
New Lady in Waiting, Hoping to be part of the group!

It sounds absolutely STUNNING!!!! Did you have to order it or could you get it off the rack? Good luck with the guest list... I have to admit that the guest list has definitely been the hardest and most frustrating part of the wedding planning.

We ended up not doing a ring for me and I just got him a plain titanium band. Have you and your FI figured out rings yet?

Everything is finally falling into place. I just finished my MOH and my jewelry, I got my finished dress back last week, cake is finalized... we just need to get stuff for favors and put them together (We're doing smore kits and flashlights plus maybe a little sapphire "mining") We need to figure out which cabin the few people who are staying the weekend will be in, get food/drinks/ etc for the weekend, finalize the guest list and the catering for the Day, clean my house for company (my mom's coming out a week early), get gravel for my centerpieces, make the centerpieces when we get the flowers in like two days before the wedding, pick wildflowers, figure out what i'm going to do with my hair, bake cookies.... just millions and millions of little things that you don't realize you need to do until you need to be doing them lol... Plus on top of that I've lost about 20 lbs, have been eating next to nothing, working out twice a day, and have been stressing out about everything like crazy... My poor FI, he's been such a saint through all of it! I kind of wish we'd eloped but then I look at my dress and realize that ultimately this wedding is exactly what I want, it will be beautiful and totally worth it :-) I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!
I got it off the rack! I have some alterations to do later but it's all ready to go.
The guest list is full of drama from both our families. I really hope we can get it settled soon though. We've decided to get me a plain band for now (with the intent of getting a diamond anniversary someday in the future) and to get him a band for the ceremony and maybe for date nights? He still hates wearing jewelry.

Woah! I can imagine you are a little overwhelmed. It sounds awesome though. Those are delicious favors! You'll definitely have to come back sometime after the wedding and let me know how it went. I want to hear all about it. :)
Hey ladies! Our wedding day came and went and it was perfect!! Everything was beautiful, including the weather which wasn't supposed to cooperate here's a few pictures if any one wants to see! IMG950691.jpgIMG_20170610_174843.jpgsignal-2017-06-12-113949.jpg IMG_20170610_180347.jpghow are all of you doing? How are your plans coming Ariadne?
Oh my gosh! Your wedding was beautiful!! That dress! And with the veil. :love::love::love: What a gorgeous bride!
(I love the dog too. :p)
What was your favorite part of the day?

Over here, I only just now finalized things with the florist. :wall:
Everyone says that it goes so fast and it did! It's taken a few days to even remember details from the ceremony, and it's just sinking in that it was OUR wedding that we were at last weekend and not someone else's really fun party.

I have to say that my favorite parts of the day were spending time with our guests, and sneaking away to bring our Allie back to the cabin and having a fun photo sesh on the dock just the two of us. The ceremony was beautiful but it felt so foreign; like I wasn't sure that I would be able to make words come out to say my vows lol. One of the most amazing things about the whole weekend was the way the friends who were staying at the camp gave of themselves in helping us. It was truly amazing, from helping with flower arrangements, to guys bringing benches outside for the ceremony, to two of our amazing friends staying up until 3am after sending us to bed to start cleaning up the bulk of the reception lodge. We really learned who our real, true blue friends are. :-D

What are you doing for flowers? How do you want your bouquet to look? It's just about 6 months away! Are you getting super excited?!
That sounds so lovely! I am so glad you had such a wonderful wedding day and now you can enjoy being -married-! Does it feel any different yet?

I am doing all white flowers. Lots of hydrangeas and roses. We are going to do super tall centerpieces on the tables on like these silver/gold candlestick like things. As you can tell, my floral knowledge is super good. :lol: The poor florist was super confused when I was trying to explain.
I wish I was excited but I am moving to a new place at the end of the month so we are instead really focused on packing and moving trucks and getting the new stuff we need for the new apartment. We are moving to a better apartment in a nicer area so it's a great thing but I don't think moving is ever not stressful. Hopefully, in July, when I got to my friend's wedding, I'll get excited about mine. :p
I congratulate you and wish a lot of happy years together!;)
I popped back in to see if anything was new, and just want to say CONGRATULATIONS lmcriss!!!! What a beautiful wedding, hope you are enjoying life as a Mrs. :)
Oooh, I haven't been in this thread for a while. Congratulations, imcriss! Looks like a beautiful wedding and sounds like fabulous day and friends. Best wishes to you and your DH!
That sounds so lovely! I am so glad you had such a wonderful wedding day and now you can enjoy being -married-! Does it feel any different yet?

I am doing all white flowers. Lots of hydrangeas and roses. We are going to do super tall centerpieces on the tables on like these silver/gold candlestick like things. As you can tell, my floral knowledge is super good. :lol: The poor florist was super confused when I was trying to explain.
I wish I was excited but I am moving to a new place at the end of the month so we are instead really focused on packing and moving trucks and getting the new stuff we need for the new apartment. We are moving to a better apartment in a nicer area so it's a great thing but I don't think moving is ever not stressful. Hopefully, in July, when I got to my friend's wedding, I'll get excited about mine. :p

Hey ladies! thank you for all of the compliments! How has everyone been? I know I've been MIA for a couple of months, but life has been happening at an astonishing rate! We found out we're expecting right before we left on our honeymoon so that's been pretty much consuming my thoughts when I'm not thinking about my GIA lab in November.

Ariadne, how are the wedding plans coming? It's getting so close! What all do you have left to do?
OH MY GOSH! Congrats!! That's so wonderful! How was your honeymoon?

I am starting to hit decision time so all my vendors are wanting firm answers and I am trying to get on the invites. Everyone wants to start doing all the things in October so I am trying to get as much as I can done before then. :)
Hey! Sorry I didn't see your reply! I was just checking in to see how your wedding plans are coming! How's it going? Your big day is getting so close! Are you going to have a bridal shower? What else do you have to do? How's life besides planning your wedding?

Our honeymoon was really fun, but SO much different than I expected it to be! Riding on the back of a motorcycle in 95 degree heat with morning sickness was interesting to say the least. However, we saw some amazing places and had so much fun :-) Are you and your fiancee going to take a honeymoon? Where are you going to go?