
New ring design - three stone

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Jan 18, 2008
Hi all,

firstly, I must say a huge thankyou to MTG for posting about Julia of KuliaKayTaylor designs. I was very impressed with the skill of her work, and she is lovely and responsive to converse with.

I originally was just going to have my BB peach tourmaline set in a solitaire - but I started thinking, this would be a great opportunity to have some of my smaller gems that are sitting around set, considering the skill Julia has exhibited in bezeling very small stones

So, from left to right will be my violet spinel (0.35cts), BB peachy pink tourmaline (~8.5mm), and a vintage oec diamond (0.4cts, L/M colour).
As soon as I put the stones next to each other, I knew they were too pretty not to use!

closer up of the gems.
I''m so excited about this, as I''ve been looking for a kinda different project for the spinel and oec for ages - and I''m glad I didn''t "settle" and go for stackers.

This is what Julia and I have come up with so far for the design (the drawing on the right), which is obviously inspired by that really pretty satin finish set that MTG posted about.

The two smaller stones I am thinking to have done in half bezels, just to make it a lil different..

what do you guys think?

ETA: oh, and I have asked if we can slim the side view of the centre bezel down a lil, so its not as deep/enclosed and shows more of the bottom of the tourm.

jkayt drawing.jpeg
Very cool AJ! What are the leaves about in the sketch on the left?
It's interesting that the semi bezels are open at the sides, I usually see them open at the top (and I personally prefer them that way, I think it suits the 3-stone flow better).

I think it's really neat the way the colors of the stones go together, I think it'll be a gorgeous ring!
Satin finish?
Date: 6/7/2009 12:05:30 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Very cool AJ! What are the leaves about in the sketch on the left?

It''s interesting that the semi bezels are open at the sides, I usually see them open at the top.

Hey MTG,
that was one of the designs we started with incorporating her oak leaves, but I decided it would be too busy as a three stone, and prefer the flow and simplicity of the second design.

Actually, I''m glad you noticed the half bezels - you must''ve read my mind! I have asked them to be changed to being open at the North South, not east west as in the top drawing. I''m glad you said something

What do you think? Does it need anything else? And should I go for shine or satin finish - maybe a combo?
i like it! its very sleek looking!...
I really like the design of the ring on the right. The left seems a bit busy, to me. I think it''s very interesting with the different colors of the stone, color definetly does not clash with each other. Very prety!!
Very cool! I can''t wait to see the finished product.
Lovely design, it''s going to be a beautiful ring.
I can see why Julia designed it with north south bezels as all the metal bits will be flowing horizontally.
I like those sketches. It looks promising. So will that be silver and gold?
I''d love to have something made by her too one of these days.
Pretty color combination! The satin finish would look great!
I think the satin finish would be nice, I think it would add to the uniqueness of the ring. Or maybe do just the gold in satin finish to contrast the sparkle of the stones?

Oh no...too many options, lol
Ooh. That will look pretty.
I think Julia has been quite a find. Strong work, MTG

I really like the ring ideas, AJ... leaning toward the most simple design, myself. Especially since it will already have an explosion of color going on
Oh AJ that is going to be beautiful. What a great idea to use the three stones together. I can''t wait to see your finished ring. How long until it will be ready???
I definitely prefer the design on the right; clean, sleek and classic. The one on the left is too fussy. This sounds like a it''s going to be a fun project.
Thankyou everyone for the f/b! I''m glad you guys like the design, I can''t wait to see how it turns out.
Julia is very receptive and professional, I can tell she will be a breeze to work with - and her prices are very reasonable too.

LG- I''ve decided to go with the bezels open north south, as I love to admire my rings from their profile view and this will mean I can look at the open sides of my stones too, including the oec;s nice high crown

Hey IK - yes, the outer rings and the smaller bezels will be silver, and the centre one gold. Seeing as I''d like to enhance the "peachyness" of the tourm. I asked about RG, and Julia said her 14k YG alloy is quite rosey, so I think that will work well.

Thanks packrat and MTG - I haven''t decided quite what yet, but I will def. ask for part of it in satin finish as I don''t own anything like that yet.

Hiya Linda - I haven''t asked for a timeframe and Julia hasn''t mentioned one, but it seems like she''ll be onto it as soon as she receives my stones - she''s extremely quick and responsive with convo''s, which is great. I was the first custom order through her Etsy store, yay!

Cheers everyone else for the encouragement and comments on the design!

I will post any further design evolutions as they come along.

here''s the inspiration ring just for reference.


jkayt satin.jpg
Holy CARP those are amazing.
Love the color of your stones. Can''t wait to see the finished ring. I came across her a couple weeks ago and really want to buy one of the amethyst/peridot pendants - just not sure when/where I''d wear something like that!
You are right, they are far too pretty not to be used. I think the finished result should be really great.
Thanks everyone!

Lol Bliss - are you referring to the ring and pendant set by Julia?

Barcelona, yes I really appreciate those pieces too - but like you, don''t think I would have anywhere to wear them!
They are lovely, but I prefer my jewellery a tad simpler.
I hope you end up having her make you something

thanks kribbie - that''s what I thought
I think when I asked, she said it was usually 2-4 wks for completion, depending on her schedule and the complication of the piece.

Haha, I love that she''s very versatile, she recently made a quail belt buckle for a customer.. And her profile on Etsy just cracked me up.

Can''t wait to see the final ring and design AJ!! Those 3 stones are just so gorgeous!
Oh can''t wait to see it!!! The stones are lovely!!!
I would have never thought to use three different colors of stones but I love the way it looks! You have a great eye!
Oh, wow! This is going to be fabulous!!!!!!
Gorgeous stones AJ! I just love Julia too - she''s gonna be a busy woman! I hope to post some stuff soon that she''s working on for me.
Wow! Your stones are gorgeous! The ring design is going to be a perfect home for them.
Haha, so Julia sent me this mssg on etsy:

"I just had to pass this on to you and the other ladies might enjoy it as well,
There was an Alchemy request for a wedding band, the husband wanted a real manly band with a faceted square peridot. I told her I could make the ring, just as long as she didn''t tell him it was a ''princess cut'', lol!
Best, Julia"
Ooh - those stones are so lovely, and the sketches look like so much fun!!
I love seeing the sketched pieces before production! It looks to be a fabulous design. Can''t wait to see it finished!
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