it mostly based on what I saw in the video clip. It is very appealing to me. Since it's an ACA, I initially didn't think much about the crown/pavilion combo since it does fit within the respective recommended ranges. But having some time to browse through a handful of available ACA stones, I didn't see too many having the 35 crown angle. That's why I was curious whether small variations in crown/pavilion angles have much bearing on ACA stones since all feature great qualitative scans, e.g. IS/ASET/Hearts.

It's simply the case of me second guessing myself :)