
Newbie advice - what questions should I ask about this dmnd?


Apr 29, 2016
Hi there,

We found this stone and think that it offers pretty good value:

The one concern is the medium blue fluorescence.

Are there specific questions that we should ask before making the purchase and having it set into a platinum setting?

I'd love to be able to give back to the forum somehow in return for your help, but unfortunately I am a complete newbie as far as diamonds are concerned and, despite having lurked here for the better part of three months, am still finding myself in way too deep to make a decision and stick to it!!

Thanks so much!
Re: Newbie advice - what questions should I ask about this d

Hi opisanoob,
Unfortunately you can not buy fancy cut shapes by the numbers. You need up close images. This cushion seems to be
priced pretty low for a 3 carat G/SI so chances are there is something not quite right with it. :(

You can start by asking for up close pictures.
Ask about the inclusions and whether it is eye-clean or whether the inclusions can be hidden by a prong.
Ask for an Aset image to check on light return.

Post all the pictures/images you get and let PSers take a look for you.

*Actually I just found a picture of the stone at another might try looking at some other vendor sites. I dont want to post it
(unless you want me to) because I dont want it to get stolen if you are interested in it. If you are, I would put it on hold so you can
think about it.

The inclusion (feather) doesnt look too bad...for a 3 carat SI1, however, the light return doesnt look that great (at all).

Edit now that I have seen a picture of it you need to ask about whether it is eye-clean and get an aset image.
Re: Newbie advice - what questions should I ask about this d

Thanks tyty

As it happens a coworker is also hunting around and has received some great advice from someone at enchanted diamonds and when we compared notes it appeared to be the same stone!

Basically I have a 25k budget for the stone and would like to get the best bang-for-buck cushion cut I can find. Thanks for the advice on the light return element - I'm guessing that the ASET image helped you evaluate this?

Where does one begin to start looking with all the parameter options etc? My gf does not mind whether it's more square or rectangular, or even the "style" of cushion - she does mind that the stone itself have "square corners" (like a princess cut), so she is also open to radiants.

Any advice would surely be appreciated since there are just TOO many variables for someone who is not in the trade to get their head around!!!

Thank you again
Re: Newbie advice - what questions should I ask about this d

I did not see an aset of the still need one. I can look at the stone and tell that it is questionable. I was hoping the
aset might prove me wrong. Or...there is the possibility that the stone was videoed straight on so the light return looks off.

You mostly just have to hunt and pick to find good stones. You can post pictures here for comments. Get asets and post those

What are your basic specs? You're saying that your GF wants corners or doesnt want corners?

I'll post some from JA that look like they have nice light return (so will be bright and hopefully have good sparkle/fire).

This looks nice

Not really finding too much :(

Re: Newbie advice - what questions should I ask about this d


I don't know how you did it, but you did: she loves the stone on b2cjewels.

She doesn't want "square" corners like a princess cut - she does like the curved cushion corners and the angled radiant corners however!

I will email b2c and ask them if they can have the stone inspected to make sure it will play nice with the setting she has in mind. Thank you so much for your help. Is there a system in which we can repay the time and effort of the community members that help folks like me?