
New setting for my 2.05 AVC…Help me choose!


Dec 22, 2012
Hello Pricescope friends! :wavey:

Time to re-embark on this saga of mine…Choosing a new setting for my stone. Acquired my stone back in Jan 2013..and had it temporarily set because I was so anxious to wear it. I did not feel I was ready to choose a setting at that point. Been on a setting roller coaster ever since… Went back and forth between halo styles, pavé, side stones..etc

Finally, after sitting on this for months, considering all possible options and driving GOG and my good friend Cachette CRAZY :nono: (thank you Jonathan and Sarah and Cachette) I have decided that what will work best for me is a SIMPLE SOLITAIRE SETTING (to be paired with an AVC band with perhaps smaller stones than the ones on my 5 stone). But I will worry about the band later on.. I did include a handshot pic of my present setting alongside my 5 stone AVC and that link as well just for the heck of it. I may occasionally wear my new setting alongside my 5 stone AVC..

So I am curious as to which simple solitaire settings you all recommend, or love or not… etc

I am starting from scratch since the Angel setting that my stone is set in now does not have the style of basket that I love, not enough height and no band sits flush with it.

I LIKE the Angel setting, but I don't LOVE it..
Yes I realize that it may sound a bit foolish to switch from a simple solitaire to a simple solitaire.. :rolleyes: BUT like I said. I want to LOVE my setting not just LIKE it…

But who knew choosing a "simple setting" would not be so simple?? lol There are so many to choose from! :confused: :confused:

So PSers, any opinions on a simple solitaire setting? I do have it narrowed down to a few ideas but any additional input and pics would be great. And fun! I have learned a lot from reading all of your posts since I joined PS last year. So now I come calling for help

Here are some of my "wants" with this new setting:
- must sit flush with wedding band (or very close)
- double claw
- cathedral
- a basket style that will let the light shine though my stone as much as possible
- a sturdy setting
- no pavé or side stones… just a simple platinum solitaire setting.
- I want my stone to be the main focus
- my stone is rectangular and I want to emphasize this as much as possible.
- my hands are not super delicate..I have to consider that when choosing (big :sick: )
- in a style best suited for my cushion …

Here is the link again:



Thank you :D

I recommend Steven Kirsch. He could make you a custom cathedral solitaire that is set higher than your Angel setting. The 2 things that bug you about your current setting are that the lines are too straight and it's set too low so why not just go custom? Also, you know I like the Vatche Caroline (no pavé) and I think that would be a fine choice also. :love:

Thanks for letting me "play" with your ring yesterday! It's sooooo big and beautiful!!!! :lickout:

Cachette :))
Thank you Cachette and mom2boys! Those are some beautiful settings (and stones!!) WOW :love:
I was just going to post the one mom2boys posted! If you want an elegant solitaire, I would go with SK. And I totally understand. I had my first diamond after finding PS in two temp solitaires before finally putting it in a LM solitaire! But that stone and ring are long gone now since I changed to an AVR! Can't wait to see your reset!

I think there are a lot of bands that would compliment your solitaire. My first thought is Singlestone bands, or have SK make you a French cut band! I wouldn't do another AVC band since you already have one. I really think some French cuts would add a little variety! Or even a simple single cut band with milgrain edges would be beautiful!
mom2boys|1396633452|3647379 said:
How about something like this w/out the colored stones:


It may not sit flush but you could ask for the donut to be as small as possible and change to a cathedral style.

You can easily have him minimize the donut on this design. I agree with contacting Steven and having him make you something.
diamondseeker2006|1396666659|3647711 said:
I was just going to post the one mom2boys posted! If you want an elegant solitaire, I would go with SK. And I totally understand. I had my first diamond after finding PS in two temp solitaires before finally putting it in a LM solitaire! But that stone and ring are long gone now since I changed to an AVR! Can't wait to see your reset!

I think there are a lot of bands that would compliment your solitaire. My first thought is Singlestone bands, or have SK make you a French cut band! I wouldn't do another AVC band since you already have one. I really think some French cuts would add a little variety! Or even a simple single cut band with milgrain edges would be beautiful!

I love your ideas diamondseeker! And appreciate your input very much! And I must say….I LOVE your latest AVR…I have your thread saved in my faves folder! :Up_to_something:
Gypsy|1396667328|3647714 said:
mom2boys|1396633452|3647379 said:
How about something like this w/out the colored stones:


It may not sit flush but you could ask for the donut to be as small as possible and change to a cathedral style.

You can easily have him minimize the donut on this design. I agree with contacting Steven and having him make you something.

Thank you Gypsy!!! :appl:
Cachette|1396630453|3647361 said:
I recommend Steven Kirsch. He could make you a custom cathedral solitaire that is set higher than your Angel setting. The 2 things that bug you about your current setting are that the lines are too straight and it's set too low so why not just go custom? Also, you know I like the Vatche Caroline (no pavé) and I think that would be a fine choice also. :love:

Thanks for letting me "play" with your ring yesterday! It's sooooo big and beautiful!!!! :lickout:

Cachette :))

So glad you are here to help Cachette!!! I have learned so much!!! And yes Kirsch does amazing work :love:
By the way I am wondering if there is a thread on here somewhere…on cushions in solitaire settings..?? (I am still fairly new to PS and the world of diamonds and :confused:
I want lots of pics…any visuals will help with my choice..
LLJsmom|1396729092|3648030 said:
Fireflies, I have admired your AVC for so long.

Check out BostonJeff's solitaire setting. It's one of my faves for a OMC in a solitaire.

Is this already like the one you have?

Hi LLJsmom :wavey: I do LOVE this setting you linked me to… I have looked at it a few times :naughty: I would say I prefer this to my Angel setting I have now… mostly because this one seems to have a bit more height to it, and the band appears to be wider and there is more of a curve to the band where it meets the stone.

What I also dislike about my Angel setting is the fact that the ends of the band (where the band meets stone) rest on each side of the very top edge of my stone. So with top view, I can see the ends of the band on each side of my stone… which takes away from the rectangular shape of my stone which is a feature I want to emphasize..

Also the basket shape on my Angel setting is very "boxy" and straight (maybe because of the size of the stone..?).

So Boston Jeff's setting is more elegant in my opinion.
To LLJsmom, here is what I mean by the boxy basket. And I also included a top view to show what I mean about the side of the band resting right on the top edge of the stone. Minor detail but it bugs me that it takes away from the rectangular shape.

But having listed my dislikes with this Angel setting… please PSers, take note that this setting was MY choice. I knew it was a temporary setting. Jonathan and the GOG team have been very patient and generous and we are working together to come up with a new setting for my stone.

I have nothing but GREAT things to say about the GOG team!!!! I highly recommend them!!! They not only take care of their clients during the process but also after!
Oops LLJsmom here are the pics.. lol



I totally get what you're saying! You would like the ends of the shank to kind tuck under the stone and not be visible from the top view and not disrupt the rectangular shape of the stone. I agree. I noticed that leon mege does tend to design his rings that way. Even the cathedral shanks tuck under real well so as not to disrupt the outline of the stone. Is he a possibility?
LLJsmom|1396833273|3648658 said:
I totally get what you're saying! You would like the ends of the shank to kind tuck under the stone and not be visible from the top view and not disrupt the rectangular shape of the stone. I agree. I noticed that leon mege does tend to design his rings that way. Even the cathedral shanks tuck under real well so as not to disrupt the outline of the stone. Is he a possibility?
Hello LLJsmom :wavey: I did consider Leon Mege since I think that his settings are gorgeous…But, when I had called to inquire if we could work together, I spoke with Leon himself and he informed me that he no longer accepts AVCs from GOG. He was actually very rude, blasted me for my choice of stone, screamed at me and hung up on me. :confused: :(( :blackeye:
No setting is worth being spoken to in that manner. Never would I deal with Leon Mege. EVER.

I have been nothing but 100% satisfied with GOG and I am sticking with them to have my stone reset.
nkarma|1396879631|3648942 said:
I loved BostonJeff's beautiful ring and got his Leon solitaire when Leon was still doing settings for AVCs (mine is 1.37 cts). There are two pics in the second to last post of this thread as well as lots of other pretty solitaires to look at. SK will make that solitaire setting now.

Thank you nkarma! SK does beautiful work indeed!
You sound like you would like the shank to taper near the crown. If so, why not try filing down your current setting first?
thecat|1396885481|3648986 said:
You sound like you would like the shank to taper near the crown. If so, why not try filing down your current setting first?
Hello thecat :)
I did consider this… although I want a completely different look to the basket..
Is there any update on your reset?? I am in the process of selecting an AVC and love the Angel setting as well...but with the same concerns that you have. Would you consider having Vatche redo it with the modifications you mentioned?