
New sapphire from Mastercutgems


Apr 22, 2010
I just got this as a Christmas present for myself. The stone is light in color but very sparkly and bright. It was one of his "remastered" stones. My only concern is about the window that you can see when the stone is tilted. There is none when lookng straight at it. This is normal for colored stones, isn't it?




I think it's beautiful, alene, and the tilt window doesn't detract at all, IMHO. Lovely! :cheeky:
Tilt windows are part of colored stones, so no worries.

What are your plans for it, alene?
Wow, what a beautiful color :love: ! Great buy!
I think it is well-cut. What do you plan to do with it?
Thanks guys! I'm planning to put it in a ring eventually, beyond that, I have no idea.
Lovely! :cheeky:

Can you post the original photos that Dana took? His photos are always so . . . how shall I say . . . inconclusive . . . that it helps us to compare and contrast your photos with his. We all need a little more insight when it comes to his photos. :D
I love that iLander: "inconclusive." You crack me up :lol:

Alene: Good going - I love that color and it is hard to find in a sapphire
Thanks! Here's the picture from Dana's website. It's a good thing he specified that the green was a reflection of a tree, I'd have expected to see a lot of green in the stone and I'm pretty sure it has no green undertones.

Alene, what a beautiful stone! I was tempted to buy that stone in my recent search for a project. Glad a PS'er got it :D

iLander|1291818268|2790883 said:
Lovely! :cheeky:

Can you post the original photos that Dana took? His photos are always so . . . how shall I say . . . inconclusive . . . that it helps us to compare and contrast your photos with his. We all need a little more insight when it comes to his photos. :D


I agree, until you actually get the stone from him, you're a little worried. But, I was amazed (still am actually) with how much better the stone looked. Dana does a good job at not over inflating his stones but still keeping them tempting. Plus he's a very nice guy to deal with.
I will ditto that, Great working with Dana. Alene, looks like you got yourself a lovely little christmas present, great color!
alene|1291823784|2790976 said:
Thanks! Here's the picture from Dana's website. It's a good thing he specified that the green was a reflection of a tree, I'd have expected to see a lot of green in the stone and I'm pretty sure it has no green undertones.

He should start painting! I saw some photos that had reflections of his pink shirt in them (or so he said). :lol: You remember these paintings with the lakes and reflection of the trees in them? Does your diamond look like a pool of blue water, Alene?
That's going to be lovely in a ring, I'll look forward to seeing how you decide to set it!
A tilt window is normal in gemstones but can be made worse or minimized to a certain extent by how well it is cut. A stone with a high crown and smaller table will show less of a tilt window than a spreadier stone with a low crown and large table.
Thanks Chrono! Makes sense, this stone does not have a high crown. It's still very bright and the tilt window doesn't seem to be problematic.
Pretty sapphire, Alene. I like the color. :))

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